Male and Female Imponderables - Mad World

UPDATED: Monday, October 2, 2006 05:45
VIEWED: 11779
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Saturday, September 30, 2006 12:05 PM



I think it will probably bring drama your way.Unfortunately almost nobody comes without it.However you don't have to be involved in this person's life just 'cause you have a beer with them.
And if your wife is really against this person, maybe you should consider that she may be right.
Is she normally a good judge of charachter?
Some things are not forgiveable,and leopards rarely change their spots .Cliche, I know but proven true time & time again.

Since it takes me so long to get fed up with someone ,I rarely give another chance after severing ties.But that's me, I can be like Mal that way..Good luck .



I swallowed a bug.


Saturday, September 30, 2006 12:19 PM



"So I have a crush on her. Unfortunatly she died very young, in a car accident. So this is the only film footage I have ever found of her."

And did you leave a wife or a sweetheart behind?
In some loyal heart, is your memory enshrined?
And though you died back in Nineteen-Sixteen,
To that loyal heart you're forever nineteen.

"Pain is your friend, it is your ally. It will keep you awake, and angry, and remind you to finish the mission and get the hell home. But you know the best thing about pain? It let's you know that you're not dead yet."


Saturday, September 30, 2006 12:41 PM


Hey guys- sorry I don't have the time to read and catch up. I will later. Right now me and MisterG are off to the Utah Browncoats Shindig for our BDM celebration party...see you latter and hope you're all having a great day!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Saturday, September 30, 2006 12:51 PM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:

"So I have a crush on her. Unfortunatly she died very young, in a car accident. So this is the only film footage I have ever found of her."

And did you leave a wife or a sweetheart behind?
In some loyal heart, is your memory enshrined?
And though you died back in Nineteen-Sixteen,
To that loyal heart you're forever nineteen.

That is beautiful ChrisMoorhead. By the date it sounds like it was written during World War I, "The Great War".



Saturday, September 30, 2006 1:02 PM


I had trouble signing on last night, too. Bob Hope was a very giving person. If there were troops somewhere outside of the States, he was there on Christmas doing a USO show. I liked "The Seven Little Foys." I remember the scene you mentioned. Cagney was playing George M. Cohen, again. I loved him as George M. Cohen in "Yankee Doodle Dandy". My favorite scene was when he was dancing on stage and went to the side. He'd jump on the side stage wall and twirl around.

I checked out Priscilla Lawson on IMBd, and she had alot of small roles.
Billy the Kid (1941) (uncredited) .... Bessie (barmaid)
The Women (1939) (uncredited) .... Hairdresser #1
Three Loves Has Nancy (1938) (uncredited) .... Gertie, at the Party
Heroes of the Hills (1938) .... Madeline Reynolds
The Toy Wife (1938) (uncredited) .... Dark Woman
... aka Frou Frou (UK)
Three Comrades (1938) (uncredited) .... Frau Brunner, Sanatorium Clerk
Test Pilot (1938) .... Mable
Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars (1938) (uncredited) .... Princess Aura, in flashback [Chs. 6, 10, 14]
... aka Space Soldiers' Trip to Mars (USA: TV title)
The First Hundred Years (1938) (uncredited) .... Mary Brown, Lynn's Secretary
The Girl of the Golden West (1938) .... Nina Martinez
Arsène Lupin Returns (1938) (uncredited) .... Switchboard Operator
The Last Gangster (1937) (uncredited) .... Girl in Dive
Double Wedding (1937) .... Felice, Margit's Secretary
King of Gamblers (1937) (uncredited) .... Grace
... aka Czar of the Slot Machines
Internes Can't Take Money (1937) (uncredited) .... Nurse
... aka You Can't Take Money (UK)
College Holiday (1936) (uncredited) .... Student
The Accusing Finger (1936) (uncredited) .... Hat Check Girl
Rose Bowl (1936) .... Florence Taylor
... aka O'Riley's Luck (UK)
Wives Never Know (1936) (uncredited) .... Laboratory Assistant
The Phantom Rider (1936) (uncredited) .... Dance-hall girl
Flash Gordon (1936/I) .... Princess Aura
... aka Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers (USA: video title)
... aka Space Soldiers (USA: TV title)
Sutter's Gold (1936) (uncredited) .... Native Girl
Don't Get Personal (1936) (uncredited) .... Bridesmaid
Dangerous Waters (1936) (uncredited)
The Great Impersonation (1935) (uncredited) .... Maid
His Night Out (1935) (uncredited) .... Hatcheck Girl

It's amazing what an impression a movie can have on a 6 year old.

You asked "should" you see this person. The real question is do you want to? People rarely change, but they do mature. If he and a mutual friend say he has matured, then there is a chance that he might have. If you want, give him a chance. Then if he screws up again, just back away.

Who doesn't want to fly and live under the sea? It's like comfort food. A favorite movie from our youth can bring back alot of warm fuzzy feelings.

I was expecting a warm fuzzy movie as your quilty pleasure. (Just joking)


Saturday, September 30, 2006 1:07 PM


Written by Eric Bogle about the gravestone of a soldier who died in WWI. It's called "The Green Fields of France" and is one of the most beautiful songs you'll ever hear, especially the rendition by Dropkick Murphys (who says punks don't have feelings?). I just heard it myself, and Traveler's response reminded me of it.

VERSEEXPLORER - I'm seriously trying to think of a "warm fuzzy" movie I like... I do enjoy some OLDER war-oriented movies. Kurosawa and the like. Honestly, First Blood, The Hunted, Terminator... all have very emotional undertones. Rejection from society, loss of humanity, desire for redemption.

John Rambo: "Nothing is over! Nothing!'
The Terminator: "I know now why you cry, but it's something I can never do."

"Pain is your friend, it is your ally. It will keep you awake, and angry, and remind you to finish the mission and get the hell home. But you know the best thing about pain? It let's you know that you're not dead yet."


Saturday, September 30, 2006 1:07 PM



Traveler Quote:
"So I have a crush on her. Unfortunatly she died very young, in a car accident. So this is the only film footage I have ever found of her."

ChrisMoorhead wrote:
And did you leave a wife or a sweetheart behind?
In some loyal heart, is your memory enshrined?
And though you died back in Nineteen-Sixteen,
To that loyal heart you're forever nineteen.

That is VERY touching!

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Saturday, September 30, 2006 1:08 PM


My secret, guilty pleasure? Anything with the words Godzilla or Gamera in them.



Saturday, September 30, 2006 1:12 PM


That a song called "The Green Fields of France" originally by Eric Bogle in Australia (he also wrote "The band played waltzing Matilda). The Dropkick Murphies did an absolutely demendous cover of the song on "The Warrior's Code"......did I mention the Dropkicks are from Boston? just in case i didn't.......



Saturday, September 30, 2006 1:14 PM


Oh, jeez, I'm sorry to try and steal your thunder, I didn't read your post before mentioning the Dropkicks......who, of course, are from Boston (hehehehe)

Seriously, tho, apologies for foot in mouth....



Saturday, September 30, 2006 1:18 PM


The first time I heard the song was the night I picked up the Dropkick's CD, and when I heard the date, I thought it was a continuation (if you will) of Motorhead's 1916, an astounding piece of work about honor and horror of war.......even if Lemmy is the antithesis of anything you would listen to, this song is worth a listen, here is Lemmy singing (yes, I did say singing) with a cello and accordion, and no guitars or bass.......if you've heard it, then you can see where I thought the Murphies were tipping their hat to Motorhead, until I learned otherwise.....



Saturday, September 30, 2006 1:19 PM


I found it at:

It is absolutely beautiful. I read the words before I clicked on to listen to the song. There are tears in my eyes. Thanks so much for sharing this.


Saturday, September 30, 2006 1:28 PM


All I would say is this.......I have done some pretty dreadful things in my younger life, and burned a lot of bridges with people who cared about me.......and I wish to hell and back I could rebuild those bridges, and most people will not, and ya know what? it hurts like a motherfucker when you really have to bear witness to your own wreckage. If someone has made an effort to turn his or her life around, then what does the hour or so to sit and drink a beer with that person cost? if he is honest about it, then you will be glad you did, and you will have saved him from some pain.........and in the event he is full of shit, you can at least look in the mirror and tell yourself you gave him the chance..........either way, I think you come out ahead.



Saturday, September 30, 2006 1:52 PM


Hello ChrisMoorhead:

I went to the website VerseExplorer found and listened to the song by Eric Bogle. Have now placed that site in my favorites folder.

I have visited many Civil War battlefields and walked through they military cemeteries that are alongside them. That song expresses the feeling you get when you walk past the graves of the men who fought there.

Thank you for sharing.

Thank you;


Saturday, September 30, 2006 2:04 PM


Whats not to love about Mark Harmon and Jodie Foster?

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Saturday, September 30, 2006 2:09 PM


Hello VerseExplorer:

Priscilla was busy, but these films are B pictures that no one will create DVD's of them, if any footage is left to make a copy from. The Flash Gordon serials got a cult following so they have been saved. Sort of an early version of Firefly, but not the quality. The Flash Gordon serials were made for a much younger audience and the plots show this. But you gotta love them. For all their poor writing, acting, and special effects. The special effects are a hoot. Little spaceships hanging on strings. You have to see it, I can't describe them in words.

I just listened to the song about the soldier's gravestone. I have studied war a great deal and learned one thing. War sucks!

Thank you for looking up the filmography;


Saturday, September 30, 2006 2:55 PM


I'm glad ya'll liked it, cept for Browncoatjim, who already knew about it. Don't worry, I don't take offense, I'm glad someone else shares similar interests. I take it that you're from Boston? I don't have that pleasure myself, but I'm of Scottish/Irish heritage, so I got love for Irish America.

As for war... it doesn't have to be as ugly as we've made it. I believe that there are certain things that we must accept and understand about it.

1) Although the most preferable choice would be for war to never happen, that is simply not reality. As long as singular people come to confrontation on any point, they will convince larger groups to side with them.

2) If you accept this, then looming over about how it "shouldn't" be that way is useless. The next logical choice, in my eyes, is accepting it from a factual and pragmatic point of view. In doing so, you recognize that just because you come to conflict with someone about something does not mean that you have to have negative feelings about it.

3) If people begin a movement towards not approaching conflict out of emotion, then conflicts based on emotion will cease to exist. The remaining conflicts can be handled with more clarity and concern for preservation. All great military strategist even dating back to ancient times, who had little regard for human life, recognized the pragmatic value of preserving the enemy instead of killing them. Sun-Tzu, Niccolo Machiavelli, Karl von Clausewitz, etc.

I've often thought that the poorest part of this line of thinking was that people could conflict without emotion, which might be almost as much of a pipe dream as total peace. Still, I think it much more likely that people would be willing to accept "I've come to a conflict and must now resolve it" over "I must prevent coming into any conflict at all.".

Why do we consider war such a tragedy anyways? The major loss of human life is probably the most obvious answer. So many loved ones never coming back to see their families. But this is a selfish way of thinking. People must die at different times for different reasons. Getting upset over it leads more to anger than anything else, which just perpetuates the hate, the killing. It seems to me that although immediate conflict is inevitable to some degree, that perpetuated conflict is preventable. That nearly everyone is unable to clearly identify a difference between the two is deeply regrettable.

It we are to gain a greater appreciation of life, we must first gain a great appreciation for death.

If we are to learn the value of and ways to make peace, we must first learn the value of and ways to make war.

"Pain is your friend, it is your ally. It will keep you awake, and angry, and remind you to finish the mission and get the hell home. But you know the best thing about pain? It let's you know that you're not dead yet."


Saturday, September 30, 2006 3:03 PM


Some of the B movies do actually show up on the Classic Movie channels. I have seen The Women a couple of times. It's an interesting portrayl of women's: roles, values, gossip, fidelity, and infidelity. I can set my TIVO to automatically pick in up in case it airs again. I can burn a copy for you if you're interested. Although I don't know how long Hairdresser #1 is actually on the screen.

I have seen a few episodes of the Flash Gordon serial. They are funny to watch. Especially when you compare them to the special effect of movies made today.

You mentioned that you've walked Civil War cemetaries. I love genealogy, so I have walked many a cemetaries in the mid west especially in Nebraska, Illinois, and the Mythical Land of Iowa. You do start to wonder about the lives they led, and certainly about the lives of the men and women that fought during our wars. "War sucks." Very true. The song captures that thought.


Saturday, September 30, 2006 3:37 PM



I don't have cable so I don't get to see all the movie channels. I have searched for DVD's with her name, but only Flash Gordon appears. What got me angry was they made two other Flash Gordon serials and did not use her. But just like Firefly I am happy to have this small portion. One must always be greatful for what we have. If you come across her that would be wonderful.

Thank you very much;


Saturday, September 30, 2006 3:50 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Wow - there have been so many responses since I managed to log on last night!

Jailbait.. *gasp* you gave me such a fright! (LOL!!)

Awwwww... Penguin - you know I feel the same way!

Chris - you chose some films I like too - though I agree that there's little to be embarassed about - I still tear up in the original 'Terminator', the love scene is gorgeous - but the unrelenting fight for survival is terrific and the sense of hope at the end... I did like the 2nd movie but found it a little slow... I know what you mean about the ending. I'm just starting Aikido & the kids I nanny have been doing it for some time... I have seen Steven Segal films and though the 'acting' is apalling I do enjoy his martial arts stuff... (but don't tell any of the browncoats who think I'm a serious actor that... OK?)

I do know that song too - and yes, it was by an Australian & 'the Band Played Waltzing Matilda' - both those songs bring a tear to my eye - I am studying WW1 as I have several relatives who died or served there, I want to understand war better - though I'm sure I couldn't get as into it as you Chris - lets just say I am mostly interested in it's impact on those left at home - the women traditionally.

Verseexplorer - another thing we have in common - I am a cemetery wanderer from way back - my Mum and I enjoy a ramble through a little country plot or a church yard so much - my love of history is made so much more real when I see the little monuments to real people who lived & died in the very town I am in...

Traveller - I know sweetie - I know - my 'tragic crush' was on an Aussie actor called Jon Blake - (tall dark & handsome & so very talented) was my dream man - he had just finished filming 'The Lighthorseman' and was driving home when he swerved to avoid a car, parked on the wrong side of the road with it's lights off - he hit another car and will be in a 'vegetative state' for the rest of his life! I thought he was better looking than anyone I know in real life & had the talent to enjoy an amazing career! *sigh* ... is it more tradgic to live without a life or to die before it's lived...

ooops - it looks like I should have strated that ramble thread!


Saturday, September 30, 2006 4:30 PM


The Women and Three Loves Has Nancy are showing next week. I've set my TIVO to pick them up. I also set it up to record the movies on which she was credited. I figured those would be larger parts: Heroes of the Hills, Test Pilot, The Girl of the Golden West, Double Wedding, and Rose Bowl. I do have a DVD recorder to burn DVDs, but it does act a little weird occasionally. Do you have an old VHS tape player?


Saturday, September 30, 2006 4:36 PM


Hello Magdalena:

Always a pleasure to see your posts. The rich and famous do not escape the fates that wait for anyone who is mortal. I hope those who live in the constant state coma can dream. I guess it depends on the damage the brain has received.

And you explore cemeteries as well.

Are we a morbid bunch?

But cemetaries do reveal a lot about our past.

I think we need a ramble thread contest. But I am still posting in the original "Who is the last to post Thread", so I feel pretty commited already.



Saturday, September 30, 2006 4:48 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

I am in awe of those still battling it out in the "last one to post thread" - my computer is not fast enough to have a go - even here by the time I post something there are one or two others before it pops up for me! *sigh*

Hello VX - you're so good to us here - I'm sure you and Traveller just overlaped posts... or maybe I'm just his favourite and no amount of good favours will win him from me? ... BTW is 'The Women' the one with Jean Simmons?... or Kate Hepburn? I think I remember that one, but I might be getting confuzzled... is it about a women's boarding house near Broadway or about a ranch style place somewhere... yeah - definitely confuzzlement at this end...

No - seriously I love you guys! There is so much genuine connection on this site - I was trying to explain it to friends who have never found this kind of connection on the 'net before and they were a bit sceptical I must say! You all prove them wrong any day!


Saturday, September 30, 2006 4:48 PM



Oh yes I have VHS. I have so many movies in that format it will take me years to replace them with DVD's. And of course I still have to keep up with the new movies. So I will probably have a VHS for soom time. This is really nice of you. Thank you.



Saturday, September 30, 2006 4:50 PM



Magdalena wrote:
Verseexplorer - another thing we have in common - I am a cemetery wanderer from way back - my Mum and I enjoy a ramble through a little country plot or a church yard so much - my love of history is made so much more real when I see the little monuments to real people who lived & died in the very town I am in...

Like minds! The older the cemetary the better. We might have to go for a cemetary walk after dancing around the pyre on a Forsaken thread.

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Saturday, September 30, 2006 4:55 PM


At last, caught up I have. And after what was a busy week, I have a relatively light homework load. I took the oportunity to write the first of my college application essays to come, a piece i'm rather proud of called "Un Inmigrante en los Estados Unidos", which is all about me feeling its unfair that British isnt considered an immigrant nationality. For the first two paragraphs i'm trying to pretend i'm a spanish immigrant (i said my sister was born "on the continent", which she was, just in germany, not spain). From there on, i get factual, then just plain old silly, and my last paragraph is a challenge to America, that "we brits" must take up armour and weapouns (yes I know weapons doesnt add the -u) to defend our honour. Really tacky british stereotypes, but ultimately, I like the thing. It's bordering on politically incorrect in the begining, and funny at the end. It is what one calls... 'edgy'.

Guilty pleasure movies... hmmm, back when I had time for things, I would watch a full two hour movie every week that i'd seen before. Fellowship of the ring, robin hood prince of theives, sorta the big epic ones. Then I stopped doing that, now I barely have time to watch my netflix, and i just dont feel like watching much else. O, wait, no, my guilty pleasure is Stargate. Because my mother likes it, we have 6/9 of the SG 1 seasons... ironically 1-3 and 6-8. Oh well. It's not too bad, but it's no firefly.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Saturday, September 30, 2006 4:57 PM


I know what your saying Magdalena. I sometimes feel Firefly was created just to bring us together. Just like the show, I feel like I'm part of a family. I'm waiting for Mal to tell I'm part of the crew. I have not been to any other forum to know if we are different, but where will you find a thread like imponderables. Seems pretty special to me. And you all make it special for me.



Saturday, September 30, 2006 4:58 PM


I'll send you an e-mail when I get them recorded.

You are so right this site is soooo friendly. Non Browncoats just don't understand.
Are you really going to have Traveler chose?

Mal: Saffron, you're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and's been awhile, a long damn while, since anybody but me took a hold of my plow.


Saturday, September 30, 2006 5:03 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Good for you Whitefall & it's terrific to see you here - I love the idea of your essay! Whereabouts in Britain are you from - see previous posts for my heritage... though I ws born in Australia - I hold dual citizenship and have lived in UK before!

VX!! one day I will visit the US & we'll do a real cemetery walk together! But in the mean time it would be fun to have a ramble in teh forsaken thread!! never know who.. or what.. we might turn up!


Saturday, September 30, 2006 5:18 PM


Wow! "Un Inmigrante en los Estados Unidos" sounds very witty.

I love Stargate. I think seasons 6 through 8 are the best, but you should pick up seasons 4 and 5 sometime. Season 4 has one of my all time favorite episodes, Window of Opportunity. Plus it has others that are top on my list: Upgrades, 2010, Absolute Power, The Light, and Entity. Season 5 has my second favorite episode Wormhole X-Treme!. You really need to see Ascension, also. It's always great when Carter gets a love interest even if it is an alien.


Saturday, September 30, 2006 5:28 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Oog, 'mornin imponderables. Forgive me, I have no energy to read a lot of what's here. I stayed up til 1 o'clock making another image for bigdamnthankyou. Didn't think it would take as long as it did, but then I got all ambitious and it just got more and more complex. Now I'm looking at it here at work on our crappy monitors and I can't see everything because the color is all wrong (can't fix brightness, it's already turned up all the way) so I can't see everything I know I put in there... *sigh*
I join in on the warm fuzzy feelings, but in a quiet and rather sleepy way - show Universal your gratitude!

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, September 30, 2006 5:30 PM


Magda dear, you sorta misunderst.... well, no, i wasnt clear.

I am a white guy with an american accent, and american passport, and have spent maybe 4 months total in the UK, most of that is northern ireland bangor area, if you're wondering. However, i also have a british passport, which means i'm a citizen and all.

My point with the essay is that, so many kids from asian or south american ethnicities get bonuses (not to say they dont, on average, need them) for being a certain ethnicity (most states outside Cali still do affirmitive action, and in general they like racial diversity in college. not to mention scholarships)... where as even though both my parents are brits (dont get too excited, its mostly just by passport, tho my mother is a Northern Irelander) I get no recognition or even a seperate bubble on the standardized test sheets. I'm just 'white'. No background or anything.

So the title means "an immigrant in america", and the goal of the first two paragraphs is to make a joke about how i'm from an immigrant family, but i'm not what people expect when they hear that.

edit: clarification, the title is in spanish cause i'm pretending to be a spanish/mexican immigrnt for the first two paragraphs, even though i never say so of course. in Cali, anyone who starts an essay with "an immigrant in america" in spanish, is most likely a mexican, off to college. so its a horribly politically incorrect joke, me the white middle class guy pretending to be the stereotypical mexican immigrant, but eh, its a 'risk' essay in a way. That if it's good, it'll be put in a book of college app essays saying how its good because its edgy.

And yes, i'm waaaaaay to proud of finally doing something college-y.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Saturday, September 30, 2006 5:56 PM


*wanders in*

Well, after the lastie thread I really can't complain on any other thread being too long I suppose.

Ah, the ponderables listed...hmm.

There are many films I enjoy that I know the vast majority of folks look at me funny about, but franly I don't feel too guilty about like 'em.

There is one, however, that I watch, over and over each and every time it's on TV and I still don't know why: The Beastmaster. There's just some...imponderable something in that gorram flick that pulls me in time and again.

The other question...what is my sin? I think I'll go with the Captain: I'm a fan of all seven. Okay, sloth....I think. Or maybe...huh. Is 'it depends' an adequate answer?

"Those grenades?"
"Captain don't want 'em."
"Jayne, we're robbing the place, we're not occupying it."


Saturday, September 30, 2006 8:26 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

RMMC - it depends is a 'good answer'... so to say - I think I could have rewritten my 'sin' reply in any number of different ways! Is Beatmaster the one that was made into a TV series where there are all these women who are really animals in disguise...?

Whitefall - LOL! I'm so ditzy at this hour on a Sunday (or at that hour at which I was writing!!) I knew you were really American and not Spanish - but I mistook the wohle 'Anglo' angle as meaning you had immigrated early on... sorry. Forgive me... and kudos to you for your wit, imagination and organisation in getting this done already!

Traveller and VX - we must have overlapped posts before - I was talking with a friend who hasn't even seen Firefly (though I took her to see the 'Serentiy Now' screening in Melbourne a couple of months ago!) and she wants to join this forum coz of all the wonderful friends I'm telling her about - LOL!! I told her she had to write me a 2,000 word essay about who is her biggest damn hero & why, before I'd let her!! It really beats all others I've tried and has made a big impact on my life and my view of the world - coz now I have friends all over it (the world) ... hmmmmm that rambling thread is looking more like a good idea...

Hello MsG - can't wait to hear about the Shindig!!


Saturday, September 30, 2006 8:37 PM


Ok all, i'm off to bed. Good night from this side of the 'versary, as I know it's long over for some of you.

Twas this day last year that we US types (hey, we can have a UK'versary next week!) came together, took in many gasps of suspensefulness, a couple cries of "you're a bad man, joss whedon", and a good amount of crying, but I think in the last year we've really grown as both a fanbase and as folk. The movie been doing good works.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Saturday, September 30, 2006 8:46 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Good night Whitefall! Sleep well... I'll have to find out when the Australian 'versary is? I only discovered the 'verse this year and watched the series in order followed by the movie - aren't I lucky?

Sweet dreams! - Magda x x x


Saturday, September 30, 2006 8:58 PM


Hello RMMC:

6ixStringJack was joking about Bob Hope. Although he is young and does not know much about him.

That is the closest I ever got to becoming a Troll.

He even asked me suggest some Bob Hope movies.
Maybe I should go to a different fansite. I'm doing better getting people to see Bob Hope than Firefly.

This site gets stranger, if that is possible, every day.

Thanks for the memories


Saturday, September 30, 2006 8:59 PM



Originally posted by magdalena:
RMMC - it depends is a 'good answer'... so to say - I think I could have rewritten my 'sin' reply in any number of different ways!

Good, I didn't want to sound like I was copping out, but it does vary from day-to-day and often minute-to-minute. Heck, gluttony usually comes in big when speaking of chocolate, but when I'm sick or too hot, I've absolutely no interest in it so it's not a constant, either.


Originally posted by magdalena:
Is Beatmaster the one that was made into a TV series where there are all these women who are really animals in disguise...?

Um, women in disguises? *blink* I didn't see that. The movie is from 1982 and starred Marc Singer (of "V" fame) as a guy who got outcast from his village since he could talk to and understand all animals. I think I caught the recent series a few times and Marc was actually cast in it in another role. *giggle*

"Those grenades?"
"Captain don't want 'em"
"Jayne, we're robbing the place, we're not occupying it."


Saturday, September 30, 2006 9:06 PM



Originally posted by traveler:
Hello RMMC:

6ixStringJack was joking about Bob Hope. Although he is young and does not know much about him.

That is the closest I ever got to becoming a Troll.

I was about to expire from shock. Aaaah!


Originally posted by traveler:
He even asked me suggest some Bob Hope movies.

I saw and butted in with several suggestions.

I just couldn't help myself. Mr Hope was definitely a BDH in his own right.


Originally posted by traveler:
Maybe I should go to a different fansite. I'm doing better getting people to see Bob Hope than Firefly.

This site gets stranger, if that is possible, every day.

Give it some time. *pat*pat* I feel that way somedays, too.

Does it get stranger? I hadn't noticed.

"Those grenades?"
"Captain don't want 'em"
"Jayne, we're robbing the place, we're not occupying it."


Saturday, September 30, 2006 9:17 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Noooooooooo!!! Don't go anywhere Traveller - you are our Browncoat and we want you here!!! ... I'll even watch a few more Bob Hope movies if you promise to stay! Actually I do remember quite a few I've seen - he was a brilliant comedian and a wonderful humanitarian - I used to hope I might meet him one day - but that dream is gone now... also James Stewart ...Kate Hepburn ...Raul Julia ...James Earl Jones *sigh*

He he he he ... sorry RMMC... apart from I meant to say 'Beastmaster' rather than 'Beatmaster' (which I think is a food processor?... or a music machine?) I just caught a show on TV one day where this Herculean type guy was on an island with all these scantily clad women who could shape-shift into various wild animals - and he was the only male who could control them or something along those lines... I will have to look for the original movie I think... 1982 - eh?


Saturday, September 30, 2006 9:35 PM



Originally posted by magdalena:
Noooooooooo!!! Don't go anywhere Traveller - you are our Browncoat and we want you here!!! ... I'll even watch a few more Bob Hope movies if you promise to stay! Actually I do remember quite a few I've seen - he was a brilliant comedian and a wonderful humanitarian - I used to hope I might meet him one day - but that dream is gone now... also James Stewart ...Kate Hepburn ...Raul Julia ...James Earl Jones *sigh*

I would never leave Magdalena. Having to much fun right here.

Thank you


Saturday, September 30, 2006 10:07 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Glad to hear it Traveler!


Sunday, October 1, 2006 2:46 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Guess this is a bump...

...also a goodnight! See you all tomorrow my sweet imponderers! Magda is sleepy... and she got a little sunburned today too! It got up to 26C ... that's (let me see) about 78F!! Happy weather is on the way!!

'Night all! Magda x x x


Sunday, October 1, 2006 4:11 AM


morning you lot- well the shindig was fabulous. We ate fajitas and had a salsa making contest and gorged ourselves on the salsa, fajitas and cupcakes. We watched Bushwhacked and Our Mrs. Reynolds after having a blast just talking and hanging and eating tons of good food ( I think after last night I'd go with gluttony as I can't believe I ate 2 cupcakes:)

Guilty pleasure movie- Definitely Spice World( the spice girls movie which I swear is totally funny. MisterG likes it too)

I love all the movies you have mentioned and we have most of them...does make me want to watch all those 80's John Hughes movies again:)

HUGS all

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Sunday, October 1, 2006 11:03 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Good morning sweet MsG *hugs* I don't know if 2 cupcakes qualifies as 'gluttony'... but thank you all the same!

I love your guilty pleasure film! So original and I have never seen it either... Mind you I have a bit of a thing about Richard E. Grant so I suspect I will at some stage (it's the voice you know!) I loved him in 'Jack & Sarah' (I just keep blurting out movies I should be embarrassed about - don't I?)

Enjoy your day imponderers! - Magda x x x


Sunday, October 1, 2006 11:09 AM


Good morning magdalena!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Sunday, October 1, 2006 11:36 AM



Originally posted by magdalena:
He he he he ... sorry RMMC... apart from I meant to say 'Beastmaster' rather than 'Beatmaster' (which I think is a food processor?... or a music machine?) I just caught a show on TV one day where this Herculean type guy was on an island with all these scantily clad women who could shape-shift into various wild animals - and he was the only male who could control them or something along those lines... I will have to look for the original movie I think... 1982 - eh?

If that's the same thing I'm wondering just how they got from one thing to the other. ????

Scantily clad women? In the movie the heroine had considerably more clothes on than the hero, which was fine by me. Marc Singer was a good-looking guy back then, and didn't look too bad in that loin cloth.

Yeah, the original movie was from 1982. There was a plethora of these 'Conan the Barbarian' style films then and this was one of the herd, but not quite the 'me Tarzan, you Jane' bad type.

The animals were cool. The ferrets were just adorable as ferrets are prone to be, and the tiger was wonderful.

"Those grenades?"
"Captain don't want 'em"
"Jayne, we're robbing the place, we're not occupying it."


Sunday, October 1, 2006 11:25 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by Penguin:
Good morning magdalena!

Good evening Penguin! *curtsies* I have had a day with out access to the 'net so it is lovely to see your message when I got home!

Hey RMMC! I don't really remember that the show I mentioned on TV is the same name... my brain was a little numb at the time... if I see it again I will watch it and take note of what it's called though - just for the research you understand!


Monday, October 2, 2006 5:04 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Good night my dear imponderers... oh and also - BUMP! (just coz I could!)

Love you all - hope for some ponderin' to take place tomorrow!

Magda x x x


Monday, October 2, 2006 5:45 AM


Made a new thread and here we go
See you all there!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2






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