Joss Discussed Sequel and Other Things

UPDATED: Friday, December 8, 2006 12:08
VIEWED: 40968
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Sunday, October 15, 2006 2:20 AM


Hey guys. I'm new to the site...and while I never watched that one tv network's horrible dissection of Firefly, I did get to see it finally at the beginning of the year.

And I would religiously have turned on the TV for this show. There's only one other tv show that will attract me like that, and that's the freakin' Daily Show on Comedy Central.

The story's magical. The wisecracks, the seriousness, the philosophy, standing up for what you believe in, no matter the costs.

This is me on an adventure through old tv shows (anyone remember Max Headroom back in the 80's? Also brilliant and cancelled much too early) and discovering this little shred of last hope...and I get all flustered. ;)

Especially after reading some of the posts in this thread. Wow, guys. There's a lot of love here.

So I'll chime in with the standard. Don't give up. Never let dreams die that are worthy of life. Believe in something so strongly that it'll come to reality.

Even simple words are meaningful.


Sunday, October 15, 2006 3:12 AM


Hiya Arydrall, welcome to the boat. Your story is familiar. Discovering FF after it had been canceled happened to a lot of browncoats. But we are here and ready to move on and help the show continue. We will fight the fight and return to "Serenity Valley" for victory. We will hold and that's all there is to it. Grab some mudders milk, join the conversation and tell everyone you know about the "verse" and what they're missing if they don't at least watch it once.

Glad that you're here,Z


Monday, October 16, 2006 11:53 AM


Sat down in front of the the ol´ TV last night. No hope of finding any good programs though, just spending the last few hours of the weekend.
But when I switched on TV400 (on Swedish television). To my surprise! Firefly - Bushwacked

I was smiling all night


Monday, October 16, 2006 10:02 PM


..small earth-toned objects tumble from the drop shuttle as it blazes past on a low altitude insertion. Drogue chutes deploy in a desperate effort to counter the killing velocity imparted to their charges by the necesity of getting them in quickly before they could be picked off by flak.
The Volunteer quickly detaches from his rig, grabs his weapon, and follows the last order given by his sgt. "Get your butt on the line and hold it.". Observing the nature of his situation he wonders, what the hell have I gotten into?....

Hi. I am not a totlaly new recruit, I have about a year under my belt and I have posted here a couple of times before. I do feel some of the guilt for not having been on of the original Browncoats, but that is water under the bridge.

My thoughts about the possibility of Firefly/Serenity making a comback anytime soon are not optimistic. However, I feel that if we hold the line longe enough and continue to build our numbers, there may be a new begining for us yet. It may not be the Verse we all currently know and love. I think that in a far future we may get another go at it just like Battlestar Galactica did. Anyone else think the way I do on that?

Brother Julian, Defender of the Faith.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 7:25 PM


Look, I would be the first in line for a BDM2 (or a Faith the Vampire Slayer Season 1, or a Spike movie, or Ripper (Giles in the UK)). The Joss quote is a fascinating glimpse into the the world of a creative mind who by now has considerable experience in the process that governs whether any of these things get done.

As far as I know, the Whedonverse began when he got a movie made out of the BTVS idea, that had some moments but didn't quite work. He resurrected that idea as a midseason replacement on a network that needed some young-demographic buzz. BTVS Season 1 was often lightweight, but enough to buy them Season 2, which was arguably as good a season as any fantasy/sf series ever made. By the time Firefly debuted, Joss briefly had the distinction of having three series on primetime network (USA) television.

For those of you who regret not supporting Firefly, don't feel bad. At that point, I was not watching any of Joss's three series. I am a longtime SF fan (Asimov, Heinlein, etc.), and I had heard of the new series, but I had somewhat confused it with Farscape. In any event, between work, children, and Fall sports, it is hard for me to get interested in a new series right away. Then the network meddling put the final spike through the heart of the show -- delay the pilot, make them write a new opener over a weekend, jerk them around on the schedule, run the rest of the episodes out of order, and then cancel before anyone got a chance to sort it out. Under those circumstances, Firefly never had a chance.

You could also make a case that Firefly was too good for network TV. The subtleties of the world were apt to get lost in the half-attention state of broadcast TV than in the interruptionless world of DVD.

Read Joss' quote again for its insight into HIS world. Yeah, in a perfect (Joss) world, he'd do a BDM2 or a series, but the reality is that the availabilty of Concept, Money, Talent, and Demand swirl around in a constantly-changing kaleidoscope of possible but ephemeral combinations. If Joss can use his talent to grab the best possible combination out of this melange, we should rejoice over whatever comes about, whether it is part of his old visions or something entirely new.

For the rest of you, Joss himself left the signpost:

"Can't stop the wave, Mal."

Fireflyfans lives on because of the underlying feeling that the brief shooting star of Firefly/Serenity left many stories untold and relationships unresolved. Even if Joss devoted himself to the Fireflyverse, he couldn't tell them all, and in the process we might lose so many other original stories. The Firefly afterlife need not be another movie or series. Even if a large percentage of Fanfic is goh-se, some of you will be talented enough to move the story forward. I look forward to reading those stories.


Friday, October 20, 2006 4:06 AM


The bottom line is that Mal and Company can only finish their story on the silver screen at this point. Their story is just too epic at this point for Firefly under a different name.

I say Joss should plot out 2 more movies and make it an epic sci-fi trilogy. Then, come up with an entirely new cast and (if he feels really daring) have another show about smugglers OR come up with something that might be a little more mainstream but with some really good writing and a griping "main story", like Firefly had.

Bottom line is that his 'Verse is just too damned good of a setting not to be used on the small screen again.


Monday, October 23, 2006 2:52 AM


Here come more browncoats!

"re-imforcemnets are here, gentleman."

i was a bit dismissve of the tv series when i first saw the promos and must admit to being one of those people responsible for not helping the series get of the ground but after a friend at work got me into the series on DVD, ive been hooked, joss is such a clever writer,

i know heaps of people who love the series and/or the movie, so there is plenty of interest in the public, it just needs a spark. It is extremely sad the show got cancelled and that is the main reason i decided to join this site. the more people vocalize their love of the ff universe, the more chance there is of revival.

a new series would be the best possible outcome, though i like serenity (the film) i dont think it had as much of well crafted style or flow to it as the series.

like the rest of you i love any continuation of the story, there is still so much to be uncovered (ie. the truth behind Book and the Blue Sun group for example)

i actually would love to see a firefly game made that extended the story and the universe, are there any rumours?

long live the browncoats.

I'll take care of me and me and mine, you just be mindful of yours.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006 9:28 AM


I just found Firefly within the past two weeks. The premise of the series didn't catch me until I had nothing to do and rented the series at a video store. I am now totally in love and if that can after after the series ending (what seems like a million years ago) then I think that there is hope. I don't really watch TV unless it's the history channel or Sci-Fi (Go Ghosthunters), but know without a doubt that if Firefly were to ever be resurected from The Black then I would be a faithful viewer.

I think that there is hope on the Sci-Fi channel, they already took one step forward when they ran Firefly to begin with. But I don't see anything happening until Joss is finished with Wonderwoman and the pressure he is getting to finish that. Too many irons in the fire and all that.

Joss was ready to give up Buffy because I trully feel he was done telling what he wanted to tell, I think that happended in the fifth season but they got to move to UPN and money was good so he said why not. I think the same could almost be said about Angel if they would take out the entire season 4.

In other words I don't think that Joss is in any way done with Firefly, he just can't give it all of his attention right now because of other contracts and commitments. Hey it wasn't too late for Star Trek. TNG was better than the first, hopefully it just won't take 5/10 even 20 years to get Joss and the fans what they are clamoring for, a few more rounds.


Thursday, October 26, 2006 8:21 AM


i am a relatively new browncoat, i live in the uk so i didn't really get a chance to watch Firefly when it was first aired but then i borrowed the dvd series from one of my dads friends...and fell completely head over heels in love with it as soon as i heard the themesong. There is no tv series better than this one and i now own both the series and the BDM, the only dvds i ever bought myself!, That was about a year ago now and i have introduced it to one of my friends so far, with great success and now im going to loan it out to the rest of them. Reluctantly but i will do it, even if it means i cant watch it for a while. I still have the movie, every time i watch it i am struck anew with how much i love it. WE NEED A SEQUEL!

"if your hand touches metal i swear by my pretty floral bonnet i will end you "


Thursday, October 26, 2006 7:20 PM


I was one of the unfortunate ones that didnt have a clue of what Firefly was. A buddy turned me on to the dvd series and I could not put them down. Firefly was mega times better than Startrek. Where the problem is who ever was in charge of advertising the series just plain sucked, because I had never heard of it before. Hands down Firefly is better that 99% of the crap on the tube for sure. The brunt of which is stupid cop shows. The time is ripe for a new Firefly series with the same cast and someone with some decent advertising skills to let everyone know that you dont have to sit around and watch dumb flippin Law n order and other stereo type duplicate cop shows. I dont watch that much tv or movies but when I was turned on to Firefly a couple of weeks ago I was rivited to the dvds n watched them as soon as my bud's netflix subscription could send them, which by the way he found them because previous viewers gave them such a high rating on netflix......duh Fox whats that tell you. Wake up and smell the reavers.


Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:09 PM


like some posts iv seen on here im only very recent to FF. After watching Serenity only a few months ago, i was suprised i had never heard of FF before, coming from Australia we dont get that much US television . But recently i stumbled on FF being shown at 1 in th morning. I have to say, there are only very few tv shows that i must watch, FF is undoubtably the best show i have ever watched. From what i can loosly gather a number of fans have only really come about after watching Serenity and then moving back to FF. what i want to know, is what the rating of FF when it was on air compared to the ticket prices and dvd numbers of Serenity comparable? id dare say that FF sales have gotten a boost from Serenity. my last question is who owns the rights to FF ? if you really wanted FF back as much as i do, im hoping a number of u have joined togethor and lobied the FF execs?


Monday, October 30, 2006 8:23 AM


I just read this whole thread. Somebody mentioned that those who hold the rights to FF and Serenity should either

1) make a sequel, or

2) sell the rights to someone else who can make it successful.

Then the point was brought up that since these people are so sickeningly greedy, they should be falling all over themselves to make money by pursuing either 1 or 2 above.

The problem is this. Yes, they are greedy. But like most greedy men, they are first and foremost cowards.

These cowards are afraid to put their necks on the line and support a series that had at one point failed.

These cowards are likewise afraid to put their necks on the line by selling a property to a rival studio that might become successful somewhere else. Imagine if this happened, and FF became immensely successful, as we all know it would. The network would demand to know who sold the rights to the show, and it would be goodbye to the person who sold it.

Right now, it is "safe" in the dungeons of the evil ones. Why risk backing it? Why risk selling it? The potential for failure is too great for the coward to face. Better to let it sit. Who cares if there are fans out there screaming for it?

There are few-to-no idealists in the Hollywood beaurocracy who might champion something like FF in the halls of F_X. Idealists tend to get fired and replaced by spineless little weasels who are masters of survival, that only do enough to keep their high salary positions while not drawing attention to themselves by supporting financially questionable (in their eyes) series unless the numbers really favor their success.

It really sucks. But hopefully, when the contracts expire, a window will open up that allows someone better, who will treat the show right, to step in and pick it up without any cowards over at F_X feeling like they might lose their jobs.

Recently, Threshold went over to the Sci-Fi network. And with Battlestar Galactica, they've proven that they can handle a series that is both well written and beautiful to look at. They've also replayed the FF series quite often. I would LOVE to see it go over there.

Just need to get past the cowards at F_X.


Saturday, November 4, 2006 3:17 PM


So...the fact that the BDM made no money in the box office...does that weigh into people's predictions for BDM2?

I guess...I mean...if money makes the world go round...then there's not a lot of...hmmm...steam behind a sequal.



Sunday, November 5, 2006 2:50 AM



Originally posted by akredhead:
So...the fact that the BDM made no money in the box office...does that weigh into people's predictions for BDM2?

I guess...I mean...if money makes the world go round...then there's not a lot of...hmmm...steam behind a sequal.


It made no money at the U.S. box office but did make money at the the foreign box office and U.S. and international DVD sales, I believe. All told, it was a money-making enterprise for Universal.

A number of things have been discussed, including a straight-to-DVD release (in other words, a silver screen production that never sees the silver screen). Quite a number of movies are made that way now.

A miniseries on the Sci-Fi channel is an option, presumably.

It would seem to me that the only way for something like this to sell really well at the U.S. box office is to have a guest star (i.e. a Robert Redford or Jennifer Aniston type). A good segment of the movie-going population would show up just to see that person. But then, you would have to weigh whether it would be worth the extra cash this person would get and whether the flow of the story would have to be significantly altered so the person could get enough screen time to make his appearance worthwhile.

I think, in order to save money, Joss should film 2 and 3 at the same time (LOTR-style). The second film should be a major cliffhanger leading into the grand finale.


Sunday, November 5, 2006 2:59 PM


does anyone know where i would send a letter to those bastards holding "ff" captive. I must have more!!

"I start fighting a war, I garantee you'll see something new!"


Monday, November 6, 2006 7:00 PM


Story to date. First, I was coming up on retirement, I was tired and when I got home, I never watched I never saw Firefly when it was running. I felt too old. Then I did retire and my dear wife decided we should go to movies again; another thing that had slid away. And I saw "Serenity" and it was touching and exciting and the best science fiction movie I had seen since I was growing up in the 50's. Because it was about people, not lasercannons or starfleets, etc. Like I said, it was good; I wanted to see some more. On November 3rd of this year I was able to use a nice 10% off coupon at a certain major chain store...and I saw the "Firefly" series, so I picked it up. I watched the first episode that night. In fact, I watched the first three full discs that night, fell asleep, woke up and watched the fourth. It's now November 6th, and I've watched the series two more times. I love the family. I feel it inside me now. I missed it all when it was going, but now I've found it. And I'm another year older than when I retired, but I've been feeling younger since November 3rd. Someone noted that other shows have come back. Seems I remember one series that only ran 3 years. I have faith, Firefly will be back.


Monday, November 6, 2006 7:44 PM


first id like to say a giant "HEYYYYYYYYY!!!"
to all my fellow browncoats, im a new one to this here ship...saw the signal when the dvd came out, loved it...bought the show couple months back...but just finished them...I AM HOOKED. Cant wait to
join the movement.

anyways i think we would be pressing our luck hoping for another "Big Screen" Serenity film...
I really beleive we need to concentrate on getting Universal whom owns Sci fi to do serenity 2 as a Sci fi Original 2 hour film....the budget would be considerably less than the BDM, but it would still be slightly higher than the tv episode rate...and I beleive on Sci Fi , the amount of exposure and turnout that would happen for such a cult show/movie would be immense for a cable channel telefilm...Plus with smaller investment in the physical feature, the dvd's would be that much more profitable...

I just truly beleive our next step/path belongs on it a sci fi telefilm or mini series ...or serenity series...The show firefly is dead, but serenity is still flying.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 12:57 AM


well, I think a Sci-Fi original movie or mini-series would be a great way to whet the public's appetite for another show set in the 'Verse.

however, I, personally, would like to see the Malcolm Reynolds story arc resolved on the silver screen since that is where the story is now. I really think the 2nd film has the potential to be much more successful commercially.

they probably will need a Hollywood star to play a prominent role (most likely the antagonist), though, in order to get the public to go.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 2:36 AM


Hello FireflyImnotwholewithoutit (pauses to take breath) Welcome to the boat.

Hiya FormerlyEmployed, welcome.Glad that you found your way to the verse. Being retired you can watch tons of FF then come back to the forum here and we can talk about it. That is if you want to

PSIFREEK27, hello and welcome. We are always glad to have new recruits come aboard when the ramps lowered. There's plenty of room.

I myself would like to see a new series start up. The fan numbers are there so there wouldn't be any problem attracting viewers. The lure of FF was made to be shown weekly, but I would enjoy seeing a second BDM or mini-series on Si/Fi as well. I do agree that a BDM2 would more than likely need a BDS (big damn star) to kick-start many ppl to go see it. Those that normally aren't movie going folks. I remember for the Tomb Raider movies that I didn't think Angelina Jolie was the right actress. She had star power and the first movie made enough coin to have a second one made. For a Big Damn Sequel this may need to happen too. One guy I think could really help bring out the crowds would be the "ROCK". He could be introduced as one of Mal and Zoey's old war buddies in a BDSequel then make guess appearances in the series just as Yosaffbridge and Badger (both btw should return also).

Just some thoughts, Z


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 3:24 AM


Thanks for the welcome!def glad to be here!

about BDM 2...hmm im not even sooo sure we need 1 huge star as opposed to maybe having 2-3 very recognizable people...say if fellow jossverse star
David Boreanaz was to show up, and maybe be like somesort of thorn in the mal/inara relationship, he would attract his angel fans, his bones fans...and then also just fill in the rest with other well knowns that have followings.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 4:15 PM


WHOA HOWDY , FormerlyEmployed , THAT is one of the Best Dang Browncoat 'conversion' stories , EVER !

Tell us more about yourself , while you make your way aboard . Or , you can save your story for aroun' the galley table . Chow's in ten , no need to dress !

Also , I love your enthusiasm and confidence about the 'Verse !

Browncoats ARE Rising Again !

Keep the Faith . Share the Love . Feel the Joy !


Wednesday, November 8, 2006 12:38 PM


Born in Texas in 1950. Joined the Marines at 17. Tour in Vietnam, '68-'69. Wounded x 3, Operation Dewey Canyon, February, '69. Retired medically. Earned degree in History from University of Houston in 2.5 years, Class of '72. Worked 33 years for the Department of Veteran's Affairs. Retired July 1, 2005. Been tearing down the house and rebuilding it since. Fan of Firefly, any novels by Terry Pratchett, Jim Butcher or Kim Harrison. One wife, two sons. Currently living outside Chicago. And another thing about Firefly. Mal and Zoe are possibly the only two characters on popular media who typify what the word "veteran" means. The only other scene in any movie which I have felt empathy occurred at the very end of LotR, when the four hobbits are sitting in the inn after it's all over; everyone is having a fine time...and the four hobbit heros look each other in the eye and you can see them thinking "We know...they don't." Mal and Zoe look at each other like that. They've been there. Possibly why I relate so closely to the watching Kaley smile, River dancing or yet another discussion go right over Jayne's head.


Wednesday, November 8, 2006 12:44 PM


Pardon the mini-hijack, I just want to welcome th new folk to the 'Verse!

FormerlyEmployed, pardon me if this is totally random, but I want to thank you for your service to the US. I try to thank every veteran and current member of our armed forces. So, I give you a heart-felt thank you from a son of the country.



Wednesday, November 8, 2006 1:07 PM


FormerlyEmployed, Howdy

It is an honor having a millitary FF fan on board our vessel. We owe you guys a great deal.

Myself, also born in Texas.1955. M/2 sons. Been working in industry 30 years. is a close group of ppl from all walks of life and every corner of the planet. The show is such a good one we all feel that we have been a part of the battle in Serenity Valley. We have been fighting the good fight to see that there are more of Joss's incredible stories of the verse. One advantage we have over Mal is that we are getting new recruits every day. Our numbers keep getting bigger and I see no end to that.

Again welcome. Enjoy the board and I know the taste ain't much but the company is fantastic, grab some mudders milk. Kick your heels up and post till your fingers are numb.

See ya,Z


Thursday, November 9, 2006 5:41 AM


Ni Hao , FormerlyEmployed !

Thanks for the bio . Love these 'new ' people , " they have such interesting stories ! ".

If you're tearing down and re-building the house , technically , you're still employed ! Give yourself a bit more credit .

I lived in the Republic (of Texas) for a while ; had a number of kin there . My grandpa retired to Lufkin when he retired from working at Hughes Aircraft in SoCal .

My dad was a California kid who met my mom when he was posted to Lejeune . She was from the Cape Fear region . So I was raised a Marine in a bi-coastal family . Racked up lots of mileage like that .

Nice to meet you and the other fine folk who keep walking up the ramp !

Keep the Faith . Share the Love . Feel the Joy !


Thursday, November 9, 2006 7:32 PM


Here's an interesting idea, why don't we amass as say a large private interest, find a way to get a hold of F*X and see how much they want for the series rites, put out a pledge drive and buy the series. Then if we pull this thing off imediately turn the rights over to Joss so that he can own his masterpiece and give us more. I know it sounds far fetched and, well, insane, but with the force we have and the power of the internet, there is at least a small chance of success. And, for me a small chance is all the chance I need.

P.S. You can all tell me I'm crazy and have lost it now.

You can stop me but you can't stop us all!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006 11:20 AM


I doubt that we would be able to raise the 10,20,30 million dollars that it would take to buy all of the rights to the show. The only thing that I can think of is some sort of lottery pool with the same goal in mind.

You're my kind of stupid


Tuesday, November 14, 2006 11:31 AM


Well God bless you, sir. I have a similar conversion story myself. Major respects to you and what you've accomplished.

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkyries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Sunday, November 19, 2006 2:56 PM


wow......i knew the show was loved but damm it has been years and like someone said ,it would be hard to explain the gap in their ages and stuff.
i love the charactors as well and miss the show but some of you are sounding a little obsesive about it all.
i have read all of the posts and thought i would add my own 2 cent worth of stuff to say.
the show and movie is good no doubt, and i personally think there alot more to say about the life of the sheppard, he was a mysterious person, but think about it ...the man has done buffy a very successful show in its own rite and that went for years, also angel which was short lived....then firefly which was ONE season then a movie...can anyone see a patern here??
dont get me wrong i would love to see firefly on telly again or another movie.The sheppards history there would be some stories there and we cant forget the reavers what happened to the after the truth was found and transmitted.....
well i am gonna leave it there for now but relax people i am sure joss is either trying to get his dream out or deeply depressed cause no one is giving him a chance....depressed doubt it there alot of companies out there for him to try i am sure


Saturday, December 2, 2006 9:09 PM


Its all well and great about the possiblity of the series getting a green light, but i am wondering where it would go from...meaning is wash still going to be dead, i feel this is an important questio to be asked, i mean he is my fav character and essential to the humour and integrity of the show.


Sunday, December 3, 2006 11:32 PM


Hi, I've just joined to say I am a new fan to the show as well. I'd never heard of Firefly until about two months ago when I rented Serenity "on spec" from Blockbuster. I loved it -much better than Star Wars! Funny, exciting, sad.

Then I bought the DVD of the series and became completely hooked. The last episode "Objects in Space" sums it up completely. Original, clever, funny, moving. They do not make TV like this - they just do not. Please bring it back!


Monday, December 4, 2006 2:31 AM


Welcome to our neck of the verse MIYAMOTO.We're glad to have you onboard. "Bring FF back" is an echo that has been sounding here on the web and at this site as well as others for a long time. We're hoping that someone will do just that. Join the ranks of those who love the BDM and the BDS and post aplenty :)

see ya,Z


Monday, December 4, 2006 5:32 AM


The idea that perhaps Joss was holding out for a series is just that, an *odd* idea that poped into my mind. I'm sure there's a stong element of wishfull thinking in the mix.

Regarding Wash, I agree, he added an important element to the group. But as Joss has shown in the past he won't a little thing like death stand in his way if he wants to revive a charicter.

I will never say, don't bring firefly back unless my fav charicter/actor is in it. Nor do I think you'd say that either, frankly I think we'd both be happy if Joss was asked & agreed to do *anything* set in the 'verse again.

Of course I'd love to see the entire gang but I'll take whatever I'm given & what's more I'll pay for it too! I'm really interested to see how the current Babylon 5 project goes. It's being shot as I write & will be going straight to DVD. If it's a money maker....

Crimson Dark


Thursday, December 7, 2006 5:00 PM


hey, I'm *not* compleatly crazy;

From an interview posted 12.7.06 Any other TV plans? Or did the shabby treatment of Firefly do it for you?
Whedon: Firefly wounded me really badly, but I love, love, love TV. It's just a question of freeing up time. I have a few commitments, Wonder Woman being the biggest. I can't let any of them slide, so I've got to get through the things I already agreed to do before I can start agreeing to do other things. But I miss TV. I'm not going to lie: I love it.

Crimson Dark


Thursday, December 7, 2006 5:01 PM


hey, I'm *not* compleatly crazy;

From an interview posted 12.7.06 Any other TV plans? Or did the shabby treatment of Firefly do it for you?
Whedon: Firefly wounded me really badly, but I love, love, love TV. It's just a question of freeing up time. I have a few commitments, Wonder Woman being the biggest. I can't let any of them slide, so I've got to get through the things I already agreed to do before I can start agreeing to do other things. But I miss TV. I'm not going to lie: I love it.

Crimson Dark


Friday, December 8, 2006 5:20 AM



Friday, December 8, 2006 12:08 PM


oh bleep
this is what happens when I try & fix something






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