Male and Female Imponderables - You & Me & the Bottle Makes Three

UPDATED: Friday, January 12, 2007 03:59
VIEWED: 9797
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:59 AM


I'm a big TMBG fan, and I've never seen them live.

I don't know if I'd want to have experiences and not remember them. After all, isn't that the best part? Being able to remember? Looking back fondly? Remembering the emotion?
Yeah, it'd be fun at the time. But later?


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:03 AM


I'm kind of on the fence with the amazing year without memory. On the one hand I'd so enjoy doing wild things without consequence...on the other I really like being able to remember what I do...hmmm

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:05 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

Wait, wait, wait. I'm still working on the Meds + Math = Meth formula. I was barely able to get out of my underwear and now you passed by the fictional character I'd like to be to question my moral and ethical integrity.

I think wrong is wrong regardless of physical or moral implications, memory or financial gain. I also know that I am weak and a closet hedonist, hypocrit and heretic. Sigh.

Br off!

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:13 AM


Heh. I am listening to the outtakes from the series, and it just came to the part where Mal says "I don't wear underwear, you know that" as I was catching up on this thread. I thought it was great.

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:26 AM


Tristan - Yeah I still have my Atari, Colleco Vision (with the Atari adapter), Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Play Station 2 (gave the 1 to my nephews a few years back), X-Box and now a Nintendo Wii!

*realizes that he just admitted to an extreme case of Geekness*

As far as the Year and no memory. Not a chance. That would mean that there would be a year missing the little one grow.

JQ - The Wii rocks just in fun value. The wireless, motion sensitive Wii remote is soo much fun. The Game it comes with is Wii Sports (there is tennis, baseball, bowling, golf and boxing) and it is kid oriented. So the little one can bowl with me (currently she has the high score in that) or play golf. You actually have to swing the club or roll the ball and it reads you motion so english is added in bowling and my slice is still there for golf


The Shirtless Forsaken


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:39 AM


See I totally don't get the appeal of video games...why is it fun?? ( yes I am serious I have never liked them)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:42 AM


Hey y'aaaall (imitates the only American teacher in my school)

We still have our nintendo *indulges in her love of Zelda* and the PS2 but it breaks a lot. For Christmas I got the XBox360 which is awesome sauce, but I'd like a chance to go on the Wii. Although in England there have been complaints about the wrist tag thigns breaking and then the controllers flying up and either breaking, or breaking the gamers nose.

As for the year and memory thing... no. I value memories, so I'd rather take my chances.

ps. for christmas I also got one of those Chocolate fountain things from my boyfriend (!). This is very exciting, as I get to use it at the next party. I predict much melted chocolate going everywhere. Plus, its just, you know, cool.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:46 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:

Wow, by the time I get on this thread, I've already missed out on Euler's Identity. I need to wake up earlier...

I think the is the only "sci-fi" show website that I actually feel nerdy for de-lurking to comment on math. I guess that's what I love about Firefly.

In an effort to stimulate discussion, I guess I'll pose a question (not really gender-related and may belong in some other section):

With Apple's unveiling of the iPhone, which makes calls (of course), has access to the internet, does maps, weather, stocks, etc., takes pictures, sends email, plays music and video, and makes julienne fries, is technology taking over? Have we lost part of our souls to these devices, or is technology as of late opening doors for the betterment of humankind? I suspect it's a bit of both, but I'd like to hear other opinions.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:46 AM



Originally posted by msg:
OK I have no kids and yet watch the Fairly Oddparents on a regular basis. Cosmo is truly a comic genius...example ( helping Timmy write an email to Trixie) " Now threaten to kidnap her parents if she doesn't like you. See it's threatening and's threatmantic"
Though Timmy does have some great lines ( on seeing his dad with a puppet of his mom pretending it's real) " No amount of therapy can make this moment right."

Those quotes sound very Buffy-ish to me. I could totally picture Xander saying the first and Buffy saying the second.

Experience without memory is not the best option, but I would still take it over not having the experience. 'Course, there is little I would be missing in real life, like children growing up, etc to make missing a year of memory a negative thing.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:55 AM


MSG - I don't know. Video Games are just fun. Like board games or reading books or D&D (another Geekness confession). Some are also pretty to watch. Graphics are something I have always wanted to get into. Like art only used in a game.
Some RPGs (role playing games)I have played are better than most movies I have seen. They tell better stories. Only in a lot of them I control the story (I like creative writting as well(man what is it with the Geek confessions today?)).

Fitch66 - I am unsure why....scratch that. The reason the straps are breaking is because people are getting carried away with the games. I have yet to even feel my grip slipping while playing and neithe has my daughter. So the straps are moot. I put them on and sinch them up for every game I play but I think people need to just chill while playing and take a break inbetween game if the controllers are feeling slippery.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:56 AM


JP- see I love technology ( after all it brought me you guys) Though may I reccomend the book The Footprints of God by Greg's amazing and has an interesting idea about where technology will take us.

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:58 AM


jpstargazer: I don't think technology is taking over, at least not yet. The reason being we're not good enough at it yet. I mean a lot of the features won't get used, at the moment the iPhone is just a gadget that people who like gadgets will buy. It's not really user friendly (especially not the price)

A lot of technology and advancement is good, e.g. pioneering surgery techniques etc, but some things are a bit superfluous, like the iPhone (in my opinion). I mean... it's meant to be a phone right? Do phones need to do all that stuff?

Personally I think the best technology is something that does what it supposed to do and does it well, not something that does half a million things in a half-baked way, with the chance of something going wrong and screwing up the whole caboodle sos it has to be sent to the manufacturers to be repaired at a huge cost.

However, its nice to think that with all the advancement soon everyone could live the space-pirate kind of life a la FF.

In any case, we're not into soul stealing territory yet... unless all the computers are secretly vastly intelligent and are already planning their move...


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:01 AM


I like technology, but possibly not the consequences. We are becoming more and more isolated from each other, which to hear me say is funny. I'm one of the shyest people around. I HATE talking to people I don't know, often don't even like talking to people I do know, and yet I hate the isolation of technology.

A LOT of people these days walk around with their cell phone plastered to their head, their iPod on, etc. Even if I wanted to strike up a conversation they are in their own little world. It's not horrendous now, but it will continue to get worse as the old notions of propriety and politeness are lost on the new generations.

OMG, I have to stop now. I feel like an old fuddy-duddy. Eek.

Edited to add: there's also privacy issues with everyone and their brother carrying around a camera as part of a phone these days. Poor woman walking down the street with her dress stuck in her nylons now has a greater possibility of becoming the laughing stock of the internet. Can't we be humiliated in a smaller scale sort of way? (not speaking from experience, but pondering the possibilities)

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:13 AM


I think the isolation is also to do with the dangers of our society, or at least people being more aware of them. There is the threat of paedophiles, rapists, murderers etc. The idea of 'don't talk to strangers' is now completely ingrained, so now its 'don't talk to anyone because anyone could be strange'


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:22 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Kelkhil:
Tristan - Yeah I still have my Atari, Colleco Vision (with the Atari adapter), Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Play Station 2 (gave the 1 to my nephews a few years back), X-Box and now a Nintendo Wii!

*realizes that he just admitted to an extreme case of Geekness*

Holy Cats! It's a frakin' Video Game Junk Yard, er, Museum!

Originally posted by jpstargazer:
In an effort to stimulate discussion, I guess I'll pose a question (not really gender-related and may belong in some other section):

With Apple's unveiling of the iPhone, which makes calls (of course), has access to the internet, does maps, weather, stocks, etc., takes pictures, sends email, plays music and video, and makes julienne fries, is technology taking over? Have we lost part of our souls to these devices, or is technology as of late opening doors for the betterment of humankind? I suspect it's a bit of both, but I'd like to hear other opinions.

Mebbe one, mebbe the other. But what's fer certain, is that since prehistoric times technology has offered humankind constant pondering over moral choices from which it seems consistantly to opt wrongly.

EDIT: Hiya Fitch!

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:25 AM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:

Holy Cats! It's a frakin' Video Game Junk Yard, er, Museum!

No way man! They all still work!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:28 AM


Yeah, technology is a mine-field. Soon we will be making killer robots to send into battle, and then they will turn on their masters...

On a happier note, I found a hat in my room that I have had since I was nine which is more or less EXactly the same as Jayne's cunning one. *feels the height of fashion*


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:28 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Fitch66:
Personally I think the best technology is something that does what it supposed to do and does it well, not something that does half a million things in a half-baked way, with the chance of something going wrong and screwing up the whole caboodle sos it has to be sent to the manufacturers to be repaired at a huge cost.

But if that were truly the case we would have no computer industry at all...

In any case, we're not into soul stealing territory yet... unless all the computers are secretly vastly intelligent and are already planning their move...

Not as long as souls are the purview of us Vampires.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:29 AM



Originally posted by Fitch66:
I think the isolation is also to do with the dangers of our society, or at least people being more aware of them. There is the threat of paedophiles, rapists, murderers etc. The idea of 'don't talk to strangers' is now completely ingrained, so now its 'don't talk to anyone because anyone could be strange'

Possibly, but walking around with your iPod on or talking on your cell phone makes the world a MORE dangerous place.

And everyone is up in arms about health information privacy and yet they tell the world, or the coffee shop as the case maybe, what conditions they have as they are talking on their cell phone.

Nevermind the ease of identity theft due to the internet.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:36 AM


afternoon JP. fitch

JP - you are the first person to know what it is since I got it done

technology - If our society focused all of the energy and time and money they use for the latest gadget (either purchasing or researching) on space exploration, I would be typing this from a bunk on Mars right now.

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:38 AM


RugBug: I guess you're right.

Maybe people view their privacy as a choice thing. Like, I'll be damned if somebody else makes my details public, but I can talk about it as loud as I like.

Sometimes people use their phones to impress aswell. I walked past one man talking into his phone once, all busy and important, and it rang as i passed him. Pretty funny...


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:39 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
technology - If our society focused all of the energy and time and money they use for the latest gadget (either purchasing or researching) on space exploration, I would be typing this from a bunk on Mars right now.

Not me. I would have bought meself one of them there spacey ships and just went. Might be a death sentance, might be I find all kinds of nifty and neato stuff!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:47 AM


As far as technology goes, I generally don't see it as a bad thing if used responsibly. However, not many people do so. When I was working in the campus food court, the one thing that students would do that really pissed me off was that some of them couldn't get off the phone long enough to order their food. There would be a huge line behind them, and they'd just stand at the counter talking on the phone, then glare at me for interupting them by asking "How may I help you?"

Another issue with technology is that although life is better, very few people know how to do certain esential things without it, like making thread and cloth for clothes. If things increase like this, in the future, people will be totally dependant upon technology, which is not infallible.

I'm a leaf on the wind


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:47 AM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
Not me. I would have bought meself one of them there spacey ships and just went. Might be a death sentance, might be I find all kinds of nifty and neato stuff!

Yeah! Of to distant planets, risking life and limb (to a safe degree of course)! THAT would be cool.

But I will be an old old lady by then.

Although with the aid of technology and botox I needn't look it


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:53 AM


ooh a space ship....what I really want is a way to give each student a laptop, headphones, etc and teach each directly so they can all go at their own pace and study what interests that'd be technology

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:57 AM


My school is a 'Technology College'. Read: 'Comprehensive with a couple of old ill fitted computer rooms containing old ill fitted computers that regularly break down and are pretty much good for nothing, but hey, we got 'em'


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:02 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Fitch66:

Originally posted by Kelkhil:
Not me. I would have bought meself one of them there spacey ships and just went. Might be a death sentance, might be I find all kinds of nifty and neato stuff!

Yeah! Of to distant planets, risking life and limb (to a safe degree of course)! THAT would be cool.

But I will be an old old lady by then.

Although with the aid of technology and botox I needn't look it

Don't forget replaceable parts! You needn't be old at all!

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:35 AM


Hey, all. Sorry, work went "sideways" for a spell there...

Ok, seems I missed a technology discussion.

Oh, Kelkhil, my brother has all of our old game consoles (including the ColecoVision)...I do miss the simple times!

Now, I have to admit being a bit of an ass when it comes to cell phones. I hate the bloody things, and I think they are the reason society has become more and more rude. How many times do you see someone in line at a store, restaurant, or whatever, jabbering away and not even acknowledging the person across the counter? Yes, I realize that cell phones are important for the emergencies they can get people out of, but IMHO, that is what they should be used for.

Sorry, I'm better now.

After a bit of a breather, once more into the insurance breach I go!

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

Sign up now!
More Information:


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:40 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Tristan:
Now, I have to admit being a bit of an ass when it comes to cell phones. I hate the bloody things, and I think they are the reason society has become more and more rude. How many times do you see someone in line at a store, restaurant, or whatever, jabbering away and not even acknowledging the person across the counter? Yes, I realize that cell phones are important for the emergencies they can get people out of, but IMHO, that is what they should be used for.

Actually when you said you were an ass, I was expecting a description of yourself that matched those about whom you ranted. IMHO they are the asses...

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:47 AM


Thank you, JQ. I sometimes get that thrown back in my wonderful they are, how they are connecting the world in ways we cannot fathom, etc. Not buying it. I am happy with a land line...and I prefer dealing with people face-to-face when I can...and yet here I am typing away on a computer...hmm.

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:48 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:

JP - you are the first person to know what it is since I got it done

Yeah, I am pretty impressed by the identity. I mean summation, multiplication, and exponentiation along with the ratio of a circle's circumference to diameter, the base of the natural logarithm, and the imaginary number equal to the square root of -1 all in one "simple" equation? It's pretty amazing. I had one professor tell me it was the greatest equation EVER.

As far as my technology question, I definitely agree that technology opens new doors for experiencing new cultures and quick access to an infinite amount of information. I'm not worried about Skynet or anything like that, more of just the impersonality of the internet if it replaces physical human contact. I guess I just hope it doesn't get to the point where everyone is holed up in front of their computers day in and day out because that, to me, is probably the most depressing future I can think of...just laying down, in Serenity-speak.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:53 AM


well much as this ass discussion is captivating...I must take my leave to go get everything ready for my baby sis's baby shower ( as she lives in no where Misouri where the only store is Walmart we must give her many gifts before she returns) Anyway, I will return to ponder again tomorrow and I leave you with this -

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:53 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

Okay, now see, that's math that goes beyond me. I'm conceptual not abstract. Ah well. I am also shallow and attention grubbing. To whit:
Ahem. Hear ye! Hear ye! On this Friday I shall be singing to myself this song:

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:08 PM



Originally posted by Tristan:
How many times do you see someone in line at a store, restaurant, or whatever, jabbering away and not even acknowledging the person across the counter? Yes, I realize that cell phones are important for the emergencies they can get people out of, but IMHO, that is what they should be used for.

Or not even acknowledging the person they are eating dinner with? I'm tired of people answering their phone and jabbering away when I'm with them. If we are hanging out, WE are hanging out...not me, you and whoever decides to call during that time frame.

Sin of all sins: I took a 19 year old to a Equality Now Serenity Screening. She kept texting during the movie. I was annoyed and embarrassed...her lite of her phone was obnoxious.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:12 PM


Good point, RugBug...the whole "Hang on, I have to take this call" b.s. No, thank you very much. That ever happens to me on a date, I'll be out the door.
Texting during a screening of Serenity?!? I am surprised she was not Reaverized by the patrons!

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

Sign up now!
More Information:


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:56 PM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:

Holy Cats! It's a frakin' Video Game Junk Yard, er, Museum!

No way man! They all still work!


The Shirtless Forsaken

I would like to point out that the original Nintendo is mine...oh yeah, and I bought for Kelkhil (as Christmas presents) the Playstation, Playstation 2, and Xbox...

You're never too old to have a happy childhood!


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 1:38 PM


Now for my increasingly routine, overly lengthy, after-work, catch-up post...

Originally posted by Tristan:
Morning, Hell's Kitten! It does sound like you work in coporate hell. We may have to mount a rescue operation...without visible signs of undergarments and pants that sag below our waists...ooh, ohh, and wearing Birkenstocks! That'll really throw them for a loop!

G'devenin', T!

Oh, Corporate Hell, indeed. WORSE: small family company taken over by East Coast Wallstreet Ckss who are forcing the company to Become A Big Corporation. The horror stories I have...........

The only okayish part is that I was one of the few employees that were offered stock options. So, if the stars align and the company goes public, I could stand to make a nice bit o'cashie money. Maybe enough to take a few years off and travel the woild. *HK should maybe stop dreaming*

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Hell's Kitten Unmasked!

Neh. More like this:

Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Um. Also, so far, Good Omens by Neil Gaiman / Terry Pratchet, staring Robin Williams as Aziraphale and Johnny Depp as Crowley

I thought that one was actually being made (or maybe that was just extreme wishful thinking).

Last I heard, it was nixed. That'd have been too good a movie. *HK hearts Crowley*

Originally posted by Mavourneen:
Stuck in your head, but don't They Might Be Giants rock?

Uh. Well. I only know two songs, so having either or both of those two songs stuck in my head is... a little... maddening. MAAAAADdening! *snerk*

Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
JP - you are the first person to know what it is since I got it done

Maybe first one to mention it.

My current favourite is regarding the halting probability Ω. *nerd glee!*

Re: Fictional Character I'd Wanna Be
Still thinking on that one.

Re: Video Games
ZOMG! Tomb Raider is my mostest favouritist evarrrrrr!!!1 *ahem* Honestly, I spent probably a week straight playing through all the TR games. Just because. I wanna be Lara Croft when I grow up. Aside from that, I used to play things like Doom and Duke Nukem alla time, and the other side of the games fence with Myst and the like. Not so much these days, though. Been thinking about taking up TR again....

Re: Cell Phones
I purposely call my mom (and one of my friends who considers herself to be my MN-mom) when I'm driving because I know it frightens her. Every once in a while, I yell things like "Oh my god!! Watch out, fer! You nearly killed me!!! AAAAAHHhhhhh!!!!!" just to bother her. All in good fun, of course. She knows I'm kidding. Mostly. Sometimes. Heh.

Also, I have a tendency just to let my cell phone ring (not in important places, like work, where I turn it off). Drives people batshit crazy that I don't answer it. But, the way I figure it, the cell is for my convenience, not your convenience of reaching me where ever I am. *shrug*

Originally posted by jpstargazer:
is technology taking over? Have we lost part of our souls to these devices, or is technology as of late opening doors for the betterment of humankind?

This... THIS... will have to be its own post. Heh.




Wednesday, January 10, 2007 1:58 PM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by jpstargazer:
is technology taking over? Have we lost part of our souls to these devices, or is technology as of late opening doors for the betterment of humankind?

This... THIS... will have to be its own post. Heh.

What can I say, my ability to get to the heart of the matter strikes fear into man AND machine...

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:20 PM



Originally posted by jpstargazer:

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by jpstargazer:
is technology taking over? Have we lost part of our souls to these devices, or is technology as of late opening doors for the betterment of humankind?

This... THIS... will have to be its own post. Heh.

What can I say, my ability to get to the heart of the matter strikes fear into man AND machine...

I suspect the only "fear" involved here is in how very long my response is going to be. *snikker*

oh, and the "fear" that JQ might start a new thread before i get around to posting on this one *giggle*



Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:32 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by RugBug:
Sin of all sins: I took a 19 year old to a Equality Now Serenity Screening. She kept texting during the movie. I was annoyed and embarrassed...her lite of her phone was obnoxious.

Throw her in the airlock.

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
oh, and the "fear" that JQ might start a new thread before i get around to posting on this one *giggle*

I can't help but notice you always whisper whenever you pretend to try to rile me about this. Could it be the cowardice of your ninjaness?

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:41 PM



Originally posted by jpstargazer:
I guess I just hope it doesn't get to the point where everyone is holed up in front of their computers day in and day out because that, to me, is probably the most depressing future I can think of...

Already happening. At a (somewhat) nearby technological school, the internet was down for an entire day *gasp* and half of the people in the dorms had no idea what to do with themselves. There was one guy that was a big WoW player that simply sat and stared at his empty computer screen until the network was functioning again.

I'm a leaf on the wind


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:50 PM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
I can't help but notice you always whisper whenever you pretend to try to rile me about this. Could it be the cowardice of your ninjaness?

Aw, JoQu, I just know how sensitive you are, do I try not to make too big a point about it.

Originally posted by Rhyianan:

Originally posted by jpstargazer:
I guess I just hope it doesn't get to the point where everyone is holed up in front of their computers day in and day out because that, to me, is probably the most depressing future I can think of...

Already happening. At a (somewhat) nearby technological school, the internet was down for an entire day *gasp* and half of the people in the dorms had no idea what to do with themselves.


Heh. My interwub was out for 5 whole days once. I actually had to... *sniffle*... read archaic analog paper books!

It's not just the internet. Look up the Otaku phenomenon. The reality behind that, rather, not just the funny insult that it has become.



Wednesday, January 10, 2007 3:11 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
I can't help but notice you always whisper whenever you pretend to try to rile me about this. Could it be the cowardice of your ninjaness?

Aw, JoQu, I just know how sensitive you are, do I try not to make too big a point about it.

How would you like to be sun-kissed?


Heh. My interwub was out for 5 whole days once. I actually had to... *sniffle*... read archaic analog paper books!

Paper? Books? Analog, I know. No true sci fi nut can deny that...

It's not just the internet. Look up the Otaku phenomenon. The reality behind that, rather, not just the funny insult that it has become.

I read about these soulless husks. I'm so very glad there's none among us that could

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 3:15 PM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
It's not just the internet. Look up the Otaku phenomenon. The reality behind that, rather, not just the funny insult that it has become.

I read about these soulless husks. I'm so very glad there's none among us that could

Heh. I have many otaku traits.

Now stop distracting me!! I'm trying to write my dissertation regarding the loss of the human soul through the advent of continuous technological advancements, as originally posited by jpstargazer!

You... vile... distracter, you.



Wednesday, January 10, 2007 3:23 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Now stop distracting me!! I'm trying to write my dissertation regarding the loss of the human soul through the advent of continuous technological advancements, as originally posited by jpstargazer!

You... vile... distracter, you.

I'm the distracter and I distract.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 3:34 PM


Ass: I have one. Thank you for asking.

Fictional Character: The character I'd most like to be (either in entirety or in similarity) is Simon Snowlock, protagonist of the Memory, Sorrow and Thorn trilogy of books. He's not the smartest guy, nor the strongest, nor the best fighter or thinker or sage, but he's damned, damned tough, and he ends up living a life beyond his wildest dreams by the end of the story. I like him because he epitomizes the glory of the survivor.

Video Games: I've been playing since 1991, when my mother broke down and bought an NES. I remember, when I was playing it on the first day, I could never get past the first Goomba, because I didn't know that you pressed 'A' to jump, rather than pressing up on the pad. Since then, I've played on almost every Nintendo based system (including the short-lived Virtua-boy. Thank god I didn't buy that one...), I've owned both Playstations (Won't be able to afford PS3 at least until late next year, when the price goes down), and the first XBox. I've sank hundreds upon hundreds of hours in other worlds, doing things I could never do in real life, which have no real world application. Of course, it doesn't matter to me. It's bringing me into a story, and that's all I want.
Oh, wait, I have learned one thing. By playing the game Black and White, I learned that being God is really, really tiring. We humans are just so bloody needy!

Technology: I have rudimentary understanding of sewing, cooking, and carpentry. If (when) the Zombie Apocalypse(tm) occurs, I'm fairly sure I'll be able to survive, if not comfortably. Still, that said, out of five people asked, usually only one has all five skills at any level. We are a society utterly dependant upon technologies we have no comprehension of the workings of. It's sad, and a bit dangerous. The amount of damage an EMP explosion would cause in an urban center is almost too much to concieve. Moreover, more widescale application of the same could cause starvation on a scale never before seen in history, as (in my estimation) 80% of the current population of North America hasn't the foggiest conception on how to feed themselves if the underpinnings of their society were to suddenly give way.

Bah. I have a headache. Too much ranting. Must go bed now. Me speaks poorest Englishes.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:11 PM


Hey guys...really tired right now, so I don't know how much I'll be able to pay attention here....

Are we talking about video games? I've been playing them since I was very small, and now I still do! It kinda bugs me when people don't think girls can play video games...don't know how that stereotype got started. But yeah, the older ones like for super nintendo and playstation1 are usually the best in my opinion. I could never get as into the xbox and ps2 stuff.

I really actually hate all these new kinds of technology. I mean I know that we're like a technology filled society blah blah blah, but I still really don't like it. It's just too darn hard to figure out! Of course I do realize that without technology I probably wouldn't be able to be typing this message....I guess I'll say that some technology I like and some I don't.

EDIT: Fictional character - I probably would want to be one of the people who live in Tortall in Tamora Peirce's books. I have always been in love with those books, I don't care about the reading level!

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:15 PM


(Thread Post Count: #98)

Yeah. Okay. Here’s my view of things. Not quite as long as I had originally feared. I hope it’s at least somewhat coherent, as I realize some of it is a bit disjointed.

Originally posted by jpstargazer:
is technology taking over? Have we lost part of our souls to these devices, or is technology as of late opening doors for the betterment of humankind?

This question is always asked, normally at the cusp of – or shortly after – a new surge in technological advancement, or new, challenging ethical opportunities. Quite often, it’s asked in the same vein of “Oh my god, what are we doing to ourselves? Are we destroying our humanity with this technology? Weren’t we better off XX-years ago??”

Really, if you state that “we were better off in the olden days,” I would have to ask you to specify which “olden days” you’re referring to as the quintessential, perfect time point of humanity. Pre-historic cave man era? Old Kingdom Egyptian period? The Fourth Dynasty? The Greco-Roman Period? The Dark Ages? Late Middle Ages? Renaissance? 1956? Disco era??

Just how far back should we devolve in order to reach your idea of the “best” time?

Throughout history, humanity has had the drive to improve itself in any and all manners. While a good number of these improvements have occurred along the lines of spiritual / moral / ethical / social advancements, most of these improvements have occurred through technology: fire, the wheel, a hammer, textiles, written language, steam engine, computers, medicine, etc. All of these things are technology; all of these things are often forgotten when asking this question.

As we progress and evolve, so does our level of technology. (No, we are not alone in this. The animal kingdom is actually no different, as evidenced in well documented specie evolutions, including the use of tools by some species.)

In my mind, these things – all of technology – are components integral to humanity. No matter what the most cynical and disparaging person says about humanity, the human race is a product of nature; we are not unnatural; therefore all things we do / create are, by default, part of nature. To deny ourselves advancement in a technological area is akin to denying ourselves advancement as a natural species.

So, no, technology isn’t “taking over.” Our evolution as a human race is constant, and part of that evolution is technology. Ergo, maybe it would be somewhat more appropriate to state that “evolution is taking over.” (ZOMG!!1!)

We’re not losing a part of the human soul to technologies; technologies / evolution / progress is an extension of the human soul. It, too, evolves and is not now what it once was; not necessarily “lost,” per se, just different. Sometimes we choose to give something up, and sometimes that thing that’s given up was worth keeping....

Perhaps the better question to ask is this: With the historical, continued technological advancement of the human race, are we equally capable of advancing ourselves socially fast enough to keep up with the pace of technology in order to preserve the best (i.e., idealized, beneficial) parts of ourselves as a species?

{Aside: The real danger in evolution is when the inevitable set-backs come. Sometimes they’re minor, but sometimes they’re major. If the set-back is too great, survival is very, very problematic, if not hopeless. We are a species that adapts quickly, despite what your immediate surroundings may tell you, so only the most catastrophic set-backs would be insurmountable / non-survivable for the species as a whole. The more capable the human race is at incorporating the new with the old, the greater the catastrophic set-back would have to be in order to truly doom the species. This is part of the reason why I’m so opposed to abandoning historical capabilities (e.g., hunting, doing everything manually, etc.), even with the advent of new technologies or conveniences; if we forget how to exist when stripped of evolutionary advancements, the less likely it is that the species will be able to adapt and survive. Of course, that’s where Risk Management comes in....}

And as I ramble on, losing focus, near the end of my line(s) of thought, I realize that no one is going to read this fing thing. But what the hell, I’m gonna post the EMer EFFer anyway. Even though I suddenly feel a rush of shyness and apprehension at posting it… maybe I’ll post it, break my computer, and hide in a corner... yeah...



Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:48 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


What fictional character do you most wish you were like???

The fictional me? Yes, I like being me, I’ve accepted who I am (people who don’t are doomed, because they’re the only ones they have to live with for the rest of their lives), and I don’t want to miss out on my experiences to dream about being someone else (despite the fact that I do play around with stories I could write, but don’t… I need a life).


"If you could do anything you wanted for one year, without physical or moral implications, but would not remember anything from that year nor gain financially from it, would you want to have that year?"

No. People would come up to me and say, “Remember when…” and it would be more than frustrating if I couldn’t remember. If I’m going to do something immoral, I’m going to remember it, and I’m going to learn from it.


See I totally don't get the appeal of video games...why is it fun??

Interactive story puzzles, mostly (::is a total Zelda Freak::), and, when possible, social interaction are the things that attract me to video games.


With Apple's unveiling of the iPhone, which makes calls (of course), has access to the internet, does maps, weather, stocks, etc., takes pictures, sends email, plays music and video, and makes julienne fries, is technology taking over? Have we lost part of our souls to these devices, or is technology as of late opening doors for the betterment of humankind?

Disclaimer: The following ideas express my opinions (my ramble-rant, if you will), and should not be taken as fact.

“Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.”

With that in mind, consider this: technology doesn’t affect us if we don’t use it. Technology does not strangle us with its headphone cords of doom, or fry our brains through our ears with microwave rays, or isolate us, unless we are susceptible to these things already – unless, somewhere, we want to be in our own worlds, isolated from each other. These gadgets are merely tools we employ because most people no longer truly wish to invest the time to interact with people (like those parents who don’t spend more than 10 minutes a day talking to their children).

I could take this answer in so many different directions, and I apologize if my ramblings don’t make sense. But, as I see it, advancements in useless technology (because there’s a whole heck of a lot of technology that’s uber-beneficial) have come about as a result of increasing materialistic, capitalist drives.

And, there's those people who sit in their rooms all day typing on their computers with people they never intend on meeting (“Leave my house?!”) who don’t seem to know how to cope with either themselves, the world, or both. Technology provides a vast wasteland of things so they don’t have to cope with anything, and people don’t think twice about the damaging effects of being walled off by gadgets.

sarcasm That’s it! I’ll market technology as the new alcohol. It won’t trash your organs, and people will think that virus you sent through the Internet is cool stuff. /sarcasm

It also, in a way, relates to what my dad refers to as the “cult of celebreality.” Plastic millionaires are put on pedestals and made to be heroes (and I sincerely wish I was joking when I typed that), and to what end? It’s like a psychotic peer pressure to be them – to be fabulously wealthy in large mansions with private jets. To develop eating disorders and become “attractive;” to know what’s “hot in Hollywood.”

So few people seem to even brush against reality because we have found so many ways to avoid it. Technology is merely another one of the ways we enable ourselves to disconnect and disassociate.

And, as always, people seem to have forgotten that “it’s a small world after all.” Which is ironic, because, as we connect people to each other – take the Internet, for example – we also make it less connected. Human beings need interaction with each other, no matter how “social” they are. I’m a pretty anti-social person, and those minutes between class and for lunch are all I really need; but, without any contact at all, I would probably end up more sideways than I already am.

Which brings me to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:

(For the purpose of, well, the rest of my jumble, people = people with useless gadgets and technology, who are well enough off that they don’t have to worry about food or shelter, etc.)

Okay, so people have the base, and they are almost assured safety and security (to a great enough degree that they don’t have to worry about being mugged and whatnot). But, what about love and belongingness? Do people truly belong? Does it mean anything to belong to a group of people who value you for the things in common that you have with them? Does it count if you only really belong to your corporation, and maybe your family?

What are gadgets worth? There is no streaming phone feature for trust, compassion, honesty, understanding, sympathy, and bonding. Yet people continue to slowly destroy themselves by not balancing the usefulness and need of technology with the usefulness and need of each other.

Oh, and all those other quick fixes don’t help, either.

“Having trouble sleeping? Well, here’s a pill for that. Of course, you could also adjust your life so that the stress of all the crap you’re involved with doesn’t run you ragged – but that takes more time. And, what’s a few bucks for your health?”

Urgh. What are we? Consumers. What aren’t we? Apparently, complex human beings with individualized needs, circumstances, experiences, reactions, beliefs. Technology that nobody needs is sold off as “the latest new toy,” “a must have.” It all feeds back into the consumerism.

If they have to assault us every five minutes with snazzy advertisements, chances are whatever they’re selling is practically worthless. Restless leg syndrome? WTF?! No, I don’t want an online database of medical stuff – if I get that desperate, I’ll just go visit my (very kind and intelligent) doctors. For the last time, I do not want to hear about match dot frickin’ com! Stop trying to sell me your food-named music phones, Verizon. La la la la! I’m not listening to you, fifty million truck and/or beer commercials!

Get out of my face, get off of my back, and let me live my life without shoving so many advertisements down my throat that my former relaxation time becomes my next fuming rant episode. Stupid Lunesta butterfly…

It’s an epidemic.

“Always low prices, huh? And do you enjoy destroying small businesses with your cheap products (although Wal-Marts have been beneficial in inter cities)?”

I don’t want another “Made in China” sticker on my American flags. I don’t want to sacrifice quality for cost.

I want to live in a world where people don’t hate each other quite so much – a world where problems are confronted, and reality is faced. One where we don’t blame video games and music for violent school shootings. Where people aren’t so afraid that they become hostile, and patrol the borders to keep out illegal aliens, or are up in arms about a Mexican Santa Claus (it was on Dora the Explorer as some guy who hangs out with my friends flipped through channels, apparently). A world where a man isn’t ridiculed for having a middle name of Hussein, or a last name that is close to our supposed #1 enemy’s first. A place where people don’t feel under attack when they question the pretenses for entering a country, starting a war, and helping to fuel insurgents. Guess that’s too much to ask for, though.

Well, a world where people knew how to use their turn signals and get off their damn cell phones while smoking and riding a bicycle would be okay, too (believe it or not, my mother saw a man doing just that).

I’ve started to not make sense, and deviate from the original topic (and depress myself a little), so I’ll quit for now.


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
And as I ramble on, losing focus, near the end of my line(s) of thought, I realize that no one is going to read this fing thing. But what the hell, I’m gonna post the EMer EFFer anyway. Even though I suddenly feel a rush of shyness and apprehension at posting it… maybe I’ll post it, break my computer, and hide in a corner... yeah...

I read it. The question is, will anyone read mine?

::feels like going to hide, too::

Rules on voting here:


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:57 PM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
And as I ramble on, losing focus, near the end of my line(s) of thought, I realize that no one is going to read this fing thing. But what the hell, I’m gonna post the EMer EFFer anyway. Even though I suddenly feel a rush of shyness and apprehension at posting it… maybe I’ll post it, break my computer, and hide in a corner... yeah...

I read every word of it, although I prefer reading things in the archaic analog paper format!

Clowns to the left of me… ...Jokers to the right...






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