LIVE From Dragon*Con

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 19:39
VIEWED: 41201
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Friday, September 1, 2006 4:58 PM




Friday, September 1, 2006 5:04 PM


Sounds like ya'll are have a blast.

Thanks for the update!!

RMMC, who wishes she could be there


Friday, September 1, 2006 6:16 PM


Very SHiny indeed!!! any chance you made any notes of the inside/background info?? We would sure be appreciative of any additional info you might be able to spare...

oh, and have a great time!!!



Friday, September 1, 2006 7:17 PM


bad2verse, thanks and keep it coming.

Didn't happen to be wearing a small
recorder while KRAD was giving away all
the secrets, permaybehaps?

I dream of a photo of a mass of Jayne-hatted

bun on the coast
9/19 Arrrrrrh!
9/20 Happy Birthday, Captain Mal!!
9/30 Happy AnniVersary, BDM!!!


Friday, September 1, 2006 7:30 PM




Friday, September 1, 2006 8:02 PM


Good going as our eyes and ears, bad2verse!
Love the photos.
It's wonderful to have the 'coats so well
represented. Wish I were among 'em, but it
was not to be. (cue pathetic little "snif")

stopping to throw up every few steps :)
Now that's real class. Glad she was wearing
feathers and not a cunning orange hat.

Have you spotted Tristan & Mrs. Tristan?
Or DonCoat? Anybody wearing a screen-name tag?

9/19 Arrrrh!
9/20 Happy Birthday, Captain Mal!!
9/30 Happy Anniversary BDM!!!


Friday, September 1, 2006 8:24 PM


I wanna know about Tristan and Mrs. Tristan too!

And DonCoat.. I didn't even know he was going!

This is very shiny Bad2Verse, very shiny indeed.

Pics live... the wonders of our age.

*sigh* wish I could be there too, Bun

Wanna go to the Not Dragon Con Party.. they have really good margaritas....

Go here to Boost the Signal!

Ask me how to join the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew!


Friday, September 1, 2006 8:25 PM


*waves at Chindi!

Hi, I miss you! I'll be around this weekend if you wanna chat!

Go here to Boost the Signal!

Ask me how to join the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew!


Saturday, September 2, 2006 10:18 AM




Saturday, September 2, 2006 10:30 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

I wanna know about Tristan and Mrs. Tristan too!

And DonCoat.. I didn't even know he was going!


It AINT for the Kiddies!!! Trust me... LOTS of Nekkid people ("nekkid" means "Without clothing and up to something")... You wouldn't BELIEVE the things the porn stars are doing.. Security keeps having to break them up.. everytime you see a bunch of flash bulbs going off and it's ALL men takin the pics, You know what's on the floor in front of the crowd, and what they're doin!

Hopefully I'll catch Tristan and company at the wash wake in a bit... More later.

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Saturday, September 2, 2006 11:00 AM


ZOMG! George Takei!

Sorry, I'm thinkin' I'm the only one who knows his name. But SW trooper stories... yes, yes, fun. *gets happy funness*

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Saturday, September 2, 2006 11:04 AM


Fantastic pictures, B2V, hope you keep them coming!

Does there seem to be more Browncoats than in years past? I've never gone to Dragon*con (other side of the country from me), but I've looked at pictures of the parade and such from other years, and to my untrained eye, it sure looks like more Browncoats this year.


You can't take the sky from me...


Saturday, September 2, 2006 12:03 PM



Originally posted by Fizzix:
ZOMG! George Takei!

Sorry, I'm thinkin' I'm the only one who knows his name.

Not quite. I've been serenaded by him. While standing in line for his autograph.

bad2verse: thanks again for the nice shiny piccys and the reports. Very shiny indeed. Got a friend in another department where I work who's down there. Funny she goes every year and has never once mentioned nekkid peoples.



Saturday, September 2, 2006 3:12 PM




Saturday, September 2, 2006 3:23 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by bad2verse:
We went to hear Wash and River speak, and afterwards went up the wash wake... So I'm standing in line moving forward kinda fast to get into the little room, and slammed right into Wash who was coming out, AND DIDN'T RECOGNIZE HIM at first, He's a BIT shorter then me, and MUCH thinner than he looks on The show... I said "Sorry, Excuse me", and he laughed and said "No Problem, I'm dead anyway".. and THATS when I realized who he was.. then I felt stupid.

That sounds really exciting!



Saturday, September 2, 2006 3:31 PM


Now this just keep s gettin better and better!!! LOVE the stories.. glad you didn't squash that windy leaf a second time!! LOL

Can't WAIT to hear about the cryptic and enticing "HINT" you hinted at.... hmmmmmm

Chindi (waves Hi back to FollowMal)


Saturday, September 2, 2006 4:09 PM


Why can't I be thereee?!!

"We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days,
Through the fire and the flames we carry on"


Saturday, September 2, 2006 4:22 PM


bad2verse, let me express deep appreciation for
your faithful reporting. It would be much too
easy to get so involved in the festivities that
all good intentions about staying in touch with
Those Left Behind (heh) go up in smoke.

I love the photos. What a crowd of shiny
browncoats. Parasols, hats, Mal-hair,

~~~~~~~~~~Alan quote~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"No Problem, I'm dead anyway"..
Awww, don't you just love him? Was he at the
Wake or did he have to stay away?

~~~~~~~~~from Summer~~~~~~~~~~~~~
She said when she found out about "The Box scene"
she went to the Gym EVERY NIGHT for Weeks
because she has just a little bit of a belly)..
No wonder she asked Joss, "Did I look fat?" when
they got her out of the box. Charisma Carpenter
(Cordelia from BtVS) says in a current interview
that when she found out her first appearance in a
new series involved a pool and a bathing suit she
ran straight for the gym. The camera is cruel.

Have good Con!

goin' partyin'


Saturday, September 2, 2006 5:24 PM


Hey, all. Reporting in from the Con. We've been to 2 Q&A's with Alan & Summer. They're both very funny, Alan a little more so, as Summer hates public speaking. Met them both at the Walk of Fame, and they couldn't have been nicer or more gracious. At the panel today, Alan raved about the lanyard we made him. It was a kick to hear it, and see him wearing it.

Our lanyards have been a big hit...far bigger than we had ever imagined. Next year we plan on having a table, and closer to 1000. It's been crazy!

It's crowded, the waits for the elevators are insane, and masses of unwashed nerds are everywhere. We love it here!!!

Odd DragonCon thought: Don't chainmail bikinis chafe and/or pinch?

"I love my Captain."


Saturday, September 2, 2006 5:34 PM


"something they said HINTED at an accidental slip of the tongue about Firefly or Serenity.... But I'm not gonna say what it is until my brain calms down from the over load so I am sure to get it EXACTLY as Wash said it, Cause river cut him a "look" after he said it, and they RUSHED on."

OMG, the suspense is killing us. If they are in the process of trying to get studios to fund things, it's probably best if they don't talk about it. It's just that more Firefly or Serenity gets us soooo excited.

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Saturday, September 2, 2006 5:47 PM



Originally posted by BoomerGoodheart:
Hey, all. Reporting in from the Con. We've been to 2 Q&A's with Alan & Summer. They're both very funny, Alan a little more so, as Summer hates public speaking. Met them both at the Walk of Fame, and they couldn't have been nicer or more gracious. At the panel today, Alan raved about the lanyard we made him. It was a kick to hear it, and see him wearing it.

Our lanyards have been a big hit...far bigger than we had ever imagined. Next year we plan on having a table, and closer to 1000. It's been crazy!

It's crowded, the waits for the elevators are insane, and masses of unwashed nerds are everywhere. We love it here!!!

Odd DragonCon thought: Don't chainmail bikinis chafe and/or pinch?

"I love my Captain."

The Hyatt Elevators are SWAMPPED.. Just tried to get NEAR "The Shindig", aint happening, Line starts at the down escalator, hugs the wall toward the back of the building, goes BEHIND he escalator wall, up the far wall, across the back wall, down the side wall, back across the front wall, and into the Shingdig room.. Wash and/or River must be in there, and they told me that they were only letting 200 more people through.. there was about 400 people in line already... I left.

Wash seems to be much like he is on the Series, Funny and outgoing... and Summer is very shy and self depreciating.. says she doesn't have the acting abilities of "real actors", etc.

At the "discussion" (The one with the Projector screens hanging up in centenial 1-3) Notice Some one asked Wash if he'd read the books (From the writer that was tasked to novelize the scripts).. earlier he said they'd ALL signed on to a 3 movie contract originally... and then later when asked if he'd read the Books, Summer said she'd read one, and Wash asked if he was in them... Then Everyone said "YES!" he said "Oh Good, Maybe I'll be working on them then.. and then Summer cut him "that look" and they rushed on.... made me think about Everyone talking about the Non-Disclosure Agreements They'd all signed so much yesterday at the Miranda trial.

I've seen your Neck Lanyards EVERYWHERE!!! Seems almost Everyone has one (I brought my Own :(

Seems like EVERY princess Leah has the cloth strip down the front and back (From the "Return of the Jedi movie where she's Jaba the Hut's slave), and NONE of them are wearing underware, and it's WINDY.

Did you see the two Porn Women that got busted today for posing in "Sexual Positions" with each other? They got a warning the first time, but later they had put on little dresses and pulled them up and were REALLY acting them out for everyone with Cameras, and they got arrested.

It's been Wild.

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Saturday, September 2, 2006 5:59 PM



Originally posted by FloralBunny:

~~~~~~~~~~Alan quote~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"No Problem, I'm dead anyway"..
Awww, don't you just love him? Was he at the
Wake or did he have to stay away?

He was coming OUT of the Wash Wake As I was in line to go in, He was cutting across the line when I was stepping forward and we ran into each other.

He's MUCH thinner than he looks on The shows, so I didn't recognize him at first.

He's VERY funny.. listening to them today was like Watching them act, he's hilarious... And river Busted on him a few times also (About who was the worst at speaking Chinese, she was jerking her head sideways at him IMMEDIATELY)

A LOT of the stars from various shows are just strolling around, and most people don't recognize them because they are Thinner and/or shorter.

one of the people at my Table said Wash was taller than Mal (Wash LOOKS to be just a little shorter than my 6 feet in person), and you think (Subconsciously) that Mal is taller.

I know Frodo's double is a LITTLE guy!!!! (He was at the table right behind ours at the awards ceremony)

Everyone is bummed that Adam Baldwin canceled at the last second :(

"Ellen Tighe" is really nice.. she was just wandering around in a knitted Shawl when I saw her. She's (again) MUCH slimmer than she looks on the show, and MUCH shorter.

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Saturday, September 2, 2006 6:01 PM


Were they in the Hyatt lobby? There were two chicks down there around 7 or 7:30, "posing" (I'm too lady like to say anything harsher. LOL), and having all the guys take their picture. Hmmmm...funny that not one woman was interested. Heh.

Did you happen to catch the guy that was dressed as Stewie from Family Guy last year? He'd kneel down, and had speakers in the Stewie head where he'd play clips from his IPod. This year, he's been seen as Pirate Stewie! What a riot.

As I said, I can't believe the response we've gotten about our lanyards. Our made stock was depleted by almost 2/3 on THURSDAY NIGHT. The Con had not even started yet! Glad we've got ordering on our website. We'll have to start referring folks there. For you guys not here, Alan's lanyard says "I Was Fired From A Fry Cook Opportunity". He picked the phrase himself, and his will be the only one with that saying we make. Seems only fair.

Two more days to go!! Maybe I'll actually make it into the exhibit hall tomorrow.

"I love my Captain."


Saturday, September 2, 2006 6:09 PM



Originally posted by BoomerGoodheart:
Were they in the Hyatt lobby? There were two chicks down there around 7 or 7:30, "posing" (I'm too lady like to say anything harsher. LOL), and having all the guys take their picture. Hmmmm...funny that not one woman was interested. Heh.

THOSE two.. they were doing it about 4 oclock the first time.. I heard they were doing it again later (Prolly when you saw them at 7:30, Right at the sweeping stair cases?)... but then they got busted later after that.. they'd changed into that "School girl with the short skirts" look.. and had the skirts up back in a corner, with Guys crammed in with Cameras 20 deep.


For you guys not here, Alan's lanyard says "I Was Fired From A Fry Cook Opportunity". He picked the phrase himself, and his will be the only one with that saying we make. Seems only fair.

He was slapping the table with it like it was a whip in the centenial rooms and threatened Summer with it once :) He said "Someone" had given it to him earlier.. I have Video of him taking it off and slapping the table :)

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Saturday, September 2, 2006 6:18 PM


My husband wants to know why he can never find the Porn and/or drunk nekkid chicks. LOL.

Guess luck just swings my way.

"I love my Captain."


Saturday, September 2, 2006 6:34 PM



Originally posted by Chindi:
Now this just keep s gettin better and better!!! LOVE the stories.. glad you didn't squash that windy leaf a second time!! LOL

Can't WAIT to hear about the cryptic and enticing "HINT" you hinted at.... hmmmmmm

Chindi (waves Hi back to FollowMal)

I posted just now.. combining what the writer said yesterday (They know about stuff WAY in advance, but have to act like they don't because of Non-Disclosure-Agreements they ALL have to sign)... and they can't talk or even hint.. So I think what he said (I posted it above) was a genuine slip.

Also yesterday the Writer Said "Book" was either a former operative or a Member of Parliment, Joss Hadn't decided yet which when they were canceled... I overheard him telling another woman that he "Obviously" worked with that they decided they could change something because "Book" (I can never remember his real name unless I hear it, but he used it) might not be available so that the "Operative" could take his place (In the book the operative wears glasses that have data scrolling down the inside of the lenses, but they didn't do it in the movie.... but the "Temp-type" (Or something of the sort, SMALL changes can be made, but no major changes) was set so they couldn't change it in the book because it was too much change for the typesetters since he'd talked about the glasses in so many different places)... Since they're already writing the books, why would he say that unless it was about a MOVIE? (YES! I was evesdropping!!)

Summer and Allan Said today that they couldn't change a WORD of the script when Joss was directing, But that Tim Minier (SP?) let them make changes or improvise)... One of them didn't want Wash Wearing that Moustash in "out of Gas", and he really wanted to wear one, so he called up to the script room and they agreed FINALLY to let him wear it... then he showed up to do the scene and they told him he COULDN'T wear it, and he told the make up guy to to put it on him anyway, and the director was saying HE liked it while the producer was saying he didn't.. but after it was filmed Everyone loved it to make wash look "Younger" (They'd asked them each what they'd do to make themselves look a few years (4?) younger).

MUCH more, but you get the point.

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Saturday, September 2, 2006 6:38 PM



Originally posted by BoomerGoodheart:
My husband wants to know why he can never find the Porn and/or drunk nekkid chicks. LOL.

Guess luck just swings my way.

"I love my Captain."

Tell him to stay away from Giovani'(sp?) Booth then! There's SEVERAL in there where they're selling all the stuff, but they have on clothes (well, not always a LOT of clothes, but most everything is covered ;) I can't believe the women sitting there selling Pictures and videos of themselves in Softcore (and hard core) Porn.

I'm hitting the bed, Gonna TRY to get more than 3 hours of sleep tonight.

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Saturday, September 2, 2006 6:49 PM


Thank you BoomerGoodheart and bad2verse for the wonderful reports. It's sounds awesome.


posted by BoomerGoodheart:
Odd DragonCon thought: Don't chainmail bikinis chafe and/or pinch?

I have had the same question at Pennsic. I'd think more of the pinch but I could be wrong. That and thinking it must be a mite bit cold as well which makes the pinching thing a bit more of an issue.

Glad to hear all our friends there are having a great time and am looking foward to hearing more from ya'll whan ya can.



Saturday, September 2, 2006 7:00 PM


"Wash seems to be much like he is on the Series, Funny and outgoing... and Summer is very shy and self depreciating.. says she doesn't have the acting abilities of "real actors", etc. "

If you get a chance, tell River that she has the most amazing range of an actress I've seen, and can handle the role of an emotionally-challenged young woman with great aplomb and believability.

Capn Mark of the Shiny Apple


Saturday, September 2, 2006 7:25 PM


One additional note before bed (agree with Bad about getting more than a couple o' hours): Just caught the end of the Dawn look alike contest rebroadcast on D*CTV, hosted by Anthony Daniels (C3PO). He is one hi-larious man! I had no idea he was so funny. We'll have to look for him on the walk.

'Night, all. More tomorrow.

"I love my Captain."


Saturday, September 2, 2006 7:52 PM


He was coming OUT of the Wash Wake
Oh, DUH! (slaps forehead) Reading too fast and misread it as wash room. Well, it was a kind of Wash room.

The hugeness of the Shindig as reported is truly amazing. I think the organizers must have been taken by surprise, as it seemed they only got started on it at the last minute and must not have expected such a response. There is a bigger venue available for it next year?

Miscellaneous info follows:

"Book" was played by the wonderful Ron Glass, who loves the part and would not likely be voluntarily unavailable. Hope there isn't a health issue.

"The Operative" (Chiwetel Ejiofor) had data scrolling inside his glasses in a deleted scene. I wonder if that was what the author was talking about, rather than a future project.

But I still like to get my hopes up.

Alan insists he is as tall as Gina, but not as tall as Nathan, who is listed at 6'1''-plus. Our fangirls who've had their photos taken with Nathan say he's quite tall, but Alan not so much.

Sleep fast and have more good con tomorrow. Eat your greens! Take your showers!

Keep those great reports coming, bad and Boomer, and anyone else.

bun, lovin' it...


Saturday, September 2, 2006 9:29 PM


I just love reading these reports.
I guess we're lucky, BAD isn't one of the organizers so he still gets to report.
Or maybe we'd be luckier if he is, we get to see the shindig.
Thanks bad. Amazing work.


Sunday, September 3, 2006 12:22 AM



At the "discussion" (The one with the Projector screens hanging up in centenial 1-3) Notice Some one asked Wash if he'd read the books (From the writer that was tasked to novelize the scripts).. earlier he said they'd ALL signed on to a 3 movie contract originally... and then later when asked if he'd read the Books, Summer said she'd read one, and Wash asked if he was in them... Then Everyone said "YES!" he said "Oh Good, Maybe I'll be working on them then.. and then Summer cut him "that look" and they rushed on.... made me think about Everyone talking about the Non-Disclosure Agreements They'd all signed so much yesterday at the Miranda trial.

Is this possably a hint about new line of Firefly/Serenity novelisations beyond the original scripts?
There has been some hints on other threads that the suits have only been waiting for the DVD sales to reach a certain level before `greenlighting` this and now that Serenity has won both the Hugo and Nebula awards......


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?


Sunday, September 3, 2006 4:37 AM


This is my take on the Shindig: First, my husband and I did manage to get in. The line was unbelievable. It was a smallish room, looked like it could only fit around 300 or so. Half of the room had tables, with games (chinese checkers, etc.) and small bottles of bubble fluid. The other half was crammed with standing people, which I took to be on the dance floor. 2 bartenders this year, which was good. The costume contest had 70 entrants, so the music didn't even start until after 11:30 or so. I'm not sure who the first band was, but the The Bedlam Bards did play after midnight sometime.

A couple of folks into the contest, we decided to take our leave. My head was killing me, hubby's back was about to go out...we're just not as young anymore. It was extremely crowded (the line wasn't any shorter when we left), and we couldn't really see any of the costumes. (I both priase and curse the digital camera age. Never seen so many cameras raised in the air before.) I imagine the thing was going until dawn, or close to. For only having a week to plan, Serenity and her minions did a fantastic job. Wish I would have felt better to enjoy it.

D*C note: While waiting in line, we saw a most unusual sight (heh, one of many). Imagine a guy that's dressed as a stormtrooper from the neck down, and the King from Burger King from the neck up, complete with cape. Most weird.

"I love my Captain."


Sunday, September 3, 2006 4:50 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
...And DonCoat.. I didn't even know he was going!

Um, well, neither did I!

Maybe it's my doppelganger, or I'm doing a bit of OOB travel...

(Actually, I think somebody ASS-U-MEd.)

Edit: having finally read all the way through the thread, I must add -- thanks for the great reports!

I'm pointin' right at it!


Sunday, September 3, 2006 8:28 AM


I can't believe that both Bad2 and I forgot to share this incident:

During the first panel on Friday, Nathan called Alan. He was looking at his phone and said, "Everyone, say hello to Cap'n Tightpants". Needless to say, the place went wild. Alan put him on speaker phone so all of us could listen in. The two of them together are a riot, and Alan says that's pretty much how they always are, shootin' the shit, giving each other grief. It was very exciting, especially for us that have never seen/met Nathan in person.

How did we manage to forget this?!?

"I love my Captain."


Sunday, September 3, 2006 8:31 AM


I almost wanna hang myself for not making it out to Atlanta for this. I cannot beleive how great everyone is making this sound and look... makes me feel like such a tool.


Sunday, September 3, 2006 12:37 PM


OOOH!! These reports are GREAT!!! SHINY!! THANK you all so very much!!!

I think there is some veyr hopeful signs in there.. oversold Shindig, more browncoats then ever, and little slips by Alan.. all very very interesting and hopeful!!

Keep those notes coming.. we are all enjoying being there,,, virtually anyway.

BTW Alan is a bit taller than I am (met him at Flan) so taller than 5'7 but not much. Nathan is indeed 6' plus...

but in my eyes.. they are ALL BDH!!!



Sunday, September 3, 2006 1:14 PM




Sunday, September 3, 2006 1:20 PM


Alan did say that Joss assured him--should there be another movie--that both Wash & Book would be in it. Today, he said something to the effect that they haven't been told "definitely no" on another movie. Hmmmm.....

Oh, and neither he nor Summer knew about winning the Hugo award. It was hi-larious to see them so stupified. Alan said, "Guess I owe Joss a call".

I have some .avi clips that I'll post a link to when I get home. The files are big (around 40MB), the camera is still being figured out, the shots are of the big screen, and you'll have to turn your sound WAY up. Other than that, Speilberg's got nuthin' on our filming skills.

Oh, and Alan keeps wearing our lanyard! It's such a visceral thrill to see....

*Edit* Me & Bad posting the same things at the same weird is that?
"I love my Captain."


Sunday, September 3, 2006 1:30 PM



Originally posted by BoomerGoodheart:
I can't believe that both Bad2 and I forgot to share this incident:

During the first panel on Friday, Nathan called Alan. He was looking at his phone and said, "Everyone, say hello to Cap'n Tightpants". (Snip)

How did we manage to forget this?!?

"I love my Captain."

Did you see him today saying that he'd have to call Joss and tell him, and then said "If I call him he'll never answer my calls again" Whahahahaha...

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Sunday, September 3, 2006 3:21 PM


Please give us the site where we unlucky ones that couldn't go to Dragon con can order the lanyards. I have to wear an id badge at work and can't wait to see your shiny design!!!!

A BIG shout out to all of the Dragon Con reporting. It really makes a difference when you are sitting at home wishing you had sold your car so you could go but knowing you needed your car to go to work. My car is probably older than Serenity but it knows I love it so it keeps on flying.

Happy Holiday Weekend! Elaine

Please! Nobody died last time!


Sunday, September 3, 2006 3:25 PM


DonCoat wrote:
Sunday, September 03, 2006 04:50

Originally posted by FollowMal:
...And DonCoat.. I didn't even know he was going!


Um, well, neither did I!

Maybe it's my doppelganger, or I'm doing a bit of OOB travel...

(Actually, I think somebody ASS-U-MEd.)
Nope, no assumption, just a plain ol' mis-take.
Someone else whom I respect just as much posted
about attending, and I got all corn-fused.
But there remains the potential OOB...might give it a shot my ownself.
See you there?

bun, meditatively


Sunday, September 3, 2006 3:29 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by NotYolanda:
Please give us the site where we unlucky ones that couldn't go to Dragon con can order the lanyards. I have to wear an id badge at work and can't wait to see your shiny design!!!!

A BIG shout out to all of the Dragon Con reporting. It really makes a difference when you are sitting at home wishing you had sold your car so you could go but knowing you needed your car to go to work. My car is probably older than Serenity but it knows I love it so it keeps on flying.

Yes, lanyards, please!

And, I second that shout-out! It's right shiny what y'all are doing for those of us stuck at home, and we sure do appreciate it!



Sunday, September 3, 2006 4:25 PM


Wow, thank you for the response! You can order a lanyard at our website below. There are roughly 150+ sayings that you can order, listed by episode. We accept paypal. We won't be home until Tuesday night sometime, and need a day or two to recup. Any orders will be shipped out no later than next Monday (the 11th).

Thanks! (direct to page)

PS--The Masquerade was painful to watch this year. *sigh* Too much crap, not enough fun. The grand winner overall, though, was a ballerina who dressed as the hippo from Fantasia and danced with a stuffed alligator. That was a cute one, as well as the Stormtrooper Janitors. When I get my DVD, I'll post stills.

"I love my Captain."


Sunday, September 3, 2006 5:08 PM



Originally posted by BoomerGoodheart:
Wow, thank you for the response!

BTW, Just saw that Guy with the storm Trooper Uniform, wearing a Burger King Head (More like a BIG Partial wrap around mask)

Also Saw a storm trooper wearing a Jayne Hat on his storm trooper helmet :) AND saw another storm trooper wearing a Jamaican Hat with dred-locks hanging out of it.

And I don't know WHAT some of these folks are supposed to be... I think they just wait all year to cross-dress or be super freaky... And what's with all the "little school girl with their underwear showing" costumes? Anime or something, but it seems popular (For the ones wearing that much clothing ;)

I keep running into Ellen Tighe from BSG, and Jason from TAPS (Ghost Hunters).. Jason's lost a LOT of weight.. haven't seen Grant much, he lays low in his hotel room I think.

According to "The Daily Dragon" this was Summer's First trip to Ga, and her first Dragon*Con.. She wanted to come because all the other cast kept telling her it was the biggest coolest Con in the world, and she says she LOVES the South.. more than LA. It seems the Cast STILL keeps in close touch with each other, and are all good friends.

For those of you that haven't seen "Done the imposible", It's a MUST SEE... Everyone interviewed tells it like it is, no punches pulled.. and Joss says He begged F*X for the show back, and they gave it back to him to shop it around.. so It sounds like if another channel will pick it up, he could run with it.

It has a HUGE female audience, and it's growing BIGGER by the month, and That's EXACTLY what Hammer of Sci-fi wants to see! I "Assume" someone has put a copy of "Done the impossible" in her hands... if they haven't, it needs to be done, cause there are LOTS of females in it (Prolly more females than males).. seems someone else did their homework on Hammer also.. GOOD JOB!

Also, The South Eastern BorwnCoats have done a GREAT joB here at the Con this year, and have put a LOT of material directly into the hands of AT LEAST Summer and Allan.
..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Sunday, September 3, 2006 5:20 PM



Originally posted by ShinyApple:
If you get a chance, tell River that she has the most amazing range of an actress I've seen, and can handle the role of an emotionally-challenged young woman with great aplomb and believability.

Capn Mark of the Shiny Apple

She says she can Identify with "A broken heart" or "Family problems", but she can't identify with the emotional trauma and abuse (Etc etc) that River went through, so she has never felt up to the part of playing River.

She said She walked around and thought about depressing things a LOT to get into her "Role", because she couldn't just "Step in and out of characters" like the other actors seemed to be able to do.

BTW, Mythbuster's Torey and Cari Were late getting to the Con because the tail section of their Jet caught on fire and they had to make an emergency landing...they SWEAR they didn't do it :)

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Sunday, September 3, 2006 7:02 PM



Originally posted by bad2verse:

No More "Hints" needed.. I have Allan Tudyk ON TAPE saying that he's checked and there WILL be more movies, and that He and Ron Glass (Book) WILL be in them, But he doesn't know How, Or exactly when (he hopes at least one will be a Pre-quale).. When I get home and get the recording cleaned up I'll post it here... but it sounds like there's going to be MORE than one Movie AT LEAST.


My heart is pounding. Thanks for the update on all of the festivities.

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Sunday, September 3, 2006 7:23 PM


I saw the Burger Trooper...he was a big hit, no matter where he went.

Did you see the guy in the Dalak costume? The salt shaker villain of Dr. Who infamy was fantastic! It was a mechanized thing that the guy could ride around in. He had a voice modulator that made whatever he said sound just like one. I have a picture of to figure out how to put it here...

"I love my Captain."


Sunday, September 3, 2006 7:32 PM



Originally posted by VerseExplorer:
My heart is pounding. Thanks for the update on all of the festivities.

Geeez! I got high blood pressure for 2 days now. I should refrain from reading this post.

This is really, really good news.






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