Male and Female Imponderables--Snow Blind

UPDATED: Monday, October 16, 2006 13:02
VIEWED: 8478
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Thursday, October 12, 2006 7:32 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

thank you sweet 'KC' - but I am hitting my wall... I think... so enjoy your day and good night my fellow imponderers!

Sweet dreams for those that are dreaming... happy ponderin' for those that aren't!

Love you all! - Magda x x x


Thursday, October 12, 2006 7:47 AM


DTH _ totally agree with you on the tat thing.If I were to do it ,the tat would have to hold some serious meaning to me.Like a pagan symbol or someting FF related .Definately NOT my kids or husbands name ,which is very popular here.

And are you pagan too ? If you don't mind me asking. If you do ,I'm sorry in advance !


I swallowed a bug.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 7:50 AM


DTH, I always figured you'd have some Celtic artwork on you somewhere!

Magda, sleep well, and we will see you later!



Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:23 AM


Goodnight to all who are headed that way....

I've posted pictures of what I have finally decided on as my tattoo. And my co-worker's husband, who is an amazing tattoo artist just might do it for me in a trade off of working with a pony for their daughter. I'm so excited, but also pretty nervous. Afterall, it can't be least not easily. But I have wanted a tat for YEARS, so....

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:31 AM


Hi LA! Nope, I don't mind and yep, I'm Pagan. Or Neopagan, as I tend to refer to myself. I don't really go much for titles anyway. I kind of have an interest in a lot of religions, but I have a special affinity with Celtic beliefs and with Catholicism, since I was raised Catholic. Of course Irish Catholicism is surprisingly Pagan anyway, so that helps!

Tristan - Yep, I have Celtic artwork! It's really pretty too. I got my tattoo about four years ago and I still love it to bits. Wanna see it? *flashes Tristan*

More graphics available at - yes, I've moved!


Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:49 AM


I have one tat on the back of my hip. It is of a gecko in a spiral. I wanted to get another for a while but changed my mind. I did this well before getting tats became common and were considered to be cool btw.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:50 AM


I have the kanji for "strength of heart" - some native Chinese have also ID'd it as having the meaning endurance as well.
It is the traditional Li "Strength" symbol with the kanji for heart underneath it, with the kanji that ties the two words together.
It's at the small of my back (sorry to whoever didn't like adornment there!)

I got it after both of my parents died, and then I got very, very ill all within a 14 month period. It reminds me how strong I was then, and I can continue to be strong always.

(But not if there's a spider around. Ick.)


Thursday, October 12, 2006 10:34 AM


(Sorry for the busy here)

DTH, I, uh...hehe...I like being flashed. Nice tat!

Hey, Whim...did you happen to save 15% or more?
sorry, couldn't help it!

Mavourneen, I'm sure there's an anti-spider tattoo design out there somewhere...



Thursday, October 12, 2006 10:49 AM


So I wanted to share more pics with all you wonderful ponderers, but my friend erased most of them. This is BabyV over a month ago.

She's such a cutey.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 10:52 AM


Very adorable! She looks a little startled, though...
Thank you for sharing that, NVG.



Thursday, October 12, 2006 10:59 AM


I'm still workin' on getting more pics posted. I think the flash caught her by surprize.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:01 AM


NV - what an adorable little girl !! Awwwww !

Tristan - I just read the ledgend of Tristan & Isolde and htought of you.

DTH - Blessed Be !!! A pagan & in Ireland too ! you are offically cooler than cool in my eyes ! I lean heavily towards the celtic mythology & Goddesses & also have some Irish heratige.I fantacise about getting there someday.


I swallowed a bug.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:01 AM


Haha, I'm the same way as PR with piercings (I can only wear titanium in my ears, nothing else, and if I take them out the holes close within an hour).

I have two tattoos, one I got when I was 15 - it's Sanskrit (not Tibeten) for Om on my back between my shoulder blades. I like it because I can conceal it if I want to, or show it off, and it's a spiritual reminder for me.

My other is on the inside of my left wrist, a small outline of a circle (smaller than a dime). Again, I can cover it with a watch or bracelet, but this one I got on the anniversary of my fiancé's death. I got it during a deep depression as a reminder of the circle of life.

They are addictive, I find myself wanting another one without having anything specific in mind. I probably won't get any more, though, just because there isn't another spot on my body that I would want inked.

Don't make faces.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:10 AM


LA29, it is kind of funny, isn't it? It's a good story, but I am a fan of the more historic Rex Artorius than the one created by the writers.

Thanks for thinking of me, though. Made me smile!



Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:19 AM


Merry meet LA It's nice to be thought of as cool. I'm usually the nerdy sci-fi geek! Living in Ireland, you really can't escape the whole Celtic thing. I love it though, have done since I first read Irish legends as a kid.

NVG - Awwww! The baby is so cute! And the expression on her face is really, really funny. She's so adoreable!

Tristan - always happy to flash you. You have only to say the word Heck, I'm sure I could convince some of the other girls to join in the flashy fun! How 'bout it LA? You game?

More graphics available at - yes, I've moved!


Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:20 AM


Tristan -

Always happy to make you smile, my dear.
I'm trying to look up Rex Artorius, but can only finding King Arthur references.IS it another name for Arthur ? I'm not that well versed in Arthurian ledgend, unless you count The Mists Of Avalon.

DTH - Merry meet indeed ! And I'm not shy, let the flashing commence !


I swallowed a bug.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:22 AM


The two I have (Phoenix four color on right calf and flaming skull on right upper bicep) were fairly inexpensive and very good. No fade or bleed. I've been toyin' with the idea of a large chain wrap around my left calf and a bracer design for my left bicep and shoulder. I love to see flowing graphics on other folks, but can't seem to find or create a design to fit me. Check out From Dusk 'Til Dawn. The flames George Clooney has are the ones I was gonna use. They were to be an extension of a large flaming skull facing out on my shoulder, flames crossing my upper back ending on the opposite sise of my neck. Dang that Robert Rodriguez and his cool ideas. Using them before I did.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:26 AM


Hi everyone, I'm still lurking around. Hope you're all doing well.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:30 AM


Sorry...yes, Rex Artorius is another name for King Arthur. Also try Artorius Dux Bellorum...this is a subject that I could bore you to tears with. Briefly, I have studied most of the story cycles (Chretien DeTroyes, Geoffrey of Monmouth, modern writers, etc) and several of the "he was real" authors like Geoffrey Ashe. I think along the lines of the seekers, in that he was either a war leader or an amalgam of several figures like this.
Ok, sorry, all...back to the impondering...



Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:34 AM


Hmmmm... have you checked the internet NVG? You get some artists who are happy to design tattoos based on suggestions so they can post the designs on their websites. You might just find what you're looking for, or someone who can help at least!

Best of luck finding your design. It's better to be certain and get what you really want!

Mavoureen - I remember you mentioning that tattoo before in another thread. It's sounds really beautiful. And I've done that too, touch my tattoo or just look at it in a mirror when I need a reminder of the message behind it.

More graphics available at - yes, I've moved!


Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:39 AM


Tristan - to very breifly touch on the subject again - You have read the Mists of Avalon then ? It's a very dear version to me.And this kind of thing never bores me.I love stories & mythology.


I swallowed a bug.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:42 AM


It's Ged! Hey, everybody! Ged's here! *hugs Ged*

More graphics available at - yes, I've moved!


Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:43 AM


DTH, flashing is good...especially when I am the recipient. Though I do have a tendency to when it does happen...

LA29, I have not read the book, but I did watch the series...does that still count?
If you are interested in the history part of it, let me know. I don't think it has a place in here, as it would chew through the thread quickly, but if you are interested in emails, then I'm all for it!

GED! Sorry I missed seeing you! How've you been?



Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:49 AM


Yeah. Whats happenin'. Rarely see ya any more. Everything good?


Thursday, October 12, 2006 12:05 PM



Originally posted by marina:
I have two tattoos, one I got when I was 15 - it's Sanskrit (not Tibeten) for Om on my back between my shoulder blades. I like it because I can conceal it if I want to, or show it off, and it's a spiritual reminder for me.

My other is on the inside of my left wrist, a small outline of a circle (smaller than a dime). Again, I can cover it with a watch or bracelet, but this one I got on the anniversary of my fiancé's death. I got it during a deep depression as a reminder of the circle of life.

They are addictive, I find myself wanting another one without having anything specific in mind. I probably won't get any more, though, just because there isn't another spot on my body that I would want inked.

Don't make faces.

I know what you mean. I thought I'd only ever want one, but I find myself craving a second one so much... and it's such a fine line between pretty ink and looking tacky.

I've thought about between my shoulder blades too, since while I have long hair, I tend to tie it back and a tattoo on the back of my neck might be exposed to more conservative types while I'm teaching. If it was small though... ogham script can look so pretty when it's done just right...

*yawn* okay, it's past my bedtime! 'night all

More graphics available at - yes, I've moved!


Thursday, October 12, 2006 12:09 PM


Good night DTH. See ya (thinks) probably next week some time.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 12:10 PM


I'd never get a tattoo. There's hardly ever anything I want to stick with forever. I don't trust myself to choose something like that when I'm sure I'm still changing as a person. Besides so many of them just seem tacky. I'd also rather perfer a girl without any tatoos too. Women already look good enough. What do they need accessories for?


Thursday, October 12, 2006 12:18 PM


Tristan ,
I would love to email about this.
Just let me know your email address again please.Mine is
And no ,the awful version from tv doesn't count.I mean it was painful to watch .Nothing like the majesty of the book.


I swalloewd a bug.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 12:47 PM


I've never had a piercing or a tattoo, but I'm not averse to the latter (I don't see the appeal of piercing, even on women). If and when I get a tattoo, the first one I get would be something commemorating my decade-long struggle with depression, a sort of "I survived this, I'll survive anything" branded into me forever. I know where the second one would go, too, although I don't know what it'd be. The second would go right between the shoulder-blades.

I just had one of those listless days where I could barely even get out of bed. It doesn't matter much now, though, since the day is pretty much over with.
Eh. It could have been much worse. It could have been like Tuesday, where I had to get up at 5:30, go to a freezing cold beach with about a hundred other shivering, unhappy students, to pick through seaweed and rocks for marine invertibrates. Now, I feel the need to tell you that the road has a rocky scree separating the path from the actual beach. I tell you this, because one hundred people had to clamber down these large, jagged, and in some cases slimy rocks (In the dark, to make matters worse...) to reach the friggin' sand.
So, yeah, I hurt myself pretty bad out there. Ruined a perfectly good pair of pants and bleed out of my smashed up knee the entire two hours we had to spend there. We all know a walkway from the path to a stretch of beach would be too considerate of students' safety, don't we?
Not enjoying my courseload overly-much, at the moment...

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 1:24 PM


Well ponderers, I'm out. Hopefully I'll be able to downlad pics next week. I hope y'all have a grand weekend.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:20 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

Ach. Always I am late. Never get to enjoy the company of others. Oh, well. This thread is so FULL of pondering I just can't not join in. Firstly, what a beautiful, shocked child, NVG.

I have no piercings, no tattoos. My wedding ring is the only jewelry I wear. I haven't a thing against any of them. Really.

Jewelry is too troublesome (take it off, put it on, take it off, put it on--I would be a nudist but for the fact I don't think anyone would want that, and I'm pretty sure I'd fall victim to, er, "control" issues...)

Piercings, I don't know, too close to jewelry? (except for the on-off-on-off part) I think it's just plain fear of accidentally having them ripped off me. Or on purpose during a fight with Mal. Maybe I think I have just the right number of openings in my body right now.

Tattoos appeal to the artist in me. I've seen and admired some awe-some body art out there. The trouble here is the same as I've heard several times over in this thread: what symbol, icon, character (both kinds) would I want to have permanently attached to my flesh? Body paint and henna have the on-off problem and I wouldn't even consider them. Unless there was some other payoff involved. Which isn't likely.

As to the Arthur sub-thread, while it is a purist's nightmare, my favorite movie of all time is Excalibur. Where it diverges from the historical aspects (you know: creative anachronism), it captures the magic, the epic, the tragic and the romantic aspects like no other. IMHO, yadda, yadda. I have in my posession (am I posessed?) the Encyclopedia of Arthurian Mythology or Legends or somesuch. Fantastic work (for a single volume). Touches on some of the lesser known bits (even the Song of Roland if memory serves). Didn't see Mists and wished I did, but now I wonder after stopping by here.

Ah well, ah well. I speak to the empty air and not e'en an echo calls back to me. Have I dropped into the black again?

"Well, here I am."


Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:46 PM


MN- I will absolutely make a bappin trip any time you ask!!!Nasty witch messes with my NV and I'll smack her silly! That is one seriously cute baby. WE have one of those startled pics for Wyatt ( dumb photographer got enthusiastic with puppett and scared him)only he frowns intently liek " whoa re you freak boy?"

Jonny:)- interesting...yet seriously cool.

Tristan- what tat are you gonna get??

Ok had a mojito and am a bit fluff brained...nighty night

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:57 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Good morning all my dear Imponderers...

Ged!! I've missed you! I suppose all that long distance romancing does take up ones time doesn't it? I have a terrific friend who has just done exactly the same thing you did - he met up with a girl from his past at a interstate wedding and is now all 'giddy' about the mutual feelings they have for one another - it's so good to see!

Hmmmm... Tristan - do you know where I could find the anti-spider tattoo...?

NVG!! She is just so very gorgeous!! No wonder you dote on her and her brother... how is PsychoBilly? And yes, please - we are waiting for photos...

James! You want MsG & I to go and 'bap' those inconsiderate, nasty, uncaring teachers and lecturers who made you hurt your pretty self! I too have had a long battle with depression, though the severe troughs are few and far between I understand! I think a tattoe would be a shiny way to celebrate the survivor/warrior in you! Thank you for sharing that too Marina (which - have I mentioned this? - means the same thing as Meredith!!)

Edit: Oh there you are MsG! I love it when I overlap posts with friends on the other side of the world!! LOL at the startled by a puppet story! I have seen it happen too!


Thursday, October 12, 2006 3:05 PM


Good morning dear!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:04 PM


Morning? It's 11 PM here... Eh. Need sleep. Of course, for that to happen, I'd actually have to get off the computer...

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:13 PM


It's morning in Australia!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:18 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by Penguin:
Good morning dear!

... good morning... uh, sorry has just gone afternoon now... It is such a hot and sunny day here that my Penguin would have to wear Ray Bans...

Good night James... as a nanny I know I should be saying that you need to just hit the 'shut down' button and follow the prompts - but as a fellow on-lin-adict and friend I cannot do that! If you are turning in - sleep well and I hope your cuts and bruises heal


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:24 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by Penguin:
It's morning in Australia!

Awww... overlapping posts! I love my Firefly family!! ... thank you Penguin!


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:36 PM


Interestingly, I have never had a bruise in my life. Not when I got hit by a car, not when I got hit in the face with a flying baseball bat, and not now. I guess I just don't bruise. At all.

I've really got to stop this. It's 11:30, now...

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:39 PM


HI Magda ! Are we actually here at the same time ?

I am off to bed soon though.Space monkeys have no pity on a tired mommy.


I swallowed a bug.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:52 PM



Originally posted by Tristan:
(Sorry for the busy here)

DTH, I, uh...hehe...I like being flashed. Nice tat!

Hey, Whim...did you happen to save 15% or more?
sorry, couldn't help it!

Mavourneen, I'm sure there's an anti-spider tattoo design out there somewhere...


Oh Tristan how could you! I did it last century, long before that annoying little lizard gave my tat a bad name.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:56 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hello dear Little Albatross!
I was just reading your email again!! Thank you for the links! I'm trying to upload some photos of Wilson's Prom & my home town of Melbourne to show you all!

How was your day?

Good night James! I bruise if you look at me too hard! Does that seem right to you?


Thursday, October 12, 2006 5:00 PM


Hey all, I'm hanging in there. It seems I am single once again. I was just in CA this past weekend visiting my, now ex-girlfriend, and well... things went very well when I got there. But, towards the end it kind of went south. She was on the rebound and she had some other issues going on, and compiled with the distance, it just wasn't a formula for success. I must say that she's still very special to me... she's such an amazing girl... it was just kind of bad timing and distance that happened... a casualty of circumstance, you could say. I am sad, though. But, I'll be okay. We're still friends and keeping in touch and all that.

Well, enough of my bad weekend... hope you guys are doing better than me!

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 5:02 PM


Hi folks! 'Morning to those on the sunny side of the world, 'evening to those closer to home. you get those quarter inch diameter snowballs coming down this afternoon, too? I've never seen it snow mini-snowballs before!

Tats. Don't have one. Have admired many pretty ones on others. Not totally against having one, but again, what do I want on me for the rest of my life? Nothing I can be sure of, so I'm still passing for the time being although Celtic knotwork sounds like it would be pretty.

Piercings. Like PR, my body seems to hate all metals. Got my ears pierced in my early twenties. After 10 weeks it still wasn't healing, so I bought interlocking hoops and painted them with bright pink nail polish (so I could see if any chipped off) and my ears healed within a few weeks. Holes are still there (mostly) even though I haven't used them in years. I had a piercing malfunction happen to me (the piercing gun jammed...still holding the stud in my ear) and the one hole was never straight. That one closed...just in the middle of my ear. Maybe someday when I'm feeling especially masochistic I'll punch it back out.
I can't see getting anywhere else pierced as I'd probably worry about getting it hung up on things and making a big owie and the idea of piercing my nipples...mammograms are gorram bad enough.

Well, it's 11pm here so I'll say 'night folks! *hugs* all around.

Banner courtsey of Aim2Misbehave (Thank you!!)
"Those grenades?"
"Captain don't want 'em."
"Jayne, we're robbing the place, we're not occupying it."


Thursday, October 12, 2006 5:03 PM


My day was very long,but not altogether bad. I'm treating myself to some extra computer time tonight ,I'm so happy to " see" you.

How's your day going ? Is it day there ? Afternoon , I think you said ?


I swallowed a bug.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 5:32 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Oh no! I am so sorry Ged - you are such a wonderful guy and I know you'll find someone very special again soon...

Hey RMMC! Ouch! I know what you mean about getting a tattoo for life - and one other thing - can you get pimples on your tattoos - wouldn't look good on some I can think of?

It is indeed a hot and sunny afternoon here my wonderful LA!! We're in the middle of one of the earliest heatwaves on record! (certainly one of the earliest I can remember...)

I have to go out soon... but it is wonderful to see you here! Take care! Love you - Magda x x x

Thanks to Desktophippie for my beautiful signature banner!


Thursday, October 12, 2006 5:39 PM


I'm off to bed Magda .It's getting cold here & I have to break out the heavier blankets.

Have a good day my dear.


I swallowed a bug.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:14 PM


JQ: About the firelighting, I won't glare at you or anything. Most of us in the fire brigade light bonfires that have been doused in petrochemicals. BUT we are smart enough to do it by flicking in a lit match from a distance (either that or we're wearing our full protective gear, very useful for those tempremental gas bbq's).

Magda: It's actually cooled down somewhat today, although there's still a lot of fires burning around the place. KI may well be declared a loss and evacuated until the fire's burnt itself out (or consumed all the flammables on the island) as we've done from time to time.

Anyway, I've spent today in uni (today's class focused on identity as performance) and doing the housework. Now that I've done the vacuuming and dusting, and it looks like it's going to rain, I'd better go bring the washing inside.


(Thx to Desktop Hippie for the banner)
If you find yourself getting too worked up about stuff that isn't real (RP Threads etc), then go outside, breathe in some fresh air and try feeding the ducks. (Because ducks don't care about your politics, religion, skin colour, choice of music or even your haircut. They like everyone, provided you bring them food.)


Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:16 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hey my gorgeous LA! 'Tis a pity there isn't a way to share things like blankets - I just took mine off the bed last night! Didn't need their warmth - that's for sure!! Sleep well my wonderful friend! love, from Australia! (thank you dear Penguin! - I love my new emotie!! ) Sleep well all my dearlings! Your Magda x x x

EDIT: ooooh - thank you Nico - I have been thinking of you - it's just clouded over here in the last 20mins so I am hoping for some rain - the garden is parched again!! Glad to hear things are not quite so hot there - gives me hope for tomorrow too... FYI Imponderers Adleaide is West of Melbourne and we usually get a version of their weather about 24 hours later more-or-less... which part of Adelaide are you in BTW Nico? I once lived in Fairview Park near Ti Tree Gully...


Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:45 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Awwww, Ged, honey, I'm sorry to hear things went south!

Morning jie-jie! I don't think tats can get pimples, since they are, in essence, scarred flesh.

And of course I also think tats have to be personal. To you. They can't be about anyone else. That's why I would get my totems (aside from being Pagan and Buddhist, I have pursued a little bit of Shamanism and such. My totems are very important to me.) It's all hypothetical anyway, though. - show Universal your gratitude!

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow in sunlight. - Gautama Siddharta






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