A little help, please...

UPDATED: Friday, August 17, 2007 10:54
VIEWED: 11112
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Thursday, February 22, 2007 10:50 AM


Hi. My name is Jstn and I'm the admininstrator from, the leading fan site on the web, dedicated to the return of another great sci-fi series cancelled in it's prime, Surface.

I also organized the internet campaign to save the show, called Project Nim.

So what am I doing here? Last night I had the pleasure of watching Serenity (excellent movie), and realized that it was the follow-up movie to Firefly, a show I enjoyed, but had only got to see a couple of episodes of before it was (stupidly) cancelled.

In the special features was a discussion of the excellent internet campaign you guys put together, which was successful in getting a movie out of it. As there were tons of loose ends in Surface, we too would love a Surface movie to get some "closure"

I am in touch with the brothers Pate, who wrote Surface, and was thinking perhaps it might be possible to get some assistance from you guys, or even better Mr Whedon, for the Pates, in how to go about getting a movie out of a cancelled show.

Would one of the mods or administartors here, please sign up at, go to the message boards and use our private mail system to contact me directly? I have a few questions.It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

While we have tried several different types of efforts to change NBC's Kevin Reilly's mind, we have not had any luck. We would happy to hear any suggestions from you fans, as well.

Thank you for your time, and I hope this was an appropriate place to post this. Look forward to your reactions. We hope you would check out our site as well. It's a great place to hang out when you aren't here. - Jstn


Thursday, February 22, 2007 1:08 PM


I'm not a mod... but I didn't want your post to be buried and lost:
in fact we didn't cause the movie to be made:
when Firefly was cancelled Joss tried everyone everywhere in the hopes of getting the show moved to another network, or cable station, or premium station....
without any luck.

But Mary Parent who was (at that time) a producer for Universal knew that Universal Studios had been wanting to do a film with Joss Whedon, so she signed on Joss to write a movie script, and Universal bought the film rights from 20th Century Fox.

AFTER that deal was made the Firefly DVDs went on sale and they sold at such a great rate that Universal felt all the more confident about their decision to make a movie: they budgeted $40 million for the first film and made it a three picture deal.
(obviously the 2nd film hasn't received the green light)

So what can you do? First of all put pressure on to make sure DVDs come out soon,
buy LOTS of the DVDs to insure that they get listed as a big seller
(the Browncoats bought extra sets for military personel and for libraries around the country)

Don't let you fandom die, not if you truly love it!
Good luck


Thursday, February 22, 2007 1:11 PM


Well you've started to organize so that's good. Checkout the dvd Done the Impossible for lots of good ideas and just keep pushing no matter what! Good luck!

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Thursday, February 22, 2007 1:51 PM


Shortest answer I can give: move those DVDs. Get people hooked on it. Get the fan-merchandise machine up and running. Find someone capable of making little Nimrod dolls and beany-babies (just keep 'em off-brand, so you don't get sued).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, February 22, 2007 8:07 PM


Embers, MSG, and Cybersnark - Thanks so much for your responses and for keeping my thread alive.

You should know that, i started the internet campaign long before the show was even cancelled, when there was nothing but a rumor that it was to be cancelled. We've been working hard ever since, although in the last few months things have dropped off a lot, since Reilly seems bound and determined to replace quality programing with mindless game shows and so-called reality TV. This, in spite of the fact that Heroes is credited with saving the network. Heroes, btw, has about 4 million more viewers each week than Surface's nearly 9.5 million average, during it's season, (when the network wasn't bumping it for the Olympics or otherwise messing with the schedule). This is more viewers btw, than Smallville and Supernatural combined.

I'm telling you this to point out that Surface would likely have been a hugely popular show, had it been given network support. The DVD came out a few months ago, but I haven't a clue how well it sold. Nonetheless, our loyal fan base is equal to any for any show, as far as enthusiasm goes and many of the fans regularly "make" their friends watch the DVD, which inevitably increases support for the show.

We also have regular additions to our site as people in other countries watch it, only to discover it's been cancelled.

Sorry, if I'm rambling a bit here, but I'm just trying to give you guys an idea where we are at.The beanie Nim idea came up long ago, although to my knowlege, no one ever got it going. Our site is chock full of Nim art and fanfiction around the show, as well.

Overall though, things have slowed up. Basically, Jonas Pate told me he would let us know if they were going to pitch it to another network (Sci Fi channel said they didn't have the budget for it) and if that happens, we will re-energize and carpet bomb the potential network with emails and letters again.

My thought in coming here was that I might be able to connect Mr Whedon with Jonas, and that he might be able to guide the Pates in a successful direction, giving us the movie, we are so desperate for.

I should also mention that on the Serenity DVD clearly gives you guys the credit for getting the movie made. Mr Whedon and the cast were quite clear about that. Of course, support from Universal made your dream a reality, but don't underestimate yourselves.

Thank you very much for your comments and support. You guys rock. I hope you'll feel free to visit our site as well and together, we can stand up for quality Sci Fi, like Firefly, Surface, and SG-1 (my other favorite) and maybe slow this decline of quality shows on the networks.

Any plans for other movies, or for getting your show back on TV? I'd love to see that, and if you guys need our assistance, I will "fire up the troops" for you. Just let me know.

I'll stop by later to see any responses, but I hope to see you at as well. Thanks again - Jstn


Thursday, February 22, 2007 8:24 PM


I thought Surface was great, but I kinda got caught up in stuff and missed a couple of episodes and was out of the loop. I always wondered what happened to it. I guess I kinda just assumed it was just intended to be a one series show.

I feel your pain man. I can't even watch a show on FOX anymore because they continue to cancel shows that I like, including Firefly, Arrested Development and Greg the Bunny.

I hope you get it back on. I loved the girls they had on there, especially Leighton Meester. I think you'd be pretty hard pressed to show me somebody else who looks that good in a tiny pink bikini.

I don't have much advice for you, except that anything that you try to do to bring this show back should have pictures of Leighton in a bikini. I can almost guarantee that more than half of the audience that Surface had was initially attracted to the immense sex appeal that the show offered, if not more. If there really was 9.5 million viewers a week, I'm sure they ended up sticking around for the great story, but they still came back because of Leighton and her friends in bikini's too.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, February 22, 2007 9:31 PM


Wow, fast response, Jack

Thanks for your good wishes. It's not my intention to advertise my site here, but we have several things that I think you particularly might like. The most obvious is tons of screen-caps, including lots of Leighton (Yes, she's smokin' hot). She doesn't write on our site, but once in a while, Linsey Godfrey (Mile's girlfriend, Catlin) writes to us, as she got cancer and we ran a support campaign for her. She's doing great, btw.

Our board also has an invitation only (invisible to most) section for arguing Politics and such. Man can't live on TV alone, you know.

Also, I've been known to play a bit of sixstring myself. LOL

Anyway, I hope your mods here will forgive me these slightly off topic comments. Just thought you might be interested, in that stuff.

I'm looking forward to exploring your site as well. Anyone have any suggestions? I saw the Wallpaper downloads. Cool stuff. Anything, I really should check out? - Jstn


Thursday, February 22, 2007 10:54 PM


DUDE! I LOVE THAT COMIC! (in your sig, sorry, totally random, but... yeah)

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
Attack/track dogs bred 1st class - $250-500 per
Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

"You gotta love that the first pirated HD DVD is the one about space pirates who broadcast a video that the government wants to keep secret.

Can't stop the signal."


Friday, February 23, 2007 7:06 AM


I forgot to mention that I love the use of language in that movie. It's awesome how it sounds so natural and like real slang, and yet still is so understandable. I wish I owned a copy, so that I could go through and cherry pick the phrases that impressed me (or as we say at the Surface site, "Nimpressed me"LOL) so much.

That said, can one of you tell me the orgin of the word Reaver? It has a familiar ring to it but I can't quite place where it came from. It really fits though. LOL

Thanks again - Jstn


Friday, February 23, 2007 7:21 AM


Welcome aboard Jstn!

A few definitions of the word Reaver can be found here:


[IMG] [/IMG]


Friday, February 23, 2007 8:40 AM


Thanks C.F. Good to be here. Been reading a few other threads, and it strikes me that you guys are a family here, as we at savesurface are also. The internet is an amazing thing, huh?

The definition list remined me where I knew the term from.

I recall that a "Reeve" was someone who was in charge of a "shire", called a "Shirereeve" which is where we in America (I'm actually English, btw) get the word "Sheriff"

That's the way, I heard it anyway. Geeze, I love what language has to teach. Cool.

Thanks for that, my friend.


Friday, February 23, 2007 2:05 PM


This came up earlier in the thread. Is there anyone here that knows how I can find out how well Surface has done with DVD sales, so far?

I'd really appreciate that info. Thanks - Jstn


Friday, February 23, 2007 2:39 PM


DVD sales figures seem to be a closely guarded secret. We don't really know how well the Serenity DVD has sold, nor the Firefly set. Estimates abound, but the studios don't seem inclined to release the real numbers.

A cynic might say they were trying to avoid paying fair royalties. Another possibility is that they don't want to let their stockholders and/or competition know exactly how well/poorly things are going.

I'm pointin' right at it!


Friday, February 23, 2007 4:28 PM



Originally posted by Jstn:

My thought in coming here was that I might be able to connect Mr Whedon with Jonas, and that he might be able to guide the Pates in a successful direction, giving us the movie, we are so desperate for.

The only place I've ever seen Joss post is at but their membership isn't open for joining.
My husband and I were big fans of Surface (my husband moreso). I did't realize the DVD was out. You can at least track its sales on Amazon to see how they're moving.
Best of luck!



Friday, February 23, 2007 6:34 PM


Hi, Jstn! Welcome aboard, even if you're
only visiting. Have a giant strawberry and
a mug of Mudder's. We like to hand out the
I don't have the Whedon private e-mail, but
am honored to bump this up in case it attracts
the attention of someone who does. Or one
who knows how to find out DVD figures.
The entertainment landscape is, unfortunately,
littered with broken shows and their weeping
fans. Best of luck with your resuscitation

~Bastards singed my turtle~
~We aim to exponentiate~
~Who is Bill Pardy?~


Friday, February 23, 2007 7:13 PM



Originally posted by Jstn:

You should know that, i started the internet campaign long before the show was even cancelled, when there was nothing but a rumor that it was to be cancelled. We've been working hard ever since, although in the last few months things have dropped off a lot, since Reilly seems bound and determined to replace quality programing with mindless game shows and so-called reality TV. This, in spite of the fact that Heroes is credited with saving the network. Heroes, btw, has about 4 million more viewers each week than Surface's nearly 9.5 million average, during it's season, (when the network wasn't bumping it for the Olympics or otherwise messing with the schedule). This is more viewers btw, than Smallville and Supernatural combined.

I'm telling you this to point out that Surface would likely have been a hugely popular show, had it been given network support. The DVD came out a few months ago, but I haven't a clue how well it sold. Nonetheless, our loyal fan base is equal to any for any show, as far as enthusiasm goes and many of the fans regularly "make" their friends watch the DVD, which inevitably increases support for the show.

We also have regular additions to our site as people in other countries watch it, only to discover it's been cancelled.

I should also mention that on the Serenity DVD clearly gives you guys the credit for getting the movie made. Mr Whedon and the cast were quite clear about that. Of course, support from Universal made your dream a reality, but don't underestimate yourselves.

Thank you very much for your comments and support. You guys rock.

Hey JSTN ,

Thanks for coming by . We hope you'll stick around...Bring some of your folk over here with you...Sure there are more Browncoats among your ranks .

If you have not yet seen the Browncoat DVD production , " Done The Impossible " , you Really Must !

You'll be inspired...Maybe to go on to greater success yourself...

I live in the city where 'Surface' and 'Dawson's Creek' and 'One Tree Hill' have been produced...I used to work at that studio , but in film production , with the exception of an occasional made-for-TV movie...

I liked watching 'Surface' when it was on . It was fun to see what locations were being utilized , and how they were strung together to create the show .

I used to happen by some of the locations from time to time , when production was under way .

One of my flying buds flew his airplane in one of the episodes . That's one of the reasons I'd like the DVD set , because we've had some great times with that flying machine . I'm sure you know the episode... Umm , Lake Bell was particularly fine in that one... I never ran into her anywhere , but during December 2005 , I was at Barnes & Noble , checking out the Sci-Fi mags for coverage of our then-recently-issued SERENITY movie... Bingo , found a nice photo on a magazine cover , flipped open to the middle where they had some articles about things of current interest , and on that particular page , besides a blurb and photos of our movie , was a photo of Carter Jenkins...

Here's where it gets uncanny...A kid behind me says , " Sir , which magazine is that ? " , and the voice seemed oddly familiar for some reason .
I turned to face him , and show him the magazine , and when I saw his face , I had to smile , because it WAS Carter Jenkins ! And standing just behind him was Leighton ! I smiled and nodded to her , also . She flashed a smile and greeting , too , and I must concur with 6String , she is definitely a very pretty young lady .

After 'Surface' was cancelled , I remember seeing a story in our local paper in the Entertainment section , which I saved at the time , but I'm not sure if I still have it...

The story was about your group , and I think it was a wire-service story , so you've probably seen it already . Anyway , I have checked out your site in the past , and I will again , soon .

I hope you'll have some success in getting some closure to your show . I always wished they'd handled it better in the first place .

Perhaps your best chance would be to persuade NBC/Universal to give you a made-for-TV movie to wrap up the loose ends and conclude the show properly . Then it could subsequently be re-aired by Sci-Fi , which NBC/Universal owns .

I'm STILL deeply disappointed about how 'Earth2' was also not seen-off as it should have been...But , at least 'Earth2' got about twice as many episodes as we got with 'Firefly' .

Anyway , you guys really need to build up your fan-base , because I know a lot of people DID like 'Surface' , and if enough of the DVD sets get sold , who knows , stranger things HAVE happened...

Get your folk to watch " Done The Impossible " , because you might learn some things about how you can make something happen...

Thanks for your enthusiasm , JSTN . And thanks for being ONE OF US !


Saturday, February 24, 2007 4:11 PM


Wow. You guys are so nice, and have made me feel extremely welcome. Thank you for that.

I am very busy running my site, but I will drop by, as often as possible. I hope you guys (and gals) will feel free to do the same at savesurface. I feel like we are "brothers in arms" against he decline of quality TV. LOLOL

When I get a few more minutes, I will address each of your posts individually. It's a privilege to share thoughts and ideas with such thoughtful people. I'm honored and humbled by your hospitality. - Jstn


Monday, February 26, 2007 9:14 AM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
DVD sales figures seem to be a closely guarded secret. We don't really know how well the Serenity DVD has sold, nor the Firefly set. Estimates abound, but the studios don't seem inclined to release the real numbers.

A cynic might say they were trying to avoid paying fair royalties. Another possibility is that they don't want to let their stockholders and/or competition know exactly how well/poorly things are going.

I'm pointin' right at it!

Hi Don - Thanks for the info. I tend to be pretty cynical myself (Don't blame me, blame my government LOL) so I suspect you are right. I guess, I'll have to put my Google skills to work and see what I can come up with. I'll share anything I find.

This is all I have time for right now, but I'll try to get back this afternoon, with more responses to your comments. Sorry it's taking so long, but my life is really busy these days, and it's hard to get any time for extra stuff.

A couple of you have come over to our site and signed up as well. We appreciate that, and, I'm starting to think our our sites as "sister sites" for the same cause. (Preserving quality television) I'm encouraging our members to sign up here as well.

Did I mention, you guys rock? LOLOL

I hope you like my new sig. - Jstn
Fighting for quality from the depths of the ocean to the farthest reaches of outer space.

Surface/Firefly Alliance


Tuesday, February 27, 2007 3:57 AM



Originally posted by Stoweaway:

Originally posted by Jstn:

My thought in coming here was that I might be able to connect Mr Whedon with Jonas, and that he might be able to guide the Pates in a successful direction, giving us the movie, we are so desperate for.

The only place I've ever seen Joss post is at but their membership isn't open for joining.
My husband and I were big fans of Surface (my husband moreso). I did't realize the DVD was out. You can at least track its sales on Amazon to see how they're moving.
Best of luck!


I'll check that out, Tanya. Maybe I can get someone to contact him for me by emailing the site.

Amazon sound like a good way to get some idea how sales are going. I'll look into that too. Two helpful ideas. Thanks so much. - Jstn

Fighting for quality from the depths of the ocean to the farthest reaches of outer space.

Surface/Firefly Alliance


Tuesday, February 27, 2007 4:11 AM



Originally posted by FloralBunny:
Hi, Jstn! Welcome aboard, even if you're
only visiting. Have a giant strawberry and
a mug of Mudder's. We like to hand out the
I don't have the Whedon private e-mail, but
am honored to bump this up in case it attracts
the attention of someone who does. Or one
who knows how to find out DVD figures.
The entertainment landscape is, unfortunately,
littered with broken shows and their weeping
fans. Best of luck with your resuscitation

~Bastards singed my turtle~
~We aim to exponentiate~
~Who is Bill Pardy?~

And I will enjoy in the partaking of said refreshments. Thanks. LOL

Yeah, you can hardly take a step without stepping on the sharp edges of broken shows. LOLOL

I have noticed that NBC has been responsible for many of the injuries to my feet, as well. Let's see Star Trek (obviously a loser), Seaquest, Earth II and I'm certain that as soon as the budget gets too high, and Reilly can find some cheap crap to replace it, Heroes will be gone too. He is the King of cheap crap. We should get him a job at a 99 cent store.

Don't think I've mentioned how much I like your signatures here. I'm assuming they're lines from the show??? So many of them are so off the wall, they make me LOL A tribute to great writers.

How sickening that there must be so many great writers having trouble getting work, because of this so called "reality TV"

What a misnomer that is. Carefully selected people in contrived situations. Only Hollywood would call that reality. LOLOL

Reminds me of Radio Shack's store-brand, "Realistic"
Not real, mind you, just realistic. LMAO

Be back later. Thanks for putting up with me. - Jstn

Fighting for quality from the depths of the ocean to the farthest reaches of outer space.

Surface/Firefly Alliance


Tuesday, February 27, 2007 12:51 PM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

Hey JSTN ,

Thanks for coming by . We hope you'll stick around...Bring some of your folk over here with you...Sure there are more Browncoats among your ranks .

If you have not yet seen the Browncoat DVD production , " Done The Impossible " , you Really Must !

You'll be inspired...Maybe to go on to greater success yourself...

I live in the city where 'Surface' and 'Dawson's Creek' and 'One Tree Hill' have been produced...I used to work at that studio , but in film production , with the exception of an occasional made-for-TV movie...

I liked watching 'Surface' when it was on . It was fun to see what locations were being utilized , and how they were strung together to create the show .

I used to happen by some of the locations from time to time , when production was under way .

One of my flying buds flew his airplane in one of the episodes . That's one of the reasons I'd like the DVD set , because we've had some great times with that flying machine . I'm sure you know the episode... Umm , Lake Bell was particularly fine in that one... I never ran into her anywhere , but during December 2005 , I was at Barnes & Noble , checking out the Sci-Fi mags for coverage of our then-recently-issued SERENITY movie... Bingo , found a nice photo on a magazine cover , flipped open to the middle where they had some articles about things of current interest , and on that particular page , besides a blurb and photos of our movie , was a photo of Carter Jenkins...

Here's where it gets uncanny...A kid behind me says , " Sir , which magazine is that ? " , and the voice seemed oddly familiar for some reason .
I turned to face him , and show him the magazine , and when I saw his face , I had to smile , because it WAS Carter Jenkins ! And standing just behind him was Leighton ! I smiled and nodded to her , also . She flashed a smile and greeting , too , and I must concur with 6String , she is definitely a very pretty young lady .

After 'Surface' was cancelled , I remember seeing a story in our local paper in the Entertainment section , which I saved at the time , but I'm not sure if I still have it...

The story was about your group , and I think it was a wire-service story , so you've probably seen it already . Anyway , I have checked out your site in the past , and I will again , soon .

I hope you'll have some success in getting some closure to your show . I always wished they'd handled it better in the first place .

Perhaps your best chance would be to persuade NBC/Universal to give you a made-for-TV movie to wrap up the loose ends and conclude the show properly . Then it could subsequently be re-aired by Sci-Fi , which NBC/Universal owns .

I'm STILL deeply disappointed about how 'Earth2' was also not seen-off as it should have been...But , at least 'Earth2' got about twice as many episodes as we got with 'Firefly' .

Anyway , you guys really need to build up your fan-base , because I know a lot of people DID like 'Surface' , and if enough of the DVD sets get sold , who knows , stranger things HAVE happened...

Get your folk to watch " Done The Impossible " , because you might learn some things about how you can make something happen...

Thanks for your enthusiasm , JSTN . And thanks for being ONE OF US !

Thanks for this post, Out. I'm so pleased you came over to check out our site, as well. Not to criticize this one, but I prefer our "set-up" Having to bump every thread just to get it to stay up for a day, is quite frustrating. As we have so many forums with different subjects, we have many "front pages" so it's not hard to get read.

Anyway, I think the article you read about us was from Amy Hotz. She writes for a Wilmington area newspaper, which is also online as starnewsonline. It was quite a thrill to be quoted in a newspaper, but the biggest rushes I've had during this campaign were when I found emails, first from Dayna, Jonas Pates mom, and then one from Jonas, himself, in my inbox.

They are such nice and down to Earth (LOLOL) people, it was quite an honor to be given the privilege of being able to write to them.
That has much to do with my continuing to look for ways to assist them in getting their show back. I know for a fact, that the brothers Pate have not given up on this show, so I was hoping that Mr Whedon might be able to give them some advice or help with that.

Unfortunately, the chances of him hearing about my effort to reach him here, seem slim at best.

Nonetheless, I will not give up, unless the Pates tell me they have. We have run several efforts to convince NBC, however we haven't gone after Universal to try to convince them to make us a movie. Sounds like my next plan. I'll write to Jonas and ask for his thoughts on this.

My small criticism aside, i must admit I'm having a great time at this site, and have suggested to all Surface fans that they get their butts over here, as well. Like I told them, you'd be hard-pressed to find a nicer, and more intelligent group of posters on the web. I mean that. - Jstn

Fighting for quality from the depths of the ocean to the farthest reaches of outer space.

Surface/Firefly Alliance


Tuesday, February 27, 2007 3:31 PM



Originally posted by Jstn:

Thanks for this post, Out. I'm so pleased you came over to check out our site, as well. Not to criticize this one, but I prefer our "set-up" Having to bump every thread just to get it to stay up for a day, is quite frustrating. As we have so many forums with different subjects, we have many "front pages" so it's not hard to get read.

Anyway, I think the article you read about us was from Amy Hotz. She writes for a Wilmington area newspaper, which is also online as starnewsonline. It was quite a thrill to be quoted in a newspaper, but the biggest rushes I've had during this campaign were when I found emails, first from Dayna, Jonas Pates mom, and then one from Jonas, himself, in my inbox.

They are such nice and down to Earth (LOLOL) people, it was quite an honor to be given the privilege of being able to write to them.
That has much to do with my continuing to look for ways to assist them in getting their show back. I know for a fact, that the brothers Pate have not given up on this show, so I was hoping that Mr Whedon might be able to give them some advice or help with that.

We have run several efforts to convince NBC, however we haven't gone after Universal to try to convince them to make us a movie. Sounds like my next plan. I'll write to Jonas and ask for his thoughts on this.

My small criticism aside, i must admit I'm having a great time at this site, and have suggested to all Surface fans that they get their butts over here, as well. Like I told them, you'd be hard-pressed to find a nicer, and more intelligent group of posters on the web. I mean that. - Jstn

Fighting for quality from the depths of the ocean to the farthest reaches of outer space.

Surface/Firefly Alliance

Ni Hao , JSTN !

Happy to see you bopping back in and bumping this thread...

Yep , the story was from Amy Hotz . My recollection was imperfect , so I didn't include that detail without being sure , because I didn't still have the story right in front of me .

Have you actually met Amy ? I don't mind going on record and saying that she's a pretty fabulous young woman .

Some years ago , Amy's editor was kind of new in town , and was out to one of the Star Wars 'prequels' , the second one as I recall .
His name is Jeff Hidek , and he's pretty cool in his own right .

Anyway , for the last of the 'prequels' , the paper was doing a story about folk who were old enough to have seen the original Star Wars as a first-run movie in its initial release .

E-gads ! , as much as I hate to admit it , I
' represent that statement '. They wanted folk to send in an email with their Star Wars memories , and what their experiences of that film had been like . Being a geek in good standing , I sent in an email to the requisite address , and figured , " Well , so much for that..." .

I was a bit surprised to receive a subsequent email from Amy , and she wanted my contact phone # , and said that she and Jeff had liked my story , and wanted me to come in to be interviewed and photographed for the story . I knew they were on to me ( as a geek ) when they said they wanted me to bring a 'prop' of some kind , a toy or other piece of memorabilia...

Being so obliged , I showed up with my big-ass X-wing and did my duty...

I was pretty impressed with Amy . There was a fairly exhaustive interview , then I went into another area and met the photographer...

So , to keep this long story from getting much longer...cutting to the chase...

A while back , I emailed Amy again , and asked her if she knew what a 'Browncoat' is...

I was kinda surprised when she admitted that she didn't...But being the inquisitive sort , of course she had to dance the wiki-google and check us out...

Anyway , when we have some Browncoat action happening here in town , I think we can count on Ms. Hotz to get the word out...

I'm planning to see that she gets a boxset...

Wouldn't want her to seem culturally-deprived , now would we ?

Oh yeah , JSTN , I DO like that signature...

By my recollection , General Electric owns NBC , and the NBC/Universal joint-venture owns the Sci-Fi Channel...Don't quote me on that , though . That will require some further research , if someone's motivated to look into it .

I don't recommend Sci-Fi doing more
' Firefly ' , because I think the appeal of Firefly is too broad , and being on Sci-Fi limits the demographic too much...

Since we already have a BDM in the bag , I don't think the Browncoats should give up any ground .

At the very least , we deserve a
' Firefly ' miniseries on HBO .

I hope things can be worked out in the best possible way for fans of ' Surface ' as well ...

EDIT : One more thing JSTN , I went up in that airplane from ' Surface ' again today...It's always a thrill . We overflew the beach , flew down to my uncle's house on the waterway , and then went and practiced water landings and takeoffs ( splash-and-DASH ) in the northeast branch of the river . One of the highlights was when we saw a nesting pair of bald eagles in a tree beside the river .


Tuesday, February 27, 2007 6:29 PM


Thanks Out - I just dropped by with enough time to read this, but will be back later with a longer response and a cool experience I had today, regarding the DVD. Later - Jstn

Fighting for quality from the depths of the ocean to the farthest reaches of outer space.

Surface/Firefly Alliance


Wednesday, February 28, 2007 5:03 PM


Still way too busy for a longer post, but I wanted to let you guys know that thanks to someone on your board posting about it, I scored my own copy of Serenity last night. Got it on sale at Best Buy for only $9.95 They had two copies left, one after I left. LOLOL

Just for G.P. I checked Circuit City today, in my travels, and they had several copies at $14.95

Thanks for the hot tip. (I'll have to look for that thread again and thank him personally)

I can hardly wait to watch it again, this time with my 3D surround sound cranked up. LOLOLOL

Fighting for quality from the depths of the ocean to the farthest reaches of outer space.

Surface/Firefly Alliance


Thursday, March 1, 2007 6:33 AM


Out - Love your Star Wars/Amy Hotz story. Just can't resist the chance to brag about the size of your X-Wing, huh? LOLOL

I can't match that, but I could tell you that I was interviewed by phone, by Ms Hotz, for the original story about us (That's me she quoted) Nimmers.

Furthermore, athough I hadn't spoken to her in months, I was really surprised one day when she phoned seeking information on our online petition.

(Currently at over 43,700)

I redirected her to my friend Brandon, who put the petition up, I was really flattered that she had remembered me, though. She sounds like a wonderful woman. I wish I could have met her, too.

I tried to find the original article, but it slipped too far down the list, and I don't think it's available. I may have copied it onto our board, so I'll look for it later.

Great idea on the boxset. I wish I weren't so broke all the time, or I'd do the same with Surface.

I'm so happy you liked my new sig. Where do you guys come up with all he great ones here? I know they're from the show, but is there a list here somewhere?

You are correct about the G.E./NBC/'Versal (he,he) connections. We were considering sending our dissappointment in Reilly, by email, to the head guys at G.E. They should know, he's attempting to trash NBC.

We at Surface would be happy to get ANYTHING from our show. Even a comic book would be something. Little rubber Nims? Anything? But overall, most of us feel a movie that will close out all the leftover unresolved issues from the show. There were a LOT of those. The fact that you guys had gotten your movie, is what led me here. If you guys are campaigning for something specific and want our support, I will be more than happy to rally our troops to your cause as well. Of course, it would be great if that support goes both ways. The petition link above is a fast and easy way you can add your voice to ours. (hint. hint LOL)

Just let me know, what you guys are shooting for next. I can mass-mail everyone signed up at our site for assistance. We LOVE to email (and even snail mail) ROFL

I've done a lot of flying myself, including several small plane adventures. Grew up next door to the local airport. My best friend from several years ago was a pilot, who studied acrobatics as soon as he got his licence. Last time we were up, I got to do some stunts, with his help, of course. Also, got to do the zero-gravity thing. What a rush. If you haven't done that, I suggest you beg the pilot to do it with you. A Cessena 182 is capable of a 10 to 15 second experience. Very cool watching stuff "float" in the cabin. LOLOL

Well that will do it for now. Hopefully, someone will see fit to bump my thread a few more times. Still looking for a way to contact Mr Whedon, so I can connect him with Jonas Pate.

Thanks for putting up with more of my ramblings.

Firefly fans totally rock. - Jstn

Fighting for quality from the depths of the ocean to the farthest reaches of outer space.

Surface/Firefly Alliance


Thursday, March 1, 2007 5:32 PM


This is the Amy Hotz article, in it's entirity, only with my screen name substituted for my real one....

Amy Hotz
Resurface 'Surface,' fans say

The NBC family-oriented science fiction series that filmed in Wilmington earlier this year was not picked up for a new season. But what really ticks off these fans, said co-founder Jstn, is the last episode left everybody hanging.

"It was really a callous thing to do," he said from his home in California. "I just can't believe people feel so deep about it."

No pun intended, I'm sure.

Earlier this summer, I wrote about an Internet petition generated by the fans who frequent that Web site. The goal was to get so many "signatures," that NBC corporate folks couldn't ignore Surface's popularity and perhaps bring it back.

The corporate folks could ignore the 30,051 (so far) signatures, however. And did.

That was Project Nim. The Save Surface fans have now embarked upon the Great Tsunami Campaign. From Sept. 15 until Sept. 22, which just happens to be the official start of the fall season, fans are invited to send Kevin Reilly, an NBC official, at least two e-mails a day. In addition, they encourage others fans to also send out as many postcards as they can with water-related photos to Reilly.

They want to flood Reilly's in-box and snail mail box. Thus the name, tsunami.

According to a press release, "The idea to be expressed is that we are still around (just in case he thought we were done) and that we will be boycotting any new NBC programing until he gives Surface the chance and support it deserved ... We are to be firm and angry even, but not nasty. We want the brothers Pate (creators of Surface) to be able to work there in the future and not blacklisted because they are associated with a nasty group of fans."

Wow. That's a lot of passion for a TV show. Why all the effort?

Personally, Jstn misses how the show brought him and his 9-year-old daughter (she's 10 now) together every week - except during the Olympics and Christmas.

"We used to snuggle up every week and watch this together, it was a bonding thing," he said.

Generally speaking, the fans are ticked that they'll never know if Nim will survive all the locals who think he's a man killer or if Dr. Laura Daughtery will become a famous biologist. They even get the satisfaction of finding out if Wilmington survives that giant computer-generated tsunami. (Or was it generated by hordes of the giant sea monsters?)

"It's got a wide appeal," he said. "It's got great special effects, I liked how the plots moved independently but were connected. The creature was cute."

"We want to let him know we're really serious about this," Jstn said about Reilly.

Here's the information for any other fans interested in bugging a corporate guy:

Kevin Reilly

3000 W. Alameda Room A-209

Burbank, CA

To find out what else Jstn and gang are up to, visit

And, if you'd like to relive the glory days, the complete season of Surface was released on DVD August 15, complete with deleted scenes, cast interviews and a behind-the-scenes look at its special effects.

The bad news for locally-produced TV shows just keeps multiplying.

Low Country Treasure Quest on WILM is getting bumped for the U.S. Open and for syndicated shows from Capitol Broadcasting for the rest of September.

John Bankson, the show's host and producer, said he hopes to land on another outlet soon. But there's really no way to tell where Wilmington's own Antiques Roadshow-esq production will end up.

Amy Hotz: 343-2099

Fighting for quality from the depths of the ocean to the farthest reaches of outer space.

Surface/Firefly Alliance


Thursday, March 1, 2007 11:20 PM


Have you had any response from Reilly?


Friday, March 2, 2007 3:26 PM



Originally posted by Milt:
Have you had any response from Reilly?

Directly no. Although if he reads his emails and would know I am responsible for many of his headaches (LOL) for some odd reason he hasn't bothered to respond to me or at our site.

However, we have kept up on some of his interview comments. My favorite (of course) is one where he said he couldn't get us (Surface fans) out of his inbox. I couldn't find that interview, but I did find this one, where he mentions us indirectly. It was from a while back, but please take note of his condesending attitude ("the fish show") towards us and Heist viewers. He may have thought he was being funny, but to us it spoke volumes about his crappy attitude. And as for "closure" in our series, well, don't even get me started.

Here's the Reilly interview...

NBC president Kevin Reilly told reporters that the network is committed to keeping viewers happy if they invest their time watching the new serialized series Heroes, about people in different parts of the world who suddenly discover they have super powers. The network has left viewers dangling in recent seasons by canceling serialized shows such as Heist and Surface before they completed their storylines.

"In the case of the fish show [Surface], there were a lot of people that did want it to continue, but that did have closure," Reilly said in defense of the network's actions during the Television Critics Association's summer press tour in Pasadena, Calif., last month. "We did air a final episode. We did not yank that prematurely. And in the case of Heist, although I thought it was very promising, it didn't take, and we wrote personal letters to the two viewers that were watching. So they were covered," he added, with tongue in cheek.

Heroes will begin on Sept. 25 with a two-hour pilot movie. "We don't like pissing off the customers," Reilly said. "And, by the way, I get the e-mails, OK? I wake up in the morning and I get, 'Dear Moron.' We know that takes a toll, but the nature of television is when you're taking risks, you hope you take a risk. You may end up with Heist, or you may end up with Lost or My Name Is Earl. So I'd rather risk the upside. ... Any show that gets canceled has had people who are upset or people who are angry who have invested in it. That's just the nature of what we do."

Fighting for quality from the depths of the ocean to the farthest reaches of outer space.

Surface/Firefly Alliance


Sunday, March 4, 2007 1:22 AM


[bold]Still looking for someone here with a connect to Mr Whedon. Nobody?[/bold]


Sunday, March 4, 2007 1:29 AM


I wish... Sorry, but I'm not aware of any specific member here who has direct connections to Joss. Maybe someone from Whedonesque, I dunno.

"Dude, you never wanna fuck with a Browncoat, man." - Kevin Smith


Sunday, March 4, 2007 11:33 AM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
I wish... Sorry, but I'm not aware of any specific member here who has direct connections to Joss. Maybe someone from Whedonesque, I dunno.

"Dude, you never wanna fuck with a Browncoat, man." - Kevin Smith

No luck at Thanks anyway.

In fact they go out of their way to state they can't reach him. I don't particularly believe them, but I can understand why they would say that.

"I still can't get those Surface fans out of my inbox" - Kevin Reilly, head of programming at NBC


Wednesday, March 7, 2007 8:16 AM


One final bump, for this thread, in the hopes of catching someone with a connection to Mr Whedon, before this thread drifts off into history.

Anybody here that can help me connect him with the writers of Surface???? - Jstn


Wednesday, March 14, 2007 2:45 PM


Just an FYI:

Check out your local Wal-Mart Super Center and the main DVD set budget endcap as Surface and other TV Show sets can be found there for $20

(also Found (also for $20 each) Forever Knight Boxes 1 & 2, Sliders (Seasons 1, 2 combo), and Wild, Wild West Season 1 while on several buying binges)

The regular Wal-Marts seem to have brought in aa new selection of DVDs since my initial find so you may not find Surface in the DVD section in those.

I bought a copy of Surface and putit my DVD collection. Not sure when I'm going to get around to watching the shows *L*

'You leave Earth and anything you forget to bring with you will kill you. Anything you do bring with you which doesn't work properly will kill you. When in doubt, just assume *everything* will kill you.' Nathan Spring, Star Cops



Thursday, March 15, 2007 1:48 PM


*minor bump*


Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:22 AM



Originally posted by PumamanRedux:
*minor bump*

*minor bump*

'You leave Earth and anything you forget to bring with you will kill you. Anything you do bring with you which doesn't work properly will kill you. When in doubt, just assume *everything* will kill you.' Nathan Spring, Star Cops



Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:06 AM



Originally posted by Jstn:

Originally posted by Agatsu:
I wish... Sorry, but I'm not aware of any specific member here who has direct connections to Joss. Maybe someone from Whedonesque, I dunno.

"Dude, you never wanna fuck with a Browncoat, man." - Kevin Smith

No luck at Thanks anyway.

In fact they go out of their way to state they can't reach him. I don't particularly believe them, but I can understand why they would say that.
"I still can't get those Surface fans out of my inbox" - Kevin Reilly, head of programming at NBC

Actually , JSTN , they're right !

Joss doesn't wait for fans to reach him...

When he wants to , he reaches them...

He reads that board...

Sooner or later , with persistence , these guys will get to trade notes with Joss...Maybe even collaborate on something...

Just gotta believe , to receive...

" When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."

--Leonardo da Vinci


Saturday, March 17, 2007 12:44 PM



Originally posted by PumamanRedux:
Just an FYI:

Check out your local Wal-Mart Super Center and the main DVD set budget endcap as Surface and other TV Show sets can be found there for $20

(also Found (also for $20 each) Forever Knight Boxes 1 & 2, Sliders (Seasons 1, 2 combo), and Wild, Wild West Season 1 while on several buying binges)

The regular Wal-Marts seem to have brought in aa new selection of DVDs since my initial find so you may not find Surface in the DVD section in those.

I bought a copy of Surface and putit my DVD collection. Not sure when I'm going to get around to watching the shows *L*

'You leave Earth and anything you forget to bring with you will kill you. Anything you do bring with you which doesn't work properly will kill you. When in doubt, just assume *everything* will kill you.' Nathan Spring, Star Cops


Hey thanks for the tips and the bumps, Puma. Very cool of you, but then I've come to expect that from the classiest folks in the 'Verse.

By all means take out that box set and take the challenge I put on the "Place To Hang" thread. That is, watch the end of episode 2 and the begining of episode 3. I'm willing to bet you'll be watching the rest of the series before the week is out.

Also, feel free to come by and check out the Forum I put there just for you guys to hang sometimes. Maybe you guys can share what it is you like about Firefly so much, with the Surface fans. Don't worry about the fact that I called it The Surface/Firefly Alliance either. All alliances aren't bad, but I can understand why you guys are a tad touchy about that. LOLOL

Btw, I'd like to publically thank Out for sending me a copy of the Firefly series. What a rockin' gift. As soon as I can get a few hours free, I'm gonna start rollin through the whole season. I can hardly wait. Actually, on reflection, I may be able to watch some of it this afternoon. Cool.

Everyone come and visit us soon. - Jstn


Saturday, March 17, 2007 3:11 PM


Puma - I saw you signed up at my site, but didn't post. Not even a "Hello" buddy? LOL

I sent you a private mail message, which you should get a pop-up alert for upon your return.

If you don't get the alert, go to the top right of the Index page and you will find a link to access your inbox, there.

Hope to see you there again, soon - Jstn


Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:33 PM



Originally posted by Jstn:
Puma - I saw you signed up at my site, but didn't post. Not even a "Hello" buddy? LOL

I sent you a private mail message, which you should get a pop-up alert for upon your return.

If you don't get the alert, go to the top right of the Index page and you will find a link to access your inbox, there.

Hope to see you there again, soon - Jstn

As Jstn knows by now, I did post soon thereafter .. took awhile to note the 'you have 1 new message' icon *L* and then I Forgot to respond in the PM area

*effects a Pauly Shore voice* "Hello, bud-dy"

*goes back to normal* That better. Jstn?

'You leave Earth and anything you forget to bring with you will kill you. Anything you do bring with you which doesn't work properly will kill you. When in doubt, just assume *everything* will kill you.' Nathan Spring, Star Cops



Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:39 PM


Hello fire fly fans. I dont know if this is the right place ti introduce myself but I am from the Save surface board and recentl watched firefly. I got the box set for christmas and really enjoyed it. I thought I would wander over here and say hello sooooo... HELLO!!!!


Sunday, March 18, 2007 4:15 AM



Originally posted by Downfall347:
Hello fire fly fans. I dont know if this is the right place ti introduce myself but I am from the Save surface board and recentl watched firefly. I got the box set for christmas and really enjoyed it. I thought I would wander over here and say hello sooooo... HELLO!!!!

*Three Stooges mode* "Hello .. hello .. HELLOOOO"

This thread is as good a place as any to say hello in, Downfall347

*hands Downfall347 and Jstn their virtual Browncoats*

'You leave Earth and anything you forget to bring with you will kill you. Anything you do bring with you which doesn't work properly will kill you. When in doubt, just assume *everything* will kill you.' Nathan Spring, Star Cops



Sunday, March 18, 2007 6:40 AM



Originally posted by Downfall347:
Hello fire fly fans. I dont know if this is the right place to introduce myself but I am from the Save surface board and recently watched firefly. I got the box set for christmas and really enjoyed it. I thought I would wander over here and say hello sooooo... HELLO!!!!

Well , HELLOooooooo ! , Downfall347 !

or , as we say 'round here , Ni Hao !

Good of you to come in , and be one of us...

You ARE gonna come with us , right ?...

'Cause it's the ships you're lookin' at ,

and this one's the nicest...

Make yourself to home...Chow's in ten , no need to dress...

" When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."

--Leonardo da Vinci


Sunday, March 18, 2007 7:02 AM



Originally posted by Jstn:

Hey thanks for the tips and the bumps, Puma. Very cool of you, but then I've come to expect that from the classiest folks in the 'Verse.

By all means take out that box set and take the challenge I put on the "Place To Hang" thread. That is, watch the end of episode 2 and the begining of episode 3. I'm willing to bet you'll be watching the rest of the series before the week is out.

Also, feel free to come by and check out the Forum I put there just for you guys to hang sometimes. Maybe you guys can share what it is you like about Firefly so much, with the Surface fans. Don't worry about the fact that I called it The Surface/Firefly Alliance either. All alliances aren't bad, but I can understand why you guys are a tad touchy about that. LOLOL

Btw, I'd like to publically thank Out for sending me a copy of the Firefly series. What a rockin' gift. As soon as I can get a few hours free, I'm gonna start rollin through the whole season. I can hardly wait. Actually, on reflection, I may be able to watch some of it this afternoon. Cool.

Everyone come and visit us soon. - Jstn

We're just happy to be doin' good works , JSTN...

" When you can't run , you crawl...And when you can't do that..."

Let us know about your FIREFLY impressions as you go along...Folk will be happy to hear from you , about that...

...Helps us with keepin' our ship in the air .

" When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."

--Leonardo da Vinci


Sunday, March 18, 2007 1:40 PM


This is a cool board. I havnt started posting around yet but it looks cool. GRRRR Yu got better smiles than us... lol


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 11:38 AM


Yeah D.F. - But we have Nim. LOLOL

Sayin' Ni Hao to the rest of you too.

Don't forget to visit. - Jstn


Sunday, March 25, 2007 2:28 AM



'You leave Earth and anything you forget to bring with you will kill you. Anything you do bring with you which doesn't work properly will kill you. When in doubt, just assume *everything* will kill you.' Nathan Spring, Star Cops



Monday, March 26, 2007 5:23 PM



'You leave Earth and anything you forget to bring with you will kill you. Anything you do bring with you which doesn't work properly will kill you. When in doubt, just assume *everything* will kill you.' Nathan Spring, Star Cops



Monday, March 26, 2007 8:12 PM


All I gotta add to these great suggestions is to, as our captain, Nathan Fillion (a.k.a. Mal Reynolds) says, HOLD, HOLD till I get back!!! I know you may not wnat to hear this, but it took us 3 years to get our movie, I'm wishing you the best of luck in your endevors and hears hopin' you can get your show back in some form, keep people interested, keep people informed, and push the dvd sales!


Monday, March 26, 2007 11:53 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat2007:
All I gotta add to these great suggestions is to, as our captain, Nathan Fillion (a.k.a. Mal Reynolds) says, HOLD, HOLD till I get back!!! I know you may not wnat to hear this, but it took us 3 years to get our movie, I'm wishing you the best of luck in your endevors and hears hopin' you can get your show back in some form, keep people interested, keep people informed, and push the dvd sales!

We're on that, already. I signed up at Gateworld (a huge stargate site with so much traffic this place looks like an old folks home by comparison) and they're going to let me put up a thread about our efforts there as well. You guys have your own forum there, btw.

I now have realized my vision. I am to find the 10 million fans who watched our show's finale, and organize them into an unstoppable mailing machine, and get them to buy the DVD as well. Btw, as per my word, I am pushing Serenity and the Firefly DVD at the same time. Let's face it money's the only language these execs understand.

I am hoping one day that there will be a channel that is only for Sci Fi, and I'm not talking the one by that name, which is the bas-tard stepchild of NBC. I mean one like the UPN, or CW, but for the kind of quality stuff, that makes people think for a change.

OK, I'd better get off the soapbox now, before I fall down. LOLOL

Thanks B.C.2007. Only two years to go then.LOLOL
Please join your brethren at our site and unite our forces for quality TV.

We can give away Reilly on one of his game shows. Not much of a prize though. A washed up, middle aged, balding TV exec, with no taste and a knack for alienating fans.LOLOL

Puma - You need to get new shocks. LOL

I like the feel of this browncoat, you gave me. Ragged and scuffed up too. Suits me, don't you think?


Tuesday, March 27, 2007 10:34 PM



Just as promised here I am in the Little Help thread. Have signed the petition, sent some e-mails to the NBC Universal people etc. Will continue to look out for what else I can do.







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