
UPDATED: Thursday, November 16, 2006 06:02
VIEWED: 3127
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006 12:32 PM


Hey all!
Im new to this fansite...and am totally new to Firefly...I had seen the Serenity movie and i have to be totally honest in saying its just about the complete movie!! Having been a Buffy & Angel fan i already loved Joss's work and never even came accross Firefly til i had seen Serenity. So i went straight out and bought the box set...HOLY CRAP!! why the hell did they cancel this show??!!! An act of lunacy??? sheer derangement??!!!
Whatever it takes we have to get this show back up and running...i have been spreading the Firefly bug over here in Scotland and its going like wildfire.
This has to be done...cause a show like that should not go to waste...maybe even some UK based tv companies might pick it up?!? who knows?
Gotta do somethin tho!


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 12:40 PM


It was canceled because Fox was completely clueless. They handled the show so badly that you have to assume someone at the network was out to get it, for reasons nobody has ever detailed.

It was shown out of order, and the pilot episode "Serenity" was shown last, after the show had already been canceled. It was scheduled in the traditional "death slot", Friday 8:00PM, and was repeatedly preempted for sports or (ghaa!) reruns of bad movies. And, of course, it was given fewer than 11 episodes, far too little time for such an uncategorizable show to find its audience.

(Yes, I'm one who did find it and watched it from Sept. 30, 2002 on, when I could find it.)

Okay, rant over. Welcome to, luckyman, glad to have you! You'll fit right in here, we all feel just like you do. Somebody'll be around with strawberries and mudder's milk shortly.

I'm pointin' right at it!


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 12:58 PM


FOX??!!! Bunch of Donkies!!
Mudders milk?
As a proud member of Jaynestown pass the good whisky my friend and lets have ourselves a helluva time


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 3:15 PM


Umm yeah it was cancelled because Fox is made up of a bunch of deranged monkeys...
Watch this trailer they made for it and you'll see why:

"A flighty pilot" "A cosmic hooker"??!!
What were they thinking...
Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 3:26 PM


"Ummm... wow!"

That was the first time I've seen the actual trailer for Firefly... and if I had to respond in one word it would be: WHAT THE FK!

No wonder Firefly didn't get a large audience to begin with.

Being from the great white north I didn't see the show until it aired on Space (all episodes in order, though I didn't see them all).

If only they had aired this fan trailer:

Then Firefly would never have left.

And if someday on some little piss-ant moon/My hand is a little too slow, or my aim a little bit off/At least I’ll go down fighting, not lying abed surrounded by quacks - "Sir Warrick" by Geezer


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 4:06 PM


First and foremost: Welcome to Firelfy/Serenity, and welcome to this site. You are going to find that you have entered a true community, way beyond just another fan site. The people here genuinely care about eachother.

Second: Why was it cancelled? Because Joss wrote something very different for bright grown-ups who, sadly, do not dominate the TV watching world, and Fox gave the show no support.

Third: a UK production company? A very interesting thought. Maybe BBC Wales? They are doing some great stuff with the new Doctor Who.

Anyway, welcome aboard.

Simon: "Were there any Feds?"
mal: "No, no Feds, just an honest brawl between folk."


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 4:53 PM


Welcome! And now to the teensy favor.........could you kindly start saving your Euros (or whatever it is over there now) and come visit the Browncoats at DragonCon in 2007? I love's me some Scottish accents!

My husband's gonna kill me.

"I love my Captain."


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 11:43 PM



Originally posted by BoomerGoodheart:
Welcome! And now to the teensy favor.........could you kindly start saving your Euros (or whatever it is over there now)

Don't get me started on this comment!! there has been no change to Euro's in the UK!

As for the show being picked up by a UK company it is an interesting one that I have thought about, A UK company (specifically C4) would give Joss the total freedom to do what ever he wants and if the BBC made it it could continue regardless of viewers (they are the largest media company in the world who do not need to turn a profit or attract advertisers)

however, for C4 they would need a serious backer to raise the funds as they simply do not turn a big enough profit, however they have a very well established movie production wing so could make a new film (if universal released the rights)

The BBC could afford it but it would need a much bigger following of UK Browncoats (after all our taxes would pay for it) with the levels we have there would probably be outrage but then they have paid 20,000,000 + for documentaries to be produced so the money is there!

one major shortfalling would be that Sky hate them (for non UK readers, Sky are our only real satalite operator) Sky and the Sun (Our Main newspaper, owned by Sky) have gone after the BBC on many occasions and of cause sky is part of the same company as FOX, which mostly rules out Sky from producing a series as well (but they wouldn't as it is not a reality TV show.)

If fox's rights expired then the BBC would be a great choice (even better as we would not have to sit through adverts) make me glad to pay my TV license fee!!

Vote Day 1st December 2006
Together we will triumph.


Thursday, November 16, 2006 2:29 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site Luckyman77! Glad to have you here with us.

Scotland? What a beautiful country. I have visited twice, and hope to visit again soon. I have family there and love spending time with them.

I think it is great that you are spreading the word, that is exactly what we need right now. We also need to push the Serenity dvd. The more movie dvds that sell the better our odds of a sequel.

Keep spreading the word and keep flyin'!

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, November 16, 2006 3:18 AM


WOW Guys!
Thanks for making me feel so welcome!
I wish i could just hug ya'all...i watched that FOX trailer for FF and no wonder it got cancelled..i believe my 13yr old sister could have done a better job! what the heck were they thinking? space cowboy??? flighty pilot?? cosmic whore??!!! i was half waitng for them to say "SPACEY SPACESHIP!"
As for me spreading the word bout Serenity the wheels are in motion friends...iv got lots of people hooked and have gone out and bought it themselves.
Always happy to spread the good word!
As for saving my euro's(pounds) already doin aim is to be fighting the good fight with you guys.
I also must admit that BBC Wales is a very good shout for possibly taking over the FF show...They have breathed new life into Dr Who and i think with Joss on board it would be a very safe bet....if Sky/Fox give up the rights. Hell what do they need them for anyway?? they are the monkies that cancelled it!
Here's definately hoping for a sequel to Serenity tho!
I shall not give this up! We scots are known for our passion and i am about this show!

I am a leaf on the wind, watch me soar


Thursday, November 16, 2006 3:50 AM


hya bro itz yah sis abbie oviously ! just joined firefly fans lyke yah told meh to do nd just aboot to watch the last few episodes of yer firefly box set im really enjoyin it and yer toltally rite wen sayin even ah cud have done ah better job of dat trailer they neva shud uve stopped makin dat movie cause im becomin addicted lol they cud make ah lot of money itz very good nd ave got adele liking it too she watched it last nite with meh yeh more fans
speak tah ya'll l8r x



Thursday, November 16, 2006 3:54 AM



my wee sis...genuine FF fan!
told ya guys the word is spreading!


Thursday, November 16, 2006 6:02 AM


thnx bro ive joined to help the cause lol






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