Universal letter campaign----we need your help!

UPDATED: Monday, February 2, 2004 04:42
VIEWED: 16938
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Sunday, February 1, 2004 7:12 AM



Originally posted by Synergy:
Even if the above rumour is true, I do not see how 'pressuring' (re: politely asking) Universal and showing them our support could be a bad thing in ANY way.

Even if Universal is on board no matter what, which we do not know, letters can only help.
I really can't picture any executives saying " seems there ARE lots of people wanting to see this thing. Maybe we should reconsider."

Yeah. We're talking about a corporate entity . . .not some guy who's gonna sit there and say, "You know what? If they're gonna hound me like this, screw 'em."

But I agree that we need to make sure not to sound like a bunch of raving basement-dwellers who walk around speaking Klingon and wearing prosthetic foreheads. I mean. . .look at you people. You, sir. Have you ever kissed a girl?

That of course, was my performance of the EVIL Static. . .from the episode. . .ummmm. . .The Enemy Within. . .thank you all and have a great time at the convention.


"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Sunday, February 1, 2004 7:59 AM


I have written several notes myself to Universal Studios. So I'm hoping the flood of letters from fans is making a difference.

I just read at that the letter writing should be put on hold, though because apparently there are "sources" that say Universal is on board for the movie and that the stumbling block is "elsewhere". I'm confused, but since I've already written my letters, I'll wait and see what's going on.

Does anybody know where "elsewhere" the stumbling block could be? I'm glad to here Universal is go with the project, but what else could be holding it up?

"It's pretty much down to ritual suicide, lambytoes."


Sunday, February 1, 2004 8:06 AM


I think there are 2 stumbling blocks. According to another thread on these boards, Joss's post, Joss is having problems getting the script written. That would be one major stumbling block. The other might be getting distributors to actually commit to the movie because the script isn't done yet. Plus, Universal wouldn't be able to fund the distribution all on their own. They probably have to convince sponsors (or whatever they're called) to finance the distribution. This is all just speculation on my part though.


Sunday, February 1, 2004 8:14 AM


Basically, the devil is in the details. It isn’t production. It isn’t the script. It isn’t the creative team. It’s the freaking lawyers and negotiations and percentages and distribution and who gets what part of what. That's pretty much what is going on at the moment with the movie. Joss has finished the script. He even stated that fact during the L.A. Comic Con back in December.

Industrial Looniee & Madness -


Sunday, February 1, 2004 8:28 AM


I just wrote a beautiful letter to the Universal higher-ups in support of this endeavor. I spent a lot of time on it. Now what the hell do I do? Who do I have to touch to get Firefly on the screen?

BTW, I'm a newbie here. I've never written letters in support of a TV show or movie before, nor have I ever joined an online forum in support of such a show. Judging from the political forums on this site, I probably have little in common with most of you (I'm a liberal Democrat). But I know good science fiction and good television, and Firefly is the best damn TV show ever made. I need to see more of it.


Sunday, February 1, 2004 8:45 AM


Like you, I've never written letters in support of a tv show, or joined an online forum in support of anything. However, Firefly moved me.

My idea for doing something -
Go to and write a review for the DVD set. If a couple of thousand positive reviews are posted, it might garner new fans, and it might make the "powers that be" sit up and take notice.
Just a thought ...

Simon: Can you move your feet?
Kaylee: Are you asking me to dance?


Sunday, February 1, 2004 9:03 AM


Sadly, I tend to agree with you. Nothing can mess things up like agents, lawyers and accountants. I'm convinced it's not Joss, his crew or the actors. All of them are as eager as the fans to get back to the Firefly 'verse.
It's sickening to think how many great movies probably never get made because of all the nitpicking. I'm not naive, I know it's show "business", but somewhere along the line those people forget that without the fans, the people that spend the money to go see the movies - the people Joss and the cast don't forget - are the ones that make a movie a success.

Make us happy and you make money. And all we want is our Firefly back.

"It's pretty much down to ritual suicide, lambytoes."


Sunday, February 1, 2004 9:30 AM


Mailed the following little note to all three addresses:

I would like to express my sincere thanks for all your efforts in bringing Firefly to life as a motion picture. Firefly is one of the most intelligent, humorous, heartwarming, and innovative shows I have ever experienced. Whenever I need a smile or laugh, to be reminded what is it to be human, that to be “still’ flying” is wonderful gift, I need only pop in my Firefly DVD’s and enjoy the ride. Your hard work in keeping this wonderful “verse” alive is greatly appreciated by all Firefly fans and specially so by one in particular.

Please accept my sincerest thanks for helping us all keep flying.

Short, simple, and to the point (I hope).


Sunday, February 1, 2004 9:46 AM


Hey all,

I have been in contact with the fellow behind and it appears that we shall be putting the letter writing campaign on hold.
Now wait, please hear me through.

Being the one to launch this and spending hours trying to get support, I was not particularly happy with the idea that we should stop. However, it appears that it is the wisest course of action to take.

As ZAPHODB stated above in this thread, it appears that "The delay is NOT Universal's problem" and "[They]'re waiting on word from the distributor, not the production company, which is so on board with the whole thing." This from a supposedly "Exceedingly reliable" source.

Now after putting so much time and effort into this, not to mention the dozens of people that gave us their support, I was not about to call the whole thing off on this supposed 'rumour'.
However, after a few e-mails with the guy behind (he has recieved several e-mails on the topic as well) I decided that perhaps it would be best to do as the message says. Why stop, you ask? Well, honestly, I have faith in the fan-base.
If the person that posted that (if you're out there, it would be great to have a follow-up please) believes that it is true, that Universal is in fact 100% behind the movie, and the guy behind believes it, then I believe it.
Half because I'd love for it to be true, and half because I have faith in my fellow fan and 'Exceedingly reliable' sources.
I have faith, and will ask everyone to step down.
It would help put us all to ease, I am sure, if we knew the exact relationship this 'Exceedingly reliable' has to the movie i.e. work at Universal/ME, etc.,
If nothing else, at least now we have a current (as of yesterday) piece of news. If it is true, then things are looking good and we only have to wait for 'lawyer-y stuff'.

So, what now? Well, I believe we got a good deal done for having only run for a few days.
If you would still like to write a letter, or have already written one, I do not see any harm in still sending it. As I said above, writing in to say 'Hey, thanks for your support for Firefly - I can't wait to see it!' I cannot see how this would be a bad thing at all.
I suppose it would be best if you still wish to write a letter to alter it in 'tone'. Basically instead of asking them to make the movie, praise the fact that they have faith in it and believe it is worth making.

Also, I am still going to tally up the total number of letters we all sent in. I'll post that result in here (and elsewhere) shortly and will still send the letter to Mutant Enemy saying "Hey, THIS many people are behind you and can't wait to see this movie!". If nothing else, it might bring a smile to their face and for that we have achieved something.

So thank you. Thank you, you, you, and you too at the back. Thank you all. Thank you for your support in this crazy idea, this crazy show, and each other. Who may or may not be crazy.

Working together we achieved something that no one of us ever would have been able to do on their own. And that makes us mighty.

Keep flying.


Sunday, February 1, 2004 10:09 AM


Trust me. The source of the info is very legit.

Industrial Looniee & Madness -


Sunday, February 1, 2004 10:19 AM


Any chance the "source" could give us anybody else we might write to.
Can't say that I know much about distributors or who they might be, but if they have any way of being contacted, maybe the fans could convince them.

"It's pretty much down to ritual suicide, lambytoes."


Sunday, February 1, 2004 10:27 AM


No. It's best to leave the business dealings to Joss and company.

Industrial Looniee & Madness -


Sunday, February 1, 2004 2:15 PM


Well, its good to know that Universal is behind this, even if there are still problems.

I think we did good. And even if the campaign is on hold, I feel we probably turned at least one head at Universal.

We'll all be ready to start up again, of course, should the word come in from one of these "sources" to do so.


Sunday, February 1, 2004 4:43 PM



Yeah. We're talking about a corporate entity . . .not some guy who's gonna sit there and say, "You know what? If they're gonna hound me like this, screw 'em."

Well said, Static. :)

By the way, that service is...well, amazing. I recommend giving it a go.


Monday, February 2, 2004 4:42 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I am glad to hear the delay is not w/ Joss, ME, or Universal. I can only hope that the "stumbling block" they have hit is a small one and will soon work itself out.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."






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