Guilty Pleasures

UPDATED: Friday, January 30, 2004 01:02
VIEWED: 10183
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Wednesday, January 28, 2004 7:48 AM


After reading about what folks here think of as amazing television, I thought about some of the other stuff that I watch faithfully, but would never consider putting in any sort of "best TV show" category.

Here's a chance to list shows that you know are really lame, but, gorram it, you know yer gonna sit and watch them anyway...

SMALLVILLE: Tom Welling could stand in front of a camera just nodding and smiling for an hour and I'd *still* watch it. That boy is just beautiful. I could care less about plot, theme or characters. Me like eye candy.

QUEER AS FOLK: It's really just another corny soap opera, but I buy the dvd sets anyway. Brian Kinney is one of my all time favorite Bad Boys, too. His "Love is something straight people tell themselves they're in so they can get laid." line is one of my favorite truisms.

HOME IMPROVEMENT: Probably because I'm from Detroit, but more likely that this was the first slap-stick show that the physical humor was actually funny. What's not to laugh at when a 2 ton beam falls on an empty station wagon? It also has my favorite bit of psychology. "Do you know what causes sibling rivalry?" Jill asks her husband. His reply: "Yeah, havin' more than one kid."



Wednesday, January 28, 2004 7:59 AM


Mine are:

Gilmore Girls- its a smart show.

RAW and Smackdown- cause I like to watch people pretend to beat the hell out of each other. Its like watching the Presidential Campaign, only fun.

Las Vegas- I like to watch all the high tech security stuff, the behind the scenes casino operations, along with good writing and cast...and lots of cleavage.



Wednesday, January 28, 2004 8:13 AM



Its like watching the Presidential Campaign, only fun.

ROTFL!!! Good one.



Wednesday, January 28, 2004 8:19 AM


Funny the only shows we actually try to watch,

Stargate SG-1, Angel, Smallville, and my wife likes ER & 7th Heaven. And I really liked Queer Eye for the Straight Guy when I could catch it, that & Jesse Duplantis.

tried to get into Scrubs & Joan of Arcadia keep missing them.

General filler on the screen:
Jag, CSI, Simpsons, Seinfeld, King of Queens, Raymond, Frasier, Becker, King of the Hill, According to Jim, Friends, Just shoot me.

Absolutely no.
Joe, Idol, or Surviving moles.

“Firefly is the source of probably more joy & pain than anything I’ve done.” - Joss


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 8:22 AM


Stargate SG-1: I'm such a nerd when it comes to some sci-fi shows. I liked the movie and the show definitely garnered my interest despite some of the big changes from the movie.

Smallville: Although I'm not completely familiar with Supe's past, I am interested in seeing how they show Lex becoming evil and what is their take on Clark's rise to superherodom (is that a word?).

Star Trek Enterprise: Yes, most of us have dismissed this show is the antithesis of Firefly but I started with Trek and I'm waiting to see how they develop this prequel. Besides, the only thing to look forward to this is the Andorian guest spots - Jeffrey Combs is the best.

Andromeda: Like other people, I kinda liked the show until Rev left and Sorbo took creative control of the show. However, after missing out on a lot of eps and re-watching it, I'm curious to see what'll happen to the restored Commonwealth.

"Let's moon 'em!"


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 8:30 AM



Besides, the only thing to look forward to this is the Andorian guest spots - Jeffrey Combs is the best.

Oooooo...I LOVE Jeffrey Coombs! Hey, doesn't he now hold the record for most different aliens played in the ST franchise?

Have you seen FRIGHTENERS? He's pretty darn creepy in that film.



Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:05 AM


For me I find that the trip into lameness is often found by way of those teen target shows that are designed for 13 year-olds but at 19 you still find your self sucked in despite an ongoing college education.

Roswell. I even think I will get the DVD's.

Other than that note of shame I make an effort to watch stargate and Angel each week. Considering that I have to drive 20min to a friends house cause I don't have a TV... Well I think that says something. Not to sure what that something is, but something non the less.


Mal:"someone ever ties to kill you, you try to kill'em right back!"


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:14 AM



Originally posted by kalathena:
Oooooo...I LOVE Jeffrey Coombs! Hey, doesn't he now hold the record for most different aliens played in the ST franchise?

Hmm.. maybe. I do recall his playing Weyoun (was it #5 and #6?) on DS9.


Have you seen FRIGHTENERS? He's pretty darn creepy in that film.

Was that the movie with Michael J. Fox as a guy who could see ghosts? I don't remember JC's character in the movie but I certainly remember that drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket.

"Let's moon 'em!"


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:46 AM


Smallville: I'm a longtime Superboy fan, and the series has managed to make some of the old Legion of Superheroes stories worth seeing. The "Kid Psycho" arc was wonderfully done. And, I love how they're handling the Lex-Clark dynamic; much better than making Clark responsible for Lex's baldness.

Mutant X and Andromeda: They're nasty schlock, but I'll take any chance I can get to watch Victoria Pratt and Lexa Doig moving around in tight clothes.

"Yep. That's a cow fetus."


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:53 AM


I never liked Smallville (Superman, 90210), but that's just me.

I like "Andromeda", the first few seasons of "SG-1", and the first season of "Enterprise", but SG-1 and Enterprise became very dissapointing.

I'm a die hard fan of "Law and Order", but not the two spin-offs. . .and I like "CSI", but not "CSI Miami".

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 12:04 PM


I like to watch Crossfire - um news.

I like Simpsons too.

24 is pretty keen.

and the Daily Show is pretty friggin funny.


I watch M*A*S*H too. he he he.


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 12:10 PM


As was the cse with Firefly, all of the shows that I really really really like get cancelled before the first season is over. Hopefully someone will know these....

Key West

Men Behaving Badly.

Stark Raving Mad.


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 12:14 PM


Anyone ever watch a show called Portal? (btw I'm new here so Hi!)
If you ever get this channel called G4 you have to watch Portal, it's like a soap opera based on RPGs with a twisted sense of humor.
I'm also a fan of Las Vegas. Josh Duhmel is yummy...=)
Ooh, and Futurama. Another good show that got canceled. At least it got more than one season.

"Most of the creatures that people consider evil or mean are usually just lonely."


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 12:19 PM


Hey, hey!

Well there's Firefly... Oh wait, yeah FOX SUX!!!

The only two shows I try not to miss--

ALIAS. My daughter tapes for me since I work Sunday nights. I love Sloan and Marshall. Marshall's the best! I loved the whole "tie for Sloan" bit!

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. I need these guys to come and do a makeover for me, except I don't live in NY... oh yeah and I'm not a guy. Details, schmetails!

Worth watching if I don't have anything else to do (and my girls make me watch 'em) --

Joan of Arcadia - Even if her mom, and lately her dad too, really irritate the HECK out of me! I love seeing what God is going to look like next.

Smallville - when it's NOT all about Lana!

Tru Calling - Faith Dushku is sweet.

Angel - I loved Harmony's episode! What a hoot! And Spike is a hottie!

Whose Line Is It Anyways? - Always good for a laugh-- or 50.

WOW! For not watching much TV, that's a lot of viewing hours. And it doesn't even count the time spent watching Firefly DVD's!

None of these make me feel guilty though. Just kinda couch-potato-ish. For REAL TV-viewing guilt, I'd have to dig into old shows like Gilligan's Island and Hogan's Heroes!
Or how about checking out Ron Glass in Barney Miller? Nothing to feel guilty about there.... except a little obsession.

You're gonna come with us...


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 12:19 PM


Hey, hey!

Well there's Firefly... Oh wait, yeah FOX SUX!!!

The only two shows I try not to miss--

ALIAS. My daughter tapes for me since I work Sunday nights. I love Sloan and Marshall. Marshall's the best! I loved the whole "tie for Sloan" bit!

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. I need these guys to come and do a makeover for me, except I don't live in NY... oh yeah and I'm not a guy. Details, schmetails!

Worth watching if I don't have anything else to do (and my girls make me watch 'em) --

Joan of Arcadia - Even if her mom, and lately her dad too, really irritate the HECK out of me! I love seeing what God is going to look like next.

Smallville - when it's NOT all about Lana!

Tru Calling - Faith Dushku is sweet.

Angel - I loved Harmony's episode! What a hoot! And Spike is a hottie!

Whose Line Is It Anyways? - Always good for a laugh-- or 50.

WOW! For not watching much TV, that's a lot of viewing hours. And it doesn't even count the time spent watching Firefly DVD's!

None of these make me feel guilty though. Just kinda couch-potato-ish. For REAL TV-viewing guilt, I'd have to dig into old shows like Gilligan's Island and Hogan's Heroes!
Or how about checking out Ron Glass in Barney Miller? Nothing to feel guilty about there.... except a little obsession.

You're gonna come with us...


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 12:55 PM



Hmm.. maybe. I do recall his playing Weyoun (was it #5 and #6?) on DS9.

Uh, yeah. His roles on DS9 include:

1) Weyoun (all of them...)
2) An alien whose name I can't ever recall who wanted a holosuite program with Maj. Kira
3) And my personal favorite, Brunt, a Ferenghi auditor.


Was that the movie with Michael J. Fox as a guy who could see ghosts? I don't remember JC's character in the movie but I certainly remember that drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket

Yep. That's the one. Figures he was in Full Metal Jacket, a movie I know I'll never see.

And as for the person calling Smallville "Superman 90210"...yep. It most certainly is. It's a goofy little show, but I still watch it. That's why I started this thread in the first place. What's the lamest show you still watch....



Wednesday, January 28, 2004 1:58 PM


I've never been a big TV watcher, but I was a huge trekkie for a few years, until I realized it was too expensive a habit for me.

However, there was one show that used to air before "Star Trek: Voyager" on was called "7 Days" or something like that. Essentially, there was this government installation that had the technology to send one person back in time up to seven days, and it was his job to avert various disasters and such. Not a bad premise, but essentially limited, which is why I'm pretty sure it's not running anymore.

Definitely veg-out TV. I remember one episode being a blatant ripoff of The Abyss, including the liquid breathing system and whatnot.


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 2:05 PM


Ooohhhh...THE ABYSS. Loved that film, which is unusual for me. I usually find ex-spouses re-uniting too unrealistic for my taste.



Wednesday, January 28, 2004 2:05 PM


In Frighteners, Jeffrey Combs played the whacked out FBI agent that had the gang tattos all over his body.

I, however, have been hooked on JC's acting ever since I saw him in "Reanimator". Come on, people! I can't be the only one who saw that piece of schlock cinema!

"I love my Captain."


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 2:08 PM


My guilty pleasures?

1. Buffy/Angel/Firefly (of course)

2. Cowboy U - city slickers take a crash course in cowboy stuff to compete in a rodeo and win mean, Real World with horses?!?)

3. Real World/Road Rules - as long as the drama is on tv and not in my life, we're good

4. Tru Calling - oh Eliza...whyyyyyyyyy??!?

5. Freaks and Geeks - anyone else miss that show?

6. Any Vh1 countdown (old at 25, that's me)

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 6:20 PM


OK I have a LIST prepared

1. Smallville
2. Angel
3. Queer as Folk
4. Futurama/Home movies/Aquateen hungerforce/Simpsons
5. Dead Like Me
6. Monk
7. Did Roswell--loved it *blush*
8. Scrubs
9. The Daily Show

and too much Food Network

don't judge me! *grumble* hehe

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 6:53 PM


There are a few but none to match Firefly. I've never watched a show so many times.

1. The wire (HBO) unsurpassed drama. Best cop show out there.

2. Six feet under

3. Daily show. Stewart should have Conan's job. I laugh out loud every time

4. West wing. Nobody else seems to have this on their list.

5. I can't lie. I still have to check out Enterprise regularly but it just seems so limp since FF.


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 7:15 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

I was watching Peacemakers but they cancelled it.

I try to catch Monk.

Other than that I bounce around a lot. Watch a lot of History Channel and Old Movies (AMC and Turner). End up watching a lot of American Chopper but it's starting to get old.

I love Junkyard Wars the original version. Mega Junkyard Wars not so much.

I guess the one I feel guilty about is Most Extreme Challenge. That show is complete trash but, it's too funny.


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 7:33 PM


I dig on Smallvile. Superman 90210, never met a teen so set on screwing himself as Clark Kent, and Lex Luthor is indeed, the Devil, but a cool devil, I'd sell my soul.

And speaking of bald men, Conquest on the History Channel... If Peter Woodward were a woman.. she'd still kick my butt.

Old Dark Shadows on Sci Fi. Jonathan Frid still kicks ass.

Now if only I could find Hanna Barbera's Godzilla and Laffalympics, my life will never be empty...
and maybe the Crow TV series, if I'd not be lynched wgholesale for it.

You look better in red.


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:46 PM


Other favorite shows of recent years:

West Wing
Keen Eddie

Those are pretty much the only ones I'll drop just about anything to catch an episode of.


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:47 PM


Oops. Stupid double-post.


Thursday, January 29, 2004 2:10 AM



Originally posted by BoomerGoodheart:
In Frighteners, Jeffrey Combs played the whacked out FBI agent that had the gang tattos all over his body.

I, however, have been hooked on JC's acting ever since I saw him in "Reanimator". Come on, people! I can't be the only one who saw that piece of schlock cinema!

You are not. But many of us who have even bought the DVDs of it and the sequels, well, its not something to admit in polite company

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Thursday, January 29, 2004 3:28 AM


This is pretty much the only new sci fi I watch and my comments.

Stargate - I never liked it at first, mcgyver really didnt gel with me so i was prejudiced against Richard Dean Anderson but i forced myself to watch a few episodes because i couldnt get a sci fi fix anywhere else and I found it to have good special effects and genuine laughs and have since watched all of them.

Enterprise - I have all TNG, DS9, and Voyager eps and consider myself a Trekkie so I have to watch it, some episodes are ok. Since Firefly I think of myself more as a browncoat than Trekkie.

Andromeda - Showed a lot of potential at first but has gone downhill significantly since Kevin Sorbo took control. Now I find it a painful show with disjointed, silly storylines and corny acting.



Thursday, January 29, 2004 3:44 AM



4. West wing. Nobody else seems to have this on their list.

Right here. Used to be my favorite show, too, until Aaron Sorkin left. Run a pretty big community for it, still.

Other than West Wing, I watch Gilmore Girls, Angel, Buffy reruns, Queer as Folk, and... that's all, really.

Most of the shows I love have been cancelled. To name a few: Cupid, Relativity, My So-Called Life, Sports Night, Firefly, Once and Again, Hercules and Xena. I pretty much boycott Fox and ABC for that.
The West Wing Web


Thursday, January 29, 2004 6:08 AM



Originally posted by Vena:
For me I find that the trip into lameness is often found by way of those teen target shows that are designed for 13 year-olds but at 19 you still find your self sucked in despite an ongoing college education.

Ummm...yea, I do this as well. My sister (who is 20 mind you) got me hooked on this crappy, poorly acted, canadian teen drama called "Degrassi". This show is nuts. Just about any problem that ever happened to a teenager is addressed, but in an extremely lame way. It kicks ass.

It's sickening how comforting the privacy of the mind can be.
"Bible's broken; contradictions, false logistics. Doesn't make sense." - River


Thursday, January 29, 2004 6:22 AM



However, there was one show that used to air before "Star Trek: Voyager" on was called "7 Days" or something like that. Essentially, there was this government installation that had the technology to send one person back in time up to seven days, and it was his job to avert various disasters and such. Not a bad premise, but essentially limited, which is why I'm pretty sure it's not running anymore.

They're re-running that now on Bravo in the UK. Remember watching it first a couple of years ago. Pretty lame, but there's only the Simpsons reruns on at the same time, so what's a sci-fi fan going to do?


"Best not be taking it as a suggestion"


Thursday, January 29, 2004 8:00 AM


Shows that I've been told should be my dirty little secret(s) my someone or the other:

Angel, Stargate SG-1, Queer As Folk, Oz, Trading Spaces, Deepwater Black (or Mission:Genesis depending on what part of the world you're from), Space Cases(I know its for kids, but it rocks! Bill Mummy co-created and guest starred in it!)

Shows that actually are my dirty little secret(s): Roswell (tops the list no question, made for 14 year olds and I lapped up every bit of it), Andromeda, Buffy after the second season (come on folks, we all have that moment where we thought it peaked then started its slow descdent into crap but contiuned to watch anyway. Season 2 was mine.)

Thats all I've got for now, but I'm sure that someone will remind me of something else and I'll have to add that too.

Those who restrain desire, do so because thiers is weak enough to be restrained.
-William Blake


Thursday, January 29, 2004 9:22 AM


Degrassi, a Canadian production, started out as Kids of Degrassi Street and Degrassi Junior High. I think it has a certain charm. The Kids are good actors and they deal with a lot of teen issues. And now they have a new generation in Degrassi which started in 2001 which is probablt what you are watching.



Thursday, January 29, 2004 10:34 AM


I have to agree with Ciara...The Food Network is my downfall. We don't have cable, but whenever we're out of town somewhere, and our hotel carries TFN...well, let's just say that hubby and the boys are sick of it.

"I love my Captain."


Thursday, January 29, 2004 10:59 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

1) M*A*S*H

2) Stargate SG1

3) Iron Chef

That's pretty much it. I don't watch much in the way of T.V. shows. I do like the History Channel, and AMC for the old Classic movies. I am a sucker for Westerns too.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, January 29, 2004 12:12 PM


For some reason, all of my favorite shows come on late at night. While I can't find anything worth my time from six to ten, at 11:30 I can watch The Tonight Show, Dharma and Greg, or Drew Carey. I also like Saturday Night Live and M*A*S*H. The Simpsons and King of the Hill are fairly good, enough so I watch every new episode. If I'm just going to waste my life on the couch, than I'll watch some game shows, the news, Frasier or Malcolm in the Middle. Wow, I just realized how depressing my life is.

Of course, If I had cable I'd just flip between the History channel and Great American Country 24/7.


Thursday, January 29, 2004 12:59 PM


all i can think that i maybe ashamed of is e.r. and maybe nip/tuck but i dont know if that counts as i have only seen 3 episodes so far. i cant bring myself to watch stargate or enterprise anymore because firefly blew em out of the water, has captain archer grown a pair of balls yet?
i'm from the uk so i dont know if you'd all be familiar to the shows i'm proud of watching red dwarf is definatley the top one firefly obviously a show called spaced another called the office and anything with spike in it i so hope he gets in the movie as a baddie are there vampires in the verse or just reavers

i'll be in my bunk


Thursday, January 29, 2004 1:50 PM


Hey! Iron Chef isn't lame! That show kicks ass!

Glad to see I'm not the only Queer as Folk soap watcher. I've even got a party scheduled for the last weekend in Feb. when S3 comes out on dvd. None of us have SHOWTIME so we're always a year behind.

We're thinking that the next time we go to a con, even though it's not sf, we'll dress as QaF people. I get to be Debbie. I'm the only one with enough tacky wigs to pull it off. LOL!



Thursday, January 29, 2004 10:03 PM



Originally posted by Vena:
For me I find that the trip into lameness is often found by way of those teen target shows that are designed for 13 year-olds but at 19 you still find your self sucked in despite an ongoing college education.

Watched Roswell Re-runs on SciFi this morning. again confirming that the target audence was every hormone crazed teen in the world. I could not get enough and I sucked up every last second that I could.

Some other guilty plesure that have since come to mind: The Invisible Man on SciFi (again with the unfair swift end) Highlander. don't ask me to explain. I don't think I could. 7 Days. Changing Rooms, Ground Force and the like on the BBC America. For a time it was Charmed, but even that got to stuped for me to wrap my brain around. Smallvill? VERY Superman,90210. there is nothing wrong with that. Let's here it for the old school Junkyard Wars!!
Last on my list of the very guilty plesures: anything written by Laurell K. Hamelton.

Mal:"someone ever ties to kill you, you try to kill'em right back!"


Thursday, January 29, 2004 10:34 PM



Originally posted by Nur:
Shows that I've been told should be my dirty little secret(s) my someone or the other:

Angel, Stargate SG-1, Queer As Folk, Oz, Trading Spaces, Deepwater Black (or Mission:Genesis depending on what part of the world you're from), Space Cases(I know its for kids, but it rocks! Bill Mummy co-created and guest starred in it!)

Ah, Space Cases! I loved that show. For me it was all about Jewel as Catalina!
And I love Trading Spaces, but I'm not feeling too guilty about it.


Shows that actually are my dirty little secret(s): Roswell (tops the list no question, made for 14 year olds and I lapped up every bit of it),

Roswell... indeed a guilty pleasure of mine. I'm almost certain I'll buy the DVDs.

I have no guilt in any of my other shows. Except for maybe Charmed. Yep. Guilty over that one.


Andromeda, Buffy after the second season (come on folks, we all have that moment where we thought it peaked then started its slow descdent into crap but contiuned to watch anyway. Season 2 was mine.)

Thats all I've got for now, but I'm sure that someone will remind me of something else and I'll have to add that too.

Those who restrain desire, do so because thiers is weak enough to be restrained.
-William Blake

Oh, wait! I've thought of one. Radio Free Roscoe. For the life of me, I can't understand why... but I can't seem to change the channel with that one. It's very sad. This just started a few days ago. I'm hoping to break it before it becomes a problem.


Friday, January 30, 2004 1:02 AM


okay folks, stop sidestepping the issue...

like me, i know a whole lot of guys out there (maybe some girls) watch smallville because lana is hot.

that said, here's the rundown:

1. alias - jennifer garner, nuff said
2. smallville - mmm... lana
3. scrubs - should be an hour show
4. dead like me - jewel yummy as a punk chick
5. csi - how'd they do that???

notice there's no fox shows. i watch em sure, but i've totally lost my faith in those bastards since they canned firefly. BASTARDS!!

runners up include: firefly, cowboy bebop, x-files, only cause there's no more eps, or are there??






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