FIREFLY Confessions...

UPDATED: Saturday, January 6, 2007 01:31
VIEWED: 8697
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Monday, January 1, 2007 6:15 PM


Fess up , folks ! What is your secret guilt in regard to Firefly ?

For me , I didn't really ' buy ' Zoe as a
' gun hand ' at first . It was probably just due to some gender-stereotyping that I was still carryin' . She seemed a little hardbitten on first glance . But Gina/Zoe totally won me over in time .

Same for Jayne . I really kinda hated him at first , but he makes quite a journey in the course of the series . For me , he started to become a bit more human when he asks Mal ,
" Don't tell 'em what I did ! " .

Keep the Faith . Share the Love . Feel the Joy !


Monday, January 1, 2007 7:14 PM


I didn't like Wash. I just couldn't understand his questioning the Captain.

I watched Firefly when it aired starting with the Train Job, which is my favorite epsiode BTW.

When I finally watched Serenity it all clicked.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 5:30 PM



Originally posted by FireflyPassenger:

When I finally watched Serenity it all clicked.

When I saw the series pilot , Serenity , it was like falling in love all over again...

Yep , it definitely ' clicked ' ! I think I watched that entire episode with a grin on my face that a chisel could not have removed...

Then those ruttin' Purplebellies got busy cancellin' us !

They're goin' to the Special Hell...


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 5:39 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

I like Simon. I like Kaylee. But, I do not like them together in any fashion. Simon becomes awkward, and Kaylee becomes whiny. Bleh.

Rules on voting here:


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 2:50 AM


I don't like River. Don't get me wrong, she is integral to the show/movie, but I just want her to shut up and wander off somewhere else 3/4s of the time.

No Simon and Kaylee.

Wash should not have died. I don't know who should have died in his place but Wash should not have.

Knitter of Cunning Jayne Hats


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 3:19 AM


Well I have to admit I first saw the trailer for serenity at the theater and thought "I'd like to see that" but I didn't and it was no big deal.I did hear that it was a movie made from a cancelled tv show but I don't know how I know that.

Anyhoo, It wasn't until we picked up the dvd at the movie rental place that we watched it. I like quoting FF/Serenity lines but I'm not very good at getting then right so forgive me.

While watching the intro of Serenity the BDM I though this show is going to be very serious with the operative scenes and all. Then it cut to Serenity's bridge with Mal and Wash.

" We'll be hitting atmo soon then may explode. Jayne you don't need to bring all that!"

Wait did he just call that guy Jayne? This show isn't taking itself serious at all. So there you have it. The begining of Serenity the BDM had me confused, but I got over it. Other confessions.

1) Wash should still be around

2) Simon and Kaylee should still be at the romantic tease phase.

3)The operative shouldn't have been turned so easily.

now I'm headed to the frig to get a bottle of mudders milk, Z


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 3:27 AM


detested Jayne at first but he grows on you

may you live in interesting times


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 3:44 AM


I would like to have seen more with River. Summer's such a ridiculously good acctress, she has such presence. River's story is, to me, by far the most interesting, and certainly the most moving. There was nowhere near enough of River.

Also, at first I didn't like Zoe. Don't know why, but she just bugged me. That all, of course, changed very rapidly.



Wednesday, January 3, 2007 7:52 AM


I got so disappointed in Kaylee by the end of the series. IN Out of Gas, and Especially War Stories, she turned into such a coward.
Oddly, I got no problem with her behavior in Objects in Space. The threat there was so up close and personal, to have done anything else would have been suicidal.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 7:53 AM


I got so disappointed in Kaylee by the end of the series. IN Out of Gas, and Especially War Stories, she turned into such a coward.
Oddly, I got no problem with her behavior in Objects in Space. The threat there was so up close and personal, to have done anything else would have been suicidal.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 9:27 AM


I didn't like Inara. She just seemed like a useless, unhelpful piece of decoration. Wait a minute, I still don't like Inara.

I realize that this may not be a popular position.

Did it get really hot in here?


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 9:38 AM


Don't worry you are not alone. Inara is the character I like the least the only semi good thing about her is the chemistry with Mal but since I don't like her I dont think that I want them to be oh well

remember that a kick in the ass is a step forward



Wednesday, January 3, 2007 9:39 AM



Originally posted by Clementine:
I didn't like Inara. She just seemed like a useless, unhelpful piece of decoration. Wait a minute, I still don't like Inara.

I realize that this may not be a popular position.

*holds up hand* I didn't either, she grew on me in the series and I don't mind her now though i think the actress is fantastic, but in all honesty in the movie all i thought was that she was the one character i actually forgot was there.

Book-he both intruiged me and put me off at the same time though in all fairness the put off could have come from reading a creepified Book fanfic halfway through rewatching *shudders*


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:21 AM


I never had a problem with Book dying, and ::deep breath:: I'll miss Wash if anything ever comes back, but I can live without him. Don't flame me.

When I first saw Firefly, I DESPISED the opening music - too Westerny. I wanted something more like Serenity, a sci fi in space! Not so much western stuff. Odd how I mostly had a problem with the opening, but the rest was all right (though the first episode I ever saw was Our Mrs. Reynolds, and I did NOT like that covered wagon opening thing).
Of course, now I'm properly converted and stuff.

Sorry, but I'm still a bigger Ringer than Browncoat, and I always will place The Lord of the Rings at the top.

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
Attack/track dogs bred 1st class - $250-500 per
Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

When watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in theaters:
In the Shrieking Shack, with Sirius Black (Quote #1) and Harry Potter (Quote #2):
"It's Jesus!"
"Harry Potter's the AntiChrist!"


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:36 AM


The very first time I saw an ad for Firefly, I rolled my eyes. "A Sci-fi and Western hybrid? It'll never work." I had seen some Buffy and Angel episodes and knew it wouldn't work. (Shows how much I know! LOL) I didn't think the guy who wrote those would know anything about sci-fi. (Now who's taking an unpopular position???)

I only came across Firefly by accident, halfway through the season. Though I can't remember exactly which episode it was I saw, I knew I was hooked at the end of Ariel, when Mal and Jayne face off. I realized that the Sci-fi/Western paradox did work precisely because it wasn't cliche.

I got Zoe, though. The character was never a 'problem' for me. I think Gina does an amazing job breaking all kinds of stereotypes with her character. When I saw her in the white dress at the end of the movie, though, that capped it...that made Zoe dimensional to me -- that deep under that thick skin was a softness for her Washburn I never noticed much in the TV series. You knew she loved him (War Stories), and they had the physical chemistry, but I couldn't 'get' how they were beyond that.

All this time and I'm still getting to know these characters. Shows how much I know...thank God.

-Shaudawn (a.k.a. Donovan)

"Don't mean nuthin' out here in the Black." -Kaylee


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 11:35 AM


As others have said, I never really found Inara as a likeable character. She was always pompous and annoying, and not in the same way that Simon was. Plus most of the scenes with her and her clients were just...not intersting to me.

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 4:06 PM


This isn't a guilt to me, and it'd be no surprise to anyone who knows me that I never catered to Simon or River. Still don't, (though I don't hate River as much) Maybe if Simon was played by someone else but whatever the character just annoys the hell out of me and I wish Joss had killed him off instead of Wash, I would have been shocked but not at all upset.

And Kaylee and Simon? No, only because I just don't SEE the attraction between them or the actors. Sean seems almost wooden when he's acting romantic with her(no, not that way perverts) It's painful to watch their make out scene at the end of the movie. There's more spark between Simon and River (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, no wot I mean?) And when he's not around River he seems rather..... flamboyant.

I would have helped Jayne turn them in.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 4:18 PM


When I first watched the show, I thought Serenity was very awkward-looking. Just didn't strike me as anything a spaceship should look like. 'Course, being a recovering Trekkie and a Star Wars fan to the grave, I had an improperly sized frame of reference.

And then I saw the last shot in 'Out of Gas'.

As with undoubted many Browncoats, Serenity then took on a whole new beauty for me, and brought to my face the biggest pathetically-obsessed-fanboyish grin when it appeared for the first time in the BDM. Now I can't watch it fly across my screen without smiling dreamily. (Can't watch River smile without the same result, but that's another confession....)

Serenity flies
At a hundred per
Is Wash nervous?


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 5:46 PM


My biggest Firefly confession. I first saw the show when the episode Ariel originally aired. I wathched two minutes that flipped the channel. Later after discovering the Buffyverse a friend said to me Joss Whedon has a better series than showed me her DVD. She started with Ariel, her favorite episode, After watching I realized the mistake I made.



Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:12 PM


Well, while we're confessing...

I was told about Firefly while it was playing on Fox by several fellow players on an online MU game I'm on. I ignored them when they insisted it was a good show. My reasoning: "Please...they're nice folks, but they can't -possibly- be serious about a Science Fiction Western. Twang and gun-play in space. Ugh.

Second chance anyone?
Serenity is released. Said fans are -screaming- about the movie on my MU game. I'm actually debating seeing the durn thing if only to make my best MU friend squeal. She'd been trying so hard to get me into FF for almost two years...Then a player who I despise - who's life's mission is to torment me with sarcastic cum moronic comments by the way - decided to comment that he's the only real Browncoat because it takes a real intellectual like himself to understand the nuances of such a program...I know, I shouldn't have let it color my opinion, but I did. I closed my mind and heart.

Third time's the charm.
Thank all the Gods for my DVR and my roommates love of good music. He was surfing for something new and stumbled on one of those late night, Sci-Fi, FF marathons and decided he liked the theme song enough to record it...Luckily for both of us, he was too bleary-eyed to realize he wasn't setting a one time recording but a series/title recording. When I got home -he- was raving about this show he got five episodes of by accident and oh, it's called Firefly... Insert me blinking back the shock...

And the rest is history.

I think my mad FF/BDM purchasing spree is my way of apologizing for my past mistakes.

And that jerk is STILL a jerk, even if he is a Browncoat.

To be honest, he's the only jerk Browncoat I've ever met.

"If I choose a woman, she tends to be extraordinary in some way."


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:35 PM


I wasn't all that bummed over Wash's death but Book dying stills gnaws at me.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:59 PM


Well my confession is my dissapointment w/ the Train Job when it first aired (I had been kind of hyped up by the trailer). I really liked the characters but I felt like I was led by the hand as to who they were (told rather than shown)and almost every scene screamed "cowboys in space", also, at the time it seemed all villians in movies and tv were russian mafia so that put me off slightly (despite how charmingly evil Niska was). The ending redeamed it (kicking Crow into the engine) somewhat though. I remember telling my friend "this show has a lot of potential but it will never last". Later episodes hooked me, I was confused by the pilot airing last, however. Stupid f*x not trusting Joss, had they been in order I would have been begging for more, then rather than after it was already cancelled.

'bout 50% of the human race is middle-men, they don't take kindy to being eliminated.


Thursday, January 4, 2007 2:53 AM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

All these opinions are completly valid, but it would be interesting to see what everyone would think if the show had lasted for seven years; Joss LOVES change so how much would the characters have changed and how would your feelings have changed for them.


Thursday, January 4, 2007 3:35 AM


I hate that Wash was killed. Let me explain why though. If he had died ceremoniously or with purpose it would not be a problem. His death seemed unwarreneted and did nothing to move the story along. Book's death was a plot point. It really helped further motivate Mal but Wash's death did nothing. Even Zoe little bit of rage against the reavers seemed silly. I mean I get they were making her angry over Wash's death but neither seemed necessary to the plot or point of the story.

I'm baffled becasue in a sidebar of the Serenity Visual Companion Joss is quoted as saying that Wash is a character that he could see returning in a sequel??? Things that make you go hmmmm...

Be sure to check out for your weekly does of geeky news including Firefly and Serenity talk!


Thursday, January 4, 2007 3:38 AM


Sorry to all in advance; but the lyrics to the theme have a cheese factor that is off the charts IMHO.


That's just what we call pillow talk baby!


Thursday, January 4, 2007 4:09 AM


Firefly confessions. Nope don't have one.

Serenity Confession? Yup.

In the scene where Mal addresses the crew in the Mess, asking them to do more than he's ever asked of them before, he looks directly at the camera and says "I aim to misbehave."

There's a beat, then a shot of the crew regarding him. I always expect them to burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of that line.

It's forced, it's corny, and it's out of place. And EVERY time I watch Serenity, that moment breaks my concentration and the movie's pull on me.

(I also am annoyed at the errors in the movie. Mal's name mispelled on the Alliance Cortex file, and identified as a Captain. Grrr. My biggest pet peeve. How could Joss have missed this?)


Thursday, January 4, 2007 4:29 AM


I have to admit at first I couldn't stand Jayne at all. After Jayne's Town though and seeing Mal set him straight after Ariel I began to like him. I also don't like Simon very much, especially in the movie. He seems to become Mr. Tough guy standing up to Mal and all.
Book was another character I didn't like much until I finished the series. "What would a preacher be doing on board anyhow" I wondered. But he turned out to be one of if not my favorite character.


The Bible's a bit fuzzy on the subject of kneecaps.


Thursday, January 4, 2007 10:26 AM


I guess my confession is I saw the trailer on Fox for Firefly, though it did not do much for me, I thought it may be an interesting show. But I did not put forth the effort to watch it, only catching the beginning of Ariel and being turned off by it. At the time I was heavy into a MMORPG and spent most of my free time at the computer.

My first real experience with the 'verse was with the BDM, and Simon grated on me at first, but I ended up liking him towards the end. I'm usually pretty open to liking characters, so there was no single character I disliked. I did not get Book, until I bought the series DVDs and watched them, to me seeing the BDM first he seems a MacGuffin for get Mal motivated to take some sort of drastic action.

The characters I related closely to are Kaylee and Wash.


Mechanic & Cook
"So thats where that bolt went to."


Thursday, January 4, 2007 9:08 PM



Originally posted by MattFromGeekStuff:
I hate that Wash was killed. Let me explain why though. If he had died ceremoniously or with purpose it would not be a problem. His death seemed unwarreneted and did nothing to move the story along.

I think the point off Wash's death was to tell the audience that anyone could die at any time. Considering that he had just saved the ship and the entire crew with his piloting genius no one could see what was about to happen. In a typical story he either would have died during the crash, thus sacrificing himself for the good of the group, or he would have been untouchable for the rest of the film. Joss took a much more original approach by giving him a sudden, uncerimonious death. After that all bets were off. By the time the rest of the crew was dropping likes flies at the hands of the Reavers and Mal was getting his ass handed to him by the Operative I was completely convinced Joss was going to end his creation in one fell swoop. This was the ultimate purpose of Wash's death.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Friday, January 5, 2007 1:21 PM


I guess my firefly confession would be I hate the buffybot in Firefly.

There is something so nerdy, bloke-like in inventing a buffybot.


Friday, January 5, 2007 2:38 PM


Gotta say that I hate the Buffybot in Serenity too. Specially the whole wedding bit. That's screen time taken from our BDH's. Should have at least had a real woman or just a robot servant or something.

My actual confession is that when I started watching the original UK run on SciFi I really didn't want to give the show a chance. I am a huge Buffy and Angel fan and was looking forward to Joss's next show. Then I heard it was cancelled before any episodes had been shown so I thought what's the point.
I almost didn't watch it. I watched the proper pilot and liked it but thought can I be bothered to invest in a show that will be over soon. Each week I thought the same thing, but (and this is the genius behind the show), each week I loved it more and more.
Now I couldn't imagine having not watched it and missing out. Even if I caught up later it's such a great feeling to be the one who told all my mates about it and perusaded them to watch it.


"If I hear voices and someone is really there, does that mean I'm going REALLY crazy?"


Friday, January 5, 2007 4:20 PM


*To start off, this isn't a popular opinion here, but amoung other Firefly fansI have noticed more are beginning to support River-Jayne.

*I find Kaylee a tad annoying, especially on a bad day. If it was one of those days and you threw me in a cell with her, I don't know if I would end upkilling her. Okay, maybe not that bad as to killing her. But I rather be cooped up with Jayne.

* I HATE it when Kaylee goes crazywhen Simon says something wrong to her .. ."MY GOD, SIMON! HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT TO ME? I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU CAN'T TELL ITS AFTERNOON OUT HERE IN SPACE! HOW INSENSITIVE! I CAN'T TALK TO YOU ANY MORE!" (was quoted from somewhere else, can't remember thoguh.)


¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·' ¤~ { l o v e } is watching someone die.


Friday, January 5, 2007 4:45 PM


i went from hoping Jayne would die in the first couple episodes to loving him and becoming my favorite character


Friday, January 5, 2007 7:22 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Hmm, good thread.


To start off, this isn't a popular opinion here, but amoung other Firefly fansI have noticed more are beginning to support River-Jayne

Haha, Simon would love this match up.

My own initial response is that River shouldn't be grappling with anyone, the helpless girl thing rings too many paternal type instincts in me. The kind of loving she needs isn't the one kind that Jayne is capable of giving.

Perhaps after a couple of seasons she would develop into a more stable young woman. At this point, still able to read Jayne's mind all the time she might opt for that easy fling. I can't see that either one would be interested in anything more than that though.


Friday, January 5, 2007 8:31 PM


Ok...if we are talking guilty pleasures...I’m going for broke! May not be where this thread is going but...Mal naked. WOW...that was good day. Not sure what it really had to do with the plot. I mean they could have done with out it but I am so glad they didn’t! I would not mind seeing Jane naked. Or maybe them together...oh wow... I’ll be in my bunk…



Friday, January 5, 2007 8:47 PM


I've watched the show from the first airing of "The Train Job." I tuned in then because I was already a fan of Joss Whedon and Adam Baldwin and Gina Torres. At first I thought the whole cowboys-in-space thing just wouldn't work and almost turned the channel after hearing the theme song. So...what won me over? The cursing in Chinese. The first time a character did that I started laughing because it was such a great way to get around the censors.

After that first show, I fell in love the whole concept. I also knew as the weeks passed that it wasn't going to last. I started taping the episodes, suspecting I'd never get to see them again if I didn't. There was much dancing in Kayleeville when the DVD set was announced!

I really didn't get Jayne until I watched all the episodes on DVD. Now, he's almost my favorite character. But...I do love my captain. (Truly, I identify with Mal more than any of the other characters.) I mourn Wash, I'm fascinated by Book, but Simon? He just doesn't do anything for me. I don't see him and Kaylee staying together as a couple.

And by the way, I don't care what she said in the movie, River is still kwong-juh duh. Big time!


Friday, January 5, 2007 8:54 PM


My main confession is that I am not that big a fan of River. I know that she's probably the most popular character in the fanbase, and that in the movie, it's almost "The River Show", but to be honest, when I saw her on the series, she didn't really do anything for me. And it was actually when this playwrite came in to talk to us that I realized why I wasn't a fan of River. It's basically because she's not that much of a pro-active character.

The playwrite told us that when we are coming up with characters, that there has to be a level of proactiveness in them. That when something happens in the story, that the character makes a decision that shapes the plot and informs us of who he/she is. If a character just bends to the will of whatever is going around her, and not actually do something about it, it makes for a very bland character and story. I find Simon a much more interesting character because he;s actually done something. His amazing self-sacrifice makes him a fascinating character. Whereas for the most part, we havn't seen River do ANYTHING for the most part.

If you notice River in the series, 95% of the time, she's just standing in a corner or looking around and saying random words. Now those words might be foreshadowing or insight or whatever, but it just gets irritating when she doesn't speak in full sentences. Whe it comes to River, it seems that everyone is making decision for her. It's either the Alliance saying "We must get her!" or Simon and the crew saying "We must protect her." There's all this fighting over her, and yet River doesn't even say "Uhh, excuse me, may I say something?"

The only times River is an interesting character is when she actually DOES something. Like in "War Stories" when she takes the gun and shoots the three men down. Or in "Objects in Space" when she taunts Early and lures him out of the ship. Or in SERENITY when she runs out, grabs the bag, closes the door and slaughters the Reavers. THAT'S when she's an interesting character. The rest of the time, it's just me saying alongside Jayne "Just shut the fuck up."

That's why I have River go through a bit of a reinvention in my stories. I made her a bit more proactive in wanting to pursue her musical interests so that she'll actually make decisions for herself. And also for her to speak normally because I can't do River-speak. I'm pretty sure even Joss himself would have gotten fed up with writing River-speak and just go "Fuck it. She'll speak normally now."

"Wait a minute, you're not Santa! You're not even robots!! How dare you lie in front of Jesus!!!"


Saturday, January 6, 2007 1:31 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I really do not like Inara. And I don't buy the chemistry with Mal at all. He seems to have chemistry with/be attracted to her, but not the other way 'round and that bothers me. And she just avoids everything and can't be straightforward and is this big mystery... Ugh, I just get tired of it. I think the character has some potential, but the way she came out just grates on me. I like Nandi a lot more; I was sad when she died.
Book just isn't that cool. He's very well-acted, but I just don't think he's cool. What is he even doing on the ship? He got on with them for a flight to Boros, and it was never explained why he remains on the boat the whole series (until he decides to leave in the comics)
Kaylee severely grates my nerves at times. She's whiny and over-the top with ALL her emotions. Yeah she's cute and bright and sunny and all that, but she also whines like a little girl! Also, I honestly think she acts like a bit of a slut. An innocent and starry-eyed slut, but a slut nonetheless.
Unlike most people here, I really adore Simon. Not guilty about that, just wanted to put it out there. I think he has some of the best body-language in the show, and he's a great low-key hero who will do anything for his sister. In a big way, that relationship is one of my favorites on the show. It's not romantic at all, but they clearly love each other very deeply.
Zoe has been my favorite character since I set eyes on her. I thought then and still think now that she was more attractive than Inara, and a much more interesting character in just about every way. She acts like a woman, whereas Inara and Kaylee act like teenage girls in a lot of respects. So does River, but she is a teenage girl, so it's understandable. She, in fact, has a certain depth that no one else has because she's been through so much in such a short time. The only others who come close to that mature-by-pain character are Mal and Zoe.








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