Ok, dare to dream. What will the movie script be ?

UPDATED: Sunday, February 15, 2004 17:48
VIEWED: 3835
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Sunday, February 15, 2004 10:16 AM


America loves a winner!

Assuming there is a movie,..IF there is a movie, what ever... how will Joss can Co. go about writing it ? Is there going to be a hurried RE-introduction of all the characters ? Does the topic of Reavers come into the script ? What of the war ? River and Simon. The romances... Simon and Kaylee, Mal and Inara ? What of Books past ? What of Jaynes HAT ???

Sorry, just getting carried away here. Any thoughts ?

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


Sunday, February 15, 2004 10:25 AM


I'll re-post an idea of mine.
"Let's try to guess the plot of the movie!"


For some reason, Reavers have been randomly and wildy coming in from the Black and attacking civilized planets and moons. They are very scary creatures. But something is wrong. Reavers NEVER come this close to the Core.

It's like they are a stampede of frightened cattle - SOMETHING is chasing them out of the Black.

The crew of Serenity is doing a job, just outside the Central Planets. They have a Reaver encounter of their own and barely escape. But tomorrow they will make the drop and get paid and keep flying.

But in the middle of the night, River walks to the bridge and turns off autopilot and changes the course of Serenity.

It turns out that Reavers have been fleeing a dangerous group of Pre-River Experiments gone wrong, who have taken over the Black. The leader of the Pre-River group mentally contacted River and influenced her. For some reason Serenity has something important.

There is a 3-way dog-fight chase scene between Reavers, Serenity (using burn in atmosphere) and the Pre-River people. Serenity is forced to land. The fight continues on the ground with guns and explosions.

Kaylee is frantically working on the damaged shuttle to provide an escape for the Serenity crew. Mal manages to seal the shuttle bay door to save Kaylee, and he orders her to get out of there. Reavers capture Simon, Mal, Zoe and Wash.

Book, River and Jayne are captured by the Pre-River folk. It becomes interesting to see River fight back and even some surprising mental abilities from Book.

Inara is not on Serenity when this happens. She has been dealing with personal problems nearby at the Companion Palace. Her own big secret is starting to come out.

Meanwhile, in tears, Kaylee flies away with the shuttle to get help. She heads towards the Companion Palace to find Inara.

Kaylee begins sneaking around the Companion Palace. She sees a large group of companions in a big room doing something like Tai Chi. Kaylee gasps as she recognizes Saffron among them.

After Inara's amazing secret comes out, a crazy confrontation happens, Inara agrees not to expose Saffron (and visa versa), and the final result is that Inara, Saffron and Kaylee fly back in a Companion-loaned security shuttle (it has guns and armor) to rescue everyone.

They find Serenity abandoned, but inside it is a total mess, as if searched completely. Kaylee opens the secret smuggling compartment and pulls out the cargo. It was not found in the search.

The ladies realize that the cargo is very important for some reason. Somehow, it can save the world.

In the end, Mal must grudgingly save the Alliance and the Reavers. We learn that Reavers, River, and the pre-River people are connected. The "world" is saved, we learn a lot about the characters, and Serenity is still on the run, still flying.

Oh, and Saffron steals the Lassiter and gets away, after she totally helps save everyone's ass


Sunday, February 15, 2004 10:26 AM


A while back on some website with a tiny section on Firefly, possibly TV Tome, they said that Joss's one-word summary of the movie was "reavers." It's been esablished that Joss won't wrap up all the loose ends, but will instead have the movie lead into a renewed TV series.


Sunday, February 15, 2004 10:31 AM


America loves a winner!

As Monty Burns would say ... " Excellent "


Sunday, February 15, 2004 10:56 AM


I'm guessing it will start with a job gone wrong that will bring the Blue Hands down on them. In order to escape, Serenity will have to run into Reaver controlled territory.


Sunday, February 15, 2004 11:36 AM


How ever will they keep Jayne from putting on a 'suit and going for a walk before Serenity gets to Reaver territory? To quote: "I ain't goin' anywhere near Reaver territory!" Said with great conviction and determination. I expect there's history there.

Seriously, Serenity wouldn't have to go into Reaver territory, just have (another) near miss or get chased with remarks on how much further in to the core planets the Reavers get every year.

It seems to me, and just in case it hasn't been brought up before, that the Blue Hands are trying to get in touch with the Reavers. The very first thing River says in "Serenity" after waking out of cryo is, IIRC, "They want me to talk to them. They talk to me..." Then Simon pretty quickly gives her a shot to knock her out. Shortly thereafter, along comes a Reaver ship, the big Trans U, that passes Serenity (with sleeping River) without altering course. River remains *asleep* until just before the Reavers burn out of orbit over Whitefall then wakes up suddenly and calls for Simon. I read River's state of conciousness during the two encounters as significant.

So, the Academy, as we know, is on a core planet and it is attracting Reavers whether intentionally or not.

Curiously, while we have good guesses as to why most of the characters are on Serenity, we do not know why Simon Tam chose Serenity. Was it accidental? Was it suggested to him by the group that got his sister out of the Academy in cryo? If so, why? What was Simon's destination on Boros (sp?)? Where would River have been in a week when she was *supposed* to come out of stasis?

Just a few questions been knockin' around in my head lately. Find some answers and I believe you'll find the thread of a River/Reaver story arc.


The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)


Sunday, February 15, 2004 12:38 PM


Ok, here's my thoughts. I have the impression from the DVD commentaries and a posting he directed here that he want's to finish up the River plot line, at least as far as explaining why she is so important. There is also a Blue Sun plot that Joss had in mind that he never got time to even begin. Add Reavers to the mix, and here is my prediction (spoiler for Firefly Traveller, as I am already planning to use this as an adventure seed):

Select to view spoiler:

Reavers are a byproduct of a failed Blue Sun experiment that was attempted on a terraforming mission decades ago. River has the ability to communicate with the Reavers and the Blue Sun guys want her as part of an effort to correct the problem. The Alliance is also at fault here, as some Alliance spooks thought the idea of having a psycotic marauding band of killers on the rim would help with human unity (as there were no clear "enemies" at the time). Of course the existance of the Reavers led to the founding of the Browncoats to protect the Rim, and eveltually the Unification War. High up Alliance spooks would like to keep the fact that they knew about the Reavers a secret to protect themselves.

I think that gives enough moving parts for a fast paced action film with lots of twists and turns, and a springboard for a new series.

Traveller, if you go to Sparta, tell them you have seen us lying here as the Law commands.


Sunday, February 15, 2004 12:58 PM


Hey, didn't JW's comment about "reavers" occur before there was this rumored re-write? I think it'd be funny if this whole reaver thing was a smokescreen for movie revolving around a mysterious and dangerous bobblehead doll heist.

Plus, then he could make extra money for the series selling the bobbleheads at the premier. Hey, this sort of thing worked for Lucas.


Sunday, February 15, 2004 1:02 PM


Ah, Ranger, we are thinking on the same track. Let's hope we don't get run over by the cow-catcher of life while we are ruminating there!

I see that I didn't cover one of my suspicions at all:

Select to view spoiler:

namely, that Simon was played for a dupe and that River wasn't extracted but was deliberately released to be at a certain place at a certain time to coincide with a big Trans U full of Reavers. Except, of course, for Dobson twigging that Simon was wanted and then getting twitchy and shooting Kaylee which precipitated a whole passle of unpleasantness and redirected River's path through the 'verse.


The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)


Sunday, February 15, 2004 1:06 PM


One of the opening shots should be Serenity touching down in a pastoral meadow where a Fox and a Frog are frolicking. As it lands, the exhaust from the engine turns them both into crispy critters. Serenity settles down, the cargo door opens, Jayne walks out, he sniffs the air, grimaces and mutters, "What the in gorram hell is that stink?"

Industrial Looniee & Madness -


Sunday, February 15, 2004 2:34 PM


I think you guys are reaching a bit with the bigtime conspiracy theories. Judging from the commentaries, Joss only added River and the Blue Hands relatively late in the game to add that X-Files element. He's always been big on the concept of the show being about orninary people, not superheros or secret agents thwarting government conspiracies right and left. They're supposed to be relatively small-time. Petty theives and smugglers.

I think the Reavers are, for the most part, exactly what they've been portrayed as. They were probably early colonists that couldn't find a habitable planet and thus just lived in space, resuplying by raiding other colonies. If you follow the Old West parallel, the Reavers would be equated to hostile Indian tribes, so there's probably more too them- their own culture, leaders, and motives... a method to their madness.

I don't see any connection between the Reavers and River or the Blue hands. River showed no special interest in the survior in Bushwhacked, and for that matter hasn't said anything at all about Reavers in the episodes where they've been mentioned. Hell, I think the fact that River's been asleep or out of the picture during the Reaver scenes is a pretty good indication that she has nothing to do with them and wouldn't add much to the situation.


Sunday, February 15, 2004 2:52 PM


My plot line idea has nothing, or at least very little to do with reavers.

A new character, a Navigator (a person who'd occupy the other seat on the bridge while the pilot flies the ship) has joined the crew to allow Wash to spend more time with Zoe. While on route to a border moon, Serenity is intercepted by an Alliance Cruiser that has become over run by an evil group known as the Rogues. They are former Alliance members who dislike the Alliance prinicples, and started taking over. But Serenity learns they won't stop with just the Alliance, but with Blue Sun, and any leftover independants-and that means Serenity along with them.

On the run from the Rogues, Serenity sees more and more ships and planets overrun by the Rogues, and they also learn that their new Navigator, Marx, is a former Rogue spy, but left the secret order when his father dies in the war, and he seceded from the alliance. He ends up being captured by Rogues and River (subsequently a love interest with River and Marx) goes after him.

Serenity follows and end up at the Rogue headquarters. They are faced with a difficult decision, save the Alliance (that would save Blue Sun with it) or help the Rogues and be free forever.

I don't know about an ending though...

By the way, the government was turning River into a weapon because a secret level of government knew of the oncoming Rogue mutiny, and River was the only defense.


Sunday, February 15, 2004 3:51 PM


I just have the feeling that Jayne will be killed sacrificing himself to save river, Because several events in the series seem to have been leading up to it. i.e. Jayne feeling guilty about selling River out, and his not being able to understand why the mudder would sacrifice himself for him. And plus if Adam does pick up a spot on stargate Atlantis he might not be able to do another Firefly series, so a movie might be the only/best place to explain the disappearance of Jayne


Sunday, February 15, 2004 5:48 PM



Originally posted by horrid:
I just have the feeling that Jayne will be killed sacrificing himself to save river, Because several events in the series seem to have been leading up to it. i.e. Jayne feeling guilty about selling River out, and his not being able to understand why the mudder would sacrifice himself for him. And plus if Adam does pick up a spot on stargate Atlantis he might not be able to do another Firefly series, so a movie might be the only/best place to explain the disappearance of Jayne

I hope not. I think part of what makes the concept work is the ballence between all the characters, and taking Jayne out would throw that out of kilter... Not that Joss hasn't done that sort of think before.

Traveller, if you go to Sparta, tell them you have seen us lying here as the Law commands.






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