Universal letter campaign----we need your help!

UPDATED: Monday, February 2, 2004 04:42
VIEWED: 16466
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Thursday, January 29, 2004 2:37 PM


Hi all. With the recent worrying post by Joss regarding the status of the movie (which can be seen in the "Fireflygasm" thread), a bunch of us over at (I'm one of the mods there) decided that he could use a bit more than just moral support.

To that end, the Firefly fans of TrekBBS (a notable and growing, if not yet overwhelming, number), spearheaded by myself and GrimFandango there, have decided to organize one more push to convince Universal that Firefly is worth a little monetary risk, as we all know it is. Here is the post we made over there; we hope you'll all help out, and spread the word to other Firefly boards.

Our goal is not to annoy Universal; merely to show support for a great universe.


Last year when Firefly was cancelled many of us were devastated. How could such a fantastic show be trampled on? How could we say good-bye to these characters, to this world? How could this be the end?
With the recent release of the entire series on DVD us long-time fans are very happy to find that our group of the devastated has grown. As negative as that may sound, it is actually a very good thing.

It can only be a testament to Firefly’s brilliance. To it’s sheer ability to entertain and enthrall, that it has managed to not only keep its old fan base, but to cause that group to swell as science fiction fans of all tastes flocked to this witty, charming, and entertaining television program.

Unfortunately there was nothing the fans could do to save the show from cancellation. We tried and failed. We may have been on the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one.

However, there still IS something we can do. The battle is not yet over. For those of us that have been there from the beginning, it is time for one last hurrah. One last push. For those fans that were not there last time, this is your chance to help. In a way you are lucky, it is still not too late. However this very well may be the last chance we have to make a difference.
Let us act on it while we can, soon it will be too late.

The movie is all we have left, all Firefly has left. If you are one of those fans that eagerly anticipates any news on the status of the movie then you are not alone. You have also most likely read the post that recently went up from Joss Whedon on
In it he indicated that things have gone from a situation that was ‘looking good’ to one in which he was ‘struggling’. In the post he mentioned that he is still very much working towards getting the movie made, but things are becoming difficult.
Fortunately he found all the motivation he needed to continue the fight just by reading the posts of eager fans. Fans that love the show as much as he does.

As strange is it may sound, we, the fans, have made a difference. A real, physical difference and that is worth something. That is worth fighting for.

As of today a few of us are going to try our best to launch a coordinated letter writing campaign. One last chance to make a difference while we still can.

Before we go on any farther, let us establish our goals here. We have no delusions of grandeur, we know how the world works. In all likelihood anything we send will most likely make its way straight into the garbage bin. But, that is not what matters. What matters is that we are doing this because we believe in it, because we believe that we can still help.
If we manage to send dozens of letters and only one gets noticed then we have accomplished our goal. This is a difficult battle, one in which we have no weapons, no power, and nothing with which to fight. All we have are words of support – it may not be much, but apparently, it’s enough.

Over the past few days we have been trying our best to find a way to find a solid address to which to send our letters. After some e-mail correspondence with Universal Studios representatives it appears that the best address to send any material to would be:


100 Universal City Plaza
Attn: Firefly Movie
Universal City, CA 91608

We know that Firefly has a very devoted and respectful fan-base. Sometimes all it takes to get people to act is a nudge in the right direction. This is that nudge.
Do you enjoy the show? Wish you could do something, anything, no matter how small, to help? Well you CAN. Please, help us. We are by no means the legendary force that were the fans who helped resurrect the original ‘Star Trek’. But then, we may not have to be. All we may need to be is faithful. Faithful in the abilities of Joss and co., and faithful that even the smallest act of support can really mean something.

So that is that. And this is one last plea, from one Firefly fan to another: we need your help.

If you want to see this movie made then please write to Universal at the above address. We are all (mostly) adults here and it is not necessary to give ‘guidelines’ or ‘suggestions’ – I’m sure everyone knows exactly what they want to say. It doesn’t have to be much, a few words if you like. The content of the letter isn’t the important thing, the important thing is the letter itself. We want to show Universal that we support their interest in Firefly and would quickly jump at the chance to see a movie.

It sounds as if Universal may be coming to a final decision shortly and along with Joss’ letter this appears to be the end. The home stretch. This is the final critical point in the future of Firefly. This is our last chance; I don’t know about you, but I can think of a few fans who would take that chance to help. Are you one of them?

Help us show support. Together we have a synergy whose significance goes beyond any cancelled television show. We have faith and hope in the future; that is the attitude that gets things done.
Who knows, if all goes well when 'Firefly: The Movie' opens up at theatres nation-wide, you can sit there in the dark with a smile on your face as you see Serenity fly across the screen knowing that in some small way, you helped. It won’t take long and it won’t be much, but we can make a difference. One last time.

What else could any fan ask for?


Thursday, January 29, 2004 3:16 PM



Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Thursday, January 29, 2004 3:31 PM


Oh yeah, one more thing. Everyone should post here once you've actually dropped paper into the mailbox; that way, we can get a "confirmed letter count" and send it to ME. :)


Thursday, January 29, 2004 3:38 PM


Interesting...I just regsitered and this is the first thread I bounce to. Cheesy as it sounds (and believe me, I feel plenty silly just writing it), Firefly means too damned much for me to just let it go without a fight. As I read Lindley's post I felt a strange affinity to Capt. Reynolds. He knew what it felt like to love something and see it fail. He knew defeat. We, as fans of the Firefly 'Verse, tasted that defeat when Fox cancelled. But if the character "Malcolm Reynolds" can connect me in a real, visceral way, to both his grief over the defeat of the browncoats and my grief at the loss of Firefly, maybe it's worth the effort to write a letter.
No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Thursday, January 29, 2004 3:41 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

And for those who haven't participated in a leter campaign (Lord, can there be anyone left who hasn't?) all they need to know is you're a fan and you would support the movie. They don't need all the fun stuff about why you like the show or what your favorite episode/character/quote is. Save that for here.

A letter is better than a postcard. They have to open it to see what it says. Fancy paper is optional, but not necessary.

Letter writing saved Star Trek, and look what happened to that little nearly forgotten sci-fi show. Whether you like Trek or not - you have to admire what the fans did. Firefly could be the same.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Thursday, January 29, 2004 4:09 PM


With all due respect, if I'm going to take the time to write, I'm going to say more that, "Make a Firefly movie and I'll give you my money." When I'm done with my letter, I'll post it here.

Also, there is someone who's never written a letter: me.

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Thursday, January 29, 2004 4:23 PM


^Well, the first thing you should say in such a letter is that you support a Firefly movie. Feel free to say more after that, but just make sure that anyone who just skims it knows what the point is.


Thursday, January 29, 2004 4:33 PM


I compromised: I used a subject line to summarize. See below...


To Whom It May Concern,

In 1967, and again in 1968, avid fans of a struggling science fiction television program sent thousands of pieces of mail to the offices of NBC requesting, begging, demanding that their beloved show be renewed for another season. In response to the outpouring of fan support, Star Trek was renewed for a second, then a third season. Fans of the program rejoiced, and rightly so: their effort bought two additional seasons for Star Trek, which led to syndication, the broadening of its audience, a hugely successful movie franchise, and (at last count) at least four successful spin-off series. They won.

We lost. The fans of Joss Whedon’s Firefly copied the Star Trek model—we organized a desperate eleventh-hour letter writing campaign to save our show. But we failed.

For many of us, the cancellation of Firefly was devastating. We had come to love the characters, the worlds, the stories told by the show. We had emotionally bonded with the program. We grieved when the series was taken off the air. Our grief was not the escapist grief of a teenage fan. It was rooted in the very adult realization that there is no more. That this program, which amused us, delighted us, and entertained us would be seen no more.

Release of the DVD set was thrilling. It was an opportunity not only to re-engage with Firefly as we had known it, but to experience it in new ways through unaired episodes and special features. Sales for the DVD set climbed, surprising Fox, especially when fans began reordering. I didn’t understand why that was happening until I loaned my copy to a friend who loved it so much I let him keep it. Then I reordered!

But at the end of the day, the DVD was a letdown. It was a grace note, an encore, a curtain call. But it was still the end.

Until, that is, we heard that your studio was considering producing a Firefly motion picture. We were thrilled! This was an opportunity to see our show go on! We were all thrilled at the thought of seeing Serenity grace the silver screen. Hope, a commodity in short supply within the ranks of Firefly fans, began to be rekindled.

As the fans waited with bated breath, however, the news got worse. In posts on fan sites, Joss went from optimistic, to hopeful, to struggling. Again, our hope waned.

And again, we, fans of the universe that Joss Whedon created, write letters.

To the executives of Universal: please know that the fan following of Firefly is a dedicated bunch. We made the DVD successful, and we’ll damn sure make the movie successful. Keep Flying.


Caleb A. Keller


Thursday, January 29, 2004 5:15 PM


Here's my letter, I'm gonna mail it tomorrow with about 10 other copies.

Subject: Request to continue the Firefly Movie Project

To Whom it May Concern:

As a fellow lover of the show Firefly, I cannot simply sit around and do nothing while its’ fate rest in the hands of your company. I must act and do something to show my support to the show, thus I write this letter.

Firefly is a show that showed just how truly talented Joss Whedon is. He was able to create an entirely different world and make us, the viewers, believe in this world, but more importantly feel emotionally attached to the characters of the show. If you look at the shows currently running on television, you will find about 80% of them to be Reality Shows with no plot or character development. I am sad at what television shows have become. Fox proved that any show that shows any sign of proving a point or making you think will be cancelled (ie Firefly, Dark Angel). But my point is not to state that it was an injustice to cancel this show, it is to prove that this show, a year after its cancellation still has a huge fan base.

The DVD’s which were released on December 9th, 2003 have sold a great deal of copies. Stores are re-ordering them and Amazon had it ranked in its top 20 for over 6 months. Everyone but Joss and the fans were surprised at the amount of success that the DVD’s had. Everyone including Fox. The DVD’s should show how large a fan base this show has. We, the fans are ready to fight for this show.

It is with you, Universal, that Firefly’s fate hangs with. Wasn’t there ever a show in which you overly enjoyed, but your joy was taken from you with its cancellation? Weren’t you disappointed in the company that removed the program from its listing? Now you have a chance, a real chance to help a group of people see their canceled show back on the screen. You have a chance to do something great. To give hope and peace of mind by making this movie. It would be mean everything in the world to the fans of this show, but more importantly, we the fans would show much more love to Universal by making this one of the biggest movie releases seen to date.

In the end, I know what it comes down to. Money. And I understand that that is what is most important to the company, but sometimes there is something more important than money. The ability to give life to a show that should never have been put to rest. Just this once, can’t you lend a helping hand and give us, the fans, something to cheer for. Keep Flying.

Jason Langston

"Nice shot."
"I was aiming for his head"


Thursday, January 29, 2004 5:19 PM


I was just wondering, was the last Firefly petition the "Firefly Immediate Assistance" petition sent out to Fox when attempting to save the show? If so, has anyone considered doing another? I just figure it could work in conjuntion with the letter campain as you are right many letters may never make it into the right hands, and petitions contain actual number stats of fans, a fan base which has increased considerably with the DVD release. Although this would only work if we could guarantee it made it into the right hands, which may be the greatest challenge.

Just a thought (though not an original one)

I only fell is all.


Thursday, January 29, 2004 5:24 PM


^That might have been a good idea several years back. These days, online petitions carry almost no weight, unfortunately.


Thursday, January 29, 2004 5:41 PM


I'm writing a letter asap. I've been looking for the proper address to send one too. And then I'll go over to my "other home" ( and see if I can get any fans there too.

"Most of the creatures that people consider mean or evil are usually just lonely."


Thursday, January 29, 2004 6:10 PM


Please visit for more on how you can help. I also have a specific names at Universal for you to address your letters to (check the guerilla marketing ideas section )

Also, many studios don't like to open letters these days due to the fear of a certain white powder. I would recommend postcards, as they are more likely to actually get read.



Friday, January 30, 2004 3:49 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

I understand where you're coming from. Here's the thing, some fans aren't quite as comfortable with the written word and generally aren't prone to letter writing. Also, it can be a little scary for others to send their opinions and views out to a bunch of strangers. Personally, I'm a tome-letter writer myself. The point I was trying to make is that the letter doesn't have to be inclusive. If all the writer wants to say is "I have been a fan of Firefly since it's release, September 2002, and I would appreciate a movie based on my favorite series." That is completely acceptable.

If you have a lot to say, say it - post it here as a blog or something or on one of the other sites. The studios only want to know who's interested in the movie, not why. The idea here is to let the powers that be know we're out here, the market is there, and well worth the time and money spent. I plan to send postcards at least once a month, keeping up the continuity.

Also, multiple copies of the same letter from one person won't carry much weight either. Unless you can "borrow" return addresses from your friends and relatives.

Incidentally...Whoa...good letter.

Keep flying!

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Friday, January 30, 2004 3:57 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I sent my letter this morning, along w/ postcards to the names listed at for good measure.

Doesn't seem all that long ago that we were sending postcards during the first campaign. Hope this one turns out better.

Chins up Browncoats. We're big damn heroes and too pretty to die!

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Friday, January 30, 2004 4:04 AM


For those people who are more comfortable with a keyboard, or who's writing is not terribly legible, here is another option:

Click on "I Accept", and make sure you select the movies option.

I have sent many, hopefully well thought out, letters in this manner. And I have, up to this point, always received a (slightly different) response each time. So someone is paying attention.

"We will rise again!"


Friday, January 30, 2004 4:15 AM


Channain, it looks like you're backing down a little here, but I agree with what you posted originally. What's important is that we want the movie and will go see it.

Passionate but measured praise for the series is cool, but we should be careful to avoid sounding like howling, obsessed, guerilla fanatics who are living only for the possibility of a Firefly movie -- even if we are! ;) If we do that, we will not strike the people who read these letters as being representative of a larger population. (Not that anyone has done that in this thread, but I've seen other posts on this forum that frankly concern me.)

I would not suggest the "money isn't everything" angle, either. The idea is to convince Universal that they /will/ make money, because there are LOTS of us who will support a feature film. A big budget film that warms the hearts of only a few fans is what movie studios call a mistake!

I am trying to recruit from my Star Wars toy-collecting board.


Friday, January 30, 2004 9:41 AM


They're off. A letter to Ms Parent, Ms Snider, and one generic to attn: Firefly Movie. Short, bland, business-like, except for the word Firefly in bold italics. If they see one word, that's the one we want.


Friday, January 30, 2004 11:38 AM


Thanks for providing a web address to contact. Like many others, I'm much more comfortable communicating with my computer than with hand writing.

On another note, I'm amazed and sorry to hear about the first letter writing campaign. I live in Canada, where the show was only aired after it had already been cancelled by Fox. I had no idea, however, and was devastated to discover that I had fallen in love with a show that had no future. I wish I could have lent my voice the first time around.

I'm enjoying the DVDs, though. In fact, I went out and got a DVD player after having held out for so long, so that I could re-watch the shows at my leisure. Actually, I ordered the DVDs before I got the player, wanting to just own them.

Let's keep our fingers crossed, and keep passing the word along.

Simon: Can you move your feet?
Kaylee: Are you asking me to dance?


Friday, January 30, 2004 12:15 PM


I'm there.
At least I'll feel i got to have my say.
Thanks for this opportunity.
FireFly deserves a second chance to make a first impression on a whole new audience.
And being part of that is wonderful.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Friday, January 30, 2004 12:48 PM


Channain--thanks for the compliment on the letter. Funny thing is I almost always communicate more effectively via the written word than any other mode of communication. Being that that's the case...

Lindley--I'd be happy to gin up two or three generic short-and-sweet type letters that people could just download print and sign. Let me know if that's something that you think would be effective.

And one more thing...I tried really hard not to come off as the obsessive crazy freak. Effective?
No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Friday, January 30, 2004 12:59 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

I truly admire your passion, Inevitable. More than any gorram network or studio will.

Having "form" letters available for folks is a GREAT idea. Some of us from the Beauty and the Beast days did that for others during our letter writing campaign. With any luck and a lot of devotion, Firefly will fare tremendously better.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Friday, January 30, 2004 1:02 PM


I would really appreciate a letter I could download, sign and send.
Are you going to post it here?

River: My food is problematic!


Friday, January 30, 2004 1:10 PM


Got some errands to run, but I will gin up I'm-a-fan, fan-from-day-one, and dvd-convert form letters and post them...somewhere. Advice on that front would be appreciated.

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Friday, January 30, 2004 1:12 PM


Oh, yeah, I'll also write a couple of versions of what you could say on a postcard.

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Friday, January 30, 2004 1:21 PM


Here is a hint: Do NOT - repeat NOT - use form letters. Once even a hint of "form" is seen by those reading them, they more or less disregard the subject. I've worked for newspapers now and then over the years, and I know that for a fact. Form letters = doom.

A short letter, with the main points in the first paragraph, is best. Not much more than that gets read. They get thousands of letters and cards a day, they just don't have time. A post card is a good idea. They do get read.


Friday, January 30, 2004 1:34 PM


Ok I am new here so "Hi" hehe and my letter is on its way :) (crosses fingers)


Friday, January 30, 2004 1:41 PM


Good point, Leafy.
I also think postcards are a good idea. People glance at them as they go to throw them in the trash - not so much with unopened letters.


Friday, January 30, 2004 1:49 PM


Good point, Leafy. But correct me if I'm wrong, but a piece of mail that goes to the studio is still a piece of we want them to really read the letters or do we want to get the point across? I'm thinking that form letter or no, they're only going to read a couple of paragraphs. So...if we can get people to send the letter more easily if it's a form, and if they're only going to the first paragraph anyway, why not go with a form? That way, people who might not otherwise write in can do so easily!

Anyone else have an opinion on this?

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Friday, January 30, 2004 1:50 PM


Well when I heard Joss was making another show, I was already in love. Well, after it aired, I missed, one...and another...and another... well i finally got to one. But it was already half way through. The episode was "Out of Gas". I didn't know what was happening. I was wondering who the heck everyone was and what was happening. Well it eventually got cancelled, and a year later, The Space Network started showing reruns which I finally watched from the beggining. Well I'm in love. And that letter is off as soon as I can, like right after I post this:)


Friday, January 30, 2004 2:05 PM


ALL letters and postcards are read and discarded, but the easier it is to tell what the writer is talking about, the better chance it will be paid attention to. They do make notes of what is being said.

But been there and done that with being told "if it is a form letter, forget it. It doesn't count." They do look for things like that.

Suggestions that a person can put in their own words are best.


Friday, January 30, 2004 2:19 PM


I'm totally down with "suggestions that a person can put in their own words". What I'm looking for is something to help get the words coming.


Friday, January 30, 2004 2:24 PM


With all due respect, Leafy, form letters basically saved Star Trek.

...Oh, yeah. They saved it twice.

Honestly. As my salty old Chief would have said, "We don't have to finesse this problem; we just nuke it." Form letters don't have a lot of finesse. But if you could get 20K sent, that's hard to ignore.

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Friday, January 30, 2004 2:25 PM


And why the HELL am I getting double posts?

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Friday, January 30, 2004 2:27 PM


Dunno, but its sort of irritating.


Friday, January 30, 2004 3:10 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

Be patient after you click on the "Post My Response" button. If you hit it more than once you get multiple posts.


Friday, January 30, 2004 5:01 PM


Hey dudes and dudettes,

It's a big world. All sorts of crazy things can, do, and will happen. Amidst the crazy, you ever experience one of those moments where you regret not doing something? You think "Oh man, if only I had not ..."
I don't know about you, but I have those moments all too often.

So there I was, having one of the aforementioned moments, thinking "Geez, Joss's recent post on the status of the Firefly movie sounds pretty bad. If only I had done something, sent a letter, postcard, whatever, it might have helped."
Then I thought "Wait a sec...this isn't one of those's not too late. Weird."
Yeah, it is sort of weird. The whole production side of Firefly and other movies and shows and the big Hollywood sha-bang may as well be on Mount Olympus for all we know. It all seems so far away, something that we crane our necks to look up it and then look away before the glare gets too bright.

And yet...and yet, somehow, we have managed to have an effect in that far away place on that far away world.
Another thing Joss mentioned in his post was that yes, we had made a difference. He noticed us, and we gave him the boost he needed, apparantly, right when he needed it.
Us. The fans. Made a difference.
What more could we ask?

I also post on TrekBBS (under the name GrimFandango) and the other day, a friend and I from that board (Lindley) came to the conclusion that no, it was not too late. Firefly has been off the air for over a year now, and yet it still has a chance to soar. It still has a chance to come back, but the clock is ticking.

We decided that, hell, why not? We would start a letter writing campaign. Maybe we can make a difference one more time.
Then we realized how 'down to the wire' (apparantly wires that get 'down to' are bad) the entire movie situation is. If we're going to do this, we're going to have to do it big and loud and fast because the clock is ticking and soon the batteries will be out. Or it will need to be wound again. Whatever, the conclusion we came to was that if a decision on this is going to be made, it will most likely be made very soon.

We felt that it would be best to launch this campaign not just as the members of one particular board, but as members in the much larger group that is all of the Firefly fans.
If we can do this thing and get EVERYONE in on it, we just might be able to work up the fireworks we need to get noticed. One last time.

Over the past few days I have been doing my best to contact Universal and other fan groups to see if we can launch this one last effort and make it one to remember.

We have the full support of the TrekBBS group and I have been in correspondance with the guy running and he has given us his full support.

It's all over his main page. Check it out:

Now all we need is the support of I have been trying to contact the moderators of the site but have yet to recieve a response. If anyone here is in contact with them, can you please forward my plea for assistance.
We are trying to promote this as the last chance we have to show our support for this franchise, it very well may be.
If we stand, we need to stand united.

We have made a difference before, we helped get Mr. Whedon up and back in the ring. Is that enough? Is once enough when twice can happen? If we can even turn one head at Universal, make them think "Hey, what do you know, there really ARE a bunch of people that are dying to see this movie..." then we have achieved our goal. If we can get even one person at Mutant Enemy to say "Well hot dog, the fans are behind us, and as long as they are, we're NOT giving up!" then we have accomplished our mission.
If we can help get this movie get made, then we have done the impossible.
And yes, that makes us mighty.

If the moderators of this site are reading this, I ask, urge, and on-hands-and-knees beg that you lend us your support. Put this effort as a news bulletin on your site, update us on the status of your 'DVDs for the troops' campaign, help us make this the biggest battle we can.

On a side note, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or wonderful spam to send us, please write to:

Are we hoping for too much? Is working towards getting noticed too lofty a goal to reach?
I don't know. But, it's worth a shot. If only for our faith in the world of Firefly, it's worth a shot.

And who knows, we may get lucky. That one extra letter may be the one that convinces someone at Universal that this thing is worth making. That one extra postcard may be the one that puts a smile back on Mr. Whedon's face as he brushes himself off and gets back in the fight.
Let us do this because we love it, because we believe in it, and because we can.
Anything can happen.
It's a big world.

-The Browncoats

You can't take the sky from me...
Serenity will fly again.


Friday, January 30, 2004 5:15 PM


My position on Form letters is that, if you're not going to send a letter unless its a form letter, then go ahead. But its far more effective to just write something up yourself. It can be done in 5 minutes.


Friday, January 30, 2004 5:27 PM


Where I work, we have people who just read letters all day and just make a tally of what the letters are about. So a manager can look at what's topping the list with the most letters and respond to whatever the problem is. So if we can make "requests for a Firefly Movie" top the list or even come close, it would be a very good thing. I'd have to recomend keeping the letters short and plentiful because if Universal does it the same way my company does, ten pages worth of writing will become a single vote for a firefly movie as opposed to 30, 6 sentence letters becoming thirty votes for a firefly movie. I'll probably be writing a short letter every day until we can get a definative answer.


Friday, January 30, 2004 7:15 PM


InevitableBetrayal, I thought your letter was poetry. It rocked!!! Not obsessive or freaky.

Sorry. I meant the hysterical, nutty stuff.

P.S. Three letters/postcards plus an e-mail sent. Can anyone recruit people from the Buffy or Angel boards?


Saturday, January 31, 2004 5:36 AM



Thanks so much for the compliment. I worked hard to sound sane yet passionate; guess it worked.

BTW, love the nick. If only I was a girl...then I'd call myself "Yosaffbridge." (one of my favorite lines from Mal)

P.S. Again, so sorry about the doubles; Haken has been contacted.

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Saturday, January 31, 2004 6:45 AM


Sending a letter to the chairwoman and President of Production, postcards in general AND an electronic supportive message to their email comment line. Check, check, check AND check.


Saturday, January 31, 2004 9:05 AM


Postcards sent from everyone in my household to Mary Parent, President, Production, Stacey Snider, Chairwoman at Universal, electronic messages sent on Universal "Contact us" webpage.
Pass the word along.
Keep Flying.


Saturday, January 31, 2004 11:48 AM


Sent it today.


Saturday, January 31, 2004 3:59 PM


Here's a thought ... to reinforce our letter campaign, go to and write a review for the DVDs. There are already 483 reviews attesting to the brilliance of the show. You'd think the "Powers that Be" would notice that. But, just in case they haven't, they probably would notice a thousand positive reviews, or more.

Simon: Can you move your feet?
Kaylee: Are you asking me to dance?


Saturday, January 31, 2004 5:54 PM


This is a little heads up for everyone regarding the latest letter campaign:

"You know the stuff about writing Universal and pressuring them to make the movie?


Spread the word:

The delay is NOT Universal's problem; We're waiting on word from the distributor, not the production company, which is so on board with the whole thing.

So, any deluge of postcards/mail/what have you could possibly screw with what's going on.

In other words?

Sit tight. News will be coming soon.

(Just in case you were curious? This info is nigh on from the source as fannishly possible. Exceedingly reliable.)"

Industrial Looniee & Madness -


Saturday, January 31, 2004 8:08 PM


Isn't Universal Pictures a distribution company as well? Why would a big studio agree to produce a movie without a distributor, given that they could be the distributor? Also I cannot think of any movie that a big production company has produced without also being the distributor. They might be a distributor for a movie that somebody else produced, but vice-versa?



Sunday, February 1, 2004 5:48 AM


Even if the above rumour is true, I do not see how 'pressuring' (re: politely asking) Universal and showing them our support could be a bad thing in ANY way.

Remember we are doing this to show Universal AND ME our support for the franchise and our faith in them.

Even if Universal is on board no matter what, which we do not know, letters can only help.
I really can't picture any executives saying " seems there ARE lots of people wanting to see this thing. Maybe we should reconsider."

Nevertheless thanks for the update and trying to help out!


Sunday, February 1, 2004 6:12 AM


Very good point, Synergy. (And quite diplomatically put, too.)

Simon: Can you move your feet?
Kaylee: Are you asking me to dance?


Sunday, February 1, 2004 6:41 AM


My letter has been written and will be posted today. I even wrote it on one of my Julie Taymor notecards.






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