Watch out Titantic, here comes Serenity!

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 9, 2004 04:00
VIEWED: 5871
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Friday, March 5, 2004 3:09 PM


Any chance that Serenity will become the next big top ten blockbuster? Maybe even take over first place from Titantic?

Anyways, I see both Star Trek and Star Wars here. Star Trek was revived into the movies from it's cult success but mainstream failure. Sort of like what is happening with Firefly. Plus, then the Star Wars thing where most people heard about it from a friend who heard it from a friend that said it was a good movie and went to see for themselves. I also see that happening with Firefly.

From what I have seen so far, I think Serenity might be a great success so lets keep up getting the word out there, fellow Browncoats.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Friday, March 5, 2004 3:16 PM


Well, to be fair, there are no Star Trek movies in the top ten.

I'd say Serenity will do well, but not that well. Keep in mind, if it were to break records and stuff, it would probably never come back to TV, because it would be too valuable as a movie franchise.


Friday, March 5, 2004 3:33 PM


Yes, true if the norms could be applied to Firefly but have the norms been applied to Firefly yet? Perhaps it will break box office records but Joss Whedon will still want to release it back into the TV show.

Personally, I think it would be great if Serenity replaced Titantic. It would be sort of like David versus Goliath and quite literally considering the differences in size between the two ships.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Friday, March 5, 2004 6:27 PM


Ah yes, but remember, while Titanic will sink, Serenity will always float in "her" waters.

"Nice shot."
"I was aiming for his head"


Friday, March 5, 2004 8:02 PM


Please, never again compare Serenity to Titantic.

Titantic was one of the worst pieces of ruttin offal I've ever had the displeasure to waste three hours and eight bucks on. Hell, that lousy "movie" put me off popcorn for over a year.

It had a lousy script. There were so many true-life compelling stories on that ship. Why did Cameron decide to go with that tripe?

Hmmm, rich girl who has been trained to obey her parents is going to reject the super rich husband that will save her family in order to run off with the asexual wimp that is Leonardo D'Castrated? Gads, what an unbelievable crappy script ranking story-wise right up there with Showgirls or Barbwire**.

Titantic deserved the technical awards, cinematography, costumes, sound, special effects, etc: However, it was one of the worst movies EVER made. It did NOT deserve best picture. I haven't watched the Oscars since that travesty was carried out.

Serenity on the other hand ....

Serenity will be written by the genius that is Joss Whedon. It will be brought to life through the acting talents of a crew we love. It will be nurtured and tended and loved.

Serenity is gonna rock and I bet my bottom dollar that halfway through, I'm not going to be muttering ... "Will you people just go ahead and drown already?"

** Please don't get me started on Hollywood's incessant need to remake "Cassablanca". It's been done several times and Barbwire is the absolute worst bastardization of a great movie that's ever been perpetrated. Bogie is turning over in his grave over what they did to his character.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Friday, March 5, 2004 8:46 PM



Originally posted by Knibblet:
Gads, what an unbelievable crappy script ranking story-wise right up there with Showgirls or Barbwire**.


BLASPHEMY! How dare you criticize the staggering genius that was "Showgirls!" - This I believe, sir, means war-

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Saturday, March 6, 2004 5:15 AM



Originally posted by SevenPercent:
BLASPHEMY! How dare you criticize the staggering genius that was "Showgirls!" - This I believe, sir, means war- B]

I accept. However, I must point out that I'm a girl. This means that during our duel, I'm allowed to whack you to death with my delicate lace trimmed parasol.
Cap'n Tight Pants Knibs the Duelist

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Saturday, March 6, 2004 6:50 AM


I must say, I've never been whacked to death with a lace-trimmed parasol before- Is that the kind of thing we have to do at ten paces, or is it just a count of three type thing?
And I'm only coming if I get to die in my pretty floral bonnet-

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Saturday, March 6, 2004 7:25 AM



Originally posted by Knibblet:
Please, never again compare Serenity to Titantic.

Titantic was one of the worst pieces of ruttin offal I've ever had the displeasure to waste three hours and eight bucks on. Hell, that lousy "movie" put me off popcorn for over a year.

It had a lousy script. There were so many true-life compelling stories on that ship. Why did Cameron decide to go with that tripe?

Hmmm, rich girl who has been trained to obey her parents is going to reject the super rich husband that will save her family in order to run off with the asexual wimp that is Leonardo D'Castrated? Gads, what an unbelievable crappy script ranking story-wise right up there with Showgirls or Barbwire**.

Titantic deserved the technical awards, cinematography, costumes, sound, special effects, etc: However, it was one of the worst movies EVER made. It did NOT deserve best picture. I haven't watched the Oscars since that travesty was carried out.

Serenity on the other hand ....

Serenity will be written by the genius that is Joss Whedon. It will be brought to life through the acting talents of a crew we love. It will be nurtured and tended and loved.

Serenity is gonna rock and I bet my bottom dollar that halfway through, I'm not going to be muttering ... "Will you people just go ahead and drown already?"

** Please don't get me started on Hollywood's incessant need to remake "Cassablanca". It's been done several times and Barbwire is the absolute worst bastardization of a great movie that's ever been perpetrated. Bogie is turning over in his grave over what they did to his character.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."

I don't think I was comparing Serenity to Titantic. I was saying how much likely it would be if Serenity knocked Titantic out of first place of blockbuster movies ever.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Saturday, March 6, 2004 11:27 AM



Originally posted by Knibblet:
Please, never again compare Serenity to Titantic.

Titantic was one of the worst pieces of ruttin offal I've ever had the displeasure to waste three hours and eight bucks on. Hell, that lousy "movie" put me off popcorn for over a year.

It had a lousy script. There were so many true-life compelling stories on that ship. Why did Cameron decide to go with that tripe?

Hmmm, rich girl who has been trained to obey her parents is going to reject the super rich husband that will save her family in order to run off with the asexual wimp that is Leonardo D'Castrated? Gads, what an unbelievable crappy script ranking story-wise right up there with Showgirls or Barbwire**.

Titantic deserved the technical awards, cinematography, costumes, sound, special effects, etc: However, it was one of the worst movies EVER made. It did NOT deserve best picture. I haven't watched the Oscars since that travesty was carried out.

Serenity on the other hand ....

Serenity will be written by the genius that is Joss Whedon. It will be brought to life through the acting talents of a crew we love. It will be nurtured and tended and loved.

Serenity is gonna rock and I bet my bottom dollar that halfway through, I'm not going to be muttering ... "Will you people just go ahead and drown already?"

** Please don't get me started on Hollywood's incessant need to remake "Cassablanca". It's been done several times and Barbwire is the absolute worst bastardization of a great movie that's ever been perpetrated. Bogie is turning over in his grave over what they did to his character.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."

Well said! As a real, non-emasculated male, I didn't willingly go to see "Titanic". I got dragged there by the missus, and it was only a concession I made so she would stop complaining about my whoring, drinking, and kicking small animals Anyway, in between choking on my popcorn and making repeated cries of, "MAKEITSTOP, MAKEITSTOP, MAKEITSTOP...", I realized that "Titanic" was a horrible bit of overhyped, oversold Hollywood rubbish that wasn't worth the celluloid it was printed on.

To make matters even worse, a truly great film that was also nominated for a Best Picture Oscar got totally screwed by those navel-gazing, self-important, narcisstic boob voters in the Academy. The movie I mean, of course, was "L.A. Confidential". I think the only Oscar that that particular movie got was for Best Supporting Actress for Kim Basinger.

So, screw "Titanic", screw Leo, screw the Academy of Movie Boobs and such-and-such, and Yay to the iceberg

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Saturday, March 6, 2004 11:53 AM



So, screw "Titanic", screw Leo, screw the Academy of Movie Boobs and such-and-such, and Yay to the iceberg

I voted for the Ice Berg. I think it should have swept the Academy Awards, it was the best actor in the whole movie, it had kind of a Charles Bronson approach to the character.


Saturday, March 6, 2004 11:57 AM


I heard it said the Iceberg had a more Clint Eastwood vibe goin', but to be truthful, both actors are prone to the "strong, silent type." As I would have to watch the movie to know the difference, I will have to live my days in mystery.

Jayne: "How big a room?"


Saturday, March 6, 2004 12:05 PM


Clint, Squint and Glint.


Saturday, March 6, 2004 12:16 PM



Originally posted by rklenseth:
Any chance that Serenity will become the next big top ten blockbuster? Maybe even take over first place from Titantic?

Unfortunately, I don't see Serenity drawing the 'teenage girl' crowd like Titanic.


Saturday, March 6, 2004 12:49 PM



Any chance that Serenity will become the next big top ten blockbuster? Maybe even take over first place from Titantic?

Not even in a month of Sundays. Sorry, but that's the truth. If ROTK isn't going to beat Titanic (and it should, but looks like won't), Firefly/Serenity won't come close. Its about cross-over. No matter how many times the fans see the movie, the cross-over is needed to make the top ten (which I doubt this movie will make, and they certainly won't expect it to make).

Realistically, if its a $35 mill budget, by the time the marketing is out of the way, everything above $50 million could be profit.

If it breaks $100 in the States, that would be fantastic.

I would guess they have budgetted the movie on the basis that they can make a profit on the fan base alone - something Star Trek forgot to do with the last few films, spending over $100 million when the audience wasn't there.

"I threw up on your bed"


Saturday, March 6, 2004 1:26 PM



Originally posted by Cuda:
Unfortunately, I don't see Serenity drawing the 'teenage girl' crowd like Titanic.

Awww, c'mon... the captain wears tight pants, and umm... well, there's Wash. He's got that 'non-threatening' thing that the young chicks dig.

You're right though. Young girls are the key demo for movies these days. Serenity hasn't a vague hope of hitting 'Titanic' numbers. Thankfully, movies are quite profitable without going anywhere near that far.

Personally, I'd rather see a new series anyway. This whole 'movies are epic' thing Whedon keeps putting out there makes me nervous. Mal's epic days are behind him, and the show wasn't about epic space opera stuff. Epic disconcerts me, and makes me worry he's changing too much. Unlike a lot of you folk, I'm not a fan of either Buffy or Angel, so my faith in what's-to-come has limits.


Saturday, March 6, 2004 2:55 PM



Originally posted by Cuda:

Originally posted by rklenseth:
Any chance that Serenity will become the next big top ten blockbuster? Maybe even take over first place from Titantic?

Unfortunately, I don't see Serenity drawing the 'teenage girl' crowd like Titanic.

It's actually teenage boys that go to the movies, not the teenage girls.

Males between the ages of 12 and 24 are the ones most likely to go and pay for movies.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Saturday, March 6, 2004 3:01 PM


What's with the negative here? Remember the saying, 'doing the impossible makes us mighty'. So lets go and be mighty.

And why does Universal need to advertise this. So far us Browncoats have been doing a great job. We have kept the DVD sales below 50 for the past three months. The fansbase itself is growing everyday. There have been very few people who have seen Firefly and not like it.

Also, look at all the press that Firefly has been getting and the movie is at least 2 years away from being released. Most movies are lucky if they get this much hype a year before release. Plus look at what we have done in 3 months alone since the DVD has been released. Think what we can do in 2 years....

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Saturday, March 6, 2004 4:11 PM


Be realistic.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Saturday, March 6, 2004 5:39 PM


Someone earlier on in this thread said that Joss might still want to continue with the series after the movie is released, provided it is a success?

Is there a chance this could happen do you think? That Joss might continue with it, or even start a new season of it and reintroduce it. (though I'd prefer it to continue where it left off)

The thought of the tv show starting up again is a thought worth thinkin'!!

I'd rather be a could-be if I cannot be an are, for a could-be is a maybe who is reaching for a star


Saturday, March 6, 2004 7:35 PM



Originally posted by InevitableBetrayal:
Be realistic.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Be realistic but at the same time don't use that as an excuse to dash away your dreams and hopes.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Saturday, March 6, 2004 7:37 PM


And has anything that has happened thus far been realistic. Why not try? If you don't then you may never know what could have been.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Saturday, March 6, 2004 8:44 PM



Originally posted by rklenseth:
And has anything that has happened thus far been realistic. Why not try?

I'm totally with you, RK. Why not try as hard as we can and dream big, and plan and strategize a fan marketing campaign? Think big and be positive.


Originally posted by Knibblet:
Please, never again compare Serenity to Titantic.

RK just wants our movie to be Number One. What's wrong with that? We WANT people to compare Firefly to Titanic, they will realize Firefly is better.

We must do everything we can. Serenity WILL rule at the box office!

I wonder if Jeremy over at has a plan. We need the guidance of Jeremy and Teela Brown right about now.


Saturday, March 6, 2004 8:45 PM


Exactly what I have been trying to say.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Saturday, March 6, 2004 8:55 PM


It's all about R(eturn) O(n) I(nvestment). The ROI factor is a huge element in such things. If the budget is going to be $35exp6, then the task of making that money back in spades is not going to be that unrealistic. Hell, the Browncoat Brigade alone, what with multiple viewings, will recoup that money with a comfortable margin (I for one, intend to go see it at least 7 times, even if it is not Joss' best work!).

I think it is folly, however, to think that it will rival some of the Major Blockbusters of our time, like Titanic or LOTR. It is just not accessible to the kind of audience which those enjoyed (albeit for very different reasons). I think it will do respectable business. I think it will turn a tidy profit. I think, due to Joss' aesthetic of quick-and-dirty, documentary cinematography styles, that it will come in at or under budget, handily on schedule, and relatively effortlessly (no big model shops, since everything is rendered; no significant set or location costs, since there is an underlying ethic of uniformity in locations, what with Alliance-governed terraforming; no major prosthetic or animatronic costs, since it's all humans, etc.).

In short, I have little doubt that Joss will show Serenity to be a profitable franchise, worthy of another movie at least, and HOPEFULLY a new series. Much as I adore the 'verse and the characters, and much as we should all work our pi-gus off to market it, however, I think we need to calibrate our expectations to a realistic goal. Titanic is not it.

As long as we get 'Versal Pictues' notice, and show that fux screwed the pooch royally, such that we get a new movie/series, I'd call it a Win! More would be gravy...but let's focus on the main course !

Keep Flyin'!!

Department of Redundancy Department


Saturday, March 6, 2004 8:56 PM


Thanks, RK. Keep the faith.


Saturday, March 6, 2004 8:58 PM



Originally posted by rklenseth:

Originally posted by Cuda:

Unfortunately, I don't see Serenity drawing the 'teenage girl' crowd like Titanic.

It's actually teenage boys that go to the movies, not the teenage girls.

Males between the ages of 12 and 24 are the ones most likely to go and pay for movies.

I don't mean to disagree just for the sake of disagreeing, but I don't think teenage boys pushed Titanic through the roof. Though I'm sure they do their fair share for all the lousy comedies.

But anyways, I'm not worried, Serenity will do awesome. It won't take long for profit from the movie to surpass their $35mil budget, which I think will give lots of hope for the future of Firefly. Joss isn't just going to lay down and die.


Saturday, March 6, 2004 9:04 PM



Originally posted by Noocyte:
I think it is folly, however...

Yoda turns sadly to RK and says, "Folly leads to Learned Helplessness, and Learned Helplessness leads to Titanic, and Charlies Angels Full Throttle."

Everyone screams in fear.

Yoda leans towards RK and whispers,"Try, or try not! There is not Folly. Promote the movie, you must..."


Saturday, March 6, 2004 9:24 PM


'Tash, you are preaching to the proverbial choir! (but the gods bless your passion in doing so!!)

My point was simply that we need to work exceptionally hard to get the word out, but not set ourselves up to devalue a win because it did not appeal to the least common denominator, and so make Huge Heaping Bucket-Fulls of Cash (like Titanic...or Charlie's Angels).

There is scarcely a person I meet who I do not inform about the Glory That Is Firefly. I recently went to a custom bumper sticker site on-line (there are several), and had a sticker of the banner for Firefly made up, and stuck it on my new car (which will soon have the licence plate, "SRENITY" unless it's taken). I have a few people in line to get the first disk of the DVD set ("the first shot is free, bud, then, my brother, you got to buy your own!"). In short, I am NOT advocating complacency. I am simply saying that one needs to identify a realistic field of battle, then launch oneself into that field with the whole of one's being (hmmm...deja-vu!).

Of course, if one is spurred into such a battle with mental images of Oscars and box office records, then I'm the LAST person who's going to rain on the parade. I guess it's just the shrink in me which is making a case for the "realistic" part of that formulation...

Department of Redundancy Department


Saturday, March 6, 2004 9:30 PM


Well, I think it would be great if Serenity sank Titantic. I think most of the us can agree on that.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Saturday, March 6, 2004 9:38 PM


Amen, RK (what's with the religious imagery tonight?!).

If this should come to pass, I will be the first to jump up and down in a most silly fashion (lest my previous posts indicate otherwise).

I don't expect any of us will be the weak links in this chain, and look forward to seeing all of you at the theater (North Carolina, anyone?!).

'Cyte, signing out for the eve.

Keep flyin'!

Department of Redundancy Department


Saturday, March 6, 2004 9:41 PM


Cheers, Noocyte.

Here's a thought.

Imagine the costs of hiring and organizing groups of people in every major city in the US, UK and Canada (etc...) and giving them the job of posting fliers everywhere, donating DVD's to libraries, utilizing webmaster links and banners, adding recommendations on, ETC.... to promote this movie.

It would cost thousands, millions even.

Well, we fans could do it for free. And we do. But we could do it better if we had a plan and specific goals.

And like someone said, we have about 1 1/2 years until the movie. Let's kick some Browncoat marketing ass!


Monday, March 8, 2004 7:08 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Succatash:

Cheers, Noocyte.

Here's a thought.

Imagine the costs of hiring and organizing groups of people in every major city in the US, UK and Canada (etc...) and giving them the job of posting fliers everywhere, donating DVD's to libraries, utilizing webmaster links and banners, adding recommendations on, ETC.... to promote this movie.

It would cost thousands, millions even.

Well, we fans could do it for free. And we do. But we could do it better if we had a plan and specific goals.

And like someone said, we have about 1 1/2 years until the movie. Let's kick some Browncoat marketing ass!

Excellent thinking 'Tash.

I had been thinking about something along these lines this weekend. I was converting another person w/ a small viewing party at my house, and between episodes we discussed the movie and potential marketing.

I agree that fans could do such things as post fliers, etc, and would do so voluntarily to make Firefly a success. I know I for one would more than happily invest time and effort to hang or hand out fliers to promote the movie, as would several friends I have converted. I am sure there would be volunteer Browncoats all over the US, Canada, and the UK who would be willing to do this, if there was some centralized leadership for such an effort.

Perhaps this is something that someone should approach ME about, or perhaps a volunteer could get in touch w/ a PR person for Universal to discuss a mass marketing plan for the movie. If we could get an official flier of some sort w/ a blurb about the movie and perhaps some pics, opening date, etc on it, someone could email copies of the document to volunteers to distribute around town to say book stores, comic stores, game shops, anywhere where we can advertise the movie.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 4:00 AM


just a thought -- i believe the third episode of Star Wars is coming out around the same time as Firefly, so i figure we'll get all the dejected fans from that. Judging by the last two that came out, i think they'll all be looking for a good space adventure -- that's when Firefly will swoop in and save the day... what do you think?






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