Melancholy & Confessions

UPDATED: Monday, February 26, 2007 15:23
VIEWED: 2856
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Sunday, February 25, 2007 1:04 PM


I am embarrassed to admit that I am very new to the whole Firefly/Serenity phenomena. In fact, It wasnt until after the new year (2007), that I saw Serenity on HBO. In my online reseach for the movie, I discovered Firefly. OC, I went out and bought both the movie and the DVD set. I have only recently finished watching the series.

Normally I am not one to write to any sort of forum, but an interesting feeling has taken hold of me since I finished watching the series. For the last several days, I have felt melancholy for a reason I can not fully understand. I can not seem to shake this feeling. I admit that I love this series and I am saddened that it is no more, but there is something more to this feeling. What I do know is the fact that it is somehow connected to this show - something that has never happened to me before in connection to any TV show or movie. I think that it may be the fate of the characters that I will never know.

The one that stands out in my mind the most is the connection/love of Mal and Inara (my favorite character). Although I do realize that Inara does leave Firefly as she said she would, it seems very unfinished. I care about what happens to them and their feelings - when Inara breaks down and cries in 'Heart of Gold' I can feel her pain for a love that never can be. More than ever, I wanted for those two to just admit their feelings - even if neither one could act on it. I can relate very much to this feeling with a lost love of my past. Now that I type this, this is probably why this melancholy has lasted for days, rather than end when the show did. Even now I can feel this and I see Inara's face in my mind's eye.

I truly do not understand why this series was not promoted more nor why it was taken off the air. ALL the characters are developed in an interesting manner and you care about them despite the fact that many of them have "grey areas" to their personalities. This is one of the greatest shows ever made.

I am saddened to see that it doesnt seem likely that there will be any further series or another movie, but I am hopeful...

I am, however, a new and loyal fan.


Sunday, February 25, 2007 1:12 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


ALL the characters are developed in an interesting manner and you care about them despite the fact that many of them have "grey areas" to their personalities.

And there you have it - a show you actually have to think about and connect with has very little place with most of the mindless television shows today.

Nevertheless, welcome aboard! If you're interested, fan fiction (reading or writing), getting involved with voting and letter writing, or just talking to all of us might help resolve your feelings. There are so many of us that someone is always here to help.

Rules and voting:


Sunday, February 25, 2007 1:23 PM


Welcome to our verse FYRFLY.

You are the one that knows best about why you're having these feelings of melancholy and peace. But one vibe I do get from your post is that you've really enjoyed the show and you understand it's excellence. We all know that FF was in a class that is very rare to come by in todays television. That's why this site and many like it are on the web. And why we are fighting to get it back. Heck from what I've been reading FF is even headed into space for real. Which is a truely awesome thing.

Anyhoo, enjoy the boat and if there's any question about FF or whatever you'd want to talk about. We're here.



Sunday, February 25, 2007 1:32 PM


Fyrfly...welcome, welcome...and I also recognize that 'down' feeling It's called depression...although it's so common among those of us who found the 'verse Waaayyyyy too late to do much about it. Now we do what we can to show our love for a program that actually touched a place in so many people, we have become devoted to trying to bring back the show in some form (altho the t.v. series was the BEST, in my opinion)...Someday, someone will see how the dvd sales have remained in the top at Amazon for years after the show was canceled...someday someone with more power than us will find this website and realize there are people who care and care deeply and want more... sorry for the rant, I just wanted to welcome you, acknowledge that I, too have felt the way you do having just found Firefly, through Serenity...


Sunday, February 25, 2007 1:49 PM


Welcome to our little world!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Sunday, February 25, 2007 2:01 PM


Welcome to the Browncoats, Fryfly!

I know what you mean about the grey areas in the characterizations -- that's what makes all the characters so interesting and real. It's just not right that Joss didn't get the chance to explore them for years and years.

You're not alone in loving the show or mourning it's premature cancellation. But be assured that all of us here are doing what we can to keep it going -- and we can use all the help we can get!

If I'm gonna dream, I'm gonna dream big.


Sunday, February 25, 2007 4:03 PM


Welcome to the 'Verse, FyrFly.

You have expressed very eloquently what we all feel.
It isn't easy being a fan of Firefly/Serenity. *sigh*

I should tell you though, that there are comics coming this year from Joss, set before the events of the movie. There are many shiny things available for you to buy and many exciting cons, (check out the marching 76th threads ) a Browncoat Ball and a Browncoat Cruise for you to consider going on. Many of our beloved cast are working on other shows worthy of your attention. And we've not lost hope that we will have more....

With the direct to DVD movies about SG-1 being planned I have hope that even if we don't get another big screen movie, they'll consider a direct to DVD one.

Now.. because you're a Browncoat you receive your very own browncoat from me...or from the storeroom...

*hands FyrFly a browncoat to wear like Mal's*

Wear it with pride. You're a Browncoat now.. from your post I have a good idea that you've realized just like me that you always were, you just didn't know it yet.

Please make yourself to home, join in and we're so glad you've become a part of our family.

Go to for more info!

Ask me how to join the Appreciatin' Nathan crew!

When we're down, don't frown. Come join the camp-out at Someone think of a name and we'll start a crew over there!


Sunday, February 25, 2007 4:08 PM


Welcome, happy to have you, the more the better, and so on.

The depression is easier to deal with if you shift it to more of a bitter anger toward the Fox network for screwing this whole thing up. I know that helps get me through.

Customizeable handmade baby gifts personalized by my wife! Check them out at All proceeds go towards international adoption.

Leaning into the wind that used to carry me-Stavesacre


Sunday, February 25, 2007 4:32 PM


Thanx all for the kind words and the brown coat...

Now that I know about Firefly / Serenity and this community, I will do all I can to help out. Ive looked up the various voting and will keep going back.

I hope that in one form or another that it will come back.

I am not fan of FOX to begin with, so channeling my "bitter anger" will not be a problem...

One question though: Has there been ANY discussion (even with the smallest glimmer of hope) of a new movie being made or a new season of the show?

Obviously, everybody here still holds some of the same kind of hope that I do or you wouldnt still be here fighting for this show.


Sunday, February 25, 2007 5:04 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by FyrFly:
One question though: Has there been ANY discussion (even with the smallest glimmer of hope) of a new movie being made or a new season of the show?

Joss has said that, if anything does happen, that he will be the first to tell us. I'll see if I can find that link...

Edit: Got it! This will also settle any confusion in the future, if you stumble over nay-saying articles like these:

Joss' specific post is here:

Rules and voting:


Sunday, February 25, 2007 5:11 PM



As per your question.There's always a glimmer. You'll find something that is said here quite often "We Hold!!" till the show gets back. Just a couple of things to take with you before hitting the bunk tonight. Serenity the BDM (Big Damn Movie) was made only after the outcry of loyal browncoat fans and if it hadn't been for their effort I and many others would have never known of this great little series. So that shows there's always hope.

Next thing that I want to tell you is that just this past Fall there was a very big SHINDIG called the BROWNCOAT BASH that had some problems when the sponsors bailed. Did that keep the browncoats down? Hell NO!! they went ahead with the bash and guess who came to help the event have a positive upturn, 'ol Capt. Reynolds himself (Nathan Fillion), and Jayne Cobb (Adam Baldwin) Morena Baccarin (Inara) Alan Tudyk (Wash), Christina Hendricks (Saffron), Mark Sheppard (Badger) and the guy who played Tracy in the message eps ( sorry I don't recall his name at the moment) There were others too and I'm sure the rest of the crew would have been there if they could have. I'm proud of the whole bunch and I'm not talking only the actors. All the browncoats that made the trek out there too.

So there you go. Not only are the fans devoted, but the cast is too ( as well as Joss and company) Squeeze what you will outta that but I see it as a good and hopeful thing



Sunday, February 25, 2007 5:42 PM


I too see that as a good and hopeful thing...

Thank you.


Sunday, February 25, 2007 10:18 PM


I'm fairly new to the 'verse myself so from one newbie to another... WELCOME! I totally understand your frustration with the whole Mal/Inara thing. I too wish that they could have at least admitted something, if not acted on it. And it's possible that something might have come from it if the show had been given the chance to fulfill it's great destiny.

My brother and I share the opinion (and others out there may as well, I don't know) that if Firefly had been on the Scifi channel rather than the idiotic Fox channel, it would have been the great show it should be. Perhaps if we all pull together and work hard enough, we can one day get it there.


Monday, February 26, 2007 1:58 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site Fyrfly! Glad to have you here.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Sergeant

[img] [/img]


Monday, February 26, 2007 4:15 AM


I got into the Firefly 'verse late in the game like you Fyrfly....Sept, 2006. If I had been one of the original viewers of the TV series I think I'd have been a lot more frustrated with the situation than I actually am.

The way I try to philosophize about it is that Television is generally nothing but crap, re-hashed, un-funny, produced/formulated mindless garbage....along comes one in the TV world expected it, no one knew what they were watching at Fox....HOW DARE Joss & Tim create a sci-fi show without aliens, without monsters, without policitical correctness...ya know...make sure there's a pc-correct mix of Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and Gays....NONE of that here with refreshing! Our show has whores, and bad guys robbing people, and shooting them when they must....our show has characters on it that we come to feel as family....can you say that about any other show?....even good ones?...I cannot. far as this depression thing goes, don't worry....There's lots of Firefly / Serenity material out there to keep you satisfied until the next movie...and here at FFF there are always interesting discussions of episodes & characters, and new postings of paintings and pictures, fanfics, and updated convention & news events. The folks here...Hobbleit comes to mind first....are very talented and obsessed, they are creating on an almost daily basis new Firelfy graphic material, new banners, new collages, etc...and for me they really help keep Firefly fresh and alive.


Monday, February 26, 2007 10:53 AM


Just wanted to say hello and welcome...

*trots on by...*

"Dude, you don't want to fuck with the Browncoats.
They're cheering a show that's not even on". - Kevin Smith


Monday, February 26, 2007 3:23 PM


Welcome to the 'Verse and your new Firefly family!

I know exactly how you feel! I held off watching the last few episodes for a few days because I was so sad that it was already coming to the end. But you've found the best place to be! Work through that saddness by reading the unfilmed Firefly script, watching the River Tam Sessions, viewing the artwork, etc. It sure helped me.






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