Ask not what Firefly can do for you, but what can you do for Firefly?

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 01:05
VIEWED: 10093
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Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:10 PM


Just thought I'd relate my little anecdote of how simple things can help Firefly...

I was in a local Future Shop the other day, buying the latest SG-1 DVD set, when I noticed two forlorn copies of the Firefly DVD set stuck in the bottom of a decaying cardboard display. The spot was terrible, and since there was little chance of them being noticed by anyone, I grabbed the two while the clerk wasn't looking and surreptitiously placed them on the two top shelves of the boxed sets display, facing outward. My girlfriend kind of gave me the evil eye for co-opting the arrangement practices of a corporate store, but hey... I like to live dangerously... ;-)

Anyway, I came back last night (2 days later) and noticed that while the boxed sets display area had changed little, the two Firefly sets were happily gone (and I checked everywhere). I asked the clerk, and although she didn't have any specific knowledge of their fate, she suspected that they had been bought in the last day or so, and that the store was officially out of stock. I smiled at this, and calmly suggested that a re-order would not be amiss, and she indicated that such had probably already been done. (I'd like to think I earned a very, very, VERY small commission somehow...)

So there... a couple of seconds of movement, and ta-dah! two more boxed sets went out the door. Not much heroism here, I admit, but sometimes it's the little things that count in the end. Any more stories from the Browncoat Underground?

"Just remember... all success is illusion: what has really been accomplished is the displacement of an area of specific failure to somewhere else... or is it the other way around?"


Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:18 PM


You go, 'Naut!

This is the kind of Guerilla marketing I've been practicing since the release of the set.

I have no illusions about any grand impact from these efforts, but people who fall for Firefly tend to spread the word (in case you haven't noticed!).

Every little bit!

Keep flyin'

Department of Redundancy Department


Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:24 PM


That is funny as shit, cause earlier today I was at Walmart and I saw the Firefly dvd on the wrong display area and moved it. It was hidden under a Buffy season which was selling for almost $50!!

Rest assured, it's now out where everyone can see it, and slightly tilted upwards to catch the lighting just right.

Inara: Who's winning?
Simon: I can't really tell, they don't seem to be playing by any civilized rules that I know.


Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:44 PM


I did my first Guerilla marketing today, too. Year of the monkey now, you know. This is the first time I've seen Firefly sold in a store; Future Shop had four left. Bottom shelf, only spines showing. Not only did I give them prime real estate and faced the cover out, but I also spread them out and covered up Friends. Go us!


Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:58 PM


I did this the other day when I went into Best Buy- I was looking for Friends S5 for the wife and noticed one box set of FF buried behind the Friends DVD's 3 shelves down from the top- Needless to say, when I left the store, it was top deck, front and center-

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Thursday, January 22, 2004 10:01 PM


Well, I followed a suggestion from whedonesque and now I always write "Firefly - keep flyin'" on all of my paper money (in permanent black ink). Anytime I see the sets in a store I do what you all are doing (moving them to the shelves that are easier to see and stuff). I talk to people about Firefly if given the chance (which is more than you might think).

Oh, also I took my fiddle downtown and played the fiddle tune from "The Ballad of Serenity" that plays during the character stills at the opening of each episode.

Let's discuss other good ideas. Being browncoats is about devotion, gorramit.


Friday, January 23, 2004 4:56 AM


I always re-arrange the display of Firefly DVD sets when I'm at BestBuy as well.

Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Friday, January 23, 2004 7:52 AM


I work for Kmart myself,in the Electronics dept,no less.On Dec.9th i ran to my stockroom to eagerly tear open the new "do NOT display/sell/rent until 12-09" box...lo and behold-3 copies of Buffy S5 and MASH,no Firefly ...yesterday one of the managers and myself were talking about DVD's and i mentioned how we never got the INCREDIBLY popular set of Firefly,he asked if anyone had asked for it yet,while no one in person asked,my Browncoat friends have indeed asked about it,so i told him the truth,he never told me if we were ording it or not...gotta do my part,gotta keep the pressure on.

I'll be in my bunk.-Jayne


Friday, January 23, 2004 8:27 AM


Hmmmm....think I might have to give the dollar-bill advertising a try. For the longest time, I'd put "" on 'em, so this shouldn't be too much different, yet infinitely more satisfying.

"I love my Captain."


Friday, January 23, 2004 8:57 AM



Well, I followed a suggestion from whedonesque and now I always write "Firefly - keep flyin'" on all of my paper money (in permanent black ink).

Excellent idea! Do you always write the same thing or have you ever varied? I would be overjoyed to get a bill that had good propaganda on it. I'm going to start.

I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Friday, January 23, 2004 9:45 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

My wife gives me a wink and a laugh everytime we go anywhere that sells DVDs. The second I walk into the store, be it Wal Mart, Target, Best Buy, Suncoast, or what have you, I make a bee line for the DVD section. I look for the Firefly DVDs and if they are not in a good spot, I move them. I will face them out so they can be seen easily and are at eye level. If I do not see any on the shelf, I ask a salesperson if they have it in stock and where I can find it.

I also lurk for awhile in the DVD section, striking up conversations w/ people looking at science fiction DVD sets and telling them about Firefly and actually putting the set in their hands to look over. I am surprised I don't get hired by the stores. LOL I have actually had several people take the set to the counter to purchase.

Nothin' more satisfying then them as can spreading the word of Firefly.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Friday, January 23, 2004 10:35 AM


I always rearrange the Firefly DVD's! Covers facing out, top shelf if possible. And I do this in spite of my husband's groans and eye-rolling. Don't have the courage to talk it up to strangers yet, but working on it.


Friday, January 23, 2004 10:49 AM



Originally posted by Sarahetc:

Well, I followed a suggestion from whedonesque and now I always write "Firefly - keep flyin'" on all of my paper money (in permanent black ink).

Excellent idea! Do you always write the same thing or have you ever varied? I would be overjoyed to get a bill that had good propaganda on it. I'm going to start.

I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case

I'm with y'all on this one too.


Friday, January 23, 2004 10:55 AM


All the money in my wallet now has pro firefly messages. Great idea!


Friday, January 23, 2004 11:42 AM


Good idea with the money; I'm looking for a pen right now. The other day, I went to Borders, and as can be expected, Firefly was in a corner where no one could see it. I moved it up in front of 24 Season 1 where it would be most visible. I try to help.

"What'd you all order a dead guy for?"


Friday, January 23, 2004 5:05 PM


Wow! Some great stories here! I'm glad to see that there are loads of Browncoats out there, all doing their bit to help the cause.

I like that "tagging the money" idea... might try that myself, although here in Canada, it seems that, aside from debit & credit cards, my loonies and toonies get far more use than any paper bills... especially at Tim Horton's. That said, I will certainly endeavor to add a little pro-Firefly message to any bills that pass through my hands.

I'm also of the mind to print off a few Firefly message stickers of some kind and use them to seal envelopes and such that are destined for the post office. Anything to spread the word and keep flyin'...

"Just remember... all success is illusion: what has really been accomplished is the displacement of an area of specific failure to somewhere else... or is it the other way around?"


Sunday, January 25, 2004 6:21 PM


It looks like the Targets are no longer carrying Firefly. I sent someone there when she said she wanted to buy the dvd's, not finding it she found someone who worked there and asked about it, they told her, they bought a copy and when it sells they're done.

What kind of customer service is that?

Luckily she was more annoyed than discouraged as she ordered it off amazon. phew.

world domination one convert at a time!


Sunday, January 25, 2004 6:25 PM


Target isn't a very good store. They have really bad customer service, rip off and trick their customers.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Sunday, January 25, 2004 6:44 PM


Putting "" on the money might
work better as it is easier to write and would
be a better reference for people to go to even
though they have no idea what you exactly you
are talking about...

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.


Sunday, January 25, 2004 6:46 PM


I bought a coat. It's brown. I'm totaly going to start doing the money thing. Way cool.

my birthday is coming up and i plan on having firefly party. Were going to stay up all night watching firefly! yay!

i also just thought of time you get a book out of the library, sribble a note on a scrap of paper saying something like firefly rules! and where people can ge they're hands on a DVD, and shove it in the book.

and if you've got a website or a blog by all means, get the word out there!

Theres also a thread aroung here somewhere about staging a fox boycott. If we can get enough people to boycott, then we can get the message to them. Is anybody actually organizing this???
if you are then i would be happy to help get the word out to people and the media.


Sunday, January 25, 2004 6:58 PM



Originally posted by JaggedSeven:
now I always write "Firefly - keep flyin'" on all of my paper money (in permanent black ink).

Dude, I'm so going to do that when i get off my computer tonight.

Which i just did and now i'm back to update...

I wrote...

Buy "Firefly" on DVD and tell Fox that they suck!

Keep Flyin'

Buy "Firefly" on DVD

Buy Joss Whedon's "Firefly" on DVD

or combinations of those phrases with "" on the back (and front too on some).


Sunday, January 25, 2004 7:19 PM


You do know that writing on money is illegal. But don't let that stop you. Just thought that you should know.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Sunday, January 25, 2004 7:41 PM



Originally posted by rklenseth:
You do know that writing on money is illegal. But don't let that stop you. Just thought that you should know.

Well, George Bush has broken the law an awful lot since he took office so i was only influenced by the president.

If the government cared i think they would have under close watch and track everybody there down.


Sunday, January 25, 2004 8:14 PM


Yes it's illegal, but there's pretty much no risk of getting caught. Every place I've spent "Firefly money" at either doesn't notice or accepts it and asks what it's about. It gives me a good opportunity to tell people how awesome firefly is! This happened when I got the DVD set and the girl at the counter wanted to know all about the show. I think I may have converted her because she seemed really excited and said she was gonna get the set and watch it.


Sunday, January 25, 2004 8:25 PM


Hey, Guerilla Marketing should always include some good old fashioned "Wild Posting". I've designed some black and white Firefly poster art for this very purpose. This art can be printed on any printer: ink jet, laser, etc., no color required. One printout can then be used to make lots of photocopies. A low cost way to get Firefly out in the public eye.

Posters can be placed on fences, construction barriers, buildings, utility posts, and so on. Just make sure not to place them in an obviously inappropriate, or illegal, location. They are designed to be bold and direct in design. They have just enough info to tease the curiosity about Firefly and pique peoples' interest. They are meant to be "arty" and in the rebel guerilla marketing spirit.

Below are some links to view and/or download poster files. In order to avoid having the actual posters automatically load here, the word "BOO" has been placed before the URL. Just use the address after that to access the files.

To VIEW the posters first, without downloading the large print files, here's the links:


For PRINTING the posters, these are links to download high resolution files:





When the above files are first downloaded, your browser window may look completely black or white, which may look like the link didn't work. But the poster is there, it's just VERY LARGE and more than filling the browser window.

*** Just scroll to the side or down and you'll start seeing the rest of the poster ***

~ The "Outlaw", "Rebel" and "Zoe" poster work well as 11" x 17" posters. Just print them as large as you can and they can be enlarged on a copier that uses 11" x 17" sheets. I've made several poster copies this way and they look great... especially on colored paper like yellow or orange. Lots of impact!
~ River's poster is more "artistic" and reads better when viewed more closely. Her's would do well on a bulletin board, or similar display.

This is another way that we can keep the Firefly buzz going. The posters promote both the DVDs and awareness of Firefly... and they're fun!



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty." - Malcolm Reynolds


Sunday, January 25, 2004 9:47 PM



Originally posted by rklenseth:
You do know that writing on money is illegal. But don't let that stop you. Just thought that you should know.

Oh, I ain't never been in trouble with the law before.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Monday, January 26, 2004 5:45 AM


11thHour, I read your instructions, but I am definitely seeing either broken links or images that won't load. Can anyone else see the posters?


Monday, January 26, 2004 5:57 AM


I'm happy to say that I did a small part this weekend.

I was in my local Best Buy about a week ago and I noticed that they had finally gotten more stock of the DVD set. 4 copies were on the shelf.

I was back this Saturday and I noticed that there were 2 copies left and they were spined. So I took it upon myself to face them. I went back yesterday (Sunday) and there was only one copy left. So I took the remaining faced copy and moved it to edge of the shelf so it could be better seen.

Made me happy to think that maybe I had some small part in getting that one set sold. I'm planning to go back this week and check on the last one.

"We will rise again!"


Monday, January 26, 2004 10:31 AM


I made a few T-shirts for myself. You can buy paper you you print images on the iron on to your shirt. I highly suggest doing this, so that people will be like, "What's firefly?" and then you can explain it too them, and hopefully get them to buy the DVDs or rent them, or something...

"Oh my god it's grotesqe! and here's a thing in a jar."


Monday, January 26, 2004 1:44 PM


Yay! I'm glad I found this thread. I'm a long time fan, but a newbie to this site (actually of discussion boards in general) and I've been wondering just what I could do to help spread the word. The money idea is great, and I'm glad to find I'm not the only one who rearranges the DVD section in stores! I also intend to start sneaking into random rooms at my college and writing pro-Firefly stuff on the chalkboard.

Does anyone make Firefly shirts that I could buy?

Facts compel me to conclude that my brain was never formed for much thinking.-Charles Darwin


Monday, January 26, 2004 1:48 PM


oh hey i thought of something else. kint yourself a jayne hat!(or find someone with skis to do it for you, that's what im doing) They when you walk around with it on and people are like, "Ah! what's that thing on your head!"
you can be all suave and reply, "it is, in fact, a jayne hat!" and then go into your firefly pitch

Mutant Enimy should so hire us to do firefly marketing for them.

"Oh my god it's grotesqe! and here's a thing in a jar."


Monday, January 26, 2004 5:32 PM



Originally posted by Saffy:
11thHour, I read your instructions, but I am definitely seeing either broken links or images that won't load. Can anyone else see the posters?

Well, the "viewable" versions load, but the "printable" versions all show up as broken image placeholders. Very odd.

Think the Outlaw ad's my favourite...

11thHour, where can I find the huge, monochrome copy of the Firefly logo you're using? I saw a scalable Illustrator version being offered on, but couldn't get it to open on my Mac.

Sliders: Gate Haven -


Monday, January 26, 2004 6:28 PM



Originally posted by Saffy:
11thHour, I read your instructions, but I am definitely seeing either broken links or images that won't load. Can anyone else see the posters?

I checked and the links work. You can do a "copy and paste" to access the links.

Just highlight the address beginning with the "http://..." to the end. Copy this text and then paste it into a new browser window and go to it. Or, just type in the address.

This site will automatically load an image if you type an Internet address link in a message. That's why I had to put the "BOO" in the address, the "BOO" makes the link not work. Remove it, and TA DA! you are whisked away to a magical image file...

Like this:

The above image appeared in this post because I just used the straight address without the "BOO" in front. This is one of the VIEW files. It is small so you can view it in your browser window, but much too small for a good printout. The above, of course, is the "zoe poster". This has been made into a t-shirt by a fan and she loves it!

The BIG printable files are in the second group (they don't have "view" in the file address). Now when these are loaded on your browser, your window may look completely black or white. That's because the file is BIG (high resolution) so it can be used for printing. This high resolution is much greater than normal screen resolution... so you're only seeing a small piece of the upper corner of the design. If you scroll down or across you'll see more of the image. Just save the gif file to your hard drive and you can print a nice high resolution image.

I hope the links will work for you now. Please let me know. The designs are there for people to use and enjoy, and most of all... spread the word of Firefly to them that needs it told!



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty." - Malcolm Reynolds


Monday, January 26, 2004 6:43 PM


Wow, 11thHour. Is this all yours? And the horsies in the main directory? Obviously professional.


Monday, January 26, 2004 7:03 PM



Originally posted by Blinker:
Well, the "viewable" versions load, but the "printable" versions all show up as broken image placeholders. Very odd.

The printable file links do work. The files are high resolution for printing, and thus a MUCH HIGHER resolution than your screen resolution. What you may be seeing is a completely black or white space which is actually the top corner of the design. If you scroll across or down you'll start to see more of the design. It'll be like looking at the poster REAL CLOSE with a magnifying glass! Just save the gif file to your hard drive so you can access it for printing.

If you are really encountering a "broken image placeholder", I'm not sure what the answer is. Perhaps your browser needs to have more memory allotted to it, if you are using a pre-MAC OSX system. But the links do work.


Think the Outlaw ad's my favourite...

I LOVE that image of Mal strutting like he means business! Stern expression, side arm on his hip and long coat flying. The "Outlaw" poster is the most overall Fireflyesque of all the designs. But I love all my kids...


11thHour, where can I find the huge, monochrome copy of the Firefly logo you're using? I saw a scalable Illustrator version being offered on, but couldn't get it to open on my Mac.

If the Illustrator version was the one created by FLYHEAD, I encountered the same problem. The Firefly logo I used for my posters was one I made myself. I created it in Photoshop from a jpeg file found online. It was tricky to get the right look for a monochrome logo because all the Firefly logos have those light streams shining through them. But I loves a challenge, and with my trusty Photoshop at the ready.... I tamed that beastie!

The result is pretty good. It's not a super clean, scalable vector file; but the look suits the intended purpose: Guerilla Marketing Posters. They're supposed to be a bit rough and raw. I like it!

Let me know if you are able to access the printable files. I want to make sure that people can download the files if they want. They are meant to be used!



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty." - Malcolm Reynolds


Monday, January 26, 2004 7:11 PM


You guys are the greatest! These are cool ideas!

I've already done the shelf-reorganizing thing, talked it up to the salesclerks at the local/chain stores and told my friends about it. Since the clerks, and even store/department managers, don't have the ability to order items at many retail stores, the best way to get the word out that you want them to carry the DVD sets is to fill out a "comment card" or "item request" form often found at the Customer Service desk. This gets the request to the people that can do something about it, namely the folk at headquarters in charge of buying and ordering merchandise.

I've put several sets on layaway to give as gifts to get friends and family converted.

Some other ideas ---
>>Request it from rental places. Some of the places in town have CSI, Buffy and other TV shoes. Don't see why they couldn't carry Firefly.

>>Buy a set and donate it to local library or other organization that would allow people to check it out.

BTW, who owns the rights to Firefly, for merchandising specifically? Just wondering. :)

You're gonna come with us...


Monday, January 26, 2004 7:11 PM


You guys are the greatest! These are cool ideas!

I've already done the shelf-reorganizing thing, talked it up to the salesclerks at the local/chain stores and told my friends about it. Since the clerks, and even store/department managers, don't have the ability to order items at many retail stores, the best way to get the word out that you want them to carry the DVD sets is to fill out a "comment card" or "item request" form often found at the Customer Service desk. This gets the request to the people that can do something about it, namely the folk at headquarters in charge of buying and ordering merchandise.

I've put several sets on layaway to give as gifts to get friends and family converted.

Some other ideas ---
>>Request it from rental places. Some of the places in town have CSI, Buffy and other TV shoes. Don't see why they couldn't carry Firefly.

>>Buy a set and donate it to local library or other organization that would allow people to check it out.

BTW, who owns the rights to Firefly, for merchandising specifically? Just wondering. :)

You're gonna come with us...


Monday, January 26, 2004 7:23 PM


11th Hour, those posters ROCK!!! Keep up the great work!

Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Monday, January 26, 2004 10:41 PM



Originally posted by Saint Jayne:
Wow, 11thHour. Is this all yours? And the horsies in the main directory? Obviously professional.

Ah... very clever. You traced back to the "main directory". I keep using up my various Firefly related online storage and e-mail IDs, and had to resort to using one of my old regular "art" ones. That page with the horsies, and other art, are mine too. It was a "quickie" web page I made a while back from the ISP's templates. Just an experiment, nothing fancy to be sure. Mostly I was practicing with image uploading and goofing around, until I made a "real" website. The work is some of my VERY EARLY Photoshop days, along with some art that I drew with my actual hands! Yep, I can actually make art without the computer.

Thanks for the "obviously professional" comment! Sure beats, "what the heck is going on with that mess on the main directory?!"



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty." - Malcolm Reynolds


Tuesday, January 27, 2004 2:48 AM



Originally posted by 11thHour:


Originally posted by Blinker:
Well, the "viewable" versions load, but the "printable" versions all show up as broken image placeholders. Very odd.

If you are really encountering a "broken image placeholder", I'm not sure what the answer is. Perhaps your browser needs to have more memory allotted to it, if you are using a pre-MAC OSX system. But the links do work.

I tried these my self via the "cut the URL and paste it into a new browser window" method... and no dice. Got a broken link place holder. However, when I pasted the URL into a little HTML file I made, then right-clicked and selected "save target as..." I had no problems. Same with simply clicking on the file... brought it up into the browser window quite nicely. But, again... the cut n' paste method failed. Quite strange...

"Just remember... all success is illusion: what has really been accomplished is the displacement of an area of specific failure to somewhere else... or is it the other way around?"


Tuesday, January 27, 2004 3:33 AM


So far as rearranging, we ain't thought of that yet, but faking your own commercial is kinda fun.

Get two other friends who know the show just as well, head to the nearest retailer you know has the set on a busy day, and while the other guys are looking a couple of shelves away, one goes to the section and announces loudly,"Hey! They got the Firefly complete set!" That of course piques the attention of your accomplices, who of course come right over, at which point begins loud decsriptions, quoting lines and general frivolity. Anybody that's curious enough to ask gets the spiel on how fantastic the show was, and sometimes your impulse buyers go ahead and get one.

And for the icing on the cake, so far everyone that's gotten a set from our local retailer hasn't returned it. And it's just generally a fun thing to do.

You look better in red.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 11:49 PM


some great ideas folks


Wednesday, August 11, 2004 1:05 AM


To clarify a point: It's not strictly illegal to mark paper money, it's illegal to do so with the intent and/or purpose of making the money unfit for further circulation. That came out of the legal arguments that occurred concerning WheresGeorge.Com, since they actually WANT the money to continue to circulate, obviously.

The same could be said for us. ;) We WANT the money to continue to circulate, to get the word out about Firefly. Just make sure your markings are neat and not overly-obtrusive.

For other things you can do for Firefly, there is another thread here:







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