Male and Female Imponderables - A Hard Earned Thirst Needs A Big Cold Beer, But I Drink To Get Pissed.

UPDATED: Monday, January 8, 2007 11:07
VIEWED: 9031
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Friday, January 5, 2007 12:20 AM


Seeing as how the last thread racked up 125+ posts in less than 10 hours, and the weekends just getting started, I've used my (imaginary) powers to start a new one.

Old fun and frolics are still at

And in honour of Sean Bean's casting in the remake of The Hitcher, I feel the following words od wisdom are required: One does not simply hitch-hike into Mordor.

Now then, ponderances (and gender-related no less): At what age would you allow your children to start dating, and would you set the age at different levels for boys and girls?

Demolitions specialist for the 76th Independent Battalion.
From blowing open locked fridges, to destroying Alliance gun emplacements, it's all fun for me.


Friday, January 5, 2007 12:32 AM


[Longer post than first posted...skim down've been warned ]

Yay! Firsties! *bounces*


Nicodemus wrote:
Now then, ponderances (and gender-related no less): At what age would you allow your children to start dating, and would you set the age at different levels for boys and girls?

As a person whose had thousands of kids but none of my own (yeah, must be a crazy teacher) I'd say that I'd let my kids do the individual date thing when they're 16 or so (legal age of consent). Group dating would be probably 14 or 15 (after they've figured that the opposite sex is no longer icky).

('Course, that does include the fact that I'd have them go through a "I'll never have sex as a teen" experience -- be it observing a live birth at a hospital, or even one of those "real babies" for sex-ed stuff.)

(Edited to add)

Resolutions: I cheated a bit...tried to start a set of resolutions at the start of my break -- fat lot of good it did me...still haven't done any serious exercise, haven't stayed away from work for more than a few days (goal was at least a week striaght), 'though I'm getting closer to getting into the right sleep habits.

Actors typecast in my brain: Other than the ones already mentioned here (Ben Browder, William Shatner, Lenoard Nemoy, Adam West -- who I learned fairly recently used to be a newscaster in Hawaii at one time) I keep waiting for Claudia Black to pick on Ben's character instead of harrassing Dr. Jackson (on Stargate SG-1).

The others -- I can't picture a couple of Japanese actors as anything but the characters I grew up with (Daisuke Ban as he's known in America will always be "Jiro" from Kikaida/Kikaider, and Ken Matsudaira will always be "Shinnosuke Tokugawa" from Abarembo Shogun for me -- in fact my brain kept going "but he's not supposed to look like a ne'er-do-well-playboy" when I saw the video of his "Matsuken Samba")

Oh! Kevin Sorbo -- just saw him on an episode on F** (flipping channels, I swear!) and all I could think was "What's Hercules doing on there?"

Being too old for kids stuff: Huh!? Wha?! You mean there's such a thing?! Bubbles are better than smoking (sorry smokers -- I can get away with blowing bubbles in a room by myself at work, smoking would have me walking 20 feet away from the nearest open door/window or to the sidewalk off campus). Puddles? Well, haven't jumped in any for a while (miss those little kid rainboots though). Beyond toys! MINE!

Goals that need to reach but haven't: I've got three -- learn the mandolin (gotta carve out time for that), learn/become proficient at either a blade, bow and arrow, or crossbow (too much time with the samurai shows, Dukes of Hazzard, and such), and be like my favorite childhood heros and ride a motorcycle (Kawasaiki or Suzuki 'cause that's what they rode)...

Tristan: If you got my last message, I'm gonna keep doing that every time I get that. (Fair warning -- *grin*)

NVG: *hugs* I know, I'm still getting my act together on the pictures I've of these days I'll send you one so you can see why the "crazy Fillipino" and the "crazy Hawaii-gal" think you're part Polynesian...promise.

MsG: *blinks* I can't believe school started up again earlier this week for you (and everyone else who is going back to school). YIPES!

RIMG: *hugs* Still waiting on you driving down here for that dinner and a movie.

Co-pilot! Yay! Nice to see you online again! Hope things are going well in your corner of the 'verse.

Hi Mavs, VX, Hell's Kitten (dangit where do you get the pretty kimonos, katanas, and did I see a dai-katana once? *drool*), JQ (the roasted chicken was just too weird *shudder*), Mircea, LA (hope you're feeling better), DTH, Magda (hope your back is better now), YingYang, Asorta...and everyone else I've probably forgotten or missed.


Friday, January 5, 2007 12:48 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

My dad said I was allowed to date as soon as I could spar with him and win on something like a regular basis. Turned out to be when I was 15, though I didn't really date for another two years (unless you count a grand total of one when I was 16) because... well, I just didn't.
My dad's a rather paranoid and protective guy.
My mom, on the other hand, said that if I didn't know how to make good choices by the time I was 16 and had my own car, then she hadn't done her job right and there was nothing she could do to stop me. I think this was very wise of her. Turns out she did do her job right and much frustration was avoided by her not trying to stop me from going out. So I bow to her wisdom; by the time someone can drive, they should be able to make a few reasoned choices. If they can't, they probably never will and you can't stop them and it's pointless to try.



Friday, January 5, 2007 3:12 AM


Morning, Everyone.

Wow. First time in a long time there's been a new ponderable as soon as I log on! *smiles*

Tidbit is only 5. I have a while to go before I need to think about him dating.
However, I know from my friends who have older kids that girls today are much more likely to call pre-teen boys than they were in my day. Maybe I only have 7 years or so before Carson starts getting phone calls from girls. *ACK!*

I will need to think about this before answering further...but my first thought may be he can date around 14 or 15 unchaperoned. Maybe. *Double ACK!*

Rainy miserable day this AM. Supposed to be very warm this afternoon. 70 degrees by tomorrow. Global warming! Hmmph! I want snow. Not as much as PR has had to deal with, but I want winter!

Coffee time! Back soon.


Friday, January 5, 2007 3:46 AM


Morning, all!
Nice new digs, Nico...thanks!

Hmm...what age would I let my children date...well, I think I have to agree with Mav here. Unchaperoned around 14 or 15. By unchaperoned I mean I would take them wherever they were going and pick them up afterwards...or let the other parents do the same. And yes, it would be the same for both the boy and girl.

Qing ren!

Wonderful idea, there,!

I'll be on the front desk today, so (surprise) I may not be around too much.

Good morning to those that I will miss!

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Friday, January 5, 2007 4:43 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

I have never - in my entire life - been called, thought of, referred to, or imagined as "girly."

This amuses, yet... I'm kind of... insulted. (?)

As well you should be, being girly is a horribly bad thing to be! Arnold Schwarzenegger and I agree on this point. Maybe I'm just a meat head, but when I see all your photos of you playing dress up with your skirts and everything, I think girly.


Ah. Since you know me so well, I can see how you're comfortable saying this.

Of course I am. If I wasn't, wouldn't be the all knowing omnipotent being that controls time and space, which I am.

Ok, so I never got the photos up last night. server was bugging out big time, I actually tried starting the Male and Female Imponderables Thread myself, but no dice.

I brought up the question on the last thread of what singular accomplishment have people been putting off for a long time that they still really want to do. From what I saw, I didn't really get any answers (Cept for Mav and MSG). I hope some people have had more time to maul it over and figure it out. Here's mine:

I've talked about falling an animal with a knife for a long time. Many people are familiar with the notion that "hunting" with firearms is anything but fair, and I feel much the same way about it. Hunting with that much of an advantage should be reserved for survival situations.

This past Sunday at aprx. 0545, I snuck up on and chased down a doe, bringing it to rest with nothing but my buck knife. It was a clean kill, directly to the heart, and I felt what it was like to have something die for real, right in front of me, holding it and feeling it's body give out. There's no other experience to match it.

I've since skinned and butchered the animal, using every part of it that I could think to use. These are pictures of me with the beast's hide.


I feel more prepared for battle now than ever before. In these past days I have felt the optimism of the invincible. I know that someday I'll take it in the field, that's my destiny. The Old Father has already woven the skein of my life, and I know that it's cut abruptly, but for anyone who's expressed concern for me this time around, I promise you all that it wont be anytime soon.

But for more Earthly matters: I wouldn't "let" my child go on dates until they were 18. But I know children have ways around those things. If I ever did have a child, I know I'd raise them very strictly with high expectations, and that they'd probably end up piercing their nose and hating me by the time they were 13. But, we're talking ideals here, right? Yeah, no dating, no drinking, no caffeine, etc. Instead, pushups, running and forced hydration.

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkyries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Friday, January 5, 2007 5:06 AM


CMH, nice showing there! Thank you for sharing that experience with us. The photos are great, too.
I have thought about your ponder, and while there are several things I would like to do that I haven't (spear-hunting a boar is among them, oddly enough), the one thing I would to accomplish is a little less mundane than yours...I want to walk Ireland. I visited Dublin for eight days in '98, and have wanted to go back ever since. One of those days I spent at Tara, and I had the chance to walk for several miles around the countryside. I want to take several months and just walk.

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Friday, January 5, 2007 5:10 AM


See now that's real hunting. None of this hiding and ambushing the poor creature from miles away to get something "cool" to put on your wall. HUGS CMH and snazzy pics. I don't generally approve of killing animals,like you I agree survival situation is about it, and use of every part means it's not just that lame killng for "fun" nonsense...Anyway, how soon are you shipping out darlin?

HUGS and morning to all.

Hell's Kitten I share your sense of vague insult at the term girly...I wouldn't say it's seriously insulting, but mildly yes.. We have a teacher here who I was helping get his act together, but I kinda passed it off after we were discussing how I make my room smell nice using wallflowers from Bath and Body Works and he sai " aw you girls and your little lotions...that's so cute" Pondered punching him in the kidney, but decided that would be unprofessional.

Age I would let my kid date. 12 with me there( kind of a group thing going to movies or having a party) solo at 15.

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Friday, January 5, 2007 5:12 AM


CMh I agree with you on the "sport" of hunting. I do not hunt because I think that if a person needs countless rounds to take down an unsuspecting animal there is really no sport involved.

Although I was looking through a hunting Mag a few years ago and found one trip that I would concider. It was spear hunting for Bear. Now that would be a sport!

As far as what I have always wanted to do but never got around to. I guess there are a few. I want to BASE jump the mackinac Bridge here in Mich. Learn to surf. There are others but the options a not out there to accomplish yet.

So if ya'll here about some moron jumping off a perfectly good bridge in Mich. it very well might be me!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Friday, January 5, 2007 5:37 AM


mornin' Imponderables. Several threads worth of replies to follow:

Mexican music by kilted men on bagpipes? I must hear this.

The only real resolutions I made were to try and be healthier in all aspects of my life, and to take more time for myself. So far it seems to be going well, as I have this whole weekend to myself with nothing to do.

I am really interested in the Browncoat cruise, I think it is a spectacular idea. I need to look into the money and the dates and such, as budgeting for things this year has been made a bit more difficult.


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Oh! Also?
Sir Ian McKellen.
Magneto. !!

I am split on this one, as Gandalf comes just as readily to mind when his name is mentioned. Along those lines though, Kevin Spacey will always be Kaiser Soze, Billy Connolly will always be El Duce, and Michael Chiklis will always be Vic Mackey, at least in my mind.


Originally posted by msg:
Ok I have a ponder. How old is too old for kid stuff? (

like how old before you have to stop playing with bubbles or

jumping in puddles)

Never. There is no such thing as 'too old'.

MSG - loved the guy rules!

One thing I really want to do is go back to Europe. I threw a coin in the Trevi Fountain, which means I will at least get to go back there, but I want to see and visit most of the countries over there, most especially Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Holland. Really all of them besides France.
EDIT: Tristan, walking Ireland for several months sounds like heaven.

I think that the teens are a good time to let kids start dating, at least in a one-on-one sense. The group dates when they are younger will eventually get old, and like CMH pointed out if they are kept from doing it then they are going to find a way. I would rather help them, and be there to explain things to them, then let them do something that could be a lot more dangerous just because I told them they couldn't. I also agree with Tristan that there would be no difference in boys and girls.


Originally posted by Dancingneko:
RIMG: *hugs* Still waiting on you driving down here for that dinner and a movie.

I'll be stopping by there on my tour of the country. I'll be the travelling Browncoat.

Hi to everyone who is here, and I may not be back on until after I get home from the fed job today, as I am trying to be good and do a little work. I miss you guys, especially since it's been a week or more since I was seriously active on the boards.

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Friday, January 5, 2007 5:41 AM


I don't hunt. I used to when I was a kid but not any more. I wouldn'd call hunting a sport unless the animal you were hunting could "Kill you right back".

Now this is JMO so any hunters we have on the board, this ain't nothing "agin" you. But feeding animals weeks or months ahead of time then shooting them when they come to supper just ain't sport to me. There are a lot of hunters in this area. I work with many and have some in my own family so when the talk turns to hunting I stay out of it. I realize ppl hunt for the meat and all and I'm Ok with that. But to go on a BIG HUNT to kill a beautiful animal that is just living it's life in the wild ain't sport to me.

It's like if aliens held a beauty or bodybuilding event then laser zapped the contestants as they walked on stage.I know that's wierd but it's just how I think.

Anyhoo this thread is about dating. Girls/15 and at that age as long as it's in a group. Boys/16 alone with a girl/16 with a time to be home set.


PS: I used to duck hunt but now we have an agreement. They don't poop on my house I don't wizz in their marsh.


Friday, January 5, 2007 5:55 AM


and now for something completely different...Dog Pics

Binky didn't appreciate the acceleration of his owner's new car.

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Friday, January 5, 2007 6:03 AM


MSG, wasn't there a cat on the

funny pic, Z


Friday, January 5, 2007 6:38 AM


C'n I bust in on your thread uninvited?

I have a daughter who will be 16 next month. We always told her 16 was when she could start dating. She sneaked around and had a boyfriend last summer and into the school year; we pretended not to notice at first, but eventually got involved, invited the boy over and told him that he was welcome to visit with our daughter but it had to be in our house with us present. That was the last we saw of him.

I still think 16 is a good age. Everybody else in her school started younger, but I think they need the added maturity of a year or two of growth to handle it. In our school district, nobody just goes on a date and then that's it; they have to "go" with the person, which means acting engaged to be married, with all that goes with it. Ugh. My baby! Anyway, our eldest said there are a couple of boys who have asked her out whom she told to wait till February 4th, and they said they would, so we will see how it goes.

The same rule will apply for our son and The Baby who is a girl and who may not be allowed to reach 16 if she stays as mouthy as she is now.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Friday, January 5, 2007 6:46 AM


I've always been of the opinion that modern hunting is immoral. There is no reason to hunt in this day and age if it is not feeding your family and providing the main means of sustenance.

You live out in Gopher's Crotch Montana and there's no grocery store for 150 miles around? Fine. Hunt. Feed Yourself. That's what God intended the creatures of the Earth to be there for.

You live in the suburbs of X and pass 15 grocery stores to and from work? Not fine.

I realize that this opinion is mine, and my own. I realize, and have argued to the Nth degree with Husband that there are many other people who disagree with my viewpoint. Don't flame me for my opinion, and it isn't an atack on anyone (CMH) in particular.

For example, here in the Washington area, the deer population has grown exponentially in the last 20 years. Deer carcasses on the side of the road are very very common. I understand hunting is more humane than having the population outstip the food supply and the poor things starve. I get that.

Hunting for the thrill of the kill is a revolting de-evolution of our status as humans.
Not more than 100 years ago, we hunted to survive. Now, we hunt because life is boring. Sad.

EDIT: GRIZ! Long time no see. How are you, Hon? You don't have Sci-Fi channel - I just saw the commercials for the upcoming season of BSG. Looks great...!


Friday, January 5, 2007 6:49 AM


On the whole age to date thing....

My daughter is never going to be allowed to date. She will stay at home and when I deem the time right I wil arrange a husband for her and she will move away! Hehehehehe! A joke yes?

I haven't given it a lot of thought. She is still to young so I am blocking that out of my mind presently. I am trying to think of a way to stop her from growing up.

I figure as the age gets closer me and Laurelin will have to sit down and discuss what we think is appropriate. Thankfully that is years away at the moment.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Friday, January 5, 2007 6:52 AM


Better yet, you will choose a suitable husband for her and he will move in, where you can keep close tabs on him.

I know the feeling. My husband especially gets upset because he knows from experience exactly what those high school boys are thinking when they look at OUR DAUGHTER. They want in her pants. That's the short version. It makes us crazy!

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Friday, January 5, 2007 6:56 AM



Originally posted by Mavourneen:
I've always been of the opinion that modern hunting is immoral. There is no reason to hunt in this day and age if it is not feeding your family and providing the main means of sustenance.

You live out in Gopher's Crotch Montana and there's no grocery store for 150 miles around? Fine. Hunt. Feed Yourself. That's what God intended the creatures of the Earth to be there for.

You live in the suburbs of X and pass 15 grocery stores to and from work? Not fine.

I tend to agree with you there about hunting, and about guns in general.

Clowns to the left of me… ...Jokers to the right...


Friday, January 5, 2007 7:13 AM


Not posted here in a while, what's the I'll pass on that one. I'll worry about that should I ever get round to having some children, which ain't likely.

I noticed something about typecast actors earlier too. I used to think there were certain actors I couldn't imagine in anything else, but as long as its done well I don't seem to notice. To me our good captain is as much johnny from two guys and a girl as he is Mal, and shatner is as much denny crane as he is James T. I do think about certain films they were in straight away when I see certain actors, but thats just natural I think.


Friday, January 5, 2007 7:45 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

Due to the gravity of this post at certain points, I am "spoilering" out part so as not to kill the generally up tone of the thread.
For those wanting "fun", let me direct you to the previously written, but laterly posted post below.

Originally posted by Mavourneen:
I've always been of the opinion that modern hunting is immoral...I realize that this opinion is mine, and my own. Don't flame me for my opinion, and it isn't an atack on anyone (CMH) in particular...Hunting for the thrill of the kill is a revolting de-evolution of our status as humans.

I don't fault you at all for feeling this way, and there better not be any flaming. I am the penultimate animal lover. I have half a mind that people ought to be forced to kill their own hamburger/bacon/mcnugget sources and see if it doesn't cut down on consumption and improve the national health at the same time. EEP! Sorry Griz, Priestess of Pork!
That said, I don't think "thrill" is exactly the word that applies in CMH's case, so I don't think he's going to feel "attacked" by you. (You're too much of a pacifist to attack anyone anyway.)

Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
This past Sunday at aprx. 0545, I snuck up on and chased down a doe, bringing it to rest with nothing but my buck knife. It was a clean kill, directly to the heart, and I felt what it was like to have something die for real, right in front of me, holding it and feeling it's body give out. There's no other experience to match it.

Select to view spoiler:

When I was in high school, my cat used to sit on top of my car tire. I'd shoo him out everytime I had to go somewhere. I never forgot. Except once. There was a mystifying "bump" as I started to back out of the driveway. Then before my mind had a chance to unbaffle itself into sickening awareness, I saw my cat shoot into the back yard at full speed and out of sight. I ran to find him and there he was, heaving his last breaths. I scooped him up and held him in my arms until he was gone.

It was real and right in front of me and it felt his body give out. There's no other experience to match it. (Point of fact, before anyone calls me the bleeding heart here: I've done death vigils with humans, too.)

My cat's name was "Lucky". Swear to Odin.

The doe's death is different and I understand that. I didn't mean to say it's wrong. My dad was a hunter all his life. And even though I am not him, I hold no true hunter full of blame. The bumwipes that think turkey shoots are "fun" are a different matter.

I was trying to say that I agree with you about it being a singular experience, regardless of the reaction it may inspire in each of us. A death at sword's point is very different than one having it all end from a mile high bomber. (And please, Jesus, don't let that be construed an aspersion on any of our air corps) It's the same point as the hamburger buyer mentioned above.

You needed to know that feeling Chris. Now you do. I hope it helped.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Friday, January 5, 2007 7:49 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

It all started innocently enough…


Originally posted by Tristan:
So, here's a good Imponderable...did anyone have resolutions this year, and how long do you think you'll stick to them?


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Ummmm... I made some vague resolutions to myself, yes.
Things along the lines of…distancing myself from any sort of emotional know...same old, same old.


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Distance yourself? Me ‘fraid to approach!


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Continued practice to reach an unreachable perfection is good for the soul:


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
And you’re sure there’s no biological connection between you and CMH???


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Knowing ChrisMoorhead by only his name, I can neither confirm nor deny any biological connection.


Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
JQ - I'm too masculine to be related to someone as girly as HellsKitten. I'll even be providing photos in the next hour or so to prove it.


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
!!! "Girly"?? I have never - in my entire life - been called, thought of, referred to, or imagined as "girly." This amuses, yet... I'm kind of... insulted. (?)


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Girly or no, I think she kicks ass. And that's something I know you know about...


Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
As well you should be, being girly is a horribly bad thing to be! Arnold Schwarzenegger and I agree on this point. Maybe I'm just a meat head, but when I see all your photos of you playing dress up with your skirts and everything, I think girly.


Originally posted by msg:
Hell's Kitten I share your sense of vague insult at the term girly...I wouldn't say it's seriously insulting, but mildly yes.. We have a teacher here who I was helping get his act together, but I kinda passed it off after we were discussing how I make my room smell nice using wallflowers from Bath and Body Works and he sai " aw you girls and your little lotions...that's so cute" Pondered punching him in the kidney, but decided that would be unprofessional.


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
And you’re sure there’s no biological connection between you and CMH???

Actually, I was misquoting myself on that one. My original question the last time the three of us entered my head together (Please don't ask what that might mean; I think it means our posts were in close proximity.), I was wondering how come you two didn't hook up. Oh, well.


Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
Because I'm Asexual, and she prefers people without facial deformities. Completley opposit worlds.
Anyways, the pictures are coming, very soon! I bet your pants are squishy with excitement!


Originally posted by someone, somewhere else:
my face is crooked.
you have no idea how much that bothers me.

Acid test for Girly girlness vs. NON-girly girlness: Which of the following best describes you?


Originally posted by Nicodemus:
Seeing as how the last thread racked up 125+ posts in less than 10 hours, and the weekends just getting started, I've used my (imaginary) powers to start a new one.

Am I ever going to live this down???

P.S. CMH, any kind of ceremonious smearing of blood, etc. to commemorate the kill?

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Friday, January 5, 2007 8:16 AM


Good morning all. Interesting evening/morning.

Hunting- As for the primative hunting, I've had the chance to be a part of a few netted rabbit drives. I hope someday I'll get to try a netted duck drive. These are traditionally the ways of hunting in these parts. I have to sgree, there's nothing like it. I have to disagree though about hunting being unneccessary. Some people still have a strong sense of tradition that needs to be carried on for future generations. I don't agree with killing. Not anymore. But as things become neccessary for survival, there is little prejudice towards the act for me. It might be advisable for the people who know how to teach others the reason, method, act, and consequences of doing so.

As for the mindset of CMH, please do not judge. It takes men millions of different ways to come to terms with their emotions or lack thereof. I've seen men prepare themselves in so many ways. One seasoned operator astounded me. He would spend four straight days with his wife and kids doing weekend stuff then fly off to some of the toughest shit I'd ever heard of. Somehow, he was totally the same guy when he got back. Strong, loving, and dedicated. His support system was set up in a way that his professional life and his personal life were completely seperated. I think what made him one of the best was that no matter what he was doing he was strong, loving, and dedicated. He loved his enemies. The work he did was clean and precise. The life he lived was not much different.

I seemed to have rambled for quite some time here, but many could write and have written volumes on the mindset and life path of heroes and villians. Many will never know the victories and failings of people in harms way. And few will only glimpse the horror that infects the hearts, minds and souls of these people.

Tips for those who've never been over the wire: Encourage rather than criticize. Empathize rather than sympathize. Listen rather than talk. Offer an ear rather than beer.

Okay. Shutting up now.


Friday, January 5, 2007 8:42 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

I was with you all the way up to the beer. But seriously. I hope you and CMH and Kelkhil and a few of the others past and present know where you fall on my own list of heroes. I hope that I would have "risen to the occasion" had it come down to it, but I have no way of knowing. I do know that I have mourned the deaths of "insignificant" bugs and have killed other critters indescrimantly. Am I a Jeckyll/Hyde? Or just a Jackal Hide?

I love the Lion King. And I love Brother Bear. Of course I love Lady and the Tramp, too, but that's something else entirely. I think there is a lot of truth in what Mav said as far as thrill killing is concerned. What you're describing still has a respect for the Earth and her inhabitants; it's not for "fun", it's about touching something outside of us that is in us, too. Our heritage, our heredity. Reaching back, reaching out. Seeing where they meet and where our place is.

Getting drunk and shooting an animal is not sport. Going to the store is not hunting. Someone still had to kill the food, so maybe it's hunting by proxy. Go Vegans! (Aw c'mon. don't flame me either...!)

Now I am rambling. But isn't rambling just pondering out loud?

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Friday, January 5, 2007 8:46 AM


See NV that's why I'm comfortable with you and CMH's hunting choices. You're not out there with some macho need to prove something about your masculinity by killing something as a "trophy" You're maintaining your culture and tradtions and he's preparing for war ( not to mention hunting in a far more reasonable way) and saving some poor deer from the agony of starving over months and months ( which is just about the worst death I can think of) so I've no problem.
I agree though. We aren't all going to have the same stance on anything and just being respectful doesn't require you to be in agreement of it or do it yourself, just an understanding that others see things differently which seems to be how Mavoureen and Jonny were viewing it :) Besides if there's an apocalypse I am sticking right close to you and CMH or I'll starve in a week. I'm pretty sure motivating kids and academics are sucky skills in a survival situation

Besides no puppies were killed so obviously Joss wasn't there:)

oh and on a weird you make the bunnies into anything?? I mean like coats and such not radioactive Frankenbunnies.

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Friday, January 5, 2007 9:03 AM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Going to the store is not hunting. Someone still had to kill the food, so maybe it's hunting by proxy. Go Vegans! (Aw c'mon. don't flame me either...!)

How do you know the carrots and tomatoes don't have feelings too? Even if they don't have a soul, you're still taking away their life. :P

She's not eatin' bacon, not eatin' sausage
and she won't eat eggs,
Not eatin' chicken, not eatin' turkey,
she won't have a steak,
But I just can't help feelin' sorry
for this poor little lettuce head
You know, I can't stop cryin'
'Cause I know this broccoli's dead
Vegetarian, I'm not a vegetarian
Vegetarian...she's a
Poor little cow, little sheep
Little fish how can I sleep?
When carrots are bleedin'
Plants are screamin' and tomatoes cry
You say "it's not so bad
They're only vegetables", that's what she said
Maybe I'm a murderer, but I'm hungry
And they're better off dead
Save a plant, eat a cow
I want beef, I want it now!
I'm gonna eat it cause it's red!
I'm gonna eat it cause it's dead!
maybe I should eat it raw
Let the blood run down my jaw
I'd eat people if it was legal
I'd eat people if it was legal!

(this was an attempt at humor, nothing more)

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Friday, January 5, 2007 9:09 AM


and a good attempt at humor it was:) I may use it in my poetry class

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Friday, January 5, 2007 9:11 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by msg:

I agree though. We aren't all going to have the same stance on anything and just being respectful doesn't require you to be in agreement of it or do it yourself, just an understanding that others see things differently which seems to be how Mavoureen and Jonny were viewing it :) Besides if there's an apocalypse I am sticking right close to you and CMH or I'll starve in a week. I'm pretty sure motivating kids and academics are sucky skills in a survival situation

oh and on a weird you make the bunnies into anything?? I mean like coats and such not radioactive Frankenbunnies.

Just want to be extremely clear here. My not hunting is strictly a personal choice. I do not like sauerkraut, but I have nothing against eating it or other people who do. (Although I strongly suspect there is something wrong with them on some level...)

Frankenbunnies! I love it! I have the best weird friends in the universe, 'Verse included!

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Friday, January 5, 2007 9:15 AM


msg, I appreciate the fact that you pointed out the respect part. That's the main reason I hang here - I've met oodles of people who think very differently than me and I've learned a lot about all sides of issues.

Hunting in this day and age is a sticky sticky Ponder. You're either for it or against it. Husband is for it. Whenever he goes out, I am sure to call after him "Have fun hunting, don't kill anything!"

As far as sticking with the hunters....I sheepishly have to agree with you. Husband taught winter survival at Bridgeport, CA for the Marine Corps so I know I've got at least one self sufficient person on my side.

However, as Cheez-its are God's Perfect Food, and they do not roam free, I am sure to be the first up against the wall when the Apocalypse comes.

A hug for everyone. One for those who agree, and one for those who agree to disagree.

To lighten the mood :


Friday, January 5, 2007 10:12 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Mavourneen:
As far as sticking with the hunters....I sheepishly have to agree with you. Husband taught winter survival at Bridgeport, CA for the Marine Corps so I know I've got at least one self sufficient person on my side.

OH, SHAT!! You never told me he was a Marine!!
Uh, Mr. Husband, sir, I just want you to know I have never said anything inappropriate to your Missus either intentionally or unintentionally, and even though she is hot I will never mention it to her or you or anyone in the locker.


However, as Cheez-its are God's Perfect Food, and they do not roam free, I am sure to be the first up against the wall when the Apocalypse comes.

They are better than bananas. And they're orange.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Friday, January 5, 2007 10:16 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:

How do you know the carrots and tomatoes don't have feelings too? Even if they don't have a soul, you're still taking away their life. :P

I have often wondered about this. And who says they don't have souls?

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Friday, January 5, 2007 10:34 AM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Just want to be extremely clear here. My not hunting is strictly a personal choice. I do not like sauerkraut, but I have nothing against eating it or other people who do. (Although I strongly suspect there is something wrong with them on some level...)

There are two things in the world that I cannot eat without sauerkraut, reubens and brats. It's just not the same.


Originally posted by Mavourneen:
However, as Cheez-its are God's Perfect Food,

Amen, sister!


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:

Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:

How do you know the carrots and tomatoes don't have feelings too? Even if they don't have a soul, you're still taking away their life. :P

I have often wondered about this. And who says they don't have souls?

You know, they just might have souls. Every time you eat a mouthfull of peas, think about their little voices crying out in protest as you genocidally chew them to bits.

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Friday, January 5, 2007 10:36 AM


You're a hoot, JQ.

Yep, I gotta Jarhead at home. He swears he still has a 32 inch waist, but I've been buying 36 inch underwear
for him for years and ripping out the tags.
But a Marine nonetheless.
Of interesting historical note: Before being posted to Bridgeport, Husband was one of those Marines in Panama who
blasted Twisted Sister into Noriega's compound for 3 days.

Hugs, everyone. After struggling with for over an hour, I can post a farewell. Off to drop some things off at Goodwill, then to get pampered at my nail place.

msg- check out


Friday, January 5, 2007 10:36 AM


In theory is not a soul the reining energy of a being? (For me) Everything is made up of living energy.
I've heard it said recently that it is better to focus less on what you can control or acquire and more on what you leave behind. Isn't that what people should be more preoccupied with?

On the fun side, no MSG. No Frankenbunnies, Bunnies are chased into nets three to four feet high strung anywhere from a quarter mile to two miles wide (depending on the size of the hunting party). Duch hunting is similar except the nets are strung on short poles above the water. The animals are chased into the nets and the real work starts.

Love the "Wok" pic Mav.

JQ- Maybe thats why the Killer Tomatoes were so ruthless.


Friday, January 5, 2007 10:49 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Howdy, all!


I brought up the question on the last thread of what singular accomplishment have people been putting off for a long time that they still really want to do.

I don't think I've lived long enough to give a good answer to this one. There are lots of things I want to do - travel abroad (while helping people), um... learn about everything (and I do mean everything) I can - but, there aren't really any that I can say I've been putting off for a long time, mostly because I haven't had them as goals for very long (a year or two at most).


At what age would you allow your children to start dating, and would you set the age at different levels for boys and girls?

Oh, that's just another reason why I'm not having kids.

I think my views on hunting have been covered rather well by Mavourneen.

Rules on voting here:


Friday, January 5, 2007 11:01 AM


On the dating question, I don’t set specific age limits, boys or girls. Currently, I have three boys, oldest is 17. Though they are living with their mother at the moment, we have switched custody from time to time over the years. But I can’t see as I would be any different with a girl.

My mother raised me, single parent fashion; I have no siblings. She did so in a manner of mutual respect and trust and let me set the guidelines for when I was ready for things. Talk of birds and the bees, etc. She was exceedingly open on any topic and I never felt judged or mis-trusted, which means that I probably shared more with her than most teenage boys would have and I always felt as if I had someone I could talk to about issues when I had them.

I happily gave away my virginity at 13 (She was 19 and through an earlier accident, unable to bear children). Had a rather active teenage sex-life, though quietly and unobtrusively so and to judge from what I’ve heard, not over-active in any way. I didn’t get anyone pregnant till I was 23 and in a relationship, never had even a case of the crabs. I think the respect and trust my mother showed me was translated into a desire to be cautious on my part and to take to heart what I felt were the important things she imparted to me with regards to love, relationships and sex. Mainly because I wanted to preserve the trust and respect I received from her.

So far, this same idea has seemed to work with my own children. I offer advice when asked. Impart my own ideas without stressing them as the end-all-be-all of morals or ethics and offer trust and respect to them and their own sense of when they are ready to explore something for themselves.

I’m not positive as to the sexual activity of my sons, though I’m fairly certain two of them have at least experimented in this regard. No one has gotten anyone pregnant. No social diseases I am aware of and they seem happy and well-adjusted, as far as I can ascertain, emotionally, socially, sexually.

As far as hunting goes, I used to bow hunt wild pig in Florida, where I am from and Georgia, after I moved there in the Army. After hunting people, in the Army however, I found that pig just wasn’t the sport it used to seem. Of course, killing people is no fun, since they are usually trying to do the same to you at that point and whoever wins, someone loses.

However, paint-balling rocks and is sufficient to satisfy my desire for challenge in this regard. Pigs are kinda dumb and easy to catch. Though, using a bow sometimes makes it more interesting. Being charged by a pissed off boar tends to wake one up rather quickly.


Friday, January 5, 2007 11:10 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Mavourneen:
You're a hoot, JQ.

Yep, I gotta Jarhead at home. He swears he still has a 32 inch waist, but I've been buying 36 inch underwear
for him for years and ripping out the tags.
But a Marine nonetheless.

Of interesting historical note: Before being posted to Bridgeport, Husband was one of those Marines in Panama who
blasted Twisted Sister into Noriega's compound for 3 days.

Hugs, everyone. After struggling with for over an hour, I can post a farewell. Off to drop some things off at Goodwill, then to get pampered at my nail place.

When you get back...

Damn. For a minute there I thought you said "hot"...

Cuttin' tags, huh? I have a ponderable fer next week about Truth in Relationships, and yes I know it's been done before.

Blasting Noriega with Twisted Sister!! Awesome!! God, three days? I think I would have left...


Originally posted by nvghostrider:
JQ- Maybe thats why the Killer Tomatoes were so ruthless.

And don't forget It Conquered the World:

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Friday, January 5, 2007 12:16 PM


Jimi love - I literally laughed so loudly that several passing teachers asked what on earth I was reading that was so funny. I shall never eat peas again without laughing:)

NV- dang I was kinda hoping for Frankenbunnies, but I see and thanks for omitting the parts that'd make me cry:) HUGS and much love sweety. Enjoy your weekend.

Mav- yeah I do the tag ripping thing too....they don't need to know what size they really are as long as they are happy:)...mind you now I really really want cheez its..argh!

All and sundry thanks and as I am now stuck with the weekend parade of houseguests ( out to dinner tonight with friends, brother in law arrives late tonight to stay through Sunday afternoon whereupon we will then go to dinner at parents for newly arrived baby sis then return home to prepare for MisterG's best friend who's on a 2 week from Iraq and staying with us to arrive on Monday) so long story short ( too late I know) I won't be on this weekend at all:( so big hugs to everyone and I will see you Monday if I haven't run away to hide at Magda's:)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Friday, January 5, 2007 12:54 PM


Try not to stress too much MSG. I know family gets the best of us sometimes. If you need a flyin' buddy I'd love to run to the down under and disappear for a bit.

JQ- What about machines on a rampage.

ADD: Don't think I ever ran into ya KG. Thanks for the input. I like having others to communicate their thoughts on hard subjects better left to explain by people who've been there.


Friday, January 5, 2007 2:04 PM


Ah, the endless "....Into Mordor" pics.

Should this continue much longer I'll be forced to start loading the "Boromir's Obession with Catapaults" series of gifs, which could get nasty.

Demolitions specialist for the 76th Independent Battalion.
From blowing open locked fridges, to destroying Alliance gun emplacements, it's all fun for me.


Friday, January 5, 2007 2:06 PM


Meh. I am way late to this thread cuz of the Hell Day I had at work. (I really had no idea that work Going Corporate and becoming A Big Company meant that I had to attend so many meetings that I would no longer have time to actually accomplish anything important.)

SO, this is going to be one long-ass post, my Impondery Friends. Sorry!! Gives the scroll wheel exercise, though, ne?

Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
My dad said I was allowed to date as soon as I could spar with him and win on something like a regular basis.

PR...your dad is AWESOME!

Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
Maybe I'm just a meat head, but when I see all your photos of you playing dress up with your skirts and everything, I think girly.

Whoops! I keep forgetting that meat heads perceive appearance and behavior as one in the same.

This past Sunday at aprx. 0545, I snuck up on and chased down a doe, bringing it to rest
This is absolutely amazing to me. I had enough trouble chasing down my fing ferrets. A deer? Amazing. I would have loved to witness that. How did you catch her?? *awe*

And regarding your question that lead to your tale: there are so many things I want to do and accomplish, that I can’t think of one that actually stands out among the many, both tangible and intangible. I want to achieve happiness and contentment, I want to do everything to the best of my abilities, I want to live with passion, I don’t want to let myself down; these may be unreachable, but there’s no point in not trying, ne?

Originally posted by msg:
Hell's Kitten I share your sense of vague insult at the term girly...I wouldn't say it's seriously insulting, but mildly yes.

Honestly, I only find it vaguely insulting because I look down upon the stereotypical behavior typically associated with the term. It implies things, in my mind, that I detest. Am I capable of girliness? Oh, hell yeah. But never when it's important. I've done too much and fought too hard to be carelessly thrown down into that category by any ignorant bint. (And that last sentence is specifically and solely aimed at my previous boss, whose ignorance knew no bounds, who tried every chance to belittle me for being a girl, and then who sued me for leaving his company. )

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Acid test for Girly girlness vs. NON-girly girlness: Which of the following best describes you?

Actually, this one:

and this one:

with a touch of this, for good mad scientist measure:

Originally posted by JoQu:

Originally posted by Nicodemus:
Seeing as how the last thread racked up 125+ posts in less than 10 hours, and the weekends just getting started, I've used my (imaginary) powers to start a new one.

Am I ever going to live this down???

Not so long as I have my memory.

Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:

Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
How do you know the carrots and tomatoes don't have feelings too? Even if they don't have a soul, you're still taking away their life. :P

I have often wondered about this. And who says they don't have souls?

You know, they just might have souls. Every time you eat a mouthfull of peas, think about their little voices crying out in protest as you genocidally chew them to bits.

Mmmmm.... The souls make them tastier.

Re: Hunting
I’m a firm believer that it’s detrimental to humanity to forget how (and why) to do all the things that got us to where we are now. To become so complacent with current technology that you forget how to live without it is dangerous. Just think about all the “lost arts” and lost technologies of the ancients’... how those things could have enriched our humanity today had they only been remembered and passed down through the ages. *cough* Ahem. Sorry. Before I get too deep into that... that’s how I view hunting. Just because a good number of folk enjoy the convenience of having someone else butcher and process food today doesn’t mean we should necessarily give up fending for ourselves.

Tangentially, I’ve learned fascinating things witnessing animals die – in both animal labs and on butchering farms (which I won’t detail) – that I may never have learned otherwise. That could be the mad scientist part of me talking.

Re: Dating
Um. I never really dated much. I had one boyfriend in high school, but we never really did more than watch TV and play smoochy-face. I guess I would just hope my kids (who will never actually be a reality) would be as uninterested / responsible with it as I was. Heh. If they weren’t, I’d watch Imaginary Child like a hawk. A scary mother hawk who carries around a beautifully sharpened katana. *snikker* But I’d probably let Imaginary Child date around 16 or 17.

To expand on the dating imponderable:
Are the restrictions on dating that you’ve imposed solely there to prevent pregnancy?

Cuz, I mean, a girl could just as easily “date” another girl as she would a guy, and vice versa. *wink wink, nudge nudge*

And so following, if the impositions are to limit potential exposure to sexual experiences too soon in life, would you also place restrictions on your boys from hanging out with other boys, and girls from other girls?

(Or am I being too simplistic in my thought pattern?)



Friday, January 5, 2007 3:14 PM


On the dating thing, my mother told me that I wasn't allowed to date until I was 30. She was only partly joking. Because of this, I just started dating when I found a guy that I felt was worth it (which was the year I turned 18). I just neglected to tell my parents that I was dating until it was too late for them to stop me. But that's typical of how my relationship with my parents was, they pretty much left me alone because they knew I was responsible enough to make good decisions.

Although, once I started dating, I instantly got a curfew (which was absolutely psychotic)....but only when I was with him, and it was never enforced (at least not seriously, I mean, how many times would you take the excuse "traffic was really bad" for being late?)

When I have my own children, I hope to have that kind of understanding with them, but the age restrictions on dating would depend on the maturity level and decision making skills of the child in question. After working in a day care for years and all the babysitting/nanny jobs I've had, I have seen that each child has their own ways of responding to athority/rules, and parenting styles should reflect that.

As for Hell's Kitten's question, no, the restrictions would not be solely to prevent pregnancy, it's more to avoid the "fad" dating thing. Also, there would be no restriction on same sex interactions, since I sincerely hope there would be no danger of attraction in that area.

I'm a leaf on the wind


Friday, January 5, 2007 3:41 PM


Welcome to the Imponderables thread, KevinGray. It sounds like you were raised by one of those strong women characters that Joss writes about. I'm surprised that NVG didn't pick up on the paintball comment. He's mentioned that it's becoming a new addiction.

To everyone who posted above,
It's great to have you all back. It was pretty quiet here last week. I didn't get a chance to sign on yesterday, so I haven't caught up on the last thread. But it's been a joy to read today's.

Dating - I really don't know. I'm conflicted. Part of me thinks that it would be better if no one dated until 21. There are so many problems that occur from teenage sex.
*It's a joke - don't flame me if you're 16 to 20*
Although, I know that we live in a world were my 5 year students are talking about boyfriends, girlfriends, and going on dates. Young children are bombarded with the idea of finding a sexual partner way too early.

Hunting - I don't do it. I don't eat much meat, but I'm glad there is someone around to do it for me.


NVGhostRider wrote:
Tips for those who've never been over the wire: Encourage rather than criticize. Empathize rather than sympathize. Listen rather than talk. Offer an ear rather than beer.

I love that NVG. I have had several friends come back from Vietnam that have shared things with me. The funny thing is that others wanted to hear the stories, and I didn't. I've always wondered why they picked me. I think I know why now. Thanks.

JQ, I've missed your wit last week. Seriously, just so you'll know the beer comes after. If you offer the beer too soon, it masks the pain and feelings that need to be expressed and felt.

Nico, I need more Mordor.

HK and Rhyianan, I do agree that the dating age should go for opposite and same sex partners.

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans

Private VeX is serving under SFC Alexander in the Medical Corp, and marching with the 76th
Sign up NOW!
More Information:


Friday, January 5, 2007 6:29 PM



Originally posted by VerseExplorer:

HK and Rhyianan, I do agree that the dating age should go for opposite and same sex partners.

I believe you misunderstood what I had to say. I reserve judgement on dating restrictions until I meet my children, but I will place no limit on same sex interactions (aka close friendships), since I sincerely hope that there is no danger of a sexual attraction in that sort of situation (not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'd prefer straight children).

I'm a leaf on the wind


Friday, January 5, 2007 6:45 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hello my wonderful Ponderin friends!!

WARNING LONG POST!! (It's one of the drawbacks to sleeping all night that I have to cover everything at once!!)

To those who wondered - I got home at 9pm... (I turned down coffee & cake back at her place... man those little girls were tired too!!) & I was in bed by 1- & asleep by 10.01 and slept for 14 hours straight (except for a smds from my bestest friend at 1.30am - she would has expected me to still be up and she is in Perth - 2 hours behind Melbourne)

I feel like a new woman!!

Mei Mei!!! Oh I missed you sweetheart!! Thank you for sharing your parents insite - LOL at you showing up your dad at 15!!! and I agree that your Mum is awesome!!!

Hello Neko-chan!! It's good to see you!!

Mavs - I have seen Carson's picture and if I was one of the little girls at his school I would set my cap at him right away!!! I think that phone is going to start ringing... though, as Neko says, boys might still be a little icky at the moment...

Hello Qing ren!! I'd love to walk Ireland too... or at least visit it one day!!

See... I don't get offended at being called 'girly' since I am a girl... and I know I am tough too... I'm getting stronger and tougher all the time in more ways than one - but I am feminine and womanly and if those things are sometimes referred to as 'girl' I have no problem with it...

I can also stop any of the kids I nanny in their tracks with a single word.

Maybe it's because I care about people and other living being too much and have too much empathy for them that I have never found hunting attractive, but hunting with purpose is different... I think the cultures that hunt and untilise all the parts of the animal are fascinating... I admire anyone who can truly 'waste not, want not'... one of my grandfather's favourite sayings which I was raised on.

I have thought about your ponderance too CMH - there are lots of things I hope to do - but learning and practicing archery, learning a martial art and visit Pompeii are 3 I have on the short list... I also want to walk one of the tow-paths in the UK, stopping in a different pub each night and staying in a tent or B&B... just a really relaxing pace... I'd like to walk along Hadrians wall, or cycle around Cornwall, or visit Tuscany and drink in the local culture, or return to the Philippines and walk through the 2,000 year old rice terraces in Banaoe...I also want to go back to uni and do a degree in Medieval History and Theology - I have done some formal study in both areas, but never in a degree and most of my history study is self-directed... out of passion and curiosity... But having said all of that - I don't think there has been a situation where I have been spurred on to actually meet one of those goals - which is what you really asked... isn't it Chris?

Now, base jumping does sound cool Kel - scary and dangerous from what I have read - but cool!

Originally posted by Riverismygoddess
I'll be stopping by there on my tour of the country. I'll be the travelling Browncoat.[/qote]

Will you release a couple of CDs along the way?? Oh - it's so good to have you back Jimi-bear!!

Grizwald - there's an open invite anytime - welcome aboard!! Your kids sound like they are lucky to have such clued in parents as you!!... and as a nanny/auntie/former child I totally understand about the thought that the The Baby might not get to celebrate another birthday - ever!!!

Kel, honey? Do you still live uner the illusion that your Little One doesn't have her Daddy wrapped around her little finger... Anyway - I suspect Laurelin is way scarier than Daddy...

Is it just me or is there something sort of corossing over with the hunting/boyfriends after one thing with our daughters arguments...? In both cases - the hunter is after just one thing...

Johnny I understand Honey... I do...

Hello gorgeous NVG!! I'm in a huggy mood today - all my favourite men are getting them I think...

I also don' much like cooking raw red meat - I eat it, just don't like cooking it... sorry...

MsG - Little Sis!! come and hide away with me anyway!! We could have such fun!!

LOL Hells Kitten - those are some of my favourite photos of you!! ...except maybe the last one (see above about red, raw meat )

Rhyianan - I was like you - I really had to like a guy enough to date him - I really started dating at 18 myownself - though I know my first kiss was at 16 - I honestly don't remember his name... it ws more of a dare than a date!!

Hello my Kaylee-clone!! do you think Aah Mah would have curfewed Magda Martin... nah - I didn't think so either?


Originally posted by Nicodemus:

Now then, ponderances (and gender-related no less): At what age would you allow your children to start dating, and would you set the age at different levels for boys and girls?

As the eldest of 3 girls, I was curfewed on going out with friends, then when I proved myself reliable the curfews got later and later - and I would also stay the night at my best friend's houses so I was at their parents mercy and they were usually more leniant on them... My sisters had slacker and slacker rules - and they were both sexually active before me - so there might be something in the sense of responsibility that I had... or maybe they just had hotter boyfriends and less restraint I guess dating kind of grew out of going out with groups of friends so it wasn't a big deal at the time...

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"


Friday, January 5, 2007 6:47 PM


Ooops, thanks for the clarification.

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans

Private VeX is serving under SFC Alexander in the Medical Corp, and marching with the 76th
Sign up NOW!
More Information:


Friday, January 5, 2007 7:09 PM


Good to see you're awake. I would never try to give Magda Martin any kind of curfew. It would be futile. She always does what she wants.


Magda wrote:
As the eldest of 3 girls, I was curfewed on going out with friends, then when I proved myself reliable the curfews got later and later - and I would also stay the night at my best friend's houses so I was at their parents mercy and they were usually more leniant on them... My sisters had slacker and slacker rules

I'm on the other side of that example. My sister always fought for the rights to do things. Once my parents relented, it was easy for me to come along and say, "Can I do that to?" She always hated that they said, "Sure."

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Friday, January 5, 2007 7:12 PM


Girly: Never been a problem for me
Of course, it's come to my attention that whatever woman I eventually ensnare will have to be very... and I'm talkin' very, here... un-girly if I stand any chance of keeping her. I don't have the patience for the girly girls.
This revelation occured to me whilst overhearing a friend of mine get into the silliest arguement with his girlfriend. She's a sweet lass, but so girly... gack. He wanted to cook for her, and... hell, I can't even remember how she turned that into an argument, but she did, and she was all sulky about it...
Anyway. Seeings as I can't put up with that level of frippery in any human being for more than five consecutive minutes, I figure I'm goin' to need somebody a bit more practical. Toilet seat left up? Flip it down. You're a big girl, somebody should have taught you how to do that when you were three. Got a problem? Tell me about it. Don't make me guess. See a job needs doing? Do it yourself if you can, and get me if it requires heavy lifting. Gah! (I must be coming off as chauvenist, but this is just one of those things I find irritating)

Dating: I would be soooooooo paranoid about a hypothetical daughter. Seriously. I would be that creepy army-father who sits in a cracked-leather Lazyboy, surrounded by wafting smoke (which will be all the more dramatic considering I don't smoke), staring down those little horndogs with a glint of the homocidal in my eye as I remind them of the following facts: I have a shovel, a shotgun, and a lot of wide open country behind my house.
If I were to have a son, I can't see myself getting that wound up about it. My ideals would say, start dating at 16, but with a daughter, I know I'd try to get her into a convent until she's 37. Of course, I can't really compare them to my own experience, considering I'm 21 and I haven't started dating yet.

Hunting: Never killed anything with a gun or any other malicious means, yet. Except for the time when I shot down a Christmas tree (Mom was sick that year)... The family does get together sometimes, though, and blast targets behind the house with our various firearms. I often state that if (when) the Zombie Apocalpyse(tm) comes, me and my family will be just fine.

Aspirations: Get the hell off of this island. Unfortunately one thing stands in my way. That thing is money. Rather, it is the utter lack of it. Had I enough money to pay the bridge toll, I'd be out of here faster than a cat with its tail on fire shreiking for the coast-line.
This is going to happen eventually. I'm not getting stuck on this Island my entire flippin' life. It's just a matter of time. And money. Especially money.
More long term, I'd love to have been able to travel a bit. Unfortunately, poverty once again raises its ugly head. I'd love to see the French Quarter of New Orleans, walk in the blasting heat of Guatelajara, stare up at a ceiling of trees in Brazil, walk along the Great Wall of China, or see what's left of the Coliseum in Rome.

Friggin' poverty. Well, it's 1:00 AM now, so I'm signing out.

Do I really come across as chauvenistic?

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Friday, January 5, 2007 8:07 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
My dad said I was allowed to date as soon as I could spar with him and win on something like a regular basis.

My mom, on the other hand, said that if I didn't know how to make good choices by the time I was 16 and had my own car, then she hadn't done her job right and there was nothing she could do to stop me.

Very good advice, on both their parts.



Friday, January 5, 2007 8:08 PM


Reading up on this I noticed a lot of talk on curfews and limitations. It made me think about the total lack of curfews and rules in general I had from my parents. Don't get me wrong, its not that they never cared, they just never set down any rules. I was probably somewhat of a weird kid though, I always let my parents know where I was and what I was up to and I was never getting up to any mischeif. To this day I've never been on a date either (though my parents don't believe that) so the rules were never required.

My sister on the other hand does have rules and a clear curfew (much earlier if there are males included in the evenings plans) but she definetly needs them. She's somewhat of a moody, problematic teen at the moment hell bent on getting in some kind of trouble.

Which made me think about a question. How much of an effect do you think the strictness (im tired, best description I can come up with) of your parents effected how you turned out? I'm not sure if i think my parents were slacker than me than with my sister because I was just more mature/responsible, or if things turned out that way because they went easier on the rules with me. Probably a crap question but like I said, I'm tired.


Friday, January 5, 2007 9:04 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

I tried to edit my previous post to add to my ponderance too... My exact words were (coz I've learned to copy things to word before I post):

I would wait to know my children before I set any rules or deadlines on them - I would hope that I had done a good job in raising them and instilling qualities from infancy that would allow them to make healthy choices with a sense of good-jugement. I would maintain good communication and if they weren't able to match me in honesty and discussion I might be stricter with my rules than if I found them forthright and open with me.

I probably should mention here, regarding my sisters, that there are 2 years between each of us, so when I say both of them were sexually active before me that is exactly what I mean - I was 22, next one was 19 and youngest sis was 17 - so although we all had similare experiences with months of one another - I was the last!! And for interests sake, my youngest sister is still with her first and only and they have 3 gorgeous children to boot!!

Also I added a hello to Zzetta13, YinYang and a big "hi & hello" to KevinGrey - it's wonderful to meet you!!

Hi Navy!! That's to the loss of the young women of Glasgow that you haven't been on a date! I see the wisdom in treating kids differently based on their personality and sense of responsibility - the irony in my case is that I was allowed to babysit from the age or 14 - so it was weird to have a 10.30 curfew when I was 16 when I had been babysitting until midnight at the age of 14...

Hello James!! may I say that I can just picture you sitting in that cracked recliner with those brown eyes narrowed and all that!! you might have the boys running a mile but 'I aint sceered of ya!' I know I am girly - but I'm tough - and I guess not so girly when you put it all that way... mind you I still think the toilet lid should be down and that kind of makes it impossible to leave the seat up - it's a matter of courtesy you know!

Aprilise!!! Hello gorgeous one!! It is so good to see you here!! Please come back... and often!!

Thank you Aah Mah - mind you it was hypothetical since Magda Martin was living on her wits by the age of 16... I love the 76th!! I am having such fun!! I actually worked on my fan fic yesterday and should have something to post over there in the next day or so...

Oooooh - and guess what arrived in the mail this week??? The one and only gorgeous Little Albatross has sent me juggling geese!!
Thank you wonderful, wonderful friend of mine!! I am so spoilt!!

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"






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