Male and Female Imponderables- conjunction junction

UPDATED: Thursday, September 28, 2006 20:48
VIEWED: 10035
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:05 AM


LOL NV I almost fell out of my chair over your hippo comment:) That was fabulous! I just invisioned a hippo with garlands around it's neck swaying to "give peace a chance"

And yes Eddie Izzard is the funniest man ever. I highly reccomend his stuff- see link

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:08 AM


Oh Goddess! I just remembered that there was a hippo called Linda (my real name) in Dublin zoo when I was a kid and for years I believed it was named after me!!!

It wasn't just some random fantasy. My Granddad used to work there. I'd forgotten all about that!

More animations available at


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:13 AM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Oh Goddess! I just remembered that there was a hippo called Linda (my real name) in Dublin zoo when I was a kid and for years I believed it was named after me!!!

It wasn't just some random fantasy. My Granddad used to work there. I'd forgotten all about that! you can tell someone really loves you when they name a hippo after you!


"...and I'll just fade away..."


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:15 AM


Well, it wasn't named after me. He didn't get to name the hippos. He worked with the rhinos, actually. And he never said it was named after me. I just assumed. I mean, it was called Linda. It seemed perfectly logical to me that it must have been named after me! Nothing like confidence in a kid, huh?

More animations available at


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:22 AM


DTH and MSG. You crack me up. Give peace a chance and the Hippo name game. Too cute for words.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:29 AM


Desktophippie - Survive Evade Resist Escape. Being a hippie, I don't expect you to agree with it. Just remember; there are people who've put themselves in a position to defend the way of life in this country that lets you enjoy all your arts, and everything I'm talking about is a way of life for an elite number of them. As long as you respect that, I don't have any qualms with you.

Zeek - When was I bashing a mind that can create and understand? The two go hand in hand in my eyes. But it's the ability to create and understand WHILE enduring pain that I've been talking about the whole time. "...but a mind that is able to continue functioning under the harshest conditions.", if I may quote myself. Hell, I know how to create lots of things. I can create Potassium Nitrate from soil, ash, and whiskey.

With that and a car battery, I can create Nitric Acid.

Using that and my own urine, I can make Urea Nitrate.

Creativity is invaluable under the right circumstances. I just don't think it's that useful unless you're mind's conditioned enough to USE it under those circumstances.

Rugbug - But you can also teach your body to endure for longer periods of time before passing out. I'm not saying that there's indefinite potential, but it can be built like strength or any number of other things. More important, to me, is seeing how far that threshold is for yourself at least once. That way you know what you're capable of. Very early in BUDs, candidates are forced to endure the sensation of what it is like to drown. The reason for this is so that in the future, if they're in that situation, they wont panic, and be able to gain those precious few seconds that will be the difference between life and death.

That ties in with being able to kill a loved one. Could you if you needed to? You'd never really know unless you did it once.

I'm not advocating that, by the way. That was just one of those "what if" things that crossed my mind a while back. As I gave several references along with it, I'm certainly not the first person to think along those lines.

And why do you have to express something to experience it? Many Eastern trains of thought believe that you can only experience an emotion in it's entirety if you don't waste it's energy through physical expression. I don't claim to be able to control myself that well; I still laugh very hard and partake in silly antics when with friends. But I never feel more whole, at peace and truly content than when I'm in a neatly organized room, by myself, and experiencing whatever I'm experiencing (be it T.V., a book, or nothing at all) without distraction or needed to express it outwardly.

Do I think there's something to be said for "showing weakness"? Yes. I have pride, and ego, just as everyone does to varying degrees. I enjoy that reaction of people after shrugging off a swift kick to my crotch. But that's not the only reason I do it. It also challenges (or did at one time) me to control myself, to let the pain and anger come and go as quickly as the time passes in which I felt the first tinge of pain. You might perceive me to be not experiencing the pain, but I can tell you that's certainly not the case. I feel every second of it. That same logic applies to emotion.

Kelkhil - You and I must read the same books and periodicals.

and back to Desktophippie - That post about killing a loved one was just a theoretical "What if". I don't plan on doing it myself. I was just interested to see how many people could do it if put in a situation where it was necessary.

NVG - My apologies for not responding to you as much as other people. Usually by the time I'm done responding to them I have to be somewhere in real life, or just don't have the energy to write anymore. I'm glad you can relate to what I'm talking about. I've experienced the negative side of not "de-briefing" myself mentally and I deffinately know what can happen if you don't come to terms with something. Actually, that whole messy part of my life ended when I found FireFly. It really helped bring me back to my center.

"Pain is your friend, it is your ally. It will keep you awake, and angry, and remind you to finish the mission and get the hell home. But you know the best thing about pain? It let's you know that you're not dead yet."


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:34 AM


Yeah I have a friend who was born on July 4th and for years she thought all the fireworks and parades were for her:) Well off to Parent Teacher Conference ( sort of an open house for parents to come to the school and talk to teachers now that mid-term grades have been posted and all) 4 hours SIGH!! HUGS to all and to all a good night:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:43 AM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
When I said "superior mind", I meant precisely that. A mind able to overcome and withstand more. A more conditioned psyche than the average person. Perhaps if you'd ever undergone SERE training, you'd know what I was talking about.

It is possible to be smarter, more educated, more intelligent than someone without being as mentally conditioned as them. "Physically tough, mentally strong and morally strait." is part of the infantryman's creed, and it expresses not superior intelligence, but a mind that is able to continue functioning under the harshest conditions. This is what I mean by a "superior mind".


Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
Zeek - When was I bashing a mind that can create and understand? The two go hand in hand in my eyes. But it's the ability to create and understand WHILE enduring pain that I've been talking about the whole time. "...but a mind that is able to continue functioning under the harshest conditions.", if I may quote myself. Hell, I know how to create lots of things. I can create Potassium Nitrate from soil, ash, and whiskey.

With that and a car battery, I can create Nitric Acid.

Using that and my own urine, I can make Urea Nitrate.

Creativity is invaluable under the right circumstances. I just don't think it's that useful unless you're mind's conditioned enough to USE it under those circumstances.

And on that note I think I'm going to give up on communicating with you. It's far too much work to hold up both ends of a discussion. If you aren't going to remember your own side then I'm too lazy to keep reminding you.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:45 AM


*chuckles* Yeah, I have a friend whose birthday is the 4th of July too. (MsG, I'm starting to wonder if you're not my "evil" twin...waitaminute -- you've got the husband and are working on the "combo package"...does that mean I am the "evil twin?" )

Good luck MsG with the Parent Teacher conferences. (Did the school at least let you have a shorter day with the students?) I remember doing that, and it was quite interesting.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:45 AM


What the?? A triple post? *blinks*


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:45 AM


Well, this is a first (for me)


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:47 AM


Aw heck. Little old me needs not acknowledgement.
So what does your life consist of, if I ain't pryin' too much. Women, kids, family. I found that exploring what I still had in my life helped with the mental accuity and emotional connections I'd been lacking for quite some time.
And on the Firefly thing, I couldn't agree more. So what if there may never be more shows or (Heaven forbid) we are denied our Big Damn Trilogy. I felt this failed show brought me home to things I'd been missing for so long.
So having accomplished that for more than one person, Did the show fail?

(We all know it was the F*x F's.)


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:49 AM


Bye-bye MSG. Have fun with the parents.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 12:02 PM


Zeek - In the first quote I already defined what I meant by superiority , and you still asked how I qualified it as being superior. Now you're trying to take the high road of me not understanding you properly?

I was more clearly defining something that I had already said very blatantly. If you have a problem with comprehension skills, don't try and make it out like I didn't know my own point.

NVG - I got friends, family, pets, no romantic interests or children. One of the reasons I flipped out back then was because I didn't have any of that. After my discharge, I had just lost what I wanted to be my entire life (the military), my parents kicked me out because of how I was acting, friends are all off at college and whatnot. I was sleeping out of the back of my car. Just a very angry point in life. I eventually got a really shitty security job, and one day I went and saw Serenity in theaters. Things started getting better after that.

"Pain is your friend, it is your ally. It will keep you awake, and angry, and remind you to finish the mission and get the hell home. But you know the best thing about pain? It let's you know that you're not dead yet."


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 12:13 PM


Strange the influence of a mere movie. Sometimes it takes simple entertainment to pull us out of the dark places. I use a form of movie therapy to face past issues. Trust me, it is much cheaper and probably more effective than a VA suggested shrink. I think finding folks to share the hard stuff with that I could trust to keep it to themselves worked great. There is so much stuff that many folks could never understand unless having had been there.
Question: Did you get your tabs? There are alot of companies who hire at a much higher rate then entry based on experience. Special training that they don't have to pay for is always accepted in the private sector.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 1:00 PM


I've been keeping queit for a while because CMH's presence on this board has had me questioning some things about my own personality. Chris, I have to confess that you have brought out a side of me that I'm not entirely proud of. I am normally a fairly easy going person. I do have a temper but I (wait for it!) have made great strides in the last couple of years in controlling it! To the point where I can feel furious but still sit down calmly and discuss rationally what it is I'm angry about. I haven't been doing that recently. I tend to read your posts and mutter dark things at the screen and judge you not just on what you say but on what I think you mean.

Now I have faced up to this prejudice and want to overcome it, as I want to be the kind of person to treat people fairly. I think I have identified the main reasons for why you get me so wound up and would like to share them with you.

Partly it is not your fault. You often voice opinions and express yourself in a confontational ways that remind me slightly of a man who was the closest I've ever come to evil. He was a Nazi sympathiser who was violently racist and mysoginistic and ended up murdering a woman in knew and liked. Now that I realise you are not him and have never said anything racist I shall try to disassociate you from that memory, and apologise for even subconciously branding you with the same brush.

The other reason I feel so uncomfortable whenever I see a post of yours though is down to things you have said on this board that, quite frankly, scare me. I mean for all your talk of control, you have on several occasions spoken of 'beating someone badly' or beating up the car they were in in a fit of rage, not with remorse but with smug satisfaction. That, combined with your distaste for women (both stated and implied in a lot of your posts) make me feel that I would not feel safe to have a discussion with you face to face.

There, I have made a clean breast of my feelings. I freely admit I have been judemental and closeminded to some of your more eloquently stated posts and promise to try harder to approach any future debate with an open mind. If you would respond to this post not as an attack but as an attempt to ease future communication then I think everyone here who has been hostile would be less so in future.



Wednesday, September 27, 2006 1:16 PM


King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 1:18 PM


Aw, Penguin! You always know exactly the right thing to say!

I'm sorry to drop a great long post and then leave but I have to get some sleep. I have a long drive tomorrow. I'll catch up with what's going on in the morning!



Wednesday, September 27, 2006 2:42 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hello Penguin!! I've missed you!! How's Iowa? I thought there might have been mythical and pressing matters keeping you from us?

Hello all - I just managed to get 10 mins on the 'net before doing the day's chores... hope to catch up some more tonight - tis a gorgeous day here in Melbourne though and the kids are driving me up the wall... though on the bright side I just showed them the Fruity Oaty Bar song so amny times that they all know the words now...

Mwaaah - Magda x x x


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 2:55 PM


Hello sweetie!

I've just been busy with doesn't leave much time during the day to stop by!

I'm on a little bit before work and then in the evenings...

I've missed all my imponderable/forsaken/browncoat friends too!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 2:55 PM


Good morning Mags! And Penguin! Good to see you too Emma!

Got some catching up to do.

Hopefully everyone is having a good morning or night or afternoon.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 4:05 PM


Wow... I jsut got a call from a Navy scholarship spokesperson.... this angers me, as I thought I had opted out of that No Child Left Behind army info disclosure crap.

Maybe we forgot to. Oh well...

I hate you, big government. Damn you to hades, No Child Left OutOfTheMilitary Act!!!

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 7:16 PM



Dayve wrote:
...what's your function...?

Dayve, you added this way at the top, and I didn't see any acknowledgements. It's what I was thinking when I saw the name of the thread. Leave it to Penguin to find a School House Rock pic.

Now, all together:
"Conjunction Junction, what's you function?"

Magda, good to see you. Do they have School House Rock down under?

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:22 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

*quickly looks up her US/Aus translation book - nothing under 'C' on Conjunction Junction there... checks under 'S' for School House Rocks*

"... uh... nah! ...sorry you lost me there - I didn't even realis there was a connection to the fun picture Penguin posted and the title of the thread... I'm waiting for a thread named for a Pink Floyd song though..."

It's good to see you too VX! I'm meeting y bestest friend for tea - then I'll be back to ponder the night away!


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:54 PM


SchoolHouse Rock is a bunch of short cartoons with music. They were (are) little educational commercials to teach children different concepts. They were aired on Saturday mornings inbetween children's programs. There's America Rock, Grammar Rock, Multiplication Rock, and Science Rock.

Conjunction Junction is just one of the cartoons in the Grammar Rock series. Here's the words, so you can sing along with us. All together: 1, 2, 3 ....

Music & Lyrics: Bob Dorough
Sung by: Jack Sheldon
Animation: Phil Kimmelman and Associates

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up words and phrases and clauses.
Conjunction Junction, how's that function?
I got three favorite cars
That get most of my job done.
Conjunction Junction, what's their function?
I got "and", "but", and "or",
They'll get you pretty far.

That's an additive, like "this and that".
That's sort of the opposite,
"Not this *but* that".
And then there's "or":
O-R, when you have a choice like
"This or that".
"And", "but", and "or",
Get you pretty far.

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up two boxcars and making 'em run right.
Milk and honey, bread and butter, peas and rice.
Hey that's nice!
Dirty but happy, digging and scratching,
Losing your shoe and a button or two.
He's poor but honest, sad but true,

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up two cars to one
When you say something like this choice:
"Either now or later"
Or no choice:
"Neither now nor ever"
Hey that's clever!
Eat this or that, grow thin or fat,
Never mind, I wouldn't do that,
I'm fat enough now!

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up phrases and clauses that balance, like:
Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
He cut loose the sandbags,
But the balloon wouldn't go any higher.
Let's go up to the mountains,
Or down to the sea.
You should always say "thank you",
Or at least say "please".

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up words and phrases and clauses
In complex sentences like:
{"In the mornings, when I am usually wide awake,
I love to take a walk through the gardens and down by the lake,
Where I often see a duck and a drake,
And I wonder as I walk by
Just what they'd say if they could speak,
Although I know that's an absurd thought."}

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up cars and making 'em function.
Conjunction Junction, how's that function?
I like tying up words and phrases and clauses.
Conjunction Junction, watch that function.
I'm going to get you there if you're very careful.
Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
I'm going to get you there if you're very careful.
Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
I'm going to get you there if you're very careful.

So is anyone else going down memory lane?

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Thursday, September 28, 2006 1:00 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

LOL!!! I am laughing so hard VX!! You are gorgeous & that is exactly the sort of thing i would do!!

Oooop! I'm watching 'Bones' while I'm on the computer and they just mentioned 'Firefly'!! I knew I liked this show for a good reason!! (& not just a healthy dose of David Boreanez goodness!)

Now, where was I - the best we had was the Hector the Cat ad's to teach children how to cross the road safely!

"Stop at the kerb, (Stop at the kerb)
Look to the right, (look to the right)
Look to the left, (look to the left)
Look to the right again...

Then if the road is clear of traffic,
Walk straight across the road - don't run
Walk straight across the road (don't run...)"

It featured a person in a large cat costume & most sadly the guy who played Hector ran in front of a car just outside a school he'd been visiting for safety classes and was killed...

I don't think they tried anything quite like it after that!


Thursday, September 28, 2006 1:23 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by magdalena:
It featured a person in a large cat costume & most sadly the guy who played Hector ran in front of a car just outside a school he'd been visiting for safety classes and was killed...

Oh sweet irony!
Hey there jie-jie

Hey, anyone want to see a way recent picture of me? I submitted to and it's all up and shiny!
Also it's in the Blue Sun Room at full size. - show Universal your gratitude!

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. - Gautama Siddharta


Thursday, September 28, 2006 3:31 AM


Morning, all!
Um, Magda, the last Imponderables was named after a Pink Floyd song...

I miss Conjunction Junction...that was a fun little show...thank you for the field trip, VerseExplorer!



Thursday, September 28, 2006 3:41 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

yeah... I was being.. ummmmm... ironic?

I did know that - don't know what I was thinking except I was listening to them today and just had it all in my head I guess...

thank you Tristan!


Thursday, September 28, 2006 3:42 AM


Ah. Ok. That makes sense. Glad I could help...?



Thursday, September 28, 2006 3:45 AM


School House Rock ruled!
So did 3 2 1 Contact. I used to love those shows!

So what are we pondering today?


The Shirtless Forsaken


Thursday, September 28, 2006 3:54 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Tristan (It did? Yeah?) You helped I guess... I did have little River climbing on me and begging for the 'Fruity Oaty Bar' song at that moment too...and I was tired - someone's been keeping me up late! But I was listening to them and loving my favourites! Thank you!

Oh & Mei Mei! thank you sweetie - I just repied to you! I am heading to one of the above locations to see my little sister & how good you're looking right now!

Hi Kelkhil! ... ah ponderin'... ummm why is it that kids wait until you need to concentrate on something and then launch a carefully co-ordinated attack designed to damage your calm? Will that do...?


Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:02 AM


Ok Magda have you ever seen the play " The Fantasticks"? They have this verse goes

Why did the kids put jam on the cat? Raspberry jam all over the cat. Why would the kids do something like that? They did it 'cause we said NO.

Why did the kids put beans in their ears? No one can hear with beans in their ears. After a while the reason appears. They did it 'cause we said NO.

I swear kids have some sort of psychic power whereby the pick the exact right moment to really "damage your calm"

Hmm as part of that ponderable can we add Do you think student are less respectful than they used to be?

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:06 AM


Ah, Magda, but remember, you only need ten minutes of beauty sleep every that's alright, then!

MSG, I think it was Bill Cosby's stand-up routine that hit it dead-on..."Brain damage!"

I do think students are less respectful. There is no real threat of punishment beyond detention that they can get out of...and how bad is suspension or expulsion? They get to stay home! I am not a parent myself, so I can't really jump on the "It's the parent's fault" bandwagon, but, and present company is excluded, stories I have heard lead me to believe there is less parenting going on than in the "old days".



Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:12 AM


Mags - To answer your's: Its because they just realized that they are no longer the center of attention.

MSG - Yours: Not sure not a teacher and I was pretty wild when I was younger. But listening to your stories and some stories in the news I am pushed towards yes.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:27 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Ahhh... sweet Tristan!... well my beauty might be OK after 10 mins - but my calm gets damaged mighty easily!!

LOL! MsG - I did see that show years ago and had forgotten that song! It is so true! I actually said, very sarcasticly, 'Do you think you could make a little more noise kids - there's a real risk I could actually hear the music you know!' Cameron was delighted to oblige!!!??? I do definitely think there's less respect for teachers these days - I see different parenting styles, different assumptions of teachers responsibilities and less support for parents to rase kids to be respectful and disciplined. We basically live in a 'get it now, pay later' society so there is no incentive for people to show respect for one another - therefore we are not modelling/teaching respect to the next generation! (did that make sense?)

GPR!!! I love, love LOVE your Big Damn Thankyou submission! It is so shiney and you are very gorgeous mei mei! I am totally in awe of the creative genius that is Phoenix Rose!


Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:35 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by magdalena:
GPR!!! I love, love LOVE your Big Damn Thankyou submission! It is so shiney and you are very gorgeous mei mei! I am totally in awe of the creative genius that is Phoenix Rose! - show Universal your gratitude!

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. - Gautama Siddharta


Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:37 AM


PR - Can I have your 'Does Not Play Well With Idiots' as a t-shirt?

Just rushing through here - will be on my hamsterbox for the next few days, so may tag, but can't rely on posting in threads.

If anyone wants to pm me (MSG - news?!?)please feel free. I'm having a lovely fanwank convo on my writing with poor ArtemisPrime at present...(she asked me to explain stuff. Bad move.)

And we had a Pink Floyd thread - Delicate Sound of Thunder...

SBDB - there are many of us out there. I say, we continue to subvert the gender stereotypes.

And did someone suggest that Nathan Fillion was pudgy? Does this mean I have to go watch 'Trash' again to check? And then go watch Jayne's torso in 'Jaynestown' for pudginess, too? Dammit. Things I do for this board in the name of science...


Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:42 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Ok Magda have you ever seen the play " The Fantasticks"? They have this verse goes

Why did the kids put jam on the cat? Raspberry jam all over the cat. Why would the kids do something like that? They did it 'cause we said NO.

Why did the kids put beans in their ears? No one can hear with beans in their ears. After a while the reason appears. They did it 'cause we said NO.

I swear kids have some sort of psychic power whereby the pick the exact right moment to really "damage your calm"

Yeah, a browncoat friend of mine (and mother of two) had that last weekend. While she worked on the garden and her two year old picked up stones, her one year old kept crawling out to the road with all the speed she could muster. It was like she was thinking "Now, where's the most dangerous place I could possibly be? Ah! There's a great place!"

I mostly work with adults, so I can't comment on the student thing. I teach teenagers during the summer and the hardest thing to deal with is that most of them couldn't care less and think that I'm the uncoolest person in the world. Which is pretty much how they acted back when I was in school, so no change there.

More animations available at


Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:48 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
PR - Can I have your 'Does Not Play Well With Idiots' as a t-shirt?

That there is a very good idea! I'll have to add it to the list of T-shirt slogans I'll use if I get a business up and running. Since that's bound to be quite a wait, if you want to get one printed up, go for it! - show Universal your gratitude!

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. - Gautama Siddharta


Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:52 AM


Hi Ponderers,

How is everyone on this beautiful day ?Are we pondering anything ?


I swallowed a bug.


Thursday, September 28, 2006 5:03 AM


Morning LA- we're ponder how children too small and inexperienced to tie their own shoes are capable of wreaking such havoc.

That crawing into the road thing makes me think of my nephew Wyatt ( we call him dager boy- no danger he won't seek out)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, September 28, 2006 5:05 AM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
Desktophippie - Survive Evade Resist Escape. Being a hippie, I don't expect you to agree with it. Just remember; there are people who've put themselves in a position to defend the way of life in this country that lets you enjoy all your arts, and everything I'm talking about is a way of life for an elite number of them. As long as you respect that, I don't have any qualms with you.

That post about killing a loved one was just a theoretical "What if". I don't plan on doing it myself. I was just interested to see how many people could do it if put in a situation where it was necessary.

Well, I certainly don't have anything against surviving, evading, resisting and escaping if you're caught in a messy situation. That would pretty much be my plan, training or not.

Plus - I'm a hippie, but I'm not stupid. I appreciate that war is sometimes necessary. I just really, really wish it wasn't. And I choose to live my life as though it isn't, and hope that everyone else in the world will eventually follow suit. I've only got a couple of billion more people to convince. Should be done in no time.

As for wanting to know if we'd have the strength to kill someone we love... why the heck would you want to know that??? I mean, it's not exactly the kind of thing you mull over is it? "Gee, I love my Mum. I wonder if I'd be capable of killing her if I really had to?" Those kind of thoughts really don't lead anywhere good. To be honest (and I may be prejudiced here since you did mention you'd suffered with it in the past) those kinds of thoughts smack of someone in the grips of a depressive episode, or at the very least in a very dark place.

On an earlier point, my understanding was that the study showing women's pain threshold was nine times higher than a man was a combination testing people's reaction to pain, interviews with those suffering from chronic pain conditions and biological study of the pain recognition areas of the human brain in men and women. I don't remember any more of the details as I read it a good few years ago.

More animations available at


Thursday, September 28, 2006 5:21 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by msg:
That crawing into the road thing makes me think of my nephew Wyatt ( we call him dager boy- no danger he won't seek out)

Oy! MsG - you brought to mind my 'nannies nightmare'!!! One beautiful day I let my tiny charges - Cameron (then almost 3) & Matthew (almost 18months) out into the back yard and walked back to the kitchen to pick up my cup of coffee & when I went out the back door (15 sconds later) there was Cam, but no Mamu! I quickly discovered that their mother had left the garage door open (there was open access to the back garden) and he had wandered off... well this totally freaked out nanny went running down the road calling him to see him round the corner, in the middle of a reasonably busy road & run back up to me with this huge smile on his face!!!!... now I'm gonna have that nightmare again tonight...


Thursday, September 28, 2006 5:54 AM


Good Morining everyone!


Thursday, September 28, 2006 5:55 AM


Magda, that would be any Mommy's/Nanny's worst nightmare.Have I mentioned that Sean calls his grandma, Magda ?

Where I live the kids are never alone, even for a minute.So they don't get as many chances for true mischeif.
But they can cause quite the ruckus,still.

My Sean at 2 is alsways into something.Today's injury was falling into the bathroom hamper.Got a good sized knot on his brow for that one.Dylan is an angel though,very rarely misbehaves.

But he loves the FF theme song." sing sky song,Mommy ! "And then he sings \ - take Sean out to the bwack,no coming take sky from meeeee..
Too cute.


I swallowed a bug.


Thursday, September 28, 2006 5:59 AM



Originally posted by msg:
we call him dager boy- no danger he won't seek out

Dager? Cause it's one letter off from dagger and danger? Interesting choice.

Edit: Also lager, dater, pager, wager, eager and probably more.


Thursday, September 28, 2006 6:04 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by LittleAlbatross29:
And then he sings \ - take Sean out to the bwack,no coming take sky from meeeee..
Too cute.

Gah! Can't... function... too... much... cuteness! - show Universal your gratitude!

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. - Gautama Siddharta


Thursday, September 28, 2006 6:07 AM


So many people to say good morning/afternoon/evening/whatever to!

LA29, good to see you about!

NVG, morning, brudda!

DTH, I have always loved hippies who understand the necessary evils. :hugs:

SpaceAnJL and PR...not sure if I said hello...but "hello!"

Howdy, Zeek! I was wondering the same thing about "dager"...

Think I'm caught up...



Thursday, September 28, 2006 6:15 AM


Tristan! (runs up and gives big man bear hug)






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