Male and Female Imponderables--All Along the Watchtower

UPDATED: Saturday, September 23, 2006 10:48
VIEWED: 8880
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006 5:29 PM


Right, like Tristian has nothing better to do than sit around hatching schemes to make everyone hate you. Puh-lease.

You have just passed the troll line in my book, and I wasn't even here for the previous incident (which can't be all that ancient of history, I haven't been gone that long!).

One last thing before I add you to my virtual Ignore List: The issue that I personally have with the Ladder Theory (beyond the spelling and grammar, yeesh) is that it leaves no choice for women. We can either sleep with every guy who propositions us, or we can be bitches. Do I think most single women rate guys based on their own set of criteria, which may or may not mirror the pie charts on the Ladder site? Yes. Do I think most women have a problem communicating to a guy that she isn't interested in sleeping with him? Yes. Do I think that makes a woman evil, or a bitch? NO! It's just the way things are, like guys not calling as soon after a date as a woman might like. It's not evil, it's not angelic, it just is.


So, Imponderables, I probably still won't be around much, but what's happening?


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 5:38 PM


Terribly sorry to have pigeonholed you.
Couple of things before I get started. You said "feel free to ignore". Thank you, I was "exercising my freedom" not to ignore the fact that you had not grasped the definition of the word in question, and I thought I would clarify it for you.
Second, I respect what you have done for this country. That does not mean I will take you at your word. I will wait for your actions to indicate your intentions.

To tell you the truth, I have very little control over the minds of the people that post here. I'm sorry, I can't tell them to hate you or like you. By bringing up that you had caused problems in the past, I was hoping to forestall people who did not know you from making the mistake of trying to engage in discussions with you for fear the same thing would happen again. And really, I don't need to call "bullshit" on you, nor do I need any ammunition.
I suggest you take a moment to re-read my first post to you. Did I point fingers? Did I freak out, start hollering for people to run away? Let me check...nope. All I said was [qoute]You're back again? And you've brought the ladder with you.[/qoute] Nope, nothing threatening in there at all. Matter of fact, I have probably greeted several people who have been away for a long time the same way. Your response was unanswered by me, you will note. Again, no finger-pointing, etc. Other people read the contents of the link and the fun started. It wasn't until much later that I came back on and posted again. You want to call it finger-pointing, go right ahead, because in that case, it was. Last time you posted here you angered many, many people, myself included. I am not going to give you the pleasure of going over all that again, just know that at that point, you became a threat in my eyes, and I have and will treat you as such until you prove not to be. So far, you are still a threat. If you would like to continue this, I would be more than happy to oblige you, but this thread is supposed to be for pleasurable discussion. If you have changed, then I will see it and I will leave you alone. If not, well, I guess you know that I'll be there to say "bullshit".



Tuesday, September 19, 2006 5:41 PM


Ancient history or not, she still brought it up in the first place. The long and short of it is, if she hadn't made her little statements about me being a "troll" from another thread up, we wouldn't even be talking about it now.

I really don't see how this isn't translating to any of you. I don't recall being on anyone's shit list until she spoke up. Now you all hate me? Is that not sufficient evidence in itself?

And please, if by chance anyone was inclined to, don't patronize me with "we don't hate you" responses. I'm not looking for pity here, I'm legitimately wondering how no one else seems to be able to perceive what's happening.

Also, Tristran, this isn't about me having "changed". I haven't changed because there was no need to. I still stand by my statements I made on that thread, and if you're legitimately interested in staying away from that area, I'll be happy to not say them again. However, I do not conceed any single point of it. I spoke on what I've seen, and there's no reason to apologize for that.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 5:46 PM


DancingNeko, sorry about that!
Does that mean the practice offer is now out?
I hate looking at numbers...well, I hate what they have to tell me, which is usually bad news. I find that ice cream and brownies usually help.
*offers DancingNeko ice cream and brownies*
That should about do it. If not, try this.
*puts a large bottle of Bailey's next to her*

CK, I hope you aren't staying away because of this? We do miss you here.



Tuesday, September 19, 2006 5:50 PM



Originally posted by Dancingneko:
*considers Tristan's statments about the troll* :lightbulb: OH! Tristan, "requesting" that you stop for *his* sake...was asking you for *mine*. (Had a "lovely" day with looking at numbers and realizing that at work, we're stuck between a rock, a hard place, and deep .) I'm trying to be a "grown-up," when I'd rather be a , 'cause that way I'd be a whole less stressed...

(MsG: This is why you're the middle-school teacher and I'm've got a larger tolerance level than I do. *worshipful genuflections*)

*Searches hard for the "silver lining"* -- at least I'm not in administration, I guess...all this "fun" is making me feel physically ill.

*sighs* It's official...I need some drinkin' buddy-type 'coat pals for days like this...and I'm not adminsitration material...

Edited to add the following: Oooh! I got someone to go inarticulate and pass out! (And I wasn't doing the "goodnight kiss" that YoSafBridg does.)

As for ChrisMoorHead: As I tell some of the kids I work with (jokingly to them, to you, not so much): "Man...that's some good sh*t you're smokin'." 'cause the "not pissin' people off" line is something out of your ever-f:ceonsored: fant-ass-y. The mysogynic, data-lacking, link you posted has so many holes in it, and is so insulting, rude, and disgustingly lacking in any coherent thought other than to make some-loser--guy who couldn't get laid and has to make up some cry- logic to explain why he can't get any female that *he* thinks is "hot" to look at him in any way other than to give him the *get-the-f-away-from-me-creep* look, that words can't even begin to describe how disgusted, insulted, and troll-like your behavior is...and that is WAY before ANYONE posted a response to you.

*looks at the rest of the jaw-dropped, Imponderables-posters* What? I did say it's been a bad day...*turns around to look at ChrisMoorhead* Oh...and btw...any of your lame, pitiful attempts to play "troll" at me, or flame me will automatically be sent to /dev/null and/or "trash-bin." *wanders off to find the dark chocolate truffles and a corner in JtD's Sulking Corner and Coffee House to curl up into*

Yeah, cause, Lord knows, you're not the one flaming or acting like a troll to me.

Edit: Also, I do beleive about two people agreed with the content at that website.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 5:58 PM


*ponders* *looks at Tristan bearing ice cream, brownies, and Bailey's*

*pulls Tristan down to sit* The original toe-curling kiss practice might be out, but...
*whips out some spoons* *pours a bit of the Bailey's over the ice cream* *takes a spoonful of ice cream, Bailey's, and brownies* *feeds the scoop to Tristan* *kisses Tristan on the tip of his nose* I think I can be persuaded to try some other versions of the toe-curling kiss*

*gently grabs CK* *sits her down nearby with a spoon* *offers CK some of the brownie-ice cream-Bailey's mix* Come share some of the treat Tristan's brought as a peace offering.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:02 PM


Well, I'm going to bed now. Bye-bye.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:18 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Dropping in from my favorite net cafe for some impondering!
What I would buy for a SO would really depend on the person. I would buy them the thing that they would be most ga-ga over. For example, ex of doom wanted an Alienware computer quite badly, and drooled over them, so I would have gotten him one of those. Me, I would most want a heart-shaped ruby ring. Or maybe to have my car paid off or a trip to Hawaii without having to worry about money
Actually buying an island is another idea
Y'all are making me tear up with these visions of paradise.
Oh James, you know, it's warmer in Colorado
I'll weigh in again on the ladder theory by saying (again) that I in fact have a man's ladder. So how accurate is it? Not very.
As for the money thing, yeah, I'd like to find a guy with money, but I wouldn't get with a guy just because he had money. Donald Trump could wave his wallet under my nose as much as he wanted and it wouldn't make me sleep with him. He's a dick.
Thank you, CK for saving me from reading such grammatically butchered and also sexist drivel.
And yes, of course sex is an unavoidable feature. Women are like that too. Why do you think so many women own vibrators? Sorry, but maybe men should actually learn how to please women if they want to get laid more. It's not as hard as y'all make it out to be.
And I'm sure I'll just get blasted by him again for this, but are we really surprised that such a sexist and horrible link is coming from Chris? Honestly. Yeah, you go be honest with yourself that you hate women, that's fine. Not everybody does. And stop acting like you're more mature than most of the people on here when I know you're my age and most here are older than me. I consider myself fairly mature, but I often bow to the wisdom of those older than me. This is why I ask them for advice.
I would love to read the rest of this, but me tea is getting cold, so I'm going to go for the moment. - show Universal your gratitude!

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. - Gautama Siddharta


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:21 PM


Woohoo, ice cream, brownies, and Bailey's! Somebody knows my weakness!

I'm not staying away on purpose, much less because of someone I can just as easily ignore while still enjoying the conversations here. Nope, I've just been crazy busy, mostly with work. Things have calmed down a tad now -- I had two part time gigs that had me working ~14 hours a day, but I've since dropped one and the other has gone full time, leading to ~10 hour work days. I suspect the full time gig is going to go into massive crunch in the next few weeks (which actually is what I'm hoping for, ironically), so I probably won't be around all that much in general. But I'll stop by when I can. Especially if ice cream and brownies come as part of the deal.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:34 PM


CK, for you, I'll even share the dark chocolate truffles (okay, well, I'd share them with every overly-stressed person), whipped cream, and hot fudge topping if you like.

*notices Tristan's slightly crestfallen look* Ahh, Tristan, you know I'd share that with you too...

PR! Come sit and share with us! *pulls PR to sit nearby and gives a spoon*

...On a side note, Farrell's has opened up again in Hawai`i! *YAY!* Only thing is it's on the other side of the island! *boo* Farrell's was known as a themed ice cream restraunt where it had a giant bowl of ice cream -- 50 scoops! And with hot fudge and whipped cream over it! (One was called the "Mauna Kea") It was pretty much the birthday-party central for kids when I was young...(..and that's the size of this bowl of ice cream...Tristan just didn't realize it. )


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 7:19 PM


I am very confused my own self about what happened on the thread today. Um...

Anyhoo..... ugh, I need to do homework.

Good luck with the ice cream plans. Maybe, if tristan goes to hawaii, and magda meets him there, you can all fight to the death in person! Wait... no.... that's a bad plan.

Nvm. Continue to spread the amor.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:21 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by Tristan:
Magdalena, depends on your definition of venomous...

Oh, and I forgot to comment on the Pratchett comment by ShinyKitten...I loved that! "Some sheep"!

I don't bite Tristan... or wait!...Do you like that kind of thing...?


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:37 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by Dancingneko:
*ponders* *looks at Tristan bearing ice cream, brownies, and Bailey's*

*pulls Tristan down to sit* The original toe-curling kiss practice might be out, but...
*whips out some spoons* *pours a bit of the Bailey's over the ice cream* *takes a spoonful of ice cream, Bailey's, and brownies* *feeds the scoop to Tristan* *kisses Tristan on the tip of his nose* I think I can be persuaded to try some other versions of the toe-curling kiss*

*Magda is speechless....bottom lip starts to tremble... eyes tear up*

*Wanders sadly away to James' coffee/sulking nook mumbling things... 'n she knew I held such a torch...just coz Hawai'i is closer than Australia... y'knew how I felt Neko...'*

I need some 'Cowboys' I think! Thank you James!


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:03 PM


Just catching up - the castle in Ireland it is. I want a room at the top of a tower, with a great view of the sea from my desk. One of those huge libraries that has those ladders on wheels to play with (and possibly Giles as librarian) And an express lift down to the kitchens.

Husband would like a very expensive car. Probably a Vaeron (?)

Ladder shmadder. A**hole.

I've always liked that t-shirt that says, 'that's Miss Bitch to you', myself.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:04 PM


*gives Magda a hug and pulls up a chair to Magda's table*
I brought some strawberries and Fruity Oaty Bars. Need someone to chat with, Magdalena?

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:20 PM


*rolls eyes at magda*

*grabs magda as she passes by, and firmly pulls her down so that Tristan is between the madga and 'neko*
*hands magda a spoon*
You weren't here when Tristan offered the ice cream bowl...How am I supposed to get you to sit and get you to share?

*points to PR, CK, and Tristan sitting 'round the bowl each eating a bite* *blinks* Geesh...did I forget to offer to Whitefall? *calls to Whitefall:* Did you want some ice cream, brownies, and/or fudge (if I recall, you're underage for the Bailey's)?

*plants a sign next to the ice-cream eating area* "Ice cream, brownies, hot fudge, and other edible therapy...Grab a spoon"

Edited to add: Hey VX, AnJL! Come have a bite! *reaches over to ruffle magda's hair* Goof!


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:24 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Thank you VX... it's just - you know - I thought she was my friend... *accepts the offer of strawberries... and eats them oh, so, slowly* There that's so much better!

Any way - I'm mightily cheered by the plan for a castle on an island off Ireland!! Green hills and ocean views - bare-foot servants with gorgeous lilting accents - a huge bath that has really hot water that never runs out... leather chairs in that library too SpaceANGL - I love the smell of leather... and a 'Shindig' every Saturday! I'll even help you run the nursery if you like Little Albatross! I love kids - and if MsG promises to cook then I'll take care of the potential-little-G with all the love I have! (Oh & Sean & Dylan too, of course!)

I would like my very own bedroom at the top of another tower - we could wave or use semaphore if you like SpaceANGL - and I am having a huge, four post bed complete with curtains & medieval tapestries on the walls - and central heating too... they get awefully cold and drafty those ancient castles... Ummmm... Do I get to request a knight in shining armour if I don't actually have a SO...?

And just to be a little bit serious - New Imponderable - what gift would you give your SO if you were flat broke and money was almost impossible to scrape together ...?

hmmmmmmm... that cheered me up some - thanks VX!

EDIT: *shuffles feet and looks a little embarassed...* Sorry Neko - I should have known you wouldn't exclude me... you always shared your Jayne-clone with me ...and I must have just posted at the same time which is kind of cool really - you know.... *looks as appologetic as possible*


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:25 PM


Would I be welcome if I brought a bowl of my hot Bailey's fudge sauce along? And I have some cajun ice-cream, too (full-cream custard, fresh vanilla and creme fraiche)

ed: Magda - definitely with the four-posters and open fires. And the big leather arm-chairs. And those big free-standing bath-tubs you can just about swim in...


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:33 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

SpaceANGL!!!!!! My new best friend!!!! (I still love you too Phoenix Rose - it's just... you know - fudge!!)


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:37 PM


So...I'm guessing I need to post this recipe on the recipe thread later?

Weather is getting colder here - autumn (or Fall to the Colonials) and thus comfort food season. Venison sausage casserole, toffee-apple crumble, lamb shanks and parsnip mash. All the good stuff. Makes up for the desire to stay in bed for the next several months. (I don't have SAD, I have dormouse genes - I like to stuff myself silly with food then hibernate.)


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:54 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

!!!!!! please!!

Edit: OH! I just missed you in Haven SpaceANGL... Neko!!!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 12:01 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
So...I'm guessing I need to post this recipe on the recipe thread later?

Yes please. AnJL. Bailey's + fudge == something evil but good for down today.

MsG: If I had a ton of money to spend on my S.O...I'd fund a way to travel from *here* to *there*, so I could visit them (and they could vist me) quickly and easily. (I know, it's a pipe dream, but it's *my* pipe dream.)

As for a gift when you're flat broke...I seem to have that issue way too often. I usually try to find something that they enjoy that I can afford (eg. my brother in law likes to drink bud light, so I bought him some beers that are similar; or when I bought my mom a Yoda keychain, since she likes Yoda...)

Magda: Know you were kidding...just...Today's really had me stressed and...well, I'll just talk to you guys tomorrow.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 12:07 AM


Gifts when broke - tend to be food orientated. I make my H his favourite meal, if I can't afford to take him out to places.

Another addition to the castle dream if there was tons of money - a climbing wall.

I would add something about dungeons for the F*x execs, but given the minds of some folks on here (*coughmagdacough*) that could lead to all kinds of...filth and depravity.

Neko, you okay out there? I used to have a serious admin job, and I remember the sucky days with cold horror.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 12:15 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hi Neko! I wanted to give you a super big hug! and tell you that you really are the bestest friend - you know you are - we have too many laughs in the 'tag' and 'Haven' to ever let a man come between us!

Love you heaps - I'll come to Hawai'i one day and we can really make that fudge sauce and eat it with that delicious ice-cream you mentioned!

Love you Neko! - Magda x x x


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 12:15 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

And I'm back. I was sitting around with a friend of mine. She wanted to talk. (For those who were here for the first ever imponderables thread, this particular friend is the reason I blasted a certain troll who shall remain nameless as hard as I could)

Strawberries? Shiny.

When I'm flat broke the best gift I can give is time. I think that's the best gift regardless of how much money you have. But finding a way to see the person you love even when you have no money, that's important.

Look, jie-jie, we're simultanious-posting again! - show Universal your gratitude!

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. - Gautama Siddharta


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 12:40 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hi Mei mei!! I love that - we're in tune with each other!

I didn't answer my own imponderable - I have given something token but thoughtful before - and I would also give something that is mine that we share a common interest in - like a book that he would know I loved or a DVD that we've watched together... also a favourite photo in an inexpensive frame is always a good gift!

I also love to make my own cards for people and to write things in them with a lot of love and thought!

There - now that is the sort of idea I like! Castles are good too though!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 12:46 AM


Hey DancingNeko,
I'm glad that you and Magda got everything straightened out. Since you said you have to leave, I hope it's OK for me to help myself to ice cream, brownies, and fudge. Yummy!

I don't have a SO, so it makes it hard to pick out a gift if you don't know the person. I am a good listener with a good memory, and I'm able to store lots of little facts. I try to find gifts for people that are things that they will really cherish by listening to things that are important to them.

If I had all the money in the world, I'd start with a vehicle probably a BIG manly truck, plan a trip for him to drive the truck, and end up somewhere where we could do what he likes to do best.

No money - little notes, special inexpensive things (his favorite beer, snack foods, and sweets), and his favorite home cooked meal.

I don't really want to live in a castle, but could I come visit SpaceAnJL and Magda at your castle. I'll only stay for a few days.

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 2:50 AM


All are welcome at Don'tgonearthe Castle. *cue manic laughter and lightning*

Oh, sorry.

*slinks back to scribbling*


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 2:56 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I was meaning to re-post this before (can't remember when, at some point the subject came up again) but I have gotten a request that reminded me, so I am somewhat randomly re-posting:

Multiple orgasms and stuff.
Ok, so here’s my thoughts and techniques on multiple orgasms for my sistren who could use it. And brethren, too, actually, because these can work for men.
For the men, I will start off by saying that ejaculation and orgasm are not necessarily the same thing. Really, they aren’t. I’m sure many men have experienced the kind of pleasure that makes them feel like jelly, and it usually isn’t typical.
First of all, I will talk about full-body orgasms. This is the kind where your whole body seizes up and your vision (in my case) goes dark. I usually feel a gathering energy/tension in the area of my sacral chakra (between the belly button and the crotch), followed by an explosion, but usually not muscles tensing. They are wonderful, and are usually what is achieved through “indirect” stimulation. Direct stimulation tends to cause the contracting of muscles, etc. Though I have found that occasionally either type can come from either stimulation.
It is my theory that, since nerve endings are everywhere, every location on the body can deliver pleasure. You just have to go after it in the correct way for a long time. Thing about it; even genital stimulation doesn’t deliver instant orgasms, so why would it happen anywhere else? You have to focus on the area. Different areas like different stimulation, depending on how you are. Many of the best areas are the ones you can bite (actually, it’s more like chewing to have the right effect) because the teeth can deliver wonderfully focused stimulation and can’t be used on more tender areas.
Alright, so here is how I view the nervous system. I am going to stress that I’ve found this thinking and technique far less effective if I am not with someone I love and trust. Trust is a big issue because you are opening yourself up to being more vulnerable in a certain way.
Alright, the nervous system runs through our whole body. All nerves are connected. Therefore, if you are focused on how it feels to be touched/rubbed/bitten/licked/sucked on and the like, really focused, you can feel the sensation spread. It can go through your whole body; your whole nervous system, which means it can trigger any nerves necessary for orgasm. It’s just nerve stimulation, anyway, really. So open your nerves, feel them firing, feel the sensation traveling, and that should leave to some mind-blowing experiences. Also, since no area gets worn out, tender, or over-stimulated, the amount of orgasms possible is virtually unlimited. And it (for me) is almost a snowball effect; the more I have, the more I’m going to have, because the more and more aroused I get. The longer you go with this, the less it takes to achieve another orgasm. Eventually, they are almost instant!
I have found that hard rubbing with the tips of fingers, gentle scratching, biting and gnawing, holding skin with teeth and flicking the tongue over it many times, and sucking softly are what works best. This is, however an area for exploration. Anything should work, as long as you find the right technique for the right area.
That is the sum of it. See? How could this be a whole book?

I'm sure glad I saved this... - show Universal your gratitude!

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. - Gautama Siddharta


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:03 AM


Words fail me. (Which is unusual)

Seriously, you should think about training as a sex therapist or something, PR.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:06 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

... why do I feel like having a cigarette ... I haven't had one for years...

*sigh* Magda x x x

P.S. you so should write a book - chapter by chapter on each aspect of the technique...

time for a cold shower now...


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:11 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Oddly enough, I have thought about training as a sex therapist. Thing is, I'm afraid I would find myself working with sexually traumatized victims a lot, and I don't have the stomach for that. Even the friends I've had with that kind of trauma have sometimes been very hard to deal with. And at least one of them completely freaked out when I started talking about this kind of thing. She was still trying to get past a lot of things and didn't want to hear about higher intimacy. I'd love to share such things and I think the world would be a better place if everyone had a really good sex life, but I have to find the right way to do it.
Maybe I should start a Companion Training House

*edit* I have thought about writing a book. I'm not sure how I could pull it off because it seems too simple and elegant to fill a whole book. And I really doubt it would get published in these days of "You must have a PhD to be in the non-fiction section". *sigh* - show Universal your gratitude!

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. - Gautama Siddharta


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:12 AM


Morning, all!

DancingNeko, sorry I missed the rest of the night! The Bailey's and the kiss pretty much did me in! Thank you for that.

Morning, PR. I'm sure you may not have wanted it to come out that way, but I am slightly offended by one of your comments...the "men learning to please women to get laid more" know I have a great deal of respect for you, and love discussing things with you...this one gave me pause. You normally don't go for generalizations like that. Everything ok?
Now, to defend that statement...heroically and (hopefully) humourously!
I only have my experience to draw on, so all these statments are based on that. I have seldom had a problem getting laid. I do not consider myself "hot" nor debonair, just very lucky and somewhat skilled. I do not claim full knowledge of the inner workings of a woman's libido...but you might be hard-pressed to find anyone who can make that claim. The first few times with any woman (except for the very first time) is a time of feeling each other out, trying to see what works and what doesn't. The same tricks do not work on everyone. So, I discovered what they liked, at first by trying and as more time passed, by asking. A few were hesitant to tell me what they wanted, and this did cause slight difficulties...and there were a few that had demands my poor body could not meet; but I did try! But the key is communication between lovers. If you lie there sighing in disgust while he does something you do not enjoy, but say nothing, you can't really get frustrated at him. He thinks he's doing well! Talk to him, guide him in the right direction, and both parties will be happy.

I hope that was taken as it was meant to be...informative without being harsh. You know I think very highly of you, PR, and value your input on everything we do here. I just wanted to let you know that there are some guys out there who's sole purpose in life is to please their lover. and

CK, glad to hear you aren't staying away on purpose...we do miss you here!

Truffles? *sigh* And, wait a minute...50 scoops of ice cream?!? Oh, my!

Magda, biting is good. In the right places at the right time, of course. And there is more than enough of me to go around, my dear.

So, we need to add a large room to the castle in Ireland purely for the communal consumption of large bowls of ice cream. *scribbling down notes* No problem; can do...huge bath, big library, comfy leather chairs....

Magda, I have been in that situation...flat broke with no money to scrape together. I made a wire candle-holder for the recent ex's 21st birthday. She loved it, and it was still in a prominent place in the house until she packed it a few days ago.

SpaceAnJL...full-cream custard, fresh vanilla and creme fraiche...oh, my...

DancingNeko, we're here if you need to vent or just need a hug or two...just let us know. I hate to see people stressed and unhappy in here.

Hmm...a dungeon...might be do-able...

VerseExplorer, the castle will have several guest rooms, so feel free to visit any time!
*jotting down more notes* We're going to need a bigger island...

Wow. Sorry about that. I seem to have written a lot more than I intended. I'll go slink off and refill my right back.

SpaceAnJL, "Don'tgonearthe Castle"! Hee hee hee! Does that mean we can hire an Igor, too??


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:17 AM


Well, I don't have an SO as such.

However, I do have a friend who goes by the nickname of Ghost, who's a self-proclaimed mad scientist, and he's into what they call "extremely large-scale model rocketry."

Specifically, the kind where you'd need to either be A) in international waters or B) working at Cape Canaveral to legally launch the suckers.

Being as materials for this sort of work can be pretty expensive, he's currently in the theortetical stages.

That said, I'd probably wind up spending the cash on buying materials, equipment, and such so we could go from the theoretical stage to the experimental stage.

"First come smiles, then come lies. Last is gunfire." - Roland Deschain, gunslinger


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:19 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Tristan, I'm sorry I offended you. I hope you know my comment was directed at the dense, sexist men who think every woman in the world should sleep with them and bow to their prowess. I seriously doubt any lover of yours has wanted or needed a vibrator, but many women find themselves buying one because their husband doesn't please them. It's the men who complain they don't get enough sex that might need to take a look at what they may be doing wrong.
I was pissed off and incoherant because of it, and I apologize. - show Universal your gratitude!

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. - Gautama Siddharta


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:27 AM


Macavity, not sure if you've posted here before...but welcome to the Imponderables!

PR, no, I was not personally offended. I know that you were pissed, and I was trying to salvage some of the dignity of the male in your eyes. I thought that by trying to make you smile, that would prevent you from going on a rampage and forcing me to run away screaming. I respect your opinion on all things we discuss here, and I didn't want one person to ruin your sunny disposition...but I failed, so I decided to try the humor angle... :hugs:



Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:39 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Thanks, Tristan

*is having a slightly bitter and frustrated day*

I'm just in a delicate frame of mind is all. It shall pass. - show Universal your gratitude!

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. - Gautama Siddharta


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:41 AM


I really am sorry, PR, and if there is anything I can do or say to make you well, let me know, ok?



Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:48 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

*hugs her Gorgeous Phoenix Rose* We know - it's OK to vent here - nobody was offended and we all love you heaps!

mwaaah - Magdalena x x x


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:50 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Unless you know how I can go back in time about 18 years with a big scary gun, I don't think there's much you can do, but I appreciate it.

OK, sorry, that gives a bad impression. I have a reason, I promise. - show Universal your gratitude!

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. - Gautama Siddharta


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:59 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

...if I could though - I would - just for you sweet PR!

- Magda x x x


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 4:03 AM


PR, let me work on that...I'll get back to you...
*wanders away mumbling about time-space continuums*



Wednesday, September 20, 2006 4:03 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Thanks, ji-jie!

*grin* Let me know when you figure it out, Tristan! - show Universal your gratitude!

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. - Gautama Siddharta


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 4:19 AM


Morning chatty morning is it? I have to say Chris that I am somewhat reminding of a song my mother used to sing to me " everybody hates me, no body likes me, guess I'll go eat worms" continues with long worm eating descriptions which I will spare you. I'm sorry your experiences have made you feel the way you do and I hope you have better ones in the future, but I think it would help if you approach women with a little less " I am doomed and miserable" in your soul. It kinda bleeds out and tends to make women think you're on the rebound from a nasty divorce.I wish you good luck:)I know many a guy in the military and I will say they do think of sex more ( mainly due to the long stretches they go without) but I wouldn't say any of them feels women are only good for one thing. It may be a case of who you're hanging around with. Like attitudes tend to gravitate together.Anyway, enough said. If you'd like to chat about other topics like nice stuff to buy an SO, dream vacations, why kermit the frog was so much better with Jim Henson's voice, then ponder away, but if all you want is the ladder discussion, then maybe you could try call of the bitches chat room:)I am not trying to make you feel unwelcome, just direct you to an area you might find more to your taste. If you're ok discussing whimsical and fun stuff and all, we'd love to have you:)

SOOOOO ANYWAY...PR- I say you go right ahead and write a nice sex manual ( good descriptives by the way) and I bet you'd sell a ton. Then you could become a world famous sex advise columnist and travel the world( visiting us of course).

Tristan- I think homemade presents can be the best thing ever. Actually I truly believe it's the thought that counts. I mean that in the sense of when you get a gift that is perfect for you and it's obvious someone paid great attention to who you were before picking the gift out, the gift is wondeful whether it cost $1 or $10,000

SpaceAnJL- get your butt over to the recipe thread and post this instant missy!!!Those sound drooly and delicious!I shall even give you an instant link

The silence of testing is oppressive in here...At least I brought my brand new copy of Finding Serenity and I have you guys to keep me company:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 4:28 AM


Morning, MSG!
Even when I do have money, I try to make presents for certain people. There's something more "me" in giving a creation rather than a purchase. Example; last christmas I made my brother a set of steel full-gauntlets (armor) that were 'wrapped' in a hand-made, carved wooden box. He loved them, and has them on display in his 'castle' bedroom. There's no way I could have bought something like that that would have had the same impact.

Finding Serenity...I hope it helps you today!



Wednesday, September 20, 2006 4:30 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Well goodnight my sweet imponderers... Hate to love you and leave you but I need some sleep so...

Glad I saw you MsG enjoy Finding Serenity - I am!

Thanks Tristan - tell me where and when and I just might start biting

Goodnight GPR! Take care of your gorgeous self and remember to come here where you are loved whenever you want to remember it!

Goodnight everyone else - see you tomorrow ... Oh no! Make that today!! (Thursday here now folks!) mwaaah - Magda x x x


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 4:36 AM


Night Magda- sleep well:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 4:36 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Finding Serenity is good stuff, I love that book!
Sleep well, jie-jie!

Hey, I just took my measurments, and I have lost nearly two inches from my waist and an inch from my hips while my bust stays intact
This puts me in such a very good mood! Working off the post-breakup poundage, awwwwwww yea!
Ok, I'm gonna go for my walk now. See you all in a bit.
*skips off* - show Universal your gratitude!

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows. - Gautama Siddharta


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 4:41 AM


Forgive me, I thought that this thread was about asking issues that relate to gender the interactions between men and women. On that level, I was being very honest about my questions, thinking maybe if I admitted my true self that others would as well. But like I said before, I'm not sure if everyone is just continuing to lie about themselves, or if I've just missed a big part of being human. A few of the responses immediately subsequent made me think that the latter was true, but then it degraded into people acting indignant about me even suggesting that the former might be possible.

I really do not approach women with the fatalistic attitude you perceive me to. As I said before, I thought that this particular topic was a place to bring real questions about male/female interaction. I had no clue that it was suppose to be discussions about vacationing and puppets, and you have to admit, the title "Male and Female Imponderables" is a bit misleading in that regard.

Irregardless, this whole situation will just be further motivation for continuing to approach women the same way I have been. Thank you all for your vindication, and I leave you to your talks of fantasey without further threat of "trolling".


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 4:45 AM


PR- whooo! I say you go out and buy something lovely and very form know winter is coming and a nice v-neck sweater that's tight in all the right places would look great on you!!

Hey I have a random little ponderable...flavored lip gloss. MisterG is not a huge fan of flavored lip gloss, but I have know guy that really found it sexy when they noticed a flavor during a what say you guys? Flavor or no flavor?

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2






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