Male and Female Imponderables--Informer

UPDATED: Thursday, October 12, 2006 04:42
VIEWED: 9260
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:47 AM


NVG, understood. I thought being friends first would help out, but it was not the case. I guess the next one will have to be a complete stranger!
One thing I have discovered, even though these threads were conceived with the idea of making things better; neither sex will ever completely understand the motivations of the other.



Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:50 AM


Amen to that. But its for the better. I already have TMI on the women around me.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 11:54 AM


Wow, lots of ground since yesterday.

Copilot: Sorry to hear things went south. *hugs* As was previously mentioned, real friends forgive.

Flower Names I actually kind of like flower names. 'Cindy' seems more fru-fruy to me than "Rose" or "Iris" do, but I have to admit, "Daisy" makes me think of cows.

Nicodemus: Sorry to hear about the idiot. Maybe another way to discourage a repeat of it is to send 'em the fuel bill for the 'chopper. Stay safe!

My name: *sigh* First off, I did what I seem to do daily here...I typoed when I reg'd here and just left it be, so RMMC should have been RMMF. This stands for RavenMerc MacFru, which was the handle I used when I was in Highlander fandom. Most everyone there belonged to one of the 'clans' and I joined the one that 1.) refused to ever fight online with anyone and 2.) enjoyed posting piccys of pretty men from the show. The RavenMerc was from and older fandom, Forever Knight. In that fandom the fans are divided into 'factions' depending on their favorite characters, to the purpose of having a fiction war once or twice a year. I couldn't make up my mind at first so I was a Ravenette/Mercenary. Someday I'll probably add something from the 'verse to the name, but egads, it was long enough already, hence going with initials.

Get well wishes to Mavourneen, Tristan and DTH. Try taking some zinc and echinacea and upping your B-complex vitamins. I managed to kick that bug out with it last week.

Browncoatjim: About the Young Kims...that may be more common than you think. My cousin Jerome (aka: Jerry) married Geraldine (aka: Gerry). That was a mighty interesting wedding, let me tell you.

Same Name, Same Name This goes with naming kids for the month they're born in: You had 9 months, try again. (My sister went to school with a guy named Gannom Gannom. And I've seem several William Williams, Davis Davis and Stewart/Stuart Stewart/Stuart. *slaps parents*)

Emma: Sorry to hear about your sister. I'll be keeping them all in my prayers. *hugs*

Zeek: one question about the old flame name. Is that her wanting to name the baby after one of her old flames or his? Either way is kinda creepy to me.

*sets up lawn chair to watch sword fight between Tristan and Sapceanjl and pulls out tea and evil brownies*

DTH: interesting about the Kennedys. *giggle* I like the meaning you found better. *giggle* Hm...I wonder what my sir name means?

MsG: now I'm giggling as I remember the rest of the scene from the JD Robb novel you quoted. LOL!

Banner courtsey of Aim2Misbehave (Thank you!!)
"Those grenades?"
"Captain don't want 'em."
"Jayne, we're robbing the place, we're not occupying it."


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 11:54 AM


Marriage is the best! Here's what it's like for a man:

1) total sexual service on demand, 24/7 (wives get crazy, they do the most insane things! nasty!)
2) breakfast, lunch, dinner ready when you are
3) free childcare
4) an orderly and tidy home
5) no need to pay a therapist any more as you now have someone who will listen endlessly to all of your little emotional hurts
6) you can do everything you always did before, but better with the peace of mind of knowing where your next f^#$ is going to come from - unless you find something better in the meanwhile
7) she'll take endless crap from your family too!

If you ain't married, you ain't living.

It's okay to leave them to die.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 11:54 AM


Marriage is the best! Here's what it's like for a man:

1) total sexual service on demand, 24/7 (wives get crazy, they do the most insane things! nasty!)
2) breakfast, lunch, dinner ready when you are
3) free childcare
4) an orderly and tidy home
5) no need to pay a therapist any more as you now have someone who will listen endlessly to all of your little emotional hurts
6) you can do everything you always did before, but better with the peace of mind of knowing where your next f^#$ is going to come from - unless you find something better in the meanwhile
7) she'll take endless crap from your family too!

If you ain't married, you ain't living.

It's okay to leave them to die.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 12:08 PM


I think I might be uber-guy in that I'm very logical and analytical, most of which goes out of the window when it comes to emotions. It's not that I go out of control: far from it. It's just that if someone falls in love with you and you don't have a clue how it happened, how are you supposed to keep it happening?

I know there's lots of talk about "how to keep the magic alive" but if it's magic, then how can you rationally attempt to keep it going?


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 12:28 PM


Mink...I think you may have a problem with your brain being missing and all.



Wednesday, October 11, 2006 12:33 PM


Whoa, I'm sorry, I was thinking of one of the other universes I inhabit. In this world, marriage is like life: make of it what you will. Only different, because you have to do it with somebody else. Imagine if there were two of yourself and you had to go through life trying to agree on how to deal with everything, and that'll give you a pretty good idea for starters.

It's okay to leave them to die.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 12:33 PM


Whoa, I'm sorry, I was thinking of one of the other universes I inhabit. In this world, marriage is like life: make of it what you will. Only different, because you have to do it with somebody else. Imagine if there were two of yourself and you had to go through life trying to agree on how to deal with everything, and that'll give you a pretty good idea for starters.

It's okay to leave them to die.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 12:35 PM


Mink: ...That was a joke, right? I know about an inch's worth about relationships, and I know that no woman born in the last fourty years in an industrialized nation would put up with that.
Eh... Brain doesn't like me today...

Names: I've never much cared for the meaning behind names. If it sounds good, I'd use it without second thought. Even if the name meant something truly abhorrant, like "festering boil on a leper's buttock", if the name itself was good and had good balance and heft to it, I'd not bat an eyelash at assigning it.
Colliary 1: I wouldn't use the name Nicolas, because when I hear Nicolas, I think of a pasty, greasy haired, black-fingernailed, twisted snip who impales people on a regular basis. Ten points if you can figure out where that came from.
Colliary 2: I've been JamesTheDark for... damn, eight years now. The first time I used that handle was as my first character in Diablo II. He was a necromancer, so 'the dark' fit. It just stuck, I guess. The other handle I sometimes go by (Jacob Greyson) was a character in some fiction I and some of my mates were doing for Battletech a few years ago. I recycled him from a tertiary character in that series into the protagonist of Legacy, which is Firefly fiction I'm updating even to this day. I also used Jacob as my character in a recent World of Darkness game... He's infinitely transplantable, I've found.

Weapons: I'm fairly good with the shorter blades, not knives, but short swords. If the opportunity arises, I'd use two of them. I don't have the raw strength to get the most out of a greatsword, the skill to use the long sword, so I just go fast-like-a-freak with a couple of gashers.
Of course, given the choice between a pair of spathas and a pump-action shotgun, I'll take my shottie. I've got a lot more practice with it.

Anyway, I'm having a mentally disorginized day, so I'm just going to back off and collect myself before attempting to brave the streets for a bit. Till later...

(Remember, ten points for the reference!)

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:07 PM


I forgot about the weaponry. Got all distracted and all earlier.

I've got some hand to hand and tactical blade training (Fixed and folding). I prefer the inconspicuous weapons like canes and walking sticks. My hand carved walking stick is five feet long with a distinctive taper and curve, (Nodachi size). My Emerson designed Benchamade is never far from reach.
Since I have a camera I'll be posting pictures elsewhere for my fic (weapons and the like). Veronica(Parkerized Colt 1991 A1), Zoe (Romanian AK 47), and Rada (German WS 357) are all prettiied up for the camera.
Can you smell the testosterone?


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:14 PM


Yes, yes, only a joke, but the missing brain thing really has been a thorn in my paw since I descended from the mothership. One of these days I will get around to sending up for a spare.

"mink" is an acronym representing Multiple Independent Nuclear Kabooms - first developed by the USSR in 1956.

No wait, dammit, I just can't stop myself today. Don't read anything I write. It's crap.

"mink" is an acronym representing the first initials of my youngest daughter, myself, my oldest daughter, and my wife. I've never used it on a board before, but I'm currently thinking of keeping it for all purposes henceforth, which includes online killing, I mean gaming, which I have done so rarely lately.

I'm changing my sig to a non-FF quote. A b-slap with a wet spaghetti to whomever identifies the source.

"When I write my memoirs, that sh!t'll be in there, guaranteed."


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:14 PM


Yes, yes, only a joke, but the missing brain thing really has been a thorn in my paw since I descended from the mothership. One of these days I will get around to sending up for a spare.

"mink" is an acronym representing Multiple Independent Nuclear Kabooms - first developed by the USSR in 1956.

No wait, dammit, I just can't stop myself today. Don't read anything I write. It's crap.

"mink" is an acronym representing the first initials of my youngest daughter, myself, my oldest daughter, and my wife. I've never used it on a board before, but I'm currently thinking of keeping it for all purposes henceforth, which includes online killing, I mean gaming, which I have done so rarely lately.

I'm changing my sig to a non-FF quote. A b-slap with a wet spaghetti to whomever identifies the source.

"When I write my memoirs, that sh!t'll be in there, guaranteed."


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:18 PM



King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:19 PM



Originally posted by msg:
I could not agree more...I look at some of these celebrities and think..oh that's cute while they're still babies, but excuse me Supreme Court Justice Apple???? Sounds moronic huh??
That was actually a suggestion of my friend. That before you name your child you put the title Supreme Court Justice in front of it and if it still sounds good, then go for it.
I feel especially bad for the Robert Rodriguez kids... Rocket, Rebel, and Racer... I mean hello you really want your kid to walk into a board room and say Hi I'm Rocket and expect people to take him seriously?! I think a lot of parents forget ( in some way) that these kids will grow up and while a cute name is fun when they are babies, it's sadistic when they are in junior high and the poor thing is listening to a sub either mangle or laugh over their name.

Yeah, but how many Hollywood celebrities have kids who go on to work the kind of jobs and lead the kinds of lives where it is their first name, rather than their last, that has any impact at all?


Don't make faces.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:56 PM


So your talking about names. Looking at the names of my parents and their siblings shows how they have changed through the generations.
My father's name is Warren. He has two sisters, Mardelle and Verlyn. There are three brothers, Kenneth, LaVayne, and Joseph. They call my father Doc because my grandmother was hoping he would go to collage. The Great Depression sort put a dent in that. Uncle Joseph was called Mike. I do not know why. No one ever could explain that. My grandfather was Joseph, so I assuming my grandmother got tired of calling for one and getting the other.

Would anybody name their daughter Mardelle in this age, or a son LaVayne. I don't think so.

My grandmother's name was Alta. She had three older sisters named Winnie, Minnie, and Pearl. I swear that sounds like something from a movie I saw. I can see John Wayne entering a small homesteaders cabin and taking off his hat and saying, "Well hello Winnie and Minnie, and Pearl." Then giving Pearl that grin of his. Meaning see you by the oak tree after supper.

Now my parents named my sister Jacklyn and me Robert.

So each generation produces its own favorites.

The only thing I don't like about my name is it is so common. I went through school with at least two other Roberts in ever class I had.

What would I name my onw children? Never gave it much thought, cause I never got married. They always end up with nicknames anyway.

Probably would go with Paul for a boy and Mary for a girl. They are already short and they won't need nicknames.



Wednesday, October 11, 2006 5:54 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Morning everyone! Guess what I found waiting for me when I got home today? Done the Impossible! Yay!!!
There's so much pretty in there. I really wish I could have known Lux, hearing everyone talk about him. I first heard of him when I started making South Park characters for our heroes. It sounds like he did a lot more than just "Firefly Park" though, and that he was a really cool guy.
Anyway. Snow? Not yet. My car froze, but when I got home the flowers were still alive. I guess it's a lot colder the farther east you get here.
Oh Great Goddess, Emma, I hope your sister is okay! Zen hugs!
Zen hugs for our copilot as well. I'm sorry to hear you're having troubles, darlin.
Naming a child after an old flame? Um, no. That is a spark of jealousy just waiting to erupt.
I for one think it would be a good system to have the father name the sons and the mother name the daughters. With room for compromise, by all means. Both parents need to like the name of their child.
Can't touch the marriage question. I think any good long-term relationship is good and any that aren't, well, aren't. It obviously varies.
James, 'Nicolas the Slide'. I remember him. So what about Richard, then?
So I get ten points for getting that, and you get about 100 for talking about handling blades... *goes to happy place*
*shakes self*
I remembered what Mary meant. It means 'bitter'. I would never name a little girl 'bitter'. I say again that I love my name. I have had a few people assume I was named after my grandmother because it's a rather 'antique' name. I was not. I'm very glad I was not named after my grandmother(s). 'Shirly Ann' just wouldn't fit me. - show Universal your gratitude!

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow in sunlight. - Gautama Siddharta


Thursday, October 12, 2006 3:24 AM


Morning all.

Snow here this morning so I am going to be drinking lots of coffee to stay warm

Daughter woke us up this morning at 6:00 am screaming Mommy, Dady, Its snowing.

Man I could have killed her. I had another half hour or so to sleep yet!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Thursday, October 12, 2006 3:48 AM


Morning all:) Um James, I cook all my husbands meals, plan to be the caretaker of the children, clean the house, do the laundry, etc. I'd still consider myself a 21st century woman as I have "chosen" to do what I do and don't feel forced. ( MisterG does the dishes and spider killing though) According to my parenting magazine and a poll by Newsweek 80-90% of household chores, in the average marrige with kids, fall on the shoulders of the wife. Not sure why. If you look at most women's magazine they are all about balancing work with getting all the child rearing and household chores done and not being exhausted... I've yet to see any articles relating to this in men's magazines ( and I don't mean PLayboy)

Kelkhil- oh I hate when they do that. 'cause they're all excited and happy and you can't yell at them, but you're really pondering selling them to gypsies:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, October 12, 2006 3:58 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

You're welcome dear Penguin!! so glad you liked it!

Hello Mei Mei!! ...Is it just me or is all this talk of 'handling blades' getting you hot & bothered? I only ever did one sword fight in a play once - and that was brief! I'd love to play pirate and surprise all my adversaries with my sword play! *sigh* tis one of many fantasies I hold!

I love Clueless! There are so many classic lines in it! and Paul Rudd... *sigh* I was so very happy when he turned up in 'Friends' to be Phoebe's knight in shining armour...

Actually I like the name Phoebe... and I did used to like the name Jonathon - but I don't think I would want a son with that name because my 'first' boyfriend was of that name, and although there were no hard feelings when we split by mutual agreement - it would just be wrong if anyone from that time in my life came along and said 'Jonathon - eh?' So, ...No!

EDIT: oooh - overlapping posts! Kelkhil would you like to know that it was 36c (98F) here today? The hottest October day in 100 years they said - though I thought it got to 40c in 2004 - they might have been talking about early October though... I don't trust the news service anyway!! ... and I know the suffereing of a gleeful child appearing in your bedroom when your body & soul knows it must have more sleep! When I stay with 'my kids' Lauren is usually so excited that I am there she climbs into my bed at first light! I adore her and she is so warm & snuggly first thing in the morning - but it's a tough call... the snuggly cuddles or the sleep...?

Hello sweet MsG!! How're things? I love your observation on the subject of misdivided household chores... not that I can really say as I am paid to do them!


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:04 AM



Originally posted by msg:

Kelkhil- oh I hate when they do that. 'cause they're all excited and happy and you can't yell at them, but you're really pondering selling them to gypsies:)

yeah and I could get a pretty penny for her too. Being all blonde haired and blue eyed

Howdy mags! Hope you day went well.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:16 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by magdalena:
Hello Mei Mei!! ...Is it just me or is all this talk of 'handling blades' getting you hot & bothered?

*ahem* No! Whatever do you mean? - show Universal your gratitude!

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow in sunlight. - Gautama Siddharta


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:19 AM


Morning, all!
Ah, snow...I miss it! It's been awhile since we had any significant snow fall down here.

Today will be another busy day here at the ranch...I'll be visiting when I can!



Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:26 AM


Magda- HUGS oh goody on at the same time...yes the talk of blades is certainly making me very warm. I've turned off the heater...

As for the warm snuggles vs sleep...tough call to make:)

Kelkhil- somedays those gypsies could really make a fortune:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:29 AM


OK I have to share this ( I already put it on the forsaken, but you must see it)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:30 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Ooooh! Mei Mei! You got your halo out for me? May I have one of those too please?

Hi Kelkhil - my day was good... housework was hot and kept me busy but I feel very virtuous as I got it all done and so very well too! (see PR? I deserve a halo!!)

My weapon of choice is my tongue! I have been known to 'take a persons' head off at 20 paces and be home sipping iced coffee before they realise what hit them!' But seriously - I have found out tonight that in addition to the standard army issue weapon I'll be able to fire in a couple of weeks I will have the chance to use a 'medium automatic'... I get all Ripley when I think of doing that... you know... "Get away from her, Bitch!"


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:33 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Aaah! The cuteness! *topples over*

*edit* Oh, my jie-jie needs a halo! How about a penguin halo? - show Universal your gratitude!

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow in sunlight. - Gautama Siddharta


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:34 AM


I'm with you, MsG.

I cook the vast majority of the meals ( but Husband makes great meatloaf! ), do all the laundry ( only because Husband likes to mix his dark pants into white loads to save time - grr ), most of the cleaning ( He likes to vaccuum - freak! ), and most of the Tidbit raising.
It's 80/20 in my house, and that's okay with me.
Husband is also designated Insect Removal Specialist in my house, too.

There aren't a lot of "Real Simple" mags out there aimed at men, but I would guess that if they existed, they would talk about balance - 'cause too many men focus on the job and their "role" as the breadwinner - and not on a balance between work and family, like women are coming to see.

EDIT: Almost forgot - Maryland weather report. Mild and Sunny, lots of puffy clouds. High 70 degrees. MD is nice and temperate. Not too hot, not too cold. Just right!


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:41 AM


While I'm here, I may as well build a new right back!

Our new home:



Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:42 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Oh, my jie-jie needs a halo! How about a penguin halo?

... I think you broke my squee...

Uh oh... I'm gonna spoil the end of this thread...






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