Maybe it's Good that Firefly Ended...

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 01:32
VIEWED: 6530
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:02 AM


Just a thought, thats probably been covered before, but maybe it's good that Firefly ended the way it did. I was thinking about that today and wondered if this much fanlife and love for it would exist if it had run a lot longer? Would it have grown tiresome after a time? It's short and simple the way it is. Or, if Fox had given Joss three more episodes to wrap up the story, would he have done it? Would any of the characters still be alive? Would we care so much if the story had had closure back then? I think that they are alive in our minds because, after the last episode they were left still flying, still together, still alive, and, though not contented, reasonably happy.

Note: Serenity (the movie) was just a bad dream that Wash had one night, and has no effect on what the crew of the Firefly are doing in the future right now; or is that, will be doing? Time is always such a blur from this end.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:03 AM


You know I don't know if we'd be as cohesive and committed a fan group if it had run for a long time, but I'd still like to have seen at least a full season or maybe 2.

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:29 AM


I think you may have a point... So many things run for to long, thinking of Friends for example the first episodes are funny have a ring of truth about Them, but once you go so far with an episode you have to be silly to keep the story lines going, would Joss have had the wisdom to know when to stop? Would F*x have let him? But at this end I would prefer for it to have an ending, just a little more info on why Inara left and more insight on Book's seemingly colourful past! But would thoses answers be satisfactory? would my love be so great.......?

P.S Let the hole Wash thing go my friend, Joss was just sendong a clear message..... I'M NOT DOING ANY MORE AFTER THIS!!! But notice the big space he left in between.......

How come things never go smooth


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 10:27 AM


To continue... Without the cancelled series to fight for there would have been no need for all the campaigning to bring it back, or to make a movie. I wonder if under those conditions if it would have seemed much more like an average SF series. We will never know. But because of what happened it has been exalted above all the others as a revered masterpiece. Not that I'm complaining, I like it too. Just think'n.

I don't want to get started on the Wash thing again, but just to say, that it may be Joss' story but it's my rationalization, and I can do whatever I want with that. The inside of my head is my world and characters do what I tell them to do... in here.

"Wash baby, come on, wake up, you're have'n a bad dream."
"What, oh, thanks Zoe, I've got to stop eating those late night strawberries."


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 10:35 AM


A general rule of something becomes popular it usually becomes mediocre. And of course the old saying, the masses are asses. Firefly is a rare if this is all we ever get, it will be ok with me.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 11:31 AM


I don't think we'd have the community we have today if the show hadn't been canceled. I know that I only found this place because I had heard the rumors that we'd get a dvd box set. Which was sorta unique for a canceled show back then.

Though I still wish I had something to look forward to on tv these days. Right now there's basically only How I Met Your Mother and that is still below Joss level writing.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 11:43 AM



Originally posted by Lance:

maybe it's good that Firefly ended the way it did.

I don't think its a good thing at all. I just got done watching the series for the first time and I'm honestly upset that's pretty much all I get; However I am glad I did see it and I will definitely be busting it out every now and to watch it.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 12:01 PM


The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

Tyrell told me so Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 12:10 PM


Tweaker, welcome to the 'Verse. We're glad you found us, even if it is a bittersweet moment for you. It sure was for all of us latecomers. I'm so thankful there were fans around to make sure that there WAS a boxed set for me to find, and of course a Big Damned Movie.

(Did everyone notice we're up into the 26,000s now?)

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 12:25 PM


I love my captain

stupid double post
read the next one


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 12:29 PM


I love my captain

I don't agree at all. I've been a browncoat going on three years now and I'm still upset by the way it just stopped. I liked the movie but it just didn't have the impact on me that the show did. I agree that often long running shows go down the crapper but I would have liked a run of about two or three years with a nice series finaly. Most of my favorite shows lasted only four at the most. Most of the other shows that I called favorites at one time lost that status when they started to suck around the third or fourth season.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 12:34 PM


While I am glad to have what little exposure to the 'Verse that I have had, I fervently wish for more. It's like a book that stops right when things start to pick up. Joss has stories to tell (he's said so himself) and there's so much room before the BDM (which I agree has a certain sense of acceptable finality to it). There has to be SOMETHING. Star Trek waited a decade for more, and TNG is fervently argued back and forth in regards to its status above or below the original series (it was just that good, apparently). It's been five years for us.

They just don't make movies out of failed series. There has to be something else. It's just too good to die.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 12:35 PM


To be truthsome, I think that we wouldn't truly be Browncoats if the series was still on the air. It's hard to accept that the original series is over, that it ended in such a way, such a betrayal -- which puts us squarely where Mal and Zoe were after the war and makes us mighty. (Showing the premiere episode as the last aired episode! What network in their right mind does something like...oh, right.) The world we loved was lost but we keep going out here in the black. We don't give up, take what's worthy and keep it alive in whatever way we can.

That said, if it had been on for two or three or five years, I believe the twists and turns would have amazed us. Think of all the new directions that Buffy and Angel took through their runs. We writers of fanfic can come up with some good plots based on Firefly that was, we can think of surprising and shocking twists but it still ain't what Whendon would have done! What a loss!

I, for one, am not ready to give up hope on seeing another series set in the Firefly verse. (Maybe something based on River? Ubergirl-killing machines and their noble adventures and failed love affairs. That's something a network might buy because it's tried and true Whedon territory. But would he do it...) I wish there was going to be more than just graphic novels in the meanwhile though. (Those just aren't doing it for me. Pretty weak compared to the series. Sorry, JW!)

If I'm gonna dream, I'm gonna dream big.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 12:41 PM


Also, Orson Scott Card, undisputed Master of Modern Popular Science Fiction, called it (through his interview of "Done the Impossible", "some of the best, most intelligent, and most emotionally compelling storytelling there is."

OSC Himself. The guy who wrote Ender's Game. One of the most amazing modern SciFi authors I have ever read, likes it. There's too much going for it, I think, for it to die.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 1:13 PM


Indeed just to see were Joss would go with it would be exciting! we know the charactors well but he is the charactors, How does he want them to b revealed!?

Never thought of our battle being the same as zoe and Mals, Iknow we are brown coats and all that but it just hit me, I was watchin the most amazing siries ever, Mal was listenin to the sound of (what he thought to be angels) rescue ships, My dad comes home and explains to me there is no more...ever, Zoe says " they're not comin,say it's to hot, We're to lay down arms" and He stands up to see The alience desroy the vally... We are the same, Huh well then we better fight as hard as they do, may just find myself an alience friendly bar on U day

How come things never go smooth


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 1:19 PM


Yeah, it would be interesting to see more, but then again that could pose another issue. If we were to see more we would most likely have such high expectations that it would be under heavy criticism if the later episodes were different from the originals


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 3:23 PM


I don't think so. Sure, some of us might, but I for one will just be so happy that there's actually MORE that I'd be grateful for anything Joss churns out...even though it's more or less guaranteed to be entertaining at the very least.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 5:39 PM


Battlestar Galactica, now entering it's 4th season, is still good. But I think the fact that we fought for Serenity and GOT IT is a tie that binds. This community of fans is different from any I've heard of or encountered. The small battles like Flan 2, which I am a veteran of, make me love the Browncoats even more. ALL BROWNCOATS, the ones on-screen as well as off. Best cast, best fans. Anyone I've told about Firefly and my experiences with cast and fans come to believe it too (Jedi mind trick!) just kiddin', no tricks needed to see the greatness that is the 'verse!



Tuesday, April 10, 2007 6:21 PM


Well, I for one regrettably didn't see Serenity or Firefly until the BDM came out on DVD. So, despite never fighting for the movie to be made, I still feel a bond with everyone here. So I don't think it was just the fight, there's something more that brings us together. I think it's just the fact that the show is SO great all-around that I'm compelled not only to talk to others who have seen it but to those that haven't about it. I think I'd still be doing that if I was in the middle of watching Firefly Season 3.

I understand that the premature "end" of the series was a factor in Browncoat history, but I wouldn't say the strength of Browncoats today and the continuation of the show are mutually exclusive. I don't think I'd be risking where we're at now by saying I wished there was more of the show.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 8:12 PM


I've got some fixed feelings bout it.

On the one hand in pissed cause such a good show was taken off so early, before it could really get itself going.

However if it did keep going i'll miss this, the guerilla marketing, the fan loyalty. How we don't get Firefly/Serenity spoon fed to us, we have to earn it. Plus if Firefly kept going we wouldn't have our BDM and that has converted many new Browncoats by introducing them to the 'verse.

We got something special and i wouldn't trade this in.

Currently wondering what the future holds for this Aussie lad. Waiting for the wind to blow me in the direction I need to be.

In the mean time, lets be bad guys


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:00 PM


Well to be honest about the whole FF fan thing. I more than likely may not be here if the show had conuinued. Not to say that I wouldn't be a fan. But one of the things that lead me to was that I was searching for more. Had FF still been on the air I think I would be content with just watching the show. I don't know. It's really hard to say what I'd be doing if FF was still on. One thing I do know is that the actors and creative team weren't ready for it to be canciled. There were plenty of Joss stories to be told so I feel that we would have been entertained by the "Verse" for at least a season 2 probibly more.

On a happy note. At least the way things have turned out I've come here and made many browncoat friends. That,I believe is a very good thing, Z


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:25 PM


I disagree with the topic. There are so few things that are truly "good" on TV and in life and to see something that was simply amazing stripped before it ever got a chance to shine is sickening. Honestly. Try and watch the whole series again, and right after you're done, you try and tell me that you're happy it ended. I'm watching the whole thing again and I'm ready to scream I'm so frustrated with the way it went down.

Just because something is worth fighting for doesn't mean it's gotta be something small. The fact is, we wouldn't be HERE, kicking and screaming that we want our show back, but instead, we'd all be watching seasons 4, 5, and 6 of Firefly over and over again. We'd still be fans, we'd just be quieter fans.

Saying its a good thing that it's gone is like saying it's a good idea to deprive yourself of food because when you DO finally eat, you like it more. The fact is, you're starving yourself, and although you might appreciate it more... YOURE STARVING YOURSELF! *smack*!



Tuesday, April 10, 2007 10:37 PM


I agree with bludvipr. Plus, I dare you to go to any Buffy / Angel fansite and ask if their show lasting seven or five years made them less obsessed than if it had lasted half a season. Cuz this Buffy/Angel fan says no way!

Banners, avatars and other fun stuff at


Wednesday, April 11, 2007 1:32 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I think that the browncoats are who we are today due to the premature cancellation of the show. Joss had more of the story to tell and we wanted that story. It was what drove us in those early days of "hiatus" then cancellation to campaign as we did to get the show back or have another network pick it up. It was that determination that led to the dvd set being released then the movie being made by Universal.

Would we be the same as we are now if the show had lasted a couple of seasons? Maybe not. I think if we had had two or three seasons under our belt we would have been legion. I firmly believe that had Fox kept the show we would have had a huge fanbase. We may not have been as loyal and driven as we are now, but we would have still been here.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Sergeant

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