anyone know any news on ff coming bk?

UPDATED: Thursday, November 9, 2006 15:03
VIEWED: 1381
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Thursday, November 9, 2006 3:30 AM


me and my friends have watched the whole series of ff on dvd and we really really love it and want more we need it to come back on to answer our questions that we have about the show and are annoyed that wash and shepard book die in the film as we still know nothing of shepards past.

mal loves getting shot


Thursday, November 9, 2006 4:50 AM


Hi there,

Are you new here? If you are, welcome, enjoy the discussions.

You've just asked the most asked, and most unanswered question.

The short answer: We don't know. We haven't heard any new news for a while. We're hoping.

In Browncoat-speak: We're holding the line.

In our own way, we're all trying all sorts of things to improve the chances of a sequel. We mainly believe that exposing more and more people to the 'verse is the best way. The more we are, the more pressure we can put on Universal (who holds the movie rights) to make a sequel. So, spread the word, and bring more converts to Serenity.

To show support, vote for firefly on

There's another thread on this site with all the information. And get all your friends and their friends and their brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers and uncles and aunts to vote for firely on Vote Day - 1 December.

Good luck!

Burn the land and boil the sea...


Thursday, November 9, 2006 5:09 AM


..another thing to do is check "Whedonesque" web page for daily updates on anything Joss is doing. You can also join SCIFI.Com; go to the Firefly page and there's a thread called "SCIFI hear us"..and leave notes about wanting the show back. Beyond that there's very little to do unless a browncoat wins a huge amount of $$ in a lottery and can tempt everyone who had anything to do with the show back... In short... a long, long, long shot. Hope sucks and, if you're a mentally healthy person at some point ya just gotta be thankful we got what we did and move on.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 5:28 AM



Originally posted by Canter:
In Browncoat-speak: We're holding the line.

In our own way, we're all trying all sorts of things to improve the chances of a sequel. We mainly believe that exposing more and more people to the 'verse is the best way. The more we are, the more pressure we can put on Universal (who holds the movie rights) to make a sequel. So, spread the word, and bring more converts to Serenity.

Holding the line is part of being a Browncoat.
Thank you, Canter, nicely said. There are several quiet things that can be done now to improve our odds of getting a sequel.
One is to never give up hope, but be realistic and enjoy the fandom and each other.
Another is to share the Firefly/Serenity love...even if Firefly/Serenity never returns, that's a wonderful thing to do, because we're sharing something wonderful with folks we like.
Share those DVD's and talk about Firefly and the enjoyment it's brought to your life. Even talk about here and the community that we have and love. Buy the DVD's for the holidays and give them as gifts. Buy official merchandise... they have better and better tees, and more and more goodies like the Serenity model.
Watch and encourage the BDH's ( Big Damn Heroes).
What happens in their careers will make a difference I believe. If Joss and Nathan get big.. really big.. who is going to deny them the opportunity to make a sequel, if they so desire?
Same goes for every other crew member.. we love them all and support them all. Lastly... enjoy the fandom, each other, groups that get together, the fun sites we've all made and participate in.
Have fun! This is about joy, fun and this special bond and love that is here and I think created by the special magic this show makes people feel.


Originally posted by Sister:
..another thing to do is check "Whedonesque" web page for daily updates on anything Joss is doing. You can also join SCIFI.Com; go to the Firefly page and there's a thread called "SCIFI hear us"..and leave notes about wanting the show back. Beyond that there's very little to do unless a browncoat wins a huge amount of $$ in a lottery and can tempt everyone who had anything to do with the show back... In short... a long, long, long shot. Hope sucks and, if you're a mentally healthy person at some point ya just gotta be thankful we got what we did and move on.

Sister, I think you listed one of the biggest things we can all do right now. Joining the Skiffy ( SciFi forums ) board! There is indeed that thread, but this is the board run by Universal/NBC/SciFi. They have admins and demographics over there too.. they ARE keeping track of which of their shows did well, and which has the most active fandom. Our little Firefly forum ( which doesn't have to be so little!) over there was recently moved from the "Classic SciFi Section" up to the "Shows on SciFi Right Now" section. I thought that was interesting. Not significant maybe, not earthshattering nor indicative of a particular thing... but interesting. I would challenge all newcomers and old timers on this board alike to register over there and take part.. in a big way.. so that they can see that the Firefly/Serenity fandom is big. And full of folks that want more.

Here's the link:

It's a fun board... full of folks who love Firefly/Serenity as much as we do. Plus a lot of the folks here are over there.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Ask me how to join the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 5:33 AM


Oh, and LovesGettingShot.. welcome to you and your friends.. I hope you come to love this place as much as I do. This is my home and I'm glad you've come to share it.

Make yourself to home.. there will be folks along to offer you strawberries and other delectable virtual food. Right now, I am offering a virtual browncoat in honor of your joining us....

*hands LovesGettingShot a browncoat that mysteriously fits perfectly*

Talk often and enjoy the board.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Ask me how to join the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 6:17 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

This is about joy, fun and this special bond and love that is here and I think created by the special magic this show makes people feel.

Hi FollowMal,

Nicely said.

ps: I sent you an e-mail about appreciating Mal, haven't heard back yet. Please don't forget about me! I wan't to get appreciatin'

Burn the land and boil the sea...


Thursday, November 9, 2006 6:25 AM


hey Crew
thanx for your warm welcome to the board from the Ff fans of keele uni in the uk ready to fight for the cause of getting ff back

mal loves getting shot


Thursday, November 9, 2006 6:30 AM



Originally posted by Canter:
ps: I sent you an e-mail about appreciating Mal, haven't heard back yet. Please don't forget about me! I wan't to get appreciatin'

Burn the land and boil the sea..

Canter... I promise you will hear back from me here in a little bit! I have been busy with personal stuff, but you will get an email from me today.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Ask me how to join the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew.


Thursday, November 9, 2006 3:03 PM


only Joss knows for sure but this is what I think (based on some Joss quotes):

Joss is a successful writer and knows what he is doing. He is currently working on 2 Wonder Woman movies, if I am not mistaken. I'm sure is happy with that but I think he is doing that to pay the bills, if you know what I mean. I also think the Buffyverse was like was all about paying the bills but he had fun doing it.

The Serenity 'Verse is different...that is Joss telling the story that is in his mind and in his heart. He might wait 30 years but he will finish telling that story because it is the one HE cares about the most.

I'm sure he appreciates the Browncoats and the fact that they made Serenity possible with the incredible sales of the Firefly DVD set, but if Joss does finish this story, it will not be because he knows people are clamoring to hear more, it will be because he is ready to tell the story that still has his heart consumed.






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