The 'Ship Thread

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 19:16
VIEWED: 3678
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:14 PM


I know that in many fandoms, not just ours all manner of shipping goes on. I'm curious to see what ships are the most popular, so I'm asking my fellow Browncoats to do the following:

List all your favorite pairings (slash or not) in order (from OMG that is so hot! to this is okay and good but only if well written) and

List your least favorite.

If you'd be so kind as to explain that would be cool too.

PS I'm sorry if this has already been done.


You know that's gonna fall off.
----Nathan Fillion (to me while drunk)


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 8:59 PM


For some really messed up reason I really wish Inara would just get drunk or something and end up with Jayne. It would be really funny because she looks down on him so much. :)

"Nobody likes the idea of reading what you're thinking."

Oh, and for a least favorite, the cryptic comment River telepathically heard Book make was pretty disturbing, and I hope it doesn't have any darker meanings.

Josh Gray


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 9:12 PM



Originally posted by danniisupernova:
List all your favorite pairings (slash or not) in order (from OMG that is so hot! to this is okay and good but only if well written) and

List your least favorite.

If you'd be so kind as to explain that would be cool too.

Favorite 'Ships

1. Mal/Inara - They're both just so pretty. And I love angst, what can I say?

2. Wash/Zoe - They're complete opposites and I love that dynamic.

3. Kaylee/Simon - They're both just so cute together! But sometimes too cute (in some fic), which is why they're number 3.

4. River/OC - I haven't come across too many of these, but I'd love to read more!

Least Favorite 'Ships

1. Mal/Original Character. I don't mind if it's pre-Firefly. Or if it facilitates the story (just as long as Mal ends up with Inara). Most Mal/OC fics just make me roll my eyes and groan...

"Oh, hello there, Mary Sue Author. What are you doing in this fic?"

"Well, I love Nathan Fillion/Mal sooooooo much, I'm gonna write myself into a fic so I can marry him! And we'll have lots of adventures! And babies!" Blah. Blah. Blah.

Ick. That's so junior high. Seriously. I'd rather read anything than that, including, but not limited to...

2. Jayne/River - Completely implausible in my mind. I think the problem with a lot of Rayne fic is that River comes off too child-like or immature and then pairing her off with an older man like Jayne... just gives the fic a slightly... icky Lolita feel? But it comes down to the talent of the author. Can the writer MAKE it plausible? Check out Kaynara's Bedlam/Bed and Wine Series. That's well done Rayne fic.

3. Jayne/Kaylee - Slightly more palatable than Rayne fic. It seems like that they have a bit more in common than River and Jayne, but I just think Jayne is too old for the girls. Sorry!

Believe me, I'm not biased against Jayne, (he deserves some lurve, too!) I just prefer to see him matched up with an OC. I always picture him with some bawdy wench that can match him at drinking and cussing.

Other stuff, like slash, I don't mind. I just don't read it, simply because it would put most of the characters "out of character". Inara's the exception, of course. And maybe Kaylee. She seems to be a sexually open individual.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 12:59 AM




Yup, I know it's one of the most unlikely pairings you'll ever read, but to me, it works. There's some really good Rayne out there, and it's mighty good. EDIT: For a good example, check out the Voices & Visions series.


More plausable, and it still involves River, who in my eyes, is one of the most interesting characters in a romantic situation.



Don't know why, but I just find Silee stories somewhat dull.


I'm sorry, but that's just plain creepy...



Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:30 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Zoe/Wash. Obvious, right? But I love it.

Mal/River. Yeah, I know, he's too old for her, but I love their dynamic, I really do.

Zoe/Jayne. Post BDM. Very post BDM. I could see it working. This is the only pairing I would put Jayne in, ever, other than Jayne with a good OC.

Most other ships leave me cold. I never bought the chemistry between Mal and Inara, and the lack of honesty in their relationship bugs me. Malnara fics and Silee fics both tend to leave me cold. Rayne and Jaylee leave me with a confused look on my face. Most slash leaves me with a confused look on my face, too. Though I did read a great River/Kaylee fic once.
relationships I would be interested to see done right but never have:
Simon/Zoe. Sure, it's a little far-fetched because of the Kaylee factor, but I could see it happening and being interesting.
Simon/Inara. No one has ever written this one to my satisfaction. I think they had more chemistry than Inara/Mal or Simon/Kaylee most of the time, but no one ever sets Inara/Simon fics on Serenity; always before. Why? They claim once Inara meets Mal, she's not with anyone else. But there are a few people who write Jayne/Inara fics while they're on Serenity. I can't see that one working either, btw.
Just wrong:
Simon/River. Never read it, never want to.
I probably didn't cover everything, but that's what I've got.



Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:14 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Rayne and Jaylee leave me with a confused look on my face.

Simon/Zoe. Sure, it's a little far-fetched because of the Kaylee factor, but I could see it happening and being interesting.


I personally can't really take Rayne. It has too many rape connotations to me. She's like my age and he's like my dad's age! (Obvious is my view on Jaylee, but we're a psychotic, close-knit group AND WE DON'T LIKE YOU EITHER!!!

Right now in one of the fics I'm working on there is a Simon/Zoe pairing that I'm having a little trouble writing. Check it out if you want to, though I will warn you there is heavy Jaylee too. It's called Better Times.


"You know that's gonna fall off."
-----Nathan Fillion (to me while drunk)

How are ships unlike food?
1. If you try it and don't like it, you don't have to do it again.
2. You can have as much as you want, when you want.
3. Cravings can be very specific.
I mean, hello it's not as if there's 'ship police?


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:27 PM


In my Quest to Create Every Pairing Possible, (which, I fear, is lagging because of unco-operative characters) I have to admit I've discovered a fondness for...

Simon/Mal - Unlikely as hell, right? But still, one of my favs.
Jayne/Kaylee - I know I haven't finished it yet, but when I post it, dear heaven, it will be worth the wait!

Least fav?

Simon/Kaylee. Yeah, Kaylee has a huge crush on Simon, and Simon likes her, in a sort of wishy washy way.
But just about every fic I've read about them that has them settling down and raising babies makes me gag. I mean, yes, hijinx ensue, but really...
Plus, it's just too obvious. If they're gonna do it, let 'em do it at Tim & Joss's hands. Don't muck with it in fanfic unless you can do something unique.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:30 PM


I dislike Rayne, Tamcest and Slash.

Rayne because there is no connection between the two. the only reason I can see people doing this is out of either morbid curiosity or just because them two are the only two 'available' ones left.

I have not bought any justifications that people have put forward, and any attempt to show scenes from the series or the movie as justification just fall flat to my eyes.

and to get this to work in any way both characters are altered to the degree that neither are the same.

Tamcest and slash are obvious, so no need to rant at them. (I just will add that I dislike pornfic in general... In long stories containing this, I just skip it. I do not want to read the authors fantasies!)

While not a ship, I do like Mal and River dialogue and interaction.

Mal/Inara? I would love to see a good proper fight. Most are lame.

Simon/Kaylee? Too fluffy. I think it is best kept in the background of a story instead of the main focus. (that is probably the best for all of them... unless there is a big damn fight... then popcorn...)


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 3:41 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

My favorite pairing is hands-down Zoe/Wash. Joss and Co. just make it work, and it's so fantastically real, while being true to their own personalities (something that I myself find lacking in almost every fanfic I've ever read concerning anything, FF related or not, which is why I now avoid them at all costs)., Then, Mal/Inara, only because the movie left it hanging. I frickin' hate Joss, because he does his job so well. Grr. Plus, I like that there's almost this understanding between the two that their feelings are there, but something to be avoided. What can I say? I love complications.

My least favorite pairings (in order from sickening to bearable):

1. River/Simon - I acidentally stumbled across one of these, back when I still thought there might be some decent fanfics that I could stand (no offense to any fanfic authors, because it's me, not you), and... eeeewwwwww to the nth degree!


2. River/Jayne - Whoever originally thought this up should really consider looking into their drug usage problems. (I kid, I kid; but, in all seriousness - WTF?!)

3. Kaylee/Jayne - See my explaination for River/Jayne above.

4. Any other non-cannon pairings - My loyalties lie with Joss.

As for Simon/Kaylee: There are certain times I like it (him), and certain times I really think it's (he's) bad. I hope Joss meant for Simon to be a slightly grating character, because he is (for me). Just... uh... >.<

Forsaken Lurker (at least when it comes to the RWED) - Vote Firefly (but only once a week, so they all count)!

(by Kelai)


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 4:13 PM


My favorites would probably have to be all the canon ones....especially Mal/Inara and Simon/Kaylee.
My least favorites are:
Simon/River...come on now people!
Jayne/River-For all the reasons stated above.
Mal/Kaylee, just 'cause that would never happen in my opinion.
Zoe/Jayne, Cause she really seems to dislike him in the series
And also any slash fictions...they are just wrong.

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:20 PM


My favourite pairing: Simon/Kaylee. No special reason, other than I empathise with Simon in the matter and it seems the most plausible (and bearable). After that, Mal/Inara; again, no special reason. What can I say, sparks gotta fly in any relationship.

My least favourite pairing: Jayne/anybody, but especially Jayne/River. It just doesn't and wouldn't work. The abysmal gaps in age and I.Q. aside, it's vanilla-plain to me that Jayne hates River's guts. Plus, money and Vera are his first loves and his OTPs: he's a mercenary, and as such he's always looking out for No. 1, to which he sees River as a dire threat. Even if Uncle Joss did have time to work on whatever little thing Jayne had for Kaylee early in the series, his mercenary ways would have made an end of it before long.

Oh, and no slash or Tamcest for me either.

I'm another one of them as would like to see more River/OC stuff, which is why I'm writing some. It'd really be interesting - not just to see how River experiences the L-word, esp. given her inability to suppress her emotions: it'd also be interesting to see what kind of sparks fly between her and Simon when it happens, and especially to see what kind of person will take her as she is, who can love her without being afraid of that. I'm exploring a few ideas to that effect, not quite ready for posting but eventually they'll be along.

Calm is River
Scared is Jayne
"I can kill you
With my brain."


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:06 PM



Originally posted by danniisupernova:
I know that in many fandoms, not just ours all manner of shipping goes on. I'm curious to see what ships are the most popular, so I'm asking my fellow Browncoats to do the following:

List all your favorite pairings (slash or not) in order (from OMG that is so hot! to this is okay and good but only if well written) and

List your least favorite.

If you'd be so kind as to explain that would be cool too.

My favorite pairing in fanfic is actually Rayne. There's just something about it that appeals to me. A certain dynamic between them that makes it work for me.

I like the Mal/Inara and Simon/Kaylee pairings in the show but for some reason haven't really liked it in fanfic.

For slash pairings, I can't really see the guys pairing off with each other.

Least favorite: I'm not very fond of the Mal/River ship. But my very least favorite is definitely River/Simon stories.

You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:16 PM



Originally posted by danniisupernova:
List all your favourite pairings (slash or not) in order (from OMG that is so hot! to this is okay and good but only if well written) and

List your least favourite.

If you'd be so kind as to explain that would be cool too.

PS I'm sorry if this has already been done.

Favourite Pairings
1. Wash/Zoë - it's canon till the BDM, it's honest in that Wash ain't the big, strapping warrior-hero but a Joe Schmo-type of Everyman with human issues like jealousy, fear, rebellion and an obsession with plastic prehistoric creatures; Zoë isn't the stereotypical testosterone-laced female action hero, but a rounded character that can both be stone-cold and dangerous at the same time she's loving and fragile

2) Mal/Inara - if the Washburns are Joss' exploration of marriage and its foibles, this ship looks at the early stages of a relationship between two dangerously similar people. They're intelligent; independent; opinionated; compassionate; dangerous when riled or attacked; and struggling with demons that never really had a chance to get explored over several seasons. Yeah...the whole "smuggler/Companion" employment issue is a big obstacle (realistic too, in how both characters hide behind their work to avoid risk-taking and emotional vulnerability). That and there's some gaps in socio-political viewpoints (even post-BDM, Inara is not going to completely support the idea of Independence...she's someone who believes in mutually-beneficial relationships)

3) Simon/Kaylee - it's Mal/Inara...but with a lot less obvious clashing; there's conflict and emotional issues, but they're restrained and hidden by Simon's Core-bred stoicism and proper behaviour, and Kaylee's desire to maintain a happy and positive environment. Joss put these two together, but he was going to make some waves for them to run them through the ringer and make their relationship stronger through realistic stresses and cracks. Plus, once you get down to base personalities? They are healers and voices of reason when Mal or Jayne start getting a tad nutty Also, I think some excellent stuff can be done with Silee if one takes the time to really work with what Joss & co was able to give the viewers before Fox's stupidity mutated to sheer incompetence. See TamSibling and Leiasky as examples of how to work with the schmaltz to make with the fun;

4) River/Jayne - yes, I am a Rayne fan. Despise me if you must (or agree to disagree with me) but understand that I see promise between these two. Not immediately progress or shacking up, cuz both characters need to grow and expand a bit to make things a bit more realistic. I agree that Jayne's still too much of a treacherous ass by the end of the BDM...but he's moving towards being a better man with all that he underwent with the crew; River needs to grow as a character as well, mainly in areas where she's behind the curve because of what the Academy did...dealing with her improving mental stability and power while finding her place amongst the crew and the in 'Verse so she can recover some of what was taken from her. Rayne is a long-term project kind of ship that should have evolved from blatant opposition between the street-smart but crude and treacherous Jayne to something resembling respect and friendship before attempting to explore a complex relationship. Equate Rayne to Spuffy...which might not improve my argument to some people

5) Mal/River - like with Rayne, there's the age and maturity differences. But I really think that both characters being formerly idealistic individuals that have had their faith and beliefs torn from them and trodden upon violently would mean they have a connection that someone like Inara or whoever River might get partnered with would not be able to replicate. That and any relationship involving River would need time for River to deal with the changes in her life and allow her to explore who she is in deeply emotional ways;

6) Book/God - it's a rough time for both parties, but there's a core foundation of love and goodness that allows for each party to use the other for mutually-beneficial actions

Non-Favourite Pairings
1) Jayne/Kaylee - to me, Jaylee is a potentially plausible relationship...but not really suited for the long-term. Jayne's behaviour and work would make for difficult moments when Kaylee's naive POV clashed with Jayne's pragmatic and personally-motivated worldview over topics like the Tams and actions undertaken during jobs. That and Jayne seems to treat Kaylee like a little sister, with his worried observation of Kaylee while Simon fixed her up and his earlier crude chain-yanking about Kaylee's infatuation with Simon being related to Simon's possible role as gynaecologist. Same with Kaylee, as she seems to act like Jayne's an older and frustrating brother who acts improperly and drives her nuts with his antics...but still loves him as family.

2) Simon/River - one word: incest! Even if Joss made River some genetics experiment where Regan Tam was the's the emotional relationship that would go all FUBAR and such That and it opens the doors for Jaylee

3) Simon/Inara - while they are quite similar emotionally and intellectually, a relationship between these two would really be little different than the client-Companion relationships Inara has with those who hire her. Simon is too much the kind of person who would turn to a Companion for escort or sexual liaison roles and Inara is too much like the kind of woman that his parents would have wanted him to get involved with and marry. They work better as close friends who can support one another when Mal and/or Kaylee are entities they can't understand because of the different lifestyles and educations each party in the relationships experienced

As for slash or other pairings? Don't really care honestly. I am willing to work to understand an "odd pairing" as long as the writer takes the time to work towards making the pair up seem plausible based on events established by either the good people at ME or the author him/herself. We are talking about material created by a man whose brain works in fugging mysterious ways, so pairings involving BDMs are subject to flexibility usually left out of other fandoms...cuz Joss will pull the rug out if given half the chance

Literature has shown us some of humanity's greatest achievements; history, some of our greatest failures -- Alun Lewis






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