Life Onboard Serenity: Three wheels on our wagon....

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 17:00
VIEWED: 12875
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Saturday, August 19, 2006 7:47 AM


Choo looked up from hs deeply engrossing book and heard a shuttle un-docking.

That can't be good...Choo went to the comm

"Um....people, someone just went AWOL with a shuttle. Er...that was supposed to happen. Right!?!"

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Does my sig look too big in this?


Saturday, August 19, 2006 8:19 AM


*Pain replied to Guy's response*

Sounds mighty tasty Guy.


Originally posted by Choo1701:
"Um....people, someone just went AWOL with a shuttle. Er...that was supposed to happen. Right!?!"

*Pain muttered something in Chinese as he rushed over to the com and replied to Choo*

Uh I don't think so Choo.

*Pain switched the com to the bridge and said to Wash*

Wash try to contact that runaway shuttle.

*Wash replied over the com*

Sure thing Pain.

*Pain clicked off the com and headed for his bunk, muttering a long string of Chinese swear words.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, August 19, 2006 9:44 AM


"Who's on this shuttle!?!" the voice rang for the third time as John zoomed through the black.

"River you shouldn't have tagged along"

"Are you going to take me back"


Finally John pressed the com and talked back. "Wash I'm going to get Niska, River stowed away"



Saturday, August 19, 2006 9:45 AM


rolfmao!!! Okay! I give up! Ummm... Since Kaylee is in the Engine room, talking to Book, while simultaneously lying unconscious in the infirmary, Zoe is still in the cargo bay talking to Ertia who left to talk to Book... I've got no clue where Ertia is!
Hey, John! Is she on the shuttle, too?

Ertia floated in a limbo of grief and sorrow. For a time, she thought she WAS Serenity. She had melted into the steel walls, the cold ceramic tiling, the twisting maze of electronics. "Leave the anger and the pain behind and become me, fly with me," the ship seems to whisper around her, and she joined it, came into the very heart of the flying metal.

She was aware of everything; Wash's strong hands on her yoke, guiding her through the Black with sure movements; Her captain, bleeding and broken in the sterile place where the one who would always heal her people worked to care for him.

That was a place of hurt and she veered away from it, sliding through the ducts, finding Shipscat prowling deep in the vent system, her whiskers covered with black dust. 'Hello, warm one.'
Speeding through the wiring to the galley, the rich scents of nourishment for her people, the oil and fuel that would nurture them. Some were gathered here, the strong ones who watched her back, held her safe.

Where was her little one? The one who spoke her language and walked her halls while the others slept? The one with the name like water that flowed on planets that Serenity had never seen?

Sudden jolting, something jerking, stirred her from darkness. A shuttle launching.
Rolling, she felt through the steel frame-- not Inara..the heart was there, still beating and warm. Then the other shuttle.

Too late. Gone away. Too late.
The flowing water and the one who heard the whispers were gone. Gone away.

was that surreal enough?


Saturday, August 19, 2006 10:45 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:

was that surreal enough?

Dali would be proud.

Zoe: (over Raido, because Wash can't do two things at once....) "Um...John. Go GET Niska. On YOUR own. WITH River.."

Wash: Is anybody on this ship NOT mentally scarred..."

Jayne: (entering) "I ain't. I'm perfectly normal"

Wash: "....Like i said anyone not mentally scared."

sooo...where do we go from here? Erita? Pain? John? Ringo? oh wait...

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon


Saturday, August 19, 2006 11:01 AM


AWESOME post Choo! You do me proud. You totally have the canon characters voices!

-John wanted us to go to his brothers, but now he's going to fight Niska on his own with our mentally ill psychic assassin girl.
-Wolf was a pirate but now he wants to fight pirates.
(I gotta admit, I'm tired of coming up with creative ways to kill pirates- you might have noticed that I actually kiped the last Pirate kill from when we blew up the Alliance ship.)

-Pain's computer is still fritzed so he only has limited access.

-Fly wanted to return to the Osiris Map plot, but then she left.
-13, I assume, will be back full-force soon.
So, where do we want to go?
I got no rudder. Wind goes south, I go south.
We have a ship and the best crew flying. I'm willing to keep flying, but I'm tired of trying to herd cats. For the time being, I'm Serenity, take me where you will.


Saturday, August 19, 2006 11:19 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
AWESOME post Choo! You do me proud. You totally have the canon characters voices!

-John wanted us to go to his brothers, but now he's going to fight Niska on his own with our mentally ill psychic assassin girl.
-Wolf was a pirate but now he wants to fight pirates.
(I gotta admit, I'm tired of coming up with creative ways to kill pirates- you might have noticed that I actually kiped the last Pirate kill from when we blew up the Alliance ship.)

Thank You very much Erita

and unfortunatly this sort of thing happens in the summer (people go "outside" for much longer :( )


Simon's voice could be heard through the ship. Zoe backed away slightly. No one had seen Simon like this. Vains seemed to be near to bursting. Everyone left was now standing in the front hall, Zoe and Simon in the middle. Book looking quite different covered in grease and tiny scratches.

The doc took a deep breath and said quietly "She's seriously ill. Does John have any idea of how to look after her?"

"Do you?" quiped Jayne. Right before Zoe steped on his toe and gave him a "kill-you-in-your-sleep" look.

There was silence for a while, until a familiar, yet scared voice broke the tension.

"Were not going to leave a man behind. THATS what were going to do."

There, in the loungue Mal stood/lent an equally wondered Kaylee. His chest with the deep X in it, Eyes circled in grey and coloured with red. A broken man...a man whos seen pain too often...

"cap'n ordered me to help him" muttered Kaylee...kind of lost with everything

"One." Mal barked, not giving a damn if anyone was listening "...find that gorram son of a bitch before Niska does. Two. Give him a good hiding. Three. Get my gorram spaceship like it was when i last left it. and Four.....four...get me a doctor...."

and with that Mal stubbled and feel across the table.

sorry if that seemed too pompus :(

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

there was a sig here a minute ago...


Saturday, August 19, 2006 12:54 PM


*Pain could hear the yelling from inside his bunk. He muttered something to himself as he strapped on his shoulder holster which housed his Ruger Super Redhawk revolver and hit the button to open the hatch to his bunk. He stepped out amid the mass of people, saw Mal on the floor, and said to noone in particular*

What's with all the gorram yellin' and why's the Captain on the floor?

I'll assume that Ertia is in the crowd of people in the front hall.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, August 19, 2006 12:55 PM


Mal has no faith in me kind of makes me sad. Also I plan to kill or at least seriously injure Niska while I'm gone which won't be to long

John flew toward the large station orbiting the glowing moon. Niska had been this close to them the whole time. Most people going into this situation would be worried for their life but he wasn't. Many would turn around and go home but he wouldn't. He was a professional. He knew what he was doing. And River with her abilities could only help. He would need to move fast. He set the shuttle to auto dock the station. He prepared himself for what would come. Quickly he climbed into a crate. River was inside already. "We have to be quiet when Niska's men enter we attack, we get back in the box and we wait Niska will send wave after wave we just take them one at a time. eventually he'll com himself. We kill him and leave" "Got it" He was turning her into a killer but, from what he could tell, it was onl a matter of time for her anyway.



Saturday, August 19, 2006 2:21 PM


you cant kill him, coz hes canon, but im all for a little gut punching

the summer is hot normally but in england its more like winter!


Saturday, August 19, 2006 2:32 PM


Jubal Early was canon, too. But that didn't make HIM immune, now did it?


Saturday, August 19, 2006 3:05 PM


he was already gonna die in the series anyway.

the summer is hot normally but in england its more like winter!


Saturday, August 19, 2006 3:09 PM


Dunno. Early was too good of a villain to have only appear once.


Saturday, August 19, 2006 8:23 PM


I vote if we kill Niska then it's a group effort instead of the rest of us floating around in space with no direction or plan.
I see a big difference between killing our Big Damn Heros and our contacts like Badger and killing someone who has been established in our story to not just want to kill us, but to maim, insult and torture us.
You set this up, Wolf. It was your plot-line.
(And Joss pretty much said that unless you saw someone kicked into an engine, you can never be sure they aren't still out there.

"MAL!" Ertia watches as Simon rushes to Mal, checkng his vitals. For a moment it had seemed like she was watching the whole scene from somewhere up above.

She shakes her head. She'd had the strangest impression... "Look, so John and River went on a suicide run to kill Niska. What does that have to do with us?"

Simon stares at her in disbelief. "That's my SISTER we're talking about!"

"Oh. Yea. Forgot that part." Ertia sighs, "I'll be in my..."

Oh, yea, they'd converted her bunk into a prison cel for Wolf, who apparently was forgiven by the rest of the crew, since he was out and standing right there.

"I'll" Count to three... try again, "I'll be in Mal's bunk! HE's not using it!"


Sunday, August 20, 2006 3:46 AM


ok then ill see what my brain can cough up.

wolf" did you just say john and river went after him?"

zoe" yes"

wolf" alone?!"

zoe" yes"

wolf" gorramnit it their gonna be killed!"

"zoe" river can look after her self, and i asume so can john."

*wolf sat down, thinking.*

wolf" we have to go after them."

zoe" what?"

wolf" we have to go after them, theyll be killed if we dont."

zoe" theres a large chance theyll be killed if we do."

wolf" yeah but if there going, im gonna help. im not ganna let some bastard just enslave me and lots of other normal people without making him pay. heads will role, if you guys wanna come thats fine, we'll need extra help, but if not, find some whare to go, lay low until this is over, but dont try to stop me."

*wolf walked away to his old, storage area bunk, and got ready for a trip.*

the summer is hot normally but in england its more like winter!


Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:55 AM


Zoe helped Simon and Jayne carry the captain back to the infirmary, then looked around her. "I'm not particularly keen on going back into that spacestation. The blind-dart trick won't work twice in a row. They'll be watching for it this time."

Walking over to the door, she pressed the Shipwide. "I want everyone who's still standing in the Galley, ma shong. We've got some decisions to make."

Simon glanced up from Mal, "Zoe, I'll do whatever it takes to save River. I've sacrificed everything for her once already, and I'll do it again."
He hesitated, glancing down at where Kaylee slept, then looking back to Zoe, his eyes steeled in sorrow, "She's all I have now."

Zoe didn't have words. She seldom needed them. She just nodded her head, pressed the com once more. "Galley, people. Now."

Ertia was in Mal's bunk, surrounded by the his familiar belongings. It gave her asense of comfort, when she couldn't hear his voice directing the ship, couldn't see him striding the corridors. It was enough to know that his essence was here. She fondled an old earth-that-was shps compass, ran a finger over the map on the wall. Mal had many? Hundereds?

Yet he was still capable of love. Still capable of caring for those around him. He was a killer, yes, but not a hardened one. He did what he had to do.
And so could she. When Zoe's summons came, Ertia didn't hesitate any longer. She climbed up the ladder, closed the hatch behind her, and made her way to the galley. "So, we're gonna do it? We're going after Niska?"


Sunday, August 20, 2006 7:43 AM


"Potential Suicide on our own. We were lucky last time." said Jayne even before Zoe had started. "Also, properly, knows were coming."

Zoe eyed him evily. Second time Jayne had been right today... "What do we have."

"Many injured, and quite tired, people." Simon said blankly, "not the most perfect army."

"Seen worse in the war." Choo said over his shoulder, rummaging in his bag of stuff...

"What we do have though is people who can think." Zoe said, trying to get everyones spirits up, "And kill, Their way out of any situation. We've done it many times before, and we'll properly have to do it again still."

"Make it sound like a cake walk." sneeered Jayne.

"Jayne. Shut up." said Wash, looking the bigger man in the eye.

"Ships damaged as well." said Book, the shepard come engineer.

"She'll take it." said Erita flatly, without looking up.

"Got plans of the place? Quite a big skyplex." Guy enquired.

"Had the scans the computer took last time," Wash said. "And our own memory's"

"Got plenty of ammo." Pain chipped in. "Just not enough guns."

"Some of us ARE living weapons." said Wolf coldly as he came up the stairs. He caught everyone's glances "sorry, needed a cup of sugar."

Zoe smilied a little. FINALLY it seemed to be going right.

"Oh, and THIS might help." Choo said as he put a small, battered out old silver box with some old wires coming out.

"a 'Magic Box'." Wash said, his eyes lighting up a little "lets you become another ship altogher. Ships Signal, of course."

Zoe was grinning. "We've got the goods, now we just need an attack plan..."

i think only three wheels will do us just fine :p

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Sunday, August 20, 2006 9:27 AM


*Pain responded*

I ain't got a plan but I do have some explosives we could use on the station's power supply. I could knock it out and blow a rather large hole in process.

*Pain looked over at Ertia, saw the worried look in her face and said to her*

Don't worry babe the type of explosives I'll be usin' are of the remote detonatin' type. I promise not to blow myself up.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, August 20, 2006 9:28 AM


Choo, I'm only gonna say this once. You ROCK, my friend! You've got even ME spoiling for a fight. Excellent post! And I love your grasp of the characters! NICE!

"Power supply." Wash says quietly, "That could work."

Ertia lightly touched a finger to the silver box and looked at Choo in wonder. "Where were you when I was getting radiation poisoning stealing us a new Reg number? Never mind, don't answer that. I'm gonna see if I can't hack into that spacestation's database, find us an advantage in getting to that power-station."

"You do that." Zoe said crisply, "Pain, I want an inventory of all our ammo, all our guns, and our grenade status. Fly? You still got that rocket launcher?"

"Yah. 'Cause one rocket launcher's gonna be enough." Jayne growled, only to recieve a look from Fly that suggested that her rocket-launcher may find it's way up his pi gu if he didn't shut it.

Zoe turned to Choo with a half-smile, "You got anything else in your bag of tricks you haven't told us about?"


Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:12 AM


most honored Erita. Thank You. *bows deeply*

as Pain, Jayne, Wash and Book hurried off to do there jobs, Choo eyed his battered old bag: "Eye of Harmony, Robot DOg, beautiful Compani- What? sorry. Nope. Although a very good alibi to dock on the station would be useful. Changing the signal can only go so far. Heard rumours from others that Niska is a man of...extrodinary taste."

"Tell me about it," said Wash shouted back.

"What you got then trader?" asked Zoe.

"not much he'd be intersted in, but enough to buy us some more time i suppose." Choo said glumly.

"Times always important." said Zoe. Looking up she addressed the rest. "All got plenty of jobs before then." Going over to the control panel Zoe clicked the switch and announced: "Shepard, Wash, light her up!"

"Why do i get the feeling i'm going to need a bigger infirmary." Simon muttered...

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Sunday, August 20, 2006 12:17 PM


wolf" niska thinks im dead, could that be useful?"

*wolf sat down and started drinking his tea.*

the summer is hot normally but in england its more like winter!


Sunday, August 20, 2006 12:27 PM


They came as he knew they would. Sending a quick flash to River he kicked the board on the side of the crate and knocked a couple off their fett as River through the top off the y wer up and around. John turned and kicked the nearest guy in the head snapping his neck. He turned pulling out his swords and started slicing. River looked as though dancing as opposed to fighting fluidly moving from one enemy to the next killing one after another. Soon they were dead. They hid by the door and waited more would come.



Sunday, August 20, 2006 1:04 PM


*Pain was in the cargo bay going through the weapons' locker, making a list of how much ammo they had, how many guns they had, how much ammo they had for said guns, and seeing how many grenades they had. Pain was using his data pad to jot down everything when he felt a familiar hand on his shoulder. He looked up from his crouching position, smiled and said*

Hey babe ain't you supposed to be workin' at findin' a way to the power supply of Niska's space station?

*Ertia lowered herself to her knees, smiled at Pain, hugged him and said*

Yeah but I thought I'd see how you were doin' first babe.

*Pain smiled and replied*

I'm doin' fine bao bei. However I have been thinkin' about the events that've happened in the past couple of days.

*Ertia tilted her head and said*

Really Pain how so?

*Pain turned to face Ertia, put his hand on top of hers and said*

Well you know how you asked if'n my uncle had any openin's on his ship?

*Ertia replied wondering what Pain was going to say next*


*Pain gave a brief smile and continued*

I just wanted to know what you'd think if'n I decided to retire from bein' a merc, got a legitimate job workin' for my uncle, and was willin' to settle down.

*Pain waited patiently for Ertia's answer, letting what he said to her sink in.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, August 20, 2006 1:09 PM


Pain settling down? Interesting. Very interesting.


Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:01 PM


Yeah interesting. Also my computer is up and running so now I'll be on just like old times.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:35 PM


I just wanted to know what you'd think if'n I decided to retire from bein' a merc, got a legitimate job workin' for my uncle, and was willin' to settle down.

A surge of something bright, something fierce, soared through her. She stared at him for a moment, the intensity of his gaze making him understand the seriousness of his words. When she spoke again her voice was a hushed whisper, "You really mean it."

Then she tilted her head, and gestured up to the catwalk where Fly and Guy were loading weapons, "You'd leave Serenity? Just walk away?"

Part of her is overjoyed at the very thought. Not having to wake up every day wondering who was going to try to kill them, not to wonder where the next meal was coming from.
But part of her was watching as Fly slapped Guy on the shoulder and teased him about something that made him blush. Part of her was still in Mal's bunk, holding his old ships compass in her hands. She hugged Pain close and kissed him. "Lets see if we survive today first."

Then she pushed away and headed back towards the galley and her computer. Pausing, she looked back, "I think it's a pretty shiny idea, babe."


Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:44 PM


*Pain smiled and said back to Ertia*

I'm glad you do babe.

*Pain watched as Ertia left for the galley then turned his attention back to doing inventory. He smiled to himself as he put everything back, closed the door to the weapons locker, and headed to the galley to hand Zoe his data pad with the list of what they had on it.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:03 PM


(Is this my cue? Smells like a 13-style final confrontation...

Memories. Secrets. Fear. That seemed to be all he was now. Memories that kept him going and slowed him down, secrets that cut and tore away at his soul, fear of himself.

He didn't know what they would do when they saw him. Cast him in the corner, like a child? Take him back in, a long-lost son? Or would they simply destroy him, hurl him into space and watch him fail?

Not fail, not fail. People don't fail, they die.

Right. Die. He remembered how that felt.

Gunshots, dead eyes. Fly screaming. His eyes closing for what would have been the last time, what should have been the last time.

What was more important than any of those things was what he would do.


Monday, August 21, 2006 6:23 AM


oooo...cryptic 13. Very cryptic. Give River a run for her money. :p

"BINGO!" screamed Choo in the co-pilots seat.

"WHAT!!" shouted Wash, kind of very suprised at the sudden noise.

"sorry. But i've got a scheduled slot to see Mr. Niska about some certain goods. AND clearence to get in. Lady Luck's giving us some love!!" Choo said, with a big grin across his face.

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Monday, August 21, 2006 11:06 AM


*Pain walked into the galley, smiled at Ertia who was sitting at the table, typing away at her computer. Pain noticed Zoe talking to JR and Sybil at the far end of the table. He walked over to Zoe and said, handing her his data pad*

Here's the list of every gun in the weapons locker.

*Zoe looked at the screen of Pain's data pad and scrolled down as Pain continued to speak*

I made a list of how many grenades we had, how much ammo we had for the guns, what ammo and supplies I could spare, and also what equipment we didn't have but wasn't neccesary.

*Zoe nodded, handed Pain back his data pad and said to him*

Good work Pain now go get yourself armed and meet up with everyone in the cargo bay.

*Pain replied*

Will do Zoe.

*Pain walked past Ertia, stopping to give her a kiss on her forehead and headed to his bunk.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, August 21, 2006 11:55 AM


*wolf went back to his old room and checked his guns and ammo stash, all presant and acounted for. he put two revolvers in his side holsters and one large shotgun on his back, he put his sword in the seath and waited, they must attack soon, they just had to.*

the summer is hot normally but in england its more like winter!


Monday, August 21, 2006 12:57 PM


Location: Pain's Bunk

*Pain took off his shoulder holster, laid it on his desk and took off his shirt. He laid it down on his bed as he opened his weapons locker and pulled out his armor. He strapped on the vest and selected the weapons he'd be taking with him, putting them on his bed in a neat line. Pain also took out a few cases of ammo and set them down on his desk. He then put his shirt on over his armor, put on his shoulder holster, and started to making sure his weapons and eqiupment were in working order.*

Ten minutes later...

*Pain stepped out of his bunk eqiuped with his trusty AK with grenade launcher, his HK .45 pistol strapped to his right leg, one of his HK MP5-A4 SMG's slung over his right shoulder, and a combat knife sheathed on his left side. On his belt Pain a mag pouch holding nine mags for his AK, three grenade pouches (each holding two grenades), two mag pouches for the MP5 (each holding three 30rd mags), an ammo bag carrying ninety rounds for the Ruger Super Redhawk revolver that's in the shoulder holster, and in his side pockets of his pants, Pain had the explosives he was going to use, the remote detonator in a special pouch near his knife.*

*Pain stepped into the galley and said*

Alright I think I got everythin' I need.

*Pain looked at Zoe, realized he forgot the cases of ammo and said*

Oh right those cases of ammo. I'll be right back.

*Pain unslung the AK and the MP5-A4, put them down on the table, and headed back to his bunk. A couple minutes later Pain returned carrying two ammo cases into the galley. He set them down on the table and said to Zoe as he reslung his AK and the SMG*

Well I reckon I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, August 21, 2006 2:41 PM


"All right." Ertia cracked her knuckles and stood up, "Choo's got his authorization. We're masked as a Stinger Class Freight Transport with his little silver box, and I've managed to convince the Food Conveyance of the space station that we're delivering those cases of smoked salmon that they ordered."

"We just gotta find away to get Pain and his booms to the power supply station."

Then she grins, looking Pain up and down, "How many guns you got, babe? And can I play with one?"

"Ah..." Book stops her, "We know what happens when you get a gun. Best you just take this. I figured how to charge it from the engine bail."

Fully charged, and newly polished, her laser pistol looks more friendly and fun than ever. She beams up at Book, "Don't suppose you'll tell me how a shepherd knows so much about illegal toys like laser pistols?"

"Not today." is his enigmatic answer.


Monday, August 21, 2006 2:48 PM


*Pain watches as Book goes to talk with Zoe. He then whispers into Ertia's ear*

After we get through this you can play with that weapon all you like bao bei.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, August 21, 2006 3:04 PM


on niskas space station

*river screamed and curled to the floor.*

john" whats wrong!?"

river" their here...*laughs*...their coming!"

in niskas office

niska" yes, i have met this reynolds."

man" we belive he is holding a fugitive, and we want her back."

*the blue gloved man gave niska a photograph and smiled.*

the summer is hot normally but in england its more like winter!


Monday, August 21, 2006 6:00 PM


Most of you won't get this, but Pain, may be time to call Officers Brandt & Colgate!
*inwardly* Man, I hate those BLUE HANDS GUYS!

Ertia whispered back, sliding her hip against Pain's thigh, "I'm lookin' forward to that."

"You two wanna pay attention here?" Zoe's voice was all no nonsense.

"Sorry." Ertia managed to look appropriately contrite. "To the job, Zoe."

At Zoe's sharp nod, Ertia returned to her computer and spun it about. "The main entrance is here. We can't go that way. We have clearance for the kitchen entrance, and then Choo can waltz right in."

She pointed higher up on the diagram. "The power supply is here. Pain knocks that out, and blows a hole in that vent system, the entire station is incapacited and the upper three levels are without air and pressure. Messy, but good, right?"

"If Inara will let us use her shuttle, I can probably land us right inside the main vent-shaft. We'll have to suit up, but it should be do-able."

"As much 'if' of this plan as there was the last time." Jayne growls from the corner.

"You can always stay.."

"In my bunk." Jayne finishes Zoe's sentence for her as he primes Vera, "I'm gettin a mite sick of these bastards comin' after us. Time to stop runnin."


Monday, August 21, 2006 8:08 PM


hehe..Niska in the photo on the upper left...

"You doing alright Guy, just take her gently and slow. Like a good women." said Wash, from his hiding position in the bridge.

"Next time YOU drive this bucket of bol-" Guy was cut off as a small satelliete came flying over the ships nose and stopping at the bridge window, focusing its eye on Guy.

"Everybody wave at the ID bot." said Choo, nervously watching. If it found Wash and linked him too the last time the crew hit Niska, then they wouldn't of been sitting here, breathing.

After a few tense seconds it zoomed off and the cortex screne came into life.

"Ship: 'Numa and Eight'. You are cleared to dock at Skyplex yard number EIGHT. Failuar to comply will result in INSTANT DEATH! Good day."

"Nice feela wasn't he." commented Wash from his hiding hole.

"Lots of warmth coming out," said Guy as he pushed the throttle forward...


(p.s: we going in all guns ablazing? or Do we have to meet and greet?)

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Monday, August 21, 2006 8:49 PM


Um I believe you have a meet and greet with Mr. Niska.

*Pain sat on the bench next to Ertia. It had taken some convincing from Ertia to Inara to let Ertia, Pain, Sybil, and JR use her shuttle to infiltrate the station's main vent shaft and let Pain disable the power supply. Pain looked at the schematics on his data pad, happy that Ertia was kind enough to transfer them to his data pad. He kissed her on the head and said to her*

I love you babe. Just thought I'd let you know that.

*Ertia smiled, put a hand on Pain's thigh and said*

I know you do babe and I love you too.

*Pain smiled then turned his head and let himself get into his mercenary mode. Pain's only thoughts were doing the job, making sure nothing went wrong, and that everyone makes it out more or less intact.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, August 21, 2006 9:23 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Um I believe you have a meet and greet with Mr. Niska.

oo...tea with a madman. Great...
p.s: thought Inara wasn't on ship. Nobody's said anything :p

"'Sure sticking the shuttle on the bottom of the hull will work?" Guy enquired.

"She'll be in our 'shadow'" Wash said as he checked a computer display. "it will be hard for Niska's goons to pick up. Then, once we've docked, the guys just float on down. Only power they'll need is too manouver into place."

The ship shuddered as she docked into place. "But first we got to convince them we ain't 'Serenity'."

i.e: we need a dumby crew.

Sybill and Pain, joined Guy, Choo in the cargo bay "Shuttles set up and all we gotta do is wait for the goons to get off ship and we'll detach. " JR commented.

"Good. Lets meet and greet," said Choo, strangely in a fancy shirt and a wooden box under his arm.

The door opened to reveal 5 heavily armed guards, all pionting rifles at the "crew". "Cake walk" muttered Pain, quietly.

"AH! Mr. Choo." said a slightly broken voice in between all the guards. There, surrounded by even more heavily armed men stood the small figure of Niska.

Choo stepped through the doorway and winced as it slamed shut again.

"Please Mr. Niska, call me Dirk." replyed the lone merchant "and shall we get the procedings started, in more..comfortable, surroundings?"

"dead man walking" muttered Pain, as he headed for the shuttle

and no, Dirks not my first name...

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:07 AM



the summer is hot normally but in england its more like winter!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 2:26 PM



the summer is hot normally but in england its more like winter!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 3:01 PM


bump again.

*wolf went into the infermary to see kaylee.*

simon" well, hello wolf, maimed anyone today?"

*wolf replied in a growling voice that made simon step back.*

wolf" the day is young, back off!"

*wolf stood over kaylee.*

*he whispered in her ear.*

wolf" im sorry kay, i never ment for it to get this big, kaylee, even when it was me being the bad guy, i never ment for you to come to any harm."

*wolf planted a kiss on her lips, then whispered in her ear.*

wolf" kaylee, i love you."

*he walked out of the infermary and went off into the cargo bay.*

*simon walked over to kaylee.*

simon" were you awake for that?"

*kaylee opened her eyes extreamly weakly.*

*she spoke in barely a whisper.*

kaylee" yes."

the summer is hot normally but in england its more like winter!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:56 PM


Ertia guided the shuttle into the shaft and set it down as gently as she could. Suiting up she took a quick look back at Pain.

This was the easy part.
Once they'd blown the power-supply... then the danger would really begin. She locked down her helmet and checked the seal. "Ready? I'm opening the portal"

The gravity unit of the space station was fully operational, and inside the vent shaft, they had gravity, even though they were in vacuum. She had to wonder if that would last after they blew the thing.

Ready to fly them out at a moments notice, she strapped back into the pilot's seat, anxiously watching Serenity's tracking beacon on the com-screen as she went down the "to do list".

Blow the power supply.
Land at the main gate.
Take out some of the best trained fighters in an independently owned army.
Kill a bastard sadistic crime-lord with a taste for vengeance.
Rescue John and River, provided they were alive.
Do laundry.
Find some new boots.

Not a bad list, really...


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:29 PM


*The three spacesuited people that were Pain, JR, and Sybil walked into the shaft. They made their way in, Pain taking the lead. Pain commed the shuttle and said to Ertia*

Babe after this job is done and provided I don't get shot too much, I'm takin' you in a manly fashion.

*Pain smiled inside his suit as the three of them stopped in front of a maintainance shaft entry hatch. Pain watched as JR opened it, making sure not to bang the hatch against the shaft wall. JR nodded as the three of them entered, Sybil closing the hatch behind them. Once inside Pain took out his data pad and looked at the schematics once more while the airlock pressurized. To the guards in the corridor it just seemed like a regular maintainance crew coming in after some routine maintainance. Pain saw the light above the hatch turn green then said into the suit to suit com*

Alright folks lets shed these suits and arm ourselves. There's the possibility that we'll be seen. If'n that's the case we shoot to kill you got that?

*JR stepped out of his suit cocked his MP5 and said*

We got it Pain.

*Pain unslung his AK, cocked it and said*

Shiny lets get the show on the road.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:18 PM


you know, Adelei Niska, man who loves "reputation" and to torture peoples who's..."reputation"...themsellves isn't that good, has an unkown soft spot figures...

"The wife, she...likes them. Finds them quite...carming."
Niska explained with a smerk.

Sitting in the large modern office overlooking the central, working, part of the skyplex and surrounded by men with guns and muscles the size of his own legs, Choo could help feel un comfortable.

"ah....i see." said Choo as he sipped some of the coffee provided. "And, of course, its been ever harder since that Blue Sun, both brought, and closed down, on the same day, the only one in the 'verse."

"Blue Sun serves all the needs of the people with what they buy and sell." Choo nealry jumped out of his skin as the cool, almost ice like voice appeared behind him.

"Wo Hu Chung Long" muttered Choo as he turned round to see two smartly dresses men wearing blue gloves only just standing behind him.

"Of course." said one of the Men of Blue, almost a whisper.

"They arrived just before you." said Niska carmly, "Now, let us talk about payment for this exisquie work of art."

Choo could feel the coldness that was coming from the Men of Blue. Something awfully un natural. "Duhn Ruhn. The payment," said Choo with a smile.

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:21 AM


*while waiting with the others*

Oh, I almost forgot

*grabs a few handfuls of salt and puts them in a small pouch hanging on his belt*

End of line.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 1:03 AM


"What do you want gorram salt for?" said Jayne, as he eat some of Guys stew.

Everyone was sitting in the aft corridor, clutching their weapons, waiting for the signal. Well, everyone except Book, who was montioring the engine, and Simon, who was looking over his patients.

Suddenly the carm was broken by a loud knocking on the cargo bay door.

Zoe got up and cocked her weapon "Jayne, wolf, and Wash, stay here and look after the shepard, Me and Guy will check if the storms come yet..."

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 8:07 AM





Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:34 AM


I'm and assasin she's a psyco "If there alive" ha

"River you can't let your mind beat you at a time like this get up get in control"

John jumped and climbed into the air vent and made his way with River behind him to Niska's office. When he got there he saw the Blue sun men. His last encounter with them wasn't to good for either of them. He would wait for a better chance.


CHOO Serenity was here crap now someone might die the chance needed to come soon



Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:35 AM


I'm and assasin she's a psyco "If there alive" ha

"River you can't let your mind beat you at a time like this get up get in control"

John jumped and climbed into the air vent and made his way with River behind him to Niska's office. When he got there he saw the Blue sun men. His last encounter with them wasn't to good for either of them. He would wait for a better chance.


CHOO Serenity was here crap now someone might die the chance needed to come soon







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