Any more discussions?

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 19:29
VIEWED: 4270
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:59 AM


Will we ever see more of this great show? Maybe a second movie? What more can we the fans do to continue this legacy?!


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:13 AM


We all hope. At the moment though I do not think anything organized is happening. It would be nice to see more organized pushes.

I know in the past there have been great efforts to see more. "Done the Impossible" documents this. I know that the fan base has grown since the movie came out. In fact the fan base growth has to be somewhat exponential by now I would think. As a result I am sure if they decided to make another movie it would be a box office hit ( just my speculation ).

The longer they sit on this show the more fans it will have. Its up to Universal or Fox the capitalize on it and make us all happy.

"If someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill them right back!"


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:32 AM


I watched the movie not even realizing it was based on a show and now for the last week I have watched the entire series. This was such an amazing story line that I would pay to see more.

The only drawback to another movie is the fact they lost some of the characters in the first. Each one contributed so much to the team.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 1:17 PM


simple solution to that. strike it from the history.

they do it in comics all the time, sometimes as drastically as something like Infinite Crisis, or sometimes just saying "ummm... yeah, that never happened" like campy Batman.

I'm pretty sure the movie was made with the mentality that there probably wouldn't be another movie, so kill away.

if they start the show back up, I imagine they'd pick up where they left off, and ignore the movie.

"Do what you want to, but know what you should do"

I think Blarg means yes.... does blarg mean yes?
yes! I'm so good! unless blarg means no. I don't think it does... am i right?


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 4:50 PM


I am hoping for a TV series over a movie. There would be lots more of Firefly to see if it returned to TV. If this fansite isn't proof enough that their are people who want Firefly back I don't know what FOX needs.

Everybody tap your heals together and say,"There's no place like Firefly. There's no place like Firefly."



Wednesday, August 16, 2006 5:04 PM


I have to agree with you Traveler.
As much as I'd love to see another BDM
I'd really love to see the series come back & just watch it unfold before my eyes and in no big rush

I'm clickin' my heels


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 5:38 PM


Actually there is a campaign to contact Universal on September 30th. The idea is that every Browncoat should send an e-mail or a letter (I heard that studios take letters more seriously than e-mails) to them thanking them for making the movie and showing intrest in seeing another. I plan to e-mail them and send a letter.

Universal Pictures
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA 91608
(818) 777-1000

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 5:39 PM


Actually there is a campaign to contact Universal on September 30th. The idea is that every Browncoat should send an e-mail or a letter (I heard that studios take letters more seriously than e-mails) to them thanking them for making the movie and showing intrest in seeing another. I plan to e-mail them and send a letter.

Universal Pictures
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA 91608
(818) 777-1000

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 6:23 PM


I have to agree with you guys. The fan base is growing exponentially. Look at Amazon and you will see the Firefly complete series DVD is in the top 20 everyweek since it came out.

I too am a newbie to the show. I saw the DVD after a friend left one here at work. He told me to check out the series. I watched the first episode and thought "hhmm this is ok" but by the third episode I was salivating for more. I then went on a marathon watched and finished the entire series by the next day. Shortly after, i found this site and joined yesterday. Prior to this series, it didnt bother me too much when a series was cancelled. However, I believe we need several more seasons of Firefly to feel complete :D In one short week I've become a fan and have turned 5 other friends onto the show. It is FOX's mismarketing of this show that is the blame for its demise because the fan base is here and growing!!!


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 6:24 PM


I have to agree with you guys. The fan base is growing exponentially. Look at Amazon and you will see the Firefly complete series DVD is in the top 20 everyweek since it came out.

I too am a newbie to the show. I saw the DVD after a friend left one here at work. He told me to check out the series. I watched the first episode and thought "hhmm this is ok" but by the third episode I was salivating for more. I then went on a marathon watched and finished the entire series by the next day. Shortly after, i found this site and joined yesterday. Prior to this series, it didnt bother me too much when a series was cancelled. However, I believe we need several more seasons of Firefly to feel complete :D In one short week I've become a fan and have turned 5 other friends onto the show. It is FOX's mismarketing of this show that is the blame for its demise because the fan base is here and growing!!!


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 6:26 PM


sorry about the double post but it came back the first time with an error so I thought it didnt make it through.
Just leave few stripes when you beat me.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8:11 PM


S'ok same thing happened to me too. As if you couldn't tell!

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8:37 PM


Your exactly right, start from where the show left off. I agree also that I would rather a TV show instead of another movie. Actually I would prefer whatever. I just learned of this show after seeing the movie. I ran down to my video place and checked out the entire series. I am hooked and I only blame Fox for their premature cancellation of a great show. I don't want reality shows or an old idea rewritten, I want something new and different, and a level of creativity that won't stunt my growth. What a concept, Space and the wild west?! I would pay a weekly fee just to see a well written series like this continue.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 3:23 PM


actually space and the west isn't completely original, firefly just does it really well.

a TV show would simply be superior to a movie because you have more content in the long run, and can do many more things. movies just are really easy publicity because they're in movie theatres.

"Do what you want to, but know what you should do"

I think Blarg means yes.... does blarg mean yes?
yes! I'm so good! unless blarg means no. I don't think it does... am i right?


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 11:31 AM



Originally posted by Whimsicalnbrainpan:
Actually there is a campaign to contact Universal on September 30th. The idea is that every Browncoat should send an e-mail or a letter (I heard that studios take letters more seriously than e-mails) to them thanking them for making the movie and showing intrest in seeing another. I plan to e-mail them and send a letter.

Universal Pictures
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA 91608
(818) 777-1000

This for the MOVIE, Right? There would be a different addy for a "series".. should we hit that angle too? We can't expect the movie makers to talk to the TV execs, and a season 2 of firefly would be great... Anyone have contact info for the series execs? If we're gonna do it, let's go all the way.

Maybe we should be hitting the TV network also.. if we're gonna do this thing, it's just one more addy while we've got the printers and envelopes out.
.. and while we should AVOID all writing the same thing (So it doesn't look like a "Send them this letter" campaign), maybe some example letters would help so it's CLEAR exactly what we want...

They need to be SHORT and get the point across in the FIRST LINE of the letter (Cause that's all that'll probably get read).

The second line should probably be something saying we're WORKING adults, with a disposable income (We have a little extra money to buy stuff we see on TV commercials).. and level of education couldn't hurt if you wanted to throw that in there some where...

We need to get this all on ONE thread so we're coordinated.

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 12:37 PM



Originally posted by agentx1:
I watched the movie not even realizing it was based on a show and now for the last week I have watched the entire series. This was such an amazing story line that I would pay to see more.

The only drawback to another movie is the fact they lost some of the characters in the first. Each one contributed so much to the team.

They have all they need to bring back the characters... They have Cryogenics (River in her box), and River often speaks in "Double meanings".. like "Mal - is bad.... in Latin"

She often speaks in double meaning about the present while also talking about the past AND/OR the future...

She told Simon once something like "I didn't think you'd come for me"... and then later says something like "Just put one in my brain pan.. Squish" (And shows her doing it)..

Maybe she was apologizing to Simon for committing suicide there.. and if so, the Alliance obviously had/has the technology to "Bring her back"..

If they get that technology from the Alliance (Perhaps another raid into the hospitals), then bringing back Wash and Book would be a piece of cake... Neither had "Brain injuries", just body injuries, and lots of people in OUR 'verse are having themselves frozen so that they can be brought back when medical technology advances enough...

The Previous Story line(s) have already set up everything needed to bring them back...

There's several ways they could do it actually.. the above just being ONE of many ways..

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 1:39 PM


Bad2Verse and everyone on this thread.

There is a coordinated effort to do something, we've been doing it all summer. It started with the buying push on June 23rd along with the very successful screenings for charity ( which by the way garnered real press for our BDM as well as doing such good works. It's gone on to a website being developed for guerilla marketing, an Event Team planning said website and a video contest. We've already had one letter writing campaign to SciFi when it showed a marathon at the start of SG-1's new season.

When the vid contest is over we're gonna spread those vids which will essentially be trailers thru out myspace, google, facebook, youtube, etc.
We're gonna go everywhere. Our aim is to make Firefly known to everyone. More people know about it the more folks will fall in love and want it. We need to keep drawing in new fans. Our numbers need to grow.

We also at this time have the BSC ( Browncoat Signal Corps), a news gathering, news spreading organization that at this time is able to carry news throughout the entire 'verse. All the local groups, yahoo groups, and the other forums. You can volunteer for any of these organizations and campaigns I've explained.

Our next big push will likely be another letter writing campaign. Only this time it will be to say thank you to Universal. How is that gonna get the show or movie back you may ask? Well, it won't directly. But if we can truly coordinate this thing right.. truly do it in massive numbers.. Universal will know how many we are. And they will know we're grateful considerate fans... not rabid demanding ones. ( Well, I'm rabid and demanding, but I'm gonna behave. ) And we need to write Universal. Whether or not we're talking about a movie or a tv show. The next incarnation what ever it is will be thru Universal likely. Universal is affiliated with SciFi, USA and NBC.
All the same folks.

I haven't cleared this with 11th Hour, she's head of's team. But I think she will see as I do that the fans are wanting to write.. to put down on paper their thanks and wishes. Although I think we're gonna have to temper our wishes and in place show our sheer size.

We'd have to do this in mighty numbers though.
Large.. larger than ever before. And it would have to be snail mail.. letters on paper, written in our handwriting or typed. Personal.

In other words we'd have to do the impossible!
But we're known for that.

Ask me how to join the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew!

Go here to Boost the Signal!


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 1:53 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
Bad2Verse and everyone on this thread.

There is a coordinated effort to do something, we've been doing it all summer. (Snip)

If you'll give me THE link where it's ALL being coordinated, I'll link to it on our various websites.. they aren't "Fan sites", but the members (Doctors, Lawyers, etc, etc) DO love Firefly/Serenity, and more than one board conversation has been on FF/Serenity... and these folks have PLENTY of disposable income, and a LOT of fancy letters after their names (Which does carry weight with corporations). They are also "known" for DOING, they'll write if they know there's a concerted effort to do so, and on their own letterheads at that.

Thanks for the Info.. I know it's a PITA having to repeat everything for Newbies, I deal with it daily ;)

Is there a Sample letter available so that our point is made (without it looking like a "verbatum Mass letter campaign")?

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 6:45 PM


Same here. Post the link and I will be sure to add it to my websites. Every bit helps.


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 7:29 PM



Originally posted by agentx1:
What more can we the fans do to continue this legacy?!

Make sure everyone you know sees the movie -- if you can't convince them to buy/rent it, buy them the movie as a birthday present or (as a last resort) lend them your copy! Growing the fan base is the most important thing we can do to make it worthwhile for the studio/network to invest in making more Firefly/Serenity.


I don't need a gorram back-spaceship driver!!!






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