Life (or lack thereof) Onboard Serenity: Moving On From Muir To Lilac

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 15:30
VIEWED: 20026
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Sunday, February 11, 2007 7:09 PM


Irrelevant post ahead.

"This is what you do for fun?" I asked Mal, somewhat incredulously. He fixed a burning look at me, and I could already tell he was close to shouting. Something had ticked him off, but then again, he seemed to be ticked off a lot with me around.

"What? Like you got somethin' better?" he said, and his eyes returned to the game, and he cheered as the mysterious Nico made an easy shot.

"There's chess," I said, "or checkers. Riddling, speed, War, Super War..."

"What's Super War?" Mal asked with interest.

" 'It's a lot like War, except you slam the cards down a lot harder,' " I said with a grin, remembering that line from the immortal A. Lee Martinez.

Mal grunted, and I exhaled. I'd never been one for physical sports; cards and strategy were more my thing.


'We're all just floating.'


Wednesday, February 14, 2007 12:04 PM



"I told you Kaylee I suck at hoopball" replied John just as Guy got smacked in the head with the ball.

"Gorrammit Jayne what the hell!!" yelled Guy as he rubbed his head.

Jayne grinned and said "Sorry Guy, guess I jus' didn't see ya there."

Guy glared at Jayne and replied "Like hell you did!"

"Ya gonna do somethin' 'bout it lil' man?" taunted Jayne.

"You bet your pigu I will!" yelled Guy just as he lunged at Jayne.

The two of them were about to go at it when Mal yelled "That's enough! Jayne apologize to Guy for hittin' him in the head with the ball right now, or you're on septic vac duty for a year!"

Jayne sneered and muttered "Fine." Turning to Guy, he said "Sorry for hittin' ya in the head with the ball, Guy. It ain't my fault ya got a big head."

Guy bunched up his fists and then went after Jayne.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, February 14, 2007 1:47 PM


*wolf ran over too the corner of the bay while the others were sorting out jaynes "big head" theory, he grabbed the little card he'd hidden when they were last planetside.*

wolf" kaylee, could you come over here a minuit?"

*she ran up*

kaylee" yeah?"

wolf" i was scanning the cortex, and i saw that on earth that was, they had a old tradition, an annual holiday called valentine. i thought, good idea, so i got you this."

*kaylee looked at the odd little card, clearly confused by the gift yet happy of the gesture.*

kaylee" thats sweet, i didn't get you anything."

wolf" thats ok, i.."

*he was cut short by kaylees kiss.*

kaylee" now i gotchya somthin'"

*she smiled and they went back to the game.*

a bit of awkward mushyness there, happy valentines everyone.


Bigwolf18, shaman.


Thursday, February 15, 2007 2:54 AM


"I still think there are better people for you." John said as he was trying to get the ball from Kaylee later.

"And I still don't care." Kaylle said attempting to move past him. John then stole the ball right out of her hands and threw it straight through the hoop. Kaylee stood there shocked. "I suck, right"

"Sometimes I get lucky. But then somethimes I think I got lucky but I really didn't because there's and elegible doctor whose completely infatuated with me who my childhood friend happens to think is really cool. "

"You suck"



Thursday, February 15, 2007 12:42 PM


Sorry, i'm back. Gald to see your all still having fun. And now i wanna play hoopball

"Wow. Thats quite a story," Choo said, cursing that 2.30 in the morning feeling.

"Were getting off as soon as we hit the dir- the ground." Simon stated from the other end of the wave. With the others plaing Hoopball he could easily access the Cortex without anyone knowing " I Was just wondering if you knew any place we could stay? Seeing that were well..."

"Yeah. i know," Choo replied, double checking the wave was still secue from prying eyes. The Syndicate's tech was top of the range, with stuff not even the goverment could crack. "Gonna be hard, but i do know a few safe ships that are always looking for an extra pair of hands. Out a good word in if you want. But..its gonna cost ya."

"How much??" Simon enquired nervously

Choo gave a wickid grin: "Your dorm. Tis the only one with sound proofing from what i've heard..."

"Ah," Simon said slowly, thoughts mulling over "I didn't know that..."

Remember: When introducing Zoe to your shiny new ship, pay attention to where she's pointing when she says "What is that?" That's where you're going to be laying, bleeding someday.


Friday, February 16, 2007 1:32 PM


No need to apologize, Choo.

Meanwhile in the Cargo Bay

The game was still going on with Wash's team trailing by four. Guy and Jayne had gotten over their little spat and were playing more competively than ever. Zoe was having a fun time playing keep away from Wash with the ball and Kaylee was just having fun.

"Foul!" shouted Guy as John knocked him onto the ground.

Wash hollered back to Guy "There aren't any fouls in hoopball Guy, unless you count Jayne's body odor."

"Hey I told ya already that's a manly smell, little man!" griped Jayne as he took the ball from Zoe.

"Yeah it's manly only to you Jayne. To the rest of us it's revolting." quipped Wash who intercepted Jayne's pass and scored another point for his team.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, February 19, 2007 12:50 PM



WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, February 19, 2007 2:37 PM


Finally after a long flight the Ship touched down on Beaumonde. Even with the game of hoopball tension still filled the air. The captain had hurried off the ship. John knowing how these change offs could go quietly accopaanied him. Kaylee caught up after a short while and made her protests to the captain. John had expected them. When they made it to the watering hole where the trade offtook placed Kaylee stormed past him. What'd he say to her now John thought as he followed her. "Kaylee!" he shouted. "Wait up."

"What's eating you." he asked.

"I'm just sick of people leavin'," she replied holdin back tears.

"You had no particular attachment with him anymore. Why is this hitting you so hard?"

"It's nothin"

"Cause last time I checked you and still love him."


"Darlin I'm an impath lyin ain't gonna do much."

"Okay maybe I do"

"That's not fair to Wolf"

"I know"

"Well you have to choose between them"

"Well pretty easy choice with Simon leavin"
Suddenlythey heard the sound of fighting from within the bar. John looked up and saw Simon rush in. "Maybe not" he said as he turned to follow him



Monday, February 19, 2007 9:16 PM


When Simon entered the Maidenhead he saw lots of people laying on the floor. Some of them were breathing and some weren't. In the midst of the apparent chaos were Mal and River. Mal was near the weapon repository and River was standing a little ways from the stairs, both had guns pointed at each other.

Looking at his sister while at Mal's side, Simon called down "Eta kooram nah smech."

With that, River fell limp to the floor asleep, dropping the gun to the floor. Mal then rushed down the stairs to the fallen River and scooped her up.

Peering at Jayne who was on the ground, Mal said "Jayne you all right?"

"Gorram twerp grabbed my man parts and gave them an awful squeezin' Mal." groaned Jayne as he got up, clutching his crotch.

"So you're ok then?" asked Mal.

Jayne sneered at Mal and said "We leavin'?"

"Yeah." replied Mal. Looking up at the stairway Mal said to Zoe and Wash "Let's get outta here 'fore anyone calls the local authorities."

"Yes sir." replied Zoe.

Wash looked at the scene below and said "A nice romantic meal at a seedy bar and a show. It doesn't get much better than that. Right hon?"

Zoe gave Wash a punch in the arm, which caused Wash to winch.

"Ow what was that for?" asked Wash as everyone headed out of the Maidnhead.

"Nothin' dear, just a little love tap." replied Zoe, smiling.

"That was a love tap? It felt more like a love punch to me." quipped Wash, rubbing the spot on his arm where his wife punched him.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, February 20, 2007 9:34 AM


Choo dumped his trusty hiking bag onto the bed of his passenger dorm. Back on Serenity after his stay off world, the merchant patted his money filled money bag.

"Yep. Good haul," he muttered to no one in particular, happy things had gone well, Choo slumped into a nearby chair, aiming to get a good, peaceful and hopefully undisturded fourty winks....



Wednesday, February 21, 2007 7:19 PM


"Wash get us in the air while I see to it that the good Doctor's sister is confined for the time bein'." replied Mal as the group entered Serenity's cargo bay.

"Where do you want to go Captain?" asked Wash, stopping at the foot of the stairs.

"Take us to Haven. I have a feelin' we need to talk with the Shepherd." came Mal's answer as he punched the button for the cargo bay doors to close.

Meanwhile somewhere out in the Black

From inside his ship the Operative watched from the vidscreen in front of him, the events that happened in the Maidenhead.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 7:27 PM



Excessive, I know, but what can you do?

This post marks the first official reappearance of (the real) 13, and although I ain't yet back into the scheme o' things, I'll be up and runnin' again soon. So, don't kill off (the sorta realish) 13, but feel free to make use of him as you see fit!

Good to see home again!


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 7:38 PM


Welcome back 13! We missed you here and at the BDV! Yes 13 I said I missed you. What are you going to do about it?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, February 23, 2007 9:39 AM


how is the new 13 any realer than the old 13, and how is he different?


Bigwolf18, shaman.


Saturday, February 24, 2007 10:09 AM


im baaaaaaaaaaaaaack... i bet you thought i died.... i did... i died fighting a bear to join a clan... but luckily i had my handy dandy "get out of death free" card i got in a haunted Monopoly set. Anywho im back but i dont want to be a gremlin anymore.. im thinking of a new character..

also.. i think the new 13 will be racing red!


Saturday, February 24, 2007 10:23 AM


Welcome back, dear readers (or insane people just trying to put thoughts on paper to make sense of things).

I'm getting more...fringed? Is that a word for it? No matter, it'll do. I'm more fringed now than I ever have been, since the Maidenhead 'incident.'

That's how Simon refers to it. The 'incident.' Yes, just an 'incident.' Nothing serious, other than she easily decimated an entire bar of mostly criminals. Never mind that she most likely killed people in there.

Anyway, I'm thinking of letting somebody know my 'secret.' It's the only way to relieve suspicion, and I suspect that Mal is dangerously close to the point where he'll simply shoot me if I express any more 'interest' in River. The only problem is that noone would believe me, and they would be absolutely expected to not believe me. After all, what are the odds that my long-lost daughter from a passionate affair years ago would unexpectedly turn up on the very same boat that I would hitch on?

I've been reading more lately, in an attempt to keep the crew less volatile with my very presence. Reading over the Dark Tower. You see, in those books, there is a force at work called 'ka.' It is essentially the hand of destiny, and it rules all. All that happens is affected by ka, and like God, ka works in mysterious ways. I've never been a spiritual man, but the possibility of ka controlling my life, and River's, is terrifying, because ka is never forgiving.

Ka, I need a drink. More later.


'We're all just floating.'


Saturday, February 24, 2007 10:34 AM


WTF? was that like a diary or somethin?


Bigwolf18, shaman.


Saturday, February 24, 2007 10:39 AM


OOC: To clarify, all of my IC stuff is diary-form.


'We're all just floating.'


Saturday, February 24, 2007 11:24 AM


Mal had finished cuffing River to one of the floor grates in the pantry.

"Doc you wanna tell me just exactly what happened?" asked Mal as he closed and locked the pantry door.

Wash, Kaylee, and Jayne were sitting at the table, the rest were standing.

"Start with the part where Jayne gets knocked out by a ninety pound girl. Cause I don't think that's ever gettin' old." replied Wash, smiling in glee at the fact that Jayne got beat up by a girl.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, February 24, 2007 12:53 PM


It was starting John could feel it Haven was beautiful and... it was almost too much to handle. Inara her coming presence was growing stronger. Since when had he felt the future it didn't make any sense. He knew Book's role he knew Inara's but what role would he play what part in the tragedy that was coming would he have. John was scared for himself and for the whole crew. He stood in the galley as Simon talked and arguement ensued but he wasn't focused. He felt River fear her confusion and he could hear one word ringing in his head. "Miranda"



Wednesday, February 28, 2007 12:24 PM


Try the new and improved BUMP! Now with 10% less sassback!

"Do we know if anyone was killed?" asked Zoe.

"It's likely. I know she meant to kill me 'fore the Doc put her to sleep." replied Mal. Hr turned to Simon "Which how exactly does that work anyhow?"

"Safeword." A beat passed and Simon continued "The people who helped me break River out, they had intel that River and the other subjects were being embedded with behavioral conditioning. They taught me a safeword, incase...something happened."

"Not sure I get it." replied Kaylee.

Simon took it upon himself to clarify what he meant "A phrase that's encoded in her brain, that makes her fall asleep. If I speak the words, "Eta.."

"Well don't say it!" shouted Jayne as he jumped out of his seat.

"It only works on her, Jayne." replied Zoe, calm and cool as always.

"Oh. Well now I know that." quipped Jayne.

"In case what happened?" asked Mal to Simon.

Mal's question caught Simon offguard as he responded "What?"

"You feel to elaborate on what that somethin' might be? I mean they taught you that fancy safeword, they must've figured she was gonna, what? Start uncontrollably crochetin'?" replied Mal, is anger building.

"They never said what." replied Simon.

"And you never did ask." replied Mal, who then grabbed Simon and threw him against the table, causing those who were sitting to jump back or flinch. Mal got in Simon's face and continued "A year and three months! A year and three months you had her on my boat, knowin' full well she might go monkeyshit at the wrong word, and you never said a thing!"

Simon was scared and it showed in his voice "I brought her out here so they couldn't get to her. I don't even know how they..."

My ship! My crew! You had a gorram timebomb livin' with us! yelled Mal, just as River woke up in the pantry. Mal didn't give Simon a chance to get a word in and continued "What if she went off in the middle of dinner, or in a bunk with Kaylee, did that give you a moment's pause?"

Simon looked at Kaylee, the truth of Mal's word hitting him.

"I thought she was getting better." replied Simon as he looked at Mal.

"And I thought they was gettin' off." piped Jayne. Everyone turned to look at the mercenary as he continued "Didn't we have an intricate plan on how they was goona be not here anymore?"

"We couldn't leave them now!" replied a hurt Kaylee.

"No, now that she's a...killer woman, we ought be bringin' her tea and dumplin's!" replied Jayne.

Mal looks at Jayne, at all of them, and doesn't have an answer.

"May I see her?" asked Simon.

Without a word, Mal steps aside and lets Simon enter the pantry, where his sister is being restrained.

"She goes wooly again, we're gonna have to put a bullet to her." chimed Jayne.

River mouths Mal's response just as he says it.

"It's crossed my mind." Mal replied.

Wash raised his hand and said "Can I make a suggestion that doesn't involve violence, or is this the wrong crowd?"

"Honey." replied Zoe as Wash put his hand down.

Wash turned to face the Captain and said "We need to get our bearings. I think we need to talk tp Mr. Universe.

Timeline used was from

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, March 2, 2007 3:32 PM


Bump much



Saturday, March 3, 2007 10:52 AM


Only on days that end in y. Oh and I found someone to play Pain. Pain is played by the WWE wrestler and actor, John Cena and Fly is played by none other than Kate Beckinsale.

Location: Ito's Bar & Lo Mein House - Persephone

Pain was enjoying a couple of brews as he sat at the bar. His daughter, Annabelle sat next to him, eating some sweet and sour chichken with rice, a half empty glass of Blue Sun Cola by her plate. The door opened and a familiar woman stepped inside.

"PAIN!" shouted Fly as she stood in the doorway.

Pain looked over and saw her, a smile appeared on his face as he said "Fly, long time no see."

Fly rushed over to him, almost knocking the air out of him, and hugged Pain tight. Fly proceeded to kiss Pain on the lips in a borderline friendly manner.

"I missed you somethin' fierce, Pain." replied Fly as she closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest.

"I missed you too, Fly." replied Pain as he hugged her. A beat passed and Pain said "Um Fly?"

"Yeah Pain?" asked Fly still hugging Pain.

"Could you let me go now? I think you're crushin' my spleen." replied Pain.

Fly released Pain and smiled "Sorry 'bout that Pain." Looking at the girl sitting at the bar, who's looking at them, Fly smiles, turns to Pain and says "That must be your daughter that you've been tellin' me 'bout in your waves."

Pain returned the smile "That she is and for the record, I don't mind your spleen crushin' hugs, Fly. My spleen does, but I don't." Motioning for his daughter to stand up, Pain continued "Annabelle this is your Aunt Fly. Fly this is your niece, Annabelle."

The two hugged each other for what seemed like an eternity, before they seperated.

"It's nice to meet you finally, Annabelle." replied Fly, smiling at the girl.

"It's nice to meet you too, Aunt Fly." replied Annabelle, returning Fly's smile with one of her own. She then looked up into her father's eyes and said "So are we leaving?"

Pain smiled back "As soon as I pay for the food and drinks sweety."

Fly scanned the area near the barstools that Pain and his daughter sat and said "I don't see any luggage. I thought you might've packed somethin' with you."

Pain handed Ito a twenty Cred note and said "Yeall all that's back at the house." Turning to Fly, Pain continued "Is Reggie here?"

Just as Pain finished saying that, Reggie stepped in.

"Aye dat Eye am, Pain. Deed ya mees me?" replied Reggie, flashing Pain a huge grin.

"Yes I did, Reggie, but that doesn't mean I'm kissin' you too." replied Pain, smiling.

"Wasn't expecteen' ya to, Pain. 'Sides yer ah bad keessah een da first place." retorted Reggie.

"You keep thinkin' that Reggie. So you got that mule of yours' outside?" asked Pain.

"Aye mon eet's gassed an' ready to go." replied Reggie. Looking at the girl by Pain's side and than back at Pain, Reggie raised an eyebrow and continued "Ain't ya goeen' to eentrtoduce me, Pain?"

"Oh right." replied Pain. Looking to his daughter, Pain said "Annabelle this is your Uncle Reggie." Looking back at Reggie, Pain said "Reggie this is your niece, Annabelle."

Reggie smiled and waved at the girl "Nice to meet ya."

Annabelle returned the smile and wave "Nice to meet you too, Uncle Reggie."

"All right lets go." replied Pain and the four of them left Ito's.

The four of them hopped into Reggie's mule, which looked like one of Pain's uncle's six wheeled mules, but with the exception that it had tracks instead of wheels.

From the back seat, Pain said with a smile "To home Jeeves and step on it."

Reggie turned around and said to Pain "Don't be geeveen' me dat sheet mon. 'Ow many times do Eye 'ave to keep telleen' ya, Eye ain't yer gorram drivah?"

Sarcastically, Pain responded "Well not with that attitude you're not." In a more serious tone, Pain continued "Seriously though, Reggie. I'd appreciate it if'n you didn't swear in front of my kid. It's bad enough that she gets it from me."

"Sorree mon, won't 'appeen again." replied Reggie, returning his attention to getting the mule started.

"It's all right." replied Pain. Turning to Fly who was in the passenger seat, Pain said "So I hear you have my guns."

Fly turned around and smiled "Yep took good care of them too, just like they're my own."

Pain smiled back "Good. Did you get the Fifty?"

Fly rolled her eyes and said "Just who do you think you're talkin' to? Of course I got the Fifty, it was the first gun I grabbed."

"That's my Fly." replied Pain.

The two of them smiled at each other before Fly returned her head back to the front.

"Lets get a move on Reggie." said Fly.

"Yer weesh ees my command, Fly." replied Reggie.

Reggie released the hand brake and the mule pushed forward, making its' way towards its' destination.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, March 3, 2007 3:09 PM


Haven was beautiful. It was dirty and smelly but it was an image of beauty. All thease people from different tracksof life working to gether in there haven. It reminded him of Serenity with less shooting.

"Long time no see Preacher man" Mal said as he approached the shepherd.

"And what did you do to need to come to my neck of the woods"

Where is everyone!?!?!



Saturday, March 3, 2007 3:47 PM


im here, keeping up, but my internet stinks, it stinks worse than jaynes jockstrap! hopefully that should give you some impression on how rubbish the connection is.

* as soon as the doors of serenity opened a young boy ran up to wolf and threw his arms around him.*

wolf" hey there jimmy. been keepin' outa trouble?"

jimmy" no wolf."

wolf" thats my boy!"

*wolf ruffled up the boys hair as kaylee walked up to him.*

wolf" see i am good with kids."

kaylee" hmm."

*kaylee seemed thoughtful.*

wolf" are you ok?"

kaylee" hmm, what? oh, oh no im ok."

*wolf pulled a face as she walked away. wolf still wondered as jimmy pulled him away to see his latest project.*


Bigwolf18, shaman.


Sunday, March 4, 2007 2:14 PM


I wasn't aware that Jayne wore a jockstrap and I don't think I want to know either.


"And what did you do to need to come to my neck of the woods"

"Why do you assume I did somethin', preacher?" asked Mal.

"Cause there's only two reasons why people come here. To find work and to hide from something or someone." replied Book. Looking at Mal, Book gave him a wry smile and continued "By the looks of things, I'd say you're here because of the latter."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, March 5, 2007 1:29 PM


Continuing my little Pain, Fly, Reggie, and Annabelle subplot.

Reggie's mule with Reggie, Fly, Pain, and his daughter Annabelle, pull up to Pain's uncle's house. It's still lived in, but there isn't as much stuff there, as there was last time Fly was there.

"Place looks deserted, Pain. Where's everyone?" replied Fly as evryone except Annabelle got out of the mule.

"Santo. That's where my uncle moved his business and the family as well." replied Pain as he opened the door. He looked at Fly and said "I thought I told you about that in my wave I sent last week."

"Probleem weeth da Cortex last week kinda made eet deefeecult to reeceeve eeny waves, Pain." came Reggie's reply as he walked into the house and headed for the pile of boxes in the center of the floor.

"Reggie fixed it though." replied Fly as both her and Pain picked up some of the boxes. Smiling at Pain, she continued "How's Uncle Bobby doin' anyways?"

"He's doin' fine, Fly. In fact he can't wait to see you again which is why I waved you and Reggie to help ship this stuff over to him." replied Pain, as he set down his load of boxes into the mule's trailer.

"Eye 'ope Eye be geetteen' paid for dis." replied Reggie as he unloaded a couple of duffle bags onto the trailer.

Pain turned to Reggie and said "And you will once we arrive at Santo."

"I can't wait to see him again, Pain. How long are you goin' to be on Santo?" asked Fly as she picked up another box.

"Long enough to unload these boxes at the new house and perhaps a day or two afterwards." replied Pain as he picked up another load and set it down into the trailer. Looking at Fly he continued "After that, well I don't know, maybe go back to Serenity or somethin'."

"I wouldn't mid seein' the new house and hangin' out with your family, Pain." replied Fly. She looked over to Reggie who just put the last of the boxes into the trailer, and asked "Is it shiny with you if'n we stay on Santo for a bit, Reggie?"

Reggie secured the boxes in the trailer and said "Don't see why not, Fly. We don't 'ave to be at Paquin teel next week."

Pain raised an eyebrow "Do you two have a job lined up on Paquin"

"That we do, Pain." replied Fly, smiling. "Why do you wanna join?"

"Well I did just spend my last twenty Creds on food and drink for me and my duaghter, so I could use the money." He looks at his daughter who's sitting in the mule, playing a game on her portable CorePad, then looks at Reggie and says "That's of course if'n it's shiny with Reggie."

"Eet's fine by me, Pain. Eye need an extra gun'and eenyways. Ya can keep Fly companee while Eye do da negotiateen' mon." replied Reggie as he hoped into the mule and fired her up.

Pain smiled at Fly and said "That's fine with me."

"Me too." replied Fly, returning Pain's smile with one of her own.

"All righty den. Lets geet dees stuff back to da sheep an' geet off dis rock." replied Reggie as Fly and Pain got into the mule.

"You have sheep, Reggie? Since when?" asked Pain, giving the dreadlocked man a grin.

Reggie turned around and said "Don't ya be starteen' dat crap again, Pain. Ya know what I meent."

Pain continued to grin and said "I know, but I like messin' with you."

"Yer jus' as bad as Fly, Pain." replied Reggie as he drove the mule away from the empty house and towrds the Eavesdown Docks.

"Now you know where I get it from, Reggie." countered Pain.

Fly turned around to Pain and said "That's only 'cause I get it from you." At that she sticks her tongue out at Pain.

"You keep stickin' that tongue of yours out at me, and I'm goin to find a use for it, Fly." replied Pain, smiling.

Fly simply smiled and stuck her tongue out again, before returning her attention back to the road as they headed down to the Docks and for Reggie's ship.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, March 6, 2007 6:13 PM


Back on Haven

There was tons of food laid out on the tables under the tents. Enough to feed a small army or in this case, a settlement of miners, their families, and a certain ship's crew. Jayne walked over to the Shepherd and handed him a book of cigars, then grabbed two as Book took the box and thanked the mercenary.

"This is some good food preacher." replied Mal, sitting at one of the tables and chowing down on a plate of food.

"It's nothing really, just what we grow in the gardens and hunt." replied Book.

"It's damn tasty I might say." replied Mal, before stuffing his face.

Meanwhile in the Black

Pain had just kissed his daughter goodnight and walked into the desolate galley, where Fly was sitting on the couch in the alcove, with a bottle of mead.

Pain sat down next to her and said, as he put his feet on the coffee table "I just put the munchkin to bed. I appreciate Reggie's hospitality in givin' me and my daughter rooms and full run of the kitchen."

"It's nothin', Pain. I'm sure you'd of done the same." replied Fly, smiling as she handed Pain the bottle of mead.

Pain took a sip and said "That I would." Turning to Fly, Pain asked "So are you and know?"

Fly was taken aback by Pain's question and said "What? No we're jus' friends is all. I'm sorry to say that I'm still single."

Pain raised an eyebrow and said "A pretty woman such as yourself, still single? Please tell me you're kiddin' me."

Fly takes the bottle from Pain and says "I kid you not, Pain." Sighing, she continues "I don't know what's wrong with me."

Pain puts an arm around Fly to comfort her, as she takes a drink and says "Ain't nothin' wrong with you, Fly. You're a damn fine woman and any man would be honored to have you. Hell I'd take you back if'n I could."

Fly smiled and said "That ship's sailed Pain, but I appreciate the kind words."

Fly hands Pain the bottle as he says "Thought I'd give it a shot and you're welcome as always." Turning to Fly and grinning, Pain continues "So anythin' new besides what you told me?"

"Well I did gewt a tattoo a few weeks ago. How 'bout you?" replied Fly.

Pain took a drink and said "I threatened Badger with a dummy grenade."

Fly rose an eyebrow and asked "Why'd you do that?"

"Cause he tried to proposition me for a job. I kindly told him I'd aquaint his face with the bar and he got all mad." replied Pain, handing Fly the bottle.

Fly took a sip and said "I could see why, but where does the grenade come in?"

"Right about when his goons pressed their guns into my back." answered Pain.

"Well I can't say you made a freind with Badger, Pain." replied Fly, giving Pain the bottle of mead.

Pain took a long sip of the sweet liquid and said "Eh he'll probably get over it." Turning to Fly, he continued "So back to the tattoo. What'd you get and where is it?"

Fly smiled and said "It's a dragonfly and it's on a part of my body that you haven't seen in four years."

Pain raised an eyebrow and said, grinning "So can I see it?"

Fly shook her head and said "Nope."

"Please?" asked Pain.

"Nope." replied Fly.

"Pretty please?" pleaded Pain.

"Nope." countered Fly.

"If I give you the Fifty, can I see it?" asked Pain, trying to persuade Fly.

Fly took a moment to consider what Pain had offered, then said with a grin "Nope and I'm off to my bunk."

Fly then got up, stepped over Pain's legs and left him alone in the galley, with the almost empty bottle of mead.

To be continued...

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, March 7, 2007 12:26 PM


I have a post idea but no time to type it. I'll be back soon



Wednesday, March 7, 2007 1:05 PM


Continued from my last post.

Hours later

Pain was walking around inside Reggie's ship, a little buzzed when he heard the sound of the shower running. Thinking it was Fly, Pain quietly made his way over to the shower room door, quietly stepped in, and opened the shower's privacy door.


Pain shielded his eyes and said "Sorry Reggie I thought you were someone else."

As Pain exited the shower room, Reggie yelled "YA BETTER BE SORREE YA PERVERT!"

Pain closed the door and turned around, startled to see Fly leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, and a not too nice look in here eyes.

"Oh hey didn't see you there, Fly. I thought you went to your room." replied Pain.

Fly raised an eyebrow at Pain and said "I did, but when I heard Reggie scream, I came down to see what all the commotion was about." Fly looked Pain in the eyes and asked "You thought I was in there and thought you'd sneak a peek didn't you?"

Pain nodded and said "Yeah."

Fly rolled her eyes at Pain "Well you are persistent I'll give you that."

"One of the reasons why you love me." replied Pain, grinning.

Fly let out a sigh and said "Fine you can see it, but this'll be your only and last chance you get."

"Uh huh." replied Pain as Fly pulled her pants down, revealing the tattoo among other things. Tilting his head, Pain continued "Wow that's very nice and the tattoo's great as well. I really like the detail that went into the wings."

Fly immediately pulled her pants up and said "Glad you like it, cause that's the last time you're seein' it."

As Fly walked away, Pain called out "You sure about that?"

"Goodnight, Pain!" shouted Fly, not looking back at him.

Reggie stepped out of the shower room fully clothed and said "Pervert."

"I said I was sorry, Reggie." replied Pain as Reggie walked away. Reggie flipped Pain off, which caused Pain to comment "Hey that's not nice! Don't make me wave your mama and tell her what you got pierced!"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, March 7, 2007 4:09 PM


Jayne, a guitar, and seven jugs of high tension. A fantastic combination, as our little shindig on Haven proved. The merc pulled out a guitar from ka-knows-where, started plucking out a tune. Liquor flowed and notes played, and I had a chance to socialize with some of the stranger people around me.

13. The last I'd seen of him, he was shrouded by a deep anger, arms folded and robotic eyes burning. Now he was a lovey-dovey granola type, smiling at everyone (including Reynolds) and playing with his hands. Peculiar.

He told me that 'the strings was talking to him', and then he grinned happily, dancing a jig to Jayne's guitar.

I'm not worried about the babbling brook for once, even after Beaumonde and the great bar massacre. Maybe ka is giving me a spot of peace. Or maybe it's just the liquor.

More later. I'm going to try to breathe some fire now. Kaylee made me a bet that I can't refuse.


'We're all just floating.'


Sunday, March 11, 2007 3:19 PM


You know, that Captain Reynolds has got quite the rack on him...just fooling, heh-ruttin-heh!

So, Constant Gorram Reader. I've been breathing and drinking fire for the last hour, made a pretty girl giggle, and learned to play something called 'METTALIKKA' on Jayne's big damn sixstring. And NO, that was not a penis metaphor.

Pretty. More than pretty. That Kaylee girl's damn lucky, considering her origins and such. I'm writing this as she's speaking to Jayne and that dastardly Wolf guy about something to do with churning engines and cattle.

Oh, she just winked at Wolf! See that, CGR? That's sonofabitching important! See, those two used to rutt all the time (from what I've heard, winkity winkity!) and then they broke up or took a break or something like that. But little engineer-girl's got more than socket wrenches and AC management on her mind, from that one eye batter!

Oh, to be young and lustful again. Well, I suppose I'm not that old. And lustful...well, let's just say there's been more than one night where I fantasized about Wash being not here. (no offense to the man, his wife is just damn fine)

Now, while we're on the subject of Wolf and Kaylee, I think that the good doctor should 'make his play.' To clarify, he should jump that mare, and jump her QUICK, cause Wolf has got decent looks, mystery, and a warrior's spirit, while S-Tam is a stuck-up little prig. I was a little conceited when I lived in the Core, sure, but not as much as that tard, no siree! For some reason, Smylee likes him. Can't tell why.

Man, this night is getting better and better. The only thing that could spoil it is somebody dipping into my drunk papers! (YOU READING THIS, REYNOLDS? GET YOUR WAR-TORN EYES OUTTA HERE!!)


'We're all just floating.'


Monday, March 12, 2007 4:36 PM


On Haven

With guitar in hand and a good heap of alcohol in his stomach, Jayne started to strum the guitar strings and sang with his heart.

"Take my love. Take my land.
Take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care, I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.

Take me out to the black.
Tell 'em I ain't comin' back.
Burn the land And boil the sea.
You can't take the sky from me.

There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.
But you can't take the sky from me."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, March 12, 2007 4:51 PM


I'm amazed I can hold my pencil now, with so much alkie-haul burning out my stomach. Amazed I can even string sentences together in my gorram HEAD, much less on paper.

Jayne got a pretty decent voice on him, singing that ballad of...Tranquility? Calm? What-gorram-ever.

Oh, that blurry girl-shape just fell asleep on blurry other man shape. Blurry man shape is looking uncomfortable. Can't quite see his face, but he's looking around like a gorram turkey.

Well, I guess I should-

The rest of the entry has been lost, the rest of the page covered with what seems to be vomit.

ERTIA: Uh huh. We aren’t the one with the unusual fondness for the floor, are we?

PAIN: Well maybe the floor has an unusual fondness for me did ya ever think about that?

- Travel To Persephone PT2 (Life Onboard Serenity)


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 11:07 AM


I'm Back again but where the hell is everyone

John could feel the joy that Haven reeked of. It hurt. He knew what was coming. Being here he could feel the emptyness. Oath was collapsed of that journal thing. Jayne had performed a stirring ballad to the shp that I doubt he'll remember in the morning, and everyone else had left the thread because they hate me .

Kaylee was flirting with Wolf. And river was huddled by the fire. John approached her.

"You can feel it can't you"

"The nothingness it hurts" The captain was talking to Book.

"What do you think they're talking about"


"It's overated"

"It shouldn't be"

Funfact! The first time I saw the movie I thought Book was talking to Mal about "The Leaf" I only figured it out after buying the DVD



Wednesday, March 14, 2007 11:55 AM



Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
I'm Back again but where the hell is everyone

Let's see.....Ertia's on vacation in Cancun, I have writer's block, Wolf has a crappy internet connection, Oath is around, and as for everyone else....I don't know.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:02 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:

Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
I'm Back again but where the hell is everyone

Let's see.....Ertia's on vacation in Cancun, I have writer's block, Wolf has a crappy internet connection, Oath is around, and as for everyone else....I don't know.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?

Unfortunatlty i'm stuck with writers block too (trust me, with a mountain of paper work to do for college, this is not ideal). That, and i have the urge to re-watch Serenity again, havn;t seen it in a-g-e-s

Don't worry Choo will return! right after this bottle of Jack and Daniels

Will be popping in though to see how everyone's doing.


Remember: When introducing Zoe to your shiny new ship, pay attention to where she's pointing when she says "What is that?" That's where you're going to be laying, bleeding someday.


Thursday, March 15, 2007 6:41 AM


62's been thinking up new things to do with the creepy little goblin.

*wolf took some more the whisky, and gulped it down. he turned to one of the locals, kaylee's drunken head asleep on his lap.*

wolf" wow, this stuff is real weak for whisky, i could drink this all d.."

*his head lulled and he was clearly passed out. farmers laughing all around him as they drunk it like water.*

ill try to post more often now, ive been swamped down with school.


Bigwolf18, shaman.


Friday, March 16, 2007 11:00 AM


I'm On SPRING BREAK!!! I'm about to go watch the movie so I remember the plot order then I'll be back with a real post Also if you're the prayin type My sister went to get surgery today She'll be recovering the whole break. So if you pray some prayers for her would be appreciated



Friday, March 16, 2007 1:14 PM


John what did I tell you about breaking things? Even though I might not be the religious type, I pray that your sister has a speedy recovery. Also I still have writer's block.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, March 17, 2007 3:05 AM


Watch the movie it helped with mine.

After some hugs and tears the crew loaded back on theboat and left Haven. Going no where in particular of to find a job maybe. Early one "morning" A wave came in.

"Inara" Mal said shocked.

"Is this um a bad time" the companion replied.

The stiff conversation continued on as the entire crew flocked to the bridge to watch.

"Aw she wants us to come and visit" Kaylee said when she asked for their help. She was quickly shushed by all around.

"You left some things we put them in a box" Mal said over the wave.

"I didn't mean to leave things."

"Well I didn't look threw them" After a akward pause "Kaylee's missin you somethin feirce." A collective groan of dissapointment echo over the crowd. John threw his popcorn at the screen. After a while the captain joined the crew in the bridge.

"Trap?" Zoe asked.

"Trap" Mal replied.

"We goin in" John questioned. Mal nodded

"Wait what about the partwhere it's a trap" Wash asked

"How do we know it's a trap?" Kaylee chimed in "Couldn't it be Inara Just missin you. People have feelin's you know. We're talking here about people."

"I figure you were watchin" Mal asked. The crew nodded. "Trap"

So you know if one of you writes the scene where Mal goes to resue her I want to go with him



Monday, March 19, 2007 11:50 AM


BUMPIZZLE FO' SHIZZLE!!! I was going to post that part, but I forgot the piece of paper that I wrote it down on. I'll post it later this evening though.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, March 19, 2007 11:51 AM


Double the bumpiness!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, March 19, 2007 4:13 PM


Post modified to include John.

Seventy miles from the Training House

Serenity flies gracefully over a mountain range, the sun glinting off her big glowing butt, which wasn't so much as glowing since she was in atmo. Mal had just walked onto the Bridge after having a chat with John. The man's reason to come along puzzled Mal, but right now it there wasn't time to question it.

"We're about seventy miles from the Traing House and nobody on radar. If the Alliance is about, they're laying low." replied Wash from the pilot's seat.

"They're about. Find us a home. John and I'll take the shuttle in closer. Zoe, ship is yours." replied Mal before he started to make his way off the Bridge. He stopped, turned to Zoe and said "Remember. If anythin' happens to us, or you don't hear from me within the take this ship and you come and rescue us."

Zoe leaned on the console near her husband and said, smiling "What? And risk my ship?"

As Mal began to exit, he said "I mean it. It's cold out there. I don't wanna get left and I'm right sure that John don't either."

Mal then left the Bridge and made his way into the Galley where John was waiting. Walking over to the man, Mal asked "You sure you wanna do this?"

Hopefully when Ertia gets back from her vacation, she'll post something for Inara and that lady with amnesia. What was her name again?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:23 AM


"There's things I need to see down there. I'm seperating from you when we get there, but I'll be back on the shuttle when you leave."

"I'll leave you if you're not back in time"

"I'll be back"



Friday, March 23, 2007 5:12 AM





Friday, March 23, 2007 5:12 AM


grumble doublepost grumble



Friday, March 23, 2007 10:43 AM


The shuttle landed with a not so quiet thump. The engines shut off and the door opened, two figures stepping out.

"Well that landing wasn't as graceful as I hoped it would, but at least we landed on solid ground." replied Mal. Turning to John, Mal continued "Remember be back here in a hour's time or else I leave without you. Dong ma?"

Ertia if you're out there, now would be a good time to post something for Inara and that girl with amnesia.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, March 25, 2007 10:24 AM


BIG BADA BUMP! If I had a nickel for every time I had to bump this thread, I'd be rich.

"Don't worry about me Captain, I'll be fine." replied John, before setting off to do what he was going to do.

"Right." replied Mal, watching the other man go before heading off to do what he was going to do.

Exterior Hall of the Companion Training House

A line of young trainees file by in robes with red shawls pulled over their head, including a trainee who stands a good deal larger than the rest.

Inara's Room - Later

Inara is kneeling in front of a statue of Buddha, lighting a few sticks of incense (or so she says ). The room is sparsely lush and not as opulent as the shuttle she used to entertain clients in, but still beautifuly furnished and draped. A lace curtain hangs in front of the light, casting its pattern in shadow over everything, including the rather large figure in a red shawl, who kneels beside her.

"Dear Buddha, please send me a pony, and a plastic rocket, and a..."

Inara was suprised and shocked and it showed in her voice.

"Mal! What are you doing here?" she asked.

"You invited me." replied Mal.

"I never thought for a second you'd be stupid enough to come!" yelled Inara.

"Well that makes you kind of a tease, doesn't it?" quipped Mal, giving Inara that quirky smile of his.

"You knew my invitation wasn't on the level." replied Inara, lowering her voice just a tad.

"Which led me to the conclusion that you must be in some trouble." replied Mal.

"I'm fine! I'm... giddy." shot back Inara. Why must Mal be such an ass?

"For a woman schooled in tellin' men what they wanna hear, you ain't much of a liar." replied Mal, knowing full well that he was getting underneath Inara's skin.

"Mal, you cannot handle this man." pleaded Inara.

The Operative had been listening in on their conversation and chose that time to enter the room.

"I have to say, I'm impressed that you would come for her yourself. And that you would make it this far in that outfit." replied the Operative, looking at Mal in his getup.

Mal stood up, eyeing the man and said "I can be very graceful when I need to."

"I've no doubt." replied the Operative, cooly.

Mal shed his robe and shawl as Inara kneeled at the altair and picked out another stick of incense.

"What are you doin'?" asked Mal as he watched her.

"I'm praying for you, Mal." responded Inara, not looking at him as she lit the incense.

"That's very thoughtful, but I mean it when I say you're not in any danger." replied the Operative.

"Speak your piece." replied Mal, turning his attention back to the man.

"I think you're beginning to understand how dangerous River Tam is." spoke the Operative to Mal.

"She is a mite unpredictable. Mood swings, of a sort." replied Mal.

Malcolm Reynolds was being cocky and the Operative knew that, but let it pass as he said "It's worse than you know."

"It usually is." replied Mal.

To be continued...

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, March 25, 2007 11:21 AM


Sammy's memory was gone, but her common sense, seemingly, had stayed intact.

From behind the heavy tapestry, she watched the interplay between the man who had come- the dark and dangerous one- and Malcolm Reynolds, who's face tugged at her memories, tried to bring them clear again.

They were in danger. More danger than they had ever... no... somehow she knew that they'd been in just as much danger before.

"It's worse than you know."

Yeah. Nothin' like stating the obvious.

"It usually is." Mal's voice, seemingly calm, but betraying his stress.

"That girl will rain destruction down on you and your ship."

Gorram it. This was going to go badly. Sammy stepped out from her hiding place, her grin sticking firmly in place, "Well, she wouldn't be the first, would she Cap? Hiya, Captain, good to see you."

"Ertia." Mal didn't look away from the Operative as he greeted her.

She gave him a quick bow and another to the Operative, "Uh, listen, tall and dark, you maybe don't know how we do things, so ummm..." What the hell was she doing? Her heart was pounding, "Let me just say, death, danger, murder... we're no strangers. You got something you want to say, say it."

The Operative's gaze swept over her and then back to Mal, dismissing her, "She's cute. But I have no patience for games, Captain Reynolds. I've seen your war record, I know how you must feel about the Alliance."

"You really don't." Mal's confidence was bolstering, and Sammy slipped past behind him, towards the bed, towards the thick soft pillows, and the heavy marble candlesticks beyond them.

Distracting, buying time...what was Inara doing praying at a time like this? ... Sammy interjected, "Unless of course the Alliance destroyed everything you loved, tortured your people, imprisoned your family, took your entire life and left you to rot in hell..."

She grinned at the Operative again, leaning forward curiously, "Did they?"

"This isn't about me." The Operative's voice was calm, his eyes still on Mal as he addressed her, "Nor is it about you, Kitten."

His deliberate use of her hacker identity silenced her, as he must have known it would. "You can all go on your way. As soon as you let me take River Tam back home."

"I already know you will not see reason."

Mal countered, and Sammy drew back a step, when the quiet words, "Alliance wanted to show me reason they shouldn't have sent an assassin."

Assassin. The Operative froze, turned slowly. He was playing his ace card, Sammy realized. Here was where it was all going to come down.

Locked on to Serenity's pulse beacon? Sammy nearly choked with laughter. She and Kaylee had rigged that beacon themselves! The pulse beacon she'd stolen from the junkyard after they'd blown up that Alliance cruiser...

The pulse beacon she'd stolen. Had she done that? When? Did it matter? Another lost fragment of her broken mind returning... not important

Mal would have thought of that. But then she saw the cold nervousness on Inara's face and met her gaze, shrugging. He WOULD have thought of that? Wouldn't he? The relief when he pulled the beacon from his coat and tossed to the Operative
was palpable.

Sammy couldn't help it. She laughed outloud, even as her fingers closed around the marble candlestick at her back. "Huh. Looks an awful lot like a pulse beacon there."






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