the future of firefly

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 12:03
VIEWED: 5450
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Monday, April 9, 2007 10:50 AM


I'm new to this forum and i have a feling this topic is something that comes along quite frequently. I saw Serenity for the first time not too long ago and was completely amazed by it as i never considered myself to be a sci-fi fan. I then was told that Serentiy was made after a tv series called firefly. I netflixed it noticing there was only one season; i watched it and was even more entertained by the series. I then wikipediad "firefly" to learn that it was cancelled during its first season but it still had a huge following. So, that being firefly completely scrapped or will its fan base encourage a return to tv by popular demand?(like family guy).


Monday, April 9, 2007 11:18 AM


We're working on it! Seriously, though, we don't know. You have two choices I guess; be depressed and give up-glad to have the brief shining moment that was Firefly/Serenity... or keep making noise...trying to get noticed by someone, somewhere in the hopes that we'll see more of the 'verse. Here's what we do know; the DVD for Serenity sold much better than anticipated so they are coming out with a 'special' version later this year....Joss is releasing a new comic later this year as well...featuring all the characters we know and love...the Firefly Companion Vol. 2 is coming out next month I think. As far as new films...hmmmm....well, the actors' contracts expire to make any new films this fall.
So with all that in mind...choose to be glum or noisy and hopeful. There's quite a bunch of us who vote every hour at I started back in October or so Firefly was about 8th we're now in second place. Will it make any difference? Probably not but it's something to do for those of us with OCD (obsessive, compulsive disorder)! I've also joined and will be marching with the "76th Independent Army" battalion later this year at the Science fiction/fantasy convention (Dragon*Con) in that's something I have never done for ANY stick around...ya' never know.


Monday, April 9, 2007 11:21 AM


thank there is some hope, and no i don't plan on being "glum" and giving up. Im not prepared to march with you lol, but i will however start by recommending friends and co-workers to watch firefly/serenity. That website you mentioned for voting, is it a popular site that may actually give some pull for the show?


Monday, April 9, 2007 11:27 AM


You did the right thing.

To keep Serenity flying,go get the entire series!
Watch and enjoy them all from start to finish.
Join the fans here and elsewhere.
Write to Fox and tell them you want more.

"We see virtual worlds as an extraordinarily promising new entertainment medium. This is a great opportunity for 20th Century Fox and for the fans of Firefly because Multiverse will deliver an experience that will remain true to the original series, while enabling a whole new level of personal involvement for fans."

Did the primary buffer panel just fall off?


Monday, April 9, 2007 11:31 AM


Omg...i didn't quite feel like reading that whole page, but i did notice its about an much truth is behind this? Ill go and reserve it now!


Monday, April 9, 2007 11:49 AM


Howdy TWEAKERLIME and welcome

Any show or short lived tv series (such as Firefly) will die and only stay dead when the last fan of that show gives up and tosses in the chips. So far FF is a long way from that. There are new fans like yourself joining the browncoat ranks every day. We haven't peaked yet and I don't think we ever will. What can you do? Spread the word of the "Verse" to family and friends. Come here and talk to your browncoat buddies, because believe it or not your just being here has made us stronger. Buy the dvds and loan them out to co-workers. Anything that you can think of to help the Joss verse is all good.

Glad to have you onboard, enjoy, Z


Monday, April 9, 2007 12:03 PM


Hey Tweakerlime: the MMORG is real...two years away, tho. As far is if the voting will help...probably not...but it feels good to be pulling for a great show with a lot of great people....


Monday, April 9, 2007 12:34 PM


I still haven't given up hope either.
The way I see it, we keep getting more and more fans everyday, as shown by just looking at this site. Also really, how many other shows get canceled after 14 episodes, get a movie years later, and have an enormous fan-base?? There's no point in giving up when we've already won.
By the way, welcome to the site!

"I don't want the world to see me, 'cause I don't think that they'd understand."


Monday, April 9, 2007 12:45 PM


"We don't know" isn't really an honest description of the situation.

(1) Even if the Verse were one day to come back to TV, it would not be "Firefly", because as Joss as said, you can't recreate/recapture something that way.

(2) While the DVD sales are routinely strong, the movie flopped at the box office, which isn't going to cause any television network to come banging on doors for the property.

It's really much closer to reality to say, "Such a thing is very doubtful".


In the Portland of Oregon, Birthplace of the Global Charity Screenings Movement
PDX Browncoats, Film Action Oregon, and The Portland Mercury
Can't Stop The Serenity - Portland OR USA
June 22 & 23 @ the Hollywood Theatre
To Benefit Equality Now and the Women's Film Initiative


Monday, April 9, 2007 12:47 PM


reality sucks.


Monday, April 9, 2007 1:36 PM


Wow, Tweakerlime... I'll bet this welcome has made you wonder if you've come to the place that actually represents the fandom.'ve received answers from two folks who had to bring your heart down a peg.

Please don't mind Kaneman, she's always like that.
Mostly it's best to not take her to heart.

TheOneTrueBix isn't foolin'. Our chances are truly slim to none. Doesn't deter me any. I plan to hold til something happens. I'm not leaving this fandom no matter how many nay sayers there are. This boat is my home.

As some of our members have already posted to you, there is much to look forward to. Please look around and avail yourself of the many links to guerilla marketing, shindigs, new shows for the actors, links to other sites in the 'Verse. Just make yourself to home. We're glad you're here.
New folks are a light to us, allow us to see clearly that folks still fall in love with the magic that captured us.

I have this quaint little thing that I do when new folks arrive... I give them an imaginary browncoat just like Mal's.

*hands Tweakerlime a browncoat from the storeroom*

I wear mine with fierce pride. I hope you will too. I hold to most of the same ideals that Mal does... I'm not giving up yet. I can't and I won't.

From here to the eyes and the ears of the 'Verse!


Monday, April 9, 2007 2:51 PM


First off, welcome to the board. Secondly, yours is the ultimate question, isn't it...? There are many fans, (browncoats), here who might have better answers than just "hold the line", but in the end isn't that all we can do - all the email, mass buying of dvds, letter writting campaigns, etc. may or may not make a difference to the powers that be...but as long as we hold on to that feeling we get after watching Out of Gas or Serenity or any one of those great episodes, there will always be a verse, and if this is all we ever get, I say it was worth it all - and I, for one, am very grateful for what we got.

sometimes more is less....


Monday, April 9, 2007 5:12 PM


I know Gough Whitlam was talking about the travesty of holding a democratically elected government to ransom and then dropping the axe on our elected head of parliament by the unelected representative of the Queen (Well may we say...) but:

Maintain the Rage and the Enthusiam

I just hope Firefly/Serenity has better success.

I will think of a signature later. It will be so stunningly brilliant your entire life will pale into insignificance when compared to the few words that will be written here.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:20 AM


I want to second FOLLOWMALs emotional post.We can not listen to the nay-sayers. SISTER,CENTURY22,ASORTAFAIRYTALE,DAYVE and TRUEBLUE all have made good points.As long as FF fandom lives the show lives. I watched all of FF disk 2 yesterday and I swear that the show has such power I feel that it's still on the air. How many other tv series can say that? Most of the mucky-muck that is on the tube now ain't worth a ruttin mud hole on Whitefall. Firefly will live on till we're all dead and gone and the dinosaurs take back the earth. Even then I can see in the future where one dino will walk up to another and say " Mine is an evil laugh, now DIE!"



Tuesday, April 10, 2007 3:13 AM


Actually my answer was very honest.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 4:02 AM


As long as there are Firefly fans, it ain't dead. The chances of a second movie or return of the series are between slim and none... but then, so were the changes of a FIRST movie getting made.

The DVD of both the series and the movie have done well enough to show support for the show. The Serenity miniseries from Dark Horse was, I believe, one of their top sellers for the year (and hopefully the next miniseries in the fall will be too). Although none of met with huge success yet, a number of the actors have gone on to do other projects which will make them more recognizable and broaden the fanbase when there is a return. Heck, it seems like not a day goes by that I don't see someone find this site and say "Hey, I just discovered the show/movie. Can you tell me what's happening in the future?"

It's perhaps too much to hope for, but I can't help but notice that there's rumor that Battelstar Galactica is ending after season four, and also that Joss doesn't have much to do besides "Goners" and some comic book projects. Since some folks feel that BSG "stole" Firefly's chance at a spot on the SciFi channel, it's possible that the karma is circling around. The timing seems right, after all, and things like that have happened before.

Even if the stars don't align there, they will eventually (look at how long it was between Star Trek's TV cancellation and movie return--we're already way ahead of the game!). Meantime, there's little stuff like the forthcoming comic book miniseries to look forward to (and, for those with an interest, fan-based projects... I won't toot my group's own horn to much, but just direct you to the link in my sig). "Here's how it might have been..."


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 5:12 AM



Originally posted by Sister:
Actually my answer was very honest.

I know, Sister. It is indeed honest to look at the fact that getting more Serenity, because let's face it more FF is not possible anymore, is looking very difficult.

Reality does suck.

But I look at it this way.

We still stand the barest chance for another film.
It's not much to hang on to, but it is there for now.
We have a small chance of a direct to DVD movie.
Small but there for now.

I don't believe that any amount of guerilla marketing, voting or recruiting increases our chances per se. What I do believe is that sharing this great show with other folks lets them experience a wonderful thing and increases our numbers.

That's nice because all of us together make up a really fine fandom, and if we never get anything else, we can enjoy that.

From here to the eyes and the ears of the 'Verse!


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 5:53 AM


FollowMal: Thanks..I appreciate what you say and mostly agree. The absolute truth is that no one knows the future..including the Onetruebutth..oops, bix....and dislike being essentially called "dishonest."


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 7:08 AM


Well, I guess I believe there's still better than "slim to none" chance we'll get another movie of some kind. More Firefly? No, but a movie is real possibility. If merchandising continues to do well, and DVDs continue to sell well of both Firefly and the BDM, someone will take notice. Also, although it runs out supposedly soon, Universal did sign a 3 picture deal, so they hold the rights to another picture for now.

I also truly believe that many more people have seen the BDM since it's release due to Browncoats, but also to Netflicks, Blockbuster, HBO, etc. So while its exposure didn't set the world on fire, it has had more exposure than you'd think. That's where the Browncoats can continue to hold the line and push more people to see the BDM and BDS whenever we get a chance.

Just last week, I *FINALLY* got a friend of mine in Germany to watch Firefly, after I went to and purchased the German version of it and sent it to him so he'd watch it. He wrote back just gushing about what an incredible show it was, and he couldn't believe that FOX had canceled it, etc. Don't you think that there are now a bunch of people around Frankfurt being converted to new Browncoats as we speak, because I know he's out there leading the charge! How many of those converted will get their friends to become Browncoats, and so on?

To say our chances are "slim to none" is to say the glass is half full. While there isn't any good news right now for more Firefly or Serenity, nobody has said to my knowledge that there absolutely won't be more, and that means the door is still open. Everyone should plan on buying the new release of Serenity, and while you're at it, go buy the HD-DVD version of it as well to show Universal how serious we are about this movie. Having the HD-DVD version is cool to have, even if you don't have an HD-DVD player, because it's different, and you can also claim it as your first High-Definition DVD purchase! Who can't remember the very first CD you ever bought when they came out many years ago (for us old foggies)? (Boston, Don't Look Back if you must know)

Ok, that's my 2 cents worth! As Browncoats, we're going to keep knocking on the door until we knock the damn thing down!


Zoƫ: "Preacher, don't the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?"

Book: "Quite specific. It is however somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps"


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:03 AM


The future may lie with the fans, creating their own stories and telling their own tales.

I'm interested in the internet becoming a new distribution channel. With the growth of video online and broadband access there's the possibility that small numbers of fans across the world in many nations can come together to create a large enough market to support a commercial enterprise.

One of the first to attempt this will be the show Sanctuary - and This is being made by highly experienced producers/crew in Vancouver B.C. who worked on the Stargate series. If they can prove that the online business model can work financially and technologically then we may be in for a radical cultural shift. This could cut out the distributor/exhibitor and connect the producers and fans directly.

We have a site imaging the next season of Firefly -
We have a audio series with a shiny cast that's really worth listening to -

If Sanctuary works what's to stop fans drumming up the support for a fan film? A film that will work commercially and be the basis for future films.

We wouldn't be the first fandom to try this either. The brave lads and lasses of Finland have beaten us to it, check out In the Pirkinning -
The Computer graphics in this film are very high quality and the comedy is good for an amateur production.

Hold the Line, there's more, much more to come.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:04 AM


The future may lie with the fans, creating their own stories and telling their own tales.

I'm interested in the internet becoming a new distribution channel. With the growth of video online and broadband access there's the possibility that small numbers of fans across the world in many nations can come together to create a large enough market to support a commercial enterprise.

One of the first to attempt this will be the show Sanctuary - and This is being made by highly experienced producers/crew in Vancouver B.C. who worked on the Stargate series. If they can prove that the online business model can work financially and technologically then we may be in for a radical cultural shift. This could cut out the distributor/exhibitor and connect the producers and fans directly.

We have a site writing up the next season of Firefly -
We have a audio series with a shiny cast that's really worth listening to -

If Sanctuary works what's to stop fans drumming up the support for a fan film? A film that will work commercially and be the basis for future films.

We wouldn't be the first fandom to try this either. The brave lads and lasses of Finland have beaten us to it, check out In the Pirkinning -
The Computer graphics in this film are very high quality and the comedy is good for an amateur production.

Hold the Line, there's more, much more to come.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:17 AM



Originally posted by tweakerlime:
Omg...i didn't quite feel like reading that whole page, but i did notice its about an much truth is behind this? Ill go and reserve it now!

What does MMORPG mean?


How come things never go smooth


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:30 AM



Originally posted by JeanDask:
What does MMORPG mean?

Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:42 AM


Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game

It is real. About 2 years away, but real!
Fox has a contract.

Do a search for: Knight-Online or the latest
Lord Of The Rings online LOTRO

They are servers with thousands of people playing the same game, at the same time.

I'd love to see the verse come alive that way, but I'm still hoping for another movie or better still the return of the series at the same time.

We're gonna explode? I don't wanna explode!


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:57 AM


Well, it's "real" in the sense that they announced that they got a deal with Fox at the beginning of December last year, and haven't said a gorramn thing since. No announcement that they've found a developer, no announcement of Joss's take on it, no announcement of getting the rights to use material from Serenity, nothing. Not a word, for four months now. They can say they'll release in 2008 all they want, but unless they find someone to make the thing, I wouldn't count it as a done deal.

I really really hope it does happen. I'm a huuuuge MMORPG fan (playing World of Warcraft right now, along side about nine million other people) and would play a Firefly MMORPG in a heartbeat. But this isn't like the other scifi shows that are getting MMORPGs (Stargate, Star Trek, etc). There isn't a development studio working on this at all. Just some guys with some half-finished software who paid Fox for rights Fox has proven they don't care about or understand. I don't want to rain on the parade, but I am going to remain dubious until a development studio, team, and designer are announced. But it *could* be the future of Firefly (especially if they get the rights to use the Serenity material), if it actually gets made.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 11:08 AM


"There isn't a development studio working on this at all. Just some guys with some half-finished software who paid Fox for rights Fox has proven they don't care about or understand. I don't want to rain on the parade, but I am going to remain dubious until a development studio, team, and designer are announced. But it *could* be the future of Firefly (especially if they get the rights to use the Serenity material), if it actually gets made."

Are you sure? I thought I heard an interview on 'The Signal' when they interviewed the guy who bought the MMORPG rights & I thought he had a team figured out. I thought they were just looking for some online beta testers. Am I wrong?? Also know it takes 1-2 years to develop any decent online game. You may already know this since you play WOW.

Maybe we can ask the folks at The Signal??


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 11:20 AM


oooooooooooooooo! this sounds good....but is that all it is? nice to hear? well i'm wit you guys! hope it happens and will be there no doubt when it does!!
Thanks for informing me!


How come things never go smooth


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 12:03 PM


One of the best resources for news on the Firefly MMORPG is They seem to keep pretty good track of all the interviews that have talked about the game (which have *all* dried up since January). The company that bought the rights, Multiverse, is not a game company, but rather a software company making software that will let game designers make MMORPGs faster. They've said in multiple interviews that they haven't "selected" a developer yet.

MMORPGs typically take about 5 years to create (WoW took 6 years from concept to launch in November 2005). The Multiverse idea is that if you get a lot of the technology that's the same for every MMORPG out of the way, you could shave that time down to 2 or 3 years from concept to launch. So if their software was completely done and ready to go today (from what I've seen and read, it isn't), and they had selected a professional MMORPG team with past experience (again, from what I've heard -- and from their utter lack of an announcement -- they haven't), they might be able to get a Firefly MMOG out 2 years from today. But that would be April 2009, not 2008. And every day that goes by without a developer is another day the launch gets pushed back.

So yeah, I'm still hopeful that someday we'll each be able to go to a virtual junk yard and find that broken down ship that speaks to us, find a genius mechanic and a talented pilot, and just sail off into the black. But the silence from Multiverse has really started to worry me. Once they announce a (professional, experienced) developer, I'll start to get excited.


You can't take the sky from me...






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