Joss Whedon to direct episode of THE OFFICE

UPDATED: Thursday, January 18, 2007 06:08
VIEWED: 9821
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007 5:26 AM


Hey All

Usually when I post and OFFICE thread it, it's usually shot down. But here's a little something that would get you guys interested.

It's a rumor now, but I wouldn't be surprised if the man himself posts something about it on Apparantly, along with J.J. Abrams, Joss is planning on directing an episode of THE OFFICE. Here's the link to that story.

I know it sounds a bit like a long shot, but THE OFFICE lately has had a bit of a track record with this kind of stuff. Harold Ramis of GHOSTBUSTERS nad GROUNDHOG DAY fame recently directed the Xmas episode "A Benihana Christmas" and the J.J. Abrams news has been common knowledge amongst OFFICE fans for a while. But getting Joss to do an ep of THE OFFICE I actually find a bit intriguing if slightly out of character.

On the one hand, Joss can juggle a large ensemble of distinct characters in a short amount of time. THE OFFICE probably has the most diverse cast of any tv show since one of his own. On the other hand, Joss himself has said that he doesn't want to make responsible tv shows about lawyers and the like and that he want's to invade people's dreams. Thus, doing an episode of a mockumentary where most of the humor is in awkwardness and not well times set-ups and is renowned for how much like real life the show is would seem a bit of a strange fit for a guy whos synonimous with sci-fi/fantasy.

So if this rumor is in fact true, do you think a Joss directed ep of THE OFFICE would be great, or would it seem like an awkward fit?

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 6:16 AM


This is a dream come true. The Office is by far my favorite show on TV right now (that is not cancelled . The only thing that would be more awsome...Nathan Fillion as a guest star. I know on his myspace page he has stated that he would love to guest star.

I wonder if Dwight will make any references to Firefly on the episode. He seems just like the sort of charachter who would be into the show.

Let me know when you find out if this is really happening!!!!

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007 6:35 AM


You know, I've been debating whether or not Dwight would be a FIREFLY fan. On the one hand, he's a geek so obviously he'd be into anything sci-fi related. On the other hand, his love of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA and STAR TREK shows that he has a slight military fetish and has a unhealthy love with authority, so I don't think he'd find a show about a group of intergalactic criminals to be appealing.

I just occurred to me that Dwight would fit right in with the Alliance as like a petty bureaucrat or a commander of an Alliance cruiser.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 7:56 AM


I don't think its very out of character, my question is, is he just directing it or is he writing it as well? I hope he is writing it.
Anyway, this is awesome!!! The Office is definitely one of my favorite shows on TV right now. Perhaps Joss working on an NBC Universal show which owns the rights to Serenity and some of the rights to Firefly is a good sign....

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:06 AM


If Joss directs an eppy, then I wouldn't be suprised of its one of the best eppies to date.


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Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:09 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
You know, I've been debating whether or not Dwight would be a FIREFLY fan. On the one hand, he's a geek so obviously he'd be into anything sci-fi related. On the other hand, his love of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA and STAR TREK shows that he has a slight military fetish and has a unhealthy love with authority, so I don't think he'd find a show about a group of intergalactic criminals to be appealing.

I just occurred to me that Dwight would fit right in with the Alliance as like a petty bureaucrat or a commander of an Alliance cruiser.

HAHA you all are right. Dwight wouldn't be a browncoat. But, how about Andy.

Thank Universal for airing Firefly in HD at


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:48 PM


I think Andy would be more like Badger. He's a conniving little weasel who's always thinking one step ahead and does extensive personality mirroring (note how he's always imitating Michael), so he'd be the kind of person who'd work with former Browncoats, but wouldn't be above selling them out to the Alliance to serve his own agenda.

But Jim, on the other hand, would definitly be a Browncoat. Him and Mal would get along just fine.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 1:07 PM


No longer a rumor... it has been confirmed!

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007 5:08 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
Usually when I post and OFFICE thread it, it's usually shot down.

First of all, who would do that?! The Office is strongly the best friggin' show on tv right now!! I really hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy it. I just love it. :)

And now...with Joss confirmed for an ep?! This is very cool news. :) I wonder if Jenna Fischer had anything to do with this? I think she may be a Firefly fan.

As far as Dwight being a Browncoat... Just pondering it cracks me up. Dwight is seriously one of the best characters on tv. I have a feeling Joss will really enjoy directing him from the sci-fi geek perspective.

And, yes, I also agree, Jim would completely get along with Mal, whatwith all the brooding and aching over a requited, yet unspoken love. They also sort of have the same very dry sense of humor and love for the occasional prank.

Thanks for posting!!

"Can't take the sky..."


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 6:20 PM


I'm surprised the Office threads have been falling off to. I've been over on the nbc office boards and I've gotten a pretty decent response, all sorts of Browncoats coming out of the wood work.

So, I was over on Nathan's myspace and saw that he has written on there that he would like to be on the office. Maybe this could be his chance.

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007 6:30 PM


Well in fact Jenna Fischer does have a connection in that she's married to screenwriter/director James Gunn who wrote some episodes of Buffy and is a good friend of Joss. He also wrote and directed Slither which may be how Nathan Fillion got his lead.

If fact if you watch "done the impossible" you will see Jenna Fischer briefly. She doesn't say anything. She just stands next to James as he talks about how Nathan is the worst person to work with (he eats babies and such). lol

How's that for a slice of FRIED GOLD!


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 7:18 PM


That's amazing. As a massive The Office fan, and an even bigger Firefly fan, I'd love to see a melding of the two.

It would definitely be a Dwight-centric episode, which is not a bad thing at all.

Very cool!



Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:02 PM


I'm not sure about Dwight, but I am certain that he'd fit Roy in. I was just looking around imdb, to see if there are any more Joss/OFFICE connections. And while the character of Gunn was named after James Gunn, James never wrote an ep of BUFFY or ANGEL. James is from the Lloyd Kaufman camp, not the Whedon camp.

But Joss has in fact worked with David Denham, aka Roy before. Before he was famous as the fat, unappreciative fiancee of Pam, his most famous role was none other than Skip on ANGEL. This pretty much blew my mind. Of course, when you're covered in make-up from head to toe, it's easy to dissappear within a character. But still, even without the make-up and prosthetics, Skip is a complete 180 from Roy.

I guess that's why it's called acting.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:56 PM


Precedence for renowned directors doing an episode or two of an established show has often been magical. I would like to mention the time Quentin Tarantino directed an episode of Alias. It was liquid gold. Er ... platinum. Shiny.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:02 PM


I think as a director, you have a certain "toolkit" you can call upon to make just about any genre work -- particularly in episodic television. If you're interested in the material and know the framework you have to work in, then it's more or less a matter of people chemestry with cast and crew and trust in the groundwork laid before you came along.

Blue Sun used to be Capri Sun back on Earth That Was. Honest. Heard it from a Blue Handed feller.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:20 PM



Originally posted by Cornbread:
Precedence for renowned directors doing an episode or two of an established show has often been magical. I would like to mention the time Quentin Tarantino directed an episode of Alias. It was liquid gold. Er ... platinum. Shiny.

That was a VERY shiny episode. Quentin not only directed, but starred in the episode as McKenas Cole.

Best part of the episode? Cole torturing Sloane.

Great episode.



Thursday, January 11, 2007 3:01 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I love "The Office". My wife and I watch it every week. I have been wanting to get the seasons on dvd, just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Now if Joss directs an episode that would be shiny as the special hell.

Here's hoping he does.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007 6:57 AM


Interesting. So the Americanised version actually works? Queer As Folk certainly didn't.

Not seen it, of course, but I would have thought the cringeyness and especially the Tim and Dawn (almost) romance played best in British. If it's stuffy reserve you want, this is the place to come.

We also do deep embarrassment. Certainly, I always wanted the ground to swallow me up whenever Brent did anything.

Good joke (can't remember who it was. Ben Elton?) about an unattended rucksack on a London Subway train. Everyone sitting there waiting for it to explode, and save them the embarrassment of speaking up and asking if it belonged to anyone...


Thursday, January 11, 2007 7:02 AM


Be sure to put up a BDPost when this is about to air. I'm not impressed by the office. Its humor just isn't all that funny to me. My brother really tried to get me into it with the season 1 dvds. It's just not my thing.

Still anything Joss is on my shiny list. So, I'll watch an episode for him.


Thursday, January 18, 2007 6:08 AM


In a vain attempt to keep things going on this thread, what are some other interesting FIREFLY/OFFICE parallels you've noticed.

For some reason, I keep thinking of Stanley as sort of a stand-in for Book, even thugh they are opposite characters. Like I imagine if Stanley were a Shepherd, and he ended up on SERENITY, for the most part he's have a grumpy look on his face and during the gunfights or whatever he'd be off to the side doing a crossword puzzle. And it would only be when they're shipping pretzels that he's show any kind of excitement.

And would Pam be either Inara or Kaylee? The former because of the unrequited love bit, but seeing Pam cry is even more heartbreaking than Kaylee. Maybe Kaylee and Kelly would make a better match, although I think Kelly would trump Kaylee in the "happy, bubbily personality department". Kaylee has soemthing of a normal voice, while Kelly has that perpetually high cartoon voice.

As per Michael, should probably keep him away from the ships controls. Probably crasha ship in the first ten minutes of operating it.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"






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