Life Onboard Serenity: Beaumonde or Bust

UPDATED: Thursday, January 18, 2007 10:54
VIEWED: 15509
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Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:31 PM


"What's my assigment, Captain? You seem to need all the help you can get crew-wise."

He honestly seemed to consider trusting me with shopping for parts, but decided that I might try to sabotage the ship. I've never been good at earning people's trust.

I sighed, and stayed on the ship at his orders, something I wasn't awfully comfortable with. Still hadn't set my roots, so to speak.

" 'Look after the ship. No offense, but you won't be able to help much for finding parts,' " I mumbled to myself. "Yes, but stretching my legs would be nice."


'We're all just floating.'


Friday, December 15, 2006 8:26 PM


Bump. Good to see ya back wolf and 13


Saturday, December 16, 2006 2:32 PM


*sniff* What about ME Choo? :(

*JR prowled the catwalks in the cargo bay as the Captain and those who went with him went to go do their business. Humming a song that his old friend Radar used to hum, JR thought to himself*

I wonder what Pain's doin' right now. Probably gettin' himself shot at if it's anythin'. Ship just ain't the same without him and Ertia around. Hell it ain't the same without GrimJack or the others neither. This family's gettin' mighty small if you ask me.

*JR's thoughts then wandered to Inara and Ertia. He couldn't help wonder what they were up to. Even though he was with Sybil, he still thought about Inara and that kiss they shared. JR let out another sigh and continued to wander through the ship doing his security sweep.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, December 16, 2006 9:15 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
*sniff* What about ME Choo? :(

ain't you dead? Hey ho Pain

"Alright Babe," the scruffy man said to the receptionist. Standing in a old and worn Grey Mac with an equely grubby large bag, with all sorts of items hanging off it, over his back the stranger seemed very out of place in the gold leaf and marble interior of the Royal Hotel.

"Hmmm...lets see," the receptionist sarcastically "should i call Security or the Cleaners."

"Cute. But i'd look under the reservations list. Choo, with two O's." Choo stated.

"As in?"

"YES!" the trader replied slightly annoyed "I had b*stard parents..."

"Ah...there must be some sort of mistake," the receptionist said quite shocked "Penthouse?!? Two nights!?!"

"Thats it," Choo beamed happily, taking out a capture he showed it too the confuised women.

"Thats me in the center, lady on the left is Fiffy LeFlu, ex-model, nice legs. The very old guy on the right is ...lets see...ah yes, your boss. Its amazing what a 1900 Colt can get you."

"Here's your key and Dinners at 7.00" the receptionist said hurried not sure what to do.

"Cheers Babe," Choo said with a wink. Bargin past some crappy musicians entourage Choo took their lift up to the top level remebering his old friends greatest advice:

Favours are always your friends.

"oh, and gotta run in to the Doc," Choo said evily, glaring at his state in the lift mirror.


Sunday, December 17, 2006 6:35 AM


the H key on my keyboard is dying, so keep that in mind when reading.

*wolf had finally finished learning the old song. he was ready, now he just had to get a venue.*

*he searched the cortex for a place where it was likly for her to go, ah, fanty and mingos place, thats an idea. fantys face popped up on the screen, or was it mingo?*

fanty" well then, wait a minuit, who the bloody hell are you?"

wolf" my names wolf, i'd like to chat if you dont mind."

fanty" isnt this the line from malcom reynolds ship?"

wolf" yeah i work on his ship, were headed your way and you want me to play in your club."

fanty" i do?"

wolf" yeah, the price will be 300."

fanty" it will?"

wolf" great! glad you feel the same way see you there in oh say about, two days?"

fanty" ok."
*fanty was feeling quite spun when the mans face left the screen, mingo walked in.*

mingo" done some good buisness bro?"

fanty" im not sure."


Bigwolf18, shaman.


Monday, December 18, 2006 12:41 PM



*Mal's posse walked down the crowded street toward's the Maiden's Head Bar. Jayne scratched at the burn mark on his chest and said*

Are we there yet? My feet are gettin' a lil' on the tired side and I'm workin' up a thirst.

*Without looking over his shoulder, Mal replied*

For the last time Jayne no we're not. Now quit your whingin' or I'll let Fly have at you again.

*A grin spread across Mal and Zoe's faces as they remembered what Fly told them. Jayne grunted and said*

Hey if'n she didn't catch me off guard I woulda had a shot.

*Fly who was walking behind Jayne replied*

Yeah you'd have been shot in your chest. I've got reflexes like a cat or did you forget that.

*Mal cut in*

Alright you two enough bickerin' we're here.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, December 18, 2006 2:01 PM


Grim's death scene was among the best of them, easily surpassing 13 the 'Multi-Death' Cyborg, and trouncing Bruce Willis. Almost made me cry, Grim did. ALMOST!


13 turned wearily to the voice. It seemed people just couldn't walk up to him, they always had to say something behind him. A little girl wearing dark sunglasses stood behind and to his left, her hands hanging at her sides.

"Hello to you too," 13 replied shortly, returning to his often-dark musings.

"You're new people. I could tell," she stated proudly. "You sound different."

"And I don't look different?" 13 said incredulously, wondering how the girl couldn't have notice dhis scars, the traces of a fateful operation lining his entire body.

"Not to me," she said meekly, still unmoving. "You just sound...different."

Oh. Blind.

"I'm Dinah," she said, proferring her hand. It occured to 13 that a blind person extending their hand for a handshake was an act of trust a sighted person could never hope to match. It also occured to him that he no longer wanted to be 13. 13 was a creature of steel and cold, a killer and flaunter of life and fortune. Not a good person to be known as.

"Michael," he said, taking the girl's hand softly, taking care to restrain his strength.


Monday, December 18, 2006 2:41 PM


I'm back! Sorry about my lack of posts. I'll be back to actually post later And my b-day was Saturday Yeah me!



Monday, December 18, 2006 4:29 PM


Oh, Johnny boy! Good to see you back, if not yet back in action.


Monday, December 18, 2006 5:58 PM


Welcome back indeed John! Now if only Ertia, Guy, JR, ShipsCat, and whoever else I missed would just get their pigus over here and post....

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, December 18, 2006 6:34 PM


Should I hound 'em, Pain? 13, loyal dog at your service.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 1:04 PM


John stood in the street outside Serenity. He hadn't seen Beaumonde in a long time he sat himself down by the ship andbegan to sing softly. A traveler passing by walked up to him.
"That's quite a voice you got there," the old man said throwing him a coin.

"Thanks" John replied as the man walked off.He never thought of himself as good at anything except of course beating the crap out of folks. John walked back on the ship smiling. There has to be a guitar on this boat somewhere



Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:48 PM


Onboard Serenity

*Wash was sitting in his pilot's seat making shadow puppets and waiting for the ship to get refueled, when he smelled something that was a cross between rotting fish and a decomposing body. Covering his mouth, Wash said to himself*

Oh for the love of all that is holy! What in the gorram hell is that stench?

*From out from his hidey place 62 walked out grinning. He waved at the pilot and said*

That'd be me. Don't it smell nice?

*Wash replied in dusgust*

Perhaps to you and most certainly Jayne, but other folks such as myself find it repulsive.

*Shocked that the pilot didn't like the smell of his fart, 62 muttered something and scurried away swearing up a storm. Wash immediately ran out of the bridge and into the galley, still holding his hand over his mouth. To himself Wash said*

Note to self. Invest in a gas mask and quite possibly a biohazard suit, cause I think that stink is eating through my clothes.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:04 PM


Fanty glanced up as the small group entered the Maidenhead. Not so gently, he nudged Mingo with his elbow.

The man in the lead moved with cautious ease, leading his small band with tidy assurance. Behind him, beauty in leather... Tall, elegant, dark, and lean, fleet and feminine. Mingo couldn't restrain a smile as his gaze slide upwards from Zoe and Fly's boots to the tops of their heads.

And then there was the Ape. Brute muscle by the looks of things.

Fanty stayed seated at their table as Mingo approached the group.

"Captain Reynolds? I'm Fanty, there's Mingo. Shall we join him?"

Mal nodded cautiously. He'd known he was dealing with twins, but the similarities between the two were practically non-existant. A quick flash back to the vid-message he'd recieved, and he recognized the tells.

Sliding into the seat across from Fanty, he grinned, "'Less'n you were tellin' me tales when you waved me, you're Mingo. He's Fanty."

The brothers exchanged startled glances, then Fanty chuckled, "Maybe that's so. What do you say we do some business."

"Business is why we're here." Mal answered, gesturing Jayne and Fly to take defensive postures nearbye while Zoe stayed by his side. "I hear you got a job."

"It's a vault." Fanty grinned, poured drinks. "Alliance Mint payroll. We get you the details, get you in. You bring us 20% of the take. Plain and simple."

"Sounds like it." Mal sat for a moment, cool grey gaze scanning the two brothers. "And how do I know the money's there?"

Now Mingo chuckled slightly, shaking his head, "Because we're Fanty and Mingo. And we say so."

"Right. Give us the details." Mal smiled.

"Not so fast. Either you're in, friend, or you're not."

"We're in." Zoe spoke coolly, her tone saying clearly, no more nonsense.

"And who might you be, precious?" Fanty leaned flirtatiously across the counter, but Zoe leaned back from him.

"She'd be the one who's married to my pilot, friend." Mal suggested quietly, then he gave a tight-lipped smile. "But like she said. We're in. What's the plan?"

Fanty slipped a core-pad across the table. "Vault specs, delivery times,'s all there. Should be a simple enough job for a man of your... reputation."

Mal tilted his head, "Just what is my reputation?"

"A Firefly destroyed a SkyPlex." Fanty replied queitly, "Or so rumor says."

Mal scooped up the cor-pad, subtly gesturing Fly to prepare to leave, "You boys shouldn't believe everything you hear."


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:06 PM


Okay, I wasn't the one who wanted to play out the BigDamnMovie, so why am I the only one actually writing it?


Wednesday, December 20, 2006 4:30 AM


Don't worry, E, I'm plotting out 13's intervention as we speak!


Wednesday, December 20, 2006 12:50 PM


*Mingo replied as Mal looked over the core-pad's contents*

Ah but everything we hear is the truth.

*As if on cue Fanty cut in*

Especially when it comes to you and your menagerie of criminals, Captain Reynolds.

*Jayne spoke up*

If y'all know everythin' 'bout the job why don't you two jus' pull it yerselves?

*Mingo smiled at the ape man and replied*

And mess up our fancy duds and our pretty faces, I think not.

*Fanty continued*

We're more of the employer type. We sniff around and find the best crew suited for the job at hand.

*Mingo chimed in*

Then we invite them into our place of business and give them a job offer they can't refuse.

*Fanty smiled and replied*

Minus our cut of course.

*Mal gave Fanty a polite smile and said*

Of course.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, December 20, 2006 1:24 PM


John climbed into the engine room and saw his best friend covered in grease as usual. "what you up to" he called to the mechanic.

"She's not in the best shape. We need some new parts and the Captain has been reluctant tobuy them. He seems to think that she'll hold. I'm trying my best to keep her workin but next time we hit atmo she might rip."

"Thank you for not explaining that in technical terms."

"No problem"

"The captain wants to make her useful."


"Who else"

"O, Simon won't be happy"

"No he won't"



Friday, December 22, 2006 10:46 AM



"Did anyone get the feelin' that those two weren't tellin' us somethin' important?" asked Zoe as she, Mal, Jayne, and Fly left the Maiden's Head.

"Kinda did feel like theys was holdin' somethin' back." quipped Jayne as he tried to sneak a cigar from Fly.

"Yeah I felt the same way." replied Fly, smacking Jayne's hand away from stash of Pain's cigars.

"If'n you wanna keep that hand Jayne then I suggest you ask for a cigar first instead of tryin' to steal one." replied Fly as she stuck one in her mouth and lit it.

"Can I have one then Fly." asked Jayne somewhat politely.

"Nope." replied Fly smiling.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, December 23, 2006 2:12 PM



WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, December 26, 2006 12:14 PM


Mal took out his handheld comm, clicked the button and said "Wash you get my ship fueled up yet?"

"Yes sir we're fueled and ready to go. Of course you might want to wait outside for awhile. Seems to be a lingering odor in here and it doesn't belong to Jayne." buzzed Wash's voice over the com.

"Hey I don't smell that bad." replied Jayne before he lifted one arm and sniffed his armpit before continuing "That there's a manly smell."

"You keep thinkin' that Jayne." replied Zoe as she pinched her nose closed in mock disgust.

Mal did his best not to laugh as he talked into the comm "Well we'll be at the ship in fifteen Wash. Hopefully that stink will be gone by then."

Mal clicked off the comm as the four of them headed back to Serenity. Meanwhile Wash stood on the catwalk overlooking the cargo bay and said to himself "Yeah it better be or else we should consider getting into the repellent business. Probably make a fortune selling stuff that'd make a Reaver sick."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, December 27, 2006 10:33 AM


I wish I had something to post but I don't! AAAAAH!



Thursday, December 28, 2006 5:24 PM


BIG BADA BUMP!! That's quite all right John. I'm sure something will pop into your head.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, December 30, 2006 6:09 AM


The ship made its usual noises as it blasted into the black. They were headed for a job one that looked promising and John just hoped would go okay. That however wasn't the pressing thing on his mind. When coming through atmo the ship had nearly lost it. He was frantically trying to recall he long forgotten mechanic skills. It was bad the secondary power core had a leak. The primary was making this wierd sound that sounded an awful lot like Jayne's snore andthe whole room was filled with the stench of some liquid leaking from the... thingy in the corner (I said long forgotten) He was on his back under the power cores with a screwdriver a wrench and some strange pus that had just started dripping onto his face. It was going to be a long night,



Tuesday, January 2, 2007 6:48 AM



*wolf and kaylee were walking back from the scrapyard, wolf had a large bag of heavy mechanical parts, he started to say something to break the uncomfortable silence.*

wolf" I..."

kaylee" what?"

wolf" er...nevermind."

*they continued to walk on in silence, kaylee sighed.*

kaylee" why'dya do it?"

wolf" what?"

kaylee" you know what!"

wolf" i had no choice."

kaylee" you always have a choice, this ain't no slave camp! you coulda told us, we coulda helped!"

wolf" yeah the captains really going to help ME isnt he!"

kaylee" well he woulda, not now that ya cut a big X on his cheast."

wolf" you dont understand..."

kaylee" thats because you didn't let me wolf! you kept everybody out! why is it that everybody on this ship is so closed!"

wolf" because somtimes its easer to be closed than here yourself speak the problem aloud."

*kaylee saw the look on his face*

kaylee" see! your still not telling me the whole story!"

wolf" you wanna know the truth? I LOVE YOU! i wanted to protect you and the rest of the crew. the only reason i let niska take command of me was because if i didn't take the job, one the others would, they would have just slaughtered everyone there. i could bare to think of your death, you, wash, zoe, i didn't want to have that on my concionce."

*kaylee took all this in. they had stopped walking and kaylee sat down and didn't say anything for a few moments.*

wolf" kaylee?"

kaylee" i didn't know."

*kaylee stood up, they started walking again, wolf was shocked when he felt kaylees small soft hand slip into his. kaylee smiled as they aproched serenity*


Bigwolf18, shaman.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 6:52 AM


did we ever actually do anything with niska? coz if i remember corectly he shot wolf then kinda didnt apear in any posts. it might just be my mind playing tricks on me.


Bigwolf18, shaman.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 8:11 AM



Originally posted by bigwolf18:
did we ever actually do anything with niska? coz if i remember corectly he shot wolf then kinda didnt apear in any posts. it might just be my mind playing tricks on me.


Bigwolf18, shaman.

Good to see ya back wolf and John!!

after he shot you he was thrown out the airlock with no suit or a prayer. So possibly dead i'd say...

BTW: is there anyone we contact if we want to create a plot or something incolcing a character?




Tuesday, January 2, 2007 5:45 PM


I really don't know Choo. What did you have in mind?

Wash sat in his chair as he punched in the coordinates to Lilac. Mal turned from his position behind Wash and looked to Fly.

"You sure about this Fly? Cause you don't have to leave if you don't want to." replied Mal.

"Yeah I'm sure Cap'n. Since Pain and Ertia are gone, I've been feelin' a little out of place here. I really think workin' for Reggie will sort me out." replied Fly, looking into the Captain's eyes.

She could see the hurt in his eyes and said reassuringly "Don't worry sir I'll promise not to get into any serious trouble and who knows I might return one day."

"It ain't that I worried about Fly. It's the fact that this crew, my family's gettin' a lil' small for my taste." responded Mal.

Mal turned to Wash and said "Wash how long til we're in orbit 'round Muir?"

"About two days give or take, then we're back on course for Lilac." replied the pilot.

Mal turned back to Fly "Now I might not be able to change your mind Fly but I do want you to promise me that you'll take care of yourself. Dong ma?"

"I will sir." replied Fly, giving the Captain a warm smile before turning about face and walking out of the bridge. Mal followed a few moments later and walked into the galley.

"Family's gettin' awfully small." Mal repeated in his mind as he headed for the coffee maker.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 9:15 PM


Oh...Mal is right, our crew does seem to be getting small....


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
I really don't know Choo. What did you have in mind?

Just another group of people/orginisation who may or my not be a good thing for you BDH's...If you don't like it, i'll veto it immediatly

The Hotel's Casino was packed, all over the place deals were done and broken as large amounts of money changed hands. Being upper class and all the men wore tuxedo's while the women wore quite revealing dresses.

Watching from the balcony above Choo felt a bit uncomfortable in his tux, after so many months living kind of "rough", and all the security devices and loaded weapons felt him quite uneasy.

"I take it business is doing well?" came a smooth, yet firm woice "Your last transmissions revealed little...."

The Madam was the best of the best. With the looks a supermodel or Companion would kill for, her body said 'yes', while her cold, steel like eyes said 'hell no or i'll chop you in half'. Dressed in a dress that seemed like a second skin, she was most certainly dressed to kill.

"There were ... complications. Kidnappings, mind whips, a lot of coming and going's -"

"The killing of Mr. Niska." She said bluntly, throwing Choo off a bit "The Synidicate is worried you might need to be reminded who you work for."

"AH!" Choo exclaimed, drawing the attention away from his "suicide", "I only part work for them, i've still got my own business needs to worry about!"

"part of full," the madam corrected agressively "you fall of the radar and i'll personally deal with you. And it won't be pleasent. Now little man, what do you have to show for yourself?"

Sighing, Choo reached into his jacket, and pulled out a small data stick "all you'll need to know about the Crew and Passengers of Serenity, including risk assesments and the hacked doctors medical reports on them."

"My my, you have been a busy little man," the Madam replied, cold, killer edge wahing away, "The Syndicate will be most pleased,"

"Yeah...whatever," Choo said, heading down onto the Casino floor. He seriously needed a good, overpriced drink.




Wednesday, January 3, 2007 5:29 PM


goodness we're playing BDM and about 18 billion other plots at once yippee1

"You're right," John replied to the captain as he entered the galley covered from head to toe in a strange black substance. "And your boat is falling apart. Please say there's coffee"

"Is she really that bad"

"Depends what's your definition of bad"

"Will she survive till we have money"

"I hope. So this a simple job we're talkin'"

"Simpler than most"

"Whenever you say that we almost get killed and then get about half the money we were expectin'"

"Well I'm takin back up"

"He'll be pissed."

"I'll be great"



Thursday, January 4, 2007 7:15 PM


What I'm doing is actually relevant, J. Trust me, it'll result in a cool space-battle.


Friday, January 5, 2007 7:58 AM


I trust that all of these plots have relevance



Friday, January 5, 2007 1:21 PM



Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
I trust that all of these plots have relevance

Why yes John they certainly do. *shoves a plot far into a hidey hole* Hey look Kaylee's eating strawberries!

In JR's Bunk

"Are ya sure ya want to do this Sybil dear?" asked JR as he sat on his bed next to Sybil.

Sybil looked at JR and nodded. She had received an encrypted wave from her father a few hours ago. In it her father stated that there was a family emergency and that he needed her back at the Harrow Estate ASAP. JR took a deep breath and put an arm around Sybil.

"All right then Sybil my darlin'. We'll tell the Captain that we need to leave, but with the others gone or goin', I reckon he won't be too happy." sighed JR.

JR promptly got up and headed out of his bunk, his sights set on finding the Captain and telling him the news that JR knew he didn't want to hear.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, January 6, 2007 4:55 AM


Quick leavin the planet last chance to jump ship!

"Captain Kaylee's back" John called entering the galley later.

"Good we can finally get this boat off before anyone else decides to leave," The captain replied, "Unless Jayne..."

Kaylee climbed into the room "Captain I think the parts I bought will last us through these next couple of flights but..."

"No buts We'll be getting a nice payoff from this and we'll be able to buy anything you might need"

"Are you sayin we might actually get paid!" John said

"Let's get flyin"



Saturday, January 6, 2007 2:15 PM


"Actually sir me and Sybil will be leavin'." replied JR who entered the galley.

"You're doin' what now?" Mal replied.

Kaylee turned to JR and said with sad look in her eyes "You two ain't leavin' for reals too are you?"

JR let out an audible sigh and said "'Fraid so Kaylee, but it's just temporary. Sybil has a family emergency that needs her physical presence, hence the reason we're leavin'."

"Well if you're leavin' now JR, best get to it. We'll be leavin' this rock in six so if you want to leave just like the others, now's your chance." responded Mal, clearly not liking the idea of JR or Sybil leaving one bit.

Mal looked at JR who was still standing in the galley trying to come up with a response.

"Five minutes JR."

JR could hear the traces of anger in Mal's voice, knew it wouldn't be logical to reason with him and walked over to the com.

"Sybil dear we need to go now." replied JR into the com.

"Ok dear." came Sybil's reply.

A short moment later Sybil stepped into the galley with two suitcases in her hands. She looked at the people in the galley, most noticably the Captain, and turned to JR.

"Is there a problem?" asked Sybil a little on the worried side.

"No there's no problem Miss Harrow. Just waiting for the last two of my crew to leave." chimed Mal.

"Mr. Reynolds I do declare. What is with this hostility?" replied Sybil, very shocked at Mal's tone.

"Oh I'm not bein' hostile Miss Harrow, I'm just bein' a mite angry is all. So are we goin' to chat or are you two goin' to leave?" replied Mal.

"We're leavin' sir." growled JR, before taking Sybil's arm in his hand and escorting her to the cargo bay.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, January 7, 2007 4:21 PM




Monday, January 8, 2007 5:44 AM


just curious is anyone but me still on the boat. Fly is right or did she leave I can't keep track



Monday, January 8, 2007 12:19 PM



Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
just curious is anyone but me still on the boat. Fly is right or did she leave I can't keep track

I believe Fly will be getting off at Muir, which is along the way to Lilac. Those still onboard include Guy, Shipscat, Experiment62, Wolf, Nico, and Oath if memory serves me right.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 6:40 AM


John walked into the Bridge and looked at the man sitting atthe controls a look of extreme concentration as he pulled the ship into the black. Wash was the only one he hadn't had an actual conversation with and most of their dealings were in planning heistand small repairs Kaylee had him do in the bridge.

He was both simple and complex. John could feel where he came from. A lot of love, for his wife, for flying. A slight quirkiness and a strength somewhat buried but undoubtably present. He among the others felt pure. John added a new goal to his list understand this person before it was too late.



Wednesday, January 10, 2007 1:05 PM


I sat on an errant crate, cleaning my left mousegun with, I'm not surprised to say, more than a large amount of unwarranted nervousness. I had a bad feeling about this 'job' the crew had taken on.

At a footstep clanging against a patch of grate, I shook my right gun out of my sleeve into my hand, taking aim at the noise.

Simon, looking properly and neatly shocked.

I replaced the gun, sighing at the doctor.

"You shouldn't sneak, Dr. Tam. Somebody jumpier than me might've pulled the trigger."

"I wasn't sneaking; in fact, I was right in front of you."

I dismissed this with a wave of my MG, talking as I reassembled it.

"So, what brings you to the local mysterious passenger?"

He took a seat on a crate next to mine, folding his arms. "I wanted to ask you this for some time, Szatsu."

"Call me Oath," I said warily, eyeing him carefully. "Ask me what?"

His eyes leveled with mine, a nostalgic color. "I want to know why you're so interested in my sister."

I laughed lightly. The boy was attentive; too attentive.

"Is it not a mad universe we live in, that we should protect those dear to us?" I said with a grandiose wave of the hand and a smile.

"It is, but nobody on this ship should be dear to you." He considered, adding, "Well, not just yet. So, why do you hang around her?"


'We're all just floating.'


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 1:58 PM


"So you fly the ship" It was one of the first things he had said to Wash directly. It was also one of the stupidest things he'd said to anyone on the boat. Or too anyone at all. Except for that time with the Companion but heavy ammounts of liquor were involved.

"Yeah" He said once again pointing out John's stupidity.

"And your married to an extremely attractive warrior Woman" two for two John way to go. Only three more and you break the record

Wash gave him an angry glare. Well as angry as the silly dinosaur loving man could give.

"And you like dolls, I mean action figures" Wash remained silent.

"So how'd you get her"

"What?" Wash said confused.

"You know Zoe, with the butchness and you with the nerdiness."

Wash gave him a glare angrier than before. Of course John was too involved in this question and the ferocious feeling that was strangely entering his mind.

"Were there drugs or alcho..."


John feeling strangely releived hurried out. What was it about certain people like Wash that he couldn't say anything resonably intelligent and left the room with them angry and him looking rather like a space monkey who had crawled into human skin and was walking around saying stupid stuff. Maybe it was the unreadable-ness of people like him. Now he'll hate me more.



Thursday, January 11, 2007 12:40 PM


BUMPITY BUMP BUMP!!! Sorry for not posting in a while, but I was busy. I'll post something later this evening.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, January 11, 2007 1:00 PM


Don't be sorry for being busy. We all have our obligations. Oh, and John: That post was hilarious. An angry Wash is a funny Wash.

Continued from last post...

"I don't think that a girl like River should be in a dangerous environment like this mess of duct tape and bailing twine without proper attendance," I said venomously, noting Simon's reddening face.

"Are you implying I don't look after my sister?" he said in a low voice, brimming with anger.

"As a matter of fact, I am."

"You have no idea what I've done for her!" he sputtered furiously.

"I think I do, Doctor. Things like letting her almost fall into the hands of that cyborg? Yes, I heard about that! Things like-"

"Don't be so loud," a voice, glass-like in its fragility, called from the catwalk. "You'll let him know. The Hunter."

Simon rushed to her, shooting one dirty look at me as he did so. I began to clean my already-impeccable guns again, thinking how she needed somebody who could really protect her, not a soft medic who couldn't shoot.


'We're all just floating.'


Thursday, January 11, 2007 1:21 PM


Thank you Oath



Thursday, January 11, 2007 6:20 PM


I thought it was funny as well.

Fly was in the galley sharpening her knife at the table when Shipscat jumped up on the table. Fly put her knife down just as the tabby plopped down on the table right over her knive and its sharpening stone.

"You're just askin' for someone to pet ya aren't ya kitty?" sighed Fly as she stroked the cat's soft fur.

Shipscat purred loudly and Fly found herself smiling as she continued to stroke the cat's fur.

"I'm going to miss ya kitty. I really am." said Fly.

Jayne walked through the galley and noticed Fly. She gave him a look which made him cringe a little.

"Ya can relax Fly. I ain't goin' nowhere near Pain's bunk. I learned my lesson last time, I don't want a refresher course." said Jayne.

"That better be true Jayne, cuz if it ain't, I'll do somethin' worse than kick your pigu." replied Fly who was still looking at Jayne.

Jayne put his hands in the air and said "I'm jus' goin' to my room Fly honest."

Fly continued to look at Jayne until he disappeared into his bunk. Satisfied that he wasn't going to do anything stupid, Fly returned her attention back to Shipscat.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, January 14, 2007 11:27 AM


Where is everyone? I wondered, coming into the galley. Things are getting somewhat quiet.

Ah. The gun-woman, accompanied by the local tabby, a knife and stone on the table. I took a seat, folding my hands on the table awkwardly.

"So," I said. "I heard you're leaving."

"Yep," she replied shortly, petting the cat.

I nodded. "Well. That's...too bad...?"

She shrugged, still concentrated on the cat. I sighed, then asked cautiously, "What do you suppose Samantha's up to right now?"

Fly shrugged again.

Dazzling conversationalist, I thought dryly.


'We're all just floating.'


Monday, January 15, 2007 12:40 PM


"Captain I think I have toget off the ship" John said.

"Another person jumping ship" He replied dryly

"No I just like to see you squirm"

"What was that with Wash earlier"

"yeah you could here that screamfrom all over the ship. Who knows" John chirped running inconspicuously from the room



Tuesday, January 16, 2007 6:42 PM


BUMPING IT LIKE IT'S HOT!!! I vote we rename the thread to Life Or Lack Thereof Onboard Serenity.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, January 17, 2007 2:57 AM


Agreed I'm running out of things to do! Where is everyone!



Wednesday, January 17, 2007 6:15 PM


That's what I'd like to know too John.

Days passed as Serenity flew through the Black on her way to Muir before heading to the little moon of Lilac. Everyone was going about their business. Jayne was telling Guy a dirty joke in the galley, Shipscat was scratching up some of Simon's clothes, and Simon was having no luck talking to Kaylee at all. All in all it was as if nothing was different unless you counted the number of crew that were no longer on the ship.

The screen in front of Wash blinked, causing the pilot to sit up in his chair. Flicking the comm on and selecting the channel fro Fly's room, Wash replied "Fly we'll be in orbit around Muir in a few hours."

"Thank you Wash. I've got all my stuff and I'll be in the cargo bay if anyone needs me." Fly's voice came from the other end.

"I'll tell the others Fly." came Wash's reply. Switching on the shipwide channel Wash's voice boomed "All crew please meet in the cargo bay to give Fly a hug and a cheerful goodbye."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?






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