Life Onboard Serenity: Violent Lunatics & Those Who Kill Them

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 20:48
VIEWED: 13373
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Thursday, August 31, 2006 7:37 AM


"I'm gonna check on Pain." Ertia stood up and brushed her hands on her jeans. She was still barefoot, and she felt exhausted. She paused as she passed 13.

"Look, BotBoy, ya got a chance at something here, but it isn't the easy way out. I know you could have killed us all already, and truth be told, I'm still not sure that's not your plan."

She hesitated, going back over her words and making sure she'd gotten the double negatives right. "All I know, is we need a break. We have to gather ourselves up and figure where to go from here."

Ertia paused, looking around the room, studying the faces that were so dear to her. Finally, she stopped, her eyes focused on Malcolm, the one person who had trusted her when the rest of her world went to hell. Her words felt like a betrayal. "Y'all need to know, I'm thinking on leaving."

Then she fled for the Infirmary, before tears could come.


Thursday, August 31, 2006 7:56 AM


The silence was deafening. Nobody knew what to say. Slowly Mal rose from his chair, scrapping noise persing everyone's ears.

"13, your not getting the girl, but if you wanna talk some more, we'll talk when Serenity's on firm ground. dohn-ma?"

13 still looked at where Erita had just gone down the stairs. He watched her body heat run into the infirmary down below. With a grunt he replied "Duhn Ruhn." he turned and faced Mal, "Just don't try any funny business like changing your course, or otherwise you'll force me too act."

And with that, he was gone.

"Wow." said Choo, "You know some REALLY happy folk..."

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Thursday, August 31, 2006 8:29 AM


*JR watched as Ertia made her way down the stairs and into the infirmary. He walked in and placed a hand on her shoulder and said to her*

The doc says he'll be up and runnin' in a day or two E.

*Ertia held one of Pain's hands in hers and said to JR*

I hope so JR I really do.

*JR looked at Sybil and Mac and said*

Hey hon lets show Mac around the ship. Maybe we can talk to the Captain about some sleeping arrangements for him.

*Sybil smiled and said*

Sure thing darling. Come on Mac lets take a tour of the ship.

*Sybil, Mac, and JR left the infirmary, letting Ertia be alone with Pain.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:16 PM


John walked into the engine room closed the door and sunk into his emotions. He promised himself he'd never go back and he did. What's worse is he brought a 17-year-old girl down with him. How could he live with himself.

An idea popped into my head. What if we the BDM happen with us involved. Maybe not now but soon. Tell me what you think



Friday, September 1, 2006 11:03 AM


BUMP!!! I'll let that bounce around in my head a little and wait for the others to think about it. (Depending on when they're not busy)

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, September 2, 2006 6:07 AM


"Refueling Station S.O.L. to Firefly Class, you are cleared to dock and load up in bay 9."

"Thank you Station S.O.L, just need a re-fill." stated Mal over the radio.

"a refill of what? free nothing? We got no coin to pay these people." stated Wash in the co-pilots seat. Jayne gave a grunt of a reply behind Mal. Mal shot both of them a look.

"No, but Niska has," came Wolf as he entered with Choo in tow. In his hand was a small red chip. A money chip.

"Shouldn't you be back in your cage?" Jayne remarked, scowling at the man-machine.

"if he was, we wouldn't be here with the info you need." Choo stated, "I've talked too some old buddies in the core" Mals eyes shot up at this, any talk to the core could arouse suspision.

"PRIVATE line, of course," corrected Choo, "And the sum total of 45 000 credits, legit, has been put into a 'removed' bank account."

Jayne, Wash and Mal eyes lit up at the total. They hadn't made that sort of money since the Ariel job

"All, for the disposal of the crew of the...Happy Trader..."

Certainly gets one problem sorted for a while. Hope everyone's having a great time.

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Saturday, September 2, 2006 9:09 AM


Meh I'd be having a great time if more people were posting. Since we're at the refueling station lets just assume that Pain back to normal and that he and Ertia just had wild, hot sex.

In Pain's Bunk

*Pain smiled at Ertia again. He liked having her body touching his. He ran his hand through her hair as she rested her head on his chest. He said to her, feeling completely refreshed*


*Ertia smiled and said to Pain*

Yes it was bao bei. I'm glad to have you up and runnin' babes.

*Wash's voiced boomed over the com*

Attention fellow travelers. We've just docked at Refueling Station 15 most commonly called Refueling Station S.O.L. For those of us who want to know, we're docked at Airlock 47 located at Level 5.

*Pain smiled as Ertia sat up, admiring her body as usual. Pain said to her, running a hand up and down her back*

Well I suppose we should get dressed. I know that you want to do some shoppin' and I need to send a wave.

*Ertia turned, smiled at Pain, leaned over to kiis him and said*

Oh you know someone onboard the station?

*Pain kissed Ertia again and said*

Just an old friend I ain't seen in awhile. I figure he might have some stuff that I might need.

*Pain and Ertia got out of Pain's bed and got dressed. Ertia wrapped her arms around Pain's waist and said to him as he checked his pistol*

Well you and your friend play nice now. I don't want you coming back with any holes in your body.

*Pain smiled and said as he rifled through his pants pockets and checked how much money he had*

Well I'll try babe but I ain't makin' promises. Here's a hundred Creds, I figure I owe you for ruinin' two of your shirts.

*Ertia took the one hundred Cred note, put it in her pocket, kissed Pain and said*

You didn't have to do that babe but thanks anyways.

*Ertia smiled at Pain as she climbed out of his bunk and left him to make his wave. Pain stuck the cash back in his pocket and walked over to the vidscreen. He punched in the number of the person he knew on the station and waited as the screen came to life. The face of a dreadlocked man came into view and smiled as he saw Pain. The man said to Pain in a Jamaican accent*

Ey ya son ofa beetch! Eye 'aven't seen ya in a long while mon.

*Pain smiled and said*

Hey Reggie long time no see. How've you been?

*Reggie answered back*

Eye've been better mon. Eye's steell doin' the smugglin' mon. What 'bout you mon? Ya steell shootin' folks fer money?

*Pain replied*

Yeah still am. However I'm workin' on a ship now so it's more like bein' a hired gunhand. Enough chit chat now let's get to business. I'm goin' to need some more explosives after I depleted my supply on a recent job of mine.

*Reggie nodded and said*

No problem mon. Eye got what ya need just name a time an' place.

*Pain smiled and said*

Your the man Reggie. Alright meet me at the Spacer's Bar and Grill on Level 8 at 1300. I'm sure you won't have a problem findin' me.

*Reggie chuckled and said*

Eye don't think Eye'll 'ave a problem findin' ya mon. Ya kinda stand out if'n ya know what Eye mean.

*Pain replied*

Yeah so do you. Alright see you later Reggie.

*Pain ended the wave and turned off the vidscreen. He made his way out of his bunk and made his way towards the galley.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, September 2, 2006 6:48 PM


"Step up from where ya were?" a voice called from behind 13 as he headed moodily to his (former) bunk. The cyborg turned to see a half-grinning Jayne.

13 sighed.

"Not like I'm mad or nuthin. Just a little pissed you din't hand us over a cut of whatever it was you were makin'. Remember, ya wouldn't be here now if we hadn't saved your ass so many times."

"You handled yourselves well enough without my help. Got yourselves a crime lord in captivity."

Jayne smiled evilly. "That we do. Better go check on the vulture, huh?" The mercenary sped eagerly away.

13 halted as he opened the bunk's hatch. Was this really where he should be? Brooding in a bunk that he himself had nearly destroyed? Should be amongst friends.

Deciding to head to the galley instead, 13 found that the place, in the aftermath of his


tale, and Ertia's tears, it was bleaker than his room.

because you're going to betray them.

No. But the word sounded weak and lame inside of his head, like a child just before they're beaten by the school bully.

you can't stop it, because it's who you are. the betrayer.

13 screwed his eyes shut and concentrated on something, anything to ignore the voice. Falling heavily to the side of the corridor, the robot slid to the floor, eyes still shut, voices screaming.



13 swallows, and unsteadily rises to his feet. Swallowing again, he manages a surprisingly steady, "Yeah, I think so."

Her eyes bore into him, emotions completely veiled. "You shouldn't be."

13 laughs bitterly to himself at this. Of course he wasn't alright. He could never be alright.

"True," he admitted, not realizing he had spoken.

Fly, who had turned to leave, canted her head over her shoulder. "What?"

13 swallowed again. "I've never been alright. Even...even when I was human. 'Excitable boy,' the other kid's parents called me. I never had parents. Never had a name. Least, not one worth remembering."

"Rough place, where I'm from," he said hollowly. "Got to fight to survive. Sometimes people get killed." He fixed tortured eyes to hers. "Sometimes people start to like it. Can you imagine that? Liking to hurt people, liking to kill people?"

"I killed somebody once. Not in combat, not in self-defense. Cold-blooded murder."

"Stop," Fly said quietly, but went unheard.

"I'd been hired to steal some things from her father's house. She was visiting. I accidentally went to her room instead, and somehow managed not to wake her up."

"In that moment, I became something empty. The only thing going through my head was, 'What would it be like?' What would she be like, once she was completely gone?"


Sunday, September 3, 2006 6:41 AM


"Not going to visit the station?" Simon enquired as he was pulled by River towards the airlock.

"Nah, got sleep to catch up on. Now, go off and have some fun." Choo replied, watching the others disappear into the crowd.

River giggled with a huge grin across her face and replied "Simon doesn't know how to have fun. All work and no play...always too shy or nervous to ask about the birds and the be-"

"HAY!" cut off Simon, but River was gone, into the mingle of the crowd.

"Look at it this way," Choo replied "if you were on the core, you'd be talking about hats. Large pionty, shiny hats..."

And with that Choo headed towards the galley.

Nice to have you back 13 :D But where have the others gone?

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Sunday, September 3, 2006 8:05 AM


I'm here. As for the others: Fly is AWOL (I don't know when she's coming back), JR is busy with his kids, I don't know where Guy or Wolf are at, and Ertia's currently busy doing adminy things over at the other Firefly RPG site that me and her play on.

*Pain made his way from the galley to the cargo bay, munching on a protien bar as he walked down the stairs. He passed Choo and said*

Hey you ain't goin' to the station to sell your wares?

*Choo gave a smile and said*

Nope Mr. Pain I thought I'd catch up on some much needed sleep instead.

*Pain shrugged and said*

To each their own Mr. Choo.

*Pain took another bite of his protein bar and walked down the stairs and into the cargo bay. He smiled as he saw Ertia down there talking to Sybil and calmly walked up behind Ertia, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck. He smiled and said to her*

Have I ever told you how wonderful you are?

*Ertia smiled and said*

Just about every day sweety.

*Sybil smiled at the couple and said to Pain*

Well it's awfully nice to see you up and about Mr. Pain. Me and JR were quite worried about you as was everyone else.

*Pain smiled and replied*

Well I'm just glad to be up and runnin'. Thanks for thinkin' of me.

*Sybil smiled and replied*

Well you're most welcome Mr. Pain. Now if you'll excuse me I must see what JR and Mac are talking about.

*Pain and Ertia smiled as they watched Sybil walk off towards JR and Mac. Pain said to Ertia as he kissed her cheek*

So are you goin' shoppin' alone or are you goin' with someone?

*Ertia turned around in Pain's arms, stood on her tippy toes to kiss him, and said*

I'm just waiting for Fly babes. I thought me and her could do some shopping and talk about girl things.

*Pain ran a hand through Ertia's hair, smiled and said*

Hmmm sounds like you two will be havin' lts of fun then. If you two get hungry I'll be in the Spacer's Bar and Grill on Level 8 meetin' with my friend.

*Ertia pulled herself closer to Pain, rubbing up against him. She smiled as he bit his lower lip and said to him*

That sounds like a plan.

*Pain smiled, leaned down and started kissing Ertia.*


*Sybil walked over to JR, pausing as Guy and Wolf walked past her. Sybil politely bowed then made her way to JR and Mac. She could tell by each of their faces that something wasn't right. With a concerned look on her face Sybil said to JR*

What's wrong dear?

*Mac took that opportunity to say*

Sybil as much as this hurts me to say it, I'm leaving.


WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, September 3, 2006 8:30 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:

That and its kind of..empty...Was it something we said? Or have the reavers got your tongue...BTW: Pain you run ANOTHER RPG site as well. Cool

Choo prepared some tea (the earl grey stuff, not the green, no milk stuff :p) and looking to make sure no one was in earshot, he pulled out a small cortex device. Pressing a couple of buttons he raised it too his ear.

"Yep, just me....yep this is secure. No one around...still making a tidy sum. You?...Thats good. Just thought you should let the 'Family' know that little Jimmy is doing fine. Apart from a few scratches that is..."

Choo took a gulp of tea as the other end replied.

"Yep, he's safe and sound, although came far, far too idea. none at all...lets hope it doesn't come soon enough. Cheers. Bye Bye."

Signing off Choo slipped the device in his pocket, picked up his drink, and went to his cabin....

*under FRIKKING repair*...


Sunday, September 3, 2006 11:43 AM



Originally posted by Choo1701:
BTW: Pain you run ANOTHER RPG site as well. Cool

Actually I'm only a member on the site. Ertia is one of the Administrators on it (along with two other people from who used to play on L.O.S.). On that site I play a pilot of a med ship by the name of Daniel Roberts (the pilot's name is Daniel Roberts not the ship's). He has piloting skills like Wash but looks like Burt Reynolds. Oh and the site is just in case you want to check it out.

*Sybil was shocked and said to Mac*

Leaving? Wh..why are you leaving Mac?

*Mac let out a sigh and said to Sybil*

I don't belong on this ship Syb. I feel like I don't belong here.

*Mac looked in Sybil's eyes, knew she was upset, and placed a hand on her shoulder while he continued to speak*

Believe me Sybil I'd like to stay here with you and JR, but I don't fit in with the rest of the crew. Now I'm not leaving right away, I figure I'll peruse the station looking for a job that'll pay good and then I'll come back here, pack what little stuff I have, and say my goodbyes.

*Mac gave Sybil a smile and hugged her. He looked at JR and said*

Don't worry I'll wave you guys on a regular basis or when I can get some free time.

*JR strolled over to Sybil, gave her a smile and said*

It'll be ok hon. Mac can take care of himself, you know that. Now why don't the three of us go walkin' around this big mass of rotatin' metal and soak in the sights?

*Sybil let go of Mac, turned to JR, sniffled, smiled and said*

That sounds most excellent sweety.

*Pain had watched JR, Sybil, and Mac's conversation and said to Ertia*

Well I don't know what they're talkin' about, but I gotta go meet my friend. You and Fly go and have some fun.

*Ertia smiled at Pain and said*

Oh we will babe just as soon as she gets her pigu in the cargo bay.

*Pain smiled back, gave Ertia a kiss and said*

I reckon you two will bao bei. Alright I gotta go or I'll be late. I love you bao bei.

*Ertia smiled and said to Pain*

I love you too. Be careful now.

*Pain smiled and replied*

I'll try.

*At that Pain left Serenity's cargo bay, Ertia smiling at him until he walked around a corner. She then walked over to a crate sat down and said to herself*

Now what in the hell is keeping Fly?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, September 3, 2006 4:16 PM


Balls. My post got cut in half. Ah, I'll let you fill in the blanks.

"So, Fly. Am I a killer now?"


Sunday, September 3, 2006 5:20 PM


*Ertia sighed and stormed up the stairs to the galley. When she rounded the corner she saw Fly and 13. Ertia set her sight on Fly and said to the woman*

There you are! Come on you're going shopping with me.

*Ertia gave 13 a look as she pulled Fly away and made the other woman follow her down the stairs and into the cargo bay. Fly said to Ertia nearly tripping and falling down the stairs*

Ertia slow down mei mei.

*Ertia did and said to Fly*

Sorry Fly but it looked like you needed saving.

*Fly gave the younger woman a smile and said*

You have no idea.


*Pain made his way through the crowds of people and towards the nearest lift. The sounds of the station filled the air. There was vendors pitching their wares, ladies of virtue calling out to all the men, and various conversations going on. Pain stepped into one of the least crowded lifts, his right hand resting on his pistol as his other hand hit the button for Level 8. As the doors closed he could smell those around him. There was some pleasing scents and some not so pleasant. As the lift dinged and the doors opened, Pain stepped out into Level 8 and made his way to the Spacer's Bar and Grill. On his way he passed a couple of men playing one of the many illegal card games that went on. He paid it no attention as he made his way across the promenade, towards the eatery where he was to meet his friend. Pain walked through the open double hatch and scanned the place for a good vantage point. He found an empty table in the corner of the room and took the seat that let him see who came through the door. One of the bar maids walked over, smiled and said*

Ni hao sir. What can I get you?

*Pain smiled back and said*

I'll your biggest pitcher of beer.

*The bar maid reluctantly said to Pain*

Yes sir.

*The bar maid was certainly cute, there was no doubt about that. She bent down in front of Pain, exposing some of her cleavage to him, and said in a seductive tone*

Is there anythin' else you want sir?

*Pain glanced at the bar maid's cleavage, then looked her in the eyes and said*

Nope just booze thanks.

*Disappointed the bar maid replied*

Very well sir one large pitcher of beer comin' up.

*Pain watched as the bar maid walked off towards the bar then turned his attention to the entrance, patiently waiting for his friend.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, September 3, 2006 6:48 PM


It keeps cutting off my bleedin' posts! Stupid new modem...

13 stared at the space Fly had recently been occupying, eyes blank. Ertia had showed up with good timing. The cyborg, for all his questions, did not want to know the answer to that last one he'd asked.

13 sighed heavily, wearily heading to the cargo bay. Best make use of this little shopping trip while he could. It'd be a while before he was off-ship again.

you looked like you needed saving

you have no idea

What did that mean, exactly? Was she afraid of him? Did she think he'd go Terminator again?

Good, 13 thought as he waded through the station. That fear'll make it easier.


Sunday, September 3, 2006 8:26 PM


*The bar maid had just served Pain his pitcher of beer when Reggie came in. He was dressed in olive drab cargo pants, black boots, a black shirt, and an olive drab military style jacket. Strapped in a leg holster on his right leg was a very menacing revolver styled after a Smith & Wesson Model 500. Hidden underneath his jacket was a Uzi type SMG. Reggie spotted Pain and the pitcher of beer and said out loud*

Ey Pain don't ya be gettin' drunk without me mon.

*Pain chuckled, got up from his seat, extended a hand in a friendly greeting, and said*

Hey Reggie you dreadlocked hun dan good to see you in the flesh my man.

*Reggie replied after the two of them shook hands and gave each other a friendly man hug*

Same 'ere mon.

*Reggie spotted one of the bar maids and said*

'Ey Meess! Can ya breeng me a glass please?

*The bar maid obliged as the two men sat down at the table. Pain waited til after the bar maid handed Reggie a glass, then said to him in a hushed tone*

So did you bring the explosives?

*Reggie replied in a hushed tone*

Yaw mon Eye deed, but Eye only brought one with me. The rest ees on the sheep mon.

*Reggie motioned for Pain to look down at his leg which he did. In Reggie's hand was a small brick of explosive about half the dimensions of a brick. Pain nodded and whispered*

Good good. Of course you know I don't have all of the money for that stuff. So I figure I'll owe you a favor.

*Pain looked at Reggie and continued*

A big favor.

*Reggie gave a low chuckle and said*

Yaw no doubt ya weel mon. 'Ow's 'bout we dreenk thees beer now?

*Pain smiled as Reggie stuck the explosive in a pocket and poured both men a good quantity of beer. Pain raised his glass as did Reggie and said*


*Reggie replied*

Cheers mon.

*The two men clinked their glasses and started to drink their beer.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, September 4, 2006 10:29 AM


i'd like to applaude Pain for doing a VERY convincing Jamaican accent

*under FRIKKING repair*...

yeah, i know!


Monday, September 4, 2006 1:46 PM


*Takes a bow* Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here til after I post this. Then I'll be taking a nap. After that maybe I'll post something.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, September 4, 2006 3:57 PM


*The bar maid brought the two men another pitcher of beer. Pain thanked the bar maid and said to Reggie*

So you still flyin' in that piece of go se you call a ship?

*Reggie poured himself another glass of beer and said*

Ey the Falcon might be junk but she'll get ya to where ya wanna go mon.

*Pain poured himself some more beer, took a healthy swig and said*

Uh huh I remember it blowin' a press regulator that left you driftin' for three days.

*Reggie drank some beer and said*

Yaw Eye remeember that like eet was yesteerday. Can we not breeng that up again?

*Pain gave a chuckle, downed some more beer, and said*

Yeah sure Reggie.


*Ertia and Fly walked into one of the more larger shops. The two of them looked at all the things on display. A smile appeared on both women's faces as Fly said*

Looks like we'll be here for awhile.

*Ertia just nodded as she led Fly into the store.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 9:36 AM


"You know what," said Mal over his shoulder as Zoe, Wash and Mal walked through the station "its good to get off the ship for a while. Strech our legs...and stuff like that...What do you think Zoe....Zoe?"

Mal turned around to see Zoe and Wash staring at something. Across the expansive marketplace stood River window shopping while Kaylee and Simon did the whole 'nervous couple' chatting thing.

"10 bucks he says something stupid in the next two minutes." chirped Wash.

Zoe gave Wash an evil look "Dear, we really shouldn't be taking advantage of poor doc's positi-"

"25," shot back Mal.

"Deal." smirked Wash.

Zoe gave him a concurned look. "What, just me and the captain having a friendly banter. Bewsides Kaylee needs something, or someone to take her mind off this ugly Wolf business. From what i've heard the pair were hitting it off..."

"Then he tried to kill us all." Mal replied dryly. The group paused for a nervous moment.

"Think we better get some supplies sorted," Zoe said. "Were never sure of whats around the corner..."

As the three of them walked off, not one noticed Wolf standing on a balcony above. No emotions showing on his face. After a while he turned away, leaving a slightly crushed hand rail behind...

*under FRIKKING repair*...

yeah, i know!


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 12:19 PM


"Well, this is nice." 13 sighed as he came behind Simon and Kaylee. "Why don't we bring all the fugitives to the Alliance monitored space station? The brigs are actually quite nice..."

"Weren't you working for them?" Simon said almost absently. "Or was it privateering with Blue Sun?"

13 shrugged. "Man has to eat. I did what I had to."

"You don't have to eat. And besides, could've stayed on-ship."

13 shrugged again, putting on his jovial face. "So, what exactly are we shopping for?"

"You can't do that." River said. "Leave us for thirty pieces, and expect forgiveness."

"You don't understand, River."

"Can't beat 'em, join 'em? I understand."

"I couldn't keep running from them. If I hadn't helped them, I wouldn't be able to help you. On the inside, I could make sure that they'd never find you."

The fact that that was a lie passed through all four of their minds.

River shook her head. "You knew you could stop them if they came for me. You were just afraid of being locked away. You've killed for us, died for us. But you can't stand the cell."

"Because death is final. You have no idea how many times I wished I was-"

"I do." She gave him a secretive smile. "All that pain. Not all of it yours."


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 12:42 PM


Where did I go!?!

John stood behind the crowd silent he watched them cary on there conversations and go about there business. Sometimes he wished he was a bit more noticable



Tuesday, September 5, 2006 12:54 PM


meanwhile, back at 'Versal Shoes', Ertia is in seventh heaven.

"Godess, Fly! I've been running around the gorram ship barefoot for so long I'd forgotten what shoes feel like!" She pulls on a pair of canvas, ankle high running shoes, and then pulls them off again.

Around her, detritus of empty boxes, single-laced shoes and boots, and that silly tissue paper that even 500 years in the future moron shoe companies insist on stuffing their wares with is piling up.

Fly is standing in front of the mirror, one dark green canvas and leather commando boot on her left foot and an all black leather jump-boot on the other. "What do you think? I can't decide."

Ertia shrugs, tugging on a pair of pink sneakers with the Fruity Oaty Octopus on the tongue, "Take 'em both, babe! Dr. April Chee's account can handle the load."

"Thought you had to give up that account when Pain's uncle blew the ship?"

Ertia shrugs, "Nope. R&R just listed her as missing in action. Never even checked her accounts." She gives Fly a wink, "I have a funny feeling she's still out there somewhere."

"So what about Ertia?" Fly asks with a grin, boxing both pairs of boots and reaching for a lacy-strapped pair of black heeled dress-sandals.

"Ertia died. I've still gotta figure out what to do about that one." Ertia collected her own selections; black combat boots, dark blue running shoes, white canvas flats, and a pair of grey, low heeled dress shoes. She points to the Fruity-Oaty sneakers on her feet, "I'll wear these out."

Glancing up as she hands Dr. Chee's credit info to the clerk someone outside catches her eye. "Hey! Is that River? Let's catch up to her and see if she wants to hit Sun Fashion with us."


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 1:21 PM


*Pain finished off the fifth pitcher of beer and said to Reggie*

Shouldn't we go and get those explosives now?

*Reggie replied after finishing his glass*

Yaw mon Eye think we should. Ya drunk yet Pain?

*Pain let out a rather loud belch and said*

Nope cause I can still see straight.

*Reggie gave a chuckle and the two men got up from the table. Pain ushered a bar maid over and gave her some credits. The two men then half staggered their way out of the bar and made their way to the lift. Pain said to Reggie as they stepped in*

So uh where's your ship at?

*Reggie pressed a button and said*

Eet's on Level 4 at Airlock 2.

*Pain replied*

Ain't that on the otherside of the station?

*Reggie hiccuped and replied*

Yaw mon eet ees.

*Pain thought to himself as the lift stopped on Level 4 and they got out*

Well this should be entertainin'.

*The two men half stumbled away from the lift, knocking into a few of the station's patrons as they made their way to the Falcon.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 3:13 PM


Hey! It's that Ertia girl!


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 3:16 PM


Hey! It's that Ertia girl! And Pain, you think it's wise to mess around with explosives while drunk?

Leaving the little confrontation, 13 stopped short before a certain store.

Hsu's Classic Guitar

At the sight of the instruments, memories flooded back to 13. That was what he was going to do. Music.



Tuesday, September 5, 2006 3:32 PM


HAH! Thought you got rid of me, did you?!
Why do I think Pain & Reggie are about to cause trouble of the kind that means runnin' for our lives again? ;)

"River!" Ertia caught up to girl, and followed her gaze back. 13 was standing in front of a music store, gazing through the doors.

"Lost." River whispered quietly. "He's lost. Thinks we can't see it."

"He'll find his way back, River, if he wants to. But you can't make someone come back if they want to be gone." Ertia knows her own words. She's been lost too often in her lifetime.

"I'm gonna check on him." Fly hands over her purchases for Ertia to add to the cargo-cart they've picked up. "Meet y'all back at the ship."

Ertia watches her go, and then looks over at River, "Want to shop? Or should we go find your brother and make fun of him?"

River rolls her eyes, "Simon doesn't need our help. I want a new dress. New clothes to fit a new River."

Ertia cocks her head, "A new River? What happened to the old one?"

"She's flowing away." And surprisingly, the gaze that River turns to her is clear, not muddled by shadows of the past. "She still floods, but not as much."

"Well, then, let's get shopping!" Ertia gives River a grin, "We'll see if we can't find a present for Kaylee while we're at it."

"You ladies care for some company?" Book's voice comes over her shoulder and Ertia gives the pastor a grin.

"We're frippery and girly-thing shopping, Shepherd. If it's your cup of tea, you're welcome along."

Book smiles enigmatically, "Actually, I was hoping to use it as an excuse to talk to you."

"Then by all means." Ertia ducks into a nearby shop, and pulls up a blue cotton dress with a long skirt. "What do you think of this one?"


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 4:38 PM


Who are you again? Now why does everyone think that Pain + Booze + Explosives = Oh God something bad's going to happen?

*The two men made it into the cargo bay of the Falcon. It was a mid bulk transport ship like Serenity but it had a sleekness about it. It was beat up and in need of some repairs, but it was fast and was capable of exceptional handling, when the pilot wasn't drunk which was most of the time. Reggie directed Pain to the far left corner of the Falcon's cargo bay and said to him*

Under thees tarp ees two boxes of 'igh exploseeves. Very eleegal mon but of course ya knew that.

*Pain gave a smile and said*

Yeah I kind of figured that out. So how much?

*Reggie replied*

Eet'll be one thousand fer each box mon.

*Pain took out the wad of cash in his pocket, counted it and said*

I only got a one hundred and eighty on me. Like I told you earlier I'll owe you a big favor.

*Reggie took the money and said*

No sheet mon. Eye'll be callin' on that favor someday soon mon.

*Pain replied as he took the two boxes in his arms, careful to keep them wrapped in the tarp*

Yeah I know. So you want to walk with me to my ship, unload this stuff and head back to the Spacer's Bar and Grill?

*Reggie shrugged and said*

Yaw what the 'ell mon. Eye'm not even drunk yet.

*Pain chuckled, readjusted the weight of the boxes, and the two men left for Serenity.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 5:23 PM


That's Commander Chee, to you, buddie.

Ertia stood by the dressing room door, passing clothes over the top to River, who tried them on, passed them back, asked for different sizes and colors. "What did you need to talk to me about, Shepherd?"

"What you said earlier, about leaving." Book somehow managed to look completely at home surrounded by racks of womens clothing.

"Is there a green t-shirt like this one out there?" River's voice drifted over the door and Ertia dug one up.

"I meant it, Shepherd. I'm tired of life on the run. And Pain and I... We're thinking of settling down."

"Settling down." Book repeats, but his skepticism is plain. "Ertia, you came back to Serenity before. Do you remember why?"

"They're my family." She sighed as she took the skirt that River passed through the door and hung it back up. "But Shepherd, I'm losing more and more every day I stay on that ship! ThreeDeep used to be my best contact, and now he won't even answer me. He keeps rerouting my calls to a beagle porn site. Every time I turn around, we're killing someone or someone is killing us!"

"Blue one, please!" River called over the door, and Ertia switched dresses.

"Shepherd, we take folks in and they turn on us, stab us in the back and expect us to smile and welcome them back." Ertia shook her head.

"I have just one question I think you should ponder a while." Shepherd said slowly. When Ertia met his eyes, he frowned at her, "Is it really a family if you walk away just when they need you the most?"

Before she can answer, he walks away, leaving her looking after him.

"THERE you are!" Simon and Kaylee rushing into the shop, "Have you seen River?"

"DARKER blue, and maybe a white skirt!" Rivers voice calls over the door. Ertia shrugs and hands over another dress.


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 8:02 PM



Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
Where did I go!?!

John stood behind the crowd silent he watched them cary on there conversations and go about there business. Sometimes he wished he was a bit more noticable


"You alright there?" Choo asked asked as he appproached john, "seem kind of alone..."

"huh, um, well, sorry, just thinking." John replied. "Thinking about what happens next....Wait a minute, i thought you were supposed to be on ship?"

"I was, but You-Know-Who kept me awake from all his scratching. Really ruined the decor in his cell. I just gave him a shot before i left."

"ah. right. course."

"So what are the others up to?" enquired Choo.

"Not sure, been on my own all this time. Havn't got the urge to go waving what little cash i have around. But i did see Erita go along that way with River and the Shepard in tow." John said.

"I wish Shepard Book luck and long life if he gets out of there alive!"

John gave a snort and a small laugh, "Wanna go grab a coffee?"

"Got nothing better to do." Choo said, as they started walking over Choo asked: "Think the shepard will look nice in pigtails and ribbons?"

*under FRIKKING repair*...

yeah, i know!


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 8:06 PM


*Pain and Reggie had managed to make it to Level 5, Pain nearly stumbling over a child as they headed for Serenity. Pain swore under his breath as they made it to Serenity's cargo bay. Pain saw Guy sitting on a crate doing nothing and said*

Hey Guy how come you ain't walkin' around the station?

*Guy shrugged and said*

Someone's gotta keep an eye on Jayne. Who's he?

*Pain said as he walked over to one of the hidey holes and got down on his knees*

This is my old friend Reggie. Reggie that's Guy.

*Reggie said to Guy*

Ey mon 'ow're ya doin'?

*Guy replied*

I'm good and you?

*Reggie replied as Pain opened the hidden compartment and put the boxes in it*

Eye'm doin' good as well mon. Ey Pain ya done there?

*Pain closed the panel and said as he got up*

Yeah Reggie I am.

*Pain turned to Guy and said*

If'n anyone needs me, tell them I'm at the Spacer's Bar and Grill on Level 8 dong ma?

*Guy nodded and said*

Yeah no problem Pain.

*At that Pain and Reggie left Serenity and headed for the nearest lift. Pain said to Reggie as they entered the lift*

So uh you do have money for drinks right?

*Reggie turned to Pain and said as the lift doors closed*

Yaw mon Eye do now.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 6:32 AM


i hate beeing back at school, ive just come off six week summer holiday.

*wolf wandered back to the ship and layed down in the bridge. wondering if he should never have come back.*

we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 8:11 AM


i know how you feel, i'm back next week

Mal looked out of the Promenade Window at his boat. God did it look bashed up.

"Some major repair work on the paneling, strengthering of a couple of beams here and there, re-attaching a couple of pipes, oh and getting the jaquizzi fixed." Wash said.

"We don't have a jaquizzi!" Mal remarked sternly, "and were not getting one."

"But the kinky f- OW!" Wash reacted to the foot stomping his wife had given him.

"Still Flyin' sir." Zoe said as Wash hissed and cursed behind her.

After a pause Mal smiled and replied: " I know Zoe. I know..."


putting down his tea Choo asked John: "So this Brother of yours. What does he so that he remains a secret?

*under FRIKKING repair*...

yeah, i know!


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 12:43 PM


"You play?" Fly asked, appearing beside him.

"A little. Long time ago." He sighed deeply. "Wasn't that good, anyway."

"How are you?" Fly said awkwardly. "Alright?"

"I think we've covered the subject of 'alright' just enough for one day. Thanks for asking, though."

He turned to face her, painful halfsmile on his face.

"What happens now that you know about what I've done? We keep it between us, or-"

"I think what we don't do is tell the cap'n. He's come near enough to spacin' you without...yeah."

13 nodded distantly, eyes roving the crowds.


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 4:47 PM


Meanwhile in the Spacer's Bar and Grill

*Pain and Reggie sat down at the bar. The buzz from the earlier beers had started to wear off. Pain said to the bartender*

Give us two double shots of whiskey.

*The gruff bartender replied*

Comin' right up.

*Pain said to Reggie as they waited for their drinks*

I sure hope my girl remembers I'm here.

*Reggie raised an eyebrow and said*

Ya steel with Fly Pain?

*Pain smiled and said*

Nope me and Fly broke up four years ago. We're still friends though.

*Reggie shook his head and said*

That's a damn shame mon. So ees this new woman cute and does she 'ave a seester?

*Pain chuckled and said*

She's very cute Reggie very cute. I don't know if she does have a sister though, but I do hope she comes here so's that I can introduce her to you.

*The bartender brought Pain and Reggie their drinks as Reggie said to Pain*

Eye hope she does mon. Eye'd like to see the new woman in yer life mon.

*Pain smiled, grabbed his glass as Reggie grabbed his, and said as they clinked glasses*

I'm sure she'll be delighted to meet you too Reggie.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, September 7, 2006 9:50 AM


Ertia entered the bar, her eyes scanning the room for Pain, River at her side. The girl was dressed in her new clothes, blue-jeans slung low on her hips, a yellow tank-top set off by a creamy blue overshirt. Ertia had to admit that River looked more... with-it...than she had ever seen her.

Catching Pain's eye, she waved and dragged River to the table, bending to give Pain a quick kiss. "Gods, I haven't been in here in ages! Do they still have those fried stuffed mushroom thingees? River? You hungry?"

River had seated herself next to Pain and was looking across the table at Reggie. "Can I have a whiskey?"

"Simon would kill me, Hippocratic Oath notwithstanding." Ertia grinned and called to the counter, "Two Blue-Cola's and a double order of mushrooms!"

"So, you're Reggie?" She extended her hand, noting that both Pain and Reggie were already well into the drinking, "I imagine you've got some stories to tell about Pain!"


Thursday, September 7, 2006 11:52 AM


*Reggie shook Ertia's hand and replied*

That Eye do pretty lady. Although some of them might not be suitable for the young gurl 'ere.

*Reggie nodded to River and said to Ertia*

So Meess what ees yer name cause Pain never told me.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, September 7, 2006 5:30 PM



WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, September 8, 2006 11:50 AM



WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, September 8, 2006 2:31 PM


Jelly? Hmmm...[/i


Friday, September 8, 2006 5:46 PM


Meanwhile somewhere on Level 4

*JR, Sybil, and Mac had spent their time on the station wandering around. JR looked at a sign above one of the many stores on the fourth level. It read: Bernelli's Sporting Goods. JR did need some more ammo for his guns and Mac didn't have a gun on him, so JR lead the way into the store. He turned to Mac, handed him some Credits, and said*

I know ya don't have a gun so here's some money to buy one.

*Mac looked at the money and said*

Uh thanks JR. You really didn't have to man.

*JR replied*

Nah it's fine Mac. Now go and find somethin'.

*JR turned to Sybil and said*

I'm gonna see what kinda ammo they have in stock for my MP's and my Glock.

*Sybil smiled and said to JR*

Ok honey. I'm going to go to that little trinket store we passed by. Meet me there ok?

*JR nodded and said*

Ya got it babe.

*Sybil smiled, kissed JR, then walked out of the sporting goods store, leaving JR and Mac to do their thing.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, September 9, 2006 7:17 AM


"Wash, soon as the re-fuelings done, get everyone back on ship," ordered the cpatain as he descended into his bunk.

"Will do Mal," wash said as he headed to the cockpit. As Wash ascended the cockpit stairs, he noticed Wolf sitting alone looking out the window.

"Not much too see, station ain't that ahiny," Wash mentioned as he hit the switches and dials to re-start Serenity's own power.

"Ain't looking at the station." wolf muttered.

*under FRIKKING repair*...

yeah, i know!


Saturday, September 9, 2006 7:34 PM


BUMP! Um people where are you? Ertia didn't you have a post that you were going to post?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, September 9, 2006 7:54 PM


Ertia took Reggie's hand, but she didn't know how to answer him for a moment. Ertia was dead. She was going by Dr. Chee by her credit chit. (good thing she hadn't tried to pull that one back at Ito's!) Ummm... "Kit. Just call me Kit."

"I'm River." The girl leaned across the table, her smile mysterious and flirty at the same time. How did she do that? Then she tilted her head as though listening, "You think I'm too young and you think she's my sister."

Reggie stared at them for a moment, "Naw, weeell, that's not exzactly eet..."

Ertia decided to play nice and rescue him.

"So, how much you boys had to drink already?" She glanced at their empty whiskey glasses as their mushrooms and soda arrived. "Oh goddess, I haven't had one of these in fore..."

The com in her pocket crackled, "Captain's Orders; everybody needs to be back onboard in 15 or you get left."

Wash's voice hesitated, then continued, "Which might not be all that bad. Whole ship, just me, and Zoe... and...the Captain... Never mind. Y'all wanna get back here?"

The mushroom was halfway into her mouth and she closed her eyes in regret. "One gorram drink after one gorram shopping trip. I suppose that was too much to ask."


Saturday, September 9, 2006 8:27 PM


"Wonders of modern technology!" Choo said as he stepped up the ramp as Wash ended his broadcast.

"We brought food as well...well you brought food. Captain don't pay us enough." said John with a grin.

"I heard that, and now you'll be sleeping in the airlock," Mal chimed as he come down the stairs.

"mmm....cold dark silence rather than heavy snoring. woopee." John shot back.

"What you brought then?" Mal said, looking at the crates the pair were carrying.

"Real Food and meat, some tea, Flour, choclate, you the usual un-healthy crap." Choo said.

"Might wanna get thoughs packed away before the vultures head back, and John," Mal said, "our wonderfully capabele pilot wants to double check the map before we head out. Might wanna give him a hand..."




Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:39 AM


*Pain sighed, then said to Reggie*

Well guess that means me and these two ladies have to get back to our ship. It was nice runnin' into you again Reggie.

*The four of them got up, Pain going over to Reggie and shaking his hand. Reggie said to Pain as he shook his hand*

Yaw mon eet was nice to see yer ugly face again Pain. Eye'll be wavin' ya sooner or lattah mon.

*Reggie turned to Ertia and River and said to the both of them*

An' eet was a pleasure meetin' ya two beautiful ladies.

*Both ladies smiled at Reggie and Ertia said*

The pleasure was all ours Reggie.

*She turned to Pain, who looked like he'd just gotten his sea legs, and said to him*

Come on babe lets go home. How much did you have to drink anyways?

*Pain staggered over to Ertia, put an arm around her neck, smiled and said as they left the establishment*

I can still see straight, so not enough to be plastered.

*River spoke up*

Blood alcohol level is .82. Not fatal. Will have to see my boob of a brother.

*Pain smiled and said as the three of them made it to the lift*

I like boobs.

*Ertia smiled at Pain and said*

I know you do babe, but could you please keep it down.

*Ertia motioned to the other people in the lift, who were looking at the tall, mmuscular, and somewhat drunk merc. Pain looked at them and said to Ertia*

It's not like they ain't heard the word boobs before. Hell babe you should show them yours.

*The lift stopped on Level 5 and Ertia said to Pain, a little embarrassed*

Oh hey this is our level. Come on we can't be late.

*Ertia rushed River and Pain out of the lift and towards the airlock that Serenity was docked at. River looked at Pain and said*

One by one they die, but new ones are born only to die again.

*Pain was puzzled by what River said but shook it off as they entered Serenity's cargo bay. Ertia escorted Pain to the infirmary where Simon was at and said to him*

Pain's had a lot to drink. Can you give him one of your patented anti-hangover cocktails?

*Simon looked at Ertia, then Pain and said*

Yeah just wait here for a moment.

*Simon rummaged through the infirmary for a short while, then made his way over to Pain with a syringe filled with a bluish liquid in one hand. Simon said to Pain, as he rubbed some local anesthetic on a part of Pain's arm*

This should take care of the after effects of all that alcohol you've just consumed, but of course you know that already.

*Pain stuck out his tongue at the doctor as Simon injected the fluid into Pain's arm. Simon turned to Ertia and said*

Take him to his quarters will you.

*Ertia gave Simon a smile and said*

Sure thing Simon.

*Ertia grabbed Pain's arm and said to him*

Come on babe lets go to your room.

*Pain smiled and said*

That's the best idea I've heard today.

*Ertia rolled her eyes and lead Pain out of the infirmary, up the stairs, and to his bunk. River watched the two of them leave, then entered the infirmary and said to her brother*

What's a threesome?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:19 AM


Ertia somehow got Pain up the stairs, but then was in a quandary. How to get him down the ladder of his bunk, when he was barely capable of standing up right.

One hand firmly planted on her posterior and she pulled it off, "Babe, you are to drunk to even think about that right now."

"Ain't to drunk to think of sexin' you!" His voice was loud enough that half the ship heard him.

She snickered, "Yah, but you just might be too drunk to do.."

Fly's voice came from behind her, "Need a hand there, Ertia?"

"I just might. Our boy met up with Reggie and had a nice bottle just between the two of them."

"Oh. No problem." Fly gave Pain a grin, then pushed him unceremoniously through the hatch to his bunk, letting scrabble for the ladder and drop to the floor. With a somewhat wicked grin she called, "Night, sweetie!"

"Fly? Where-ever did you get that wicked streak?" Ertia couldn't help but grin.

"Born with it, I guess." Fly continued on her way to the galley, "I heard John and Choo brought back real groceries."

Ertia followed Pain into his bunk, closing the hatch behind her. He was sitting non-too-steadily on his bunk and she loosened his bootlaces and pulled off his boots. "Come on, I'll stay with you until your asleep."

"Ain't sleepy." Pain grabbed her and pulled her down beside him.

scene fades to black, cuts to galley...


Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:43 AM


Nice one guys. Laughed my head off Pain. Such boobs :p

Meanwhile, John, Choo, Jayne and 62 sorted out the fresh food (well, 62 was asleep on a chair and Jayne was talking away...)

"I love Carrots. Ma told me i could see in the dark if i ate them," Jayne reminised as he munched on an stick of celery...

"Riiight." said John as he opened some food for the cat. "Anyway, get what you want?" Its a known fact that trying to make conversation with Jayne was like trying to ask the Alliance for fun, unless...

"Vera be able to shoot in space with this little baby. Been saving up for it a while now," Jayne said with a devils smile across his face.

"Threesome." remarked River as she appeared out of no where, making Jayne jump out of his skin.

"Ah Yah Tien Ah! What the ruttin' captain told you about sneaking up!" Jayne growled.

"Not to do it with knifes," shot back River. Jayne visably vinced at that comment.

"Ah. such a well bonded crew. Such a wonderful thing it is," remarked Choo as he finished with the last crate. "Um...Anyone seen the strawberries?"




Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:52 AM


That was a lot of backstory to read through. A series unto itself. I think I've cooked up a character that'll do.

Name: Szatsu Niccolo
Age: 40
Homeplanet: Osiris

Appearance: Szatsu is long, thin, and sharp. Heavily tanned and wearied, his travels have brought him into dozens of adventures, each one leaving their mark.

Background: For now, he's just a passenger with a strange name.


Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:56 AM


Choo beat me to it.






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