Male and Female Imponderables - Zwitter

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 14:31
VIEWED: 6008
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Sunday, October 29, 2006 1:02 PM



Originally posted by Penguin:

Originally posted by msg:

By the have an e-mail!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Sunday, October 29, 2006 1:26 PM


About the plane thing, The longest plane ride I've ever been on was from the US to Europe, and I had one of the cheapo seats. It really wasn't too bad, (unless you count the food...) But really I think that a long plane ride is going to be uncomfortable anyways, I just wouldn't want to spent almost twice the amount just for, like, a bigger seat, or whatever it is that they give you in first class...But you might feel differently if you have to go a longer distance too.

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Sunday, October 29, 2006 10:48 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Wow - Chris - I don't know what I think about your preparations... I think you are an amazingly intelligent and disciplined person - but I have a sense of sadness that there is a likelihood of a 'disaster' in your future, after all if there wasn't I guess you wouldn't be preparing for it...

Having said that there is so much sense in what you say and have actioned! There have been so many kingdoms and civilisations that have been decimated because their policy was to avoid 'war-mongery' and it just took one unscrupulous leader with lofty ambitions to raid & invade and without plans and military ability they had little or no hope of deflecting the invaders!

See... I love DH Lawrence - though he is sometimes a little depressing too...

Hi JamestheDark! - I wonder what you mean... below the belt? Exactly what kind of combat are you preparing for???

Hi Penguin! FMF! Hi SpaceANGL - I've missed you being around! Mei Mei... oh - I think I had noticed something going on between you and Nico...???

Hey all other Imponderers! - are you all coming out to play soon - I've been to work all day and you are all probably not even up yet...


Monday, October 30, 2006 1:39 AM


mornin' Imponderables.

This is going to be a mite long, mostly from quotations of you shiny folk:


Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
I think they should have been sedated and put in the hold for the duration.

I think that strategy can be applied to a more general cross-section of children, or applied on an as-needed basis.


Originally posted by Tristan:
I am suggesting that kids always have a drink in front of them...a few well-placed splashes of more kid problems!

Along the same lines as SpaceANJL, that would be my favorite (and probably the cheapest) sedative.


Originally posted by msg:
See now I and my siblings were taken on airplanes regularly and my mom was very strict about our behavior. She made sure we sat together and had games and snacks and such and kept us busy, but she made it clear we were to be quiet and stay in our seats. Always timed the flight round nap time for when we were younger so we'd sleep the flight away. She'd also give us warm milk and chamomile right before take off so we'd be out the whole time. I think there's no excuse for ill behaved kids on a plane. If the parent carefully chooses flight time for when the kids are at their best and makes sure they have everything they need...there's no reason for badly behaved kids

Being a parent and a restaurant employee I think that this too should be applied on a much grander scale: Don't let your kids be douchebags in public places.


Originally posted by Whimsicalnbrainpan:
I don't see why you can't do both. Prepare for war so that if it happens you are ready but do your best to avoid it if posible. Since war can not always be avoided it is best to be ready if diplomacy fails or someone attacks you without provocation, in which case you could have done nothing to avoid it in the first place. Idealy there would be no war at all but I think human nature is such that there will always be war until we change. Maybe that will
happen someday but I certainly do not expect to see it in my lifetime even though I wish for it.

I think this is a very good point. Though I would also like to, there is no way I am going to see a change to the way of war in my lifetime, and I doubt that even my son will in his, though this is one time I would love to be proven wrong.

The only really long flight I have been on was on the way to and from Italy for my senior trip. We flew non-stop from Atlanta to Brussels (then a short hop on to Milan), and though we were in coach, it wasn't bad. The seats were a bit cramped. Maybe I was just lucky enough to not have and babies on the flight. I suppose a good recomendation in any case would be sound cancelling earphones and a good set of CDs.

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Monday, October 30, 2006 3:06 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Ah yes - RIMG! And foam earplugs and a good eyemask! I also use an aromatherapy blend that helps me relax and sometimes even a valerian tablet or two - the more you can sleep the better I find! Also, bring chamomile tea along and get the hot water added!

Oooooh - my Nico is going to see my Mei Mei!!

I am so glad you're up RIMG! I miss my Imponderers - especially now that I have moved an hour ahead and you have all moved an hour back...


Monday, October 30, 2006 3:06 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Gir does a dance of double postie goodness!

And on that note I bid you all goodnight! - Magda x x x


Monday, October 30, 2006 3:17 AM


Good Morning Everyone...

PR and Nico? How wonderful! What a nice way to start my morning, with good news. I'm so happy for you both!

Well, weekend was uneventful and business at the store was slow so I should be back sometime around noon time, EST.

Prep for war? Being so close to DC, we've got a little stashy thing in the basement...but then again, both Husband & I realize if there ever is a war we'd be dust in the wind.

for all.


Monday, October 30, 2006 3:25 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I don't think much in the way of liquids or electronics are allowed on international flights anymore... Or is that just from England?

Awwww, I really like this lil' emotie



Monday, October 30, 2006 4:08 AM


Goodnight, dear Magda, and pleasant dreams...

PR, I think they lightened up on those a little, though it is only a specific volume of liquid that is allowed (still a dumb rule IMHO).

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Monday, October 30, 2006 4:53 AM


MAgda- HUGS sorry I missed you...I will email you and explain:) Anyway HUGS

Hmm I think you can prepare for and avoid( to some extent) war. I don't think war is inevitable, but I also think we do not control the actions of others so it's best to be prepared. I also think it's best to do our best to use diplomatic means to resolve conflict until they are completely exhausted

Penguin...this is for you

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, October 30, 2006 5:16 AM


Morning, my fine fellow ponder-ers!
I was away (or busy) most of the weekend, so I have some catching up to do....

LA29, glad to hear things are going well! Also glad to hear that you are 'drawing a line' so to speak. We are here if you need us.

MSG, love the cats!

Neko, I am not sure what's going on with our emails...I responded to your latest, but I am going to guess it did not get there, as I don't have a response yet...arrgghh.

Mmm...pumpkin seeds....*drool*

CMH, thank you for that desription of the jumping! Not sure it is something I would ever want to do, but it sounds like a great experience.

MSG, sorry...I have a picture in my mind of you spinning in a circle wildly firing a machine gun...
You may be small, but I would still think twice about tangling with you!

Magda! You don't need weapons....that smile would disarm brigades at a time!

JTD, as to your war ponderance...I am of the school of thought to always be prepared for war but have peace as the first and most preferable option. If war is to be, then practice total war, and don't stop until you are victorious. Sorry, I know that is not really a popular concept of war...

PR, good on ya! Importing now, are we?

CMH once again...good choice of poem. I like that.

Good morning to everyone else I missed. Been awhile, ASortaFairyTale...where ya been?

Time for more coffee...I shall return shortly.



Monday, October 30, 2006 5:32 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
I have to say that fresh mango is the best food in the 'verse, hands down. But that is me. Chocolate is good, too, but it's so sticky. I can't just eat and eat until I'm stuffed and happy the way I can with mango.


There is nothing anywhere that compares to the joy of Mango. But what kind of Mangoes do you eat that aren't sticky?

And I meant to mention it earlier, but I absolutely love your Golden Rose. It's so magical, so regal, so feminine. So...You. It's perfect.

And mega-watt vibes being sent on the Nico visit, BTW. That would Rock!

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Monday, October 30, 2006 5:32 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

How do you double post something that you aren't even done with!!!!

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Monday, October 30, 2006 5:59 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by magdalena:

Hey all other Imponderers! - are you all coming out to play soon - I've been to work all day and you are all probably not even up yet...

Poor, Magda. All alone in the black. (See my signature). Such a lyrical voice with no echo.

Well, though they are late, lemme send ya some heart-warming hugs and .

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Monday, October 30, 2006 6:08 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
If anyone has thought about trying sky diving for recreational purposes, don't give it a second thought, just do it. I've heard lots of people wishing that they could do it, and never once have I heard someone who did it say that they were regretfull.

Could it be that those who regretted couldn't talk?

Sorry, couldn't resist.


So what's better? To prepare for life, or to ignore it?

Live it, brother, live it. All of our blood with either be food or dust or both someday anyway.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Monday, October 30, 2006 6:11 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
Being a parent and a restaurant employee I think that this too should be applied on a much grander scale: Don't let your kids be douchebags in public places.

Grocery stores for one. "BUT IIIII WAAAANNNNNNNT OOOONNNNEEEE!!!!!" Enough to make you want to pour a little kerosine into their wide-open pie hole. And I like kids!!

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Monday, October 30, 2006 6:13 AM


the unfortunate downside to preparing for war but attempting diplomatic means first is that preparing for war can rather give the impression it's your intention. which doesn't do much to aid peacable solutions. for myself, i think it depends on the circumstance's. sometimes you stand a better chance of achieving a peaceful ending through a position of strength, sometimes you really don't. so, you know, circumstance's circumstance's.

Ah! What is not a dream by day
To him whose eyes are cast
On things around him with a ray
Turned back upon the past?


Monday, October 30, 2006 6:38 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

War and Peace. I don't think we're talking about building up our strength whilst we are at the table. I'm thinking that the position of strenth option is that we are strong and ready all the time, not just when on the verge of potential crises. Might ensures the peace, as it were. I for one don't go into biker bars and tell them they're all sly, just because I'm sure that, except maybe for those who really are sly, I would come face to (sur)face with the nearest table top. However, most of the bikers I know (and I admit there aren't many) have all been gregarious to a fault.

Likewise a nation can have a top-notch military and arms to go with, and still be beneficent in the world's eye. Remember how nice everyone one was to us right after 9/11? I remember the Friendly Giant TV show being on when I was a kid. (Rarely watched it as I was a Captain Kangaroo man myself; wonder if between that and the yearly religious viewing of the Wizard of Oz, makes me love the folks down under? Aww, who am I kidding? There is only one reason for that (besides your "adorable" marsupials): Olivia. Been fan since '75.)

I digress. The whole concept of the Friendly Giant was centered on the oxymoron of his name, not unlike the "Good Witch" concept in the Wiz: to set preconceptions on their ear. I for one do not believe that being fully prepared for war is a mandate constantly to be at war. Until recently, nobody "dared" to bother us because we were a superpower. It was pretty much in everybody's interest (from an global economic stand point alone) to leave us undisturbed. The playing field has changed and we are trying to adjust. Doesn't mean that we (the Pentagon) are trying to escalate anything. We have diplomats to do that for us...

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Monday, October 30, 2006 7:27 AM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Enough to make you want to pour a little kerosine into their wide-open pie hole. And I like kids!!

Me too, they are good at about medium with a potato and a cold beer.

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Monday, October 30, 2006 7:31 AM


Howdy imponderers!

So how is everyone this fine day? Will have to catch up later on the discussions. Just wanted to stop by and say hey!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Monday, October 30, 2006 7:54 AM


Morning Imponderables! I'm off to work. Hope to check back later this evening.

I made a web site to introduce my friends to the 'Verse.


Monday, October 30, 2006 7:55 AM


Wow sorry went to respond and then principal walked in to do an observation...went good though

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, October 30, 2006 9:18 AM


Magdalena - Interesting that you bring up history. What I use to support what some people consider my "paranoia", is history. Rome had 200 years of peace, and Japan had around 250. From what I know, these are the longest reigning times of peace for any civilization in history. 250 years. That doesn't instill a great deal of confidence to me.

What have we experienced here in America in the past 100 years or so? Six wars, one major depression, countless acts of terrorism, probably 3 hurricanes a year on average? People are quick to say, "Well you're not thinking about the good stuff", well who the fuck cares!? I don't deny that there is good in this world, but just because there's good doesn't mean that you shouldn't be aware or and prepare for the bad! Most of what is considered good exists because of preparations for the bad! Tree huggers and idealists get on my nerves because of this. They think a good attitude is the only thing you need. Well guess what? All of the peace and idealism in the world is useless in a dead body.

JonnyQuest - Yeah, I was actually thinking about that about 5 minutes after I posted it. Negative experiences in parachuting generally have the same outcome, but even people who've broken bones that I've talked to didn't regret trying it.

And I'm not against living life, but my definition of living is different from a lot of people's. My point is that you have to be alive to live (duh), and ignoring the neccasities to survive is just plain... well, if someone's "ignor"ing it, I suppose it'd make them "ignor"ant.

Oddsbodkins - Clausewitz was noted as saying that "War is an extension of politics". Sun Tzu considered war to be the most important consideration of the state. All successful military leaders, in fact, have been at least partially involved in politics and dimplomacy. Wether or not you need to flex your military muscles in any given diplimatic situation is deffinately dependent upon countless factors. Sometimes you do, and sometimes you don't. But you should always have it as an option. The U.S. has only recently realized the importance of keeping an adequetly sized and trained standing military, after numerous conflicts (WW1, WW2, Vietnam, etc.) where not doing so has caused us a great deal of casualties.

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkiries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Monday, October 30, 2006 1:13 PM


Chris- I feel the need to pester you with this

and this

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, October 30, 2006 1:38 PM


Msg the viking kitties are too funny.

I couldn't get onto this siote for most of the day.I was getting so frustrated.

I must share that now Dylan has a ciold & there's a good possibility that we'll miss trick or treating tomorrow , and his school Halloween parade.I'm totally bummed.I can't imagine how to make this up to the little guy.And I was looking forward to getting dressed up too.Here's hoping it magically goes away tonight.


I swallowed a bug.


Monday, October 30, 2006 1:42 PM



Originally posted by LittleAlbatross29:
Msg the viking kitties are too funny.

I couldn't get onto this siote for most of the day.I was getting so frustrated.

I must share that now Dylan has a ciold & there's a good possibility that we'll miss trick or treating tomorrow , and his school Halloween parade.I'm totally bummed.I can't imagine how to make this up to the little guy.And I was looking forward to getting dressed up too.Here's hoping it magically goes away tonight.

Awwww I remember one halloween where I got sick and just slept through trick or treating. Granted I was getting older so it wasn't a big deal but still I was a little bummed.


Monday, October 30, 2006 1:44 PM


Allright folks, y'all move too quick for me. 'Nets been out all day and I got a frickin' jones like no other.

So, on war. I went to a gathering to welcome back one of my cousins from Iraq. Something that I'd felt for a very long time was affirmed by an elder.

He said that our family has been so patriotic through the years because we were invaded by foreiners once and wish not to have it happen again. That is the basic preparedness I seem to have been raised with my whole life.

On the whole diplomacy concern...
I've noticed my personal capacity for diplomacy has grown over the last several years. It actually feels good to try figuring things out before bringing on a fight. With exceptions. When the fight comes to me and when the fight has no logical exlaination (abuse and the like).

The relative peace we have been granted is hard won and easily lost.

I lost my point (don't ya love fragmented thinking? Stupid pop music influences)

So I had a very fitting dream Friday morning. So I'm trying to save Ms. Incomprehensible, her son, and a few fols I don't know from (of all things) zombies in a huge school. At the end I'm on the roof pulling her and her son up through a window. And, of course, I'm pulling her up and she bites me. Ain't that such a fitting dream. I've spent too much time in fic land.

So I'm shuttin' up now, but I wanted to say HI to everyone. Here late tonight for parenting class, taught by me the non-parent of course.


Monday, October 30, 2006 4:02 PM


(BUMPS thread)
Where the fudgenuggets is everyone?


Monday, October 30, 2006 4:58 PM

CHRISMOORHEAD has been down, or possibly just majorly glitching most of the day. I think it may have annoyed some people into giving up until tommorow.

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkiries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Monday, October 30, 2006 5:01 PM


I'm here, Nvghostrider. Good luck on the parenting class. I'm sure you will do a great job even if you're not a parent. You know what they should be doing.

MsG, the Viking cats are too cute for words. Were you looking for cat pics when your principal came in? Good to know that all went well.

I made a web site to introduce my friends to the 'Verse.


Monday, October 30, 2006 5:26 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Mangoes are sticky in an entirely different way than chocolate is sticky. Chocolate sticks to the throat; mangoes just have juice that can stick to the hands.
And thank you! I love my golden rose
GorramnDoll found it for me; I've been looking for something like it forever. MY wand is actually a real rose dipped in gold. It is very me.
Speaking of GorramnDoll, she's telling me she can't access the site much. She's tried everything, but keeps getting an error, even when it works fine for me. Are there any tech-savvy Browncoats who might know what's wrong?
NVG, that is a very fitting dream. I don't think I told y'all about a dream I had quite awhile ago about my ex, but it was a little like that. Except I think he was a vampire and sucked my blood; don't remember all that well anymore.
Um, I feel like I'm missing something. Oh well. I'll be getting off for a bit, so I'll see you all later!



Monday, October 30, 2006 5:42 PM


Hey PR what kind of error is she getting??? Could be a lot of things but if she can write down the error code it would be a big help.

Just let me know. You can PM me with the code and I might be able to help. If not Penguin might know too.

MSG - are you on a Kitty kick???? Almost went a different route with that but it was TMI


The Shirtless Forsaken


Monday, October 30, 2006 5:46 PM


I've never been much for fitting dreams but that one fit like a frickin' glove.

Well folks, I'm out. Hope the sites workin' better tomorrow.

Happy Nevada Day!
And of course,
Happy Halloween!


Monday, October 30, 2006 9:55 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I think she said it was 'page cannot be displayed'. But she got it to work tonight, I think.



Tuesday, October 31, 2006 1:45 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hello all... happy Hallowe'en to you - and it is almost over here for me!

I found out today that Shiny Kitten & Browncoat Bernard are coming to Melbourne next February so I will actually get to meet my first FFFfamily members ever!!

The rest of you had better make it to Dragon*Con!

Chris - you know what they say about history too, "Those that ignore it are destined to repeat it." Like I said - it makes me a little sad - but I do see the sense in it too!

Jailbait! how are you?? We do miss you being able to drop by more!

Thank you for the hugs JQ I feel like I'm on another a different planet since we switched to daylight savings - it's made a 2 hour difference so I don't even get to see the early risers before I go to bed any more...The hug helped though!!

Tristan shucks... you made me blush! Thank you qing ren!

MsG!! - the biggest hugs for you my sweet li'l sis! I love you heaps you know! Your emails are wonderful and I am privileged to receive them all!

Hello my Kaylee Clone!! - I missed you! ...and my NVG - I am sorry you had to miss a day of the 'net - it is frustrating is it not? That dream is so very good too... you know the truth deep down, so you need to accept it on the surface too... I have those kinds of dreams - real 'hit-you-in-the-face-with-the-truth-of-the-matter' dreams - you just can't ignore them!

Goodnight Mei Mei - your new signature is gorgeous and I love the rose too...

See you all anon... goodnight - Magda x x x


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 1:54 AM


mornin' Imponderables.

The site was down for several hours yesterday. Made for lots of irritations, but we do have Haven for such times (or when the chatroom gets filled up with little children being their own annoying selves).

I need to get out the digital cam and get some pictured of my fat kitties to share with y'all.

PR, the talk of chocolate and mangoes is making my mouth water as I type this, though I do have mango juice here to drink this morning, and I could get some chocolate if'n I wanted to.

meh. I need a drink (or 10).

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 3:10 AM


Don't know how I missed your link, MSG. Cute. But it reminds me of a quote I heard once. It went something like:

"Man makes war because it's the only way woman will take him seriously."

You kinda shattered that one, huh?

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkiries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 5:25 AM


Morning, all!

First off, MSG, the Viking kitties made me laugh so hard I snorted. That does not happen very often. Thank you for that.

LA29, I am sorry for Dylan! I remember that I lived for trick-or-treating! I am keeping my fingers crossed that he gets better by tonight!

NVG, missed you yesterday, brudda! I know what you mean about the jonesin'...I was that way this weekend. That dream...yep, fitting it seems.

Magda! :hugs: :everything else:
I have missed seeing you...stupid time change! I hope all is shiny in your part of the 'Verse! *sigh*

CMH, I like that last quote...but they still don't take us seriously, do they?



Tuesday, October 31, 2006 6:04 AM


Morning All!

MSG - Those Viking cats a too funny! I think I will show it to the little one later.

Mags - *waves* How is you?

Tristan - was up?

CMH - Did you get a report date yet??

So what does one ponder on Halloween? Something spooky or kookie?


The Shirtless Forsaken


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 6:43 AM


Well, good morning everyone.

To fill in on the weekend:

Went to the mountains with GND and her family (Minus her mom). A good time was had. Though pulling tail gunner on a few mountain roads relly reeks havoc on the lungs. It felt good to go way back in the hills. Got some pics of a few wild horses in the high country and caught a few trout halfway down.

So Halloween is upon us. Takin' PsychoBilly, BabySis, and GND out for candy and dinner. Still up in the air about the costume, but I'll come up with something.

Not much to say. Kinda at a loss for words. Hi to everyone I missed (and yes Mags, I miss you too). Dragon Con is sounding more and more enticing. Though its on the other side of the country it seems to be the premier place to meet up with all you wonderful FFF.NET 'coats. Saving my pennies as we speak.


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 6:53 AM


Morning, KelKhil! Not too much...trying to balance work and FFF...

NVG, good to see you. Sounds like you had fun, and sounds like you will have fun tonight!
And D*C? Are you coming over for D*C?!? Shiny!



Tuesday, October 31, 2006 7:02 AM


I figure it'd be the easiest way to meet 'coats from all over. I've never attended a Con before so I figure busting my figurative cherry with folks I already know would be easy and fun.
That's me in a nut shell I guess. Easy to please and likes to have fun.
I think my brain needs help.


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 7:04 AM


D*C! Maybe we should all contact the Hotel together and get a group rate!

I am hoping that I can convince the Wifey to go for a mini vacation. That is if we can come up with plane fare and ticket money and hotel money. Man why does everything have to be so darn expensive?

Tristan - yeah trying to balance work with is hard.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 7:13 AM


NVG, that is great that you are thinking of coming! The last one was my con cherry, and the 'coats made it a wonderful experience...well, at least until Saturday night! But we are over that.
You'll have a great time and get to meet all the shiny folk!

KelKhil, I think that is what normally happens. As it gets closer, there will be a thread here that gives details, hooks up roommates, etc. As it is 300-something days away, we may have to wait for the thread to show up, though!
And I would have much more time on my hands if it wasn't for this work thing...



Tuesday, October 31, 2006 7:19 AM


D*C speak already eh? Sounds like my kind of topic.

I already got my membership (only $45 until 11/15, then it goes up to $50 until 2/15, $60 through 5/15, $70 to 7/13, and $85 thereafter)

302 days left until the Thursday.

Looking into the hotels and/or flights now isn't a bad idea, though I am not sure if they have the Con rates in place yet. This year (my first Con ever) I roomed with three other browncoats from this site and we did pretty well. Four of us stayed Thursday night through Monday morning and paid a little under $200 apiece. I would suggest finding people and looking into something similar, that is, if you are going to stay in one of the Con hotels. No clue on the overflow/farther away hotels, as I have been spoiled by being as close as I was this year.

Sorry, didn't mean to whinge on there...

I really need to get started working on the formula for River's Caffeinated Candy Beer to have it ready in time.

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 7:34 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
And thank you! I love my golden rose
GorramnDoll found it for me; I've been looking for something like it forever. MY wand is actually a real rose dipped in gold. It is very me.

Don't s'pose there's a pic lying around of it anywhere, is there? Or is that bad luck or something? (Sorry, I'm not up on my Wiccan particulars.)

Except I think he was a vampire and sucked my blood; don't remember all that well anymore.

Something wrong with Vampires? Dont't we mix well? (Not to worry though, I'm only a pretender of sorts. I tend to go dierectly after the souls and leave the blood alone. It's a character flaw...)

Just when I give you one compliment, you come up with something else that's just awesome. Almost makes me wish I was Wiccan just so's I could use the banner...!
And I can't let you go without commenting on that one shot of you on the other thread. Could your eyes be anymore BLUE??

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 8:07 AM


Check out the Nevada Day banner. Ain't it shiny!

Happy Birthday PsychoBilly!


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 8:37 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Ah, as to having my blood sucked, at that point I think he was draining the life-force out of me by being a total so hence it was a fitting dream.
I do, in fact, have a shot of my wand. I posted my wand, pentacle, dorje, and altar in 'more pics that a gorramn museum' somewhere or other. Also, my collection of sharp objects made an appearance.
Here be my wand:

Not the best quality, as my current digital camera is crap, but a general idea.
And no, I don't think my eyes could be much more blue.
Thank you again! Found the banner in the BSR today and tweaked it a bit. It was all silver, which is nice, but as everyone can tell, I like the gold.
D*C! Yes! GorramnDoll and I are already making our plans to attend! Gonna be so shiny...



Tuesday, October 31, 2006 8:46 AM


Happy Halloween Everyone !!!

And to all my PAgan/Wiccan friends out there : Have a blessd ANd Hwonderous Smahiain .

Dyaln is well enough, and he went to school for his little parade.It was so cute.They prance the kids around & make them sing inaudible songs.Trick or treating should be fun , as the weather here is just beautiful.I'm taking at least 5 kids that I know of.Wish me luck please.

So are any of you in costume today ? I'm all done up witchy.Not much of a strech, but today I can just blend in better.

NV - Shiny banner !

I swallowed a bug.


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 10:26 AM


Thanks. Been havin issues with it, but oh well. Its still cool. I'm lucky to be taking PsychoBilly out tonight, but five? Dang. I couldn't do it without a leash. Or a chain.

Shiny wand PR. As for the blood sucking/zombie bite thing, I see it in a similar way. If I kept on with the game I'd end up as one of the "walking dead". passing the game along, perpetuating the infection. I might just do the zombie thing tonight for the sake of symbolism and all. But the Penguin and Forsaken ideas are in a dead heat for first.

I'm out for lunch. If I miss anyone leaving, have a grand Halloween.

Happy Birthday PsychoBilly!






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