Hey TRISTAN, Do you make that Armor?

UPDATED: Monday, August 28, 2006 02:34
VIEWED: 3102
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Friday, August 25, 2006 8:18 PM


TRISTAN, do you make that armor you posted pictures of yourself? If so, that is AWESOME detail, and I say that as a collector or Swords and Armor.

I usually buy my pieces online, or at auctions, but your work is especially good. Kudos!

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Friday, August 25, 2006 10:18 PM


He pretty much does.

I cannot abide useless people.


Friday, August 25, 2006 10:55 PM



Originally posted by AgentRusco:
He pretty much does.

Awesome.. My "Metal work" is limited to some crappy welding at the best of times ;) I admire people that can pound out armor.. "Wearable" armor in realistic thicknesses is VERY expensive, as are "Actual Swords" from companies like Cold-Steel or Sgt. Blades... I don't buy fake "wall queens"... My Stuff is either usable, or I don't buy it.

The Middle set I have two version of... one original With Shoulder/Arm Spaulders (Wearable, but I don't), and the second set I had made from the same Internet Armory company.

I have a bad back thanks to the Army, and am supposed to wear a clamshell Brace.. but they are hot, itchy and uncool, so I usually don't wear them... so I figured for the times when I HAVE to wear one, why not make it "Cool"?

So once they made the Front and back plates to order, I had the Lumbar/Thorasic support mold shipped to them and they added it into the back-plate. I had them cut the 16Ga metal thickness almost in half since the Brace portion has to be Kevlar impregnated anyway..

I shoot a lot and figured that between the metal and kevlar backing in the brace portion, it'd be good to have on under a shirt at the range (Or wherever) in case of "Accidents" (Not to mention the back support)... I have Body Armor, but I don't like wearing it either... The Made-up Armor will stop a handgun round, but won't stop a rifle round, and I didn't want to add the extra weight (or time/cost/bulk) of ceramic SAPI plates (I have them in my Body Armor, and they are still heavy and cumbersome and everyone can tell when you're wearing it) ... plus Kevlar gets heavy fast, and doesn't handle sweat too well.. they use it as a lining (Front and back) to keep the actual brace shape intact and harder to tear/rip. So it has a double purpose for me, and most people never notice it (Unless they slap you on the back).. it isn't worn with the Arm Spalders Shown, and I had the Curved bottom portion omitted on the specialty Model I had made (It has to fit ON the hips without Chafing, So it's different material).

The Sword Shown is a cold-steel replica of the Hitori Hanzo sword from "Kill Bill", with Sharkskin grips (Wrapped) and gold Inlayed Dragon... and I have several others including an authentic one from WW2 I bought at an estate auction.

Like I said, I collect the finer stuff, and it's EXPENSIVE.. so I HAVE to be humbled by the people that can actually make the stuff.. it's an ART, and ANY real details are almost impossible, and worth every penny of the extra cost. I just can't imagine being able to actually make it, even though I'd love to.

I have a friend that tried to teach me how to make the chain mail, but I don't have the patience for it, I can work on small circuits all day, but after 10 minutes of link crimping, my eyes glaze over ;)

Thanks for the reply! I'm Hoping that I can meet Tristan at Dragon*Con (He's on the BDList of folks going).

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Friday, August 25, 2006 11:02 PM


I wish I could go to D*C. Cos I've a Tristan Browncoat, yo. I've the desire. But I live a hecka fur piece away and am doin' the uni thing...

Hey, by the way your armory enthusiasm frightens me, mate. Course, it is about 3 AM and most things are considered wack at this hour. Carry on. I'll prolly be enthralled at a more godly hour of the day.

I cannot abide useless people.


Friday, August 25, 2006 11:19 PM



Originally posted by AgentRusco:
I wish I could go to D*C. (Snip)

Hey, by the way your armory enthusiasm frightens me, mate. Course, it is about 3 AM and most things are considered wack at this hour. Carry on. I'll prolly be enthralled at a more godly hour of the day.

I wish you could be there too Bro... I have some Swedish And British Friends that were going to try to make it, but couldn't get away with the last minute notice.

My Armory Enthusiasm frightens me too sometimes ;) I like "detailed" machinery, and respect fine crafted Items... I can use a sword, but can't see me ever HAVING to realisticly use one (What are the chances of THAT? Slim to none)... I just like 'em because of the craftsmanship I guess. I have a rifle/Handgun collection too, but I like to shoot and have since I was a kid, but again, it's the finely crafted stuff I like best (That and I have a concealed carry permit, cause people ARE crazy out there)... like my 1800's Black Powder rifles and such.. they did such beautiful handcrafting back then.. detail you just can't find today.

I work mostly at night when businesses are closed and I can access their servers for work/maintenance without having to dodge a million processes that are running during the day.. Bout time for me to hit the rack anyway since I'm done for the "Day" ;)

Maybe you can hit Dragon*Con Next year.

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Saturday, August 26, 2006 3:59 AM


Bad2Verse, sorry, I just found this thread...I've been off the boards for most of a week...please don't think I was ignoring you!

Yes, I make all the armor you see in my pictures. I also agree with you; armor should be wearable. I have been tinkering with armoring since about 1989, but it is just recently that I have had the proper workshop and began turning out decent stuff. I don't weld, though...found out I don't really need to! Mail I have been making for the same amount of time; I'm lucky in that repetitious work does not bother me.
I like the look of that seconf suit of armor. Very shiny!
I look forward to seeing you at DragonCon. Not sure when the wife and I will be wearing the armor, but we'll be kinda hard to miss! Come on up to us...both of us love to show off!



Saturday, August 26, 2006 4:37 AM


Wow, bad2verse, your armour is awesome!
I've seen what is done with college theater,
where they take large yarn and knit with an open weave, and paint it silvery/irony so that it looks like chain mail from the audience,
but of course these breast-plates are much cooler!

thank you for posting them


Saturday, August 26, 2006 10:08 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
Bad2Verse, sorry, I just found this thread...I've been off the boards for most of a week...please don't think I was ignoring you!

Yes, I make all the armor you see in my pictures. I also agree with you; armor should be wearable. I have been tinkering with armoring since about 1989, but it is just recently that I have had the proper workshop and began turning out decent stuff. I don't weld, though...

I didn't think that at all, no worries.

Your time developing the skill shows.. time well spent! I "cheat" when welding anyway and use a Tig/Mig welder, some of my Friends that make Armor and Swords "forge weld" ONLY... We joke back and forth when one of them needs to borrow my shop to weld something on their vehicles or SomeSuch.. I tell 'em they need to Forge Weld that brush Guard on ;)

Again.. seeing work like you produce is humbling.. more so to those of us that know how much work and SKILL actually goes into making it!

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Saturday, August 26, 2006 10:16 AM



Originally posted by embers:
Wow, bad2verse, your armour is awesome!
I've seen what is done with college theater,
where they take large yarn and knit with an open weave, and paint it silvery/irony so that it looks like chain mail from the audience,
but of course these breast-plates are much cooler!

I can't take credit for anything but buying them... I'd love to be able to say "I made 'em", but other than telling the makers some specs, I had no part in that other than transferring some electrons between banks ;)

The middle "Muscle plate" runs about 300 bux delivered (another 60 if you want the stand (Which you kinda have to have).. my Back brace muscle Armor ran about $600, which is highly decent seeing all the mods and extra work they had to do to it because it has to fit "me" perfectly, and they are about a 1000 miles away from me ;)

I can't even take credit for all the swords I have, While I bought quite a few of them, some friends saw that I collected them, and now every Christmas and Birthday, a few more show up.. I have working replica of the Sword Aragorn carried in LOTR (They destroyed all the originals after the movie was done) but I have one that was used for "Publicity shots" from the Conan movies used by "Ah-nold".. you dang near have to BE "Ah-Nold" to lift the Danged thing!"

Just a useless hobby really, but I like 'em ;)

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Saturday, August 26, 2006 10:23 AM


well the only weapon I have is a Slayers' Scythe
I made myself (from paper mache)

that is me on the left as the Guardian


Saturday, August 26, 2006 5:52 PM



Originally posted by embers:
well the only weapon I have is a Slayers' Scythe
I made myself (from paper mache)

That's HIGHLY decent for Paper Mache!!!! Looks like real metal.

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:08 PM



Originally posted by embers:
I've seen what is done with college theater,
where they take large yarn and knit with an open weave, and paint it silvery/irony so that it looks like chain mail from the audience

Never thought of that, I guess it's a fast easy way to make "Chain mail" if it doesn't have to really work, or pass close inspection... As I said, I've tried making chain mail, and it's tedious and hard.

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Sunday, August 27, 2006 3:25 AM



Originally posted by bad2verse:
I can use a sword, but can't see me ever HAVING to realisticly use one (What are the chances of THAT? Slim to none)... I just like 'em because of the craftsmanship I guess.

Unless you punch someone at some fancy shindig...


Originally posted by bad2verse:
Never thought of that, I guess it's a fast easy way to make "Chain mail" if it doesn't have to really work, or pass close inspection... As I said, I've tried making chain mail, and it's tedious and hard.

Talk to Mordacil about that.
May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:20 PM



Originally posted by Tristan:
Yes, I make all the armor you see in my pictures. I also agree with you; armor should be wearable. I have been tinkering with armoring since about 1989, but it is just recently that I have had the proper workshop and began turning out decent stuff. (Snip)

I look forward to seeing you at DragonCon. Not sure when the wife and I will be wearing the armor, but we'll be kinda hard to miss! Come on up to us...both of us love to show off!

You seem to live down here in the SouthEast also, I hope someday you can show me a bit about armor making... I'd LOVE to learn. I like working with my hands, and "Armor" is an area I am particularly interested in

My Next "Focus" is going to be in "Wearable Helms"... Right now, I have my Kevlar Helmet and Body armor from the Military

But I'd LOVE to make/see/buy some medieval Helms.

See ya at the Con... We can Swap addys there if you wish, I have a small home workshop with the basic metal working tools...

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Monday, August 28, 2006 2:34 AM


Bad2Verse, you are right, I live in Alabama. Looking forward to meeting you and exchanging tips!







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