Vote for Firefly (We've passed Bonanza!) I

UPDATED: Thursday, April 5, 2007 19:38
VIEWED: 24900
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Friday, March 30, 2007 3:03 PM



Originally posted by WackyNephew:

Originally posted by FlatTop:
Maybe some of the Bonanzai will lend us a hand now to help push /somebody/ (us) past Xena? Hey they're western, we're western...

Can you imagine how many votes that would generate for both? Just enough to get us all even. I'd like to see the voting if we were all neck and neck. I'm talking ludicrous numbers here. Then it would really be a fair contest.

I posted on the Bonanza forum congratulating them on a good fight and mentioning that our little show has western elements and they might like it. You can see the post (sans formatting) here: although to see it properly formatted it seems an account on the site is required. The first half-paragraph is a quote from one of their members earlier in the thread, but you can't tell that on the archive page.

Let's see if that helps us at all :)


Friday, March 30, 2007 3:50 PM


Vump from work....

Vote for Firefly at

"The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep." Woody Allen


Friday, March 30, 2007 4:18 PM


Aww. Just got this response to my post on bonanzaworld, from Ellen:

"Hey, sab39 - please pass on to the other Browncoats our congratulations. Hopefully a little banter doesn't offend anyone.

It's really great that there are so many fan communities out there - something for everyone!"

Nice of them :)


Friday, March 30, 2007 4:21 PM


Top 10 + BSG
title total dayDelta aveMar1 aveJan1
Xena 267192 2,803 1,437 1,059
Firefly 210283 2,359 1,362 1,177
Bonanza 208666 1,101 869 770
Farscape 110196 416 304 250
Gunsmoke 109851 619 551 453
Nikita 108424 192 163 163
X-Files 84080 459 339 331
Lexx 77180 359 323 305
Roswell 70748 291 215 186
QaFolk 63084 79 59 62
BstarG 57694 873 595 546

Top 40 of the nominations...
title Total dayDelta
Highway to Heaven 11579 234
The L Word 11566 72
CSI Miami 10223 95
Bleak House 9238 9
Dark Shadows (1966) 8753 128
The West Wing 7995 12
Wagon Train 7816 18
Space: 1999 5965 56
The Rookies 5688 0
Lancer 5288 46
Grey's Anatomy 4549 28
Emergency 3904 44
The Avengers 3658 20
The Professionals (1977) 3512 72
Road to Avonlea 3307 0
The Waltons 3157 24
Heroes 3104 41
24 2821 31
Barney Miller 2728 5
Law And Order Special Victims Unit 2616 22
Futurama 2589 16
Pinky and the Brain 2438 19
Maverick 2433 51
Supernatural 2421 25
In the Heat of the Night (1988) 2384 23
Lost 2133 5
Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood 2109 38
I Love Lucy 2031 8
The Big Valley 1935 11
Big Wolf on Campus 1832 9

Highway to Heaven has finally popped on top of the nominations; they continue to make a credible run for the top40.

Please vote for Firefly:

Consider $5/year to support FFF:


Friday, March 30, 2007 4:27 PM



Originally posted by Causal:
Just a thought--maybe we could try shuffling the name of the thread around. When you're used to seeing similarly named threads, you just stop seein' 'em, if you take my meaning. E.g., I'm not one of the Imponderablers, so I hardly even notice their threads. Maybe if we mixed things up on that front, we'd recruit some more. Also, adding a line to your signature about voting for Firefly might raise awareness.

I'm definitely giving it some thought... Problem is, the one time I changed the name completely, even I had trouble finding it!
Hmmm, perhaps "Xena kicks Firefly's tookus" or some such... That should generate a few hits

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Friday, March 30, 2007 5:18 PM



Originally posted by FlatTop:
I'm definitely giving it some thought... Problem is, the one time I changed the name completely, even I had trouble finding it!
Hmmm, perhaps "Xena kicks Firefly's tookus" or some such... That should generate a few hits

Yea...that might get you a little attention. Might get you labelled a troll too.

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

Vote for Firefly at


Friday, March 30, 2007 6:55 PM



Maybe some of the Bonanzai will lend us a hand now to help push /somebody/ (us) past Xena? Hey they're western, we're western..
Can you imagine how many votes that would generate for both? Just enough to get us all even. I'd like to see the voting if we were all neck and neck. I'm talking ludicrous numbers here. Then it would really be a fair contest.
I posted on the Bonanza forum congratulating them on a good fight and mentioning that our little show has western elements and they might like it.

If you read the whole page on the Bonanza site, you'll find that a lot of the westerns are voting as a block, and that even Combat! is part of that group. The Bonanzai are even voting for shows that have nothing to do with Bonanza except that old cast members appear in them.
I don't understand why Joss's fans aren't voting for all of his shows every time they vote. Buffy, at least, is a match for Firefly's excellence, even if Angel fell a little short IMHO. Can you imagine a Whedon/BSG/Lexx/ etc. alliance?


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:19 PM


Thank you for the support! By the way, I forgot. Did I mention the deal with Roswell? They are voting for you too, they joined our block.
Perhaps someone could mention the block on the Whedon site?


Saturday, March 31, 2007 12:34 AM


A bump.

Please vote for Firefly:

Consider $5/year to support FFF:


Saturday, March 31, 2007 12:35 AM



Originally posted by fedexxx:
Thank you for the support! By the way, I forgot. Did I mention the deal with Roswell? They are voting for you too, they joined our block.
Perhaps someone could mention the block on the Whedon site?

That's right kindly of them! Regrettably, I can do nothing more for them since I've been voting for 'em ever since I bought the series box set.

Please vote for Firefly:

Consider $5/year to support FFF:


Saturday, March 31, 2007 12:38 AM



Originally posted by Belcarran:

If you read the whole page on the Bonanza site, you'll find that a lot of the westerns are voting as a block, and that even Combat! is part of that group. The Bonanzai are even voting for shows that have nothing to do with Bonanza except that old cast members appear in them.
I don't understand why Joss's fans aren't voting for all of his shows every time they vote. Buffy, at least, is a match for Firefly's excellence, even if Angel fell a little short IMHO. Can you imagine a Whedon/BSG/Lexx/ etc. alliance?

Already vote for Buffy. This is likely to be a bit of a problem as my suspicions are there's aleady a goodly bit of cross voting going on simply because folks who -do- like Whedon, etc. already are cross voting.

Edit: To clarify, I would not by any means discourage you from asking Buffy (et. al.) from voting FF; it can't hurt. What can be problematic is they might start voting FF and not see much -additional- reciprocation. For instance, I cannot vote "more" for Buffy than I already am. The only way to "show" how much FF cross votes they are getting is if we were to -effectively- get all the FF fans to skip a day of votes. That takes a fair bit of effort and coordination. In any case, the important part is not to set expecations too high and to be trusting when folks say they are cross voting. I'll be happy to be an "example" Buffy cross voter if the question ever arises.

Please vote for Firefly:

Consider $5/year to support FFF:


Saturday, March 31, 2007 1:53 AM


It's 0800 do you know where your bump is?

Remember to vote!

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Saturday, March 31, 2007 1:59 AM


Frankly speaking, although I'm very happy to see us move into the #2 spot, I'm just a bit perplexed & disappointed as to why we haven't done infinitely better all these months. I mean there's 25,000 folks here at FFF, and dozens of other sites with their loyal thousands, and ...what...millions of fans in general?....Plus, factor in the infectious hunger we all share to bring this back, a joyful pain that lives with us, on some level, every day of our lives...Well, I don't know...I know I voted a few hundred times, and every time I do the math, ala River, I keep thinking we should be getting 5,000-10,000 votes per day. I'm certainly not even a old-time or organization-affiliated 'coat...just a relatively recent let's all get on the ball! Hut one, Hut two.


Saturday, March 31, 2007 3:24 AM



Originally posted by Belcarran:
I don't understand why Joss's fans aren't voting for all of his shows every time they vote. Buffy, at least, is a match for Firefly's excellence, even if Angel fell a little short IMHO. Can you imagine a Whedon/BSG/Lexx/ etc. alliance?

Has someone broached this at Whedonesque or one of the Buffy boards?

- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police

Vote for Firefly!


Saturday, March 31, 2007 3:28 AM


Early returns for yesterday:

Xena: 1518 votes to 268710
Firefly: 1681 votes to 211964

- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police

Vote for Firefly!


Saturday, March 31, 2007 3:33 AM


Bumping before heading outdoors, flying high towards that Hall Of Power.


Saturday, March 31, 2007 4:28 AM


Top 10 + BSG

title total dayDelta aveMar1 aveJan1
title total dayDelta aveMar1 aveJan1
Xena____ 268710 1,518 1,440 1,064
Firefly___ 211964 1,681 1,373 1,183
Bonanza_ 209705 1,039 875 773
Farscape_ 110529 333 305 251
Gunsmoke 110449 598 552 455
Nikita____ 108605 181 163 163
X-Files___ 84460 380 341 331
Lexx_____ 77547 367 325 306
Roswell___ 71006 258 216 186
QaFolk___ 63128 44 58 62
BstarG___ 58396 702 599 548

Big fall back; but FF and Bonanza are running solidly ahead of average, as is BsG.

FF gathered more votes an Xena today; a step in the right direction.

Please vote for Firefly:

Consider $5/year to support FFF:


Saturday, March 31, 2007 4:44 AM


To quote a little green man with sunglasses from a cheesy TV movie..."Hooooray for our side." (Spaced Invaders anyone?)

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

Vote for Firefly at


Saturday, March 31, 2007 5:00 AM



Originally posted by leadb:
Top 10 + BSG

title total dayDelta aveMar1 aveJan1
title total dayDelta aveMar1 aveJan1
Xena____ 268710 1,518 1,440 1,064
Firefly___ 211964 1,681 1,373 1,183
Bonanza_ 209705 1,039 875 773
Farscape_ 110529 333 305 251
Gunsmoke 110449 598 552 455
Nikita____ 108605 181 163 163
X-Files___ 84460 380 341 331
Lexx_____ 77547 367 325 306
Roswell___ 71006 258 216 186
QaFolk___ 63128 44 58 62
BstarG___ 58396 702 599 548

Big fall back; but FF and Bonanza are running solidly ahead of average, as is BsG.

FF gathered more votes an Xena today; a step in the right direction.

Please vote for Firefly:

Consider $5/year to support FFF:

It's good to know that 1,681 is now considered a lower voting amount.

Keep voting, let's make 2,000 our average!

Thank Universal for airing Firefly in HD at


Saturday, March 31, 2007 5:49 AM



Originally posted by leadb:
Already vote for Buffy. This is likely to be a bit of a problem as my suspicions are there's aleady a goodly bit of cross voting going on simply because folks who -do- like Whedon, etc. already are cross voting.

Buffy will move up to #13 tomorrow, past Laramie (which seems to be one of the Bonanzai's shows) if trends continue. And BSG is only a few days away from #11.

(Speaking as someone who already votes a Joss trifecta plus BSG)

(Sorry Lexx folks, I only saw your show a few times and it was just too weird to grab my interest. Like an adult sci-fi version of Spongebob Squarepants except with cleavage...)


Saturday, March 31, 2007 6:07 AM


On the Bonanza board someone stated:

It's a great show about the love of a father and his three sons, their affection for each other and their determination to do what is right by all the different people they meet. Four admirable characters.

They didn't say that Bonanza was a show set in 1860-something on a Ranch with Cowboys and Horses. The appeal of Bonanza is the relationships. The love of family.

Firefly could be described as Cowboys in Space. But in the same vein, it is also about a "father and his three sons" in the way that Mal has his crew as a family.

Bonanza's family (dad and sons) deals with the loss and lack of a mother. The father was hurt by the loss of the wife and does all that he can to raise his boys well in the world that they live in. Any one Bonanza show might be written as "today lets shoe a horse", but the show always involves the interplay between brothers and their father.

The Firefly family has many avenues of relationships. But it too can be boiled down to doing the best that you can for your family. Firefly is a different generation than
Bonanza, but many of the same values are there in the hearts of the characters. Firefly characters struggle to survive, and have hard times on their "Ponderosa". But they do it together as a family, even if they all really don't think of themselves as a family.

A Bonanza fan that can't get themselves beyond the idea of "space cowboys" will probably never try watching Firefly. I personally see no appeal in stories only about cowboys and horses, but I do enjoy catching a Bonanza episode every now and then. Bonanza fans should give Firefly a chance. For $10-20 they can pick up the Firefly series and discover why a 14 episode TV show just moved by them in the TV_Vote poll - not because of lasers and spaceships, but because of the struggles to keep a family together.

(Hey sab39 - why don't you copy this to the Bonanza board. I doubt that any Bonanzites will drop their votes for for BZ to vote for Firefly, but perhaps some of them will at least appreciate why we Browncoats are Firefly fans!)

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Saturday, March 31, 2007 6:17 AM


/\ Well said.
And I hope folks don't laugh too hard when I suggest they catch a bit of Bonanza; enough to learn the characters. It is pretty decent.

Please vote for Firefly:

Consider $5/year to support FFF:


Saturday, March 31, 2007 6:39 AM



Originally posted by FlyVote:
(Hey sab39 - why don't you copy this to the Bonanza board. I doubt that any Bonanzites will drop their votes for for BZ to vote for Firefly, but perhaps some of them will at least appreciate why we Browncoats are Firefly fans!)

Done :)


Saturday, March 31, 2007 6:50 AM



- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police

Vote for Firefly!


Saturday, March 31, 2007 6:55 AM


I caught a few episodes of Bonanza in the 60s (never was much of a TV viewer, have only seen Firefly on DVD). Pretty decent for the time. But if you check IMDB you find that the people working in front of, and behind, the cameras were a who's who of 1960s film making. Robert Altman directed eight episodes, and Deforrest Kelly did a guest star appearance. Was hoping to find that Joss's dad or granddad wrote an episode or two, but no luck.

Bonanza is, oh, about three generations (in terms of writing and film techniques)older than Firefly. For its day, it was cutting edge. If done today it would be more like, well, maybe not Deadwood, but certainly a lot edgier and darker than Bonanza as we know it. A lot like Firefly, without the spaceships. Hmmm, here's an interesting challenge for a fanfic author. Take the script for a Bonanza episode, and rewrite it in Firefly style. Hell, you could probably do a while Firefly fanfic series using the Bonanza setup.

As has been pointed out, the two shows have a lot in common.


Saturday, March 31, 2007 7:00 AM


So much for them letting up on the voting...This was emailed to me from a friend and is from the head voting lady at one of the Xena groups:

Well, that was a very short retirement We had 1518 votes yesterday and since many decided they wanted to try for the goal of 500,000, I'm baaaack!

I understand one of the fan posters over at the FF site flamed Xena and followers. Seems the only fans Xena has are connected to an underground Lesbian faction. The show really sucked and it was stupid, lame, absurd with bad acting, bad history, bad everything. He said it had to be on Lesbian web sites all over the world...not just Xena fandom. And to quote "I don't recall Xena generating any huge numbers in ratings when it was on TV, but over time the Gay coalition really held this show close to their bosom, especially that young stick-wielding blonde sidekick...if so, we are hopelessly outnumbered" . I think he is pretty funny, actually.

Hopefully that is only one opinion over there...not a nice thing to say about our show and our girls, the acting part that is.

Firefly is at 211,964 with 1681 votes turned in yesterday. We are still 56,746 votes ahead of them. I understand their goal is to become number one since we showed them up in the 2000 daily vote game, and they feel our votes are now going to drop since we no longer have a goal

So, all said and done, we will survive! A few people have given stats on how long it will take us to reach 500,000 and it is about 4 or 5 months. So, if you have nothing better to do...pop in a vote or two...or more.

Battle On for Xena, Lucy and Renee!!!

Mac, your friendly neighborhood VTL...again :o

They never seem to read the posts that congratulate them or show admiration for their accomplishment. Oh well. This is gonna be fun!! Time for some serious mobilization. We need to contact every Browncoat group in the world and get them on board and voting.Who can you contact?

Vote for Firefly at

"The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep." Woody Allen


Saturday, March 31, 2007 7:31 AM


This board ( does have some Xena FANS. But anything good we say about Xena fans is ignored. Anything bad IS NOT the general opinion of all of us, but only a select few. That's too bad. It seems as if the head voter twists what we say to suit her needs.


from Xena fan Maylith posted here on a while back:
I think we all harbor some secret love of a tv show....I may not understand the love for Bonanza some have, but I respect it. I also respect the love Firefly fans have for their show. It's because of you guys that Serenity was made, and it was a great addition to the Firefly experience.

So, while I am glad Xena got to the TV-Vote Hall of Fame, I hope to see Firefly join us there soon and Bonanza after that....

Maylith is a fair and level-headed Xena fan, and I applaud her position and her words. I applaud her devotion to her voting efforts.

If the only thing that makes the Xenites vote is a post from someone that doesn't like Xena, well there are a lot. Some people will think that Xena sucks. Some people will be middle-of-the-road, some will love it. Not surprising that someone on this board doesn't like Xena, after all this isn't a Xena board.

My previous post about Bonanza was copied in full to the Bonanza board. I stand by those words, and my position about Bonanza, even if some BZ fans sling a little mud. I'm a Browncoat, I can take it.

I really doubt that this post will be copied to the email list that the Xenites see. After all, I'm saying something nice about a Xena fan. I'm sure that the words "Xena sucks" above will be twisted into a "every Firefly fan just said that Xena sucks" just to get Xenites angry. That's too bad. It's a disservice to the Xenites.

Meanwhile next time I catch a Xena rerun, I'll be stuck thinking about this behavior. Is Xena that thin skinned? I didn't think so.

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FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX
Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!


Saturday, March 31, 2007 7:44 AM


Perhaps someone here should go join the Xena board in question like I did with Bonanza and communicate the respect that Browncoats in general have for our competitors.

I've never even seen Xena, and ShinyEd's post annoyed me. I don't blame Xena fans for being annoyed about it. I agree that it would be nicer if a more balanced view of our comments would be reported, but I don't think it's necessarily malice or deliberately twisting our words that leads that not to happen, just miscommunication. If only a minority of our viewpoint is being communicated, we should take it on ourselves to communicate the rest. We may have a "right" to be upset about the way we're being presented, but we also have the ability to improve the situation...


Saturday, March 31, 2007 8:28 AM


Today's Numbers

Total Votes (Range to show)
Xena(1): 268,710 (56,746)
Firefly(2): 211,964 (0)

Votes Gained Today (Wk.Avg.) Avg.
Xena(1): 1,518 (1,619) 797
…Best Day (March 30, 2007): 2,803 Record for all time best!
Firefly(2): 1,681 (1,658) 961
...Consecutive days > 1,500: 5
…Best Day (March 30, 2007): 2,359

Closure Rate Today (Wk.Avg.) Avg.
Xena(1): 163 (39) 164

Days to Intercept Today (Wk.Avg.) Avg.
Xena(1): 348 (1,455) 346

Looks like we've taken a step back to breathe a bit... Anyone got a cigarette?

Remember to vote!

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Saturday, March 31, 2007 8:30 AM



Originally posted by WackyNephew:
Well, that was a very short retirement We had 1518 votes yesterday and since many decided they wanted to try for the goal of 500,000, I'm baaaack!

I understand one of the fan posters over at the FF site flamed Xena and followers. Seems the only fans Xena has are connected to an underground Lesbian faction. The show really sucked and it was stupid, lame, absurd with bad acting, bad history, bad everything. He said it had to be on Lesbian web sites all over the world...not just Xena fandom. And to quote "I don't recall Xena generating any huge numbers in ratings when it was on TV, but over time the Gay coalition really held this show close to their bosom, especially that young stick-wielding blonde sidekick...if so, we are hopelessly outnumbered" . I think he is pretty funny, actually.

Hopefully that is only one opinion over there...not a nice thing to say about our show and our girls, the acting part that is.

Firefly is at 211,964 with 1681 votes turned in yesterday. We are still 56,746 votes ahead of them. I understand their goal is to become number one since we showed them up in the 2000 daily vote game, and they feel our votes are now going to drop since we no longer have a goal

So, all said and done, we will survive! A few people have given stats on how long it will take us to reach 500,000 and it is about 4 or 5 months. So, if you have nothing better to do...pop in a vote or two...or more.

Battle On for Xena, Lucy and Renee!!!

Mac, your friendly neighborhood VTL...again :o

Would this be the appropriate time to say, "I told you so?" Or might that be later?

Damn those trolls, damn them to Hades. They're giving the Xenites great propaganda.

- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police

Vote for Firefly!


Saturday, March 31, 2007 8:43 AM



Originally posted by Causal:
Would this be the appropriate time to say, "I told you so?" Or might that be later?

Later, if they actually demonstrate they can sustain the numbers and only if we can't...


Damn those trolls, damn them to Hades. They're giving the Xenites great propaganda.

Oh, they're going to the special hell...


Saturday, March 31, 2007 8:53 AM


Although, when it comes to trolls, we seem to have nailed them down to a handful of truly persistent ones, and we seem to be getting better at ignoring them.

- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police

Vote for Firefly!


Saturday, March 31, 2007 9:28 AM


I find it interesting to see so many new names on this thread (and when I say new, I mean since I last actively participated...the 76th are keeping me a bit busy)

The numbers of active voters (thanks to Flyvote you beautiful person) has soared during the past few months.

When I started voting (October last year), we were always discussing how to get more people involved. And it seems to have worked.

I try not to get discouraged when I see Xena's votes because they have been doing this (voting) for much longer than we have. During that time, I'm sure they have been able to reach many more fans than we have.

We just need to keep on convincing more and more Browncoats that this is worthwhile and fun.

Now for a bit of wishful thinking.... Wouldn't it be great if we could get Haken to compile a mailing list of all the registered members on this site, so we can send out an e-mail to every member requesting assistance?

One e-mail. One voting day. One major push and victory would be ours!

Wouldn't it be great if we can win at least one war?

Big Damn Browncoat Vote


Saturday, March 31, 2007 10:02 AM



Well, that was a very short retirement We had 1518 votes yesterday and since many decided they wanted to try for the goal of 500,000, I'm baaaack!

I understand one of the fan posters over at the FF site flamed Xena and followers. Seems the only fans Xena has are connected to an underground Lesbian faction. The show really sucked and it was stupid, lame, absurd with bad acting, bad history, bad everything. He said it had to be on Lesbian web sites all over the world...not just Xena fandom. And to quote "I don't recall Xena generating any huge numbers in ratings when it was on TV, but over time the Gay coalition really held this show close to their bosom, especially that young stick-wielding blonde sidekick...if so, we are hopelessly outnumbered" . I think he is pretty funny, actually.

Hopefully that is only one opinion over there...not a nice thing to say about our show and our girls, the acting part that is.

Firefly is at 211,964 with 1681 votes turned in yesterday. We are still 56,746 votes ahead of them. I understand their goal is to become number one since we showed them up in the 2000 daily vote game, and they feel our votes are now going to drop since we no longer have a goal

Let's face it, the Xenites are determine to take what is said here, even if by a tiny minority, and use it for fuel.
I've said it before, I'll say it again; we need to work to our best and simply ignore what the Xenites might say of us. The only thing we can do that will affect their voting levels is to roll over and die. If we did, they might slow down their votes...until Bonanza or some some other series gets going.

Any of you who think Xena is going to roll over if we get close; and trust me, the Xena fans perceive us as close or they would not be "getting out the vote", they will fight to the end. Look at Bonanza... they did not roll over when we got close; they have an active fan base and pulled together. Did we scrape by, yes. Are Bonanza fans still pushing out near record numbers for the show? Yes. Do I expect them to drop back? Maybe... slowly or not.
Same with Xena,but multiply it times 2 or 3. They have a huge, dedicated fan base. -Someone- amongst them will always get inspired to keep the top spot. They will find a new goal, set it, pursue it vigorously. We can do no less.

Xena Fans:
To be clear; I respect your appreciation of your show. It happens to not be my cup of tea. Be clear on this, we intend to compete to the end. Someone once said, "May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Please vote for Firefly:

Consider $5/year to support FFF:


Saturday, March 31, 2007 11:24 AM


Found another enclave of firefly TV_voters:
I made a couple posts to say "hi".

And perhaps this was posted before; but if I did, I missed it:
It discusses Firefly's rise to #2 in the poll.

Please vote for Firefly:

Consider $5/year to support FFF:


Saturday, March 31, 2007 11:42 AM



Originally posted by leadb:
Let's face it, the Xenites are determine to take what is said here, even if by a tiny minority, and use it for fuel.
I've said it before, I'll say it again; we need to work to our best and simply ignore what the Xenites might say of us. The only thing we can do that will affect their voting levels is to roll over and die. If we did, they might slow down their votes...until Bonanza or some some other series gets going.

Any of you who think Xena is going to roll over if we get close; and trust me, the Xena fans perceive us as close or they would not be "getting out the vote", they will fight to the end. Look at Bonanza... they did not roll over when we got close; they have an active fan base and pulled together. Did we scrape by, yes. Are Bonanza fans still pushing out near record numbers for the show? Yes. Do I expect them to drop back? Maybe... slowly or not.
Same with Xena,but multiply it times 2 or 3. They have a huge, dedicated fan base. -Someone- amongst them will always get inspired to keep the top spot. They will find a new goal, set it, pursue it vigorously. We can do no less.

Is now the time to say, "I told you so?"

- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police

Vote for Firefly!


Saturday, March 31, 2007 12:58 PM



Originally posted by leadb:
And perhaps this was posted before; but if I did, I missed it:
It discusses Firefly's rise to #2 in the poll.

It discusses it yes: in mostly disparaging terms. Let's not forget: Firefly is the red-headed step-child of the Jossverse. Hell's bells: Buffy and Angel took place in the saem putative universe. We're the odd man out. Interestingly, they mostly say Firefly wasn't that good. So I'm thinking we're not going to get any love from them. (Though I take small consolation in the fact that we're number two.)

- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police

Vote for Firefly!


Saturday, March 31, 2007 2:49 PM



- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police

Vote for Firefly!


Saturday, March 31, 2007 3:44 PM



Is now the time to say, "I told you so?"

Please do so you can stop asking that!!!

Please vote for Firefly:

Consider $5/year to support FFF:


Saturday, March 31, 2007 3:57 PM



Originally posted by leadb:

Is now the time to say, "I told you so?"

Please do so you can stop asking that!!!

Oh, very well.

I told you so!

Ah...that feels better!

- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police

Vote for Firefly!


Saturday, March 31, 2007 4:36 PM



Originally posted by WackyNephew:
So much for them letting up on the voting...This was emailed to me from a friend and is from the head voting lady at one of the Xena groups:

Well, that was a very short retirement We had 1518 votes yesterday and since many decided they wanted to try for the goal of 500,000, I'm baaaack!

I understand one of the fan posters over at the FF site flamed Xena and followers. Seems the only fans Xena has are connected to an underground Lesbian faction. The show really sucked and it was stupid, lame, absurd with bad acting, bad history, bad everything. He said it had to be on Lesbian web sites all over the world...not just Xena fandom. And to quote "I don't recall Xena generating any huge numbers in ratings when it was on TV, but over time the Gay coalition really held this show close to their bosom, especially that young stick-wielding blonde sidekick...if so, we are hopelessly outnumbered" . I think he is pretty funny, actually.

Hopefully that is only one opinion over there...not a nice thing to say about our show and our girls, the acting part that is.

Firefly is at 211,964 with 1681 votes turned in yesterday. We are still 56,746 votes ahead of them. I understand their goal is to become number one since we showed them up in the 2000 daily vote game, and they feel our votes are now going to drop since we no longer have a goal

So, all said and done, we will survive! A few people have given stats on how long it will take us to reach 500,000 and it is about 4 or 5 months. So, if you have nothing better to do...pop in a vote or two...or more.

Battle On for Xena, Lucy and Renee!!!

Mac, your friendly neighborhood VTL...again :o

They never seem to read the posts that congratulate them or show admiration for their accomplishment. Oh well. This is gonna be fun!! Time for some serious mobilization. We need to contact every Browncoat group in the world and get them on board and voting.Who can you contact?

Vote for Firefly at

"The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep." Woody Allen

You know I am a fan of both shows, vote for both shows, but someone(a mole) is sending an e-mail of a friend to you and then you post it it here? That was a letter posted on a e-mail list, a XENITE e-mail list so whom ever is the jerk that did that is really taking this sh!t too serious, but with that persons slam on Xena,calling us a lesbian underground was really frakked up. Lesibans did make the show popular and we are the FANDOM. They did notice, and I did tell them of all the crongrats to you all, and that just because a couple of Firefly fans are rude doesn't mean the rest of us are. You lost this person vote. I understand you wanting to get Firefly it's own hall of fame, and I am all for a little smack down, but someone is going too far. It's funny, you all are voting for Bonanza, now I will and with posting that letter I bet Xenites will too.


Saturday, March 31, 2007 4:50 PM



Originally posted by FlyVote:
This board ( does have some Xena FANS. But anything good we say about Xena fans is ignored. Anything bad IS NOT the general opinion of all of us, but only a select few. That's too bad. It seems as if the head voter twists what we say to suit her needs.


from Xena fan Maylith posted here on a while back:
I think we all harbor some secret love of a tv show....I may not understand the love for Bonanza some have, but I respect it. I also respect the love Firefly fans have for their show. It's because of you guys that Serenity was made, and it was a great addition to the Firefly experience.

So, while I am glad Xena got to the TV-Vote Hall of Fame, I hope to see Firefly join us there soon and Bonanza after that....

Maylith is a fair and level-headed Xena fan, and I applaud her position and her words. I applaud her devotion to her voting efforts.

If the only thing that makes the Xenites vote is a post from someone that doesn't like Xena, well there are a lot. Some people will think that Xena sucks. Some people will be middle-of-the-road, some will love it. Not surprising that someone on this board doesn't like Xena, after all this isn't a Xena board.

My previous post about Bonanza was copied in full to the Bonanza board. I stand by those words, and my position about Bonanza, even if some BZ fans sling a little mud. I'm a Browncoat, I can take it.

I really doubt that this post will be copied to the email list that the Xenites see. After all, I'm saying something nice about a Xena fan. I'm sure that the words "Xena sucks" above will be twisted into a "every Firefly fan just said that Xena sucks" just to get Xenites angry. That's too bad. It's a disservice to the Xenites.

Meanwhile next time I catch a Xena rerun, I'll be stuck thinking about this behavior. Is Xena that thin skinned? I didn't think so.

---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX
Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!

You are wrong, I have told the Xenites about all the good things you all say, but I did not tell them of the one Fireflys fans view of Xena, but someone who is passing the bad stuff off looks like they are turning around and passing stuff right back. I was trying to get a whole Xena/FF alliance together, but both sides don't want too, and that is fine. The voting is pointless, I'm not visiting Rich's site anymore to vote for anyone. The problem I have is the posting of letters meant for a Xena list, not a public message board, but a e-mail list for Xena fans, and it did not belong anywhere else but on that list.


Saturday, March 31, 2007 5:54 PM



Looks like it's getting bitter now...

- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police

Vote for Firefly!


Saturday, March 31, 2007 5:55 PM



I was trying to get a whole Xena/FF alliance together, but both sides don't want too, and that is fine.

Well, it's a bit of oil and water problem; there's Xena fans who want it at the top of the charts, period. Understandable, but I doubt you will crack that; it is after all a Xena fandom.

Your loyalties got split on this matter; being a fan of both; it's hard to straddle two groups like this each with a clear desire to promote something, in this case a show. You seem to feel hurt; and I'm sorry that came to happen.

Please vote for Firefly:

Consider $5/year to support FFF:


Saturday, March 31, 2007 5:57 PM



Originally posted by Causal:

Originally posted by leadb:

Is now the time to say, "I told you so?"

Please do so you can stop asking that!!!

Oh, very well.

I told you so!

Ah...that feels better!

Phew! I was concerned you might burst!

Please vote for Firefly:

Consider $5/year to support FFF:


Saturday, March 31, 2007 6:00 PM



Originally posted by leadb:
Phew! I was concerned you might burst!

No bursting, I'm good! This used to happen all the time in the military. I did intel analysis, and I'd make some prediction or other, only to get scoffed at. Only trouble was, when I was right, I could gloat. Cursed military bearing...

- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police

Vote for Firefly!


Saturday, March 31, 2007 7:26 PM



Originally posted by JLin:

Originally posted by ShinyEd:
I dunno.......the Xena fans? : are they really fans of the show?...or is linked in somehow to the Lesbian underground? I don't recall Xena generating any huge numbers in ratings when it was on TV, but over time the Gay coalition really held this show close to their bosom, especially that young stick-wielding blonde sidekick....if so, we are hopelessly outnumbered.

come to think of it...that show REALLY SUCKED!!! It was stupid & lame & absurd...WHAT WAS THERE TO LIKE ABOUT IT? BAD ACTING, BAD HISTORY, BAD EVERYTHING?..YES, it MUST be on Lesbian web sites all over the world...not just Xena fandom.

If this is the case, maybe we should recommend that Xenites watch War Stories. All those scenes with Innara and the Counciler. That would get them voting for us...or at least they might be in their bunks.

Thank Universal for airing Firefly in HD at

I feel compelled to apologize if my statment was considered flaming another fandom. I was trying to make light of a more serious comment that I did not agree with. I suppose the joke would be lost on anyone who has not seen War Stories, so my apologies to the Xena lurkers on this thread.

My whole reason for voting is to get others to take notice of our show, increase the fandom, heck maybe watch some of the other shows (yes, I've been watching Bonanza ). I hope other fandoms are checking out Firefly even if they never vote for it.

Best of luck to everyone voting--may our show--I mean the best show win.
I just couldn't help myself.

Thank Universal for airing Firefly in HD at


Saturday, March 31, 2007 7:56 PM



Originally posted by StormCat:

You know I am a fan of both shows, vote for both shows, but someone(a mole) is sending an e-mail of a friend to you and then you post it it here? That was a letter posted on a e-mail list, a XENITE e-mail list so whom ever is the jerk that did that is really taking this sh!t too serious...

First of all,one the purposes of that posting was to point out that: contrary to popular belief, Xena fans aren't going to let up on the voting. Not exactly a state secret. The other purpose was to point out what a shame it is to have all of us judged by one negative post.That was it. Harmless.If you read the subsiquent posts to that one you'll see that the point was reinforced. No flaming, just a commentary on how things are.

As always, the only one making a big deal out of something like this is you, and I'm sick of all your ranting and raving everytime someone says something that you view as a slight to your favorite show. This is a Firefly board!

Vote for Firefly at

"The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep." Woody Allen


Saturday, March 31, 2007 10:22 PM



Originally posted by sab39:
I've never even seen Xena,

If you want to you can just check out some episodes at:

This competition also got me interested in Firefly, which I had never heard of. Is there a place to take a look at some clips from the show?

Looking forward to more friendly competition ;)


Sunday, April 1, 2007 1:44 AM


Bump on a sunday afternoon






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