Imponderable Water Cooler - Walking On Thin Ice

UPDATED: Monday, March 26, 2007 10:13
VIEWED: 7673
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Thursday, March 22, 2007 10:49 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

And awayyyyyy we go!

Old thread:

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." George Bernard Shaw


Thursday, March 22, 2007 10:51 AM



re: Nibley Utah ( from the last thread)hmm I don't even have any idea...I shall look
OK it's about 4 1/2 to 5 hour drive. They have a website which has a link for their water quality and sources:) LOL Yeah right now we have 1 teacher out on maternity ,3 pregnant teachers, and one who just had a baby 6 months ago. There are 20 female teachers on staff making it 25% of staff pregnant this school year:) Utah's like that.... we're all baby all the time.

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Thursday, March 22, 2007 10:58 AM


Secondies. Not as much fun.

---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.5) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX
Vote for our Big Damn Heroes big push for March 27th, Nathan Fillion's birthday.


Thursday, March 22, 2007 10:59 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by msg:

re: Nibley Utah ( from the last thread)hmm I don't even have any idea...I shall look
OK it's about 4 1/2 to 5 hour drive. They have a website which has a link for their water quality and sources:) LOL Yeah right now we have 1 teacher out on maternity ,3 pregnant teachers, and one who just had a baby 6 months ago. There are 20 female teachers on staff making it 25% of staff pregnant this school year:) Utah's like that.... we're all baby all the time.

At the risk of incurring CaliforniaKaylee's wrath, What's up with dat?

Congrats on the firsties. (thought you were on your way out...)

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." George Bernard Shaw


Thursday, March 22, 2007 11:06 AM


from the last thread


I'm guessing that's the equivalent of a welder over here. I would never join a club that would have me as a member...

A joiner is like a carpenter they make doors and windows and other stuff like that out of wood. Technically my dad's both but he prefers joinery.

And yes, he does still ride a bike. Doesn't let a mikssing finger, a dislocated shoulder and several concussions get in the way.



Thursday, March 22, 2007 11:16 AM


ANOTHER water cooler thread??? *gives up trying to catch up on missed threads*

Hey all, what's up? Have set my students an exam and trying to correct some others as well as do general paperwork. May not be around much. *sigh*

*misses board*

Banners, avatars and other fun stuff at


Thursday, March 22, 2007 11:51 AM


Hi! Wow, lots to catch up on.

Perviously in the Water Cooler:


Originally posted by Mavoureen:
Glad I won't be the only one whining at my screen come D*C weekend. RMMC, you & I will have a "We're not at D*C thread. Deal?

You bet! I'm planning the "Second Annual Not-At-Dragon*Con Dance Partay" thread. I vote we try to make it so much fun, they'll be jealous!


Originally posted by oddsbodkins: I'll join that thread ^^ {re: Not at D*C thread}

The more the merrier, or so we'll keep telling ourselves. Oh...I hope your hand heals quickly. *hugs*


Originally posted by Rugbug:Mavs and the other non-D*C-ers: I'll be joining you all at the REAL party. (besides, even if I went, I'd be all shy and awkward and blah. I kind of clam up at things like that.)

Yea! We're gonna have an awesome bash here!! Rugbug...I felt that way just before going to a con where I only knew folks from online, but once I got there it was just like the forums, just faster. 'Twas also nice to put names & faces together.


Originally posted by MsG:
RMMC-Oh yeah that was definitely one of my fav lines ever! Yeah I noticed that. It was so sweet when Summerset put her coat on her:)

Wasn't it? She just writes such marveloud secondary characters, doesn't she? I just can't choose a favorite. And I sorely missed Baxter and Trueheart. Just not enough of them this time. But the stealth Trina-ing was fun.


Originally posted by Johnny Quest:
b) Isn't that how auctions are supposed to work? It a calculated risk. You are, whether you realize it or not, gambling. That's what's supposed to make it fun, give an edge. It's poker without the cards...

It certainly is, which is why if I really want the item in question, I do the 'buy it now' option. 'S what I did to get the Serenity film cell thingy I've got on my computer desk. And the b-i-n price usually isn't too awfully more than the start price, leastways not that I've seen.


Originally posted by Rugbug:

originally posted by RMMC:
edit Tina...a sniper is someone who waits for the last minute and overbids the last bidder by a small margin.

Ah, no. Snipers are much more advanced than just that. There are sniper sites you can use on the web that watch your items and bid in the last few minutes, upping your bid each time someone else counters. You could be out drinking with the boys and your sniper is watching your e-bay back. E-bay has a similar option, but it ups your bid EVERY time someone else bids until it reaches your max.

Ahh....I sit corrected. Thanks for the save, Rugbug!


Originally posted by Rugbug:I don't think people that outbid you in the last minute are snipers...I just think they are smart.

I just think they've got more spare time than I do, mostly.

Scars I don't remember? Nope, I can account for the few I have that are still here. Weirdly, several I'd had from my early and teen years gradually faded away and are no longer visible. The one that did stay stay faintly I got from fighting with my brother.

*Owies* to those who shared painful injury stories.
I think my most painful thing was when I smashed the joint in my pinkie finger when I was in second grade when someone accidently dropped the oak trap door of a treehouse I wasn't suppose to be in on it.
I was more afraid of my folks finding out I'd disobeyed them than I was of the pain and bleeing from my finger. Good news is I still have the finger. Bad news is, it doesn't move of it's own volition. But strangely, no scar.


When we're down, don't frown. Come join the camp-out at

“Any idea why they’d take his heart if it wasn’t to worship the demon of the week?” -- Lieutenant Eve Dallas, Conspiracy In Death by J. D. Robb


Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:04 PM


Scars... scars... I have a small scar on my forehead from when I whacked my head off a path when I was a kid. Nasty fall.

Yes, I had a head injury as a child. I'm told this explains a lot of things.

Other than that, some scratches and scrapes picked up over the years, but nothing serious. I had three scars on my hand from where I got knocked by a car last summer, but they've almost faded. My stupid fault - practically walked into the damn thing. Lucky for me the driver was going so slowly he was practically parked.

Mum said the scratches on my hand looked like I'd been attacked by a cat. Funny, since the car was a Rover. I had some other bumps and scratches since I bruised my arm up and, once again, scratched my forehead, but overall I was okay. Just pretty sore for a day or two!

I have been very, very lucky. I've never needed surgery or any nasty medical procedure and I've never broken a bone. About the most serious injury I've had was twisting my ankle so badly I had to get hours of X-rays just so the docs could make sure it really, really wasn't broken. Wound up on crutches for two weeks. Not fun! But been very lucky and injury free and hoping to keep it that way. As long as I remember to look both ways crossing the road!

Banners, avatars and other fun stuff at


Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:14 PM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Scars... scars... I have a small scar on my forehead from when I whacked my head off a path when I was a kid.

I'm not sure what "whacked my head off a path" means, but it reminds me of faded scar...from running into the support wire for a telephone pole. It had the plastic cover protector thingy (patented name, that is) which ended right at Rugbug forehead height. Distracted me was looking over my shoulder and SMASH, my forehead became one with the PCPT.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:15 PM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Scars... scars... I have a small scar on my forehead from when I whacked my head off



Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:25 PM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Scars... scars... I have a small scar on my forehead from when I whacked my head off


Stop that. Misinterpreting posts was soooooo three threads ago!

---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.5) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX
Vote for our Big Damn Heroes big push for March 27th, Nathan Fillion's birthday.


Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:36 PM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Scars... scars... I have a small scar on my forehead from when I whacked my head off


OFF A PATH!!! WHACKED IT OFF A PATH!!! A PATH!!! You know, you call them sidewalks or something?

Banners, avatars and other fun stuff at


Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:45 PM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
I had three scars on my hand from where I got knocked by a car last summer, but they've almost faded. My stupid fault - practically walked into the damn thing. Lucky for me the driver was going so slowly he was practically parked.

Eep! That sounds scary! I'm so glad it wasn't worse.

*waves to DTH*


Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
I have been very, very lucky. I've never needed surgery or any nasty medical procedure and I've never broken a bone. About the most serious injury I've had was twisting my ankle so badly I had to get hours of X-rays just so the docs could make sure it really, really wasn't broken. Wound up on crutches for two weeks. Not fun! But been very lucky and injury free and hoping to keep it that way. As long as I remember to look both ways crossing the road!

*hugs* I've only broken my fingers...singly not all at the same time. The finger I mentioned above has been broken at least 4 times. I stopped having it set after the 2nd time which was from my brother and I playing air hockey. We both went for the puck and my finger got in the way. The 3rd time was having it slammed in a locker at school. I went to my next class and splinted it to a pencil much to the teacher's amazement. He wanted to send me home and I asked why bother as this is what they'd do, only it would cost my folks a few hundred dollars in ER charges.
I've also greenstick fractured the middle finger of the same hand. That's the one that hurts when the weather changes. Go fig.

What I need to look out for, however, is going down stairs. I keep going too fast, missing a step, and falling down them. One of these days I'm gonna get more than bruises from that.


When we're down, don't frown. Come join the camp-out at

“Any idea why they’d take his heart if it wasn’t to worship the demon of the week?” -- Lieutenant Eve Dallas, Conspiracy In Death by J. D. Robb


Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:47 PM


King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:51 PM


Hey now, no wrath from me, and certainly not aimed at you, JQ.

The short answer to "why do Mormons have so many kids?" is that it is part of their religious beliefs that the soul of every person who has ever lived or will ever live existed before the world was created. In order for God's plan to progress, each and every one of those souls has to be offered the chance to live a life here on Earth. So each baby born is another soul that has been offered that opportunity, which is why Mormons often have such large families. They also place a strong emphasis on strong bonds within the family ("No success in life can compensate for failure in the home."), which again comes back to a religious belief in "forever families" -- the idea that after death, we stay connected to our family.

And the short version of why there might have been wrath... (Feel free to skip this, if you heard it the first time around, or if you honestly don't care. ) I was raised LDS ('LDS' is generally considered to be the more polite short name for Mormons, standing for the latter part of the full name of the church: the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), but when I was a teenager I realized that some of the basic beliefs didn't mesh with my personal beliefs. The rest of my family is still LDS: my five younger siblings, my parents, my brother's wife, all my aunts, uncles, and cousins, etc. My family are also huge, *huge* Browncoats. My father converted me, after hearing about Firefly from someone at work. So a few weeks ago there was a thread on discussing LDS scifi author Orson Scott Card's love of Firefly, which quickly turned into a discussion of why some Whedon fans don't like OSC, because of his views on homosexuality -- which, like many conservative Christians, stem directly from his religious beliefs.

I got quite upset about the conversation. I should emphasize here that I don't consider myself LDS, and I disagree with OSC's (and my parents') views on homosexuality. What hurt me in the Whedonesque conversation was that I felt that many of the people who posted were creating an atmosphere hostile towards fellow Browncoats who hold religiously-based, traditionally conservative political views. I know that my family (as Mormons, Conservatives, Browncoats, and big Orson Scott Card fans) would have been hurt and felt ostracized, had they read the Whedonesque thread. So in the end, all I was asking is that we all keep in mind that we are drawn together by a love of the same show, not by similar religious beliefs or political views, and to be conscious of the effects our words may have on others. I was pretty upset, so I took a break from all things Firefly for a bit, and then came back to only the Imponderables threads, nothing else. Whedonesque has lost me as a reader, permanently.

Well, so much for those being short answers.

And good god the thread got long yesterday! I tried to catch up four separate times, and just gave up on it. I think there was a topic on scars at one point? I have one on the middle finger of my right hand, on the inside facing my ring finger, just below the first knuckle. It's triangle shaped and it itches from time to time. I've had it as long as I can remember, though. When it itches, I joke that it's my alien implant.

Oh, and:

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Bah! The only one I'll agree with you on is the lab coat - it's way too big for me and it rawks!!

Oh no you don't! I've seen your pictures! You have original costumes from Firefly and Serenity! You have Nandi's dress for crying out loud! I have... hmm... a collection of tshirts with geeky sayings on them. You definitely win that one. And the better pictures one.


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:52 PM



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FlyVote (version 2.5) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX
Vote for our Big Damn Heroes big push for March 27th, Nathan Fillion's birthday.


Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:54 PM


*waves back to RMMC*

Ouch! Those finger injuries sound nasty. And you sound very tough, patching a broken finger up yourself. If I broke anything I'd probably cry like a baby. I get *very* emotional when I'm injured or sick. It's very annoying. Whenever I'm ill I have to lock myself away somewhere so I don't make a scene.

I've done the falling downstairs thing too. Found out the hard way that you should *not* walk down a flight of steps during a panic attack! Especially in your workplace just before lunch on the main flight of steps so everyone in the entire building troops past you on the way to lunch while you and the first aider are waiting for the ambulance. That was a really, really sucky day.

Banners, avatars and other fun stuff at


Thursday, March 22, 2007 1:00 PM


Ok all out for the night. Off to make up the littles and then on to late night tutoring:) Have a great night and I'll see you tomorrow:)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Thursday, March 22, 2007 1:11 PM


DTH--the fingers weren't too bad. It hurts for a bout 20 minutes and well, I get sinus headaches that are considerably worse than that is.

*winces at DTH's stairs story* Owie! And embarassing.

My first trip down was at work when I collected lab specimens on the patient floors at a hospital. The worst part for me was having lost one of the specimens all the way down the stairwell, which meant some poor patient had to have the specimen collected (a 24 hour process!) all over again. That bothered me much more than the bunged-up knees and shins.

Out of curosity, how many times did the doc ask you if you hit your head on the way down? I think the one time, the doc asked me that question almost a dozen times.

*hugs CaliforniaKaylee* I completely missed all that. I understand where you're coming from. I was on a mailing list that was suppose to be discussing SF. When the mod kept a 2 month 'let's bash conservatives' thread going, I opted out after telling her exactly why and that I considered it not only mean-spirited and rude, but completely inappropriate to the list subject. Never heard back from her, but she did remove me from the list. And this from "friends" that I actually knew FTF. *shrug*

*more hugs for CK*


When we're down, don't frown. Come join the camp-out at

“Any idea why they’d take his heart if it wasn’t to worship the demon of the week?” -- Lieutenant Eve Dallas, Conspiracy In Death by J. D. Robb


Thursday, March 22, 2007 1:22 PM


I accidentally stabbed myself in the upper arm. I looked down at the knife sticking a couple of inches into my arm, my hand still holding it, and immediately thought "I have a video to return to the video store".

My guess is my brain was a bit scrambled/shocked.

Oh, and I missed a major artery by fractions of an inch.

The knife was not hurt.

---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.5) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX
Vote for our Big Damn Heroes big push for March 27th, Nathan Fillion's birthday.


Thursday, March 22, 2007 2:21 PM


Heya folks. Been out all day and the strange events before I was forced to come into work really flipped me about.

I had lunch with "She Who Shall Not Be Named".

Seems I might be dodging thrown objects and possibly bullets from a few of y'all, but its understandable. I love y'all anyways.

(Runs in a zig zag pattern away from thread)


Thursday, March 22, 2007 2:41 PM


*waves to NVG*

Dunno why you'd think folks are mad at ya, NVG, but then I haven't been in much in months, so I'm happy to welcome ya and send good thoughts and hugs your way.

'Course I still want to rip SWSNBN's hair out at the roots but that's 'cause I like you. *hugs*


When we're down, don't frown. Come join the camp-out at

“Any idea why they’d take his heart if it wasn’t to worship the demon of the week?” -- Lieutenant Eve Dallas, Conspiracy In Death by J. D. Robb


Thursday, March 22, 2007 4:02 PM


I've only got two really good scars. One is on my upper lip, just under my nose. I got that when I was three or so, getting my face impaled by a shard of ceramic. Nastiness. It's most of the reason I wear a beard. The other one is on my knuckle, which I got when my brother knicked me with a just-sharpened axe. That thing split me open with a breath of contact.

I lost track of the other points of conversation, though. Nuts.

Oh, and welcome back, CK. I was hoping the unpleasantness over at Whedonesque wouldn't run you off for good. Just hope you didn't have to see the nastiness a few threads back.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Thursday, March 22, 2007 4:34 PM


Hey my late night tutoring. Got all but one kid in bed. he's downstairs playng wii:)

NV-If it was your choice and all then I say it's fine by me, but the bappin hand's on standby and I do not trust that one...

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Thursday, March 22, 2007 9:52 PM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Scars... scars... I have a small scar on my forehead from when I whacked my head off a path when I was a kid. Nasty fall.


I got a scar next to my eye when my brother pushed me into the bath. and then i reopened it when i fell off the back of a chair at primary school and cracked my head on the corner of a cabinet.

I also got two scar around my ear from operations.



Thursday, March 22, 2007 11:39 PM


I guess I never did my scars bit...

hey DTH *bigassjimibearhuggles* The board misses you too...

I have a scar on my forehead from trying to dive into a pool without putting my hands in front of me in the shallow end. Fun times. I also have a small spot from my lip ring, and the recent trauma wherein I almost cut off my finger with a beer mug has left a pretty decent one.

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Oswald was a fag.


Friday, March 23, 2007 1:39 AM


Scars - one on forehead. I was underneath a half-brick when it came down (tough playgroup - we didn't have proper toys... )

But green eyes, glasses and a scarred forehead are so last year...

Other damage - permanently knackered left knee (fencing) and permanently wrecked left shoulder (aikido) Plus broken nose (random knee incident) - it looks straight, but I have no sense of smell. Dislocated two toes last year.


Friday, March 23, 2007 2:11 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
I had lunch with "She Who Shall Not Be Named".

Seems I might be dodging thrown objects and possibly bullets from a few of y'all,

Oh, NV...thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to post my feelings on this matter. You care! You really do!

What a nice way to start the morning.

Coffee, Cement blocks...what more could a girl need?

This morning's driving song was "Panic" by The Smiths. Tidbit liked the "Hang the DJ, hang the DJ, hang the DJ" part of it. Figures...

Work will be nutty today. All bosses will be heading to NC tomorrow for next week's Market in High Point. Big furniture hoopty-do done twice a year. Crazy today...lots of free time next week!



Friday, March 23, 2007 2:18 AM


LA sneaks by the water cooler...

Mav-- had to tell you how much I enjoy reading about you & Tidbit's morning car songs..Dylan is discovering music now too( your son has great taste btw ! ) & he loves the Chili Peppers & U2 ...makes a Mommy proud indeed !

And with that said I return to the pub..

Happy friday all..


And when I call will you walk gently through my shadow..the one who sings at night.Cry for the nightbird...


Friday, March 23, 2007 3:21 AM


WooHoo! Two days in a row!

Lets see scars, where to start. I've got a series going up my right arm from a dog attack when I was 4or 5. If got another on my chin from tripping over a coat when I was 4 or 5. (I was in the emergency room so often that year people were starting to suspect my parents of abuse). I've got who knows how many small ones on my hands and legs from various cliff related mishaps. Then there's the surgery scars, but those are boring.

I think nighttime is dark so you can imagine your fears with less distraction.


Friday, March 23, 2007 3:39 AM


Wow, Mircea...2 days in a row! Congrats!

I actually have very few scars - surgical, yes...but accident scars? Previously mentioned hand, one on my right index finger, and one on my leg from a few years ago when I borrowed a friends carpet cleaner and it shifted in the back of Dora and fell out and bit me on the leg.

Just got out of IM with my Ekornes contact Magrit over in Norway. She couldn't be any sweeter. She is going to go look for Firefly...I've intrigued her! Worldwide conversion...Resistance is Futile!



Friday, March 23, 2007 3:45 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

Worldwide Conversion, huh? Well, we keep tryin’!

Apologies for the length of the post, but there’s a lot of you and a lot to comment on. So, it’s not my fault. I have plenty of those already.


Originally posted by hobbleit:
A joiner is like a carpenter they make doors and windows and other stuff like that out of wood. Technically my dad's both but he prefers joinery.

And yes, he does still ride a bike. Doesn't let a mikssing finger, a dislocated shoulder and several concussions get in the way.

Thanks for the clarification. I just love cross-cultural exchange stuff.

I just had a feeling he was a true biker at heart. And am very glad of it. Imagine my embarassment if he'd sworn off cycling forever as a result!!


Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Mum said the scratches on my hand looked like I'd been attacked by a cat. Funny, since the car was a Rover.

Life's ironies are better than fiction. *HUGS*


Originally posted by RugBug:
I'm not sure what "whacked my head off a path" means, but it reminds me of faded scar...from running into the support wire for a telephone pole. It had the plastic cover protector thingy (patented name, that is) which ended right at Rugbug forehead height. Distracted me was looking over my shoulder and SMASH, my forehead became one with the PCPT.

I had a similar experience looking back to catch a pass. No plastic cover protector thingy™ (®?), no scar. Just a seatbelt-like burn.


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Naughty girl!


Originally posted by RMMC:
falling down

Falling down stairs. Falling on the ice. Falling for no apparent reason. I'm so good at landing that a few years ago, I was doing a character for a Vacation Bible School and did a pratfall SO realistic sounding, the audience gasped and a few rose up out of their seats. It's all in how you slap the floor...

One of my favorite comics of all time (I may have mentioned this before) is a B.C. where Peter and Thor are watching Clumsy Carp crossing a vast expanse of nothing toward them. A small pebble lies between them. Clumsy Carp trips over the pebble and Peter says to Thor, "Pay up," as Thor is reaching into his pocket.


Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
Hey now, no wrath from me, and certainly not aimed at you, JQ.

Didn't want to thread on sensitive toes (seems lots of them have been broken around here...). I never did venture over to Whedonesque to get the raw version but I could guess how it was from the descriptions I read here. We occasionally venture onto thin ice around here as well, but with the exception of RWED--and there's kind of a confrontational expectation there I think--I think things are usually pretty civil and tolerant.
*HUGS right back* Good to have you among us again.


Originally posted by FlyVote:
I accidentally stabbed myself in the upper arm.

You just going to leave us hanging? How does this happen??


Originally posted by nvghostrider:
I had lunch with "She Who Shall Not Be Named".

Here, let me model your new 76th Uniform. I had Tristan alter it a little just for you...


Originally posted by JamesTheDark:
Just hope you didn't have to see the nastiness a few threads back.

Hi James. Seems like I hardly ever get to chat with you. Dunno why. Were we really that bad?


Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
I guess I never did my scars bit...the recent trauma wherein I almost cut off my finger with a beer mug has left a pretty decent one.

If you're going to almost cut off a finger, what better means...?


Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
Other damage - permanently knackered left knee (fencing) and permanently wrecked left shoulder (aikido) Plus broken nose (random knee incident) - it looks straight, but I have no sense of smell. Dislocated two toes last year.

You know, blow for blow, you sound an awful lot like a certain teacher I know in could be twins. Except she's my wife's twin. Mebbe you two can put on a fencing exhibition for us at D*C??


Originally posted by Mavourneen:
This morning's driving song was "Panic" by The Smiths. Tidbit liked the "Hang the DJ, hang the DJ, hang the DJ" part of it. Figures...

*JQ begins his usual trend of nagging worry about the future of America's youth resulting from parental choices*


Originally posted by Mircea:
I've got who knows how many small ones on my hands and legs from various cliff related mishaps.

Cliffs? You climb? Or do you just fall off them all tourist-like?

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." George Bernard Shaw


Friday, March 23, 2007 3:46 AM


It's Mircea! Hey, everybody! It's Mircea!!!

*hugs Mircea*

*hugs RIMG too*

*hugs board*

the boardies!

Banners, avatars and other fun stuff at


Friday, March 23, 2007 3:54 AM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:

Originally posted by Mavourneen:
This morning's driving song was "Panic" by The Smiths. Tidbit liked the "Hang the DJ, hang the DJ, hang the DJ" part of it. Figures...

*JQ begins his usual trend of nagging worry about the future of America's youth resulting from parental choices*

What's the problem? I had him strapped to the luggage rack on the top of the car...I think he was smoking crack, too. Possibly even had a little girl up there with him. I wasn't paying attention.



Friday, March 23, 2007 3:56 AM


Sadly, my roll on attendance is gonna end after today :( I'm gonna lose work net access again for awhile.
Hugs to DTH

JQ- both. I climb, well I used to climb. Not many cliffs on the Mississippi flood plain. But every time I fell off a cliff I wasn't climbing, I was usually hiking. Its one of those things only i seem to be capable of.

I think nighttime is dark so you can imagine your fears with less distraction.


Friday, March 23, 2007 4:00 AM



I hope you made sure he was given a gun too..? Every good future delinquent needs a firearm !
I never let the boys leave home without them...


And when I call will you walk gently through my shadow..the one who sings at night.Cry for the nightbird...


Friday, March 23, 2007 4:01 AM


We'll keep a place warm for you!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Friday, March 23, 2007 4:05 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Mavourneen:

What's the problem? I had him strapped to the luggage rack on the top of the car...I think he was smoking crack, too. Possibly even had a little girl up there with him. I wasn't paying attention.


"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." George Bernard Shaw


Friday, March 23, 2007 4:11 AM


Mavs, next time make sure he has access to violent video games, they are key in the developing skills of young boys

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Oswald was a fag.


Friday, March 23, 2007 4:17 AM


I'm way ahead of you, folks!
There's a bowlful of wholesome guns sitting on the dining room table, easy access to Daddy's p0rn collection, and of course, they play Grand Theft Auto together...

Now tell me...look at this beautiful face...

Wouldn't you want him running your retirement home?



Friday, March 23, 2007 4:28 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Mavourneen:
Now tell me...look at this beautiful face...

Wouldn't you want him running your retirement home?

*clears throat in manliest, bosso-profundo voice*
WOW! What a cute kid! Who knew? But he's Irish. And Welsh. The only thing worse would be if there was some Scot in there, too. I say thee NAY! I wouldna troost him with any parrt of me goods.

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." George Bernard Shaw


Friday, March 23, 2007 5:03 AM


Mav..what a gorgeous young man you've got there.

*sigh* He would make a great playmate for Dylan..

I could run the Browncoat playgroup..


And when I call will you walk gently through my shadow..the one who sings at night.Cry for the nightbird...


Friday, March 23, 2007 6:44 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by LittleAlbatross29:
I could run the Browncoat playgroup...

That would be so cool. They could all run around with guns they thought were sticks...

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." George Bernard Shaw


Friday, March 23, 2007 6:54 AM


Just a drive-by message -

I'm going to be off the boards for a while. We finally exchanged on our house purchase! So we're moving next Wednesday (it's late Friday here) and I now have to pack my books.

All twenty-odd book cartons of them. Plus the ones in the loft.

So I may be out a while. You hold 'til I get back.

ps Mav...don't normally like sprogs, but that's a wicked looking little tyke you got there


Friday, March 23, 2007 7:00 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
We finally exchanged on our house purchase!

Hallelujah! Good luck! We'll miss you while you're gone. Hurry back...!

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." George Bernard Shaw


Friday, March 23, 2007 7:11 AM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Naughty girl!

You're trying way too hard, Jonny.
That photo has absolutely nothing to do with my post.


Friday, March 23, 2007 7:17 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
ps Mav...don't normally like sprogs, but that's a wicked looking little tyke you got there

Thanks so much, Spaceanjl. I'm pretty fond of him, too!
Congrats on selling your house. Boxing up the library isn't fun. I don't envy you on that!



Friday, March 23, 2007 7:41 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by FlyVote:

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Scars... scars... I have a small scar on my forehead from when I whacked my head off


Stop that. Misinterpreting posts was soooooo three threads ago!


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Naughty girl!

You're trying way too hard, Jonny.
That photo has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

Sorry, HK. I didn't realize I had stepped into the Out of Context game. I need to warn myself better when I do that. Just trying to shake my finger at you. Seems to me I didn't try hard enough...

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." George Bernard Shaw


Friday, March 23, 2007 7:43 AM


Mav- your tidbit's adorable!!! I like the mischievous twinkle:)

Anjl- cool gorgeous good luck with the packing.

Jonny- OK just laughing here:)

Morning all ...nothing like starting the day with a 3 1/2 hour meeting of boredom. Now on to the grading... though they're lucky I'm not grading them on the attitude they've had this whole last week.
Stupid allergies are in full bloom so my nose is stuffed and throat is sore..oh well it can't last forever.

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Friday, March 23, 2007 7:45 AM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Sorry, HK. I didn't realize I had stepped into the Out of Context game. I need to warn myself better when I do that. Just trying to shake my finger at you. Seems to me I didn't try hard enough...

It's the Yay! \o/ Out of Context game.
Don't forget the "Yay!" part of it! Cuz. Um. That's the best part, really.

You step into an aweful lot of stuff, you should be used to it by now.







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