How obsessed is you obsession?

UPDATED: Friday, February 6, 2004 04:32
VIEWED: 8262
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Saturday, January 24, 2004 8:43 PM



Saturday, January 24, 2004 9:09 PM


sorry, the blody computer had a melt down and lost everything i was tryng to type uo above. let me try again.

how obsessed can your obsession be? Let me count the ways...
1)You got a necalice like Zoes tied permenetly around your neck. (guilty, but mine has a chram)
2)Words like gorram, rudden, and shiny make common apearences in your vocabulary.
3)You named you dog firefly and your goldfish serenity.
4)You got dinos, plasic ones, and they This Land.
5)your favorite super soaker is named Vera
6)you are wary of hats made out of trees, and kissing girls on the lips...
7)You run around in tight pants and suspenders.
8)You say things like "Some people juggle gease!" when you need to explain things and wonder why people don't understand.
9)You take a chineese language course because you "want to be prepaired."


Saturday, January 24, 2004 9:15 PM


My obsession is very obsessed- Or something- I appear to be unable to have a conversation about television or DVD's without bringing up 'Firefly' - My best friend says I need therapy-Especially since I want a Jayne hat- When I get it, he claims he's having me officially committed-

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Saturday, January 24, 2004 9:15 PM


I forgot to mention he bought the DVD's though, after I leant him mine, so he has no room to talk-

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Saturday, January 24, 2004 9:21 PM


oh yeah add that to the list
10) you want a jayne hat (complete with disapearing, re-apearing hay!)


Sunday, January 25, 2004 6:20 AM


Not as bad as my last obsession, but still kinda bad. I've been renting nothing but Adam Baldwin movies for the last month.

With my last obsession I cut my hair, bleached it white and spent a fortune on a long leather trench, so as I said, since I have no intention of trying to grow a goatee, this one's really not quite as bad for me.

I think it's tempered by the fact that I have another obsession going on at the same time with Chirstian Kane coming back to Angel.



Sunday, January 25, 2004 6:34 AM


I dunno if it could actually be considered obsession, but at any point,I like to have the DVDs in the car with me when going to someone's house who hasn't seen it, then wait for the right moment and start raving on it during a conversation (it helps if you have a friend that loves the show too... you start popping off lines and he joins in) usually leading to a few looks of "what the hell are you talking about?"And the answer of course is to rant about this great show that used to be on TV.... hey, just happen to have the DVDs in the car, you'll love it! And a lot of the time, they do.Those that don't... well, never cottoned to much to them fellas anyway.Hell, it's a way spread the love.

You look better in red.


Sunday, January 25, 2004 9:25 AM


Well, I'd say I'm pretty far along with my obssession with all Joss Whedon shows. I have a tattoo that says "Slayer" with a stake in the background on my right upper arm. I want the Angel Inc. logo on the left. And to round it out, I want "You can't take the sky from me" in script across my upper back.

And yes, of course I have the dvd of Firefly, but who doesn't?

Lastly, my fiance and I are working on Mal and Kaylee costumes to wear when we go to the Balticon convention in Baltimore this year.

Does buying him a $40 pellet revolver count as an expensive obssessive prop? ha ha ha

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Sunday, January 25, 2004 9:39 AM


shiny is in my vocabulary. along with groovy(Evil Dead)


Sunday, January 25, 2004 10:08 AM


If y'all think you have Firefly obsession, you have nothing on the gorram Greys. (Useful universal oath, isn't it?) Anyway, their obsession (which infects, at the moment, about ten percent of their total numbers, which is to say about a thousand Greys, and appears to be growing at rate warying between one point five and three percent per year...and not a single Grey actually hates Firefly, which is unusual considering every other obesession they have ever posessed has had at least a few die-hard anti-fans;) has led them to do some wild things; here are a few of the more memorable (and, thanks to the fact that all of these were done out of the public eye and the Greys have always bribed any reporter within a hundred miles to see nothin', hear nothin') Firefly-themed things they have done:

1) Using aroud seven million dollars in toto when all was said and done, they built several models of Serenity. Two were quite small, 1/100th scale and one about the size of a car, whatever the scale. There was another that was supposed to be 1/25, and the last was actually full-sized. The 1/25 and the car-sized model actually flew (not without trouble) and the full sized one was, for all intents and purposes, as near to a fully functional Serenity as one could get with current technology...although it had one main problem...despite all the effort that was and still is being thrown at it, they cannot get the damn thing to fly. I should mention, from personaly observation, that the interior is accurate down to the stains...all the stops were pulled out.

2) They had a barfight in a bar in some small, roughish town somewhere in the US (they wouldn't say where, but provided photos and video that proved they did) in authentic Firefly getups, and screaming something about how U-day sucks. Crazy SOBs.

3) They have the largest collection of perfect prop-replicas that anyone anywhere has ever had...and its almost entirely Firefly stuff. Costumes, guns, everything they can get the specs for, they have built.

4) Every year, on their rather large land holdings in Montana, all the Firefly Fan Greys get together on the date when they learned the show was cancelled and throw the biggest bash you have ever seen. The only thing missing are high-tech weapons scanners (which are pointless, every last one of them is armed to the teeth) and a floating chandelier. Although, I understand they are still trying to work up the nerve to invite the entire cast and crew of Firefly to this party, and maybe, someyear, they just might. Maybe.

That is obsessed. As for me, I stick with being a quiet, but dedicated, fan. Just thought I would share the extreme edge of the Firefly Fan Obsession Envelope with y'all. And to think they only tell me the half of the things they do...


Sunday, January 25, 2004 11:38 AM


oh how cool! where can i sign up?


Sunday, January 25, 2004 12:07 PM


i've got it pretty bad myself,lets do the list,shall we?

1)You got a necalice like Zoes tied permenetly around your neck.-nope

2)Words like gorram, rudden, and shiny make common apearences in your vocabulary.-use them all and all of the time.

3)You named you dog firefly and your goldfish serenity.-i named my mini-van Serenity

4)You got dinos, plasic ones, and they This Land.- i KNOW i have them dinos somewheres...

5)your favorite super soaker is named Vera-my bb gun is called Vera

6)you are wary of hats made out of trees, and kissing girls on the lips...-always kiss em on the lips,but no tree hats to speak of.

7)You run around in tight pants and suspenders.
tight pants really don't work for me,but i want some suspenders now.

8)You say things like "Some people juggle gease!" when you need to explain things and wonder why people don't understand.-i just call people 'ruttin idiots' when they need an explanation.

9)You take a chineese language course because you "want to be prepaired."-i have a chinese 'cheat sheet' so i can copy/paste them into i.m.'s

oh and i got a hat similar to Jayne' hay though...

yep,i got it least it's a better habbit than crack!


I'll be in my bunk.-Jayne


Sunday, January 25, 2004 12:41 PM



Does buying him a $40 pellet revolver count as an expensive obssessive prop? ha ha ha

Nah. My duster & doc marten boots cost way more than that. Plus I spend about $20 and three hours a month whitening my hair.



Sunday, January 25, 2004 12:42 PM


Well. . .I guess we could call it an obsession.

In our particular task force here in Afghanistan, we have a number of Apache Helicopters, the gunships. . .one of them is named "Firefly" and the other is named "Serenity" (I know. . .the TRUE Serenity is unarmed, but hey. . .a fan is a fan).

I hope Joss appreciates that! I'll probably take some pictures of the birds and post them somewhere you guys can all bask in the deadliness of them.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Sunday, January 25, 2004 12:45 PM


i thought of more. Sorry.

10)all your jacktes are brown

11)You've practiced for years to be able to kill people with your pinky.

12) When you see cops behind you, you exclaim "Alance crusers bearing right down on us!"

13) you'll be in your bunk.

14) When a burgalar enters your house, you become the house, and freak him out by talking over you intercom system.


Sunday, January 25, 2004 8:09 PM



Originally posted by ebonezer:
oh yeah add that to the list
10) you want a jayne hat (complete with disapearing, re-apearing hay!)

I can get you one of those, btw.

How about this--so obsessed, making strangers identical hats while on a business trip in Asia for no profit.


Sunday, January 25, 2004 8:29 PM


yay for you! i actually just finished e-mailing you about it!

oh yeah, i thought of another one

15 i think) You are angry when your cell phone provider doesn't offer the firefly theame as a downloadable ring tone. (actually, i don't think i could part with the one i have, It's the Indiana Jones theame, It's all you obsessed ones I'm worried about )


Monday, January 26, 2004 6:57 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I must say that my wife will tell you that I am obsessed, but I say that I am just a very enthusiastic fan.

- I use gorram, shiny, special Hell, "them as can", and ruttin' all the time.

- I named my car "Serenity" and had a friend w/ an airbrush paint the name on both front fenders.

- I am having a friend make me a replica of Mal's sidearm. (I'll post pics when it is done)

- I bought a long brown coat that I wear all the time when I am out, unless of course it is too hot outside.

- I talk about the show and make Firefly references all the time. Most people look at me like I am talking Chinese, but my family and co workers, them as is not converted yet, are starting to understand what I am saying.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, January 26, 2004 8:16 AM


Okay. . .

What sort of brown coat do you have? A 'duster' isn't quite right, and I can't find a trenchcoat that works well either. Mal's coat seems to be made of a coarse wool.

Did you purchase it somewhere or did someone make it for you? My betrothed is a costumer, and would probably be able to do it.

Any input would help. Oh yeah. . .and specs on Mal's gun would be great if you're of a mind to share. It would look great on my wall amidst my collection of semi and not quite legal war trophies. I'd love for folks to ask what part of the world I picked it up on so I could say, "Persephone" or "Bellephron".


"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Monday, January 26, 2004 9:25 AM


I'm laughing out loud. You guys are nuts. (In a good way.)

I've been thinking about trying to make an "ice planet." Eating it might be problematic, but...yummm. Didn't those things look tasty?


Monday, January 26, 2004 9:42 AM


yummy. Sounds good. I've been living off of protein packs sence i first saw the show...i'd be nice to have a change!

"Oh my god it's grotesqe! and here's a thing in a jar."


Monday, January 26, 2004 9:58 AM



Originally posted by IrisAnne:
I've been thinking about trying to make an "ice planet." Eating it might be problematic, but...yummm. Didn't those things look tasty?

I'm wondering what it was. It wouldn't be difficult to make if it was fluffy white cotton candy, maybe with a hard candy core to weight it down.

Food fights would be great. You could wind up and nail somone like it was a flail.


Monday, January 26, 2004 12:16 PM


Easy to get obsessed about Firefly - so here goes

1. Wish you'd been christened Zoe
2. Named your car Serenity
3. Go to Garage ( autoshop in US?) to buy brake-shoes for Serenity because she told you to.
4. Red haired guys start to look really goooood!
5. Renamed pets; Mal - tough but cute cat, Inara - cat ( 'nuff said), Jayne - fish with attitude.
6. New religion - browncoat.
7. Shiney starts to creep into everyday vocabulary.
8. Taking up knitting to make a Jayne hat ( UK having a bit of cold weather so woolly hat seems a good idea)
9. Driving co-workers mad with ' did I tell you about this great TV series.......'
10. Starting to think tight trousers with braces could be a real fashion statement.
11. Humming this tune all the time.
12. Thinking about a second language - Chinese

The list goes on. I guess I am obsessed. Time to call the therapist. But then again maybe not, I'm in a happy place - Serenity.


Monday, January 26, 2004 12:19 PM


Oh yeah - though of another one.

Ex-boyfriends referred to as blubbersome.


Monday, January 26, 2004 12:21 PM


thearipy, ha! You'd probably get the theripst hooked on firefly too, then where'd you be.

Don't get theipy, just try and find yourself in an aliance friendly bar for a quiet drink on that day that makes people in the aliance celibrate...

"Oh my god it's grotesqe! and here's a thing in a jar."


Monday, January 26, 2004 12:22 PM



Originally posted by Tempest10:

Ex-boyfriends referred to as blubbersome.

Is there blubber?

i love that!

"Oh my god it's grotesqe! and here's a thing in a jar."


Tuesday, January 27, 2004 3:52 AM



Originally posted by Saint Jayne:

Originally posted by IrisAnne:
I've been thinking about trying to make an "ice planet." Eating it might be problematic, but...yummm. Didn't those things look tasty?

I'm wondering what it was. It wouldn't be difficult to make if it was fluffy white cotton candy, maybe with a hard candy core to weight it down.

Food fights would be great. You could wind up and nail somone like it was a flail.

Yes! Nobody could resist the urge to swing it. It would be too much fun.

When I first saw them, I thought they were icing-covered apples. But in the script (on this website somewhere) it says they're scoops of ice cream in little baskets made of cookies. In the show, I think one of the strings is decorated with little pieces of candy. How yummy (and visually interesting) is that!

In the same scene, I noticed some quilts hanging on a market stall. Quilts make sense when times are hard, because they can be made from scraps and they're useful and beautiful and timeless. Another perfect detail.

The whole show is so vivid and layered with meaning because of details like this. Like the air masks hanging everywhere around the ship, all nicely worn-out and neglected-looking. Perfect.


Tuesday, January 27, 2004 3:53 AM



Originally posted by ebonezer:

Originally posted by Tempest10:

Ex-boyfriends referred to as blubbersome.

Is there blubber?

i love that!

"Oh my god it's grotesqe! and here's a thing in a jar."

Is there blubber? Yah! Hahahaha. Another of my absolute favourite lines, especially because he's so flustered when he says it.


Tuesday, January 27, 2004 6:11 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Static:
Okay. . .

What sort of brown coat do you have? A 'duster' isn't quite right, and I can't find a trenchcoat that works well either. Mal's coat seems to be made of a coarse wool.

Did you purchase it somewhere or did someone make it for you? My betrothed is a costumer, and would probably be able to do it.

Any input would help. Oh yeah. . .and specs on Mal's gun would be great if you're of a mind to share. It would look great on my wall amidst my collection of semi and not quite legal war trophies. I'd love for folks to ask what part of the world I picked it up on so I could say, "Persephone" or "Bellephron".


This is where I ordered my coat from:

The walnut color is identical to the color of Mal's coat.

As for the gun, Browncoats from this board and the official site were kind enough to send me many screen caps and close ups of Mal's sidearm, which my friend is using to do a replica.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, January 27, 2004 9:31 AM


Dude. . .you rock.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Tuesday, January 27, 2004 9:35 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Static:
Dude. . .you rock.

Happy to be of service. I love my coat. It is not 100% identical to Mal's, but it is close enough to make me happy, and I will be altering it a bit to make it look closer to the real thing.

Hope the link helps you out. Adam Leathers offers a money back guarantee if you are not 100% satisfied w/ the coat.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, January 27, 2004 9:44 AM


(hate that you can't fully delete posts if you decide you want to --- decided against pointing out spelling errors)


Tuesday, January 27, 2004 9:49 AM



Originally posted by PumamanRedux:

Originally posted by ebonezer:

8)You say things like "Some people juggle gease!" when you need to explain things and wonder why people don't understand.

Do they spell the word geese as gease in the Firefly 'verse?

Drama is life with the dull bits cut out. (Alfred Hitchcock)

because the firefly verse doesn't have spell check...yes, that is how you spell gease

"Oh my god it's grotesqe! and here's a thing in a jar."


Tuesday, January 27, 2004 12:26 PM


I already have my River Halloween outfit, from Safe, ready for next year. Sadly made with items easily attainable from my very own home.

Those who restrain desire, do so because thiers is weak enough to be restrained.
-William Blake


Thursday, February 5, 2004 7:09 AM


Since I finished my "special project" yesterday I thought I should post just how obsessed I am. I've put all the eps on audio cassette. Nothing hi-tech, just an ol' taperecorder set next to the primary speaker. It took some experimenting but the final product is shiney! If you're like me you don't need to watch Firefly in order to SEE it. I've got to go run some errands pretty soon soooo...decisions decisions which ep to listen to while driving around...Trash or Shindig. BTW each episode fits perfectly on one side of a 90 minute tape.



Thursday, February 5, 2004 7:13 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Starhand:
Since I finished my "special project" yesterday I thought I should post just how obsessed I am. I've put all the eps on audio cassette. Nothing hi-tech, just an ol' taperecorder set next to the primary speaker. It took some experimenting but the final product is shiney! If you're like me you don't need to watch Firefly in order to SEE it. I've got to go run some errands pretty soon soooo...decisions decisions which ep to listen to while driving around...Trash or Shindig. BTW each episode fits perfectly on one side of a 90 minute tape.


Shiny idea StarHand. Never really thought of recording the audio to listen to in the car. The character interaction and one liners in Firefly are what make the show so funny and enjoyable.

I might have to record them myself to listen to on the 20 minute drive to work every morning.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, February 5, 2004 9:33 AM


Quick question for ya' browncoat1:
I am 6'4" and about 220 lbs. What size do you think I should order? How tall are you and what size do you have?
Any help would be nice, thanks.


Thursday, February 5, 2004 9:49 AM



Originally posted by kalathena:
With my last obsession I cut my hair, bleached it white and spent a fortune on a long leather trench... --Kala

You say that like it's weird or something. :)One can always use a long leather trench.

I bought my first long leather black trench when I was 19. After a decade hidden in my closet, I finally gave it to my college bound neice last year. All her buddies at UMD were doing their best to 'Bogart the Vintage'.

I'm looking for a suitable 'Brown Coat'. eeeks, I am obsessed :)


Thursday, February 5, 2004 12:54 PM



Originally posted by Nur:
I already have my River Halloween outfit, from Safe, ready for next year. Sadly made with items easily attainable from my very own home.

Those who restrain desire, do so because thiers is weak enough to be restrained.
-William Blake

Realy though, if you can pull off River convincingly I say go for the costume from "Serenity". It's not that hard to find a washing machine box and some silver spray paint.



Thursday, February 5, 2004 1:05 PM


Not only have a taken a course in Mandarin...but I've found time to watch an episode every single day since december. As for the rest...I blush to tell you that you've clearly taken up residence in my head!


Thursday, February 5, 2004 1:52 PM



Originally posted by Starhand:
Since I finished my "special project" yesterday I thought I should post just how obsessed I am. I've put all the eps on audio cassette. Nothing hi-tech, just an ol' taperecorder set next to the primary speaker. It took some experimenting but the final product is shiney! If you're like me you don't need to watch Firefly in order to SEE it. I've got to go run some errands pretty soon soooo...decisions decisions which ep to listen to while driving around...Trash or Shindig. BTW each episode fits perfectly on one side of a 90 minute tape.


When i was realy little may dad used to do that for movies for me and i'd listen to them in the car when we went on long trips. I think the Tom and Jerry movie and the Aristocats were my favorites. I had totaly forgoten about that... What a grat idea, I might just do that eventually...

"Go back inside or i will blow another crater in this tiny moon"


Thursday, February 5, 2004 2:26 PM


Awesome. I kept looking for a Mal coat, but was unable to find one. Now I just need money...

It's sickening how comforting the privacy of the mind can be.
"Bible's broken; contradictions, false logistics. Doesn't make sense." - River


Friday, February 6, 2004 3:20 AM



Originally posted by ebonezer:
sorry, the blody computer had a melt down and lost everything i was tryng to type uo above. let me try again.

how obsessed can your obsession be? Let me count the ways...
1)You got a necalice like Zoes tied permenetly around your neck. (guilty, but mine has a chram)
2)Words like gorram, rudden, and shiny make common apearences in your vocabulary.
3)You named you dog firefly and your goldfish serenity.
4)You got dinos, plasic ones, and they This Land.
5)your favorite super soaker is named Vera
6)you are wary of hats made out of trees, and kissing girls on the lips...
7)You run around in tight pants and suspenders.
8)You say things like "Some people juggle gease!" when you need to explain things and wonder why people don't understand.
9)You take a chineese language course because you "want to be prepaired."

One of MY great obsessions is spelling:
"necalice" is really spelled necklace.
"chram?" Oh, you mean "charm!" That's just a typo.
"rudden" is actually "ruttin'," as in sexually aroused ... as in a sorta round about way of say f***ing on television.

And last but not least ... "gease" is spelled GEESE!

ARRRRRGH! I'd tear my hair out ... if I had any left!



Friday, February 6, 2004 3:34 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Gorramreavers:
Quick question for ya' browncoat1:
I am 6'4" and about 220 lbs. What size do you think I should order? How tall are you and what size do you have?
Any help would be nice, thanks.

That is creepy GR; I am 6'4" and 218 lb. LOL

Anyway, I ordered the XL in walnut brown. Fits perfect.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Friday, February 6, 2004 4:06 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1

This is where I ordered my coat from:

The walnut color is identical to the color of Mal's coat.

Don't overlook the other clothes they have! You can find shirts and pants like those used in Firefly as well.

Although Alan Wah doesn't own Wah Maker any more, the authentic old west clothing they make is still very good quality.

As popular as Cowboy Action Shooting is these days, you can probably find a S.A.S.S. (Single Action Shooting Society) store in virtually any major city in the U.S. (and Canada too.)

Some of the shirts shown on the link Browncoat1 kindly provided, are virtually identical to those worn by Shepherd Book. Not to mention the pants worn by both Mal and Zoe.
In fact if we look closely enough I'm sure most of the clothing worn by Serenity's crew -- save Jayne's tee shirts of course -- can be found at a SASS store.

So the next time you go to a Shindig, you can really dress the part.



Friday, February 6, 2004 4:32 AM


1) Sing Jayne's and Firefly song constantly
2) Have dreams about the cast or they just appear randomly in your dreams
3) Just about everything that comes out of my mouth is in relation to Firefly
4) Firefly lang sinking into my normal lang.
5) Go to Firefly sites more than 3x in a day.
6) Trying to find some way to copy the fashion from the show for every day or holdiay fashion.
7) Cry automatically each time you think about Simon's only reason for the things is because he loves his sister.
8)Have plans to make my school get Firefly, therefore setting a heavy dent in the fanbase.






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