Funny as hell, and you ladies will probably all reply.

UPDATED: Saturday, February 14, 2004 19:44
VIEWED: 12229
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Wednesday, February 11, 2004 5:46 PM


So. . .in the transcript of my last BIG mission, I make a note that "Dragon Lady", one of my gunners, had not yet seen ALL the episodes.

Well. . .she finished the last disc tonight. She scared the hell out of us while we were all sitting, putting about on our individual laptops, because SHE was watching the fourth disc.

Out of NOWHERE, she yells. . .LOUDLY.. .


You guessed it, ladies. "Objects in Space". . .Simon Tam shirtless. She then went on to say,

"Oh that's it. Yes. . .oh, you flex just right when you grab him."

And finally,

"That's it. . .Mal is OFF the top of the list of men I want to shag senseless. Simon just beat him out. Look at those ABS!!!"

Honest to god, we thought she was watching some 'gay porn' version of Firefly. . .she kept rewinding the first encounter with Simon and Jubal because of the way Simon flexes in his struggle.

I thought you ladies would like to contribute to the gush-fest.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Wednesday, February 11, 2004 6:06 PM


I don't get the Simon attraction.

Wash is my fav, and it's not because he's the hottest man alive (not that he's hard on the eyes), but he's just got so much personaloty, and he's so damn funny!

"Go back inside or i will blow another crater in this tiny moon"


Wednesday, February 11, 2004 6:21 PM



Originally posted by Static:

Well. . .she finished the last disc tonight. She scared the hell out of us while we were all sitting, putting about on our individual laptops, because SHE was watching the fourth disc.
Out of NOWHERE, she yells. . .LOUDLY.. .
You guessed it, ladies. "Objects in Space". . .Simon Tam shirtless. She then went on to say,
"Oh that's it. Yes. . .oh, you flex just right when you grab him."
And finally,
"That's it. . .Mal is OFF the top of the list of men I want to shag senseless. Simon just beat him out. Look at those ABS!!!"
Honest to god, we thought she was watching some 'gay porn' version of Firefly. . .she kept rewinding the first encounter with Simon and Jubal because of the way Simon flexes in his struggle.

Ok, that was the funniest thing I've read all day mainly because my friend and I do that sort of thing when watching movies at her house and her husband is always deeply irriated when we do it.
It does make me want to watch movies with your friend, though.

Sorry, I can't gush about Simon physically for ya. I would more gush about what a swell guy he is. He's not bad to look at, but I'd knock him off the catwalk to get at Mal. Sorry if it's predictable, but it's a combination of his general take-no-crap attitude, his often dry sense of humour, and those boots. :)
Then there's this whole sickness I have with liking men who've lost their faith. In my entertainment, that is.

"But she was naked! And all...articulate!"


Wednesday, February 11, 2004 6:24 PM


Ah yes. I would tend to agree with her. Simon is pretty darn yummy.

That reaction had to be pretty hi-larious for ya'll though. Kinda mirrors mine the first time I saw OiS.



Wednesday, February 11, 2004 6:37 PM


I'm sorry; yes, Sean Maher has lovely washboard abs, and fine biceps as well. But my heart is given to the wide dark eyes and tortured soul of Mal. The body is just part of the picture, you see; it's also about the spirit inhabiting that body, and Mal's is the most astonishing.

And he has those great large hands. . . .

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Wednesday, February 11, 2004 6:47 PM


My God, I am so in love with Sean Maher.

I believe I had the very same reaction to seeing that scene for the first time. (And every time since.)

I had no idea he was so... YUM! It was the best surprise ever.


Wednesday, February 11, 2004 6:48 PM



Originally posted by LeeH:
I'm sorry; yes, Sean Maher has lovely washboard abs, and fine biceps as well. But my heart is given to the wide dark eyes and tortured soul of Mal. The body is just part of the picture, you see; it's also about the spirit inhabiting that body, and Mal's is the most astonishing.

And he has those great large hands. . . .

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."

Totally have to agree with you here, LEEH. Although I would love to have been a fly on the wall of that tent at that time. Sean Maher is cute, but Mal just knocks everyone aside with the angst-factor.


Wednesday, February 11, 2004 6:54 PM


And now you know why I wrote "Going Home"--gotta get inside the guy's mind, understand how he works, right? Part of what makes Mal so compelling is that he isn't particularly about sex at all, although he clearly has the capacity to feel sexual desire. Jayne is his foil in HOG, letting us know that Mal doesn't separate sex from love, and that he isn't looking for sheer physical gratification, but something stronger and more meaningful.

I think alot about why he and Inara can't work as a couple--gotta write that story sometime--and so much of it is about that, isn't it?

On the other hand, *I* think about sex with Mal plenty!!!

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Wednesday, February 11, 2004 7:07 PM


I'll gladly contribute to the gush-fest.
Luckily for me, my Firefly love, Mal, appears naked in TWO EPISODES. While Simon is good looking, he's got nothing on Mal
I do have to mention though, Wash is a close second


Wednesday, February 11, 2004 7:34 PM


As for me, I am dreaming of an okiesuek sandwich! And the buns are Simon and Mal!!!!! YUMMY!!

My space is gettin' awfully crowded.


Wednesday, February 11, 2004 7:45 PM


What? Are you all implying Simon /doesn't/ have soulful angst?

*blissful sigh*

This thread needs more 'hot damn Simon!' love, so I'm giving it some. And adding for the record that I actually find Simon's personal struggle to accept his new life and figure out where he fits as interesting, if not more, than Mal's.


Wednesday, February 11, 2004 8:37 PM


Yes Simon is all with the yum and all of that goodness.

Mal too. much yum and mindless shagging.

my heart though, belongs to Wash. besides the Uber cute factor he makes me laugh. A man that can make me laugh will go a LONG way in my book. If only I knew how to get around Zoe he would be MINE!!


'Hahaha! Mine is an evil laugh!'


Wednesday, February 11, 2004 9:14 PM


I love Jayne. He's great!
But my heart has belonged to Mal since before I saw Nathan on OLTL.
Although Simon does have great abs.....

I don't ask for much - just Firefly back on the air once a week.... oh, and maybe world peace.


Wednesday, February 11, 2004 11:48 PM


Heh, thought I was the only one who liked Jayne. Yeah, he isn't the smartest guy, but still...


Originally posted by Ankhagogo:
Sorry if it's predictable, but it's a combination of his general take-no-crap attitude, his (ed: Mal's) often dry sense of humour, and those boots. :)

It's ALL about the boots


Thursday, February 12, 2004 12:24 AM


I am with you regarding Sean's sheer yumminess. I too watched those scenes more than healthy. He also has a soulful aspect, and in some ways represents a younger Mal.

Mal lost everything in the battle of Serenity, and Simon has lost everything in an effort to save his sister. I was waiting for times in the series where Mal finds his annoyance with Simon tempered with the realization that he sees a lot of Simon in himself. Stubborn, loyal and determined. His own sort of strength that he was just beginning to find. In a way, as shown in the series, Mal is more the father, and Simon more the son, than either of them realize.


Thursday, February 12, 2004 12:36 AM


I am a human male and am NOT sly.

That having been said, I think Jayne is the Yummiest followed closely by Mal then Wash and I think i'd even prefer Book to Simon.. Simon just doesn't do it for me.



Thursday, February 12, 2004 3:43 AM


I'm with the women who think funny is sexy...and not necessarily the wise-cracking kind of funny, either. I adore Wash, and Jayne--or maybe really Adam, because it's HIS sense of humour that makes Jayne sparkle...

But when Mal does a laughing look or a gesture (like when Saffron first puts the "tree" on his head and he turns to Jayne, or when he and Jayne exchange that look when Badger says, "I've got my hands on two of them...") my toes curl.

Whew. Gotta go to work now. Do I have time for a cold shower first?


Thursday, February 12, 2004 4:02 AM


Okay, I'm gonna get lynched for this, but it's gotta be said...

I like Simon as a character, but the Sean Maher needs to finish growing up before he can rock my world. I have real difficulty getting into him being sexy, abs or no, until he earns some more hair on his chest. The smooth-chested teenage boy thing really doesn't do anything for me. (No offense to Sean as a person - he's a fantastic actor, just doesn't do it for me physically...)

If we're only talking about looks/sex appeal, Adam and Nathan in that order. I'm one who goes for the strong, muscular, grown-men type men. (I'll show you a pic of my hubby sometime - case in point! ) To understand what I mean, you gotta know that I'm an arm girl... Most women look at a man's abs or backside... For me, those can be in need of work, but if the guy's got guns... *sigh*

*blink* Anyway...
That being said, for personality, it's gotta be Alan (Wash) every time. I've dated more than my share of brooders and cute-but-not-all-there, and had my fill. Give me a man with a great smile and a great sense of humor any day! Ron (Book) is also pretty close to my heart - smart, caring, serene, who wouldn't love Book just on general principal?

Um, wait... What was the question? Okay, maybe I should just sum up that I love all the guys for their own unique reasons, but if the topic is sex appeal, I gotta go with Jayne... (Huh! Who'd've thunk?)


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, February 12, 2004 4:08 AM


I think Simon does have an angst-factor. Simon's angst-factor however, for me, is nowhere near Mal's angst-factor. I always love the characters with the deep, lost everything, but going to keep pushing attitude.

Yeah, Simon lost all his material goods but he didn't lose his faith or what kept him going mentally. And while it was interesting watching Simon adjust to living on the outskirts of society, it gets tiresome after a few episodes of him blundering about unintentionally insulting those he's living with.

The gushiness for me goes in this order from greatest to least: Mal, Jayne, Wash, Simon, and Book. I'd have to know more about Book before he can move from dead last.


Thursday, February 12, 2004 4:14 AM


and one more Simon lover here.

I can see what's attractive about Mal and Wash but for me Simon is the only really irresistible man on Serenity. and I can't see anything in or about Jayne, he's just big and dumb and hairy and not attractiv outside or inside. sorry folks, there have to be differnet tastes or we would all fight for the same guy.

Simon for me is the most funny and interesting. I have to smile obout almost everything he says. it's some kind of dry understatement kind or humor. he looks at his surroundings with a kind of detatched sarcasm and then again he seems to be deeply involved in everything around him. his devotion to his sister is very attractive, too. and he simply looks magnificent. slim hips, broad chest, exactly the right amount of muscle in the right places, smooth skin. Mal is too evenly build for my taste, I'm not sure how to describe it. the other actor I find physically irresistible near to perfect male is James Marsters (Spike on Buffy). seems I'm not so much a fan of the big guy physique more the slim but muscular ones, not too tall not too broad or heavy build but not scrawny or lanky either.

it's a matter of taste and not too important as in most of us don't judge their men by their bodies (alone) but I sure can sympathise with your friend going all "awwww" over Simon/Sean Maher. he's pure eye candy for some of us ladies.



Thursday, February 12, 2004 4:26 AM



Originally posted by Astriana:
Okay, I'm gonna get lynched for this, but it's gotta be said...

I like Simon as a character, but the Sean Maher needs to finish growing up before he can rock my world. I have real difficulty getting into him being sexy, abs or no, until he earns some more hair on his chest. The smooth-chested teenage boy thing really doesn't do anything for me. (No offense to Sean as a person - he's a fantastic actor, just doesn't do it for me physically...)

If we're only talking about looks/sex appeal, Adam and Nathan in that order. I'm one who goes for the strong, muscular, grown-men type men. (I'll show you a pic of my hubby sometime - case in point! ) To understand what I mean, you gotta know that I'm an arm girl... Most women look at a man's abs or backside... For me, those can be in need of work, but if the guy's got guns... *sigh*

...and now I really have to smile:
I had my response written but not send because I had other things to do.
and so I read yours after sending mine.

we do have different taste and that's good.

I adore smooth chested men. hair equals ape-look for me. I can get over some chesthair (preferably light colored) if I like the guy but a hairy back or a real furry chest/belly and I really have to close my eyes a bit.

and growing up he doesn't have to do for me, he's my age. born the same year. really grown up enough. he's 28. not a boy really.

you watched Buffy? you think James Marsters needs to 'grow up' too? I'm just nosy here, no offence intended. it's interesting, I think.

Jayne is exactly the type of man-ape that really doesn't do anything for me. too bulky maybe. and no offence intended here either it's just personal taste and it really varies.



Thursday, February 12, 2004 4:45 AM



Originally posted by Astriana:
Okay, I'm gonna get lynched for this, but it's gotta be said...

but the Sean Maher needs to finish growing up before he can rock my world. I have real difficulty getting into him being sexy, abs or no, until he earns some more hair on his chest. The smooth-chested teenage boy thing really doesn't do anything for me.

I'm one who goes for the strong, muscular, grown-men type men.

So. . .Astri. . .in my pictures, did you notice my hairy chest?

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Thursday, February 12, 2004 4:47 AM



Originally posted by Idefix:

Originally posted by Astriana:
Okay, I'm gonna get lynched for this, but it's gotta be said...

I like Simon as a character, but the Sean Maher needs to finish growing up before he can rock my world. I have real difficulty getting into him being sexy, abs or no, until he earns some more hair on his chest. The smooth-chested teenage boy thing really doesn't do anything for me. (No offense to Sean as a person - he's a fantastic actor, just doesn't do it for me physically...)

If we're only talking about looks/sex appeal, Adam and Nathan in that order. I'm one who goes for the strong, muscular, grown-men type men. (I'll show you a pic of my hubby sometime - case in point! ) To understand what I mean, you gotta know that I'm an arm girl... Most women look at a man's abs or backside... For me, those can be in need of work, but if the guy's got guns... *sigh*

...and now I really have to smile:
I had my response written but not send because I had other things to do.
and so I read yours after sending mine.

we do have different taste and that's good.

I adore smooth chested men. hair equals ape-look for me. I can get over some chesthair (preferably light colored) if I like the guy but a hairy back or a real furry chest/belly and I really have to close my eyes a bit.

and growing up he doesn't have to do for me, he's my age. born the same year. really grown up enough. he's 28. not a boy really.

you watched Buffy? you think James Marsters needs to 'grow up' too? I'm just nosy here, no offence intended. it's interesting, I think.

Jayne is exactly the type of man-ape that really doesn't do anything for me. too bulky maybe. and no offence intended here either it's just personal taste and it really varies.


No offense, darlin' - I understand that what works for me doesn't necessarily do it for everyone.

Yep, watched Buffy a bit. And yep, thought JM needed to grow up a bit too. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for the Puffy Back Syndrome (y'know, you hug him, pat his back, and it's puffy under his shirt? Ewwwwww!). Just a bit of a smattering, really. Kind of a visceral thing that says: "Now here's a grown man!

I'm not a biologist or anything, but my guess would be that it's a hormonal recognition of adulthood or that he's reached mating age or something. For the "growing up" bit, I didn't really mean he needed to get older or anything, just that his body needs to "finish" maturing.

I could occasionally even deal with that... but I still GOTTA have those arms! But there again, to each her (or his) own!


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, February 12, 2004 4:49 AM



Originally posted by Static:

Originally posted by Astriana:
Okay, I'm gonna get lynched for this, but it's gotta be said...

but the Sean Maher needs to finish growing up before he can rock my world. I have real difficulty getting into him being sexy, abs or no, until he earns some more hair on his chest. The smooth-chested teenage boy thing really doesn't do anything for me.

I'm one who goes for the strong, muscular, grown-men type men.

So. . .Astri. . .in my pictures, did you notice my hairy chest?

LOL - Yeah, darlin', I sure did... And your arms, too!


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, February 12, 2004 5:18 AM


James Marsters is around 40 years old so what you gals see is all your gonna get with ol' JM. :)
I'm not sly either but I'd have to go with Mal as the hunk of Serenity. He's dreamy :P


Thursday, February 12, 2004 5:29 AM



Originally posted by Astriana:
No offense, darlin' - I understand that what works for me doesn't necessarily do it for everyone.

Yep, watched Buffy a bit. And yep, thought JM needed to grow up a bit too. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for the Puffy Back Syndrome (y'know, you hug him, pat his back, and it's puffy under his shirt? Ewwwwww!). Just a bit of a smattering, really. Kind of a visceral thing that says: "Now here's a grown man!

I'm not a biologist or anything, but my guess would be that it's a hormonal recognition of adulthood or that he's reached mating age or something. For the "growing up" bit, I didn't really mean he needed to get older or anything, just that his body needs to "finish" maturing.

I could occasionally even deal with that... but I still GOTTA have those arms! But there again, to each her (or his) own!

still curious -
do you think that's something that changes with age? you 'sound' older than me. I'm now 28, you think I will find chest hair sexy when I'm 40?

and not every man does get chest hair. and I'm pretty sure lot's of them even get rid of it if they have to take their shirt of on TV. I think it's something someone gets when 'growing up' or not. so by the time he's 25 or so there won't be much chance anymore. true?

and on the woman side do you think older women more often apreciate chest hair than younger women?

biologicly you're sure right, would be a sign of 'manlyness' but to me it rather shows too much ape in my man. like them delicate in a way. maybe that's not "manly" or even not very male but then I'm not entirely hetero so maybe that's a clue.
big arms also do nothing much for me.
well defined muscles - yes.
bulk - no.

and I think that's a totally silly topic to discuss but I like to analyse my taste these days. time of self-finding or somesuch maybe.

but then I'm also a big Giles fan and he is hairy and big but not bulky big more lean big. but it's more the character I like than the body so maybe not. and then one can't be too closeminded, most guys in real life aren't goodlooking at all and they are still lovable. I tend to have boyfriends that don't match my physical ideal at all just because I tend to fall in love with them anyway.

sorry for making this gush-fest into a debate of physical attractions. it just intrigues me somehow.



Thursday, February 12, 2004 5:42 AM



Originally posted by Idefix:
still curious -
do you think that's something that changes with age? you 'sound' older than me. I'm now 28, you think I will find chest hair sexy when I'm 40?

I'm actually only 29 myself - for the only time! I don't know if it has anything to do with the age of the ogler, and I know it doesn't really have anything to do with the physical age of the oglee... James Marsters is a good example. If he's nearly 40, he ain't gettin' any hairier... LOL


and not every man does get chest hair. and I'm pretty sure lot's of them even get rid of it if they have to take their shirt of on TV. I think it's something someone gets when 'growing up' or not. so by the time he's 25 or so there won't be much chance anymore. true?

I would think so. Generally, chest hair sprouts when other signs of puberty hit, so if he doesn't have it by... my guess is 20-22, he's not going to.


and on the woman side do you think older women more often apreciate chest hair than younger women?
I have no idea... Maybe when I get older, I won't appreciate it so much, but I doubt it. It's kind of always been there for me. When I was a teenager, I was never into the boys my age, 'cause they were still boys.


biologicly you're sure right, would be a sign of 'manlyness' but to me it rather shows too much ape in my man. like them delicate in a way. maybe that's not "manly" or even not very male but then I'm not entirely hetero so maybe that's a clue.
big arms also do nothing much for me.
well defined muscles - yes.
bulk - no.

Not really much for the slender/delicate man myself (obviously! ) - I'm not a small woman by any stretch of the imagination... Reckon I don't wanna feel like I'd break him if I hugged him too hard... I'm not necessarily into bulky/huge, just well-defined or a bit more... Someone who spends time on their arms in the gym is going to get my attention - someone whose arms are like Ahnold's would turn me off... I don't wanna see your veins poking out like a separate entity!


and I think that's a totally silly topic to discuss but I like to analyse my taste these days. time of self-finding or somesuch maybe.

but then I'm also a big Giles fan and he is hairy and big but not bulky big more lean big. but it's more the character I like than the body so maybe not. and then one can't be too closeminded, most guys in real life aren't goodlooking at all and they are still lovable. I tend to have boyfriends that don't match my physical ideal at all just because I tend to fall in love with them anyway.

Not silly at all. It's always good to know what you find attractive in a person. You have a better shot of finding & being happy with someone when you know what you're looking for...


sorry for making this gush-fest into a debate of physical attractions. it just intrigues me somehow.


Me too... Besides, I suspect the men reading this thread are loving reading what we find attractive!


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, February 12, 2004 5:48 AM


OK one topic at a time:

Agh I just can't decide between Simon, Jayne, and Wash. I guess I could just take all three :P Mal never did a HUGE amount for me, I think Simon has him beat on angst--I gotta have an angsty man. The lovely fine-porcelain look to his skin...yeah...I dig that. Though I also love the "rugged I can break you like a stick" look to Jayne and Wash's lean look--go figger

ON chest hair:

I have a serious love/hate relationship with manly chest hair. I don't really LIKE it, but I can't help but laugh when I see a chest with little spattery patches of hair--so *shrug* I guess I like a man who's naturally average-hairy who shaves? I'm complicated

anyway, back from the land of the sick to have a deep conversation about chest hair....yup, dat's me

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Thursday, February 12, 2004 6:30 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Astriana:
Okay, I'm gonna get lynched for this, but it's gotta be said...

Sean Maher needs to finish growing up before he can rock my world. I have real difficulty getting into him being sexy, abs or no, until he earns some more hair on his chest. The smooth-chested teenage boy thing really doesn't do anything for me.

I'm one who goes for the strong, muscular, grown-men type men.

Well then they're going to have to lynch me right next to you, girlfriend cuz I'm in your camp. Beautiful smooth-chested fellas are great for the calendars and such, but for the real deal, give me a guy with a nice dusting on his chest any day.


Originally posted by Static
So. . .Astri. . .in my pictures, did you notice my hairy chest?

mmm... Static... sigh.

*jerks* what? *blinks* oh yeah...

As an artist and a woman, I appreciate the male body as a whole but when it comes down to it, you know what I look for?

Hands... I look at hands (dunno what you all were thinkin' ). I'm talking about a real man's hands that are square, calloused and just this side of gnarly. These are hands that have WORKED for a living, but also have a sensitive... artistic touch.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Thursday, February 12, 2004 8:28 AM


OOooh Channy-girl, gettin me all shivery :) give me those long-fingered rough hands--the ones that can mend a fence, patch up a cut, then......oh you know :) I think that's probably most of the draw of Simon. DOCTOR'S HANDS :)

ANYWAY, I'll stop bein' trashy now !

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Thursday, February 12, 2004 9:26 AM



Originally posted by Ciara:
OOooh Channy-girl, gettin me all shivery :) give me those long-fingered rough hands--the ones that can mend a fence, patch up a cut, then......oh you know :) I think that's probably most of the draw of Simon. DOCTOR'S HANDS :)

Okay. . .my ego demands that I do the personal checklist here. . .

Mend a fence? Yup. Carpentry and home remodelling is somewhat of a hobby. . .

Patch up a cut? Yup. One of my additional responsibilities in my unit is that of combat medic.

In addition: Fencing, some piano, 22 years of saxophone playing, and I'm a hell of a typist.

Do I pass?

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Thursday, February 12, 2004 9:36 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Static:
Okay. . .my ego demands that I do the personal checklist here. . .

Speaking as a member of the Harem, need you really ask?

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Thursday, February 12, 2004 9:38 AM



"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Thursday, February 12, 2004 9:59 AM



Originally posted by Static:
Okay. . .my ego demands that I do the personal checklist here. . .

Mend a fence? Yup. Carpentry and home remodelling is somewhat of a hobby. . .

Patch up a cut? Yup. One of my additional responsibilities in my unit is that of combat medic.

In addition: Fencing, some piano, 22 years of saxophone playing, and I'm a hell of a typist.

Do I pass?

Fencing, piano, sax... *swoon*

Oh, and don't forget the perfect smattering of chest hair, the cocky pilot grin, and the lovely, well-muscled arms...

*blink* I'm sorry, what were we talking about?

Of COURSE you pass, Static! Otherwise, how could you have all us wonderful harem girls!


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, February 12, 2004 11:08 AM


*slips on her Static's Harem" shirt and grins widely

let us NOT forget the claddagh tattoo, ladies--a very important ingredient!!

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Thursday, February 12, 2004 11:22 AM


Should I even bother posting my opinion of Yummiest Guy on Serenity? I think everyone's pretty clear on that by this point.

Simon *is* quite a tasty treat, but I think my phase with younger men has come to a close. My obsession is sealed. I've even started ripping dvds. I am so being re-incarnated as a McDonald's assistant manager in my next life.



Friday, February 13, 2004 6:27 AM


I'm having computer issues, so I can't quote, but here's my two bits worth re: chest hair, age, etc.

Actually my issues with Simon is more his life experience level than his lack of chest hair. He's clearly (to me, anyhow) an extraordinary guy, but in a lot of ways, he's still a fairly naive rich kid. That's not appealing to me. I like 'em with a bit of experience, and if that experience had left em a mite cynical and somewhat cranky at the 'verse, hey, that's mighty fine with me. I like the experience to show in their face, too and Simon's still all baby-faced.
Simon also hasn't quite yet learned to laugh at himself and really bad situations -- he's getting there, but he's got a bit of a way to go. So really it's more that than any muscle/hair issues. I like 'em with some life mileage on 'em.
That, and the fact that Mal busts down a door better than just about anyone I've ever seen. My friend has TiVo, and when Our Mrs Reynolds first aired, we re-wound and re-wound the part where Mal kicks in the door of Saffron's little hideout.
Holy. Cow.

I do kinda have a thing for Adam Baldwin based soley on Jayne, but I think I'd be worried about Jayne because, really -- you don't know where he's been. Heh.

But it's Mal, then Wash. And I couldn't take Zoe.

"But she was naked! And all...articulate!"


Friday, February 13, 2004 6:43 AM


I used to think it was "Mal for Me",but yesterday I watched "Jaynestown" again... that face Jayne pulls when he starts to take off the sticky tape.. lol... I decided then he was kinda cute.

But I have to say, I prefer hairless chests... unless the chest in question is pretty well tanned. The worst comnination of all (which we get a lot of here in the UK) is lily white chests which are horribly hairy, combined with tanned faces, necks and lower arms. Ew!

Haken needs a new development system. Why not donate?


Friday, February 13, 2004 6:44 AM


PS This is the face I mean

And I'm 38.

Haken needs a new development system. Why not donate?


Friday, February 13, 2004 6:44 AM


PS This is the face I mean

And I'm 38.

Haken needs a new development system. Why not donate?


Friday, February 13, 2004 7:12 AM


I wouldn't kick a single man on that boat out of my shuttle...(and that includes the preacher). The good Book is sportin' some muscles of his own. I also liked the surprise of finding them attractive along the way. Unlike with Jayne (who is just Sex with a machine gun: anytime, baby) and Mal (who exudes smoldering angst that makes you want to hug him in a not so innocent manner) I loved that there was a moment of:

"Oh my God, he's hot!" surprises for the other men.

Simon: When he appeared shirtless in OiS
Book: When he got wounded and was shirtless on the table (talk about some solid muscle!)
Wash: When he was building the Med shuttle with Kayla in Ariel...sweaty man in rolled down jumper and dirty wife-beater tank, good biceps. Ooh, and then War Stories "The Bastards Not Gonna Get days"...OKay, but do you have a good 30minutes to spare????

Lots-o-tasty to go around!



Friday, February 13, 2004 10:39 AM


My handsome husband used to call me, "Sam". As in Sam Malone.

I was shallow in my youth and only the most decorative men would do. Sure, I had male friends who could carry on a conversation ... but the men I dated could be judged only on a beauty pageant scale.

I grew up. I discovered that humor, brains and sensitivity were what is important. However, if he's a babe to boot ... I ain't gonna complain about manna from heaven filling my bowl.

The husband is a big, strappin' lad. He's also funner than hell, smarter than all get out and slightly off-kilter.

But to the subject at hand. For pure beauty, Mal wins hands down. *hands, hands, large gorgeous hands* Where was I? Oh yeah, Mal is the beauty on the boat.

Next comes Jayne. Mmmmmmm, good looking and able to pull trees out of the ground with his bare hands. Give me a spoon and I won't miss a drop of this dish.

Book is third. I'd have to do something with that wild mane of hair :) Intelligent, funny and dependable. Plus, he'd make an interesting sparring partner. Speaking of sparring, you get sweaty sparring ... sweaty ... Where was I? Oh yeah

Next comes Wash. I love to laugh and Wash is a blast. His drawback is the red hair. He talked to Zoe about spending time on a beach ... who was going to tend to his 3rd degree burns for days and days after? Hmmmmm? I still wouldn't mind a closer look.

Last but not least - especially on a boat filled with babes - is Simon. He's pretty but not particularly handsome. Cute, but not drool inspiring. Built, but not strong enough to kill a bear with a swiss army knife.
He's a pretty boy. Call me when he's matured into a handsome man.


"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Friday, February 13, 2004 10:52 AM


Knibblet: Thank you! You have pretty nearly perfectly described all the guys - and how I feel about them! (Not the order, mind you, but the sentiment.) The order for me is: Jayne, Wash, Book, Mal, Simon.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, February 13, 2004 11:07 AM


Hmmm, order, how about just all at! That would be extra dirty and very wrong...okay:


I remember when FF first came out, TV Guide had a poll: Who's the hottest male and female from this year's new shows and Morena and Adam won, out of a lot of people, from a lot of, where the #@$* were all those voters on Fridays??? Not making sure we got to see more of the tasty that's for sure. Talk about frustrating!

Back to my happy place...Jayne's bunk...



Friday, February 13, 2004 1:00 PM


Mmmmm....Jayne's bunk....



Friday, February 13, 2004 1:21 PM


i have to agree with your gunner... i actually went so far as to get some screencaps - which i had never even tried to do before and had no idea how to do, but after a couple of hours i got my screencaps to stare at ;)

also, with that reaction you should tell her about sean is in this movie (yet to be released) after seeing the trailer... shower scene!!


come out to the browncoat ball! chicago: sept 17-19, 2004 :: for more info


Friday, February 13, 2004 1:29 PM


Ah yes, shower scenes rock. That's why so far my favorite Adam Baldwin piece is that cheezy DR. JEKYL & MR. HYDE made-for-cable movie he did.


Friday, February 13, 2004 1:39 PM


I like Simon. But he's not that physically built, to my memory. But I'm a nerd, so I look for intelligence, and/or hansom-ness. But not hot. Don't get hot guys.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Friday, February 13, 2004 2:00 PM


Simon is very pretty, but Mal is still the sexiest.

"She who cries a lot"


Friday, February 13, 2004 4:00 PM



Originally posted by kalathena:
Ah yes, shower scenes rock. That's why so far my favorite Adam Baldwin piece is that cheezy DR. JEKYL & MR. HYDE made-for-cable movie he did.

Did you ever see the TV series "The Cape"? It ran for one season (don't know the channel or if it was cable or network) and had Adam Baldwin in it. A few of the scenes he was topless or close enough to it. Also several other hunky guys in it. It was about fictional life at NASA and the Kennedy Space Flight center.






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