Joss Interview in LA Times mentions *possible* Firefly return

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 7, 2007 12:59
VIEWED: 5906
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Saturday, March 3, 2007 6:22 PM


From Joss...


He would also like to return to television, after telling Variety in 2004, "I have a bitter taste in my mouth with where TV has gone in the past five years." Whedon said the experience he had with "Firefly," which was canceled after 11 episodes, taught him what guarantees he would need to go back. "I don't want another 'Firefly.' I can't do that. It hurts too much," he said. "I'll learn to golf or something instead. And that, by the way, is not going to help the golf world.

"But because of the new media, because of DVDs, because of the Internet, there are so many new avenues that basically I feel like I can go back to TV when I have the power to set up a paradigm wherein I know I can complete a story."

Here's the full meal deal (requires free reg):,1,3843929

Much work remains to be done before we can announce our total failure to make any progress...


Saturday, March 3, 2007 6:43 PM


Of course, that's simply about returning to TV with something, if the conditions were right. It's not specifically about returning to TV with "Firefly" (which he's already stated is done and gone, because you can't just up and recapture something that specific years down the road).


CSTS - SN/EN - PDX - 2007

Can't Stop The Serenity 2007

Unofficial Browncoat Cruise Newsline


Saturday, March 3, 2007 10:29 PM


I know theonetruebix that it would never be the same and all but it is good to know that Joss is thinking outside the box (idiot-box?)as far as his future is concerned and even if it doesn;t hold any pecific Firefly stuff maybe it could be something even better?
If we can love Buffy, Angel, and all ten members of a certain Firefly class vessel perhaps the next crew will earn our love and devotion as well.
Imagine how sad Joss must be feeling about the loss of WOnderWoman so much that he is talking about taking up golf! That's seriously unhinged in my estimation. (Sorry golfers)
Maybe there are more stories to tell .....

Come on little crazy person .....


Saturday, March 3, 2007 11:25 PM


If Joss is done wih firefly and is so to speak putting his foot down, then why get people hooked on it. they are going to be just as disapointed as we are and what kinda of atitude is that? a bad one i feel.

I feel if Joss wants to save Firefly or continue on with this verse, he would be letting writers write novels and comics to help get people hooked, ya know?

I guess what I am trying to say is if out leader is giving up, then maybe we should too. I see alot of "We will hold here and buy you the time!" signs, hell from what i can tell the capt left and he aint coming back, so why hold.

Keep Flying!!


Sunday, March 4, 2007 12:01 AM


Link worked for me when I clicked on the words Joss Whedon - The L.A. Times interview. at the top of this post


Originally posted by Tholo:
I feel if Joss wants to save Firefly or continue on with this verse, he would be letting writers write novels and comics to help get people hooked, ya know?

Joss is writing another comic book Serenity: Better Days
from Dark Horse Comics September 2007.

Serenity is getting a 3-issue mini-series. Buffy is getting a whole season in comics the article is titled 'Buffy' creator Joss Whedon has the heroine returning for a comics-style Season 8.

This gives me hope because Joss is giving us some Firefly/Serenity stuff but it is not a whole season. There is still a possiblity of Firefly/Serenity movies or episode like movies.
The key is the actors all want to do more Firefly/Serenity. Joss wants to do more Firefly/Serenity with the cast.

The Serenity DVD sold so well we are getting a Special Edition.
Serenity: Special Edition DVD to be released in July.

For Joss Whedon post in thread scroll down to post above this signature
joss | March 02, 01:00 CET

Don't know about you, but I'm holding.


Sunday, March 4, 2007 12:22 AM


People, we've got a franchise here! The Powers That Be know there is cashy money to be made.

Serenity movie:

Serenity Dvd-Widescreen *
Serenity Dvd-Fullscreen *
Serenity VHS-Fullscreen
Serenity UMD Video for PSP (Handheld Sony PSP Game Player)
Serenity HD-DVD

* Available again for purchase Direct from Universal for $14.98. The HD-DVD is on backorder.
found the link on

Serentiy Special Edition (July 2007)


Serenity by Keith R.A. DeCandido (novel based on the motion picture screenplay)
Finding Serenity Edited by Jane Espenson (essays about Firefly)
Serenity the Official Visual Companion
Serenity Role Playing Game -book not just for RPGers-

Serenity: Out in the Black by Tracy & Laura Hickman New RPG
If you like the artwork on the RPG covers, you should check out .

Serenity: Those Left Behind the Graphic Novel
Serenity: Better Days Comic Books (2007)

Firefly the Official Companion Volume 1

Firefly the Official Companion Volume 2 (May 2007)

Music: Serenity soundtrack CD music by David Newman

Firefly the TV show: Firefly the Complete Series DVD box set

Music: Firefly soundtrack CD music by Greg Edmonson Theme by Joss Whedon

Music Score: Firefly: Music from the Original Television Soundtrack (Paperback) (2007)

Link from

Serenity Action Figures
Trading Cards: Serenity
Still available in some comic book stores or other vendors like

Diamond select stuff

Official Universal Serenity t-shirts, tees and hoodies
And Official Firefly shirts

Only retail store Hot Topic mall stores

Online stores

Search for Firefly Search for Serenity

Firefly Browncoats TRIANGLE Logo
Firefly Hero T-Shirt (Captain Malcolm Reynolds) brown
Firefly Hero T-Shirt (Captain Malcolm Reynolds) olive
Firefly Logo Shirt Brown
Firefly Logo Shirt Gray
Firefly Logo Shirt Black
Firefly Logo Womens Shirt Brown
Firefly Logo Zipper Hoodies
Firefly Jayne Public Relations shirt
Firefly Jayne Public Relations Baby Tee

Serenity Bad Guys T-Shirt (Jayne Cobb)
Serenity Blue Sun hoodies
Serenity Blue Sun looks like light or baby blue writing on white
Serenity Blue Sun looks like dark blue writing on white
Serenity Browncoat Jogging Jacket
Serenity *Browncoat* I AIM TO MISBEHAVE Baby Tee
Serenity *Browncoat* I AIM TO MISBEHAVE T-Shirt Sheer
Serenity *Browncoat* I AIM TO MISBEHAVE T-Shirt
Serenity *Browncoat* I AIM TO MISBEHAVE Zipper Hoodies brown
Serenity Buddha Baby Tee white on brown
Serenity Buddha T-Shirt green on brown
Serenity Buddha T-Shirt some color on some color (you have to ask)
Serenity Fruity Oaty Bar T-Shirt
Serenity Logo Baby Tee
Serenity Logo T-Shirt
Serenity Logo Zipper Hoodies Black
Serenity River T-Shirt (River Tam)
Serenity Sihnon Companion Academy Baby Tee

Serenity Movie Poster --you can buy on-line at Link available on home page

Serenity Crew Poster --you can buy on-line at Link available on home page

Officially Licensed Universal Serenity Artwork prints

Serenity Zippo Lighter from Dark Horse Comics
Serenity Ornament (model) from Dark Horse Comics
Serenity Serenity in Disguise variant Ornament (model) from Dark Horse Comics
New Serenity PVC figures from Dark Horse

Serenity Ornament pics from

River Triumphant statue from Diamond Select Toys

Replica of Mal's gun.
Cash replica set.
Model Serenity with lights and spinning engine thing (2007)

Wanna Real Serenity prop? I bought a spiral glass to put next to my Burger King Star Wars glasses.
Serenity film cell presentations. Buy some of that movie magic at Rye By Post (do a search for Serenity to bring up the results).

SERENITY - Swords from Museum Replicas
TFAW slashes prices on official Serenity weapon replicas

Need more Serenity/Firefly stuff check out


Sunday, March 4, 2007 12:55 AM


Until I hear Joss say there will NEVER be another movie. tv show, comic, or any other form of our verse i will be holding the line.

From what I have read he is still constantly talking about his wish to create more content, its just that he has not decided on the medium.

Hold the line and keep flyin!


Sunday, March 4, 2007 1:05 AM


Just been thinking on your comment that it seems unfair to get people hooked on firefly/serenity if there is no hope of further episodes or a sequel. Can you answer one question :

Would you really be happier to have never seen firefly/serenity?

For me it burns me up to think they cancelled such an incredible show but on the other hand at least I got to see those few episodes and the movie. I treasure them and I can always flick them on the TV anytime I want...that means a lot to me! Maybe its a security blanket(for adults) but Mal and the rag-tag crew can always snap me out of a bad mood. That is special....

Keep Flying!


Sunday, March 4, 2007 2:25 AM


I remember reading a while back (possibly a year or so) an interview with Joss where he said something about having "ideas" for a new show. When asked if it was something a little more "mainstream" since he hadn't had much luck lately with his usual stuff (ANGEL/FIREFLY's premature cancellations), and he said something like it might be. Then he was asked if it might turn into something else later on, he made it sound like it was likely that it would.

It's been so long that I don't remember the details or even where I found this interview, but I'm not making it up.


Sunday, March 4, 2007 3:20 AM


In an Interview from last year Joss specifically stated that he didn't Green Light Serenity Novels because he "Still had ideas to be worked out" and that "The only way I want to move the story forward is with the Actors". I personally believe this to mean that Firefly as the premise of the Original Series is dead, but Serenity itself is not. I can easily see him taking the story on from the end of the BDM. If he makes a Film, it'll be Serenity 2. If he goes back to TV, I believe Serenity: The Series is still quite possible.

He seems to be very passionate at the moment about making Goners. But whatever project he goes to next, it'll only exist because of financing. Someone out there in the Business has to want to pay for it.

So we hold.

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Sunday, March 4, 2007 5:21 AM


I'll hold the line until there is no more line left to hold.


Sunday, March 4, 2007 6:19 AM


Threads like this bring me hope and aggravate me at the same time. The catch phrase "We Hold" I assume has been spoken by each and everyone here at one time or another. So what do we do? Well I'll tell ya. WE HOLD!!! The whole idea is to never give up. We are constantly bombarded with negativity about this show. Well what has it been 5 years since the tv series and 2 since the BDM? Hell that's just a drop in the bucket. Going back to the final eps of FF, how many fans were there of the show at that time? Now look at the numbers .If the fans hadn't been hardcore browncoats then we would have never gotten Serenity and I wouldn't be here posting now. Dvd sales continue to go through the roof. There is coin to be made and tv exects know it.

I'll tell ya, the wife just bought the tv series "Grey's Anatomy" and we've already watched some of it. At the same time she also bought the second season of "GA" and I also got her the box set of "Six Feet Under". What does this tell anyone reading this post? It tells them that with the first season of FF doing so well in dvd sales that this show is something special. A second season of FF or a sequel to Serenity is like the snowball rolling downhill. It keeps getting bigger and bigger till at bottom who's going to be willing to stand there and get bowled over?!! Several seasons of FF would be bringing in loads of cash for any network airing this fine show and ppl that would come to the show late would be buying up the box sets like mad.

Joss is being very cautious. The scar runs deep with him. I respect that. But I don't give up either. When FF returns there will be changes. That can not be helped. But there will also be lessons learned. I hope the full cast will agree to come back. I think that most of them will. The way I see it, it was a team effort and the team won the Superbowl only the network that air the event played the commercials first, then the locker room comments after the game was played, then the half-Time festivities then the last 2 minutes of the game. What viewer wouldn't have been confused had the game been aired that way?

The actors have to make a living and are doing a few other things but I think that they would agree. FF/Serenity wasn’t about the individual. It was about the team, all of them, the family. Hell I can still see that now and I haven’t seen that kind of caring and companionship from tv in a long time.

Sorry for the rant, but I just can't see anyone giving up on this show when it's been proven by now that tons of money could be there for the taking.



Sunday, March 4, 2007 6:22 AM


Agreed. Joss is, yet again, not giving up. He just wants some kinda guarantee that he'll be able to tell his story, his way, without Fox shooting him again.

I doubt there's a one of us here who'd argue that (A) he's right, and (B) he deserves it.

TV is like the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel; Joss just wants to know the building won't be demolished before he's finished painting it.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, March 4, 2007 7:38 PM


I agree with all of you. I am a Fan! I want to see more stories of our crew. But the light seems to be fading when he writes a 3 issue comic of Serenity(which i am so ready for) but makes "season 8" of Buffy instead, dont we have enough Buffy??

Why not a season 2 of Firefly comics? i mean come on, are there more Buffy fans than Firefly fans? is there more demand for Buffy? clearly he wants to do more Buffy than anything else? which makes me think he has put FF so far on the back burner that he doesnt want to make any stories for a while?

so where does that leave us and new BC's(we get)? we are left with a hunger we cant fix. I mean new stories not a re-telling of the same ones, which is what the books are about now. i love them dont misunderstand. i own them and love them to death. i am signed up to buy vol 2, the PVC minis, the reaver serenity, comics and special edition DVD. but none of this is NEW stories, which is my point from the start.

go to a bookstore and look at the star trek and star wars book section, tons of stories in paperback. now i dont want to cheapen our crew to that degree, but Joss i am sure can give writers guidelines to what can and cant happen, ya know. hell even give them non-canon status, that kinda cheapens them but i am desparate, hehe.

somewhere here is a un filmed script, how cool would that be to read in novel from? i dont know about you guys, but i would be all over that!

that is what i dont see Joss doing to keep the BC's hunger at bay and/or spread the word about Firefly!

hell star wars/star trek/SG1(any scifi) readers walking in the bookstore see this book called Firefly/Serenity and read it as there first intro the verse, and wow another BC buying DVDs, and hell more books (if there were some) and spreading the word. next thing ya know, SCIFI channel(or any station) gets a report and follows up on it and says hell there is a really big following(not that there isnt now, but let think bigger!) let see about an orginal show based on the movie cause FOX owns Firefly. uh , next thing ya know we got a season 8 of Serenity TV show, and even a trilogy, which now there is a huge line at the box office.

but if Joss is only going to do a 3 issue comic every 2-3 years, well then this dream is not going to happen?

that is my point.

Keep Flying!!


Tuesday, March 6, 2007 7:35 PM


no more thoughts?

Keep Flying!!


Wednesday, March 7, 2007 12:59 PM


Joss will return to the Firefly realm this Fall, with another comic book project from Dark Horse.
It will take place after the last ep. of Firefly, but before the Serenity movie.
I am actually sad to hear this news. It seems Joss is focusing solely on comicbooks now, and of all the mediums to tell a story I feel it's the weakest. I would much rather have a novel, or collection of Firefly season 2 in a script book form.






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