Life Onboard Serenity: Beaumonde or Bust

UPDATED: Thursday, January 18, 2007 10:54
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Sunday, November 19, 2006 12:36 PM


Life Onboard Serenity is a chain-story/rpg. If you want to join in the fun, your more than welcome too...

Previously On Battlesta- sorry: Life Onboard Serenity!...

Our latest adventure:

In which:

Pain was beaten by his kidnappers, there was a thrilling spaceship battle which Pain and his daughter managed to barely escape, Ertia still has that there amnesia, Fly gets a job offer from Pain's friend Reggie, Inara and I mean Sammy leave for the Training House, ShipsCat hacks up a hairball on Simon's pillow, lots of bumping ensued, and there's a slight chance that Pain will be caught by the Feds before he can rendezvous with his uncle at Refueling Station 15.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, November 19, 2006 1:13 PM


And the kitty hurted me...


'We're all just floating.'


Monday, November 20, 2006 2:38 PM


Womack! Sumbitch, Pain! You surprised me with that one!
I have the Tall Card directions from fireflywiki somewhere...needed 'em for the HoG. I'll get em posted soon.

Fanty & Mingo were at their favorite table at The Maidenhead.

"So, ya buy into that story about reavers?"

"Nah, brother. They were playing us. Like we look that stupid. We'll find someone else to run that vault job. Have we heard back from Reynolds?"

Fanty shakes his head, "Not yet. Seems they had to make an urgent stop and let off some passengers."

Mingo grins and raises his drink, "That's a good sign. Too many witnesses tends to...complicate."

"That it does." Fanty gestures for another drink and settles back to wait for the next bit of business to stroll through the door.

On 'Serenity' Wolf is enjoying his time on the bridge, at the controls. Wash is later back than he'd said, but since he finally had Zoe to himself, not a one was going to say a word.

"You think she'll forgive you, now she doesn't remember you?" Jaynes' voice, cool and dark, comes from the doorway behind Wolf. "She's just as like to shoot you, if she remembers."

"Yeah, maybe. But she can't aim for crap." Wolf quips as he checks the com-panel and makes a slight adjustment to avoide a debris field.

Jayne chuckles. "You just better hope that she doesn't remember. As for me..."

Now he slips up close, the predator, "I'm just as much about makin' ones own way in the world as anybody else. Been accused of bein' narci..narssist.. self-centered 'afore. Sometimes, a better offer comes along and a man's gotta take it, gotta think of himself.

It's a hard 'verse, Wolf, ain't that right?"

After a pause to see if Wolf is listening, or disagreeing, or ignoring him completely, Jayne continues, "See, I'm a man who understands that. Still, next time you burn bridges with this crew, is the next time you see the barrel of my gun lookin' back. Dong ma?"


Monday, November 20, 2006 5:41 PM


*takes a bow* You're quite welcome my dear. Now for my next trick watch me pull a rabbit out of *whispers into Ertia's ear*

Spacer's Bar & Grill: Refueling Station 15

*Pain smiled back at the waitress as she set his and Annabelle's drinks on the table. The waitress smiled back and said*

Have you two decided on what you'll be having?

*Pain grinned and replied*

I'll have the beer battered fish and chips.

*The waitress wrote down Pain's order, then said to the girl*

And what about you sweetie?

*Annabelle replied*

I'll have the Tatteroids and Chicken Stars.

*The waitress smiled, wrote down the girl's order, then took the menus as they were handed to her and said*

You're orders will be here shortly. Can I get you two anything else?

*Pain smiled and said*

Nope I believe we're fine Miss.

*The waitress smiled and then headed back to the kitchen to hand the cook the orders. Pain turned to his daughter and said*

Come on bao bei we need to go.

*Annabelle looked at her dad with a confused look in her eye and said*

Why daddy? We just got here and I'm starving!

*Pain looked at his daughter and replied*

That waitress was actin' weird hon. Means somethin' ain't kosher around here. We need to go ma shong.

*At that Pain took a hold of his daughter's arm and ushered her out of the booth quietly so as not to raise the waitress's attention. Annabelle tried to protest but she knew it'd be useless. They were about to exit the door when Pain heard the waitress shout*


*Pain looked back, noticing two burly men stand up from their table and said under his breath*

Son of a !

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, November 20, 2006 8:46 PM


Great British tactic: RUN AWAY!!!! BTW: thought Guy was flying the ship for Wash...

"Looks cosy." Mal said as Haven came into view. More than a moon than a planet, the dull green and browns making it seem more of a mudball than anything.

"Thanks Wolf," Wash said as he sat back in the pilots chair.

"Anytime," the half man/half machine said, walking off to the galley.

"So how well do you know the locals shepard?" Mal asked, glancing across to Book in the co pilots seat.

"Lets just say theres no chance of us getting shot." Book replied, grin across his face.

"Wow, the doc's gonna have a day off." Wash replied sarcastically. "Well touch wo.... .... Captain, we got any wood around here?"


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 12:46 PM


Spacer's Bar & Grill: Refueling Station 15

*Pain looked at his daughter then back at the two men walking towards them. Pain sized up the men and said to his daughter out of the corner of his mouth*

Sweetie I'm goin' to need you to run to the nearest lift and wait for me there. Ok?

*Annabelle looked at her dad, then at the men coming towards them, then nodded to her dad. Pain stepped in front of her as she headed out of the eatery. Pain smiled at the two men and said*

Afternoon fellas can I interest you two in an ass kickin' or would you like the Pain special?

*The two men growled at Pain and unholstered their weapons. Pain looked at the guns then said, still smiling*

Well it looks like you two have decided on the special. I hope you two have medical insurance.

*Pain went for his gun only to realize it wasn't there. Pain looked at the two men who looked at each other then at Pain. They grinned at Pain as they pointed their guns at him. Pain gave a forced chuckle and said*

Now now fellas no need to go postal. We're all reasonable people now aren't we?

*Pain was backing out of the Spacer's Bar & Grill as he was trying to persuade the two men from not shooting him. He glanced around for something to defend himself against two armed behemouths when he saw the spice vendor on his right. The man wasn't that far from Pain and he made his way towards him, still facing the two gunmen. Pain said to them, slowly sidestepping over to the paprika bin*

Why don't you two just put down those guns and we all have a nice talk over some beer.

*The two men looked at each other which gave Pain the perfect chance to grab a handful of paprika. As the two men turned their gaze back to Pain they were blinded by a red cloud of spice. Screaming in agony as they tried to get the spice out of their eyes, Pain ran like hell as the two men started to fire wildly. Pain ran to the nearest lift which was a good deal away from the Spacer's Bar & Grill. He spotted his daughter, gave her a smile and said to her as they stepped into the lift*

Didn't I tell you we were goin' to have some adventure?

*Annabelle just looked at her dad as the lift doors closed and the lift headed to the level that Pain had punched into the keypad.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 1:42 PM




Wednesday, November 22, 2006 4:28 PM


Yes paprika. Now will someone make with the posty or do I have to kill someone's puppy?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 8:53 PM


"Help me Obi Wan, your the only hope."

Mal stared curiously at the little projector droid come repair thing.

"Maybe not, got enough crew as it is," he said to the robot salesmen. Stepping out of the marketplace and into the burning sunshine the captain shaded his eyes, noting his crew helping the shepard and 13 (?) set up home. Captain hadn't been to happy about losing four of his crew in such a short space of time.

"Everything nearly done shepard? We've got crime to do," Mal asked, helping the shepard lift a large trunk.

"Youi sure you don't want to stay a while and bear your sins? Confession can do a world of good." Book replied.

"When i mean't crime, i mean't crime for people with big, Jayne-like, all slightly scary with scars and guns that can cause a world of pain. Fanty and Mingo have got whole Bars full of them, now we can't take out a whole bar full of Jayne's." Mal stated.

"Captain Reynolds?" the shepard said resting the trunk down, and offering his hand, "Its been a pleasure. And fell free to stop by anytime.."

"To confess about our evil deeds and told about the special hells?" Mal enquired sarcastically, shaking the other mans hand.

"Would be a start," shot back Book with a grin.



Friday, November 24, 2006 11:58 AM



Everyone okay? or are we just releived that THanksgiving/another normal week is over?




Saturday, November 25, 2006 7:48 PM


"When am I supposed to feel tranquil and all fuzzy?" 13 said aloud, taking in the dusty environment of Haven. A place not too dissimilar to his native Zenith, in appearances at least.

"I'd be shocked if you ever started to get fuzzy, 13," a familiar voice poked in.

13 half-drew his sword and turned, easing when he saw the face that matched the voice.

A tall, striking woman, with lustrous, waist length black hair, stood before him, carrying an air of thinly veiled tension. The place where her left leg should have been was replaced by a cruel-looking steel prosthetic, as with her left arm, the left side of her face covered by a white opera mask. She smiled broadly at 13's surprise, one violet eye gleaming.

"Calisto? We were going to meet at Beaumonde, but I..."

"Decided to take a vacation. What, piggybacking on that little hauler too much of a strain?"

"Better than when I was flying out with you, though," 13 answered,

"And yet you still left? Hm. Anyway, I got here just a few hours before you did, on Famine. Now, we'd better settle down into that meeting."

13 shook his head. "Introductions first. Need you to meet a few people."

Calisto let out a whistling breath of frustration, allowing 13 to lead her to Shepherd Book.

"People?" Calisto said with a wry smile. "That crew of yours left in an awful hurry, didn't they?" She extended her good right hand. "Call me Calisto."

"I'm called Book." He accepted her hand graciously, causing Calisto's eyebrow to rise.

"Great, we shook hands, we know each other's names, life-long friends." Calisto turned to 13. "Down to the icky stuff, friend."


Sunday, November 26, 2006 8:37 AM




Sunday, November 26, 2006 11:51 AM


I'm here....finally.

*Pain punched in the code for his uncle's ship and waited for the signal to connect. He looked at the numbers scroll past on the screen and said to himself*

Level 6...5...come on hurry up you slow piece of gos se.

*Annabelle looked at her dad and said*

DAAAAD! No cursing.

*Pain looked at his daughter and said, smiling*

Sorry about that little one. Guess I forgot about you bein' a child and all.

*Annabelle rolled her eyes and replied*

Yeah suyre you did dad.

*Pain looked at his daughter and said*

You're just mad at me cause we had to leave that place without eatin' anythin' first ain't you?

*Annabelle turned around and folded her arms across her chest. Pain muttered to himself*


*The vidscreen in the lift came online with Pain's uncle's face. Pain smiled and said*

Hey there uncle. I was callin' to ask which airlock you were goin' to be at seein' as there's been a change of plans.

*Pain's uncle raised a brow and said*

What kind of changes are we talkin' 'bout son?

*Pain just smiled and replied*

Oh just the kind where I'm possibly arrested for somethin'.

*Pain's uncle gave a small chuckle and said*

Ah the usual then ok. I shoud be dockin' at Airlock 7 on Level 2 in 'bout ten minutes. So what's with the girl? She mad at you are somethin'?

*Pain looked at his daughter, then back at his uncle and said*

You could say that. Level 2 you say? Well hopefully if I don't run into any trouble then I'll meet you there. Pain out.

*Pain turned off the vidscreen and turned to his daughter as the lift stopped at the selected level. He said to her*

Come on sweety we have to go now.

*Annabelle sighed and let her dad take her hand as they stepped out of the lift.*

Meanwhile on Level 8 of Refueling Station 15

*Womack walked onto the promenade followed by his two goons. They scanned the scene, saw the Spacer's Bar & Grill and walked over to it. Womack said to the one called Skunk*

I want you to call this station's security base and have them put a landlock on all ships that're currently docked or will be docking. If this Pain is here then we don't want him to leave.

*Skunk nodded as Womack and the other Fed walked into the Spacer's Bar & Grill and went to work contacting the station's security base.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, November 26, 2006 12:18 PM


"uh, Mr Reynolds," Choo called as Mal tried to enter his bunk.

"What?" MAl asked disgruntled. Last few weeks had been very long.

"Just wondering if it would be alright for me to stay on Boro's while you go off and do your crime thing. My coin is awfully low, and seeing that its the closet to the core we've been..."

"Everyone has a problem with the crime," Mal stated sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Sure thing, we'll wave you once were back in the neighbourhood. Dong-ma?"

"Yes sir, and thank you Captain," CHoo said, heading off to the passenger dorms.

Looking around for anymore intruptions, Mal climbed into his bunk and locked the door. Been a long couple of weeks...


Monday, November 27, 2006 11:20 AM


BUMPING!!!! Just thought I'd make a list of those who haven't posted in a while.

Experiment62: Too lazy to post
Fly: Has returned to the site but not the thread
Guy: MIA
John: MIA
ShipsCat: MIA

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, November 28, 2006 9:15 AM


Dang, the crew is gettin' small.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006 12:42 PM


I said dang, and I expect an answer!


Tuesday, November 28, 2006 1:50 PM


Where's everyone else? Is it just me and 13 here?

Refueling Station 15

*Womack and the other Fed walked out of the Spacer's Bar & Grill. Womack spotted Skunk and said*

Looks like Pain was here and by the looks of those two men inside, he ran away like a little girl.

*The three of them shared a laugh, then Womack said to Skunk*

So what's the situation with the landlocks? Are they in place yet?

*Skunk replied*

Yep there'll all in place. Last one was activated two minutes ago.

*There was a beep coming from the portable device that Skunk was carrying. He looked at it, then said smiling*

Looks like the ship at Airlock 7 is trying to undock and to add a hop in your step sir, the security feeds just saw Pain heading for that same ship.

*Womack smiled at his two goons and said*

Shiny! Let's go pay Pain a much needed visit.

*The three Feds then entered the nearest lift and headed down to Level 2.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, November 28, 2006 1:53 PM


Looks like, cabron. Maybe I'll post some stuff later tonight...


Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:19 AM


wooo my internets fixed, but still onlly dial-up

*wolf walked down to his little room and pickes up his guitar. he is halfway through writing a song when he felt a someone watching him...*

in the hallway

*zoe was walking by when wolfs door opened, wolf came out holding 62 by the scruff of the neck, he threw him in the air and punted him on the way down.*

wolf" stay outa my room, im busy!"

*zoe raised her eyebrows and kept walking, 62 limped away, grumbling. wolf went back to writing his song, he had been working on this for a long time, it had to be JUST right...*

we dont have thanksgiving over here across the pond, oh and wolfs an englishman and if an englishman runs away its just so he can get a run up

we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!


Wednesday, November 29, 2006 12:09 PM


Welcome back Wolf .

Airlock 7 Level 2: Refueling Station 15

*Pain with his daughter in tow smiled at his uncle who was standing in the cargo bay of his ship talking to one of his crew and said*

Long time no see uncle.

*Pain's uncle looked at Pain and said*

Well son I got some good news and some bad news.

*Pain raised a brow and said*

What's the bad news?

*Pain's uncle replied*

The bad new's is that we've been landlocked. I got the engineer workin' on gettin' it fixed.

*Pain replied*

So is the gettin' it fixed part the good news?

*Pain's uncle gave a slight chuckle and said*

Nope the good news is that I'm here to take you and my niece home.

*Pain replied*

Right. So can we get this ship of yours unlocked quickly? Cause I don't exactly like havin' the law breathin' down my neck.

*Pain's uncle gave a small laugh and said*

Hey you're more than welcome to help that engineer of mine if'n you have the skills to defeat a landlock.

*Pain just looked at his uncle as his uncle said*

That's what I thought. Why don't you show your daughter to her room.

*Pain replied*

Yeah maybe I should.

*Pain looked down at his daughter and said*

Come on sweety lets go find you a room.

*Pain took his daughter's hand and led her through the ship, unaware of the trouble that wasn't far away.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, November 30, 2006 8:11 AM


did you know we dont have a link to this post on the last one?

we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!


Thursday, November 30, 2006 9:17 AM



Originally posted by bigwolf18:
did you know we dont have a link to this post on the last one?

PAIN did it... and good to have you back wolf, even if it dial - up

"Wolf!" Choo shouted from his dorm as he heard that guitar strum up, "When you gonna finish that gorram song!"


Thursday, November 30, 2006 6:18 PM



Originally posted by bigwolf18:
did you know we dont have a link to this post on the last one?

Yeah sorry about that. I was in a little bit of a hurry and forgot to do that. Oh and BUMP!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, December 1, 2006 12:56 PM


*Pain looked around the room. It was very spartan with just a hint that it'd been used. Pain knelt down on his knees and said to his daughter*

So what do you think sweety?

*Annabelle looked at the room then said*

It's kinda plain and boring.

*Pain rolled his eyes and said*

Well yeah but it's just temporary. I'm sure if we found some paper and tape, you can make some pretty pictures and tape them to the walls. You know to make it more colorful.

*Annabelle turned to her dad and gave him a hug, then said*

Can you help me find some paper, tape, and pencils dad?

*Pain stood up and said*

Yeah sure just let me take care of some business first.

*Annabelle replied*

Ok daddy. I love you.

*Pain smiled then said*

Love you too bao bei.

*At that Pain left the room and headed down to the cargo bay where his uncle was still situated. Pain could hear some arguing down in the bay and went to see what was wrong. As Pain walked towards his uncle he could see him arguing with one of the crew. Pain spoke up*

What's the deal with all the yellin'?

*Pain's uncle looked at Pain with a worried look in his eyes and said*

Carlos here spotted three Feds heading this way. I think they might be lookin' for you.

*Pain nodded then went to check it out. He cautiously made his way to the station's inner airlock and peeked out of the open hatch. Sure enough there were three Feds heading his way. Pain swore to himself then turned to his uncle and said*

Are we still landlocked?

*Pain's uncle replied*

Yeah and it's takin' awhile 'fore that engineer of mine can get us free.

*Pain thought to himself*

Great just great. I wonder what else can go wrong.

*Just then Pain heard Womack shout*

Well well well if it ain't the infamous Pain himself.

*Pain turned around noticing that he was standing in the open airlock the whole time he was speaking to his uncle. Womack continued to yell*

Pain you don't know how much of a pleasure it'd be haulin' you're sorry butt in.

*Pain smiled the hollered back*

Yeah well you'll have to get me first.

*At that Pain closed the airlock door, locked it, then turned and yelled*

Does anyone know how to override an airlock door?

*A familiar face appeared. It was Mika the female mercenary who lusted after Pain. She calmly walked over to Pain and said*

I do.

*Pain simply replied*

Shiny get it done.

*There was a loud thumping at the door and through the porthole window Pain could see Womack's goons trying to open it on the otherside. Through the airlock's com Womack shouted*

Mr. Pain do you really think a little airlock door is goin' to stop me from apprehendin' you?

*Pain hit the com and replied*

Indeed I do Womack.

*Womack replied*

Don't be coy with me Pain or should I say Mr. Dylan Randall, a.k.a Jim Frederickson, a.k.a John Bigboote, a.k.a Donovan Richards. With the charges I have against you, you'll be locked up for a real long time.

*Pain smiled and said*

That last one's pronounced Boo-tay, Womack and I'll be coy with you as much as I'd like.

*Womack was starting to get furious but was keeping it under control as he simply replied*

Sorry for the mispronunciation on that last one. I'll be sure the boys in Processin' will get it right when they book you into the Ita Moon Penaly Colony.

*Pain took his finger off the com button and said to Mika*

How's it comin'?

*Mika smiled and replied*

So far so good. I'm giving them one hell of a hard time.

*Pain smiled then pressed the com button and said*

Ita Moon Penal Colony huh? I heard they have a great exercise facility. Tell me do all the dangerous crooks go there or just the ones who piss you off by playin' hard to get?

*Womack was furious and was yelling obscenities at Pain. Pain however simply smiled and turned off the com. He turned his attention back to Mika who was up to something else and said*

Uh what're you doin' now?

*Mika looked up at Pain, smiled and said*

Just setting up a little suprise for when those Feds come storming through that airlock.

*Pain looked at the bottom of the left wall, saw what Mika had planted, then said*

Shiny let's get the hell out of here.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, December 2, 2006 9:01 AM


*Womack looked throught the porthole in the airlock door, saw that Pain and a suprisingly beautiful woman where heading back to the ship. Seething with anger Womack pulled out his gun and said*

Well boys looks like he's runnin'. Y'all know what that means right?

*Womack's two goons grinned as they pulled out their guns and cocked them. Skunk managed to override the controls on the airlock door and pushed it open. Womack didn't hesitate as he aimed his pistol and fired into the airlock. Pain could feel bullets whiz past him, could hear them ricochet off metal. One bullet hit him in the leg and made him fall down onto the cargo bay floor. Mika wasn't so lucky as she caught a bullet in the base of her skull, instantly killing her. As Womack saw Pain go down he smiled, then gave the order to cease fire. Womack looked at Pain, grinned and said*

Mr. Pain you have the right to remain silent. Anything you do or say will be used against you in a Parlamentary court of law.

*Womack and his men walked forward, their guns trained on the people who were dragging Mika's body into the cargo bay and attending to Pain's leg wound. Womack continued*

If you can't afford an att.....

*A loud noise and bright flash went off as Womack tripped the laser trip wire of the flashbang trap that Mika had set earlier. Womack and his goons were caught in the blast and fell unconscious. As the sound of the flashbang died down and the sound of alarms rang, Pain's uncle shouted to his crew*

Rico close the cargo bay doors! Carlos com the pilot and tell her we're runnin'!

*Rico rushed to the controls and slammed his fist down on the button and watched as the doors slammed shut. Carlos commed the pilot and told her to go to full burn.*

Moments later.....

*Womack woke up dazed and confused. He blinked his eyes as he scanned his surroundings and said*

Son of a . What happened?

*The other Fed was up and said disappointingly*

They're gone sir.

*Womack still a little dazed said*

You care to repeat that?

*The Fed replied*

They're gone. It looks like they used some type of flashbang device to knock us out and run.

*Womack spit on the ground and said*

Well what the hell are you standin' around for? Go get them!

*Skunk was the one to reply*

Uh we can't sir.

*Womack pushed himself up and growled*

And why the hell not?

*The other Fed punched up an exterior view of the airlock that they had docked to and said*

That's why sir.

*Womack looked at the screen in disbelief. What he saw was his ship floating in the Black, part of the station's airlock still attached to its airlock. Womack slammed his fist into the wall and yelled*

That son of a Pain is gonna pay!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, December 3, 2006 9:11 AM


bumpy bumperton from bumpyland is coming to stay...AGAIN.

we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!


Monday, December 4, 2006 1:36 PM



Monday, December 4, 2006 6:47 PM


Onboard Serenity

*Wash was playing with his dinosaurs as he surfed the Cortex. In the voice of Rex, Wash said*

I am the greatest dinosaur of them all!

*Then in the voive of Steggy Wash replied*

No you're not I am!

*Just then the vidscreen beeped and Wash looked at it. A suprised look overcame his face as he switched on the com to the Captain's room*

Uh Mal I think you should come up here right now. There's something on the Cortex that you should see and I'm not talking about those funny slippers that fart when you walk.

*On the vidscreen appeared a warrant that said:*


NAME: Dylan "Pain" Randall
ALIASES: Jim Fredrickson, John Bigboote, Donovan Richards
AGE: 38
DOB: 3/11/2480
HEIGHT: 6' 8"

Multiple counts of 1st Degree murder, illegal smuggling, possession of illegal weaponry, assault on an Alliance officer, and felony evasion

REWARD: 30,000 Credits

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 11:12 AM



we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 6:17 PM



"That's the long and short of it," Calisto finished, folding her arms. "I'll hang around for a few hours, then get back to tending the fences."

13 nodded dumbly. Wow. This new information changed everything.

"So, what's your plan, kiddo?" the piratess asked, cocking her eyebrow. "Gonna run with the bulls again, or get stalked by the Alliance?"

"I'll hang around for a few hours, actually," 13 replied. "What's with the farm phrases?"


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 8:27 AM


oh my god, pain must be huge! i always imagend him as the short, strong, angry type, like jayne but not as stupid.


Bigwolf18, shaman.


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 6:05 PM


BUMP! 6' 8" isn't that tall. Granted Pain has to duck his head upon entering a room, but he's only four inches taller than Jayne. Also Ertia hasn't posted here in awhile because she's busy making sure my new (ok slightly used but new to me) computer is working.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, December 7, 2006 1:17 PM


BUMPING!!! To qoute Wash from the pilot episode: "Where the hell are you guys?"


Uh Mal I think you should come up here right now. There's something on the Cortex that you should see and I'm not talking about those funny slippers that fart when you walk.

*Wash's voice woke Mal up from his slumber. Grumbling Mal walked over to the com, pressed the button and said*

Wash. How many times have I told you to stop orderin' crap off the Cortex?

*Wash replied over the com*

All the time Cap but I always think of you when I order it. Seriously though you should get up here.

*Sighing, Mal clicked off the com, got dressed and climbed out of his room and walked into the bridge. He out a hand on Wash's shoulder and said*

All right you got me outta bed. So show me this important thing that you wanted to show me.

*Wash replied as he tapped his fingers on some buttons*

Your wish is my command O' Captain my Captain.

*The vidscreen came up with the warrant that Wash had saw earlier. Mal looked at it and said*

Well looks like Pain is gettin' hisself into some trouble now. Has anyone else seen this?

*Wash shook his head and replied*

Nope. So are we gonna mount a rescue op or no?

*Mal let out a breath and said*

Pain can handle himself. No need to alter course and get ourselves caught up in his mess.

*Wash was stunned at the Captain's response and replied*

But he's one of ours! Shouldn't we at least help him out?

*Mal turned, ready to head out of the bridge and said*

Yeah well he's the one who left and made us think he was dead. This is Pain's mess and he has to clean it up on his own.

*At that Mal left for his room, leaving Wash to handle Serenity's controls.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, December 7, 2006 5:08 PM





Friday, December 8, 2006 6:23 PM




Sunday, December 10, 2006 12:28 PM


BUMP!!!!! Um what's with the lack of people posting? More importantly what's with the lack of people? Are we all busy in real life or do we not just care anymore?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, December 10, 2006 1:43 PM


Tallest guy I ever dated was 6'6". Vewwy Tall.

The lack of posting people has to do with...with... I got no excuses. I got all wrapped up in that whole Hippocrates II-Kill Kate thing and the Ares thing, and don't get me started about Kas.
Sorry! Won't happen again! And I'm tryin that stupid annoyin' upgrade again today. Hopin' it takes.
btw- Pain- I LOVE what you've been doing here! Laughing out loud hysterical.

Back at Sheydra's Training House

"Breathe deep. In. Out."

Sammy went though the yoga motions, following the cues of the instructor, breathing in and out. Her body still felt foreign and battered, and she shied away from living in it.

"Sammy?" The instructor spoke softly in her ear, "Relax your shoulders into the posture, stretch from your back....there you go..."

She didn't want to. Didn't want to feel the muscles move, the tendons stretch. Finally she stood and backed away from the rest of the class. She wasn't ready for this yet.

on Beaumonde

"Serenity's incoming. Aughta be arriving tomorrow." Fanty smiled as he slid into his seat at his favorite booth.

His brother shrugged, "Still not sure they're right for it. Still..."

"Rumors of Reavers out there." Fanty suggested quietly, "We're not likely to find anyone else this time of year."

Mingo shook his head, refilled his cup and toasted his brother, "You are devious."

"Not as much as you." Fanty changed topics quickly, "Lots of chatter on the official channels. Looks like Alliance is hot to find someone. Maybe a few someones. Probably better to go with a little unknown on this job, 'stead of the big dogs."

"I believe you're right, Fanty. Don't let it go to your head. You may be smarter, but I'm still prettier."


Monday, December 11, 2006 6:39 PM



Nods head really really fast. Why thank you Ertia! Finally some appreciation for my hard work.

*ShipsCat (BTW where are you?) prowled the cargo bay with nothing to do but hack up a hairball on the workout bench frequented by the big smelly one. To make matters worse for the smelly one, the grey tabby clawed at the padding. She then lept down and started to play with some of the padding.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, December 11, 2006 9:10 PM


"Jayne don't go hurting the kitty!!"Kaylee cried.

"Well it just tore up my gorram bench!" Jayne bellowed, holding shipscat by the scruff od the neck, making him his and spit in anger "its gotta gorram pay."

"Maybe we should get it a leash," Choo said quietly to the captain.

"Who, Jayne or the cat?" the browncoat replied, turning to the big merc he ordered "Jayne, put the cat."

Jayne didn't move, a stubborn look across his face.

"JAYNE!" Mal shouted.

After a few tense second Jayne let the tabby drop. Hissing at the merc the cat darted away from the crowd.

"It tore up ma bench!" the big man explained

"And you can buy a new one," Mal stated "Now get back to work, we've got a few more hours before we hit atmo.

As the small crowd dispursed, many evil eyes falling on Jayne, Mal asked the trader: "You already and packed?"

"Yep. got my accomidation sorted and everything." Choo said "Just need to touch down dirt side."

no animals were harmed in the writing of this reply. Well, except Jayne.


Monday, December 11, 2006 11:37 PM


OoC: still playing, just trying to work out how Nico fits into the storyline. Until I come up with a decent post, consider Nico to be a spare set of hands to do the chores, or lug loot, or whatever.

Demolitions specialist for the 76th Independent Battalion.
From blowing open locked fridges, to destroying Alliance gun emplacements, it's all fun for me.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:22 PM


What about feet?

Jayne grumbled and said as he made his way up the stairs and headed for his bunk*

Gorram cat's gonna pay if it's the last thing it does.

*As Jayne made his way through the galley Guy looked up from cleaning his guns and said to JR*

What's with him?

*JR watched as Jayne went into Pain's bunk instead of his own and replied*

Don't rightly know Guy. Jayne's always pissed 'bout somethin'.

*After a few moments Jayne exited Pain's bunk and walked into the galley holding a cigar in one hand with two more sticking halfway out of his pants. Guy looked at Jayne and said*

Are you taking cigars from Pain's bunk again Jayne?

*Jayne casually lit the one in his mouth and said*

Yeah so?

*Guy replied*

Um I don't think Pain would like that very much.

*Jayne blew out a puff of smoke and said*

Yeah well Pain ain't here now is he?

*Just then Fly emerged from the stairway in the front hall walked up behind Jayne and said*

No but I am and I don't take to kindly to folks touchin' Pain's stuff when he ain't here. That includes you Jayne.

*Before Jayne could reply, Fly spun with amazing reflexes and spin kicked Jayne's feet from out underneath him. This caught Jayne off guard and made him hit the ground with a loud thud, making the lit cigar fly from his mouth and land on his chest. Stepping over Jayne and placing a foot on his neck, Fly beent over, took the cigar off of his chest as well as the ones stuck between his pants and said grinning*

I'll be takin' these if you don't mind.

*Fly stuck the lit cigar in her mouth and the other two in her shirt and walked away. Meanwhile Guy and JR looked at Jayne. JR was the one to say*

Fly kickin' Jayne's pigu was bound to happen sooner or later.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:56 PM


"The Reavers are getting smarter, 13. Generally, the y aren't too much trouble, if I've got a squad handy. But now...they ambushing us, setting traps...they've even got combat formation. Organized, 13.

"There's more of them, too. They're farther out then they ever have been, and there's rumors flying around about an actual attack."

Unfurling a starmap from her pocket, Calisto pointed out several key positions.

"See right here, by the Burnham quadrant? That's where they seem to congregate, clumping up like a ball of snakes. Now, few years back, they pretty much stayed in a clump. But now...they're out and about, most of them staying out way past mealtime."

She pocketed the map, setting her living eye at 13 with a wild, feverish intensity.

"I've had my best navigator's looking over this for months. We're putting an attack on the Inner Border at about three months, give or take, and with the Alliance being packed in the Core, there's barely any heavy defense. I've been doing what I can, protecting smaller settlements, but what's coming I cannot stop."


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:09 AM


OOC,,,,,gosh, I wish I wrote that,,,no, not back,,,,just peeking in, *smiles* thanks for keeping me alive

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:35 AM


We'll keep you alive and flyin' as long as you want, darlin!

Serenity glides into Beaumonde's spaceport, Wash letting go of the controls as Port Authority locks on and guides her to a landing pad.

"We're down, people." Wash calls over the shipwide.

Mal takes over, "All right, I want everyone in the cargo bay in ten. We've got a lot to do, and short time to do it in."

In the cargo bay, Mal checks his gun as he waits for the others. Should be a simple job coming up, something they could grab onto and make a little money to keep them flying. Still, no need to get careless, and it was their first time dealing with the Twin Wonders of the Underground.

"I'm not the problem." A whisper at his side, and he looks down to see River, watching his hands as they load his weapon, "You always want to look the other way. Sometimes, the way looks back at you."

"Uh." Mal shakes his head slightly, "Sure thing, little bit."

"River?" Simon appears, as always, wherever River is.

"Keep an eye on her, Doc." Mal suggests as he turns away, but there was something about what she said that made sense. It was startin to scare him that was happening more and more often.

Turning, he addressed the assembled. "You've all got stuff you want to get done. Zoe, Jayne, you're with me. Anyone else wants to come, remember, we're playing this low-key. Fanty and Mingo have a reputation. We do right by them, they'll do right by us."

"Kaylee? You and Wolf get parts, Wash fuel us up. We're gonna need supplies for the run."

"Everyone stay alert, stay in touch, and keep your heads up. Who's comin with me? Who's got..." He stops as Fly comes down the stairs, "Thought you was leavin'?"

She shrugs, a half-smile around Pain's cigar, "Thought you could use a hand."


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:35 AM


AGGGH! Double Post!


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:24 AM


Hey Fly, good to see ya!

don't forget i said i was going off ship for a while. Got business to do, mechandise to sell, other such stuff. But if no one minds me posting other stuff

Lugging the huge, bulging bag over his shoulders Choo gave everyone a wave. "Don't forget to wave me when your in the area. Hopefully i can make a bit of dosh while i'm gone." Choo said patting his huge bag of trinkets and atrifacts (all perfectly legal Mr Federal Officer )

"Goodbye Santa Claus," River called out as Simon dragged her back to the dorms.

Ignoring the crazy child as the others headed down the ramp Mal nodded "Sure thing, and keep out of trouble. I want my overdue passenger fees when i get back. Don;t wanna be paying for a funeral."

With that the small groups disspersed into all different directions.

"Wouldn't worry about that," Choo said to himself, pulling out a portable cortex connection from his pocket "Everything like thats been sorted out."

Clicking the on button he made sure he was out of ear shot and on the secure line. Lighting a cigar he picked up the small machine once it had a connection

"Evening, hope i'm not, we all know that feeling...besides everythings going okay...yep she's safe, although theres a couple of things i need you to look into...yes i know, i know, favours and all, its just some old buddies i need you to keep an eye on as well. I'll send you the details once i'm in a safer place...Cheers. Bye bye."

sighing off Choo took a large lung full of city air before heading off into the crowd...


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 12:27 PM


errrr, what parts are we collecting?!


Bigwolf18, shaman.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:07 PM


Just your run of the mill stuff. I'm sure you can make something up. Fly: Good to see you posting even if you haven't comeback yet.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, December 14, 2006 12:58 PM


Can't bump this, doo-doo-doo-doo...

13 swallowed, lengthily considering this hefty amount of information he'd just recieved. Finally he spoke.

"And what? You expect me to do something about it? Ride in and smite the Reavers, or what? If you can't stop them, I definitely can't."

Calisto shook her head. "I know. I'm just updating the news, pal. The Alliance is still hard after you, and that passenger of yours. That ship seems to be just full of fugees, huh?" She spoke in the tones of someone attempting to say what couldn't be said.

"Be on the look-out, 13. I'll be here until tomorrow, so I can give you a ride to that Firefly, if you want. Isn't too out of the way for me."

13 nodded. He'd decline, of course. Still had things to take care of here.






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