Life Onboard Serenity: Violent Lunatics & Those Who Kill Them

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 20:48
VIEWED: 13371
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006 5:18 PM


Life Onboard Serenity is a chain-story/rpg. Anyone can play! Anyone Can Join! Come on in and make yourself at home.

Previously, On Life Onboard Serenity!

Latest Adventure: "Three Wheels on Our Wagon"

In which:
We've gotten a bit sick of Niska coming after us.
John took River and went after Niska and his men. Serenity, not one to leave Simon's baby sis behind, has taken up arms and gone after them. Currently, we've got Choo on the inside; Pain, JR & Sybil on their way in to blow the power supply, Ertia's hanging in Inara's shuttle, ready to fly at a moments notice, and Serenity is (I think) waiting for the signal that we've blown the power supply.

Oh, yeah, and there are Blue Hands guys here. So, let's go kill that Shiong-muh duh duang-ren Niska, steal some priceless artifacts and head out into the stars! (Why do I not think it will be that easy?

Now, please remember the rules...

We're open to all authors and writing styles. This thread is just for fun! However, we do ask that a couple of simple rules be followed:

No killing of other author’s characters or of canon characters. In that vein, try to keep canon characters acting like themselves.

Please try to post with consideration for fellow authors and with some consistency to current story lines.

Sub-plots are great and we welcome them, but please try to make them fit into the current stories as much as possible.

Oh, and please keep things as close to PG as possible. If you have a more adult scene you'd like posted, send it to Ertia and She'll put it up on her site.

So…lets get flying....


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 5:53 PM


*The three of them made their way, picking off guards who got in the way of their guns. Pain looked at his data pad, saw that they were close, and said to JR and Sybil*

Ok I'm goin' in. I need you two to stay here and cover for me dong ma?

*Sybil was about to answer when a shout came from the end of the corridor. The three of them turned in the direction of the shout and saw about ten armed guards aiming their guns at them. Pain unslung his AK and said*

Ta ma de! JR, Sybil shoot to kill!

*Pain barged through the door to the power supply and was greeted by more guards. Pain swore as gunfire erupted outside, setting the AK on full auto, Pain opened up on the guards, killing most of them as bullets hit his armor. Pain took cover behind a console as the remaining guards opened fire. Pain thought as he heard an alarm sound*

Aw sh*t!

*Pain took out a grenade, activated it and tossed it in the direction of the gunfire. Pain knew it was risky, what with being in the same room as the power supply and an active grenade, but there wasn't anything he could do at the moment as the grenade exploded, killing one guard and severly injuring the other. Over Pain's com JR shouted*

Pain we managed to kill the guards outside, but they managed to set off an alarm!

*Pain replied*

Don't worry about it. I'm settin' the explosives as we speak. Tell Ertia and the rest that we've ran into some slight complications and that we need to do the job now.

*JR replied as Pain set the final charge on the power supply*

Sure thing Pain. Just get out of there before you blow the power supply.

*Pain smiled armed the explosives and said*

Don't worry JR I'll be out of here long before I blow it.

*JR knew Pain could take care of himself and let out a sigh. He said to Sybil*

Ok hon lets move out. Pain'll find his way out. He always does.

*Sybil nodded and the two of them headed back to the maintainance shaft airlock. Pain could hear the sound of boots marching down the corridor and swore to himself. He looked up, saw a ventilation shaft and smiled. Pain thought to himself*

Well Pain old boy looks like we'll be hittin' the shaft.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 8:01 PM


Choo was slowly counting the money Niska had given when the alarms went. Never seen so many armed guards raise their weapons so quickly.

"What was that?" inquired Choo.

"Intuder alert Mr. Niska, in the power supply room. Seem heavily armed." said Niska's second in command.

Choo didn't waver from Niska's ice cold glares. Been taught not to long, long ago...

"Get more men down there and close of all airlocks. No one gets in and no one gets out." Niska Ordered. Most of the men left, only leaving two to guard Niska, and the Men of Blue.

Silent seconds ticked by, until a shot broke out and killed one of the guards. "Look out," Choo dragged Niska behind a desk while the other guard feel and bullets sprayed across the path.

"Niska. I've got a message here from Captain Reynolds." said John, "Havn't we River.....River?"

Standing by the wall stood the two Blues, guarding the River Tam, who was clearly very shaken by their presence. "two by two..." she muttered. Slowly one drew out a small tube of metal and pressed the button.

"Chwen" muttered Choo.

i hope the others on the ship are having a better time than this...

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 8:48 PM


*Pain climbed through the ventilation shaft trying to keep his weapons from clattering on the metal all while trying to look at his data pad to see where he was headed. Pain came to a stop over a vent and peered down through it. He saw armed guards rush past toward the way of the power supply and thought*

I'll be humped if'n they try to disarm those explosives.

*Pain pulled out the detonator from it's pouch and tried to move forward but couldn't. Pain turned and saw that his right foot was caught in a bundle of wires and struggled to get his foot loose. Some of the guards heard Pain struggling in the ventilation shaft and one of them spoke into a com*

Sir we have the intruder inside the ventilation shaft overhead in corridor Theta-6 Section 42.

*At that moment Pain felt the vent give way, sending him falling head first. The guards saw Pain hanging by his foot a six feet from the floor and aimed their guns at him. The one closest to Pain said to him in a gruff voice*

Put your hands in the air and drop the device.

*Pain smiled and replied*

Sure thing boss.

*Pain let go of the detonator and watched as the top heavy device fell to the floor, button first. It hit the floor, the button retracting into the device, activating the charges. Those guards who had entered the power supply room and were about to disarm the explosives were immediately vaporized as a massive explosion went off, destroying the power supply and shutting down the power to the entire station. The guards surrounding Pain were about to fire on him when the entire corridor went black causing them to become disoriented. A few moments went by and then the emergency lighting came on. The guards turned their attention back to Pain only to find him gone. On the floor was a grenade, which exploded a second later, killing those closest to it and seriously wounding those in the vicinity.*

Meanwhile in the Maintainance Shaft

*Two spacesuited people floated through the now gravity-less shaft. JR patched himself through to Ertia and said*

Um Ertia there was a slight problem with the plan. Pain's still inside but don't worry he can take care of himself. Me and Sybil are coming to you so just stay where you are.

*JR could hear Ertia breathing over the com and said to her reassuringly*

It'll be fine E. trust me. Pain's a fighter and he'll find a way out. He always does.

*Ertia waited, tears starting to well up in her eyes. She brushed them away as JR and Sybil entered the shuttle. She looked at JR who took off his helmet and said to him, in a demanding tone*

Tell me what happened I wanna know.

I think I'll let Ertia handle that.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:35 AM


in best Zoe voice, "That's my man!"

JR shook his head, "I'll tell you everything, but right now, we gotta go."

No. Not leaving him. Not again. Gorram it! Not leaving him behind! She thought the words but she knew JR was right. If they don't move, they will all die. She powered up the shuttle. "GORRAM IT! Talk to me!"

"We got caught. Pain went in to set of the detonators." Sybil explains calmly, the same steel that allowed her to take out the pirate ship rolling in her voice. "Ertia, you have to concentrate, now."

"I'm leaving him." She whispers the words as she eases the shuttle out of the shaft and wheels it around, soaring under the powered down station and back up under the main freight entrance.

"We'll get him back." JR's hand drops on her shoulder. "We're gonna get 'em all back. Land right there, that freight access."

He reaches across her and grabs the com, "Serenity. The Show is On."


Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:09 AM


*Pain cautiously made his way through the red emergency light tinted corridor, taking cover in an empty storage closet. He took out his data pad, selected the "Send a Wave" option and typed*

This is Pain. I had a small problem gettin' back to the shuttle, hence the reason I'm still onboard the station. I'd be appreciatin' it if'n you'd send some much needed reinforcements. It's kinda hard takin' on a gang of armed goons by one's self.

*Pain hit the transmit button and sent the wave to Serenity, hoping that Wash or the Captain would see it.*

Onboard Serenity

Originally posted by SameErtia:
"Serenity. The Show is On."

*Mal was on the bridge, still a little weak from his injury when JR's voice came over the com. Mal replied over the shipwide com*

This is the Captain speaking! Launch the assualt now!

*Wash was sitting in the pilot's seat when the screen flashed in front of him reading:


*Wash said to Mal as he tapped the screen*

Sir we got a message from Pain.

*Mal put a hand on the piloit's seat and replied*

What's it say?

*Wash let Mal read the message on the screen.*

This is Pain. I had a small problem gettin' back to the shuttle, hence the reason I'm still onboard the station. I'd be appreciatin' it if'n you'd send some much needed reinforcements. It's kinda hard takin' on a gang of armed goons by one's self.

*Mal read the message and replied*

Alright tell those in the cargo bay that Pain's still on the station and needs help.

*Wash nodded and said over the shipwide com*

Ok listen up people. Pain's still onboard Niska's station and needs some help. So uh yeah give him some help.

In the Cargo Bay

*Jayne snorted and said*

Figures. Probably got himself caught right now and needs us to get him outta trouble.

*Fly gives Jayne a glare. He sees it and replies*

What'd I say?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:28 AM


*wolf cocked his revolvers.*

wolf" lock and load."

*everyone walked out of the cargo bay and into the space station. knowing that they might not come back.*

the summer is hot normally but in england its more like winter!


Thursday, August 24, 2006 12:22 PM


In and instant John had lept across the room, kicked the object out of the man's hand anso hard it shattered against the wall. He started wailing on Blue Sun guy 1 and knocked him out maybe killed he wasn't really concerned with which. He turned to the other and found he had been taken care of by River

"That's my girl"

He turned to Niska he never failed a job he lifted his only gun out of his pocket and pointed it straight at him. Without waiting he pulled the trigger.

but di I kill him up to y'all



Thursday, August 24, 2006 12:39 PM


dont kill him, yet.

the summer is hot normally but in england its more like winter!


Thursday, August 24, 2006 8:08 PM



Originally posted by bigwolf18:
dont kill him, yet.

let Mal do it. Revenge and all...

Niska ducked as the bullet missed him, running for a hidden door.

There was a couple of seconds before Choo said "Evening John, River. Doing okay?"

John just shot him a look as the station was rocked by another explosion.

"Big bang, like a flower," said River, not moving an inch as the station rocked and buckled.

Choo pulled out his hidden comm unit and clicked it on "Mr. Wash, you can tell Dr. Tam that River ios safe and sound, and tell Mal Johns here as well."

"Got it." replied Wash. "And don't forget the shuttle! " shouted Mal.

"What he said, where is it?" Choo enquired

"landing bay 5, above the engine core. No idea if its survived that explosion." John said.

There was a click as wash replied "The others are on their way down to help Pain, you might want to get back to ship before this whole place blows....."

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Thursday, August 24, 2006 8:59 PM


*Pain stepped out of the storage closet, looking at his data pad, waiting for a response when a gunshot sounded and Pain's data pad flew out of his hand. Pain looked up to see two armed goons and swore*

Son of a !

*Pain took his SMG and opened fire just as the two goons opened fire. Pain could feel bullets hitting his armor and one grazing his left arm. Pain kept firing as he ducked behind a doorframe, his SMG running dry as he did so. Pain ejected the empty mag and slapped in a fresh one, not caring about the blood that was coming out of his wound. Pain fired blind through the doorway, smiling as he heard one of the guards scream out in pain. He peeked through the doorway, quickly ducking as the remaing guard opened fire. Pain could hear the sounds of more guards coming in both directions and said to himself*

Today just isn't my gorram day.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, August 25, 2006 8:18 AM


Ertia's hands clench on the yoke of Inara's shuttle as the entire station rocks. JR and Sybil had gone in, and she was once again left to mind the shuttle.

It smells of Inara's incense, rich and sweet. A juxtaposition to the burning violence that is happening outside.

She can hear Sybil over the com, calm and solid as her AK shreds chaos.

"Don't FORGET THE SHUTTLE." Mal, yelling. She knows it's fear, and his own impotence in the face of his injury. If the shuttle John and River took is even still intact it will be a miracle.

Quickly, she pops her own com button, "Wash? Anybody? I'm holding at kitchen dock 3. I'll hold as long as I can..."
Another violent explosion, a raw grinding sound as the shuttle dock ripples with the force. "...Anybody needs a ride in my vicinity, I'm here."

She sets the yoke and checks the dock seal, doing all she can to keep her hands busy, and her mind on the job.


Friday, August 25, 2006 8:52 AM


*Pain felt the station shake and said to himself*

Ok I think I used too much explosives.

*Pain could hear the footsteps of the guards coming closer and looked for a way out. There was only one door in the part of the corridor that Pain was in. Pain sighed and thought to himself*

Please be a way out.

*Pain tried the handle, swore when it didn't budge, then noticed the electronic lock on the wall. Pain raised his pistol and fired three times into the lock. He tried the handle again and was relieved to find that the door finally opened. Pain made his way in, closing the door behind him, just as he could hear the shouts of guards and the banging on the door. Pain muttered something as he took off his belt and used it to secure the door closed. Pain knew it wouldn't hold long as he turned around and surveyed the room. It was a large galley that Pain had managed to stumble into and an empty one at that. Pain made his way through it towards the kitchen, noticing an airlock door to the right. Pain said to himself*

Why the hell does a kitchen need an airlock?

*Pain didn't bother to answer that as he saw the display next to the door. It showed that a ship was docked at the other end. Pain unslung his SMG and hoped that whoever was on that ship didn't mind him taking it. Pain opened the airlock door, closed it behind him and opened the outside airlock door. He immediately recognized the inside of the shuttle as being Inara's. He let out an audible sigh, wincing at the wound on his arm and said*

Babe if'n you're here tell Wash I'm fine.

*Pain collapsed on the bench, tired from the loss of blood.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, August 25, 2006 1:02 PM


"Pain?" Ertia whirled at the familiar voice, nearly overturning one of Inara's tea-urns. "Oh, god, look at you."

He was bleeding. Scents of sulfur and plastique clung to him, and there was a long scrape on his cheek.

"How bad are you hurt, babe?" Ertia was already digging for the rudimentary first aid kit every shuttle was supplied with, but she could tell just by looking that this needed more than a band-aid. "Did you see Sybil and JR? I haven't heard from them since they went in. What about John and River?"

Wash's voice called over the com, "E. According to sensors, you got half a dozen intercept gunners flying in on your right. You need to disengage and get the hell out of there."

Gunners? Of course that hwoon dahn had fighters. And she had... a shuttle. Standard short range, wide orbit shuttle. No guns. No real speed.

Grabbing Pain's face with both hands she dropped a kiss on his lips, trying not to cry again. "Real glad to see you, babe."

Then she slammed the hatch and disengaged from the cargo airlock, before running to the pilots chair. "You might wanna hang on."

The shuttle slammed into reverse, backing out of the cargo-dock. There they were. Not half a dozen, just three... armed alliance fast burns- three times her speed, three times her power.

"Pain? If you're still conscious, I need some help with a plan!" In the meantime, she shoved the nose of the shuttle down hard, diving for the bottom of the station, rolling it through the haze of debris from the explosion, praying that there was nothing big in there for them to hit.


Friday, August 25, 2006 1:03 PM


that's probably the last post before I get back on Sunday. Y'all be good! Have fun killing Niska!


Friday, August 25, 2006 1:35 PM


we'll poke him with a long pointy stick for ya.

we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:42 PM


You know we really could use a new punching bag.

*Pain grimaced as he held on barely. He knew the bullet that hit his arm must've struck an artery, because he continued to lose blood. Pain managed to make his way to the copilot's seat, slumped in it and said to Ertia*

Babe I need you to take off your shirt.

*Ertia gave Pain a look and said in a skocked tone*

Pain I really don't think this is the time to be sexin' each other.

*Pain gave a small grin and said*

As much fun as that'd be right now, I need you to use your shirt to stop the bleedin'. I'll take over the controls while you patch up my wound.

*Ertia was to sure of Pain's ability to control the shuttle but did as he said anyways. She let him take the controls as she took off her shirt and wrapped it tight around his wound. Pain grunted as she did that and said to her as she took the contorls from him*

Thanks babe. Have I told you how hot you are lately and that I love you?

*Ertia smiled and said*

I love you too babe just hang in there. We'll have Simon fix you up good as new babe.

*Pain smiled weakly then said*

That's if'n Niska's goons don't blow us up first. Now give me the wheel babe and lets show these bastards how to fly.

*The adrenaline was pumping in Pain's body as he took control of the shuttle once again. Pain wasn't as good a pilot as Wash was but he was better than average. The proximity alarm sounded as the fast burn shuttles closed in. Pain knew the fast burn shuttles were built for speed but they weren't as manueverable as the shuttle they were in. Pain tested that theory out as he piloted the shuttle around a rather large chunk of debris, missing it by mere inches. The other shuttle wasn't so lucky as it tried the same thing but wound up slamming into the debris. Pain gave a pained chuckle and said to Ertia*

One down two to go.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, August 25, 2006 7:42 PM


"I still don't know why you wanted that sword?" shouted John over the gunfire.

"Could sell it for a few bob. Besides it looks shiny and preatty," shouted back Choo releasing another burst of fire in the direction of the remaining guards.

River sat just by John, very shaken and very nervous "this old man, he played two..."

"reloading." John stated. Choo tried to draw their fire,. taking one down.

"Don't get cocky kid." remarked John as he blew the last two away. "Shuttles just through that door. Where that nice big bloodstain is.."

Walking through cautiously (doing all the crafty Hollywood, scan the area while crouched thin ), and River entered, skipping and twirling, they found Shuttle number 2.

"Lets go. Had enough business for one day." Choo remarked dryly. "oh, and: i'm driving."

"Serenity, this is Shuttle 2, prepare for receive and dock." crackled the radio.

Good to have you back" replied Wash. "EVENTUALLY!! Okay guys, bring her home, our fu-" Wash was cut off as an explosion ripped through most of the station. "Holy...She's breaking apart..."

What Wash didn't see though was Mal, hobbling down the corridor, holding his trusty pistol and look of determination on his face.....

time to poke Niska with a very large stick!?!

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Friday, August 25, 2006 8:27 PM


*Pain was still concious enough to dodge the new debris field that erupted in front of them as they were being chased by the remaining two fast burn shuttles. Ertia said to Pain in a shaken tone*

That was close bao bei. I'd say you used a bit too much explosive but I want that old hun dan dead.

*Pain was about to smile but the proximity alarm went off again. Pain looked at the screen and said to Ertia*

Well I hate to say this but we've got one on our tail who's gaining ground fast, and another coming at us also closing in fast.

*Ertia was very worried now and it showed in her voice when she said*

Wh..what are you g.gonna do Pain?

*Pain's vision blurred a bit but cleared once he blinked his eyes. He smiled and said*

We're goin' to play a game of Chicken and I intend to win.

*Pain pushed the shuttle to it's max as he aimed it straight at the oncoming shuttle, the one behind him following closely. Ertia was too scared to watch and closed her eyes. As she gripped the pilot's chair tighter she thought to herself*

Oh Goddess please let us live. Please let us live.

*The proximity alarm kept blaring as the distance between Pain and the oncoming shuttle shortened by leaps and bounds. Pain wondered what the guy in the oncoming shuttle was thinking, but decided not to persue that thought. Pain let out a breath and said*

Hey buddy I got a suprise for you.

*Pain fired the thrusters and made a hard right just as the guy behind him was almost in spitting range. The man in the shuttle behind Pain watched him execute a hard right turn and was about to follow when his proximity alarm went off. He looked out his windscreen at the fast approaching shuttle in front of him and said*

Son of a.....

*The two fast burn shuttles collided, their explosion adding to the debris field. Pain turned the shuttle around, pointed it in Serenity's direction and said to Ertia*

There. There was my plan. Now get us to Serenity.

*Pain's vision started to blur as he let Ertia take back control of the shuttle. He knew he wasn't far off from going unconcious. Pain let out a breath, grabbed Ertia's arm and said to her*

Tell th..the doc that..that Fly has the..same blood me.

*Pain's grip loosened on Ertia's arm as he went unconcious. Ertia stared at him, tears started to form at the corners of her eyes as she said*

I will baby. I will.

*Ertia clicked on the com and said into it*

Serenity this is Shuttle 1. I have a medical emergency. Pain's lost a lot of blood and needs immediate medical attention.

*Ertia switched on the autopilot and grabbed Pain's hand. She kissed it and said to him as tears started to streak down her cheeks*

Don't you die on me baby please. You just gotta hang in there. We'll be back on Serenity in a little while, so just hold on..for me.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, August 26, 2006 3:51 AM


Wait did we leave Niska in his office If someone took care of that and I missed it disregard this post

As Choo flew back toward Serenity John sat in the back with an unconciouss tied up Niska

"You know I'd kill you myself were there no others who deserve the pleasure" He sat down next to River and waited



Saturday, August 26, 2006 6:11 AM


Found him in the shuttle?

Choo pushed the throttle forward as the shuttle launched out of the bay. Below them the station was slowly disintergrating.

"Yeah, from what i've heard Captain Reynolds will be....happy with having Niska in his hands, but you on the other hand..." CHoo replied.

"What!?!" exclaimed John, "The situation we were having was so wu toh wu now. We've ended it now. The head of the snake has been cut off."

"Still gotta be careful of the body though." River replied "more muscle there. Heads only the thinking part, tinkering over. Like a clock...."

There was a breif pause as everyone pondered the new predicament.

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Saturday, August 26, 2006 8:55 AM


*Wash's voice came over the shuttle's com*

Ertia you're cleared for docking just in time too. That station is breaking up and I don't know how long we can stay here.

*Ertia hit the com and replied*

What in the gorram hell are we still doing here then?

*Wash replied*

We got word from JR and Sybil that they just spotted Mal heading towards Niska's office. They're on their way to intercept. Fly and Jayne aren't back yet either.

*Ertia released the autopilot and swore. She piloted Inara's shuttle onto the docking clamps and powered down the shuttle. She turned to Pain and said to him*

We're home baby we're home.

*She heard the two ship's airlocks seal, opened the hatch and stepped out onto the catwalk and yelled*


*Book heard Ertia's yell for help and hurried up the stairs to help her. Book replied in a calm manner*

How badly is he hurt child?

*Ertia replied, wiping tears from her cheeks*

Bad Shepard very bad.

*The two of them helped Pain out of the copilot's seat and down the stairs to the infirmary where Simon was expecting them. He looked over Pain as Book and Ertia sat Pain into the exam chair and said*

He's lost a lot of blood. If you'd brung him in any later he'd be dead. Do any of you know his blood type?

*Ertia replied to Simon's question*

Pain did say to me that he and Fly had the same blood type. Where is she?

*Book and Simon shrugged as Simon hooked up Pain to various monitors. Simon said to Book*

Book go to the freezer and get me the small bag labeled DCLHb will you.

*Book nodded and walked over to the small freezer in the corner. Ertia looked puzzled and said*

What's DCLHb Simon?

*Simon replied not taking his sight off of Pain*

DCLHb stands for Diaspirin Cross-Linked Hemoglobin.

*Simon looked at Ertia, saw that she had a confused look on her face and said*

It's synthetic blood. The amount in the bag that I have is enough to stabilize Pain long enough until we can get Fly to do a transfusion.

*Book handed Simon the small bag of red fluid and walked over to Ertia, putting a hand on her shoulder. The two of them watched as Simon hooked the bag up to an IV line that was connected to Pain's arm. They could only stand by and hope that Fly would be back soon.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, August 26, 2006 8:25 PM



WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, August 27, 2006 6:08 AM


"impressive..." muttered Choo as he saw the lower part of the station float above the shuttle. A big giant cylinder with one end frayed, bits of twisted and torn metal thrown outwards.

"Looks like they hit 'em bad." Said John as he watched. "Saw something like this a few years back. Reavers hit a giant cargo hauler. Nothing left but shredded metal tube..." Johns voice trailed off a bit. "Better head for home. Looks like theres no more fighters, and the batteries won't last forever."

Choo picked up the radio and said "Wash, this is shuttle two. looks clear from here, no cavalery or anything. Where heading back..."

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Sunday, August 27, 2006 7:50 AM


*Wash replied over the com*

We'll be waiting Shuttle 2. We still have a few wayward babes missing but...

*JR cut in over the com and said, as he and Sybil dragged an unconicious Mal into the cargo bay*

We got the Captain although I had to pistol whip him to get him to come with us. I reckon he won't be too happy 'bout that. Oh and Fly and Jayne are back as well. Jayne even managed to get himself shot...again.

*Wash replied over the com*

Ok good everyone's onboard. We'll be ready to go just as someone closes the cargo bay door.

*Fly helped Jayne make his way through the cargo bay after she hit the button to close the cargo bay door. She was cut up and bruised too but her injuries weren't that bad. When she saw Pain in the infirmary she pushed Jayne away from her, causing him to fall and yell out*


*Fly made her way into the infirmary just as Simon finished patching up Pain's gunshot wound. She noticed Ertia and gave the other woman a hug and said*

What happened to him?

*Simon spoke up*

He was shot in the arm. By the looks of it the bullet struck an artery, causing him to lose quite a bit of blood. I have him on some DCLHb but we need you to do a blood transfusion.

*Fly looked confused and said to Simon as she sat down on the stool next to Pain*

What's DCLHb?

*Ertia spoke up and said*

Simon says it's synthetic blood. He only had enough to stabilize Pain til you got here.

*Fly looked at Ertia as Simon prepped her to do the transfusion, not wincing as Simon begun the procedure. Fly said to Ertia*

Do you know how this happened mei mei?

*Before Ertia could answer Jayne hobbled in and said to Fly in a not too happy manner*

What the ruttin' hell's yer problem Fly?

*Jayne saw Pain in the exam chair and shut up. He turned to Simon and said*

Doc when ya got the time could ya fix up my leg?

*Simon only nodded as he checked Pain's vitals. Jayne turned to Ertia and said*

What the hell happened to Pain?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, August 27, 2006 9:28 AM


"repeat that again shuttle 2." siad Wash

"you heard right Wash," Choo said over the comm "we knocked the kooky Godfather out and brining him i -"

Wash lowered the comm for a moment, vivid memories flooding back. Fighting them back Wash picked up the comm and said: "Roger, over and out."

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Sunday, August 27, 2006 4:07 PM


*Wash switched on the shipwide com and said*

Will every able bodied person please meet in the cargo bay. We uh have a special guest.

*Jayne wondered out loud as Simon patched up his wound*

Special guest? Who in the ruttin' hell did we pick up?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, August 27, 2006 5:43 PM


Ertia took a long last look at Pain, watching Simon work silently. Gently, she pushed Jayne down on the counter. "Elevate that, and here, apply pressure until Simon can see you. Doesn't look too bad. In fact, looked alot worse when I shot you."

Jayne growled at her and she couldn't help but smile at having succesfully rallied his attention.

She touched Fly's shoulder gently, "I'm going to the cargo bay. Stay with him."

In the cargo bay, a crowd had gathered, and she tried to push her way through, "What is it? What are you all..."

There on the cargo bay floor, tied with cargo line and duct tape, sat Adelai Niska, glaring at them in fury and fear.

"He doesn't seem so big and mighty now, does he?" Ertia asked no one in particular. "So what do we do with him now?"


Sunday, August 27, 2006 6:01 PM


*Confident that everyone was onboard and accounted for, Wash disengaged Serenity from the disintegrating space station and piloted the ship away from all of the destruction.*

Meanwhile in the Cargo Bay

*Guy replied*

We could use a new punching bag.

*JR replied*

I could use a target to practice shootin' at.

*Sybil placed a hand on JR's arm and said*

You'll do no such thing. Besides it's the Captain's decision to decide Mr. Niska's fate.

*Mal woke up from being pistol whipped and entered the cargo bay. He headed towards the crowd of people, spotted JR and took out his gun. He aimed it a JR's head, cocked the hammer and said in a not too pleasant tone*

JR you wanna give me a reason why I shouldn't space you right quick for pistol whippin' me?

*JR pointed to the tied up Niska on the ground and said*

There's you're reason Captain.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, August 28, 2006 7:19 AM


*Before Mal could do anything, Wash's voice came over the shipwide com*

Uh folks do we have a destination yet? If not I'd like to get Serenity to Refueling Staion 15 since we're running a tad low on the zoomy stuff. Also if anyone cares I do think we could use some R&R from all the shooting, stabbing, and the exploding.

*Wash wondered to himself*

Does anybody even listen to me or am I just talking to myself?

Where is everyone?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, August 28, 2006 9:26 AM


not sure. Outside perhaps...

"Fine," siad Mal, "get us to 15, then find somewhere friendly."

"My brothers home would be the best option," said John. "Got no hate or anger against your crew. Always a good man."

"It WAS our original destenation." said Wash over the comm, "and the co-ordinates are already pre-set."

Mal thought for a moment. Lot of emotions running through his head. "Do it." he muttered, "And also find a way to dispose of Niska."

"K." said Jayne as he picked up Niska. "er....little help? He's heavier than he looks...." Wolf and Guy helped Jayne lug Niska across the cargo bay.

"Rest of you proberly got jobs to do. Best not keep them waiting..." Said Mal as he exited the Cargo Bay towards the bridge..

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Monday, August 28, 2006 11:23 AM


"Arrival in ten minutes, boss."

"Great. Alright, Pistol, here's the plan. You, me, and Adelaide'll go ahead on shuttle six. I'm leaving Chiko in command."

"What happens when we dock?" the one-armed gunner asks. "How're we goan get the girl outta there."

"We're not."

Pistol didn't look too surprised.

13 sighed. "Chiko'll think of something when he reports back to LaChance. You and Adelaide are going with me just in case something bad happens."

"Huh. How bad do ya suppose it could get?"

13 smiled distantly. "Just be prepared. Now, go get Adelaide."

"Right, boss."


Monday, August 28, 2006 1:29 PM


*Fly looked out the infirmary window and into the cargo bay. She saw Jayne, Guy, and Wolf pick up Niska and carry him off out of her line of sight. She asked Simon, a little woozy from the blood transfusion*

What's Niska doin' onboard our ship?

*Simon replied to Fly's question, just as he could hear the sounds of someone getting beat*

I don't know Fly but all I can say is it can't be good...for Niska.

*Just then the sleeping Mac, the other survivor from the ship that was piloted by JR and Sybil, sat up and said*

Where am I and who the ruttin' hell are you folks?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, August 28, 2006 1:51 PM



Home? What was home? He'd been too many places, too many families to create a home. Zenith, High Charity, Serenity, the Animinaru...Wesley and XIII, Fly and River, Pistol and Chiko...and the many incarnations of himself, the Voice, and the Whisper.

Home or not, Serenity was close enough to see.

"Boss?" Adelaide at the controls. "Wave 'em?"

"Yeah. Ask for Mal."


"All crew to the bridge. Repeat, all crew to the bridge," Wash's voice blared through the shipwide com. "And Mal."

Hell is it now? Got enough problems, Mal thought as he, followed by the crew and a bruised, captive Niska. Although, Mal was pretty happy, all things considered. Got Niska, nobody died, and reasonably stable destination...

"Hello, Mal. Good to see you." 13 smiled ruefully. "Mind letting me on-ship for a little while?"


Monday, August 28, 2006 6:34 PM


"Captain," Ertia stepped forward, pushing between Kaylee and Book, "I am not all sure that's a wise idea."

"I tend to second that notion." Book's voice was full of warning.

Mal glanced back at his crew. He was still hurting, still weak, but this was still his gorram ship. He faced the image of 13 squarely, "Well, Thirteen, can't say rightly as I'm all keen on lettin' you onboard, unless you can give me a mighty compellin' reason why I would do that."

Behind Mal, Zoe nodded.
Behind Zoe, Jayne kicked Niska in the shins. Sadly, the old coot was beyond yelping at this point.


Monday, August 28, 2006 7:52 PM


"HEY! Wait a minute! Thats the guy who left me for dead on Three Hills!!!" Choo suddenly said.

Everyone gave him "your-turning-into-River" looks.

"Sorry. Besides who is this '13'?"

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Monday, August 28, 2006 8:01 PM


*Mac looked around the infirmary, saw the large man in the exam chair and the pretty woman sitting next to him giving a blood transfusion. Mac turned to the doctor and said*

Where's JR and Sybil? What ship am I on?

*Simon said in his calm doctor's voice*

Calm down Mr. Mac. JR and Sybil are on the bridge with the Captain of this ship. You're onboard a Firefly Class Transport named Serenity. Everything's going to be fine.

*Simon made his way cautiously to the com, Mac eyeing his every move. Simon carefully picked up the com and said into it*

Uh I hope I'm not interrupting anything but our other passenger is awake and wanting to see JR and Sybil.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, August 28, 2006 9:19 PM


You folks say anyone can join?


Monday, August 28, 2006 9:20 PM


First post and I've already doubled.



Monday, August 28, 2006 9:31 PM


13's smile faltered for a second at the sight of the bag-carrying man Ertia had shot on Three Hills, but peaked back up almost immediately.

"You must be mistaken," 13 says. "Never seen you before in my life."

"Now, as to a reason...well, I can only really tell you about it in person." His eyes flashed. "Long stories, exciting adventure."

"An explanation?" Fly asks quietly.

"That too," 13 mutters, eyes downcast. "And information. But I'll need to see you in person."

Just then, Simon's bodiless voice interrupted.

"Uh I hope I'm not interrupting anything but our other passenger is awake and wanting to see JR and Sybil."

A woman 13 vaguely recognized immediately left the bridge, accompanied by JR.

"How 'bout it?" 13 grins, eyes flashing again.


Monday, August 28, 2006 9:46 PM



Originally posted by Oath:
You folks say anyone can join?

yeah sure, just find a way to come on board! ANd don't forget the rules. (were in deep scpace at the mo, being threatened by a mad man...again...)Perhaps a stowaway on 13's ship?

Mal looked long and hard at the face on the screen.

"Sure." He said. "Just bring a shuttle over, by yourself and we'll talk."

"I'll be there in five." said 13.

The comm shut off and Mal turned to the rest of his crew and Niska. "Think he's going to shoot me?"

every noded.

"Great." said Mal as he walked out with a huge grin on his face....

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Monday, August 28, 2006 9:58 PM


The door's to 13's shuttle whoosed (wtf?) open, introducing the bot to an unsettling number of guns aimed directly at him.

"Well. That's not the warmest welcome I've recieved,'ll do."

"What are you here for?" Zoe said tersely, hog-pistol pointed at the android's belly.

"A lot of things."

"Best keep a lock on that cryptic stuff, 13, or I'll see to it you're space trash," Mal said through clenched teeth.

13 rolled his eyes, and pushed past the crew to Mal.

"We need to talk." 13's eyes rounded across the crew. "Alone."

"That's where you've got yourself a problem," Zoe and Jayne said in tandem, followed by a strange look.

13 rolled his eyes again. "Fine. Rest of you can listen in, I guess." He turned to Mal. "Galley?"




Monday, August 28, 2006 10:05 PM


"I hear no gun shots. Is that good?" said Choo as he entered the engine room.

"Not sure," said Book. "It either means they've been dis armed by means unkown, or it all went well."

Book finished his job and faced the merchant. "What ever it is, were still not out of the woods yet. Not by a long shot."

Slowly boot steps and clanking could be heard from the stairs as the others made their way up the stairs.

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 12:25 PM


It'd really be nice if someone (JR, Sybil, that lady whose name starts with an E) would ask how long I'll be out of commission (Hopefully I'll be better before we dock at Refueling Station 15) .

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 1:27 PM


"Where's Pain?" 13 asks, settling himself down at the galley table.

"In the infirmary. Took a few shots saving us," Ertia said primly.

"Good for him. Why don't we get started?" 13 says stonily. "Back on Three Hills..."

A Good Long While Later...

...and that's where I've been."

The crew was silent, but the bot could read their emotions easily. Mostly anger. Disappointment. Maybe even hate.

13 sighs, turning to Mal. "They made a mistake, though. Told me to...retrieve River. Take her back to them, and they'd...they'd make me human again."


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 1:55 PM


Oath, we have an unspecified number of crew meandering around the ship. You can always pretend like you were here the whole time.

"So what now?" Mal asked, staring coolly across the table at 13. "You come to take the girl? 'Cause that ain't gonna happen."

"Not for me." River's voice, soft and quiet, came from the kitchen, "Human isn't what you're made of. It's what you feel."

Suddenly, she turned to Mal, "It's not the way you want it. It's the way it is."

With a last nod, she walked out of the galley, leaving the others staring after her.


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 4:05 PM


In the Infirmary

*JR and Sybil were in the infirmary, Sybil was doing her best to calm down Mac and fill him in on what had happened. JR looked at Pain and said to Simon*

So how long'll Pain be out doc?

*Simon looked at the monitors and said*

Well Pain's lost a lot of blood. His vitals are just about stabilized after the transfusion. I say Pain should be up and walking about in a day or two.

*Mac's voice sounded in the infirmary*

What! What do you mean Laci's dead?

*Sybil put a hand on Mac's shoulder and said in a sympathetic tone*

She was killed when our ship took heavy damage. I know how you're feeling Mac I trully do. Me and JR are here if you need some comfort.

*Mac hugged Sybil and started to sob. JR let out a breath and said to the two of them*

I'll be outside if'n y'all need me.

*Sybil gave JR a nod as he stepped out and leaned against the infimary wall.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 8:13 PM


Book stood at the doorway covered in grease and dirt. "Shes right you know son, its not what you are, its what you do. What there asking you too do in a way is Blackmai'."

13 stood his ground and said: "You think they're not going to go through with their side of the job?"

"They've done it before, and they'll do it again." said Simon finally, "There the goverment after all...."

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Wednesday, August 30, 2006 12:15 PM


*Jayne sat at the table, his feet on the table top. Jayne cleared his throat and said*

Hey I gotta idea.

*Everyone turned to look at the mercenary as he continued to say*

Why don't we put some explosives on our boy Niska an' give him over to those hun dans 13's workin' fer. I'm sure Pain's got more of them explosives in his bunk.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, August 31, 2006 6:54 AM



WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?






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