What I sent to Oprah

UPDATED: Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:44
VIEWED: 5740
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:21 AM


The Oprah Show limits you on the amount of characters you can send in an email so I had to send an abbrev form of the email I sent to G4TV:

There has been a lot of press for the performers behaving badly. i.e. Mel Gibson, Michael Richards and Britney Spears. How about some press for performers giving back to their fans?

There is a TV franchise called "Firefly" and a movie based on the series call "Serenity". Recently there was to be a convention for the fans of the show called FlanventionII, but it was canceled at the last minute, in fact several people were already in transit from as far away as Aus, and the UK, so when the fans came to the hotel, they were greeted with the cancellation of the event. Many local Browncoats(a name from the show) put together an event as best as possible, but then the stars of the Series and movie began to show up on there own. No monetary compensation, just for the love of the franchise and the fans. For the entire weekend, they spent time with the fans, giving autographs and taking pictures and giving back to those who had been faithful to the franchise.
This is a story that should be told. The performers deserve positive publicity for giving back to the fans, unlike so many these days.

Adam Baldwin, Nathan Fillion, Alan Tudyk, Christina Hicks, Mark Shepard.

Please show them some love..

It might sound like I have short changed the SoCal Browncoats, but there was limited space. I hope they know how much other fans of the franchise, respect what they were able to pull off. It turned out to be a spectacular event through the hard work and patience and tenacity of the Local Browncoats. Big props to them all


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:34 AM


America loves a winner!

Now THAT's one shiny idea ya got there ! I don't fancy Oprah too much , but I do know of her power in the 'verse. Might not amount to much, but I'll bet someone along the line get's the good word.

Well done!

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:13 PM


Good work, mate, I like your thinking!



Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:17 PM


I do hope you correctected the use of there instead of their before you sent it?


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 3:17 PM


Is that all you got say, Sweet Baby Jane. Little kid bs ooh you didn't cross your t. Who gives a whoop. Somebody was tryin to do good Jack Ass.
Man tired of the boobs on the internet. FF letter is a good thing. THANK YOU

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 4:07 PM


Great idea!!!

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:13 PM


I received a notice from The Oprah Show saying that they had gotten the email I sent, but there were no guarantee that they would do anything with it. Atleast I gave it a shot.

I also sent an email to the syndicated "Stephanie Miller Show". I wish a had been able to do more.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:27 PM


Good work, DevonNite.

My signature...Rhae.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:19 PM



Originally posted by DevonNite:
I received a notice from The Oprah Show saying that they had gotten the email I sent, but there were no guarantee that they would do anything with it. Atleast I gave it a shot.

I also sent an email to the syndicated "Stephanie Miller Show". I wish a had been able to do more.

I love Oprah and always thought that she should showcase the phenomenon of Firefly and its fanbase! Thank you for giving it a go - who knows? Maybe Oprah's a Browncoat! (or will become one if she decides to look into it)
Mal:We're still flying.
Simon: That's not much.
Mal: It's enough.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:33 PM



Originally posted by PirateCat:
Is that all you got say, Sweet Baby Jane. Little kid bs ooh you didn't cross your t. Who gives a whoop. Somebody was tryin to do good Jack Ass.
Man tired of the boobs on the internet. FF letter is a good thing. THANK YOU

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".

You may not comprehend this, but in the professional world, spelling and grammar count.
A letter to Oprah won't mean a thing if her staff that sorts through three thousand emails a day says, "Oh, look, another badly written plea for supporting a fandom" and deletes it.

I agree, the letter is a good thing! If I'm not mistaken, the longer version went to CNN? Or one of the other major news sources? And I responded to that thread saying it was a good thing.

We, as fans trying to bring attention to a cause, cannot make the mistake of tossing out badly spelled, grammatically incorrect go se and expecting the world to stand up and listen.

Well written, well thought out, and grammatically correct writing may be heard amongst the masses of poorly churned chum that hits the newswires every single day. Something that looks like just more chum will be fed to the fish.
Now, if you feel the need to continue to call me names and thrash on me for making an essential suggestion, I suggest you take it to private message, where the rest of these folks don't have to wade through it.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:04 PM


Wish I Thought Of That

Want To Kill Me Try


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:08 PM


Kudos for doing that! You are another example of why Browncoats rule.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:29 PM


Great idea, DevonNite. I've been trying to get the word to Oprah for awhile. Check the link on my signature. I wrote a letter this last weekend also. I was so overwhelmed with the BDHs and the California Browncoats that I felt she should know about it.

Don't worry about the comment about spelling. Oprah gets letters from all type of people, and one small spelling error will not stop them from a GREAT idea for a show.

To anyone else checking this thread: if you think it is a good idea, go to and tell how great the BDHs and the Browncoats are. It's the volume of requests that will get the message across.

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Thursday, December 14, 2006 12:40 AM



Things are about to get interesting...Define interesting...Oh GOD oh GOD we're all going to die.

Vote for Summer Glau(remember case sensitive) at

Go to

to see my cool trailer.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 12:45 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:

Originally posted by PirateCat:
Is that all you got say, Sweet Baby Jane. Little kid bs ooh you didn't cross your t. Who gives a whoop. Somebody was tryin to do good Jack Ass.
Man tired of the boobs on the internet. FF letter is a good thing. THANK YOU

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".

You may not comprehend this, but in the professional world, spelling and grammar count.
A letter to Oprah won't mean a thing if her staff that sorts through three thousand emails a day says, "Oh, look, another badly written plea for supporting a fandom" and deletes it.

I agree, the letter is a good thing! If I'm not mistaken, the longer version went to CNN? Or one of the other major news sources? And I responded to that thread saying it was a good thing.

We, as fans trying to bring attention to a cause, cannot make the mistake of tossing out badly spelled, grammatically incorrect go se and expecting the world to stand up and listen.

Well written, well thought out, and grammatically correct writing may be heard amongst the masses of poorly churned chum that hits the newswires every single day. Something that looks like just more chum will be fed to the fish.
Now, if you feel the need to continue to call me names and thrash on me for making an essential suggestion, I suggest you take it to private message, where the rest of these folks don't have to wade through it.

If the shows staff is going through 3000 emails a day, and they can find that one word in that email, then more power to them, ofcourse I think that they are more than likely looking for repetition of the same subject matter, not a word by word analysis, but hey what do I know, i'm obviously just a grunt and I should not have wasted my time. I mean if one misplaced word in an entire email can doom the Firefly/Serenity "fandom" then I have truly ended all that was.

By the way, I wasn't making a "plea for supporting a fandom". I was bringing attention to performers who had given back to their fans out of the kindness of their hearts.

Do you really see this as a cause?? I see world hunger as a cause, I see helping the homeless as a cause. I see helping the people of Dafur as a cause. I see helping the people of New Orleans as a cause. I see Firefly / Serenity as entertainment that I really enjoyed and would like to see more of, but not a cause.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:46 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Great work DevonNite! This was an inspired idea. Keep us informed if you hear anything more.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


[img] [/img]


Thursday, December 14, 2006 2:26 AM


How awesome would it be if Oprah did a show (or a segment of one) on the Browncoats and the BDHs? How big a surge of new fans would that generate? There may be little chance, but there's no downside to sending emails like this and the potential upside is vasty.

Somewhat more of a problem with this particular email than "there" for "their" is the fact that Christina's last name is not Hicks but Hendricks. Also, it's Mark Sheppard (double 'p'). I got his name wrong in a recent post, my own self (spelled it Shepherd).

I'm pointin' right at it!


Thursday, December 14, 2006 5:01 AM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
How awesome would it be if Oprah did a show (or a segment of one) on the Browncoats and the BDHs? How big a surge of new fans would that generate? There may be little chance, but there's no downside to sending emails like this and the potential upside is vasty.

Somewhat more of a problem with this particular email than "there" for "their" is the fact that Christina's last name is not Hicks but Hendricks. Also, it's Mark Sheppard (double 'p'). I got his name wrong in a recent post, my own self (spelled it Shepherd).

I'm pointin' right at it!

Okay you got me on the spelling of the names LOL.

I was typing rather quickly, obviously faster than my brain was working.

If anyone can get in touch with Lexigeek or Theonetruebix and have them write to Oprah about how these stars came to their rescue and helped save the day for the fans of the show, maybe that will get some attention or all of us writing about that event might catch someones eye as a good, positive story.

I think that if we take the angle of "These performers coming to the rescue of wronged fans" as opposed to "Please help us get our series back" we will get a more sympathetic ear.

I am not a fan of Oprahs but I recognize the power that she has in the media. One segment from her can expose millions upon millions of new people to the "Verse"



Thursday, December 14, 2006 5:27 AM


For Sameertia I comprehend just fine. Ever try to read a Doctor's handwriting. If ya can you'll fine a misspelled word. The nurses do it for my professional doctor. I use to have a neighbor that is UNC proffessor ex bartender cause he couldn't find a real job. He is the most ignant person I ever met and he is teaching young people what a joke.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Thursday, December 14, 2006 5:31 AM


Hello all you browncoats

Well just sent a letter off to Oprah. Will I get a response? Don't know but an effort was made. It was about Devonnite's email and how they should look into it. It wasn't about the show Firefly. Nope it was about the actors/crew of the show. Real world causes that are helped by the Oprah show are GREAT.But not every show has that.There are some that just have a message.Her show is something that I don't watch on a regular basis but I do know that many actors that have a new movie coming out can find time there. So this is what the email (and Devonnite's) was about. THE ACTORS. These ppl spent their own time and effort going to a place where they knew fans would be. They didn't go there because "60 Minutes" would be there. They didn't go because Dr.Phil was doing a show about the psychology of FF. They went for th fans. For the love of the fans and the show itself. I believe FF in it's creation has a message. A message about believing in something. About caring for family and friends. About doing what you feel is right. Is that a wrong message? IMO it isn't.
The fans believe in the show and as we have seen that the CREATORS and ACTORS do too and "Well, I guess that's something" and isn't that a good message. Seems to me it is. just wanted to point it out to them. Hope that it shows a favorable light on our BDHs.



Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:44 AM


I write copy for a living. I've seen the piles of dross that come through editors and promotors desks. The mis-used or misspelled words stand out loud and clear, and while read through politely won't get put in the "This is big! Let's pass it on!" pile.

Is it a cause? Anything someone believes in and wants to make happen can become a cause.

No one here is uneducated. No one here is stupid.
We shouldn't act like it, especially when promoting something that we want people to pay attention.

I agree that writing to Oprah is a shiny idea! It should be done! I encourage EVERYONE to write letters to talk shows, make suggestions, send emails, etc. But I know that badly written, poorly informed garbage goes to the garbage can. Believe it or not, it's true.

Throwing a foolish effort into a good plan can be as damaging as throwing a good effort into a foolish plan.
Yes, Oprah gets all kinds of letters from all kinds of people. If we want ours to stand out, they have to be above and beyond the rest.

Just my two cents worth.
Oh, and everyone knows medical folks can't spell or use correct grammar. They can sew up gaping wounds, and properly medicate dying bodies so who cares if they can spell?
You'll notice though, that if they want a professional paper published, they call people like me. *shrug*






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