Serenity Best Sci-fi movie ever

UPDATED: Sunday, April 8, 2007 18:33
VIEWED: 4060
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Monday, April 2, 2007 4:37 AM


I just found this on digg and wanted to make sure everyone saw it.

: The Top Ten:

1. Serenity (2005)

2. Star Wars (1977)

3. Blade Runner (1982)

4. Planet of the Apes (1968)

5. The Matrix (1999)

6. Alien (1979)

7. Forbidden Planet (1956)

8. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

9. The Terminator (1984)

10. Back to the Future (1985)

Copyright Press Association 2007


Monday, April 2, 2007 4:54 AM


Exactly, that is how it is. Now lets get the top two spots.

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Monday, April 2, 2007 12:11 PM


I can hold with that list.



Monday, April 2, 2007 12:26 PM


Hard to take the list too seriously when it's got such a loyal group of dedicated fans voting time and again....

I love Serenity, but I just don't know about it being no. 1.

For one, I don't think it's been out long enough for proper perspecive. Also, it hasn't been long enough to see how much it influences other stories in the future.

Both Star Wars and Blade Runner have had a massive effect on the entire genre, and are both considered classics. Outside of this board, Serenity has not done either.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, April 2, 2007 3:40 PM


The thing is if we vote it to #1, people who haven't heard of it might say "Hmmmm I think I should check this out.".


Monday, April 2, 2007 5:21 PM


That's a really valid concern. I thought about voting for 2001, because I think it's a work of brilliant filmmaking. Ultimately though, I very honestly voted for Serenity, because I really fundamentally care about these characters and their story.

Though of course we don't know how influential it might be, I think the influence of Firefly/Serenity will be telling the human stories in sci-fi, and the methods Joss used to do it. I think Battlestar Galactica is influenced by Firefly because even though it's a grander, more plot-driven story, it uses the same gritty camera work and focus on the effects of these stories on people in a way that, say, Voyager or the original Galactica did not.

Of course maybe they just came to the same conclusions at the same time and Firefly was just a little before. And there's no way to see what the influence really will be. But my vote was genuine, and I'm glad to see Serenity win, even though we all know it'd get trounced in any scientific poll.

"I have to understand the world, you see."
~Richard Feynman


Tuesday, April 3, 2007 6:54 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:

I love Serenity, but I just don't know about it being no. 1.

For one, I don't think it's been out long enough for proper perspecive. Also, it hasn't been long enough to see how much it influences other stories in the future.

Both Star Wars and Blade Runner have had a massive effect on the entire genre, and are both considered classics. Outside of this board, Serenity has not done either.

Storymark, you know I love you as a brother Browncoat, but the true yardstick of greatness lies not within the purview of generally percieved classics, but in objective reality. I didn't expect to like Serenity better than Blade Runner (my all-time fave until then), but it happened due to the STORY and CHARACTER Joss took care with.
Will it influence other stuff? Like Mrig said above, it already has.
And if anything, I like it better now than when I first saw it, just like Blade Runner before it.

And consider this: Blood Of Heroes, have you seen it? I consider it an absolute CLASSIC post-apocalyptic flick, up there with or surpassing Road Warrior, yet does it enjoy a popular classic status? It doesn't have to for me- it's just great.

Chrisisall's World! Chrisisall's World!


Tuesday, April 3, 2007 3:49 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
And consider this: Blood Of Heroes, have you seen it?

Was that the one with Rutger Hauer & Joan Chen?
You're right! Excellent flick!

EDIT 4/6/07: Oh, hey! Didn't realize it was written & directed by David Webb Peoples!


Tuesday, April 3, 2007 6:23 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Storymark:

I love Serenity, but I just don't know about it being no. 1.

For one, I don't think it's been out long enough for proper perspecive. Also, it hasn't been long enough to see how much it influences other stories in the future.

Both Star Wars and Blade Runner have had a massive effect on the entire genre, and are both considered classics. Outside of this board, Serenity has not done either.

Storymark, you know I love you as a brother Browncoat, but the true yardstick of greatness lies not within the purview of generally percieved classics, but in objective reality.

I disagree. I think for somthing to be considered a "classic" or the "best" of it's kind, there needs to be a significant ammount of time for perspective. There is no such thing as an instant classic, that's just hyperbole and enthusiasm.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, April 4, 2007 3:46 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
I think for somthing to be considered a "classic" or the "best" of it's kind, there needs to be a significant ammount of time for perspective. There is no such thing as an instant classic, that's just hyperbole and enthusiasm.

SF movies I recognized as classics upon the first viewing that time has verified:
Planet Of The Apes
Clockwork Orange
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Star Wars
Blade Runner

Classics that time will verify:
Children Of Men

The only time I was ever a victim of enthusiasm was Highlander; it never got the recognition I initially believed it would got a cult-y status, though.

Instant Chrisisall, just add classics


Thursday, April 5, 2007 9:52 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Classics that time will verify:
Children Of Men

The only time I was ever a victim of enthusiasm was Highlander; it never got the recognition I initially believed it would got a cult-y status, though.

I dug the hell out of Children of Men, but I really doubt it'll go down as a classic. I'm thinking few will really remember it 30 years from now. And I barely know anyone who even liked Solaris, much less consider it a classic.

I agree with you on highlander, though. Great potential, driven into the ground (the still-unreleased 5th movie is Gawd-awful).

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, April 5, 2007 10:03 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:

And I barely know anyone who even liked Solaris, much less consider it a classic.

Solaris is much like 2001, there's a lot there, but even more depends on what you bring to the party.
It's a little heady for the general Star Wars crowd.
And remember all that talk in early reviews of Blade Runner? "Too dark/hero gets beat up too much/nothing but depressing gloomy rain/too confusing/too slow-paced, etc." But at least Blade Runner had violence. Solaris depends entirely on concept and interpretation. That's a rough sell.

Chrisisall of the Chicago Sun Times


Thursday, April 5, 2007 11:03 AM


I agree with your points. And yet, I still know very, veryu few who actually liked Solaris (and I frequent some fairly artsy-inclined movie industry message boards, where Star Wars and the like are practically reviled).

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, April 5, 2007 11:07 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
I agree with your points. And yet, I still know very, very few who actually liked Solaris

Did you like it? I'm still interpreting it more on every viewing....

Hey! My cut disappeared Chrisisall


Thursday, April 5, 2007 1:42 PM


2001...seriously I fell asleep. i bet it was awesome when it first came out but after Star wars and all that followed it was just dull. But Yay for Serenity.


Thursday, April 5, 2007 2:40 PM


I was 16 when Star Wars was released and I can still remember the excitement and awe of seeing it on the big screen for the first time. The deafening cheering & thunderous applause during the final credits was more like the crowd at a major sports final - no one wanted to leave. The entire experience was absolutely awesome, walked out of the theatre feeling 10 feet tall. I have never experienced anything like that at any other movie. Thank you Star Wars, you were magnificent in 1977 and will be THE measuring stick for sci-fi / fantasy for many more years to come.

However that was 30 years ago, times have changed and so have I. Now I want storyline, depth of character, multiple plots/threads and expect the special effects to support the movie, not be the movie (ala Matrix). Enter Firefly/Serenity.

Unlike Star Wars, Serenity won't have a massive affect on the way movies are made. But in time it will be seen as a classic like Forbidden Planet, Planet of the Apes, 2001, Blade Runner, et al. These movies are not the giant leap that Star Wars was, rather they are the milestones that identify the transitions in motion picture story telling.

For a bit of nostlgia I watched Star Wars yesterday afternoon - haven't seen it for years. My, how times have changed. My teenage children (19 & 16) walked in and out a couple of times but did not sit through it all. That night, after dinner, my daughter put on Serenity. Just as the intro credits started my son materialised on the sofa, a few minutes later my wife joined us. When Fanty & Mingo are being introduced the doorbell rings - pause - sons GF asking if he wants to go to the club. No, he prefers to stay and watch Serenity - what !!! So she spends the evening with us as well.

In this family at least, the BDM is up there with Star Wars.

"You all still be here when I wake up ?"


Thursday, April 5, 2007 5:02 PM


I first saw Firefly, fell in love with it, was very excited when they came out with Serenity and went to see it. Took my Mom and my daughter. The three of us cover 3 generations of sci fi fans.
We loved it! It blew our socks off!

We came out of the theater and my Mom ( who likes all sci-fi and is open minded ) looked at me and said with a grin on her face... "That's what Star Wars should have made me feel!!"

My daughter who is jaded about sci fi and opinionated said "This should be the next big franchise!".

I'm glad Serenity won the poll, Star Wars has enough fans and enough publicity and enough followers that it can spare a bit of attention and not be intimidated one bit.

I believe that Chrisisall is right... Serenity will be a classic. It deserved to win this poll.

From here to the eyes and the ears of the 'Verse!


Thursday, April 5, 2007 5:57 PM


Personally, I wasn't a fan. It didn't have the feel of the show and I couldn't help feeling like I'd heard the story several times before.

They killed off Wash and my personal favorite character, Book... not to mention any chance of bringing the show back with the same charisma it had before. If they made another movie, I'd watch it, but I want them to bring back the show with Book and Wash.

Also, T2 was 100 times better than Terminator and Star Wars, argueably, wasn't even Sci-Fi.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, April 5, 2007 6:49 PM


Hiya SixStringJack.

I'd catagorise SW as Sci-fi/fantasy and BDM as sci-fi/adventure.

The BDM does have faults, the biggest being including Book in the plot. He served no real purpose in the storyline, apart from his death scene. People who'd never seen FF would have puzzled over what he was about and why his death meant anything special. Much better not to have included that character in the movie at all.

I didn't like to see Wash being killed off but I have to give it to Joss, it worked. The first time I saw it happen I felt like I'd been skewered by a harpoon. At one point it looked like they might all get killed off, I felt it was a real risk. To get those effects, it had to be a significant character.

C'mon Universal, tell us there's going to be a sequel.

"You all still be here when I wake up ?"


Friday, April 6, 2007 12:35 AM


I've wondered what I would think of Serenity if I went into it under different circumstances. It's possible that I have never and will never give it a fair shot. Maybe I should try watching it again.

If it were completely unattached to Firefly and had an entirely different cast (which would be fairly easy to do, one would imagine), I may have enjoyed it immensely. It was just a let down to me. Nothing wrong with the acting or the special effects, but to me it had none of the magic of the show. It was rushed (I understand it had to be), good characters were needlessly killed off (I also understand Joss likes doing that and he knew this may have been his last chance to do so), and haveing had absolutely no knowledge about it at all going in it was such a huge letdown because before I saw the movie the I thought that the show was so good I was confident that the series would continue once the word got out (Like Family Guy).

But, if they ever did bring back the show now, the only way it could be like it was before is if the entire BDM were discounted as River's dream in some sort of Dallas or Newheart/Bob Newheart Show kind of way. Just my opinion. Not trying to be arguementative with anyone here.... I save that for the RWED.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, April 6, 2007 3:11 AM


I'm amazed that neither Empire Strikes Back or Wrath of Khan were on the list.
Aren't those universally regarded as the best of their respective genres?


Originally posted by Roy:
...sons GF asking if he wants to go to the club. No, he prefers to stay and watch Serenity - what !!! So she spends the evening with us as well.

That was a great story, but... What'd the girlfriend think of Serenity?


Friday, April 6, 2007 8:58 AM


Who is qualified?...or how would someone be qualified to say what the BEST sci-fi movie is? It's all a matter of personal taste, but mostly judging by these poll results it seems to be a matter of a popularity contest limited mostly to recent movies....kind of when I watched MTV for the last time....circa 1995, when their audience voted Motley Crue's " Home Sweet Home" the best rock song of all time.

Personally, I'm a huge fan of the old-time & B or two have been mentioned here, and some of the lists posted here are outstanding...
Destination Moon
Conquest Of Space
Forbidden Planet
The Time Machine
The Thing
Invaders From Mars
War Of The Worlds
Angry Red Planet
Red Planet Mars
World Without End
Beast From 20,000 Fathoms
Not Of This Earth
Rocketship XM
Women Of The Prehistoric Planet
First Men In The Moon
The Blob
Earth Versus The Flying Saucers
The Day The Earth Stood Still
Attack Of The 50-Foot Woman
Terror From The Year 5000
Flight To Mars
King Kong
Mighty Joe Young
The Giant Claw
The Deadly Mantis
Village Of The Damned
Journey To The Seventh Planet
Journey To The Far Side Of The Sun
Creation Of The Humanoids
Soylent Green
& so many others... I love 'em all.


Saturday, April 7, 2007 4:02 PM



Originally posted by cljohnston108:
I'm amazed that neither Empire Strikes Back or Wrath of Khan were on the list.
Aren't those universally regarded as the best of their respective genres?

That was a great story, but... What'd the girlfriend think of Serenity?

GF had seen Serenity before, enjoyed it and FF but she prefers romantic comedies, but was haapy enough to setttle in with us and watch the BDM - ahh to be 18 again.

IMO, Wrath of Khan was the best of the ST movies & would be in my personal best 10. But I found ESB to be somewhat disappointing after SW. I wouldn't have any of the ST:NG movies in my top 10, Contact was their best - I like the Borg

Today I believe Serenity is at least as good as Star Wars. But to appreciate how good SW was in its day, you had to be there. Serenity can't compete on the popularity front.

Aiming for 3000 votes on Gina's Birthday


Saturday, April 7, 2007 11:24 PM



Originally posted by Roy:
But I found ESB to be somewhat disappointing after SW.

It doesn't happen often, but I totally agreed with Roger Ebert's 1997 review of the Special Edition...


Sunday, April 8, 2007 12:24 AM


While I defiantely think that Serenity is one of the best ever made its not numero uno.

That spot belongs to Star Wars for sure. Star Wars not only changed movies forever it changed lives. I don't think there has ever been a single more important movie in history.
You can ask anyone, old/young Sci Fi geeks to people that only watch historical documentaries and I can gaurentee you everyone will know what Star Wars is. I don't think sadly the same is true about Serenity.
Hell during a survey a few years ago 1000 people were surveyed about what religion they were and 11 percent said Jedi.


Sunday, April 8, 2007 6:33 PM



Originally posted by Ozzysun:
While I defiantely think that Serenity is one of the best ever made its not numero uno.

Let's put this discussion into a context: 1977, Star Wars premiers. Unparalelled lineups, instant fanbase who lined up for repeat viewings like no fanbase had ever lined up for any movie ever. Special cinematographic effects on an order of magnitude, if not greater, than anything previoulsy available to the movie going public. Heck, even an engaging story! Say what you may about the consequent SW franchise, that first SW flick made the greatest impression on the American critical and common entertainment sector since, what, Citizen Kane? Gone With The Wind?

I'm not dissing Serenity, the movie, which is a fine moment of under-rated movie making. Yet it pales in comparison to the television series, Firefly, that allowed its birth, and it clearly pales in comparison to awesome sci-fi epics such as Star Wars, Blade Runner, and, even, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Heck, even THX 1138 had more impact, or should have had more impact, during the time of its release.

Serenity is a good movie. One that is worth a few entertainment dollars. But I just don't see how it's a classic, or a best ever in comparison to any movie made. There's likely a lot of reasons for this, one of which might be a relatively limited filming budget.

Now, as for the television show, Firefly.... That's a whole 'nuther kettle of fish. Best teevee series, ever!







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