Why am I hurting myself?

UPDATED: Saturday, February 3, 2007 17:37
VIEWED: 4268
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007 2:36 PM



This is my first post on the board, although I have come to this site numerous times, desperate for updates.

I live in Australia and found Firefly after I watched Serenity mid 2006.

The show is amazing. Simply amazing. I've had to stop watching it because it hurts me too much to know that so many stories are going untold.

I know I'm just rehashing the same questions asked over and over on these boards but I would really appreciate if someone humored me and answered my questions.

Thanks in advance

1. The REAL possibility of anything? TV/Movie, I don't care. I just want to see them again.

2. Why o Why did Joss kill off both Shepherd AND Wash? I can almost understand Wash but why Book? How can you kill off a character you built up to have such an interesting story?

3. As someone who studied both Public Relations and Marketing.. I know first hand about the need for effective advertising and promotion. Joss's main point after the cancellation was that "they didnt understand us." For the sake of argument, can somebody give me one sentence on how you would sell this show to your average joe?

Thanks again...

Long live the Browncoats


Tuesday, January 30, 2007 2:49 PM


The REAL possibility of anything?

up in the air, we don't know nuthin' although they ARE making an MMO set in the 'verse

Why o Why did Joss kill off both Shepherd AND Wash? I can almost understand Wash but why Book? How can you kill off a character you built up to have such an interesting story?

noone but his Royal Jossness knows

As someone who studied both Public Relations and Marketing.. I know first hand about the need for effective advertising and promotion. Joss's main point after the cancellation was that "they didnt understand us." For the sake of argument, can somebody give me one sentence on how you would sell this show to your average joe?

I'm tapped *points to the next poster* Your turn!

Why is the rum always gone?


Tuesday, January 30, 2007 3:35 PM


Welcome to our bit of the 'verse, Bringitback!

Please let me offer you a drink.

As to the questions...

1.) Only Joss knows and he plays thing very close to the chest. What we do know is more graphic novels from Dark Horse written by Da Man. But... to get more we gotta let 'em (the evil beancounters in the corporate entertainment world) know we're here and we got spending loot. So go buy stuff!

2.) For Wash, Joss said it was to unsettle the audience so that they would (quite rightly) think that any of the crew could be next.
For take it there were only two people that he could have killed that was liked/respected/cared for that killing him/her would unite the entire crew (including Jayne, who's never been much of a joiner): Book or Kaylee. Book's death was needed to 1.) unite the crew to a single cause and 2.) push Mal into literally fighting another war and helping him find his belief again. Not in God per se, bit in something.

3.) Maverick in space plus the best character developement and dialogue ever.

Welcome again! Look foward to see ya 'round. And to let ya know, there's several folks here from your end of the planet.

*does the happy new recruit dance*


When we're down, don't frown. Come join the camp-out at


Tuesday, January 30, 2007 4:24 PM



Originally posted by Bringitback:

This is my first post on the board, although I have come to this site numerous times, desperate for updates.

I live in Australia and found Firefly after I watched Serenity mid 2006.

The show is amazing. Simply amazing. I've had to stop watching it because it hurts me too much to know that so many stories are going untold...

Long live the Browncoats

Nice post , BringItBack !

Our lovely , fine folk of the 'Verse WILL be back , one way or another...We're building up to critical mass every day , and every time someone like you comes along , we're that much closer...

Sooner or later , you'll have to have a Firefly " fix " , and what will ease you through the pain is that you'll share the joy of Firefly discovery with someone else...

About 2 months ago , I shared the boxset with someone...It went unwatched for about 6 weeks...But today I saw this person again...Bingo , the BIG payoff !

She said , " We LOVE it ! " Of course I said ,
" I KNEW that you would ! " Then she said ,
" It's kind of addictive ! " , and I said ,
" Yes it is ! " . I think she said that they've got maybe 3 episodes that they need to watch , still...Then she commented about the quality of the writing , and the characters , and the acting , etc...How multi-layered and NUANCED this show is...

Before Christmas , she'd told me that she thought she might get the show for her boyfriend , because he and I have similar tastes , but he'd told her that he thought they'd watch " Serenity " first , and I said ,
" OH , NOooooo ! , You CAN'T do THAT ! "

I insisted that they start the boxset , so I gave them a ' loaner ' set , and stealthily waited for the sereni-bomb to go off...The rest , as they say , is history...Looks like 2 new Browncoats are being born...Each one must teach 1...or 10...Just do your little bit , we're getting CLOSER every day...Just think of it like this...The network tried to kill us , while we were still strong...We CHOKED 'em with their own words...Before 3 years had elapsed , our BDHeroes were back , in a BDMovie , and we WILL do it AGAIN...

Keep the Faith . Share the Love . Feel the Joy !


Tuesday, January 30, 2007 4:28 PM


Thanks RMMC.

I have brought both the DVD series and the DVD film so I've done my part...for now.

Funny story, when I was buying 'Serenity' the clerk goes to his mate "Another Serenity! I think I may have to see this film." Which made me happy.

I agree with your thoughts on Book's death motivating Mal and the crew but I'm deeply dissapointed that 'IF' the show/movie comes back that he can't be around to give the big "Ok, this is my history." speech.

As for the future of the show. I read earlier that Joss will only do it if confronted by a different TV network. He refuses to work with Fox again.

The problem the browncoats have had is not fox (even though fox but finding a new home for the show.

If we can't even get a sequel to a movie that won numerous awards and dominates DVD sales, why would any new TV network have a shot at us?

Thanks for the drink

*lifts glass*

To Firefly!


Tuesday, January 30, 2007 4:55 PM



Originally posted by Bringitback:

*lifts glass*

To Firefly!

*raises glass as well and drinks with Bringitback*

Yes to Firefly.. again may it fly!

Welcome to our corner of the 'Verse Bringitback. We're glad you're here.

We areapproaching critical mass, Bringitback.. if we continue to do our part and recruit and spread the Firefly love, they'll give a mass of us a sequel... or better yet renew the show on the SciFi channel. There is also the good news about the SG-1 direct to DVD movies and the same with Babylon 5. This is very encouraging to me. There are other ways out there to give us our beloved 'Verse.

As to Book and Wash...particularly Book.. both Ron and Alan have said that Joss has said they'll be back if the story continues. I have faith in Joss... he'll know what to do with our shiny crew.
All the cast is still under contract to Universal til September of this year. We still have time to make a difference.

I give new folks virtual browncoats as part of a traditional greeting so I reckon it's your turn.

*hands Bringitback a browncoat from the storeroom*

Make yourself to home, there should be more drinks and good eats to come.

Go to for more info!


Tuesday, January 30, 2007 5:06 PM


Joss said on the Serenity commentary that he killed them off to make people believe that the characters could die. He didnt want people thinking the characters were invincible. He said it made the stakes real.

"I already know you will not see reason" - The Operative
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Tuesday, January 30, 2007 5:31 PM


'Joss said on the Serenity commentary that he killed them off to make people believe that the characters could die. He didnt want people thinking the characters were invincible. He said it made the stakes real.'

I have no qualms at all with that. I just fear he killed off one of his most interesting and mysterious future story lines.

Wash and Book = my favourite bloody characters after Mal.

So believe me...when I was watching, the feeling of mortality was well and truly alive.

The thing that pisses me off the most about our entire situation... Do we know if anyone has approached fox about the rights? How long do they have those rights?

Someone said, that the Contracts with Universal end in September... FFF needs to do something huge well before this deadline


Tuesday, January 30, 2007 5:51 PM



Originally posted by Bringitback:
'Joss said on the Serenity commentary that he killed them off to make people believe that the characters could die. He didnt want people thinking the characters were invincible. He said it made the stakes real.'

I have no qualms at all with that. I just fear he killed off one of his most interesting and mysterious future story lines.

Wash and Book = my favourite bloody characters after Mal.

So believe me...when I was watching, the feeling of mortality was well and truly alive.

The thing that pisses me off the most about our entire situation... Do we know if anyone has approached fox about the rights? How long do they have those rights?

Someone said, that the Contracts with Universal end in September... FFF needs to do something huge well before this deadline

I believe Fox let Joss have the rights to the tv show, because they gave him permission to try and sell it to another network. but when they made the movie universal obviously got the rights. so i dont know.

"I already know you will not see reason" - The Operative
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Tuesday, January 30, 2007 9:25 PM


Humming to the music:
Come on baby, make it hurt so good
Sometimes love don't feel like it should
You make it mm mm Hurt so good!

Come on, watch 'em again, It's a good kinda hurt!


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 5:30 PM



Originally posted by Bringitback:
Thanks RMMC.

You're very welcome.


Originally posted by Bringitback:
I have brought both the DVD series and the DVD film so I've done my part...for now.

Next come the recruiting of family, friends and strangers on street corners and in stores and...well, you get the picture.

You'll notice folks talking about having 'loaner sets.' Those are extra copies of the show they have specifically for loaning to folks to get them hooked. It works.


Originally posted by Bringitback:
Funny story, when I was buying 'Serenity' the clerk goes to his mate "Another Serenity! I think I may have to see this film." Which made me happy.

Things like that never fail to bring happiness to my heart. *happy dance*


Originally posted by Bringitback:
I agree with your thoughts on Book's death motivating Mal and the crew but I'm deeply dissapointed that 'IF' the show/movie comes back that he can't be around to give the big "Ok, this is my history." speech.

I wouldn't put it from the complete realm of possibility. Nothing says he didn't do a capture of and explaination to Mal and the rest to be seen in the event of his death. As FollowMal in Joss.


Originally posted by Bringitback:
As for the future of the show. I read earlier that Joss will only do it if confronted by a different TV network. He refuses to work with Fox again.

I wouldn't trust that network any farther than I could comfortably spit a dead rat that had bubonic plague. Considering all the sh*t The Network That Shall Not be named pulled, its a wonder any production company will do business with them.


Originally posted by Bringitback:
The problem the browncoats have had is not fox (even though fox but finding a new home for the show.

If we can't even get a sequel to a movie that won numerous awards and dominates DVD sales, why would any new TV network have a shot at us?

The same way that the fledgling WB did for Buffy...give Joss free rein to do the show his way. Funny how well that worked for both sides, wasn't it?

Folks over here are pinning hops on the SciFi channel. I personally dunno. Their track record isn't anything to write home about, either, but they are at least known for giving SF shows another chance when their original networks give up. If they do, I'll have to get satellite TV. I feel about the cable company the same way I do a certain network.

The biggest problem in getting FF on air again is fear. Fear is what keeps the networks from going with it. It's not like anything else that's on: it doesn't talk down to folks, it's not a reality show or a forensics show, and it doesn't stick to any one genre. They're afraid to take it, they're really afraid to try to market it because it can't be pidgeon-holed. If they can't label it and quantify it and say, "oh, it's like such-and-such" to explain it, they're terrified of it and won't touch it with a ten foot pole. (random question: why is the rutting pole always ten feet?)

And...if it doesn't appeal to the absolute lowest common denominator, they run away in droves because the American networks don't think anyone watching has an IQ higher than an African Violet.

This would be why my TV is mostly off except to see the weather forcast or watch a DVD.


Originally posted by Bringitback:
Thanks for the drink

*lifts glass*

To Firefly!

To Firefly!

*downs a shot of whiskey*

*falls over*

yeah...I'm a cheap drunk.


When we're down, don't frown. Come join the camp-out at


Thursday, February 1, 2007 2:41 PM



I really appreciate that post.

RMMC wrote:

The biggest problem in getting FF on air again is fear. Fear is what keeps the networks from going with it. It's not like anything else that's on: it doesn't talk down to folks, it's not a reality show or a forensics show, and it doesn't stick to any one genre. They're afraid to take it, they're really afraid to try to market it because
it can't be pidgeon-holed. If they can't label it and quantify it and say, "oh, it's like such-and-such" to explain it, they're terrified of it and won't touch it with a ten foot pole. (random question: why is the rutting pole always ten feet?)

100% spot on. I could not have put it any better myself.

What I would like to know is who the hell do these people hire as their Marketing/PR Team!?

These supposed professionals should absolutely revel in the challenge and change that Firefly brought to the air. What an opportunity for them to do something different. I mean, I have recently finished a degree in Public Relations and Marketing and every time I think about the promotions for new television shows it makes me ill.

How do you think Firefly would of gone if it had half the promotions budget fox used with Lost? or heroes? or even bloody cheaters?

You know why thousands of fans didn't know about this show until it was too late? Because they didn't promote it!

idiot marketer #1: "I have a good idea to make this firefly show a winner and make us money."

idiot marketer #2: "Run a smart, comprehensive promotions campaign?"

Idiot marketer #1: "No even better! Lets just do nothing! If the show is any good it will gain an audience on its own. Why should I do my job?"

I was pretty naive to the happenings of a TV network pre-firefly. I've done my fair share of reading now and the stupidity of Television Networks never ceases to amaze me.

Thanks again for the post, I enjoyed every word of it. Hell, you've even lifted my spirits a little


Thursday, February 1, 2007 3:05 PM


How bout:

You ever wonder what the guys Han Solo hung out with before he helped overthrow the government were like?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, February 1, 2007 3:25 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hey you!! BringitBack!! Such a terrific name and whereabouts are you from - I live in Melbourne mywonself and there are quite a few of us lurking about!!

What a terrific post! What a terrific question - I think we could write a whole thesis or ten on such a question - but I sum it up as agreeing with Joss that once he killed Wash I believed they were all on borrowed time - I actually jumped up on my seat and shrieked at my best friend "Oh No!! Oh No!! He's going to kill them all...!!!" (meaning Joss...)

With Shepard Book, however, I think his interesting story is in the past though it could have future ramifications... I felt that he was the one who could die and the crew might spend some time (amybe another movie plot) coming to terms with the ramifications of who they really had living amongst them for so long... as well as unravelling his story - he and Wash could appear in a prequel or his story could be set in flash-back style...

And I, for one, have not given up hope of one day sitting in a cinema with that little knot of excitement in my tummy that is called anticipation and watching, for the first time, the next piece of the puzzle that is the story of Serenity/Firefly and all our beloved family/crew!

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"


Thursday, February 1, 2007 5:39 PM



Originally posted by Bringitback:

I really appreciate that post.

Thanks. I do occasionally have a brain. I know sometimes folks here wonder.


Originally posted by Bringitback:
What I would like to know is who the hell do these people hire as their Marketing/PR Team!?

The lowest bidders of course. It's the American way. Shoddy work at a cut-rate price.


Originally posted by Bringitback:
These supposed professionals should absolutely revel in the challenge and change that Firefly brought to the air. What an opportunity for them to do something different. I mean, I have recently finished a degree in Public Relations and Marketing and every time I think about the promotions for new television shows it makes me ill.

Makes me ill, too. I still remember how F^&X marketed X-Files. They made it look like the 'Adventures From the Front Pages of the Weekly World News.' I cringed and decided I was absolutely not watching it baised on their stupid marketing. Although I can't blame marketing entirely. What goes out is what's approved by...the upper executive management. If they don't get it, it isn't used.


Originally posted by Bringitback:
How do you think Firefly would of gone if it had half the promotions budget fox used with Lost? or heroes? or even bloody cheaters?

I'd have settled for what was done to promote Dawson's Creek. The WB lobbied that sucker so much that I was sick to death of it before the show even aired, just from the ads that were run during Buffy. why is it the worst shows seem to get the most promotion? and the best ads?


Originally posted by Bringitback:
You know why thousands of fans didn't know about this show until it was too late? Because they didn't promote it!

I never saw an ad for it on F&*X. I only knew about it from discussions online and from articles in Starlog. Sad, innit?


Originally posted by Bringitback:
idiot marketer #1: "I have a good idea to make this firefly show a winner and make us money."

idiot marketer #2: "Run a smart, comprehensive promotions campaign?"

Idiot marketer #1: "No even better! Lets just do nothing! If the show is any good it will gain an audience on its own. Why should I do my job?"

OOO! I want #1's job! I'd love to have someone else do my work!


Originally posted by Bringitback:
I was pretty naive to the happenings of a TV network pre-firefly. I've done my fair share of reading now and the stupidity of Television Networks never ceases to amaze me.

I'd already seen the stupidity both here and abroad. I'd seen CBS get new upper management and the head honcho didn't like one of the top five shows, and wanted it gone. They moved the show's day and time slot weekly until they could can it claiming low ratings. (WKRP in Cincinnati if you were wondering)
I'd also seen the Beeb kill (it took years but they did it) two popular SF shows beacuse the guy in charge (Michael Grade *hawkspit*) didn't like then and didn't want the network known for things like Blake's 7 and Doctor Who. Twit!


Originally posted by Bringitback:
Thanks again for the post, I enjoyed every word of it. Hell, you've even lifted my spirits a little

Yea! It's been nice talking with ya as well. I'm glad you made the plunge and started posting.

Magda: HI!!!! *waves*


When we're down, don't frown. Come join the camp-out at


Thursday, February 1, 2007 5:48 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by RMMC:
(random question: why is the rutting pole always ten feet?)

For the same reason there are Ten Commandments: it sounds official.



Thursday, February 1, 2007 6:11 PM



Hey you!! BringitBack!! Such a terrific name and whereabouts are you from - I live in Melbourne mywonself and there are quite a few of us lurking about!!

Hey Mags.

Thanks re. my name.

Ive noticed the Australian contingent is pretty strong around here. Great to see!

I'm from the South East of Melbourne, A place called Cranbourne(we live in the nice bit of Cranny)

Im sure your a big Magpies fan like my good self

Look forward to talking to you around here. Hopefully about A BIG DAMN SEQUEL!!


Thursday, February 1, 2007 9:17 PM


I am also new to this site...i just finished watching the last episode from my dads box set. wow...wth would shows like Hercules and Xena go on for so long but they cancel the first good sci fi show in ages...Fox sucks. i dont know what a brown coat is...but i do know im a new uber fan of this show. we must rise up all and bring this show back...or let the networks face our nerdy revolution!! :p (p.s. Wash was the guy i related most to. sucks he dies in the movie)


Thursday, February 1, 2007 9:17 PM



Thursday, February 1, 2007 11:11 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

*fixes thread title*



Thursday, February 1, 2007 11:17 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Errrr... Collingwood...? What part of Cranbourne did you say you come from???

I am a Roo Girl my dear - I like colour, not black and white, in my life... We will have to meet up one day!!

Welcome to the family and I am so thrilled to find another Melbournian...

BTW - I am staying with my parents in Bulleen at the mo. but I usually live anywhere around the Canterbury/Kew/Doncaster/Box Hill area as I do house-sitting and I am saving up to attend Dragon*Con in Atlanta in August/September!!

*does a happy dance of 'nother Melbournian joy!*

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"


Thursday, February 1, 2007 11:28 PM


Ohhh Cranbourne, there is a place i know of!! im not too far from there..very interesting..

Sorry i got excited when i saw Melbourne, reminds me that im not the only obsessed one in the state

"Kaylee grab that kid who's dirt napping with baby jesus, we need a hood ornament"


Thursday, February 1, 2007 11:46 PM



Originally posted by canadianreserve:
I am also new to this site...i just finished watching the last episode from my dads box set. wow...wth would shows like Hercules and Xena go on for so long but they cancel the first good sci fi show in ages...Fox sucks. i dont know what a brown coat is...but i do know im a new uber fan of this show. we must rise up all and bring this show back...or let the networks face our nerdy revolution!! :p (p.s. Wash was the guy i related most to. sucks he dies in the movie)

Definition of a Browncoat: "a new uber fan of this show. we must rise up all and bring this show back...or let the networks face our nerdy revolution!!"

So I'd say you're a Browncoat.
I give virtual browncoats to Browncoats.. so here is yours...
*hands canadianreserve a browncoat that fits just right*

Welcome home.

We all feel exactly the same way that you do about Firefly and we want it back too, and upon occasion we do some guerilla marketing things and we'd love it if you took part... check out the guerilla marketing forum below General Discussions.

Share the 'Verse with those you love...they'll likely love it too, and that's what we need, more folks asking for more Firefly/Serenity.

Make yourself to home. Someone will be along and offer you strawberries and other goodies.

Go to for more info!


Thursday, February 1, 2007 11:47 PM


BringitBack - I remember how I felt when I watched the show. I haven't watched it again because when I like something that much I like to give it a few years before I relive it. I was absolutely amazed by it and under the impression that the chances of making more shows was better than it seems, sadly. Remember how in the beginning you couldn't even trust Jayne? I had never seen anything like that before. Usually Hollywood makes it so obvious who is the "good guys" and who is the "bad guys".... hardly lifelike. Heh... chain of command.

I remember coming to the end of the series and almost dreading the movie. It wasn't as bad as I thought it might be, but I felt in their haste to tell more of the story in such a short time allowed, it didn't have the feel of the show at all and, assuming that Wash and Book are really dead, they pretty much ruined any chance of getting that chemestry back if they ever did resurrect the show.

I'm thinking, either River will wake up on the revived show and the whole movie will be a "Dallas" dream and it all never happened... possibly a premonition of the future?

Or, for reasons that you can find on old threads, Wash never really died and had been rescued by Alliance while the crew was away and River was fighting the Reavers... .and I'm pretty sure that Book is a magician like David Blane and was able to fake his death as a practical joke that he and Jayne pulled on Mal.

Canadian Reserve - A Browncoat is what Mal and Zoey were before the show began. They had flashbacks to that time early in the show. They were the people on the independent planets who fought the Alliance when the Alliance had nothing better to do but expand their power and absorb the outer rim planets under their rule..... sadly, they lost.

Browncoats were very similar to the Confederacy in America and the Civil War, which contrary to popular belief had very little to do with Slavery, but that sounds a lot better in text books than telling a whole bunch of kids that Americans were fighting each other because the Union and their large millitary power threw their weight around and forced people, who were very much like our Browncoats, into submission under their rule.

The term Browncoat has a couple of meanings here at, I think. Some people I've talked with seem to live their lives like Browncoats. The way they talk, the things they do, the way they carry themselves shows they're Browncoats through and through. Others who use the term more loosely as a term designated to a die hard fan of the show also call themselves Browncoats. Many of them seem very Alliance minded and tend to agree with what the Government says is good for us. Though I don't agree they're Browncoats in the true sense of the word, I do appreciate that they love such a wonderful show as well and call themselves Browncoats. The more of us the better if we're ever going to hope to get another fix.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, February 2, 2007 5:35 AM



am a Roo Girl my dear - I like colour, not black and white, in my life... We will have to meet up one day!!

Welcome to the family and I am so thrilled to find another Melbournian...

BTW - I am staying with my parents in Bulleen at the mo. but I usually live anywhere around the Canterbury/Kew/Doncaster/Box Hill area as I do house-sitting and I am saving up to attend Dragon*Con in Atlanta in August/September!!

Cheers, I'm enjoying myself in here

lol..I went to Box Hill TAFE everyday for 2 years studying Public Relations and Marketing. Those were good times.

For fear of turning this into some cheesy flirt post, I may have to stop cos I can feel myself wanting to crap on about myself, boring everyone here.

Hopefully one day all us Melbourne Fans can be sitting in the same cinema watching the return we all hope for. Till then, we will have to just watch the magpies win game after game...

6ixStringJack wrote:

assuming that Wash and Book are really dead, they pretty much ruined any chance of getting that chemistry back if they ever did resurrect the show.

This is a fear of mine as well. This is why I thought losing just one of the two may have been acceptable.

BTW - Wash is up for discussion but I'm pretty sure Book's body was apart of the group used to 'reaver up' the ship. There is no coming back from that.


Friday, February 2, 2007 8:14 PM


Aren't we supposed to be able to clone humans in the future? Maybe when the show starts back up the first episode will have a fully healed Wash at the helm again and they'll visit Kamino and find out that part of Books shady past was that he has been cloned tens of thousands of times in preparation for the Anglo-Sino-Clone Wars.

Then they'll just take one and maybe a few copies in case Joss goes on one of his character killing sprees again and we'll have our show back. Shiny!

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Saturday, February 3, 2007 3:11 AM


lmao...clones....ya, pretty sure id kill myself if that happend in the show. irl it would rock tho, my personification could endure eternally! woot!...hmmm, maybe its better if it doesnt exist :P


Saturday, February 3, 2007 5:11 AM


1) My gut tells sequel
2) He was smoking crack again
3) It is a show about a prostitute, a minister, a mercenary, a psychic, and a crew of thieving stealing bastards... stealing shit. If they don't want to watch that...Slap'em.....


Saturday, February 3, 2007 5:37 PM


while i enjoyed serenity, if they bring the show back, i think they could do fine just ignoring the movie, in fact depending on how they would license it to another network they would likely have to, as for why they killed shepherd book, well i think they kind of have to kill one of the major characters in a tv to big screen movie, and if there is to be a sequel, well the actor that plays shepherd is already starting to look older, and that makes him the most logical choice.






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