Joss talks about Serenity/FF

UPDATED: Monday, January 8, 2007 15:06
VIEWED: 27068
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Friday, December 15, 2006 9:22 AM


Found this article on SyFy Portal

Whedon On 'Serenity': You Have To Call Me
Buffy creator also expresses love for 'Battlestar Galactica'

Source: TV Guide

(December 07 2006) - "Serenity," the film version of Joss Whedon's long-canceled science-fiction/western series "Firefly," isn't dead: It's just that no one has asked for it.
"Nobody's asked me for anything more," Whedon recently told TV Guide's Ileane Rudolph. "They all know that I'm there, and that it's not somethng I would ever turn my back on. But they do have to ask. I don't have all that money."

Whedon, who is in the middle of rewrites for the proposed Wonder Woman movie, said that while his experience with the Fox network over "Firefly" "wounded me really badly," he's still interested in working on projects that would make the small screen. However, the demon isn't hard feelings, but more like time.

"I have a few commitments, Wonder Woman being the biggest," Whedon said. "I can't let any of them slide, so I've got to get through the things I already agreed to do before I can start agreeing to do other things. But I miss TV. I'm not going to lie: I love it."

Whedon, a self-proclaimed comic book buff, said he's been trying to keep up with different series, but one he refuses to read is the comic book series based on SciFi Channel's reimagining of "Battlestar Galactica," but not for the reasons one might think.

"If they stopped doing 'Battlestar Galactica,' and then two or three years later (executive producers) Ron Moore and David Eick said, 'We ourselves are going to continue the story in comic-book form -- as opposed to something ancillary to the show done by other people,' then I would be all over it," Whedon said. "People used to say, 'Will you make a 'Buffy (the Vampire Slayer') movie like 'The X-Files' did?' ' I was like, 'Never,' because while the show is going on, the show is my only priority. That's not to say the 'Battlestar' comic isn't great, but I love that show the way other people love 'Buffy.' I love it unreasonable. It feels wrong."

Whedon described "Battlestar Galactica" his favorite show, "maybe ever," and said he feels Moore and Eick know his opinion.

"I think I drooled on Ron at a dinner party once," Whedon said jokingly. "I don't think he was thrilled."

For more of the interview, including details about the new "Buffy the Vampire" comic book series, check out TV Guide's interview.

Get breaking news and headlines from SyFy Portal direct to your mailbox, absolutely free! Simply send a blank e-mail to and never be left in the dark again! - Article by Michael Hinman

So, all we need to do is to convince someone to fork over the $$, and for F*x to turn loose of the contract.



Friday, December 15, 2006 9:31 AM


Come on Universal!!...Although my love, love, love DREAM would be to have Firefly return to television and proceed in the small, lovely, and lovingly-crafted steps that Joss Whedon is so adept at. **sigh**


Friday, December 15, 2006 9:42 AM


I'm with you there SISTER



Friday, December 15, 2006 9:50 AM


Maybe we should send them a copy of our poll for what we would pay for it to happen....If the fans are willing to help pay for it, wonder how that would influence the producers?



Friday, December 15, 2006 3:40 PM


Fan funding would definitely put a new spin on "pay per view".

..and now I can't get down.


Friday, December 15, 2006 4:09 PM


No one's asking? We are! :D


//breathe today So many lies s w i r l i n g
All A R O U N D You
you're S U F F O C A T I N G
the e m p t y shape in Y O U
s t e a l s your b r e a t h


Friday, December 15, 2006 4:18 PM


Yeah...too bad none of us have bajillions of dollars to make a movie...

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Friday, December 15, 2006 5:32 PM


Joss is "there", we are so there... I wish wish wish this could come true.

Feelin' blue tonight and yearning for more of the 'Verse.

Go to to find out how to honor the Captain!


Friday, December 15, 2006 5:36 PM


We don't have the money individually to make one, but I'll go see it at the theater 27 times! Or buy the pay per view everyday or whatever in the gorram special hell I have too!



Friday, December 15, 2006 6:10 PM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by FollowMal:
Feelin' blue tonight and yearning for more of the 'Verse.

We're holdin' with ya FM

latest vid

the lyrics


Friday, December 15, 2006 6:35 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Joss is "there", we are so there... I wish wish wish this could come true.

Feelin' blue tonight and yearning for more of the 'Verse.


Are you lonesome tonight?
Do you miss me tonight?
Are you sorry we drifted apart?
Does your memory stray to a brighter sunny day
When I kissed you and called you sweetheart?
Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare?
Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there?
Is your heart filled with pain?
Shall I come back again?
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?

"Are You Lonesome Tonight"
Sung by: Elvis Presley
Lyrics and Music by: Roy Turk and Lou Handman

I aim to be lonesome tonight


Friday, December 15, 2006 7:40 PM


Battlestar Galactica is my second favorite show of all time, after firefly. If someone can get me a list of all the fox executives, I'm up for committing identity theft/fraud to fund this. I would totally watch it from jail if I had to. (BSG is really awesome!) Isn't Scifi owned by NBC and attached at the hip to Universal? What about a Sci fi miniseries... or two... thousand?

"Am I talking to Miranda now?"


Friday, December 15, 2006 7:56 PM


Ok, heres the thing, I think it's just awesome that after 4 years Joss is still talking about Firefly for TV and that he is still interested. From what I've heard all the BDH's would be back onboard in a heart beat, and some of them seem to be as obsessed as us browncoats about getting it back in someway.

This is rare, and I have a good feeling that before too much longer goes by we'll see or hear something about a new project. There are just too many people still in love with this thing to let it die. I myself know 4 people in my own life that just fell in love with series by watching the DVD's, truth is this show continues to be one of the highest mentioned shows whenever people start talkin' sci-fi.

I say keep your heads and chins up ladies (and gents), ya never know what a new year can bring.


Friday, December 15, 2006 8:01 PM



Originally posted by Rae:
Maybe we should send them a copy of our poll for what we would pay for it to happen....If the fans are willing to help pay for it, wonder how that would influence the producers?


Hey all, first time poster and relatively new to Firefly. I'm wondering, is there a precedence for anything like Rae suggests (fans helping to fund a major motion picture). If so, what were the results? It is an intriguing idea and given the loyalty of Firefly/Serenity fans it seems like it could work to one degree or another. Hell, even if it only helps pay for the C-47's and gaff tape it would be money well spent.

Brannigan's law is like Brannigan's love...Hard and fast


Friday, December 15, 2006 8:56 PM


Welcome Werd:

There has been some talk on and off about starting a fund to raise money, It just boils down to how. Who would be responsible? How many people and how much would they donate? For it would be a donation. From what I understand the BDM has yet to make it to the profit margin. Were talking big bucks here and someone would have to invest their time to handle the account. Probably place it in Certificates of Deposit so the money would be earning interest while until it is needed. Or some higher yield funds. A bank would help guide you toward the best investment strategy.

But enough of that. You are a new Browncoat and we are so glad you have found us. I don't know if you have explored our site, but you will find a lot of different discussions going on beyond Firefly. We like to have fun and share our experiences. Join in and express yourself.

Post! Post! Post!



Friday, December 15, 2006 9:46 PM



Originally posted by traveler:
Welcome Werd:
From what I understand the BDM has yet to make it to the profit margin.

Thanks for the welcome, I've explored the site some and it seems like a great community.

(a response to the qoute above) "Studios make it a point to juggle the income on a film to make sure it never shows a profit on paper" J. Michael Straczynski 'The Complete Book of Scriptwriting'.

The only reason why I bring it up is becuase apparently no film no matter how successful makes a 'profit'. Whether this is true of Serenity I cannot say, however, cooking the books isn't uncommon and I hear it's a widely known secret (studio execs do this so that they don't have to pay net points with writers and investors who were naive enough to agree to net points in the first place). Anyway, just a thought.

Brannigan's law is like Brannigan's love...Hard and fast


Friday, December 15, 2006 10:05 PM


The way the books are handled, in Hollywood, is the difference between a good producer and a great producer. I would not be surprised to learn the profit just from the sale of DVD's.

Someone said to me that the price of Serenity DVD's are going down because they are not selling. I think the price is going down because they see a market and you can catch more fish with a bargain. The profit margin on a DVD must fantastic compare to the ticket sales at the theater.

And theaters always make a profit. Popcorn with artificial butter. I have yet to learn what that stuff is. I bet you could run your car on it.



Friday, December 15, 2006 10:51 PM


The profit margin on DVD's is directed related to the price of Oil. This is because Oil is one of core items in the cost of manufacturing of a DVD. Last year studios and DVD manufacturers took in less revenue due to the peak in oil prices and the pressures of the marketplace, internet, offshore sales, etc, etc. The retailer and the consumer were less affected.

I think you're right in saying that there is a difference between low cost best sellers and bargain bin sales. FF/S's excellent sales justify its position in stores where DVD has to make commercial sense.

It would be interesting to see the expected profit/loss statements for the new straight to DVD B5 series. If they can make it work so can Firefly.


Friday, December 15, 2006 11:09 PM


Hello Jorune:

I would go for a straight to DVD Firefly. I already know the quality and I would buy the DVD's eventually anyway.

Instead of using oil to make DVD's why don't they use that fake butter they put on popcorn at the movie theaters. Or is that butter made from oil? I use the term butter for lack of better word. There is a better word, but I don't want to get in trouble.



Friday, December 15, 2006 11:18 PM



Originally posted by PDCharles:
We're holdin' with ya FM

You have no idea how comforting that was to me... I really am quite blue tonight and when I came back and saw your response it cheered me. Glad I'm in the trenches with you and the rest of my friends. Thank you!


Originally posted by Traveler:
Are you lonesome tonight?
Do you miss me tonight?
Are you sorry we drifted apart?
Does your memory stray to a brighter sunny day

LOL... I've been singing that song all evening in my head, Traveler! Nice to know someone else knows the words too. Thank you too!


Originally posted by JubalisEarly:
I say keep your heads and chins up ladies (and gents), ya never know what a new year can bring.

You're right, 2007 may be the year of Serenity 2!
The actor's contracts aren't up til Sept. There's still hope! With all of Nathan's attention and movement towards stardom and Joss wrapping up committments to WW and other projects, our time may come again.


Originally posted by werd:

Originally posted by Rae:
Maybe we should send them a copy of our poll for what we would pay for it to happen....If the fans are willing to help pay for it, wonder how that would influence the producers?


Hey all, first time poster and relatively new to Firefly. I'm wondering, is there a precedence for anything like Rae suggests (fans helping to fund a major motion picture). If so, what were the results? It is an intriguing idea and given the loyalty of Firefly/Serenity fans it seems like it could work to one degree or another. Hell, even if it only helps pay for the C-47's and gaff tape it would be money well spent.

Brannigan's law is like Brannigan's love...Hard and fast

Generally fan funded ideas never make it past the first blush... but there's a first time for everything. :shrugs: I'm more impressed by B5's direct to DVD approach to a return... I think there might be real potential there for Firefly/Serenity. Cheaper, faster and still satisfying to all of us and to them. I am going to hope for that in lieu of a another film or series if it becomes increasingly clear that another film or series is too rough to get going.

Welcome home Werd! Glad you've joined us! You'll find this wonderful place welcoming and helpful... when you fall in love with Firefly and then find out there isn't any more, you need the solace this place and these folks provide.

I hand out browncoats ( virtual, not real, dang the luck!) to new folks, if I'm around when they arrive... so....

*hands Werd a browncoat from the storeroom that fits just right*

Again.. welcome aboard.. our ship's the shiniest!
There should be some folks along who will find you and offer you eats from the galley and drinks ( don't drink the mudder's milk.. it's dreadful!).

I'll be back if FloralBunny breaks out the shimmer wine fountain. LOL

Go to to find out how to honor the Captain!


Saturday, December 16, 2006 1:33 AM


Ok, seriously, if Universal is dumb enough to do this:
then they owe us a sequel to a movie that actually is enjoyable, such as a Serenity sequel. Don't get me wrong, loved Rowan Atkinson in Johnny English and the Mr. Bean tv shows, but the first movie sucked!! and now they making a second!?! Come on, Universal, invest in a movie that'll make you bank!!!

You shot me in the back!!


Saturday, December 16, 2006 2:04 AM


Thanks so much for posting this Rae! It's always comforting to me whenever I hear anything related to Firefly & Joss. Although his comments were both disappointing and interesting, I found his admission to loving Battlestar Galactica the most confusuing. I know I've seen "extra" material of Joss on the dvd set or the movie and I clearly recall him stating that he created Firefly because he felt that sci-fi on television had become too high tech and cold and he imagined his universe of less high tech and more character driven stories.

As far as Firefly/Serenety's future continuation, I never worry about it...'cause I know that it will happen, has to happen, it's predictable & inevidable, and will be better than ever wherever and whenever it re-surfaces....How do I know this?....Because Hollywood is basically retarded and has no ideas....freshness and quality are so extremely rare...most everything last decade or so has been cloned & rehashed crap... Movie remakes of 60's & 70's shows??...8,127 shows on tv about Law & Order & Crime stuff & how successful they are...Now that IS science fiction...& of course the all the lawyers, doctors,etc you can stomach. Even the movies Sci Fi channel makes are childish and lame....but exceptions like HBO films are a bright beacon of hope...SO...all we Browncoats need to expect that there's at least ONE OTHER person out there in La LA Land who will ...somehow...somewhere...someday...have a lightning bolt go thru his little A-type brain and Firely-Serenity will come back packaged to the hilt for mass audience consumption...he'll be hailed as a genius...whiz kid...well, maybe not all that 'cause Mary Parent , our best friend at Universal, didn't get the payoff for her 100% support...but TV is different...A few great promos..and then SHOW the thing when ya say ya will...and voila..we're back..and loving it!

Shiny Holidays To All!


Saturday, December 16, 2006 2:23 AM


The scary thing is Bean 2 will probably make more money than Serenity did... Of course if they made a new Serenity 2? That would be a differen story altogether!

"All that is gold does not glitter..."


Saturday, December 16, 2006 3:43 AM


Just be patient, grasshoppers... uhh, Browncoats... Babylon 5 is doing some direct to DVD movies, as is Stargate SG-1... sites like YouTube are showing that online media can truly challenge conventional Network TV... the time is nearly here when dumb-ass executives and bean-miscounting accountants will be out of work and on the street, as they will have lost touch with their true masters - the audience...

What do you think would happen if Universal put together a direct to DVD Firefly "multi-arc movie" that was actually just a series of 6 episodes? The fans, en masse, would buy it... that's what.

They (F*x, Universal, etc.) should go back, finish season 1, sell the crap out of the set, then when the dust settles, move on to season 2, straight to DVD... another dozen episodes or so... They could then sell these not only as DVDs, but also as TV for overseas markets, as well as on-line downloads. They WOULD make money... lots of it. But, yes... they would lose a lot of power and control - the people would get the credit for the success of a show, not some whiz kid executive - and that is what they truly fear.

To hell with network TV... I ditched my digital cable in favour of buying DVD sets... I hate commercials and I hate to wait for episodes... I'd prefer to plow through 22 uncut, commercial free, episodes in a few weeks, and then wait a year, rather than piece-meal them with Burger King and deodorant ads over the course of 9 months...

I just wish the PTB would finally get some balls and realize that's what people want... that, and the absolute destruction of the AC Neilsen ratings system...

here endeth the rant...

Much work remains to be done before we can announce our total failure to make any progress...


Saturday, December 16, 2006 5:58 AM



Originally posted by werd:
I'm wondering, is there a precedence for anything like Rae suggests (fans helping to fund a major motion picture).

No, no precedent, but since when has that stopped Browncoats?

(There was no precedent for a big-screen movie from a less-than-a-season TV show, either.)

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, December 18, 2006 5:22 AM


Hey guys Im all for any kind of continuation of the series or movies, but does anyone remember that two of the best characters died? I mean yeah maybe they can get away with the preacher bein gone but, without Wash, Zoe aint much... so it might not be as good as it can be but if Joss says he has an inkling to do more he got to have a few ideas up his sleave....what do you think??


Monday, December 18, 2006 9:05 AM


Joss has killed off characters before (repeatedly, in some cases) and no doubt will again (and again, and again).

There's more story to tell.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, December 18, 2006 9:54 AM


How are TV series rights bought and sold?

I know jack-nothing about this stuff, obviously, but what if -- instead of trying to fund another movie -- we bought the Firefly rights from Fox and gave them to Joss?


Monday, December 18, 2006 10:16 AM



Originally posted by Indi:
How are TV series rights bought and sold?

I know jack-nothing about this stuff, obviously, but what if -- instead of trying to fund another movie -- we bought the Firefly rights from Fox and gave them to Joss?

Problem there is, they can ask any price they want for the rights, if they even choose to put them on the market. As long as they're making cash off the DVDs, which requires no further financial output from them, there's not much reason for them to do so.

If anything, there is more incentive for them not to sell the rights. If they do, no more revenue stream from the DVDs (and other merch, like T-Shirts). And, if someone else were to make a Firefly series a success, it just proves that Fox screwed up in the first place - and if there's one thing Corporate America does not do, is admit they screwed up.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, December 18, 2006 10:55 AM


Hey everyone, here's my two cents

I loved the movie, but the story seems so much more suited to episodic TV. I mean, I doubt if the situation were reversed and the movie came out FIRST, there would not have been such a huge fan upswelling from the one movie. That would have meant no sequel, let alone a TV show and this forum would not exist. So a TV show (or miniseries') seems to me to be the best medium for Firefly. It allows for longer story arcs, more exposition, more development of these characters we come to love like old friends.

Personally, I think we are in kind of a Golden Age of TV right now, with the success of Battlestar, Heroes and all. But the current Neilson rating system so elloquently attacked above is clearly a dinosaur in need of an asteroid. But the ratings set the money and all that blah blah blah.

I'm no Joss Whedon Oracle, but personally I think this is a promising sign. It's a large project, making a big superhero movie. But making a big budget movie that is a blockbuster will give him a "street cred" that could be...whats that business term?....levereged into a project more personal. Hmmmmm....what could that be? Perhaps right a terrible wrong and bring the world into alignment and all that stuff.

Yep, back to TV, probably on Sci-Fi Channel. Hell, cast some of the dead BSG cast in some roles while he's at it

Thats my thoughts

BSG-38 Minnesotia


Monday, December 18, 2006 11:00 AM



Originally posted by BattlestarMinnesotia:
It's a large project, making a big superhero movie. But making a big budget movie that is a blockbuster will give him a "street cred" that could be...whats that business term?....levereged into a project more personal. Hmmmmm....what could that be? Perhaps right a terrible wrong and bring the world into alignment and all that stuff.

That's if it's a hit.

If not, Joss will be coming off of two movies that underperformed despite a built-in audience base, which will make his leverage in Hollywood very slight.

The lesson here: Everyone buy lots of tickets to WW when it comes out.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, December 18, 2006 11:26 AM


That...of an excellent point. So I guess he should REALLY concentrate on that movie to make sure it is a critical and commercial success. I'd expect that it's gonna have a huge marketing budget--toy crossovers, happy meals at MacDonalds, TV commercials, all the usual crap ("Crap" that Serenity never had if I recall). So it should have a good weekend or two at the very least. Whedon is very very good at what he does, so if he just does what he CAN do, well, it's as optimistic a scenario than we can rightfully expect, really. Frankly, I'm looking forward to that movie quite a bit. an old friend of mine into Battlestar first and then slipped Firefly in shortly after. His e-mail to me after about half the season...

"They cancelled this show???"

There ya have it, really. That pretty much says it all.

BSG-38 Minnesotia


Monday, December 18, 2006 11:31 AM



Originally posted by BattlestarMinnesotia:
I'd expect that it's gonna have a huge marketing budget--toy crossovers, happy meals at MacDonalds, TV commercials, all the usual crap ("Crap" that Serenity never had if I recall). So it should have a good weekend or two at the very least....

BSG-38 Minnesotia

Hmm, so did Catwoman and Elektra....

Luckily Joss can sneeze out something of higher quality than those films. But marketing doesn't nessesarily garuntee a decent opening.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, December 18, 2006 11:43 AM


That's true of course. But it's better than NOT having the big marketing budget. It seems to me that one of the things that the Firefly-verse had against it was limited and ill-conceived marketing and presentation (out of order episodes, quick to cancel, etc.)

But its an obvious point of course, that marketing can't make shit---not stink.

I guess we'll find out when Wonder Woman arrives at a theatre near you!

BSG-38 Minnesotia


Monday, December 18, 2006 11:49 AM


'Kay, so what I have gathered from the thread so far it goes like this...

Joss got huuuuuuge success/reputation cause Buffy ran... and ran... and ran. So then Fox were like 'New series from Joss Whedon?? HELLS YEAH!' or similar sentence along those lines.
THEN due to unfortunate circumstances beyond anyones control, FF was released in the wrong kind of climate, so it didn't get a good audience. Thus Fox were like 'Dude you suck!'...

THEN due to pressure from fans because FF obviously was amazing (proved by DVD sales) Serenity got made, but because FF was cancelled it didn't get publicity other than 'Film made because of the fans, how sweet' etc, so it didn't box office well...

Because of that, Joss wasn't such hot property and not many of his projects have been successful, so in order for more FF to be recommissioned, he needs to be successful again so he can say 'Fox, hear me, I am Joss Whedon, make my amazing and shockingly ill-treated sci-fi show again!' and Fox will say 'A Joss Whedon series?? HELLS YEAH!'

So then all the Browncoats now have the responsibilty of buying copies of/tickets for all Joss Whedon's productions and/or all productions involving the BDH's so they are all hot property and their word will be law in production circles

That is me being long winded for the purposes of stating the obvious


Monday, December 18, 2006 1:32 PM


Well lets boil 'er down to the essence of the entire Firefly phenomenon--Birth, death of, re-birth...then speculation......

Money Talks.......and thats it.

But lot's and lots of: talking/posting/hoping/dreaming/rewatching/friend-involving/podcast
listening/fanfic-writing/convention-going/shindig throwing/midnight-screening going on.

BSG-38 Minnesotia


Wednesday, December 20, 2006 1:23 AM


I am a dedicated Browncoat.

I will admit that I was a late-comer, and didn't see any of it until I saw 'Serenity' in theaters...but that was all it took. I fell in love. I purchased 'Firefly: The Complete Series' a few weeks later (with my next paycheck), have watched all the discs and special features, dozens of times, purchased 'Serenity' when it was released.

Though I came late to it, I fell in love with 'The 'Verse' nonetheless. To see not only Joss but most of the original cast still interested in returning to Firefly if it was put warms my heart, and gives me hope. I get the feeling that if we Browncoats stick with 'er just a little bit more, then love will indeed keep this boat sailing.

I think it's slowly dawning just how much people love 'The 'Verse',(and consequently how much money it will make them by exploiting that love) and I believe (and hope and pray) that it will soon reignite the show.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006 1:44 AM


Werd, glad to welcome you aboard our shiny boat. Personally, I've been out of the verse for a bit, but so very glad to be home and welcoming new recruits.

Maybe there's a chance we can make a difference -- maybe there's a chance that some little something that we say or do will make a change for the better. Until then, Werd, make yourself at home, pull up a chair, listen to the stories of your fellow travelers. And listen to FollowMal, wise woman that she is, stay away from the Mudder's Milk!



Thursday, December 21, 2006 2:03 AM


hello im a new browncoat. it took me a while to realize this notion I guess me n jayne are relatives! firefly/serenity has been quietly growing in my mind for a while then one day the realization slamed into me like a freight train!
I was very suprised at how powerful of impression the verse and firefly's crew made on me! im not one to rile easily, so few things have been personal to me, one is when princess di died and the second is the cancelation of firefly.
I think the reason it is so personal is that I was able to relate and bond with the charactors. these were not iconic heroic utopian type people but real, common everyday folk.. the kind you could expect to meet everyday on the street of the verse and while they wernt saints they were good people. The other part is the verse was believeable! it really took a bit of getting use to! cowboys in space, but joss's verse is by far the nearest to something I would expect to see in the future, its the best damn scifi I know to exist. it even puts to shame startrek and battlestar galatica. and for me thats saying alot!
my bigest regret is it took me so long to realize it.


TV shows are like stars in the sky,
most quietly burn out and fade away,
a few explode and are noteworthy
but once every so often a star has the right ingredients and structure and mass and despite all reason refuses to fade away and does something
it explodes into a supernova far outshining a thousand stars and becoming something truely remarkable and precious and enduring.
joss whedon's firefly is such a star.


Thursday, December 21, 2006 3:13 AM



Originally posted by Fitch66:
THEN due to unfortunate circumstances beyond anyones control,

Oh, I wouldn't say they were beyond anyone's control. They certainly weren't beyond Fox's control, 'cause they were the ones who set us up!

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, December 21, 2006 4:05 AM


I know im the only one out there still praying that it ever happens, but i want my Spike movie. Shanshu prophecys dont come with an expiry date, and Blondie Bear needs to lose his fangs. Whedons too busy though. Of course, i also laughed at the idea of "Serenity" making it as well so please by all means prove me wrong Whedon. As always i and the other minions pledge our undying loyalty to your coach potato inducing shows!


Thursday, December 21, 2006 8:18 AM



Originally posted by werd:

Hey all, first time poster and relatively new to Firefly.

It is an intriguing idea and given the loyalty of Firefly/Serenity fans it seems like it could work to one degree or another. Hell, even if it only helps pay for the C-47's and gaff tape it would be money well spent.

NI HAO MA , Peng-You ! Hey Werd , Welcome to those among the De-Lurked ! Come on up the ramp of our Shiny ship , and make yourself comfortable !

I know what gaffers' tape is , but to me a C-47 is an airplane , a miltary cargo plane from WW2 , like a civilian DC-3 . An immortal flyin' machine . Like Serenity .

Is that what a C-47 is to you ? Please explain .

Do we need C-47's to get some more Serenifly , 'cause I know some folk...

Keep the Faith . Share the Love . Feel the Joy !


Thursday, December 21, 2006 8:48 AM



Originally posted by CaptinAmazing:
I know im the only one out there still praying that it ever happens, but i want my Spike movie.

You're not the only one.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, December 21, 2006 2:04 PM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

Originally posted by werd:

Hey all, first time poster and relatively new to Firefly.

It is an intriguing idea and given the loyalty of Firefly/Serenity fans it seems like it could work to one degree or another. Hell, even if it only helps pay for the C-47's and gaff tape it would be money well spent.

NI HAO MA , Peng-You ! Hey Werd , Welcome to those among the De-Lurked ! Come on up the ramp of our Shiny ship , and make yourself comfortable !

I know what gaffers' tape is , but to me a C-47 is an airplane , a miltary cargo plane from WW2 , like a civilian DC-3 . An immortal flyin' machine . Like Serenity .

Is that what a C-47 is to you ? Please explain .

Do we need C-47's to get some more Serenifly , 'cause I know some folk...

Keep the Faith . Share the Love . Feel the Joy !

Thanks everyone for the kind welcome. To answer your question:

A C-47 is just a clothespin that is used when making films. Primarily they are used to hold gels to lights. Because they are made of wood and not plastic ,tape or metal they can be attached to lights without catching on fire or heating up (which is of course important). The name comes from producers trying to get a larger budget from a studio by classifying them with this 'hi tech' name so that they could inflate their request and make it appear justified. They are extremely mundane but extremely important to the filmmaking process.

Brannigan's law is like Brannigan's love...Hard and Fast


Monday, December 25, 2006 1:44 PM


Hey guys and gals! I've been a member here for a while now, but I think I only have 1 or 2 posts. I do however read the forums a lot. Anyway, I'm just in a posting mood tonight I guess.

I'll take more Firefly anyway I can get it. Movie, TV show, mini series, straight to DVD, I don't care. I just want more Firefly! I still get the same responce that a lot of you guys get when I show it to someone new. "Why did they cancel this show!?!?!?" I was looking at the tracker for DVD sales on Amazon the other night, and Firefly was still in the top 100 in sales! That is absolutly amazing!!! I think that whenever Joss' schedule clears up a bit, we should all have a day that we buy another set of DVDs. If there is a mass selling of Firefly around that time, that would definatly send a message loud and clear as to what's hot.


Tuesday, December 26, 2006 6:50 AM


The record here: we all think it was good. I know I'm not the only one saying that we all think it was good. But honestly. Our unprecedented-ness-ish-isms of getting a movie are because of ... yeah. Stuff. Here's to having more of this stuff happen.

Or using some sort of mind control device on F*x to get our show back.

As for buying the rights... we don't possibly have this power, and if I read this right, Joss doesn't have the money. And Sci-fi channel's getting its credibility back with Dr. Who and Battlestar Galactica, but we've still got those crappy, budget/time wasting Sci-fi original movies with bad CGI that come out about every Saturday at 11 pm so that noone watches them. That, and the whole, hosting wrestling thing. I s'pose they need the money from ads from these viewers, but if they were to refocus the money into better prospects of television, maybe they'd get the viewers for the ads that they know will pay more, and reverse this downward spiral of hellpit suckage that they can be. *sigh* I think that they've got a bit of a focus problem. Maybe if we were to all get an email out...


From FAQ:

Why doesn't SCI FI have... [insert popular show]?
Some common reasons might be:

* The show has been licensed by another cable network, is in a syndication window and airing on local stations nationwide, or is simply not available for licensing at the moment.
* Some cable networks may own the current license term for your favorite show even though they are not airing it.
* Shows may be kept on the shelf until they are needed, or have been put on the shelf due to poor ratings performance.

Other reasons may be budgetary or strategic: If, for a given show, ratings estimates are low and/or the target demographics don't fit the Channel, SCI FI may decide not to acquire that program.

So. Yeah, Scifi has the right of it here. But look at that: ratings estimate, check, target demographic, pretty much check, but we come where Firefly goes.


From's feedback page:
If you have suggestions or comments for our Programming Department about the SCI FI Channel or any of its shows, please contact:

So, let's all... email... at once. It's an automated response, but surely they check it eventually.

So, in the title, we can all say: "What about FIREFLY?"
And all write a convincing little bit about it, and why it would make sense to buy the rights. I say buy, because we can get more Firefly if we manage to be able to legally make more Firefly.

Oh, whee, I'm seeing funky lines scroll down my screen from staring at it too long. Howsabout I per-maybe-haps need to just post this now and get y'all to yell at me as a noob.

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Friday, December 29, 2006 4:34 PM


1st Post -

Pretty much the same story arc as many here.

(1) Watch partial episode of Firefly years ago (Out Of Gas). Intrigued but can never hook-up again. No impression made.

(2) Rent Serenity as second choice video earlier this year as 1st choice was out. Me - "Hmmm, that was way better than I expected."

(3) Months later buy used copy of Serenity from Blockbuster and watch again with family. Them - "Hmmm, that was way better than we expected." Me - That was even better the 2nd time. I wonder if the series was this good."

(3) Lend my copy of Serenity to other friends into sci-fi. Them - "That was really good. This was from a TV show? When? Is there more?"

(4) Receive Firefly box set for Christmas. About 1/2-way through episodes a kind of panic sets in. Me - "Gorramit, that is all there is! As a body of work, this is way better than the movie. What the eff was wrong with Fox?"

(5) Go online and see if there are any active forums (Duh!). Discover lots of other feel same way (Duh! again), discover Firefly Relit campaign, tell friends, influence ~12 letters to be sent 12/30.

(6) Join forums to say hello.

(7) Scratch head at never before known fan response to 4YO discontinued TV show. (I never wanted to be "that" guy.)

I'm scared!



Friday, December 29, 2006 4:51 PM


Hello REDMETALLIC and welcome to the boat. We are glad that you've come and sounds as if you may bring friends All are welcome here. you're half way through the series? Well let me say my friend that you are only half way through the joy that is Firefly. Saver the moment but don't fret. Part of the fun is bringing others to the browncoat goodiness.

Enjoy your new friends, Z


Sunday, December 31, 2006 11:32 AM


"Yeah...too bad none of us have bajillions of dollars to make a movie..."

Bill Gates does. Is he a Browncoat?

Tom in Ventura, CA


Sunday, December 31, 2006 12:06 PM


PEPPR91 wrote,

"Hey guys, I'm all for any kind of continuation of the series or movies, but does anyone remember that two of the best characters died?"

I believe there's enough chronological room for many episodes between the Objects in Space ep and Serenity, so Book and Wash could return for these. Otherwise, there many other stories that could be developed with new characters after Serenity.

I would also jump at the opportunity subscribe to a direct-to-DVD series continuation. And to keep costs down, the studios can just mail them to me in plain white cardboard jackets. The studios, or artists among us, could post DVD jacket art for download instead. One hour episodes, one layer DVD, no compression. "I'm in."

Tom in Ventura, CA






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