Male and Female Imponderables--Informer

UPDATED: Thursday, October 12, 2006 04:42
VIEWED: 9261
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006 3:51 AM


i have three stories:

1) I had a korean woman come in to my dealership to buy a car, and her name was Young Kim. Not an overly uncommon Korean name, so we did our business, and the car she wanted had to be located, it would take about a week. She was so happy with how we treated her that she sent her husband in to buy a car from us, whose nake was Young Kim. Now, i take no credit for the fact that their paperwrok did not get screwed beyond recognition, but what are the chances of a married couple having the same name.

2) i went to grammar school with three brothers who had very cruel parents.......the last name was Barry (no big deal, right?) and these masochistic breeders named their three boys Gary, Harry, and Larry.

3) some certain eastern european Jewish names just do not translate well into English. We have all seen examples of this, and often, parents or g-parents will chop or anglicize the name. i went to school with a girl (and i swear on my children this is true) with the incredibly unfortunate name of Cindy Getzoff!

Simon: "Were there any Feds?"
mal: "No, no Feds, just an honest brawl between folk."


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 3:51 AM


i have three stories:

1) I had a korean woman come in to my dealership to buy a car, and her name was Young Kim. Not an overly uncommon Korean name, so we did our business, and the car she wanted had to be located, it would take about a week. She was so happy with how we treated her that she sent her husband in to buy a car from us, whose nake was Young Kim. Now, i take no credit for the fact that their paperwrok did not get screwed beyond recognition, but what are the chances of a married couple having the same name.

2) i went to grammar school with three brothers who had very cruel parents.......the last name was Barry (no big deal, right?) and these masochistic breeders named their three boys Gary, Harry, and Larry.

3) some certain eastern european Jewish names just do not translate well into English. We have all seen examples of this, and often, parents or g-parents will chop or anglicize the name. i went to school with a girl (and i swear on my children this is true) with the incredibly unfortunate name of Cindy Getzoff!

Simon: "Were there any Feds?"
mal: "No, no Feds, just an honest brawl between folk."


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:24 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hi Kelkhil - we do miss you around here! Thank you for popping in - hope the madness that is life settles down soon and we'll get to see more of you!

SpaceANGL - I thought it was short hand for Space Angel and that is what I call you! It is what I will continue to call you too I think!

Awwww... Mavourneen, I'm sorry to hear that! My doctor told me when I went to the Philippines that Coca~Cola will kill just about anything in your stomach - and I used that to effect when I had food poisoning a few months ago... might work? Hope you're feeling better soon...

Copilot - how are you dearling? Been thinking of you! I love the reason for your name (is our name part of our 'avatar'?) Take care!

Tristan - of course you have read it! *sighs* and can you please explain just why I'm on the other side of the world again...? Hope you're feeling much better too Sweetheart!

And that is so funny about the Kim Young thing BrowncoatJim!! Tis things like that which make our jobs all the more fun! I once had a customer whom I rang around locating something for, and got it delivered for his convenience, only to be told 'Oh - we changed our minds' and click I was hung up on... his name was Mr Rood!


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:30 AM


Hi Ponderers,

OK - names.My husband & I have very similar names.He's Brian Scott & I'm Bryce Stacey.Since I took his last name ,we have the same initals.Our orders online get mixed up constantly

I really wanted to name my firstborn boy Byrd.It's from a book I really love, but my husband freaked.So his name is Dylan .Which in the welsh form means son of the waves.Which I can deal with.Then there's Sean my younger one -who would have been named Kayleigh Sara had he been a girl.But it means blessed by God.And really,who can't use a blessing from a higher power ?

And my screen name is just 'cause I love Mal's speech to River at the end of the BDM.I melt every time.

Magda ! Hugs from NYC !

I swallowed a bug


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:30 AM


BrownCoatJim, ironically enough, the sister of my stepmother (French) is named Claude...her husband is also named Claude. That made for some interesting double-takes.

Magda, I think we are on opposite sides of the world because the world has a sick sense of humor.



Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:34 AM


Tristan ,
I'm convinced that the universe is actually the kid from the simpsons that pops up ,points his finger & laughs.Nelson.


I swallowed a bug.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:34 AM


Hi Magda! I'm anything but angelic, I'm afraid.

Tristan - we could start a proper brawl at Kelkhil's, but we might get banned... *Pops over to check whether the bar has a chandelier to swing from*

LA - hi there. Hope all is well with you. Definitely with you on the Mal/River love...


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:35 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by browncoatjim:
Alice is one of my favs.......I'm sorry, but Alice will always go with Cooper to me.

Cooper is a fine name as a given one, shared by one of our own junior recruits, Sahara's son.

Judging by all the sickness I'm witnessing in this here post, I think (no offense to your theory, Tristan) that everyone should head over to KelKhil's for a medicinal Hot Toddy. (no relation to:

As to names and their meanings, I think I'm happy either way. I like 'em for their cool sound as much as I do for their Etymology. (no, not "Bugs Bunny": that would ENTomology and Lagomorphology; no, not "Treebeard": that's Silviculture and Trichology; no, not
that would be a Cheap Shot. Yes, as in a "Hot Toddy" at Kelkhil's: See ya there, sickies. And the well-to-do, too)

"Well, here I am."


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:36 AM


I'm just fine ya'll just a might bit of a problem. I have to move back home yay! Never wanted to go back to that black hole but it turns out I have to. In other words I made a mistake and my friend and roomate wants me gone.

It was a pretty big mistake but oh well......His real problem seems to be me not meeting his "emotional needs". I think he's full of crap.

Also Tristian yep. I havn't recieved any of those messages that doen't make me happy inside.
So how's the whole seperation thing treating you?

An I carried such a torch


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:41 AM


Copilot -
Sorry to hear of your troubles.But remember,any friend worth having will forgive your mistakes.Especially the big ones.


I swallowed a bug.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:48 AM


Hi Guys,

Still impondering away I see!

Names are a funny thing. They can be imfluenced so much by personal experience. There are names that I hate just because I associate them with negative people. My sister mentioned that she might have been going to call her baby Sophie if it was a girl and I winced (I've met 2 Sophies in my life and didn't like either of them.)

As it is she is carrying identical twin boys. She won't tell us what names she has chosen but I think she has two in mind. This might make things even more difficult for her though because there is a chance that she might loose one or even both. They've started to display Twin to Twin Tranference syndrome, where one takes blood from the other. We're all on pins and needles for her.



Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:48 AM


LA29, never thought of it that way...but I think you are right! We must do something about Nelson...

SpaceAnJL, that sounds like a wonderful idea! Now, last time I swung from a chandelier I pulled it out of the I may want to stay away from those this time!

Copilot, that just irks me to no end...I've sent two or three emails to check on you. I know the PM's here are sketchy.
Single life is, right at this moment, bliss! Hindsight allows all sorts of introspection and realization of all the things that were wrong and all the warning signs. But seriously, the Browncoats here kept me going and kept me smiling.
Going home is not as bad as it is written. I had to go home when I was 30...just keep that in mind!



Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:56 AM


Tristan - I never got to go home.I never left.My parents left me this apartment that I was born in when I was 20. It's always been home.With a nifty rent stabalized lease.

Emma -I hate hearing stuff like that about babies.
Saying good luck just doesn't seem to cover it.So if it's ok I'll keep your sister in my prayers.


I swallowed a bug.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 5:04 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Tristan... it's just not funny!!

Copilot - I'm thinking of you still, and I occassionally have to go 'home' too... it doesn't really get easier, but you grow and cope better! We all learn from these experiences - our mistakes help us to make the right decision when it is needed most...

Hello my lovely Little Albatross! It's so good to see you here! I have missed you - hope you are feeling so much better!

Emma - I am so sorry to hear it - I have come accross this before and it is so difficult to cope with - just know we are all thinking of you & I will keep you in my prayers... miracles do happen and I have seen them in medicine more often than you'd believe! And never forget that we are here too - your browncoat family!

Well - sorry to love you and leave you - but I have to get up in 6 hours! Catch you tomorrow (oh hang on it is already tomorrow here!) Well... I'll see you!

Goodnight - Magda x x x


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 5:29 AM


Nighty night Mags!

Emma - I hope everything works out for your Sis. Scary stuff there. I will be thinking about her.

Tristan and the other trouble maker - No swinging from chandellears in me pub! That is why there is a tire swing in the back!

names - Never really put too much thought in the whole name thing. My daughter's name is AnnaLaura (one name) Named after The Wifey's Grandmothers. I am a Jr so I always assumed that is the meaning behind my name.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 5:37 AM


So, how about this as an addition to the name pondering. How would you guys feel if your SO wanted to name your child after an old flame? I know plenty of guys who think that way. Basically it's because we associate their name with good things. Is it too creepy though?


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 5:38 AM


LOL- see names are always a great topic. I have a student whose first name is Dylan ( son of the waves) and his last name, which he would have gotten from his father, has the meaning sea or ocean...

I can totally understand about names not translating or new immigrants having naming difficulties. I have two friends from high school and they came from Korea. Their last name is Duc ( as in duck) and they named their daughters Liberty and Justa( permutation of Justice) to honor their new country. So one of my friends is seriously named Justa Duc( say it out loud)...Next part of this is we have a fabulous park in our city where the aviary ( zoo just for birds) is and it's called Liberty Park. Well Libby ( Liberty) got married to a man named Ray Parck ( pronounced Park) and now she is Liberty Duc Parck...

Edit- Emma love I am so sorry and we will send our best thoughts and wishes to you and yours...HUGS

Hmm So naming child after old flame...I'd be fine with that:)Long as it was a good name.
It's amazing how long the name discussion and negotiation can take. MisterG and I have already wrangled it out over the boy name( picked Bergen Michael)though we didn't have hardly any wrangle over the girl name( Charlotte Elizabeth)
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 5:56 AM


LA29, that doesn't sound too bad! You will always have somewhere to be.

Magda, the cosmos are aligned against us. It's not fair!

Hey, Emma! Wanted to publicly thank you for the shiny gift! As soon as I get the Serenity shrine built downstairs (no, I am not kidding about that), the pillow will have a prime spot! were just, you know, talking about it...we wouldn't really swing from the chandelier! But the tire that may be fun!



Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:01 AM


Mornin' all.

Sorry to see things have gone south Copilot. I hope things can shape up a bit. Sending big hugs and kisses your way.

Tired. Very tired. And tons of crap to do. Oh boy.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:03 AM


Can we duel up and down the stairs, though? Rathbone and Fairbanks stylee.

Just found your Dread Pirate Roberts pic, Tristan. Very nice. We used that film as a recruitment pic at college. And there is nothing like changing hands in mid-fight to freak your opponent.

Unless it's having a sabre in both hands.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:04 AM


I love names, and I love learning the history behind them too. I'm especially fond of Celtic names (natch) but I've collected the meaning of a bunch of names over time.

My own name is kinda fun. I'm Linda, which everyone assumes is from the Spanish for "Pretty One." It's actually not, it's from the Germanic for "Snake!" Nope, I'm not kidding. Most parents don't know that, because just about every baby name book goes for the more poetic Spanish translation.

It kinda suits me though. I was born in the Chinese year of the Snake (same as my Mum and my Brother Geekmafia) and St. Bridget or the Celtic Goddess Brighid who I have a special connection to (I was born on St. Bridget's Day) is connected with snakes. So it all kinda fits even if we don't actually have any in Ireland!

I really love learning a name's meaning, and I'd probably agonise over what names to give my kids if I had any. I'd more than likely drive the Dad nuts!

More graphics available at - yes, I've moved!


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:07 AM


Snake Plissken Allen. Has a nice ring for a future son.

My Daddy Has A Forty Five Allen. Grand name for a future daughter.

Okay, they both sound psychotic.
And fun.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:07 AM


NVG, morning, my brudda!

SpaceAnJL...stairs sound fine with me! And I agree about the switching hands; gets 'em every time! Oh, and I'll post another DPR photo (if I can find it) with the sword held out. Oh, and I do have several photos of 'the sword collection' if you want to see those. Let me know.



Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:10 AM


I can just see it now...Instead of "Snakes on a Plane", It could be Lindas on a Plane"... I love it!!

Copilot- I really wish we could have more than a virtual home for you...Hey I say one of us wins the lottery and we build ourselves a nice little home:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:11 AM


NV- you make me laugh and remember Clueless...A boy shows up to take his daugher out and before they leave he says " Just remember I have a 45 and a shovel and a doubt very much if anyone would miss you."

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:15 AM


I thought if one of us had lots o money it was Serenity Island with a castle MSG???

Now its just a home

Tristan - Sword fighting is cool in the Pub. I go with the duel wielding approach myself. I reverse hilt them and just rip opponents appart. (Well Foam them appart) Or at least I used to. Been a while since I pulled out my sword ()


The Shirtless Forsaken


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:18 AM


As much as I absolutely abhor that movie, that part made it worth watching. That and "GET OUTTA MY CHAIR!"


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:21 AM


See now I love that movie:) ( Probably the only girl movie I like) I also love the dad's quote " You divorce wives, not children" MisterG loves it when they bring dinner home for the lawyers and the dad grabs a big sandwich and says "mmmm meat" right before she yanks it away and says " daddy no , your cholesterol"

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:29 AM


Lindas on a plane. Ha! I like it

I should also add that I really like the names Kaylee and River. There was also a character on Buffy called Kennedy who I didn't like, but I did like her name.

Funny thing - Kennedy translates as "Ugly Head", although many Kennedy's claim it actually means "helmeted head" implying a strong warrior type. Another name with an unusual meaning is "Cameron" which translates as "crooked nose." Hope nobody tells Ms. Diaz!

More graphics available at - yes, I've moved!


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:32 AM


KelKhil, my favorite weapon of choice is anything glaive-like...pole weapons, in other words. However, I do enjoy Florentine every now and then...I sometimes forget I have two swords, though...



Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:39 AM


Tristan - yeah I am the up close and personal type. I like to get my hands dirty so to speak. I actually started out with larger weapons and by the end found I like the shorter ones. I actually had two about dagger sized weapons by the time I hung it all up. I like the speed involved with the smaller weapons. That and making people look like fools because they couldn't handle a person with a knife.

MSG - I like Clueless for diffrent reasons (Alicia (sp)) Until that is I found Kirstin Dunst and Julia Stiles. I don't get it either because I like brunettes better but these two are well


The Shirtless Forsaken


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:47 AM


Kelkhil every time we watch it ( husband and I) and it gets to the scene where she's wearing the tiny little black leather skirt and she goes on tiptoe to pick the fruit from the tree...MisterG practically needs resucitation...LOL

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:54 AM


Ah the talk of weaponry in the morning. As for weapons of choice, I...

So Ms Incredible? just called asking to speak with her sons Grandma, 9She works here now), and totally threw my day off. Fifteen minute catchup session and she asks me out this weekend. But I'm going back up north to fill our deer tag. Felt kinda good to tell her "Unless you feel like driving to Elko". She said she'd call me next week to make plans for the weekend. Gorram woman. I don't get her at all. Again, I get her out of my head and she starts millin' around again. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't like her so gorram much.

Okay. I'm done banging my head on the desk. I will resume work, forehead welts and all.

We now return you to your regular pondering, already in progress.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7:07 AM


NV- I remind you that my bappin hand is definitely on stand-by. Wretched woman messing with you like that. Hmmm well if she's realized the error of her ways and is trying to make it up to you, I guess it might be ok.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7:21 AM


And it felt really good to say I am not available this weekend but possibly next. She is a fantastic human being that has done enough to get on my bad side but hasn't. I just don't get the workings of her mind. She asked about the baby and all. Mentioned that all her friends are having daughters and it should be her having a daughter. My bestest friend mentioned that my baby card still needs punchin' so jump on it.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7:25 AM


I think it's good for her to hear you're busy. It lets her know that she isn't going to get you to drop everything and pay attention to her. Hmm odd that she'd mention having babies and all, but I'd bet she's realized what a great guy she passed on and is trying to correct her mistake.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7:33 AM


Thats what Mindy (My bestest friend) said. I just like the fact I was willing to keep with my plans for the hunt. Not that I'm playin' hard to get... Okay, maybe a little. She still has my number on her phone and said she'd call me next week. Figure I'd call her next Thursday to see whats up. Guess I better work extra hard to fill that tag this weekend. Just in case.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7:52 AM


hmm- not so much playing hard to get as letting her know that you aren't a toy yoyo to be yanked around whenever she feels like it. You're setting some ground rules about your availability for her and that's great! Just remember you have a huge line of women here who'd near about saw off an arm to get to be with you, so if she pulls anything, you can do better! HUGS

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:11 AM


(Looks at line)
Should I start taking numbers?


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:18 AM


Just make sure it's first come gets the first chance at you or you could have a riot on your hands

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:20 AM


Taking numbers?/ *points out that they are being thrown at NVG's feet*

Just bend over and pick them up Bub


The Shirtless Forsaken


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:21 AM


I always wanted to say "You rioted? For me?"

Might be interesting. flying hair and clothes. Glad I have a new camera.

Thanks K. I seem to be too busy to look around. Why is that? Shouldn't a single, relatively virile fella like myself be actively persuing women folk?


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:38 AM


Sometimes it just isn't a good time for something like that. More important stuff like family and career take priority some times.

Just gotta go with the flow (or pull) and when its a good time in you life it'll be like whack! Or as the Wifey calls it the Brick Wall Theory
And you will have so many numbers that you won't know what to do with them all.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:46 AM


So what is it like to be married for a man? I've never been and am very curious.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:58 AM


NV- That fight description made me think of one of my favorite lines from a J.D. Robb book " when a man stands back and watches women fight, it's with the fervent hope that clothes will be torn off along the way"

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:01 AM


My sentiment exactly.

Off to lunch for a bit. Thanks for the input. I'm feelin' pretty good about myself right now.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:13 AM


NVG, I may not be the best one to answer this, but I'll give it a shot.
Ladies, please remember that I have had two major screw-ups as far as marriages go. I know (or think I do) how they are supposed to work out...
This is going to be a long one...bear with me.

Getting married is actually a wonderful experience. The dating, the lead-up, the proposal, the giddyness as the date approaches (yes, some guys get giddy), and the nervousness and joy while the ceremony is taking place. Were it not for the video and pictures, I would have no recollection of what happened.
After about six months, I think what was supposed to happen derailed for me. I'll use the 2nd marriage as an example. Y'all know I really have no problem in general with age differences...I have since added an addendum to that; maturity levels are also important. There was a ten year difference between my wife and I, and I think that was one of many factors that ultimately led to the downfall.
I digress. After the six month mark, several things drops off the map except for rare ocassions, and it becomes boring and repetitive. I know this is not supposed to happen. I have been in non-wedded relationships where the sex is incredible right up to the break-up. I understand there is a comfort level reached between people who are together for a long period of time, but come on! It got to the point where we could set a clock by the schedule of our love-making. Again, I went through a 'rough' period there for awhile (perfomrance issues), but those got resolved through patience and perseverance...and while I am no longer an 18-year old machine, I can do fairly well with my allotted time. I think I have discussed this before...

Naw, I'm going to stop here. Too much that has been covered before.

NVG, if you find the right woman, marriage can be wonderful (so I've heard). There will be good days and bad days. You might want to see if we can get MrG on here to tell us the tale of a working marriage. He and MSG seem to have a wonderful one.

Sorry about all the above. I was going to erase all of it, but I spent too long typing to do that. Scroll, scroll, scroll, away!



Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:14 AM


Tristan- I'll ask MisterG to log on and give his dissertation on what it's like. Before he does though I need to say...every fight we've ever had were all his fault and that I am a perfect angel and model of wifely behavior....OK I can't even type that without laughing insanely... * *Note none of the preceeding statements ( except the laughing insanely)** is true.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:18 AM


I am sure you speak the truth. Isn't it always the guy's fault?
Tell the Mr we are looking forward to it, and thank you.



Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:38 AM


Thanks for the info Tristan. I just wonder alot about the whole friends before marriage thing. Most folks I hear with good partners say that they were friends long before they were married. I honestly don't know why I brought up marriage. I ain't even been focused on it lately. But Kelkhil really kicked me in the ass with what he said about the time not bein' right for just taking whoever crosses my path. And I've never been the sort to do so, but it has crossed my mind. Wanting to be saved from such things really makes me think about the situation. As soon as I get her out of my mind she calls out of the blue and tries making plans. I didn't think she'd actually want to have much to do with me since I'd made my feelings for her clear and pretty unmistakeable.
Guess I'll shut up now. Lunchtime snuck up on me earlier and its nearly time to pick up payroll.






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