Character names and their meanings

UPDATED: Friday, March 16, 2007 05:50
VIEWED: 9267
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Thursday, April 13, 2006 10:49 AM


I dont know if every single Firefly character can have their names broken down into a meaning or reason for having, but I figured I'd start this thread to see if anyone would like to share their ideas.

Most of our BDH's seem to have a rather common English name except for Jayne and Inara. While the meaning or reason for Jayne's name could be explained as trying to create a sexist balance between the 5 guys vs 4 girls on the cast, I find Inara's name to be rather interesting. I dont know if its mentioned before but Inara's name is actually Arabic for "light" or "lighting". If you ask me, her name cant just be coincidental. Her character is rather radiant and emitting light in a way when you think about it. Its interesting that Joss picked an Arabic word instead of something in Mandarin for her name. In fact, there are other little things here and there that Ive noticed that add to her middle-eastern flavor. Some of the dresses or garments she wears are of middle-eastern influence. She likes to serve tea to her "guests", something that is traditionally done in most middle-eastern cultures. Heck, she even has a hooka in her shuttle. Plus, I mean look at her. Her appearance alone makes her seem of middle-eastern descent. I give Joss kudos for putting Inara, the way she is, into the whole U.S. /China Firefly verse. She adds to the multi-culturalness of it.

I'd like to hear from you guys about your thoughts on the topic.

I'll be in my bunk.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:20 AM


Yes, names are important to Joss. Could you imagine Nicole the Vampire Slayer? O.o It just wouldn't be the same...

I think Jayne's name was meant to be ironic. He's arguably the most masculine character on the show, and he has a girl's name.

I always found Simon and River's names to be interesting as siblings' names. Simon is biblical, historic. Right now, it seems to be from another time -- though it is used somewhat by yuppies for their children (is it a coincidence that Simon would have been a yuppie if he stayed in Osiris?). River, however, is a word name, which makes it very, very modern. Most of the people its associated with, interestingly enough (River Phoenix, Rivers Cuomo) are male and could be described as a bit "off". Anyway, I like the juxtoposition of new and old in their names. It is interesting to me.

Inara's name, I agree, is perfect for her, and I imagine it took Joss a while to find it. There's no doubt in my mind that it was chosen for its meaning. I had never thought of Inara's name in terms of multi-culturalness before, though. I alwasy concentrated on how the meaning relates to her character. She comes from a "city of light", arguable she is a bekon of lgiht herself in a ragged land, and she is no doubt a nurtuerer on Serenity, spreading light to those aorund her.

Kaylee's name is interesting, too. Kaylee is a name that is generally used for children now and has little history of use before, so as a result is seems childlike and bright. Kaywinnet (sp -- I don't feel like looking it up) makes it ever more interesting, because it plays with the notion of names evolving throughout the centuries. In a sense, Kaylee's name is both the more familiar to views and the more shockingly different and futuristic.

Book's name, at least his last name, is a reference to his status as a preacher. Book = the good book. I guess this could be interpretted as yet another indicator that he was supposed to be the more compass of the show.

Zoe means "life", which may or may not be significant. Reynold, from which Reynolds derives, means "advice, rule". Mal is the leader, the rule of the ship. Coincidence? Possibly, but interesting nontheless. As River pointed out, Mal means bad in latin, so this could indicate the moral ambiguity that Mal is constantly faced with. Mal can be bad. He can be a monster.

I doubt Wash's name is significant, especially since they toyed with it so much in between the time promotion started and the pilot was filmed (at least, I assume so, becuase of the whole Wash Warren thing). Hoben is interesting. I wonder where they found it. I'm uncertain what it means.

So, there's my over anaylsis for today. Names and naming culture is an interest of mine, if you couldn't tell. :-)

"Objects in Space"

River: It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think... <-- Check it out!


Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:33 AM


That's a good observation as I didn't know 'Inara' was Arabic in origin.

It's my belief that the Companion's Guild was more or less founded by some settlers from the Middle East part of Earth-That-Was. In the beginning of "Heart of Gold", there is some middle-eastern singing on the soundtrack as we see the Heart of Gold(I forget what language it's in; could be Arabic. I'm sure DonCoat knows ;)). You're absolutely right in seeing the sort of Indian aspects of Inara's lifestyle (particularly her shuttle).

One of the most subtle and obscure facts in the 'Verse (mostly in the BDM) is how Arabic seems to be an official language of the Alliance, IN ADDITION TO English and Mandarin. In the Lilac Trading Station at the beginning of the BDM, Zoe shoots out a 'Welcome to Lilac' monitor, which is actually a security camera. If you freeze the picture right before it explodes, you see the translation in both Chinese and Arabic, presumably meaning that there are enough people (at least on Lilac) that speak ONLY Arabic. I believe there's a similar welcome sign in the deleted scene of the entrance to Lilac.

Again, much like the presence of Mandarin wasn't explicitly explained by the series of movie (the crew only ever makes mention of the second language on two or so occasions), the presence of the Arabic language isn't explained. But I feel that it does have a link to the Companions and their place on the Alliance Food Chain (AFC).

(However, I will note that the Companions have also been compared to Courtesans, which (I believe) was mainly a European profession/term, which would lead one to think they came from Londinum, the European representative of the two Big Planets.)

Also (one last thing), I noticed a while ago in "Serenity, Part II" Mal says at the end to Simon, "We never stop moving." This is an interesting statement since they just took on a passenger whose name means just that. "River" is a body of water that is defined by a current; it never stops moving.

Could you please just make it stranger? Just stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?
~Joss Whedon


Thursday, April 13, 2006 2:14 PM


Jayne is also a Hindu name meaning victorious. Still a feminine name, however.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 2:31 PM


The singing in HoG is in two Indian languages, Hindi and another, local language whose name I don't know. (I'm still working on getting a translation, but no luck so far.) India, by the way, is distinctly *not* considered to be part of the Middle East.

A more obvious Middle Eastern reference is the belly dancer in The Train Job.

I think the profession called "Companion" in FF/S has existed in many, many cultures. More prudish traditions (like ours) may well be the exception rather than the rule. The book Finding Serenity has an interesting article about this. Ancient Greece, for example, had temple priestesses who included sex as part of their worship. China also had courtesans, and of course there were the harems of the orient.

There are also the Geishas of Japan, but that tradition didn't include sex, necessarily. It's comparable in terms of status but not really the same as the Companion guild.

Speaking of languages, there were hints of several others besides English, Mandarin, and Arabic. Niska spoke in an Eastern european accent, and Serenity's recorded messages (Out of Gas) were in Cantonese -- though that was more of an oversight than a deliberate thing.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:59 PM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
and Serenity's recorded messages (Out of Gas) were in Cantonese -- though that was more of an oversight than a deliberate thing.

I don't disagree on any particular point.

Well that certainly explains a lot! I've listened to that over and over and couldn't understand why I was having such trouble getting any of it. I know my Mandarin isn't great, but nothing in that sentence seemed to match up with what I was expecting from my English-to-Mandarin mental translator. Thanks Doncoat.


Friday, April 14, 2006 2:18 AM



Friday, April 14, 2006 4:43 AM


Companions follow a tradition that goes back to the dawn of civilisation. Of the major cultures that were around way before biblical times, a lot of them worshipped a mother earth/goddes type figures (not sure of my timelines and don't quote me) But in the biggest cities there were always temples and to have sex with one of the priestesses there was and act of worship, as well as healing, blessing, and probably a status thing, knowing humans. Inara seems to do all of those things, a lot of it is just basic escortship and prostitution, but theres other elements there, she's almost like a therapist to a lot of her clients. I've never seen her a 'asian' she's always struck me as more of an exotic 'arabian nights' type (for all of her indian and asian inspired clothing) so her name seems a really good fit.

All of Kaylees name variations seem to lead to bright and happy, illumination and joy. So i'm just going to paraphrase and say that Kaylee literally means 'Shiny'

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, April 14, 2006 5:01 AM


Found some name meanings

Origin: Arabic
- Ray of light, Heaven Sent

Origin: Celtic/Gaelic
- Follower of St Columbus

Origin: English
- counsel, advice, rule

Origin: Hindu
- Victorious

Origin: American
- From KAY meaning- 'rejoicer' and LEE meaning- 'poet, plum'

Wash - couldnt find any but WASHI is Japanese and means 'Eagle'

Origin: American
- From the river

Origin: Hebrew
- One who hears

Origin: Veitnamese
- heart

"Shake your head boy, your eyes are stuck"


Friday, April 14, 2006 5:11 AM



Originally posted by aussay:
Found some name meanings
Origin: Hebrew
- One who hears

Origin: Veitnamese
- heart

Wow, how appropriate is that? For the guy who heard when none of the rest of his family would... "One who hears with his heart".

I think I might cry.


Friday, April 14, 2006 5:16 AM




Friday, April 14, 2006 12:07 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
So i'm just going to paraphrase and say that Kaylee literally means 'Shiny'

I didnt think there was a possibility of me liking Kaylee anymore, but I see now I was wrong.

I love these responses guys. Very insightful.

I'll be in my bunk.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 1:29 AM



Wednesday, January 3, 2007 1:43 AM



Originally posted by sab39:

Originally posted by aussay:
Found some name meanings
Origin: Hebrew
- One who hears

Origin: Veitnamese
- heart

Wow, how appropriate is that? For the guy who heard when none of the rest of his family would... "One who hears with his heart".

I think I might cry.

To me "one who hears" and "heart" just conjures up a stethoscope.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 2:38 AM



I couldn't find the meaning of the word but I know it was one of the most prominent vicious clans in Scotland around 1300.


Cobb is a topographical name derived from Old English cobb meaning 'a rounded mass' (also a clan in Scotland)

So maybe his name is Hindu and Scottish. If Badger still has an English accent 500 years in the future, its not so hard to believe that maybe Jayne's home had settlers of Scottish decent.

Knitter of Cunning Jayne Hats


Tuesday, February 27, 2007 6:37 PM


I don't know if anyone is even still reading this thread, but I thought it was interesting. Jayne's name may be tied to Aian/Middle eastern roots as well. The name Jain is connected to a religous philosophy in India and around the world. Jainism traces its roots to a succession of 24 Jinas ("those who overcome", or conqueror) in ancient East India. The first Jina is traditionally believed to have been a giant who lived 8.4 million years ago. The most recent and last Jina was Vardhamana (a.k.a. Mahavira, "The Great Hero") He was born in 550 BCE) and was the founder of the Jain community. I think the connection could be made considering the "A Man Called Jayne" Jayne is the great hero. Of course this speculation and would be highly ironic if true because Jainists are pacifists.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007 6:55 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by aussay:
Wash - couldnt find any but WASHI is Japanese and means 'Eagle'

Perfect. Incidentally, his last name is supposedly a variant of "Washburn," and means "flooding stream." Eagle flooding stream... odd. I'm just doing standard baby name searches, so if somebody with a better sense of language could try to figure this out...?

The closest I could find for Alleyne (that is how you spell Zoë's maiden name, no?) is "precious." Apparently it's a variant of Alan. Taken with her first name, which means "life," this could possibly be a reference to her desire for children, or perhaps that she is a protector of life on the ship? I think I'm reaching.

But, it's a curious thing - good art follows the rules of short stories, because every word counts, and there always seems to be a hidden meaning.

The only thing I always find myself thinking is, "Wow! Their parents were smart to name them that."

Edit: Just thought of something else. Patience. She "endured," as her name suggests, long enough to have a large stake in Whitefall. She also has a significant backstory with the crew, plus (the obvious) she's old.

Monty means "powerful," and it's obvious that he's a powerful man. Zoë said something about "if those two (Monty and Mal) had gotten into a fight, it's the captain's teeth we'd be picking up off the ground."

According to what I found, the name Badger means complicated, which I see as ironic, considering that I don't find him to be that complicated a person. Although, he does tend to complicate Mal's life when he's around... Hmm.

Whew! That's all I can really remember as far as characters go (couldn't find anything for Fanty, Mingo, or Niska ).

Rules and voting:


Tuesday, February 27, 2007 10:44 PM


"Serra" - It's also a not too uncommon last name, from the Portuguese "mountain range".

Also, the name of a Greek dance.

"Cobb" - from th Anglo-Saxon, meaning a "large, strong man".

"Alleyne" - from the name Alan, apparently, "little rock or headstone"
Might also be: "a corruption of Ælianus, which signifies sun-bright. From the same we have Allen, Allin, **Alleyne**. In the Gaelic, Aluinn signifies exceedingly fair, handsome, elegant, lovely; Irish, Alun, fair, beautiful.";Allan

"Frye" - from the Anglo-Saxon "free" or "small person, child".

Heh. :)


Tuesday, February 27, 2007 10:52 PM


I stumbled over this by accident and found it amusing.


Wednesday, February 28, 2007 1:56 AM


I always assumed that Jayne may have been named in amusement from his father, you know like in the Johnny Cash song "A boy named Sue". A way to toughen him up as a child being ridiculed because of his name. We see him really get irritated when River points out in the TRASH eps that jayne is a girls name. "Well Jayne ain't a girl!!"

It is interesting about Inara's name. In the Serenity pilot eps she states,

"Sihnon isn't that different from this
planet. More crowded, obviously, and
I guess more complicated. The great
city itself is... pictures can't
capture it. It's like an ocean of

So that could be a little hint as to her names meaning.

Seems there was considerable time spent on character names. I'm impressed with Joss and company. They did go the extra mile(s) on the show and the names fit so well.

Lastly I always thought that River Tam had gotten her name from the Tam river in England. Like "Tarzan,The Legand of Greystoke" Tarzan was from and upstanding educated English family but was turned into a beastman raised in the wild after his parents were killed in a plane crash in an African jungle.



Thursday, March 15, 2007 10:35 PM



Notice that of the three Companions we know the names of (Inara, Nandi, and Sheydra), two have names which end in 'ra'? Nandi's name does not, but then, she was 'shunned' when she left the Guild, and may have taken another name, although Inara calling her familiarly by that name suggests this is not the case.

I believe that Nandi is an african name meaning 'strong willed' which is pretty to the point concerning the fair dulcimer slayer, I would say.


Friday, March 16, 2007 2:08 AM


I always assumed Jayne got his name because of John Wayne - whose real name was a girl's name too - 'Marion'.


Friday, March 16, 2007 5:08 AM


I just learned - from reading an artical on the latest Jolie/Pitt adoption - that Pax means "peace" in Latin.

I'm probably a thousand steps behind you all on that one. Feel free to roll your eyes.


Friday, March 16, 2007 5:26 AM


*takes eyes out and rolls them at Starrbaby*

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Friday, March 16, 2007 5:50 AM


well from checking...Wash could have several meanings which seem to apply to him

Wash-to free from spiritual defilement or from sin, guilt, etc
to carry, bring, remove, or deposit

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs






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