Life Onboard Serenity: Second Terraformed Planet to the right....

UPDATED: Friday, October 6, 2006 13:58
VIEWED: 12771
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006 8:45 PM


Life Onboard Serenity is a chain-story/rpg. If you want to join in the fun, your more than welcome too...

Previously On Battlesta- sorry: Life Onboard Serenity!...

Latest Adventure: Life Onboard Serenity: Violent Lunatics & Those Who Kill Them

In which:

After surviving a feirce firefight, the crew blew Niska's skyplex up, nearly taking some of us with it, yet, capturing the crooked old man in the process, said hello again to 13, learned we properly might be saying goodbye to Erita and Pain, stole niskas money account, stopping off for some R&R at a space station, said goodbye to Mac, took onboard Szatsu (Oath) and are now currently back on track for John's Brothers Planet (ship needs a good look over), while enjoying the traditional crew meal...

Current heading (i think): The unkown planet that Johns Brother owns.

And Now: The Rules...

1)We're open to all authors and writing styles. This thread is just for fun! However, we do ask that a couple of simple rules be followed:

2)No killing of other author’s characters or of canon characters. In that vein, try to keep canon characters acting like themselves.

3)Please try to post with consideration for fellow authors and with some consistency to current story lines.

4)Sub-plots are great and we welcome them, but please try to make them fit into the current stories as much as possible.

5)Oh, and please keep things as close to PG as possible. If you have a more adult scene you'd like posted, send it to Ertia and She'll put it up on her site.

So…lets get flying....


Tuesday, September 12, 2006 8:56 PM


Woot! Woot! Yay a new thread. I'll post something tomorrow when I'm not so tired.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:10 AM


BTW: Current runner and riders:

Serenity Crew:

Mal (Captain)
Zoe (second in command)
Wash (Pilot)
Kaylee (Mechanic)
Jayne (Public Relations)
Simon (Medic)
River (er...)
Book (Shepard)

Passengers (and other helpful people):


Total: 18 humaniods 1 and 1 Feline.

EDIT: Cheers wolf.




Wednesday, September 13, 2006 8:56 AM


13 and wolf are both humanoids, im not sure about 62, he's 2 feet tall has big floppy ears, and has three fingers on each limb, so you could go either way with him.

we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 10:12 AM


cheers wolf. Long time, no post. How you been?




Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:24 PM


Always wondered who'd win if it came down to it. Wolf, or 13? Hmmm...I smell conflict in the air.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 2:30 PM


*The food was good, excellent in fact. Pain had almost forgotten what real meat tasted like, having had to eat protein for the past week. He was sure everyone else felt the same way as he shoveled some beef into his mouth. Ertia looked at Pain from the corner of her eye and gave a sly smile as she placed a hand on Pain's thigh, slowly moving it upwards. Pain swalled the food in his mouth and said to her in a low tone, making sure she could hear him over the sea of conversation*

Babe you know what happens when you do that.

*Ertia smiled and said as she continued*

Why do you think I'm doiing it love.

*Pain took a drink of his tea, feeling Ertia's hand caressing him and said to her*

You're askin' for it you know.

*Ertia simply smiled and continued to arouse Pain. Pain bit his lower lip and said*

Don't say I didn't warn you bao bei.

*Pain placed one hand between Ertia's legs and started to give her a taste of her own medicine. Ertia let out a giggle and thought to herself*

Revenge was certainly sweet indeed.

*Mal heard Ertia giggle, looked up at the two of them, and said*

Will you two stop messin' around at the dinner table. Some of us are tryin' to eat.

*Both Ertia and Pain removed their hands from each others thigh as Pain said*

Sorry sir won't happen again.

*Mal replied*

Make sure it don't Pain.

*Mal returned to eating as Pain's hand went back to teasing Ertia.*

I'm a very bad man.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 5:28 PM


Captain is gonna throw us off his ship, you keep that up.

Ertia looked around the table. This was their ship. Her home. And she loved it. Really, she did. But she couldn't take the running anymore. How many times had they almost died this week? "So, we're headed to John's brother's place for some patch up and hang low? I suppose we'll need to find a new job soon."

"Why is it that jobs never seem to find us and trouble always does?" Wash quipped, gesturing with his fork, "I mean, what are we? Trouble Magnets?"

"Some days seems like." Mal agreed, "But we're done with all that for a bit. We put Niska behind us, and get the ship fixed up a bit, and things will be shiny soon enough."

Ertia poured more tea into her cup and fervently hoped so.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 7:44 PM


Hey you're the one who started it. I just returned the favor is all.

*Pain took his hand off Ertia's thigh and continued to eat his food. He thought to himself*

I really hope you're right Captain. Cause I ain't too cheery at the thought of my girl bein' put in harm's way.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 8:36 PM


Jayne gave an evil grin: "Jeez, and i thought Wolf and Kaylee were bad, with all there banging and crashing and- OW! Watcha do that for!?!"

"No reason." said Zoe and 13 togther as Wolf, Kaylee and Simon all looked down at their plates.

"Just all this talk is putting us off our food, can we find something else to talk about?" asked Zoe.

"Well i got a few stories that might be of interst.." said Book.

"Does it involve hell fire and mercy?" inquired Choo.

Book grinned a little: "Don't you just hate it when people ruin your stories?"




Friday, September 15, 2006 10:58 AM


18 months later....

(its a 2001/Mystery Science Theatre joke, don't worry... )

How are we all then?



Friday, September 15, 2006 11:20 AM


*62 finally realised that no one loved him and he will kill serenity with the a bomb he had in his back pocket.. but then he remembered his legs were in the cargobay probably stinking up the place*

"damn.. aw screw it" mumbles 62 while picking a a monkey wrench and dragged himself around looking for scrap metal to make into legs..

oh by the way.. sorry for not being on for a while, had things to do places to see.. but im back now so all is well..



Friday, September 15, 2006 1:42 PM


It's ok 62. Glad to have you back.

*Pain scooped some more food onto his plate and said*

I wouldn't mind listenin' to that story preacher. It ain't like I have anythin' better to do.

*Etria elbowed Pain in the side and gave him a look.Pain gave her a smile and said to her in a low tone*

Hey if'n you got somethin' better the two of us could be doin', then I'm all ears.

*Book replied*

It's not that good really.

*Jayne smiled and chimed in*

Aw come on preacher. We don't mind ya tellin' a story.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, September 16, 2006 8:03 PM


bump! and...i can't think ofd a good story. No idea why...



Sunday, September 17, 2006 2:15 AM


interesting question 13, hmm, 13 has strength but wolf isnt always wrestling with his conciuns (sp) like 13 is, also wolf is much more quick thinking, (13s a bit of a nucklehead), but 13 is faster, wolf is more inventive and has more inginuity, but 13 has the advantage that if his leg falls off he is able to hit people with it. on the other hand wolf is more passionate, and 13 could take advantage of that,(famlity and friends.) but then again cut the right wires and 13 falls to the ground like a ragdoll. interesting idea.

The meaning of life is 62


Monday, September 18, 2006 7:37 AM


BUMPING! Sorry I've been away. I'm just really busy over on the other site that I play on.

*Book replied to Jayne*

I don't think it'd be appropiate for young ears.

*Book motioned to Kaylee and Ertia as he said that. Jayne snorted and said*

Aww come on preacher, it ain't like they never heard anythin' dirty before.

*Jayne glanced at Ertia, smiled and said*

'Specially Ertia here. I'm sure Pain tells her way more dirtier stuff than what's in yer story preacher.

*Pain gave Jayne a look and said*

Jayne you leave my girl outta this. What I say to her is none of your gorram business.

*Mal, frustrated at all the bickering going on, said*

Jayne shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you. Dong ma?

*Jayne looked at the Captain, saw that he was serious, and said, scowling*

Aw screw this I'll be in my bunk.

*Jayne angrily heaped some more food onto his plate, then got up and left for his bunk. Pain wiped his face off with his napkin and said as he got up*

Well I'm goin' to bed. If'n anyone needs me you know where to find me.

*Pain kissed Ertia on the head and left for his bunk. Fly turned to Book and said*

So Book lets hear this story of yours.

*Book replied as he got up*

Perhaps another time Miss Fly. If you all don't mind, I think I'll go to my room and read a few passages.

*Amid the disappointed groans from some of the crew, Mal said to Book*

You ain't be needin' my permission to leave the table preacher. You go on with your readin' while the rest of us go on with our eatin'.

*Book gave Mal a slight nod and left the galley. Ertia finished her meal, wiped offf her face with her napkin, and said as she took her and Pain's plates to the sink*

I believe it's my turn to do the dishes. Fly you want to help?

*Fly took a sip off her tea and said*

Sure why not Ertia just give me a minute to finish eatin'.

*Everyone returned to their meal while Ertia waited at the sink, thinking of what her and Pain's life would be like once they left Serenity.*

Where is everyone? *Calls out into the Black* Hello? Where'd everybody go?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, September 18, 2006 5:34 PM


We're right here, Doctor. Right here.

" 'Ertia?' " I frowned. Why did that name sound so familiar?

"Szatsu. Kinda peculiar name," the captain remarked, leaning back in his chair while surveying me carefully.

I drew a small, false smile. I'd heard that remark more than once, and long since grown tired of it.

"Don't quite understand the purpose of names," the numbered manboy murmured. "Numbers are so much simpler." He paused, then grinned bitterly. "Can't particularly remember mine, so my opinions more than a little clouded."

"Why 13?" I asked suddenly. "Seems awfully unlucky."

The manboy's eyes flashed momentarily. Not metaphorically, but literal flashing. I was taken aback.

One of the two women snorted derisively.

"What's so funny, Fly?" 13 asked, eyes sated.

It was strange; the way he looked at her. A subtle change in his face, almost a relaxation.

"If'n Szatsu knew ya the way we did, he wouldn't bother sayin' you're unlucky."

13 snorted. "Remember that time I got my legs cut off by that grenade on Zenith?"

"Or the cops at Londinium?" Pain said. "Damn good fun, that."

"Or when you punched through that one fella's head?"

"Good times," Mal said sarcastically.

I didn't bother asking how 13 had his legs cut off , yet walked, or how he had punched through a person's head. I thought it was best not to.


Monday, September 18, 2006 8:17 PM


*Pain walked over to Ertia, gave her another kiss then said*

Well I'm off to bed folks.

*Pain walked out of the galley, stopping at the doorframe. He turned around and said to 13*

Hey 13 why don't you tell Szatsu here about the time you wore womens clothin'. I'm pretty sure Fly won't mind showin' that capture of you all dolled out.

*Pain started to chuckle as he walked to his bunk's hatch, 13 yelling at him as Pain entered his bunk*


*Fly chuckled and said*

Sure you did 13 sure you did.

*13 said in a slightly pretend shocked tone*

Well I did Fly.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, September 18, 2006 8:45 PM


"You alright preacher?" Choo called as he went up the ladder to see Niska (who is currently occupying Wolf's old cell).

"Fine thank you." Book called.

Tapping the combination into the lock, Choo wasn't prepared to be knocked back by Niska ramming into him the second the door opened.

Slaming into the floor below, Choo lasped in and out of concusiness. Book opened his door only to find the hilt of a gun in his face.

"Bodyguards, can always be.ur....teachers, my friend." Niska said, slightly out of breath

Turning Niska saw the young doctor appear around the corner. Before Simon could say anything, Niska threw a punch into the docs stomach, making him double over.

With that he grabbed Choo's Battered old Rifle, checked the clip (full) and headed for the cargo


Wash and John were standing over the navigation console as Mal came in.

"Whats our ETA?" he asked

"Should be no more than two hours. Nearest Alliance presence is a good five, so their should be no worries there," Wash said with a smile.

I'm just a noob for causing trouble BTW: thought Niska would have learned a thing or two about fighting, guns and strength from his henchmen or something. Something you wouldn't expect.




Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:32 AM


*wolf stepped out of the gally to and up to the bridge. niska looked behind him and shot wolf in the chest. in one brief moment of pain wolf kept his wits about him and punched the gun out of his hand. john and wash ran out of the bridge just in time to see wolf fall flat on his face with a growing pool of blood surrounding him, john kicked niska in the face knocking him unconcious, wash picked up wolf.*

wash" help me here!"

john" sorry."

* as they carried him away, book came out of his bunk, saw the limp niska.*

we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:55 AM


"Get him too the doc." shouted Mal, turning to the others who were crowded around the galley entrance "13, pain, can yagimme need a hand?"

"Finally taking out the trash?" Zoe inquired.

"Yeah, you could say that," muttered Mal, his face showing no emotion.

"Mind...if..i say a prayer?" Book said, delirious with the hit over the head..

"Yes." replied Mal, stone faced.

"Good." said Book as he backed down the stairs.

"This is't a natural accurance is it?" said the ships new guest.

"What. you mean looking after viciously evil crime lords?" Kaylee said, turning to see the men lug Niska down the stairs "Hell No. Spacing people? ...Sometimes happens....Not often, and the usually deserve it..."



Tuesday, September 19, 2006 12:24 PM


*13 and Pain followed Mal as they dragged Niska down into the cargo bay. Pain muttered to himself*

Why do I always have to help take out the trash?

*Mal said to Pain, not looking back*

What was that Pain?

*Pain spoke up as him and 13 continued dragging Niska, his head hitting each step*

I wasn't sayin' anythin' Captain.

*Mal replied, as he walked over to the console and opened up the hatch in the floor*

Sounded like you said somethin'. You ain't havin' second thoughts of killin' him are you?

*Pain shook his head and said as him and 13 brought Niska up on his feet*

No sir ain't havin' any second thoughts about that.

*Mal walked over to Niska, his gun drawn on the old man, and said to him*

So Niska any last words before Pain here kicks you into the lower bay and you get a first hand experience of what it feels like to have your blood boil out of your ears?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 12:35 PM


OoC: Ah, but Pain and Mal are foiled by Niska's secret weapon: the canon. Or are they? Let's watch!


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 7:54 PM



Originally posted by 13:
OoC: Ah, but Pain and Mal are foiled by Niska's secret weapon: the canon. Or are they? Let's watch!

a swoosh!?! What you going on about 13????

He'll kill us all in our sleep!!!


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 7:54 PM


Remeber kids: too much clicky = too much posty....


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 7:59 PM



Also remember kids: no posty = a dead thread

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, September 21, 2006 1:18 PM


{i]I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! Sorry for my exstende absence I've been busy. Welcome Oath/Szastsu I'll spell that wrong alot {/i}

John smiled as tthe desert planet came into full view. Itdidn't seem like much until you went over the canyon. Wash let out a gasp as they did just that. tucked away here wasa small town of the futuristic sort. He was excitedto see Charlie again and prepared to questions about his nickname Knives. Well here goes.



Thursday, September 21, 2006 7:57 PM


Mal stepped off the rap and onto the desert dirt. "planning on some dirt kissing sir?" Zoe remarked.

"It burns! Its burns!" commented Wash, acting out a moke death. Till Jayne triped him onto the dirt.

"Yeah, we been couped up for too. far too long. Good to see mother nature again." Mal said looking up at the blue sky.

"That and it was begining to smell." commented Jayne. Zoe shot him a look.

"Lets go see what the natives are like shall we?" ordered Mal as a group of people approached Serenity....




Thursday, September 21, 2006 8:42 PM


Welcome back John! I'll assume Niska's body is floating somewhere in the Black.

*Pain followed the others as they exited the cargo bay. Pain wrapped his left hand around Ertia's waist and looked up at the clear blue sky. He breathed in the air and said to her*

Ain't it the prettiest sight bao bei?

*Ertia pulled herself closer to Pain, smiled and said*

It's not as pretty as some sights babe.

*Pain looked at Ertia, smiled and replied*

And I'm lookin' at one of them.

*Ertia smiled, stood on her tippy toes, kissed Pain and said*

If you play nice with the town folk, you'll get to see more.

*Pain grinned as he and Ertia continued to walk with the rest of the crew, his left hand placed on her lower back, her right hand in his left back pocket.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, September 22, 2006 8:51 PM


BUMPITY BUMP BUMP BUMPITY!! *sits down and watches the tumbleweeds roll by*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, September 22, 2006 9:41 PM


i like the idea that came up earlier about doing the movie but with us al in it.

we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!


Saturday, September 23, 2006 4:51 AM


"Well brother long time no see" Knives said as John the Captain and most of the crew approached.

"Nice to se you Knives" John said hugging his brother.

"So this is Captain Reynolds Nice to meet you"



Saturday, September 23, 2006 8:19 AM



Originally posted by bigwolf18:
i like the idea that came up earlier about doing the movie but with us al in it.

would be cool. Maybe after our stop off with John's Bro (new colour cargo bay and back wall pattern, maybe some new control panels, a hover Mule, etc...) and the repairs, drop off the shepard and then go see the twins??? Could put it too a vote.

"Well," it seems to have gone well." commented Wash, "Theres more hugging than usual."

"Its good to be on...friendly terms, with the locals." Book commented.

"Wait till we rob their bank." commented Choo. "Or show them Wolf!

"heard that." shouted Wolf.

Up in the clear blue sky something that looked like a comet streeked across the atmosphere. As the crew looked up, the memories of 13's pals came to light.

"You said it was an unmarked passenger ship?" asked Book.

"Yeah," replied Wash, "Why?"

"'Cause keeping a very close eye on it would be a good idea." and with that the Shepard walked towards the town.

"You get that a lot?" asked Choo

"Not much. Though you should see his knee cap accuracy." said Wash, gaze on the disappearing ship.




Saturday, September 23, 2006 3:41 PM


Sounds good to me, just don't expect me to remember everything that happened in the movie. Also I got nothing.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, September 24, 2006 9:14 PM


Bumping this in order to save it from the clutches of the Archive Demon.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, September 25, 2006 7:50 AM


looks at archive demon pit. Jezz thats deep...So how is everyone? Havn't heard from you guys in a while.

after the inroductions and pleasentries. Mal, Zoe, John and Knives had headed off into the wilderness on Knives Hover Mule.

Meanwhile the crew decided to spend some time in the sun, and moved most of the ships chairs outside. The last thing Choo had heard before dossing off was "Carrot juice!?!", and the first to wake him up was the distant roar of a hover mule.

"Daddy's home." said River as she lay on the grass reading a book.

"I take it the captain will want some work done now?" Choo asked Kaylee, who had also dozed off.

"More than likely," She gave with a small sign.

"I leave you for a couple of hours," said Mal as he jumped off the hover mule, "and you all run like i was a slave driver."

Choo looked around the scence, chairs and the couch all laid out in an arch, only there was no one to sit in them...

"So," asked Mal, eyeing the scence. "Where are they?"

"Ain't got a clue Captain," Choo gave with a shrug.




Monday, September 25, 2006 9:07 AM


*wakes up* Huh? What? Who's there? La..Lassie is that you girl? What? You say Timmy fell down the well again and you're the one who pushed him in? Now why'd you go and do that for girl? La..Lassie wha..why do you have that gun? No girl don't do that NO!!! *BAM!* *THUD*

*Pain and Ertia walked about half a mile from Serenity to a small secluded swimming hole with crystal clear water. Ertia gave Pain a sly smile and said*

I dare you to go in there with no clothes on.

*Pain grinned at Ertia and replied*

I dare you to go first since you're the one who mentioned it.

*Ertia moved closer to Pain, getting up on her tip toes and bringing her mouth close to his. She said to him in a seductive whisper, her hands unbuckling his belt*

You go first bao bei.

*Pain went to kiss her but Ertia pulled back. Grinning, Pain replied*

You know I could just throw you in right now fully clothed.

*Ertia looked in Pain's eyes and said*

You wouldn't dare.

*Pain just grinned at her, wrapping his arms around her lower back. He kissed her passionately and said*

You're right. It's a lot more fun to watch you get naked.

*Pain kissed Ertia again, saying to her as his hands unbuttoned her pants*

Course it's a lot more fun if'n we take off each other's clothes.

*They bothed kissed each other as they removed their clothing. Ertia let out a gasp and said to Pain as she felt him against her*

You sure noone's going to see us babe.

*Pain said as he removed Ertia's shirt and kissed her down her neck*

Ain't noone around bao bei and if'n there is, well they'll be gettin' quite a show.

*The two of them never did make it into the swimming hole.*

I think you kids know what happened next.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, September 25, 2006 9:30 AM


um... i dont think i could have heard that sly comment, because ive been shot with an automatic rifle by niska remember... just trying to keep a little consistancy.

we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!


Monday, September 25, 2006 8:19 PM


Perhaps you should have Simon take a look at that Wolf.

*Pain laid on his back, the grass nice and soft. He brushed some leaves out of Ertia's hair as she kissed him and said*

Mmmm Pain I didn't think you were quite the exhibitionist.

*Pain smiled and said*

I can be if'n I'm in the right company.

*Pain rolled Ertia onto her back, his body pressed against hers. He kissed her again then said*

You know we could still do that whole skinny dippin' thing. We are awfully dirty and I ain't talkin' about our minds.

*Ertia smiled, kissed Pain and said*

You're the one with the dirty mind babe.

*Pain propped himself up on an elbow. looked into Ertia's eyes and said*

Well that might be true but as I recall you never had a problem with it. So how about the skinny dippin', you up for it?

*Ertia smiled and said*

Last one in is a rotten egg.

*Ertia then pushed Pain to the ground, got up and sprinted over towards the swimming hole. Pain got up and chased her in, unaware of the watchful eyes of a something that wasn't human.*

*Sighs* This would go a lot faster if the others were here. So far it's just me, Choo, you, and Oath. We're missing Fly, Ertia, JRC, 13, Guy, Shipscat, and Experiment62.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 8:01 AM


i thought the simon thing was implyed. the trolls internet has been doing the computer equilivent of hitting its self with a hammer and giggling. and i dont know where the others are.

*in wolfs mind nightmares were taking control. he kept seeing niska strap him to a chair and force a movie clip infront of him, on the screen there was nothing but a shot of kaylee falling to the ground, there was the sound of a baby crying in the distance, and simons fist suddenly came towards his eyes, he blacked out and the dream replayed itself.*

we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 8:38 PM


Bumping yet again. I think I deserve a raise for this.

*Pain and Ertia were in the secluded swimming hole doing what folks who go skinny dipping do. Pain splashed Ertia with some water and she splashed him back. The two of them were having fun doing this until Pain heard the sound of something rattling around in some nearby bushes. Ertia splashed Pain one more time before she swam up to him and said to him*

What's the matter babe?

*Pain held a finger to his mouth and replied in a whisper*

I think there's someone or something in those bushes over there.

*Ertia whispered to Pain, not believing him entirely*

What do you mean Pain? Are you sure you're not just trying to scare me?

*The bushes rattled again and this time Ertia heard it. She grabbed Pain's waist and hugged her body closer to his as the rattling continued. Pain said in a commanding tone*

Alright whoever's in those bushes come out and show me some hands!

*After a few minutes of silence the bushes started to rattle again and Pain replied yet again*

This ain't funny! Whoever you are get the ruttin' hell out of those bushes!

*The rattling stopped and Pain swam a little closer, trying to get to the shore where his holstered pistol was when the source of the bush rattling came running out yelling*


*The sight and sound of 13's little freak of a pet Dani, caught Pain and Ertia off gaurd and nearly scared the crap out of them. Pain muttered something in Chinese and was about to go to shore when Dani ran by Pain's clothes and took his pants, screaming as it ran away*


*Pain got onshore, put on his shirt, looked at Ertia and said*

Don't you dare laugh babe.

*Ertia tried to hold the laughter back. Seeing Dani run over to Pain's clothes and steal his pants was very funny. Well at least to her anyways. She couldn't hold it in anymore and started to laugh. Pain muttered something in Chinese, then yelled at Dani as he chased the pants stealing, mutant freak*


I wonder if 13 will mind if I kill his stupid little pet.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 12:05 AM


*Coming back to full awareness was far from pleasant, especially as it allowed the mother-in-law of all hangovers to kick in. Trying to ignore the thrumming sound that made both ears feel like they'd been ruptured, Nico forced his eyes open; and instantly regretted it. The piercing bright sunlight made his eyes instinctivly close again. Cracking his open carefully, he started to identify shapes, but they weren't the smooth lines of his apartment, or even that of any core planet architecture.*

Wha...? *was all he could croak, his voice rasping. As his mental discipline fought to over-ride the hangover, he tried to take stock of where he was and how he might of got there. Searching in his pocket for a hankerchief to wipe the sweat off his brow, he felt a crumpled piece of card and dug it out. Squinting at it, he turned it around a few times, until he determined it was a coaster from some drinking establishment he seemed to recall being told never to enter.*

*The sweat on his forhead went cold, despite the oppressive heat of the day, as things started to fit together. A fuzzy memory of drinking games with his classmates, but from there, nothing. He had no idea how much of his memory was blank, but running a hand across a heavily stubbled face gave him some point of reference.*

*Pushing aside the loose pieces of corragated tin that must have been serving as a bedsheet, he staggered to his feet. Looking around, all he could see was hills and scrub, but his nose detected something that wasn't natural. Following the smell, his wobbly steps brought him to the top of a small rise. From here, he could what was defintely a spaceship. Battered and possibly a decade or two past her use-by date, but a spaceship nonetheless. Since the presence of unfamiliar moons in the sky told him he was nowhere near the core, this seemed to be his best chance to get home, or at least, somewhere closer to home.*

*Approaching the ship, he hawked out a gob of saliva and called out*

Hello, anyone home? *and quietly, to himself* anyone friendly?

OoC: hope my introductory thread isn't too cliched, but the drunked binge is the only story device i can think of that will allow me to catch up on who's who, and what's what without having to read all the previous threads

If you find yourself getting too worked up about stuff that isn't real (RP Threads etc), then go outside, breathe in some fresh air and try feeding the ducks. (Because ducks don't care about your politics, religion, skin colour, choice of music or even your haircut. They like everyone, provided you bring them food.)


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 1:08 AM


"Where did it go again?" asked Zoe as she helped Choo place the couch back into the passenger section, while not trying to smash into anything fragile.

"Over there. Look where, i'm pionting..." Motioned a reading River.

"Does it actually matter, i always thought it didn't look good there." said Simon. Zoe and Choo shot him a look. "Never mind..."

"Hello, anyone home?" came a new voice for the cargo bay.

"de-clawed and all," whispered River.

"Doc, take over from me will ya?" said Zoe as she eased the furniture down and headed out the door.

Simon hesitated and grabbed the other end, yanked at his end, making Choo lose his grip and curse when it landed on his foot. Meanwhile River just laughed her head off...


Zoe ignored the yelp and walked across the cargo bay to the stranger.

"You alright there stranger? Look a little worse for where?"

OoC: Hello Nico. Always good to have a new face. Theres some info at the top of the thread about the rules, and whats happened before. You'll learn a bit about us all as we go along, and enjoy.



Wednesday, September 27, 2006 4:52 AM


*Hearing voices (some melodious and delightful to the ear, some not so much) coming from within the ship, Nico grew slightly hopeful. The bubbling laughter he could hear was pushed into the background as a calm, self-assured voice asked him if he was alright.*

*Keeping his hands free of his grime-stained and rather frayed dark grey pants whose white pinstripes were well and truly concealed by the dirt ground into them, he tried to sound firm, hoping to conceal his desparation.Having made a snap judgement based on the appearance of the ship, he figured that asking for a lift back to the central planets wasn't likely to be too successful. For now, though, he'd be happy just to find out where he was, and if he could get somewhere else, say, somewhere he could access his bank accounts and buy passage home.*

"Hi there. I don't suppose you have room for a passenger, do you?"

*Even as he asked, he wondered how he could pay for his fare, given the near-emptiness of his pockets. After all, this didn't look like the sort of vessel whose crew would accept payment at the end of the voyage.*

*The uncomfortableness he felt in asking for help reminded him of his early schooling days, when the social workers had thought that the best thing for an abandoned child was to send it to a boarding school. Even back then, his strong sense of pride, coupled with the constant taunting of the snobbish rich kids had made asking for help a daunting task. So standing there, with his shortish dark brown hair being blown around by the wind gusts, and his trashed clothes making him look like some sort of hobo, he felt the tears starting to well up behind his blue eyes, but he forced them back as best he could.*

If you find yourself getting too worked up about stuff that isn't real (RP Threads etc), then go outside, breathe in some fresh air and try feeding the ducks. (Because ducks don't care about your politics, religion, skin colour, choice of music or even your haircut. They like everyone, provided you bring them food.)


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:39 AM


Glad to have you here Nico. Now if the others would just stop being busy and post something....

*Pain continued to run after Dani, yelling insults and threats at the mutant freak. Ertia got out of the swimming hole, got dressed and then proceeded to head off after Pain and Dani.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 12:49 PM


post something like this....

"So brother your running with Kaylee again"


"She still with what's his face"

"Well after a couple stars and stops yeah"

The converssation would give a listener no hint of what the brothers were doing. Of course one could brobably here the grunts and clash of steel as they swung their swords at each other.

"What do you want the gorram mule for anyway."

"It's mine"

"Well you left it here"

"And" As the battle continued it became incresingly clear who would be taking home the mule. The brothers nickname were extreme misnomers. John was no Doc but rather a skilled fighter. Knives was the opposite. As they parried with each other John grew board and swept his brother off his feet. "Game, Set, and Match" he said reaching down to take the keys out of his brothers pocket.



Wednesday, September 27, 2006 8:18 PM


Don't tell me, its bright YELLOW!! :p And cool, a sword fight.

"Gotta speak with our captain first," Zoe said carmly, keeping some neutrality in her voice, "He went out just know, not sure when he'll be back. But your welcome on board till the Mr...??"

"Nico, names Nico." said Nico about shakenly.

"Our lounge is upstairs," Zoe pionted behind her, "through the back. Straight up and to the right."

As Zoe lead him through they saw Simon bandaging up Choo's foot, with River creeping at the door. Choo gave a smilie, but then winced as Simon continued.

Un noticed by the guest, Zoe hit the controls to auto lock the engine room up, after the Heart of Gold job, it was best left alone...

In the longue, Zoe prepared some coffee and asked: "so whats your story Nico. Everyones got one..."



Knives had prepared some transport to take Kaylee and Mal to the boneyard. There, like a dis organized mess, was a wreck of nearly every spaceship built by man in the verse.

"This why this planet a secret cap'n?" Kaylee asked.

"Yep, according to the locals, the Alliance let the land from orbit." said Mal as they passed a burnt out hulk. "Thats if they survive. Locals then put them here and mainly guard from folk who want to steal, but also sell some of the rarer parts. Nice little business."

Kaylee only nodded, engroused in the sad remains of a spyinx class. "Kaylee, you even listening to me?"

"Sure thing cap'n," she said, clearly not...

signing Mal, grabbed her hand and steered her around the nearest corner.

There, in two rows stood every known type of Firefly ever made, from the mark one's too the mark Fives, all in some state of dis-repair.

"ooo," said the beaming Kaylee, "We do need a new primary buffer panel..."




Thursday, September 28, 2006 1:26 AM


Despite its outward appearance, the more Nico saw of the interior of the ship, the more impressed he became. While from the outside it looked somewhat unreliable, from inside it looked to be well cared for, which spoke well of the crew, although he was all too aware that looks can be deceiving. Speaking of looks, the young girl who was creeping at the door as he entered was most intriguing. A lifetime of learning to be unobtrusive meant that his vision tended to pick up people trying to skulk around, a byproduct of a 'classical' education at the school of hard knocks.

As he sat down in the lounge, his muscles informed him of just how much they had gotten used to resting inert on hard, rocky terrain. Leaning back with an extremely grateful sigh of pleasure, he watched Zoe preparing the coffee, having already picked out the best routes of escape, should he find himself having to leave in a hurry. Hopefully that wouldn't be required, but some habits die harder than others, especially when surrounded by strangers.

Skimming over his life story in his mind quickly, he tried to work out what he should include, and what to leave out.

"Well, let's see. I was an abandoned child on one of the central planets, so my name was picked out at random by one of the social workers." For now, he wasn't going to admit to the lack of a surname, having been assigned an alpha-numeric designation to go with the name of Nicodemus.

"As a ward of the state, I spent my childhood in boarding schools and somehow got good enough grades to earn a scholarship to one of the major universities, not the really big name ones, but a large enough one." Not mentioning of course that the scholarship was actually earnt through a mixture of blackmail, bribery and old-fashioned record altering. Indeed, Nico considered his true education to have been that of learning how to work the system to his advantage, rather than it serving the whims of those with money and political connections. He quickly suppressed a grin at the memory of sneaking into one particularly obnoxious bully-boy's home and, well, the details weren't too important, it was more the fact that Nico had perfected the art of blending into the background, so most people din't notice him, and wasn't it amazing what they would say when they thought no-one was there.

"Anyway, I'm almost finished a degree in anthropology, learning about Earth That Was. Last thing I can recall before waking up on this planet was drinking with my classmates. Only clue I have for what happened in the meantime is this coaster." He pulled out the crumpled coaster from his pocket and dropped it on the table. "It seems to be from some drinking establishment in one of the blackout zones. A place called 'Browncoat Bar and Grill'."

If you find yourself getting too worked up about stuff that isn't real (RP Threads etc), then go outside, breathe in some fresh air and try feeding the ducks. (Because ducks don't care about your politics, religion, skin colour, choice of music or even your haircut. They like everyone, provided you bring them food.)


Thursday, September 28, 2006 1:57 AM


Examining the only clue, Zoe gave a smile "Wrong logo."

"pardon?" asked Nico

"Got the wrong logo. The stars the wrong way up." Zoe said handing it back. "Commen mistake, but still thought a proper Browncoat should know."

"Ah! Know i get it." exclaimed Nico, as it twigged. "Serenity means.."

"Serenity Valley, yes. Me and the captain was their." Zoe said as she handed Nico his coffee. "Its certainlyt an event that stay withs you."

After a brief pause Nico asked, "Where am i anyway?"

Lookinga around Zoe muttered "The furthest corner of no and where..."




Thursday, September 28, 2006 1:27 PM


As John explored his old home he met all manner of things first he saw the small shack of a building the first thing he built when he got to this junkland. He saw the small house he lived with his brother in. He saw his office building the warehouse where he lost the love of his life and the small park he built to honor his mother. But also he saw the weopens closet where he loaded on on numerous weopens of death the gym where he trained to be silent and flexible so his victums never saw it coming. but worst of all he saw the samll park built to honor his mother a woman he didn't know if he could face anymore. No time like the present







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