Male and Female Imponderables - Livin' on a Prayer

UPDATED: Monday, September 11, 2006 06:04
VIEWED: 13321
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Friday, September 8, 2006 7:43 AM


Thank you, Mavourneen. While I didn't have the Flock of Seagulls hair-do, I did have the Robert Plant perm...and the Miami Vice wardrobe. So, yeah, I did slow down and settle, but that's what's supposed to happen. I'm not really sure it had to do with age; I still have friends my age who act like they're 18...but it did have some impact. It's not that the wife didn't like the change, as it resulted in a larger house, more financial stability (with the ocassional disaster that drained the bank, but who doesn't have those), and a solid-looking future...I think it was that I let her do her own thing so much she got used to doing things without me. Coming home got to be a let-down. But, as that is neither here nor there anymore, 'tis a moot point. If I do start looking to settle again, it will be with someone really ready to do so.
You are dead-on about the generation gap...but I am going to miss the warrior woman every now and then.

Oh, NVG, afternoon! Missed seeing you come in. I agree with you for the most part about Brokeback...the hype made me not want to even bother. "Ooh, two men in love with a sex scene in the mountains!" Yeah, so? Doesn't it seem that Hollywood is always a little bit behind in the discovery realm?



Friday, September 8, 2006 7:52 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:
Mal4Prez...I was jumping 2'6" to 2'9" before the breakage. Now I'm back to 2'. I've got some anxiety issues to work through, but hope to get back in the game soon.

Good luck! Anxiety - I bet! It's scary looking at those jumps, and the horse knows if you're feeling it! I've been on a horse a few times since I rode when I was a kid, and was surprised how difficult it was. And I wasn't even jumping! it's not like driving a car. You have to have a communication with this creature.

It's totally cool though. I'm hoping to get back into it a little - only I want to go trailriding in an English saddle, and most people won't let you do that.

Oh - and that 2nd picture is even more of an *eep*! Good lord, that horse is amazing! Guess he just wanted to jump the little bush thingy - to make it more fun??

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Friday, September 8, 2006 8:10 AM


Tristan- could you repeat that statement about letting her do her own thing so much that coming home was a let down...loudly enough for the WoW players to hear??? Just kidding ( mostly)
Not that we're in icky marriage trouble or something, but going to all the browncoat functions and Saturday get togethers by myself is sometimes a bit weird...may have to take a pic of the hubby with me to the next browncoat thing 'cause I keep telling them I have one, but they've not met him yet....I love that man to distraction, and I'm not saying he's neglecting me or anything, just that I wish he liked to do the same things I do. However he does make time for my family stuff for the most part and we do things during the week when he's not raiding as much.OK this seems all long and rambling now. I was mostly just trying to make a wee joke at my husband's expense and then I though it looked mean, so I tried explaining and then while I was explaining it looked kind of like I was complaining so then I tried more explainations and now it's just this big old wad of weird..


I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, September 8, 2006 8:20 AM


MSG, I feel for you. So, is now a good time to talk about the second husband thing?
See, I could be the landscaper that works for room and board, and also accompany you to all the Browncoat events, while MisterG takes care of the other stuff... (to both of the G's, this is all said in jest, I hope you get that)

Part of "our" problem was that after the Ren Faires and theatre disappeared, we were left with very little in common besides a love for each other...even that eventually was not enough. You don't sound like you are in that bad a spot, and far be it for me to offer marriage advice when my own I'll shut up now.



Friday, September 8, 2006 8:34 AM


It seems a little good and a little bad when an So lacks the enthusiasm for the things you do. Good because you get your time and get to return with tales of daring adventure and trinkets from afar. Bad because you miss the opportunity to share said time with the So. I too had the trusting ability to hang back whilst ex did her own thing. Went pretty well and all for a while. But, (male insecurity alert), I couldn't contend with the whole "social" scene. I can handle a crowd. And small talk ain't no thing. But I can't stand men and women making themselves out for being someone completely different. And I especially hate meat markets. So since I stayed away from the social scene, I lost her. Well, maybe I just stayed out of jail. Won't stand for someone pawin' my woman. Fights woulda been a whole lot worse in those days.
I wasn't all warm and cuddly like I am now.
Suddenly feel very manly. Looks like we barbeque tonight!

Quick question: Is anyone else here schooled in survival arts. I need idea's for my story. Got a good background myself. Just need other peoples perceptions (more or less experience than myself). Need to put myself in the brain of other characters.

ADD: Percieved failure is not always complete failure. Doing your best is important. There are things I've given up on with the notion that the thing to follow will be greater. But back to (Male insecurity alert) romance, the failures have seemed to get worse and worse. Again, the perception of failure. I really feel sorry for the one that does snag me. I can be as warm and mooshy as a dashboard Reece's Peanutbutter Cup.

Does sugar like to make teeth ache?


Friday, September 8, 2006 8:39 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

You all should feel free to ramble away... Goodness knows I certainly do!

Just popped in to say goodnight - it is an obscenely late hour here (...or obscenely early?) and I must get some sleep... You guys are awesome and I love talking when you're all around! Have fun without me...

Goodnight - Magdalena x x x


Friday, September 8, 2006 8:47 AM


Nighty Night!


Friday, September 8, 2006 9:14 AM


Tristan- By all means, don't stop with your own post-marital debriefing. Confucious might not have actually said "Unwise is the man who does not learn from his mistakes, but it takes a fricken idiot not to learn from everybody else's", but I've got the feeling that he would have said something similar. In Chinese.
So, if nothing else, then you'll be helping those who haven't been in your place, and you might just accidentally type out something you hadn't thought about until it was white against the black of the site.

Gay Hitting On- It's happened to me. Actually, it was mostly by bisexual men, but it was still kinda weird. Like all I'd have needed to do was be gay to have a decent love-life. Ah, well, it wasn't in my proclivities, and I don't hold anything against them.
Although there was one flamingly gay guy I knew that always annoyed the hell out of me. Not because he was blatantly gay, but because he was just sooo damn annoying. But I digress.

Generation Gap- This one dates back to the Mesopotamian era, and seems to have carried forward to this day in certain, less civilized portions of this world. Older men always got the younger woman (although the men were usualy in their early twenties and the women no older than 13 at that time) because the men had proven that they would be able to take care of the wife and children (considering both of them were his responsibility) despite hardship and want. This continued, and even though the ages have increased slightly on both behalfs, there's still a five-thousand year old biological drive for man to take a young, fertile woman for a mate. Why do you think bald, fat, 50 year old businessmen chase after 18 year old collage girls so often?
Even I'm guilty of this prejudice. I've never considered myself in a relationship with an older woman (not that the opportunity has ever arisen). Over the summer, the one woman I was attracted to at work was barely of legal age (yes, I have to contend with legal age now. Damn, I'm starting to feel old). And that leads to other concerns, such as the poor woman's emotional maturity (often stunted or curtailed, due to the advances of the older man), and can cause insecurity in the young woman, who is daunted by a more mature and more experienced partner.
I really need to get out more.

Well, I've got to give up this computer now. Damn, I hate not having internet.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Friday, September 8, 2006 9:25 AM


NVG, I know what you mean. I have the same problem with the social scene, but I was also wise enough to realize that my wife was still young enough to enjoy it. I am normally not a jealous person, but one of her friends in particular made my hackles stand on end. I won't go into it too far, but that's part of the reason we decided to split.
As far as survival training, I've never had any armed forces training, but I have had military hand-to-hand training (semester of class with ROTC trainees...damn, that was fun!), along with melee weapons (swords, blunt objects, etc), and firearm experience since about age 6...if any of that would help, let me know...and rather than boring everyone here, email me--

Goodnight again, Magdalena! See you anon!

JTD, thank you for the laugh! It's things like that that help a lot! I'm kinda done with the ranting, but I'll keep that in mind next time an appropriate imponderable comes up. But I'd hate to be looked at as "that poor guy who just can't let go", you know?
And a big thank you for that enlightening history lesson. It makes so much more sense that way!



Friday, September 8, 2006 9:41 AM


NV- I can't help you with survival arts, but my husband may be of some help. He was an instructor at the Bridgeport, CA Marine Mountain Warfare Training Center.
Essentially, cold weather survival.
If your story's got anything to do with savin' your a** in the snow, email me at I'm sure he'd be glad to help.

"Have you ever been with a Warrior Woman?"


Friday, September 8, 2006 9:43 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
But I'd hate to be looked at as "that poor guy who just can't let go", you know?

As if we would think of you that way. Puh-lease. And besides, if you dont rant to us every now and again we might just think of you as a typical emotionally detached man. (not really, but I'm trying to be mean and threatening here....)

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Friday, September 8, 2006 9:47 AM


Thanks, RugBug. Needed the slap in the head.
Wait a minute..."typical emotionally detactched man"? Hmm.



Friday, September 8, 2006 10:05 AM


And once again, I am really late on the thread....
I haven't been able to get on in a couple of days because as I have already told you guys, I have rather hard classes this semester. So how is everyone today?


We're all just floating...


Friday, September 8, 2006 10:11 AM


King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Friday, September 8, 2006 10:22 AM


Asortafairytale, gotta say I never read your name that way. It's usually runs through my head as some variation of abso-f@$%ing-lutely. Then I stop and read it and go, nope, it's not that.

Speaking of missing faces (or names), where's Odds? Perhaps bored with us? Hanging out with the Forsaken? *Quickly adds up ages on her fingers* I think he's too young to be FMF's new boytoy.

If you're lurking Odds, hope you've found a job and housing.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Friday, September 8, 2006 10:40 AM


Seems quite a few people have gone on the wayside. Heard from COPILOT yesterday. She seems very happy now that she's returned to her "Native Land" as she puts it.

Anything folks. It is good to give me info from all aspects. Need input from everyday folks that don't think about such things on a daily basis. I've got plenty of "Trained" resources, but the snow SAR might come in handy. Not to mention Bridgeport is only a few hours away and may integrate well with the story.

There I am if anyone would like to give their perception on post apocolyptic survival. Got alot of out of towners in the story to come.

Why has love endured so? The world has seen plauge, famine, and war since the beginning of the time of man. Is it instictual? Some sort of social default that keeps humans together. Lord knows there is sex without love, so it can't all be in the name of procreation.
So, the grandest imponderable of all (at least in my head).
What is love?


Friday, September 8, 2006 10:48 AM


*FMF runs stark nekkid through the thread, stopping only to drop some survival tools next to NV*

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Friday, September 8, 2006 10:48 AM

TRISTAN, don't hurt me, don't hurt me...

Sorry, NVG, that's what popped into my mind...



Friday, September 8, 2006 11:14 AM


(Commercial announcers voice)
"Tools of survival. Brought to you courtesy of FutureMrsFillion and Tristan.
Survival tools. When in doubt, pull it out."

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program already in progress.

... so on the brighter side, I never got crabs again.

We're back on? Oh. Hey there folks.

So, it must be Friday. NVG is loopier than usual and FMF's runnin' nekkid through the threads.

Used that one before Tristan. (With a terrible motive behind it).


Friday, September 8, 2006 11:18 AM


Hey nothing wrong with nekkid women running around with tools for "survival".


The Shirtless Forsaken


Friday, September 8, 2006 11:20 AM


Yep, Friday it is indeed. Less than 45 minutes and I will be out the door for a fun-filled weekend of...sewing and patterning. Yeah. That will be fun! Oh, and throw some good old Captain Morgan's into the mix and I'll be a happy camper!



Friday, September 8, 2006 11:30 AM


NV- hmm not so much survival, but off the top of my head I can think of at least 15 ways to kill someone and remain undetected..Also, I'm pretty up on police and forensic procedure. ( again hardly useful in a survival kind of way) I also have a reasonable amount of info regarding failure limits of human body and destruction thereof. I realize I desperately need new and less disturbing hobbies...but there you go

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, September 8, 2006 12:14 PM


Sorry I couldn't be 'round for some of the funage. Since I hadn't sent you any post yet, I think you may be getting a friend to keep you and the Captain company on payday.

Gotta be gone for the weekend. Gonna miss y'all.

And yes Kelkhil, there is absolutely nothing wrong with nekkid woment runnin' round with the "tools" for survival.

'Night 'Coats!

ADD: I might tap into a bit of your forensic knowledge MSG. Thanks for the help. Goodnight.


Friday, September 8, 2006 12:59 PM


owie- ok I am out for the night as my hand is really starting to hurt. School nurse says I've ruptured some blood vessels ...boy sure would be great to know how I managed that as I have no memory of even hitting my hand, let alone hitting it hard enough to do damage, but sadly that happens all the time. I'm forever bruising myself with no memory of how:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, September 8, 2006 1:30 PM


Oh dear, MSG, have you been abusing your poor hand? No, hang on, I didn't mean it like that...

Sorry I haven't been around as much over the last couple of days. I'm feeling really lathargic at the moment. Can't seem to get motivated to finish any of the half done creative projects I have on the go. I only have a week till my con as well. Anyone know a good way to snap out of a slump (apart from coffee which I can't stand the taste of - Oh dear, please forgive me Tristan for I have blasphemed against your religion!)



Friday, September 8, 2006 1:47 PM


Emma -I'm not sure what I did:) Oh well..
So snapping out of a slump. Well here's what I do.
1- some sort of serious physical activity ( like really brisk walk or run) for 30 minutes
2- extra long extra scented bubble bath
3-facial mask with eye pads and all over body moisturizer while listening to music that makes me happy
4- make healthy and nourishing meal
5- eat healthy meal
6- make/buy sinfully good dessert and eat while reading favorite book.
7- sleep 8 hours
8- repeat as needed

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, September 8, 2006 2:08 PM


Sorry MSG, I was being innappropriately dodgy!

Thanks for the advice, which sounds wise and knowledgeable. Sadly,I cannot followmuch of it.

1- some sort of serious physical activity ( like really brisk walk or run) for 30 minutes

Due to current illness any sort of activity is really quite painful (which is depressing as I was hoping to boogey lots next weekend)

2- extra long extra scented bubble bath

We have not hot water at the moment, the builders have disconected the boiler whilst building an extension. We also loose the electricity for most of the day. Bleugh!

3-facial mask with eye pads and all over body moisturizer while listening to music that makes me happy

Sounds fun but I don't own any of these beautifying products. Maybe I should invest in some - I'm not getting any younger! (Someone asked me my age today and I realised I'd been forgetting to add another year for the past month.)

4- make healthy and nourishing meal
5- eat healthy meal

I'm doing this a lot recently due to diet. Maybe the loss of sugar and fat is to blame for lack of energy!

6- make/buy sinfully good dessert and eat while reading favorite book.

Ge thee behind me temptress!!

7- sleep 8 hours
8- repeat as needed

Arh, but I'm a night owl and the only time I wake up is after midnight. Sadly the builders start drilling at 7:30am. Luckily I'm too groggy at that time in the morning to be cordinated enough to commit murder!

Sorry, finished moaning. Back to less self involved rants. I was interested in the 'gay' debate earlier. I find men who are really sensitive about their masculinity rather pathetic. It must be so exhausting to have to second guess every gesture, outfit or statement for traces of 'gayness'! On the other hand if a guy is relaxed enough to, oh I don't know, maybe dress up in drag for a laugh or something then I know he's uninhibited enough to be really fun in the bedroom.



Friday, September 8, 2006 3:04 PM


I agree. The wierdest thng is that the "butchest" guy I know, who's a serious body builder and club doorman is a "raging fag" (his words, not mine, before somebody flames me), and it pisses him off that he always gets girls hitting on him, and guys being all "oh yeah, I shagged this bird last night" and more macho than they really are around him.

For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die along, unremembered and unsung...


Friday, September 8, 2006 3:40 PM


As to love, I can't honestly answer from experience, but I have something of a theory to that regard.

Love begins with the eyes and ends with the nose. The eyes pick out and note attractive qualities, such as symmetry of the face and body, curvature of the hips and swell of the breasts, all of which are potent and instinctual signals of a female's ability to not only reproduce, but of physical fitness and hearty constitution (sickly people are often less symmetrical than their hearty fellows).
After consumating the initial attraction, the scent of the woman becomes affixed with the memory of the event of consumation. Memory is most closely tied to the olfactory senses, out of all that the body has to offer, and is often able to dredge forth a memory nobody expected to have saved. The smell of one's partner (and only one's partner) is often related as the most arousing aroma that a person can name.

Of course, this doesn't take into account the One Night Standers. I figure there must be some sort of mnemonic disconnect between their nose and their groin.

But what do I know? I'm just a 21 year old virgin from Canada.... studying for a Biology major, granted...

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Friday, September 8, 2006 4:28 PM


King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Friday, September 8, 2006 4:47 PM


Too much information?

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Friday, September 8, 2006 5:31 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Morning everyone!
Tristan, before I forget again, you need to get the Firefly Official Companion. All sorts of tasty costume details I think you'd like. Plus it's just shiny.
What is love? You really want to get started on that? Better poets than I have tried and failed, but I can give it a shot.
To me, love is where two spirits meet. A driving, possibly divine force. Love is when you're a better person because the object of your affection is there; teaching and learning, relaxing and balancing. Love, of anything, is the reason to get out of bed every day.
Poor Ms G! You might be another one who might maybe wanna look into arnica as a remedy.
Emma, I suggest any form of energy drink containing guarana. They are tasty, and I find guarana more effective than caffiene for some reason. Everyone reacts differently to things.
I am quite sure I missed responding to something. I'm really groggy. Yay for Penguin's repaired emotes!

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. - Gautama Siddharta


Friday, September 8, 2006 6:53 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by Penguin:

Originally posted by magdalena:
Thank you wonderful Penguin! That means so much to me - you are certainly a worthy monarch of the mythical land that is Iowa...

mwaah - Magdalena x x x

(mow - don't anyone go getting jealous around here - there's plenty to go around!! )

No, NO! Everyone back off...she's mine!


King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa

Ah ... hang on what with the obscene hour at which I was on the 'net last night I didn't realise the King had made a claim!

OK - everyone - I'm all his... be jealous as you wish... !

Oh - or you could battle for my affection - a duel perhaps or a jousting match? It would do my self esteem no end of good!

*settles down to watch the fun*


Friday, September 8, 2006 7:03 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by RugBug:
Speaking of missing faces (or names), where's Odds? Perhaps bored with us? Hanging out with the Forsaken? *Quickly adds up ages on her fingers* I think he's too young to be FMF's new boytoy.

If you're lurking Odds, hope you've found a job and housing.

*jumps up from her cozy seat*

Hang on Rugbug! His new name is 'Jailbait'... and he's mine too...!!! Don't go getting any ideas FMF - I'm feeling greedy tonight!

*sits back down with a smug smile and waits for the fireworks...*


Friday, September 8, 2006 7:10 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Hey now, magda, he's much closer to my age! (exactly my age, in fact)
And as for where he is, he's not getting on much because he only has net access at the netcafe. He drops into the tag and the Forsaken when he can.

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. - Gautama Siddharta


Friday, September 8, 2006 7:53 PM


Hello cool peoples!

Love, eh?

Well, i think love is a feeling that has nothing to do with how your body actually feels. You can reproduce without love, so i'm fairly sure they dont have to go together.

Love is spending hours upon hours doing something, or being with someone, and feeling happier and more energized rather than tired. Love is putting someone else up there with yourself; no sense in fighting survival instincts, the best you can do is equal yourself in your own mind. Love is being in awe but not being jealous. Love is being happy for someone's achievements without feeling inferior. Love keeps us flying.

This was a good night for this post. I think i'm in love, and I can't say with what, or why, or if it's reciprocatd, or if I even want it to be, or if it's anything meaningful. This friend of mine, she believes that we high schoolers dont know what love is, she substitutes "lurve" in its place. But on this I think she's wrong, I think we can find love in the simplest places, that love is relative, to the smallest happiness to the most overt, romantic gestures. But I love that she put so much thought into it.

And now back to your regularly scheduled program.

Whee, weekend. Tons of homework, and an SAT prep class to go to, but weekend nonetheless. Today in rehearsal though, for all that we just had one guy on piano, we had tons of energy, and our show finally looks like something people might actually want to see!

And here's a random highlight.... we did these homecoming nominations for thespian club, and I got nominated over the two other seniors (also, I tried to nominate my sandwich, but it had to withdraw as i'd eaten it by the time the results were in), my director and our conductor (two very talented, very popular guys, both for good reason: they're very nice folk)!!!! wtf, I guess people like me. That's... a little weird. Cause remember "this friend" from above, with the lurve? Well she got the other nomination, and it's a little eerie to be as respected as her.

My life just gets weirder and weirder. Especially as I dont even know what homecoming is.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Friday, September 8, 2006 8:01 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Whitefall? In love? Details! Spill!

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. - Gautama Siddharta


Friday, September 8, 2006 8:08 PM


Thank you Rose, for your detailed and wonderfully thoughtful response.

Anyways... I just... well go back and read what I said on love being relative, so it may not mean as much as you guys usually want it to mean.

What can I say, she makes me happy. And whenever I'm around her, I'm just plain happy to be there, and she's so danged alive and energetic. And I respect her. And though of course I've thought about it, I doubt either of us would be interested in that whole teenage relations crap. However, its... Well, lemme put this in context tho, before you get too excited.

I love doing theater, I love having somewhere to be for 7 hours after school. I love interacting with people instead of being at home. I love being helpful, I love working hard for the sake of the show. And I do enjoy that... ya know... acting bit as well.

And I love people. These many friends I have, I love them all, and if it isn't love, I never want to find out what love is, cause then it'd sorta belittle how I feel now.

Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Friday, September 8, 2006 8:09 PM


King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Friday, September 8, 2006 8:23 PM


Hello Whitefall:

Couldn't help but read your post. You really sound happy. If hopelessly romantic makes you happy than I see nothing wrong with it. You go with what you feel. You sound like you have a pretty healthy attitude about it. So it must be good.



Friday, September 8, 2006 8:28 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Whitefall:
Thank you Rose, for your detailed and wonderfully thoughtful response.

What, I'm a giddy girl! Thought you'd be used to that, being in high school

So, if you're happy you're happy and happiness is good. Don't fight it or overthink too much, yea?

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. - Gautama Siddharta


Friday, September 8, 2006 8:34 PM


I guess that sums it up about right. Of course, I have a weekend of pointless, mindless slogging, and at some point a day or a month or somesuch of pointless, mindless college applications. But oh well. Maybe it is all sorta worth it.

And yes. The word "crush" has occured to me, you all don't need to say it. But back to that making me happy thing. Besides, I take that word to imply that you don't even know the person.

Blah, i'm going to bed. This is just getting crazy.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Friday, September 8, 2006 9:35 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

What...? Whitefall's in love so none of you want to fight for my affections anymore? *pouts*

GPR - I know he's the same age as you and 17 years younger than me... that's why he's 'Jailbait'... now he wouldn't be Jailbait if he had to fight for your affections now, would it???

Tristan - I worked out Photbucket!!! It only took about 30 failed attempts and some serious turorial from you & Penguin (*genuflex*) but I got there! Now for some posting goodness in the near future!!

Whatefall - never let anyone tell you that you are too young to fall in love! It changes with time - but if you get that little thrill when they walk into the room, or if the way they smell makes you giddy, or if just thinking of them during the day makes whatever menial task you're doing seem like a serious project to be done with great care! ... than I say it's love! There are so amny degrees of love! The English language really doesn't do it justice!

OK (don't freak) I went to Cliff Richard's concert a few years back... (*hold breath as the imponderers gasp in horror and only exhales when she's pretty sure they are not about to slap her*) ... and he does this little spiel about 'love' - how we say we 'love' an actor or actress...'love' custard with ice-cream ...'love' our family ... 'love' our faith-founder/God/Jesus/Mohamud/Budha etc... 'love' our friends ...'love' our significant other! We talk about being in love, falling in love, say I love you to friends families and SO's with very different intentions behind each one... so I guess what I am saying is I never 'bastardise' the word 'love'. I use it and mean it (& cross my fingers and hope it isn't taken amiss...)

*sigh* all this talk of love is making me feel all floaty...

And - yes - I do love you guys! Magdalena x x x


Friday, September 8, 2006 9:55 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Much as I adore the English language and think it's the best language ever for expressing almost anything I really have to agree about the word "love". I would really like to see some new words. "Adore" is a good word when talking about a movie or music or friend or precious child, but not many people use it (not even me) because it's not... in vogue, I guess. "I adore it" "I like it a lot" "I'm very pleased" etc; all of these would be useful alternatives to saying "I love it!" all the time. I should try to do that more.
Millions more words than any other language, and yet we only have the one word for "love".
Although, studying Spanish, I found out they rarely use the formal word for romantic, devoted love anymore, and have kind of lumped it all together. I think that's too bad.
But that's off the subject. English is such an infinitely adaptable language, I think something could be found. Putting it into use would be the hard part, but anything's possible.

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. - Gautama Siddharta


Friday, September 8, 2006 10:48 PM


Gonna be a bit pretentious here (waits for gasps of 'you? never!') The Greeks had a number of words for love - eros, agape, philia and storge

Eros is physical love

agape is affection / spiritual love

philia is friendship 'love'

storge is familial, particularly parental, love

This is somewhat simplified, but interesting in light of the fact that many romance languages have a distinction within them. English is a buttoned up language that way. But we did produce Shakespeare and John Donne.


Saturday, September 9, 2006 1:48 AM


I think that there should still be many different words for love. It can get confusing and misleading. I've experienced each of the different types of love that you mention (not necessarily at the same time) but never the bursting into song and gazing dreamily into space romantic love (sigh! But I'm still hopeful!). It can be awfully complicated telling a 'friend with benefit' "I love you" - meaning that I feel very close to you as a friend and I enjoy the sex but do not feel you are my soulmate. Involved awkward explanations and uncomfortable silences.



Saturday, September 9, 2006 1:59 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

*Has gazed dreamily into space many a time. And really misses that feeling.*

I love the Greek! That's exactly what a language needs!

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, September 9, 2006 2:22 AM



Originally posted by magdalena:
What...? Whitefall's in love so none of you want to fight for my affections anymore? *pouts*

They're a a'feared of my cat-like reflexes!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Saturday, September 9, 2006 3:13 AM


My cat can take your cat anyday!

Oooh, do I get the girl now? We could ride off into the sunset together!



Saturday, September 9, 2006 3:36 AM


*the operative takes aim at EmmaRigby's cat...*


King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa






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