Life (hopefully) Onboard Serenity: The Pain Man Returneth

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 12:51
VIEWED: 23481
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Monday, April 23, 2007 11:38 AM


I think that guy owes me money.

Pain found Ertia in one of the storage rooms in the cargo bay. He didn't know what she was doing there or why, but he needed to talk to her.

"Bao bei are you busy? We need to talk." replied Pain as he leaned against the door frame.

Ertia turned to face Pain and looking into his eyes, she said "Not busy. What'd you want to talk about?"

She knew what he wanted to talk about, but she asked the question anyway.

"I wanted to talk to about why I didn't come back until recently." replied Pain. Looking at the hatch for the second shuttle, then back at Ertia, Pain asked "Would it be all right with you if'n we talked in shuttle number 2?"

Ertia shook her head and said "Don't see why not."

Pain gave Ertia a smile and lead her to the second shuttle, hoping that the Captain wouldn't be needing him or her, while they talked.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, April 24, 2007 5:26 PM


Big Badda BUMP!!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, April 25, 2007 11:06 AM


John walked to the infirmary hoping to find Kaylee and Simon. They were talking and giggling. "Hey Kaylee"

They turned around suprised to see him obviously they weren't giggling at a joke.

"I'll just go then"

"No you can.."

"No I'm good" He turned to leave and was pulled back by Kaylee.

"Hey is something bothering you."


"Well sorry"

"You should be"

"What's that supposed to mean"

"Well you haven't talked for more than five minutes to anyone on the ship for two months. Even Fly who we may not see till God knows when only got a couple minutes of your time. I'm kind of sick of not getting to spend any time with my best friend cause she's to busy screwin around"

He left before she could respond. When he returned ot his bunk he couldn't believe he had yelled at her. He felt bad but he'd been gleaning way to much strong emotion. He couldn't carry it anymore. He still felt the sting that he had enflicted on Kaylee with his yell. Things needed to get back to normal and fast. Hopefully this job would help.



Wednesday, April 25, 2007 11:26 AM


Inside Shuttle #2

They sat down on one of the fold down benches on the side. Pain placed a hand on Ertia's looked into her eyes and said "I guess I'll start at the beginnin'."

After taking a deep breath, Pain told Ertia of how he chased after 13's pet named Dani as it ran off into the woods with his pants. He told her how they both wound up being ambushed in the middle of a clearing by Melanie and some of her crew and how she tranqed him. Pain then told her of how he woke up in a dark room, about the beatings he received, and how he and Annabelle where the only ones to escape before the ship blew up after the attack from the Alliance military vessel.

He then told her about his run in with Womack at Refueling Station 15, just as he and his daughter were about to leave. He told her everything that happened, including the incident at Ito's with Badger and his reunion with Fly and Reggie, which lead up to his reunion with her and the rest of Serenity's crew.

"The reason I didn't contact you or anyone else on Serenity, was because durin' everythin' after Refuelin' Station 15, I had to keep myself off the radar. I only went out to get food and other things for myself and my daughter. When I figured things were coolin' down, I contacted Reggie and Fly and had them pick me up. Durin' my time with both of them I was too busy helpin' them with jobs and whatnot to wave anyone." replied Pain finally. Looking into Ertia's eyes, he continued "I don't know if that gives you the answers you were hopin' for, but that's the truth."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, April 26, 2007 10:13 AM


* Rivers voice came out over the com.*

river" we'll be entering atmo in about an hour.*

*she put on her best mother, voice.*

river" dont fight with the other criminals, and dont go trading your contaband for fireworks."


Bigwolf18, shaman.


Saturday, April 28, 2007 9:13 AM


Bump-ola! Is anybody here? John, Choo, Oath, Wolf, Ertia, anybody?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, April 29, 2007 4:30 AM


im here, been cheaking every few days, but cant think of anything to write


Bigwolf18, shaman.


Sunday, April 29, 2007 1:17 PM


*beats up Wolf's writer's block*


Serenity landed in the meadow not too far from town, softer than Wash could ever do. Her engine pods powered down just as the cloud of dust settled down. It was mid day and the sun was out, not a cloud in the blue sky as the cargo bay doors lowered, letting a gust of air and the smells of the town in. Everybody including Pain's daughter had begun to filter down into the cargo bay.

"Guess that means we've landed." said Pain to Ertia. He stood up from the bench in Shuttle #2 and continued "I'm willin' to bet a hundred Creds that this is the softest landin' I ever felt in this ship or any ship for that matter."

Ertia had been quiet for the hour that passed before the ship touched down. Pain guessed that she was milling over what he had just told her.

Walking over to her, Pain knelt down, looked into her eyes and said "Bao bei you haven't said a thing in an hour. Are you comin' with me to the cargo bay or am I goin' to have to carry you over my shoulder?"

Ertia are you here or did the space monkeys get you?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, April 29, 2007 3:45 PM


John took a big whiff of the new fresh air and immediately regreted it. Deadwood smelt like go se. He walked with the captain, Zoe and Jayne to go meet the passengers. He hoped something would go wrong he was itching for a fight



Monday, April 30, 2007 11:20 AM


"I can walk on my own two feet, thank you very much." replied Ertia, giving Pain a smile.

"All righty then, but the offer still stands." replied Pain, crossing his arms over his chest.

Ertia rolled her eyes and exited the shuttle, Pain following right behind. By the looks of things the Captain was already gone, along with Jayne, Zoe and John.

"Looks like I should head for my bunk, grab a weapon or two and stand on guard duty." replied Pain as he scanned the cargo bay, waving at his daughter as they both saw each other. He turned to Ertia, smiled and asked "Think you can keep the munchkin occupied until the Captain and the others come back?"

"Sure I guess." replied Ertia, uncertainly.

Pain patted Ertia on the back and said "You two'll do fine."

Leaving Ertia standing on the catwalk, Pain made his way to his bunk. As he entered his bunk, Pain stood for a moment and took in the view. He was glad to be home. He'd be gladder if Ertia was sharing his bunk, but he remebered the "having to take things slow" part of her speech and sighed. He walked over to his weapon's locker and opened it. Pain reached in and took one of the submachine guns and a couple of mags. Sticking the mags in a pocket, Pain exited his bunk and made his way back into the cargo bay. As he walked across the cargo bay, he noticed that Ertia and his daughter were gone.

"Probably off playin' hide and seek." thought Pain, smiling as he leaned against the cargo bay wall and looked out into the openess.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, April 30, 2007 6:37 PM


all right all right. quitcher naggin! :p

Ertia was staring at Anabelle who was staring back at her. "I umm.. I'm not good with kids."

"No duh. And I'm not a kid."

"You ARE a kid." Ertia answered. This was not going well at all. She was still reeling from all that Pain had told her, about his being captured, tortured, discovering his daughter. It was easy to say, on the one hand, that he left her alone, to blame him for her injuries, for her lost memories. But it wasn't the truth. Wasn't reality.

And he had a daughter. A kid.

Suddenly, Ertia had a thought, "Do you like to color stuff?"

"Coloring? Yeah. Do you have color-markers?"

The E. shook her head slowly and pulled out her deck-screen, "Oh, noo...I've got something... better."

The screen came up and with it, the codes for every hard good that came and went off Deadwood.

"Now, we're not pickin' up cargo this go-around, but it never hurts to be prepared. So, these are labels.. see these color patterns? All you have to do," She leaned over and guided the girls hand, "Click here, then drag the color in, then you use these two buttons to make it darker or lighter, and these two to change the hue... see.."

"Oh. I see!" As Annabelle started coloring in the black-market labels, Ertia finally managed to smile. "And then these labels get put on stuff that we take?"

"Well, yes." Ertia grinned, "Stuff that we ship all needs labels for the Alliance and for the Blue Sun marketing people. We just make sure that our labels look like theirs."


Yeah, Ertia thought to herself as she watched the colors transform the raw templates on her deck-screen. Very cool indeed.


Tuesday, May 1, 2007 5:29 PM


Don't make me FedEx you kittens and lots of them.

Pain felt a breeze blow past him, bringing the scents of the town to his nostrils, as he leaned against the cargo bay wall. The smells reminded him on his home planet Santo, except more flowery and not so much horse crap. Pain decided to step outside for a spell and survey the surroundings. He walked ten feet from the ship's port side and looked up into the sky just in time to see a bird crap on his shirt.

"Ruttin' feathery hun dan. If'n we weren't so close to town I'd shoot you." muttered Pain, as he made his way back into the cargo bay.

As he entered the the cargo bay he took off his shirt, throwing it in a nearby trash bin. He then proceeded up the stairs near the infirmary and towards his room, muttering something about birds as he stormed through the galley.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 12:02 PM


John approached the bar with a feeling of anticipation. Bars sometimes, on this ship most of the time, ment fights. They walked in the bar and seperated. John walked to the bar to keep watch. He ordered a drink and sat down. "John"

He turned and saw a man who looked much like him only shorter with a scar across his face. "Knives what are you doing here."

"Lookin for work"

"On Deadwood"

"No I'm lookin for you. I heard..."

"I found Doc she's on the ship I'll take you there when were done here.



Thursday, May 3, 2007 12:32 PM


I am so sorry for taking this long

Earlier with Doc...
Wind…ever blowing, swirling all around her. The arms of the storm branching out to touch even the farthest of planets. The roar was far off, distant, yet not as distant as it seemed, sitting here in the center, in the eye. What was a torrent outside was only a shower. As the raindrops fell, they left webs of color in their wake. And in these webs were shapes, shadows, blurs of people and places. Here in the calm she sought to read those webs, to focus those pictures.

“Doc” A male voice battled with the storm.

“DOC!” Frustrated she tuned it out, concentrating instead on the sharpening images. A hand, heavy on her shoulder, broke the trance. Now the colors, the pictures, and the storm were all spiraling out of her grasp. Frustrated at her lack of success and furious at he intruder for causing it, she lashed out. Pushing up with her crossed legs she broke the hold and pivoted on her left foot to face the threat. Her sight blurred by the lingering effects of the trance, she drew and threw a knife at the man. Combined with the force from her jump, she was forced backwards and into the cabin wall. ‘Snap, Crunch’ blinding pain shot up her limbs. It was originating from the ankle now trapped between her and the wall. Glaring at the now discernable form of her fiend John, she asked
“What did I specifically say when we got here.", Her voice tight with pain and anger.

"Never break me out of a trance or you'll castrate me and make me eat it" ‘And I almost did, I almost did. Can’t you see that?’ Doc thought desperately. But she needed to know, and the only way to find out way to ask so,

"So why did you break me out of a trance."

"Because I need to ask you a favor. You see..."


"But she really needs some talkin to but..."

"I said No"


"Get out, come back later I'll answer you then" ‘Then after I get this ankle seen to’ Doc thought

"Fine" After watching John retreat back out of the room Doc grabbed a hold of the nearby desk and pulled herself up. Turning towards the bed Doc experimentally put weight on her right foot, and nearly collapsed as pain set her nerves ablaze. Hobbling to a chair, Doc debated John’s plea.
‘I need to find the meaning of the storm and the pictures.’ ‘But John said he needed a favor…’ The thought circled. ‘If I stay cooped up I will not find the answers I need. And then I can help John.’ With both sides satisfied her decision was made.
‘Maybe it’s time to get out of this room.’ Doc thought, wincing as the pain flared in her ankle.
‘And maybe , just maybe, it’s time o go see a real doctor.


Thursday, May 3, 2007 5:22 PM


Welcome, Doc (I call DrPain 'Doc', so there may be a touch of confusion later!) I'm Oath, the one who keeps to the shadows and occasionally says something cleverish. Expect the others will be here to welcome you up soon enough, but for now there's just little old me.

Deadwood. Seeing the corpse of what might have been an aspen once, Oath understood the name. He'd returned to the ship after thirty seconds of open-cargo-bay-door exposure, and couldn't be more glad of it. He'd seen his share of ugly planets, but it wasn't as if he enjoyed them.

Really, he didn't quite get what they were doing moving around people, of all things. Just because the Alliance let them go, spared River, didn't mean they wouldn't come down like a smitey lightning bolt-type thing.

River. Jeezus-pleez-us, River rutting Tam, child, reluctant warrior, and content pilot. Also Oath's daughter, but THAT wasn't important, oh no. What was IMPORTANT was allowing her to fly the ship that a dozen-odd people were occupying at any given time, in spite of her condition.

'She doesn't have a 'condition' any more. At least, not so serious that she runs around screaming and dumping water on people's heads. And who was responsible for her 'cure,' mister? Was it you, finally deciding that enough was enough and you'd let loose your happy little secret? No. It was Reynolds, and the mechanic, and the Companion, it was everybody on this boat but you. Gods, even the Operativ was more involved in her being helped than you! You're a waste of space, nothing but a scarred, useless man who looks twenty years older than he really is.'

His mind still screaming at him, Oath/Szatsu decided that maybe he would venture into Deadwood after all. They probably had some sort of drink that would knock him out just by sniffing it.

'Maybe you should find that Annabelle girl, and be nonexistent in her life, too.'

"I'm not a father. I wasn't supposed to be a father, so how the hell do you expect me to handle it, huh?"

Oath was unaware that he was speaking aloud, standing in a corridor alone. His fists bunched together as he awaited an answer he knew he would hate.

'You're breaking down, Oath. You're going insane over this, and you know what? That's good. Keep it up, and maybe you'll finally understand how your daughter felt all those times you just 'let her be.' '

Oath let out a small, gritty laugh. Yeah, he was losing it, he was going absolutely rutting nuts because of River. Ever since the Operative, Miranda, and the Reavers he'd been nothing but high-strung.

'Maybe it's because you just sat with your face shredded while River ran to her death.'

"She didn't die. She wouldn't have."

'She might have. You didn't know, and neither did she. That's the difference between you two: she will die for her people, her real family, while you do nothing but sit and bleed.'

FLY: Don't read too much into it, Jack; my family is Italian, we kiss everybody on the lips.

JACK: I've got to hang out with more Italians...

-Unknown Thread (Life Onboard Serenity)


Friday, May 4, 2007 9:02 AM


*wolf saw oath walk away in self-torment, he steped out of the shadows.*

wolf" i thought I had problems."

*wolf shouldered his bag and slung his gun across his back, he looked back into the tiny empty room.*

wolf: lotta memories, too many bad ones, best friend dead, girlfriend cheating as i was about to propose for gods sake! this has gotta stop, ive gotta leave, theres nothing here for me anyway.

*after saying goodbye to zoe, a nod to the others and an evil look at simon, wolf took his Bike from the cargo bay, and with one engine blast, he was gone.*

wolf will be back, but he'll be gone for a while.


Bigwolf18, shaman.


Friday, May 4, 2007 1:24 PM


Howdy, Doc! Glad you can join our little family.

Pain watched as Wolf sped off into the wild blue yonder. Well actually it was more like various shades of brown, but you know what I meant. Pain picked up Annabelle in his arms and turned to Ertia, his SMG secured in a custom leg holster. She looked prettier and prettier everytime he looked at her. He wondered how long it'd be until their relationship would be back at the level it once was before she got amnesia. Days? Weeks? Months? Years? He sure as hell hoped it wasn't going to be years.

Finally Pain managed to make words come out his mouth as he said to Ertia "So what would you two wonderful ladies like to do?"

"I want to play on Ertia's computer some more!" repiled Annabelle, excitedly.

Pain smiled at his daughter and said "What's the magic word you use when you ask to do somethin', bao bei?"

Annabelle rolled her eyes and said "Please."

Pain looked to Ertia and asked with a smile "Is that all right with you, babe?"

Will the Wolf bring back any treats when he returns?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, May 5, 2007 12:05 AM


"treat" depends on your point of veiw, but there is a big thing coming.


Bigwolf18, shaman.


Sunday, May 6, 2007 12:57 PM


I see. *sighs* Guess I shouldn't hold out for Ertia to post, which means I'll have to post for her. *mutters something about siccing mutant llamas on her*

"It's fine with me, Pain." replied Ertia, giving each of them a smile.

Pain lowered Annabelle down and said "Well I guess I'll let you two ladies get on that then, since I'm supposed to be on guard duty and all."

Ertia gave Pain a smile and said "You be safe and don't get hurt."

Pain rolled his eyes and said "Yes MOM!"

Ertia smacked Pain in the arm and said "You're such a brat, Pain."

Pain stuck out his tongue and said "I know you are, but what am I?"

Before Ertia could get a word in edgewise, Pain gripped the SMG in his hands and sauntered off, whistling to himself.

Ertia rolled her eyes and said to Annabelle "What are we ever going to do with your father?"

Annabelle shrugged and said "I keep thinking that myself."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, May 11, 2007 12:56 PM


BUMP! Sorry I've been unable to post. I should be back later to post



Wednesday, May 16, 2007 12:10 PM


Sorry for the long delay in postage. I've been thinking about this for a week or so and I figure I need to get it out there. I'm leaving LoS, because to be honest, my heart's not in it anymore. Will I return? Maybe, but I make no promises to that. For now I'll be focusing my RPing over at If you want to continue to play in the LoS 'Verse, please go ahead and do so, if not then that's okay too. I'll be heading off into the sunset now, but it was shiny RPing with you all.


WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 12:51 PM


Is anyones heart really in it anymore. I hate to say it but LoS may have died I may actually try to catch up at bigdamnverse Good bye Life onboard Serenity maybe one day you'll live again.







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