Fox has canceled DRIVE

UPDATED: Friday, June 8, 2007 05:09
VIEWED: 48108
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Thursday, April 26, 2007 11:44 AM


This sucks bigtime. Enough said.

-She's in Congress?-


Thursday, April 26, 2007 12:28 PM


Guys you all need to calm down. How could you possibly be this invested in 4 hours of television? The show was not even that good. There were far too many characters to ever even get past their 1 dimensional sides. I can understand being Nathan and Tim fans, but seriously step back and take a look at the show for what it was. Then take another step back and look at this from a realistic standpoint. The show was not going to do well. If the ratings were bad and dropping there's just about no chance that they're going to improve to a point that it would be kept around. It's a serialized show. If you tuned in monday and hadn't seen any other episodes would you have any clue what was going on? Heck no. I mean not even the basics. You'd be totally lost. So, the only way this show was going anywhere was if Fox re-aired the whole thing sometime and got a TON of new viewership. Very unlikely. Fox did what they had to do. They even promoted this one heavily before it came out. This is just a case of a show that never found its legs or its audience.

Deep breaths. Hope for better things for Tim and Nathan in the future. The end.


Thursday, April 26, 2007 1:04 PM



Originally posted by Storymark:

I know it's real popular to blame Fox for everything around here, but when a new show is actually bringing down the ratings of one of their best-rated shows, it's a good business dicision to axe it.

Yeah, because Heroes running at the same time had nothing to do with it.


Thursday, April 26, 2007 1:11 PM


Don't tell me to calm down you pansy. Do not go quietly into that good night. Rage, Rage against the dying of the light. Make a noise, bang a pan, do not accept mediocrity.

Should have kept to my own counsel. This group dynamic think is getting to me.


Thursday, April 26, 2007 1:27 PM


Someone should email this topic to FOX maybe they would get the point - and bring back Drive

All of their other shows are just


Thursday, April 26, 2007 1:32 PM


This is a horrible day for Nathan and Tim. I agree that FOX should have given the show some time and at least moved it around a bit before axing it. "Smallville" on the CW or the WB or whatever they're calling it this week has been moved several times and has been with us for what, 5 or 6 seasons now? And as gorgeous as Tom Welling is, he's not as hot as Nathan, nor is his show as good as Firefly was or even what little of Drive we were shown. CW has several sci-fi series that have stuck around. Joss and Tim might want to check on working with that network if they're going to go with network tv at all. As for ratings, well, let's face it. Nielsen families make up only a VERY small percentage of tv viewership, and unfortunately they're watching the reality tv crap, and crass crap like Adult Swim. I apologize to any fans of the adult cartoon genre, truly I do, but for me, I can actually feel my brain cells dying when that stuff is on. Networks cater to whatever the Nielsen families watch, and until we all have Nielsen boxes in our homes, we are at their mercy. It's sad, but true. Apparently the Nielsen families LIVE for crap television. Me, I have enough reality in my life. When I watch tv, it's to get AWAY from reality. And I thoroughly agree with whoever said there isn't much good on tv anymore. There isn't. When a show succeeds, within a week there are three copycat series. Sadly, very little of what's on is worth watching, especially coming out of the US. There is more interesting tv coming out of the UK, it seems like. If there is good tv here at all, it's cancelled almost immediately, because Nielsen doesn't like what's actually good!

Burn the land and boil the sea; you can't take the sky from me


Thursday, April 26, 2007 1:40 PM


I love my captain

I was really liking this show and I can't understand what happned. Yes F*X did hype it like nuts before it came on but what happened to the commercials after it aired? And would it have killed them to do an encore airing of the first episode at some point. And someone mentione4d that they could have put it on after one of their already successful shows. I think that sounds like a good idea. Why didn't they do that?


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Thursday, April 26, 2007 2:38 PM



Originally posted by RevDeadCorpse:
Qui Desiridat Pacem, Preparet Bellum


Originally posted by shameless:
Hey RevDeadCorpse - what's that animation in your siggy?

I believe that's the climactic "Hall of Mirrors" sequence from Equilibrium.

Apparently, it's been turned into a Mod for the game Max Payne 2!


Thursday, April 26, 2007 3:05 PM


*twitches nose and sniffs in an irritated manner*

Well, I saw that one coming seeing as it was on the network-from-the-Special-Hell, but I'm still ticked.

And since the show is canceled, Alex's car should be put into the hands of someone who is going to love it and take care of it. Someone who isn't just going to--oh, say--dump it in the middle of the desert and leave it to rust! What I'm saying is, is the car for sale and how much is it? And, can Nathan and Tim sign it?

Buffy: One slayer fighting alone is formidable. Two is formidabler. Or... three? Mega-formidable. And after mega, it goes to mondo, then super, hyper, beaucoup d', crazy, stupid... It gets exponentially prefixy.
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "The Long Way Home" comic


Thursday, April 26, 2007 3:19 PM


Of course there is also direct to dvd movies to continue the story as Stargate SG1 and Babylon 5 are both doing.

Pre-orders are being accepted for B5 at amazon. Like all things these days making of the second one depends on the profitability of the first one.


Thursday, April 26, 2007 3:55 PM



Originally posted by shameless:
Hey RevDeadCorpse - what's that animation in your siggy?

A movie called Equilibrium.

Dystopian Sci-fi. The gif is a shot of a Grammaton Cleric showing off his Gun Kata.

Qui Desiridat Pacem, Preparet Bellum


Thursday, April 26, 2007 4:44 PM



Originally posted by cozen:

What I don't grok is why Whedon, Minear, et. al., don't seem to be able to sell their entertainment concepts to television broadcasters other that Fox. Yeah, I know that Buffy extended it's run on WB, but it didn't start there.

sorry but just a small bit of nitpickery here...
buffy was developed and produced by fox studios, but never aired on fox television. the WB bought the show and aired seasons 1-5, then the WB pulled the plug,Joss & Co scrambled and got picked up by UPN(the other half of what is now the CW) for seasons 6&7. Angel, also produced by FOX( though shot on the paramount lot)ran it's entire 5 year run on WB. Firefly was the first and only Mutant Enemy show produced by FOX studios and aired by FOX Television.

thus endeth my non-drive rant of nitpickery

Nothing like filming a major motion picture to make you feel better about your show being cancelled.
- Nathan Fillion
- Adam Baldwin
Well played Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Thursday, April 26, 2007 4:57 PM


and so i turn on yahoo... and on the news section... "goat dressing- new gay pasttime" and im all "WTF HOW CAN YOU PEOPLE TALK ABOUT GOAT DRESSING AT A TIME LIKE THIS", cuz i just found out late, right. so...


she'll turn you in before you can say... don't turn me in... lady...


Thursday, April 26, 2007 8:23 PM


I'm literally in shock. I swear, if Tim or Nathan EVER trusts Fox again, I will frickin' fly my ass down there, and knock on their front doors, and smack them upside the head for being positively STUPID. I will NEVER trust Fox, EVER AGAIN. If a new show comes on that I like, I'll watch it, but I'm going to assume right off the bat that they're going to cancel it as soon as possible.

Fox just blows my mind, just leaves me cold - I DO NOT watch reality TV. I don't boycott FOX, but I DO boycott ALL reality TV. NO survivor, no american idol, no pussycat dolls, no next top model or designer or chef or ANYTHING. It seems like all I can do, since my hubby insists on watching The Simpsons, and even though the show (NOT Hugh Laurie) is losing some of it's spark, I do still watch House.

You know you want it - *temporarily out of service)

You know you need it -


Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:11 PM


Holy shit. That was fast! I wish Joss would make another show and let Nathan star....they work so well together. *sigh*

"Give me religion and a lobotomy."
Beulah Land-Tori Amos


Friday, April 27, 2007 1:23 AM


seems Nathan has some sort of contract with F##

so he will be doing something on that network for the next 3 years----

Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, April 27, 2007 2:00 AM


Well, of course they have. Quality show like that, can't have one of those on the air.

- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police

Vote for Firefly!


Friday, April 27, 2007 3:14 AM



Originally posted by Shadesiren:
I'm literally in shock. I swear, if Tim or Nathan EVER trusts Fox again, I will frickin' fly my ass down there, and knock on their front doors, and smack them upside the head for being positively STUPID. I will NEVER trust Fox, EVER AGAIN. If a new show comes on that I like, I'll watch it, but I'm going to assume right off the bat that they're going to cancel it as soon as possible.

Having worked in the theatre/music business for a number of years in my youth as a tech, I will say, when a job comes up, a person takes it. If it can be fit into the schedule. Granted they(tim & nathan) don't *need* the money like you & I do but a person doesn't want the rep of turning down jobs for no good reason.
So yeah, take the money & run, is my guess. As to the issue of trust, I'd say you hit the nail on the head.


Friday, April 27, 2007 6:20 AM


Just out of curiosity, how do the ratings and viewership for Drive stack up to Firefly when it was on the air. Anybody know off the top of their head?


Friday, April 27, 2007 8:45 AM


It is the networks' fault if they don't give it a chance. Time was a show at least got a season before it was cancelled, maybe a half. Four episodes? Give me a break. If they had that attitude back when The X-files started, it would have been cancelled within the first season. Plus, they've all fallen into this wierd strategy of starting series at strange times. Drive began nearly at the end of the regular season when most series are winding up. I'm sure it's a ploy to pull in viewers over the summer but I believe Drive debuted during a lot of college spring breaks when college kids were off on vacation and then through finals weeks when they were all studying and thinking about graduation. People don't break that kind of routine for a show unless they're already invested in it. You know, I'm willing to bet most Fox executives are on their third or fourth marriage because, daggone it, the others weren't going like gang busters within the first month.

Well, as a rule I say girl folk ain't to be trusted.


Friday, April 27, 2007 9:56 AM



Originally posted by Redlava:
Just out of curiosity, how do the ratings and viewership for Drive stack up to Firefly when it was on the air. Anybody know off the top of their head?

Here are numbers for Firefly

For Drive the only numbers I'm finding are here for the 3rd ep shown monday 16th

edit: Nnmbers for the premiere here

and monday's numbers here


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at


Friday, April 27, 2007 10:10 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Oh for the love of Pete.

Woe's Nathan.

And he looked so damn good in that car - even if it was a Dodge.

Doing the impossible makes us mighty
Minnesota Browncoats


Friday, April 27, 2007 12:59 PM


You know what else ticks me off, is that the show was touted on one commercial as being "The new hit".


MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Friday, April 27, 2007 2:42 PM


Are you aware that "Drive" is already available for download from iTunes? LoL! This has to be some kind of new speed record for a show to get canceled and end up on iTunes a few DAYS later.

Fast-paced The-Earth-That-Still-Is...



Friday, April 27, 2007 4:18 PM



Originally posted by Channain:
Oh for the love of Pete.

Woe's Nathan.

And he looked so damn good in that car - even if it was a Dodge.

Doing the impossible makes us mighty
Minnesota Browncoats

*waves to Channain!

It's so good to see you!

He looked hot in that car!


Friday, April 27, 2007 5:02 PM


Hey River! I think it has been available on iTunes and on Drives MySpace since the beginning. I watched the first 3 eps online on that Tuesday.



Friday, April 27, 2007 7:34 PM


I'm beginning to believe that the only thing the networks are interested in nowadays is making money. They could not care less about entertaining people. The fact that they cancel the shows with poor ratings means that they aren't making them much money, not that they are entertaining to watch.

The point about reality shows is valid as well. I dispair for the population. Reality TV is one of the worst things to ever happen to television, right up there with commercials. Besides, the only REAL REALity show out there is Cops. If people actually believe that those reality shows are totally real are outside of their own mind. They have no value either. Look at Joe Millionaire. The whole premise was about of shallow, gold digging women fawning over a man that none of them knew or cared about. It was about the money only. As is the same with networks. Fox, NBC, ABC... all of them.

It really is a shame. Who knows how good Drive could have been? Who knows how many years Firefly could have run? Firefly could have gone for a very long time and been fulfilling to a great many people, but it's academic now. We may never know, as the entertainment was lost to money. It's as if a network is going to go bankrupt if it has ONE show with less than 400% of the population watching it.

Many of you have mentioned DVR's. Another excellent point. People have jobs, school, or both. Time is a commodity that is NOT in abundance anymore. DVR's lets us watch what we want WHEN we want, but ratings don't take that into account. There is no way to know how accurate Ratings are anymore, so they are now obsolete. At a large station where there are several good programs, or several good programs on several good stations, people will watch them ALL. Watching one live, maybe, and recording the rest. There is NO way to tell what people are watghing without asking them.

I fear that as long as TV is as competitive as it is, deep, involved, quality programs will keep losing to cheap, fast, easy to make, fast food TV.

Zen Buddhist to the Hotdog Vendor: "Make me one with everything."

"It really is of importance, not only what men do, but also what manner of men they are that do it." - John Stuart Mill, 'On Liberty'

Si sic omnes


Saturday, April 28, 2007 3:08 AM


Interesting point, and very well said BTW.

Now don't get mad at me, but I think that if Firefly had been given the time to develop, and allowed to picked up some momentum, it would have gone for about 6 seasons before it got canceled.



Saturday, April 28, 2007 5:53 AM



Originally posted by Vanguard:
I'm beginning to believe that the only thing the networks are interested in nowadays is making money. They could not care less about entertaining people.

Actually, TV has always been about making money (selling advertising). The difference is that networks used to understand that (A) you can make money by entertaining people, and (B) audiences aren't "found," they're made by exposing viewers to a show (and thus a product being advertised).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, April 28, 2007 7:53 AM


For all the discussion about shows like X-Files, there seems to be a tendency to forget that they didn't *start* as a serials. The first season was a collection of self-contained episodes that gradually started hinting at a larger arc. Firefly also had this property. As a result, I think one could have come in mid-season without much problem. They also satisfy the needs of casual viewers, since an episode can be missed without much consequence.

Shows like Prison Break, Lost and 24 are more problematic, since you really do have to be there from the start. Recent media developments make it possible to "catch-up", but it does seem to be a riskier proposition for the studio, since those that most likely to be able to use the technology are probably not Nielsen viewers.

I don't personally like the serial. My attempts at viewing 24 suggest to me that the format contributes to "flabby" story telling. I gather that most of my friends that watch Lost think that the show really has become lost, while I felt there was a noticable decline in quality during the third season of BSG, which makes me wary about investing time in future serials.


Saturday, April 28, 2007 10:04 AM


And now, a word from I Am Geek:


We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, April 28, 2007 1:08 PM


...what the crap?

This is just like Firefly all over again! And while Drive isn't as good (not even near it) as Firefly, it was still really enjoyable. I liked seeing Nathan again, and Tim Minear is great.

.... DANGIT!

Why won't they just let them finish the story? I mean, this is the kind of show that you want to know how it ends, and there is a definite ending to it.

This really stinks.

~A message from Serenyty~


Saturday, April 28, 2007 5:53 PM


It hasn't evem gotten to Australia yet and Now probably never will, except for DVD if sales are good everywhere else.


Sunday, April 29, 2007 5:57 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by Legolas813:
The Big 4 networks would be out of their mind to keep a show with only 4-6 million viewers (and dropping each episode).

Networks air what the majority of the American TV audience wants to see. Can you blame them?

I agree. I know it's easy to say screw Fox and be angry with them, but to be more honest you should be angry with all the folks you know in ordinary walks of life who don't ever watch this stuff we love. They would rather watch crap reality shows.
That's what sells.

All of that is fine, if broadcast TV as a medium weren't part of the issue. But the fact is, 4-6 million users isn't such a small number when you look at non-broadcast media. It may be a smaller market, but it's a very specific demographic (usually) that makes advertisers salivate because they know who their audience is.

I think the point that broadcast TV IS at issue here is the most important thing. Fox, and the other Big-4 (plus, plus), just like the music companies, will have to adapt, find ways to get their shows relevant in ways that still get them advertisers. Finding creative ways to use the Internet (ways that really work, which is the hard part), to get DVR users like me to actually stick through a commercial or three (I'm amazed at how often I actually do watch them on my TiVo) and getting statisticians to actually use real numbers, like the DVR users (15% of the market use them and don't watch TV live) who don't get included in the Nielsen (sp?) ratings returns).

Sure, you can't blame Fox for dropping a show because of bad ratings. But you can and should laugh your ass off when they do this because their decisions aren't based on a model that reflects reality. Broadcast TV will suffer big time if they don't start getting with the plan.



Sunday, April 29, 2007 6:39 AM


In absolute honesty, I really didn't like the show, inmy opinion it was just another retelling of the same old story that's been told over and over again. But I do understand WHY people would like it, it had potential, it had good dialogue. And another point in mycase, I only watched it for Nathan, but yeah, fox is a bunch fking morons, four episodes is not enough time to see where a show is going. I think there are enough Browncoats and Whedon fans out there so that if we ALL decided to stop watching fox, there would be noticable dip in there ratings, maybe not a huge one, but a noticable one.


Sunday, April 29, 2007 6:42 AM



Originally posted by VSmirk:
Sure, you can't blame Fox for dropping a show because of bad ratings. But you can and should laugh your ass off when they do this because their decisions aren't based on a model that reflects reality. Broadcast TV will suffer big time if they don't start getting with the plan.


In a discussion with my son in law regarding this very same subject we talked about how pay channels often keep shows and let them flourish with lower ratings than Drive had.

You're right about the major networks suffering a loss of viewers if they don't get with it. My 70ish year old Mom declared that she'll never watch F*X again after this. She wants to see how the story ends and as she watches shows on her computer now and likes the ease with which she can do that, she said she'd be more than willing to pay to see shows on her computer where she could pick and choose and avoid commercials.

Innovation is coming. It's just a matter of time. Things are changing and after some hard times where good tv and good movies are hard to come by, I think we'll have a sea change in the way things are done.


Sunday, April 29, 2007 7:16 AM


Cheers for that link!
Just watched the first episode, it was pretty damn good. Was Bred, the guy who bailed out the new mother, the paranoia shop owner from Angel S4 'The Magic Bullet?' They looked pretty similar.


Sunday, April 29, 2007 10:31 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

check out the latest Home on the Strange comic:


Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.


Sunday, April 29, 2007 11:44 PM


THIS IS SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again they CANCEL another pretty good show... if they make so many tv shows, don't they know that shows take a while to pick up? I mean heroes didn't have that big of a number viewage, it just kept getting higher as word spread. The best way for fox to do well is to go global! cause i've been watching drive on the internet over youtube. i mean a lot of shows i've picked up are stilling trying to draw in the numbers like tudors, painkiller jane. Never fight with other shows if they're popular like drive vs. heroes? sorry for the rant. I just wanted the show to keep going, i mean SHORT LIVED doesn't even define how short it lived.

Drive got F*xed...


Monday, April 30, 2007 3:03 AM


Saw that coming...

I'll be in my bunk....


Monday, April 30, 2007 4:36 AM


I LOVED Drive, and am pissed off every year at the long list of cancelled shows that I watch, but if I was a Fox executive, I would have cancelled Drive myself. Let's be realistic here. Out of all the new series this year, Drive was one of the lowest rated on TV. And considering the type of show it was, the ratings were NOT going to improve. It would have been a very poor choice to keep it going, as sad as that is to say. You just don't recover from those numbers.

Yes, it makes thousands of fans mad and you lose trust in the network. But what other option is there? May sweeps are very important. The ratings have to be top notch, or your whole network could be in a world of trouble.

You can't say Fox didn't try. The viewers just didn't respond.


Monday, April 30, 2007 5:41 AM


I really wished I was surprised. Now I'm kind of glad I didn't see anything past the first two hours (which I loved - but I was on vacation and not watching much tv).

I also found the marketing campaign kind of odd for the show. I saw a lot of ads saying it was coming to television etc and when the premiere was, but not when the series was regularly airing.

Edit: After re-reading the post above I'm kind of wondering why Fox premiered the show when it did - it was too early for May sweeps, but just late enough in April that most shows were coming back with new episodes after the post February sweeps repeat extravaganza. Fox has been the broadcast network shaking up the traditional tv schedule the most, so I'm wondering why they didn't go with a summer debut after May sweeps when there is little new non-reality programming.


Monday, April 30, 2007 7:39 AM



Originally posted by Penguin:
From Variety...

Fox has impounded "Drive," steering the show off the network highway after four episodes.
Despite decent reviews, "Drive" quickly stalled, averaging just a 2.3 rating and 6 share among adults 18-49, and 5.6 million viewers overall.

Oh, for frak's sake! Peeps were just ready to see Nathan in "Drive," and now they cancelled that, too?? Gotta hand it to you, Fox, your talent for alienating folks is near miraculous!

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Monday, April 30, 2007 7:52 AM


I'm sure they're very proud

Why is the rum always gone?


Monday, April 30, 2007 10:36 AM


I love Nathan but the show was just bad. So thin and the wong cast. Bad-ass latino guy looks like a abercrombie fitch model? The only storyline worth following (imho) was Nathans character.

" is my very favorite gun."


Monday, April 30, 2007 10:43 AM


Drive wasn't given a chance to be great. Tim Minear is excellent at the slow developement of deep characters and challenging plots. I'm not taking this from FOX anymore.
'Nuf said.

"No power in the 'verse can stop me."


Saturday, May 5, 2007 5:30 PM


Well they did it again.......

It's worse than you think.
It usually is.


Saturday, May 5, 2007 5:30 PM


It figures. I watch 3 episodes, and just when I'm starting to like it.......

We gotta go to the crappy town where I'm the hero.


Saturday, May 5, 2007 10:02 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Ratings don't matter. Especially to Fox, that can't even tell the truth about presidential election results.

"The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."
-Communist dictator Joseph Stalin

Odd to cancel it a couple weeks into the first season, jumping from Sunday premier to Monday nights. 2 pilot epps on Sunday night, then Epp 3 one day later on Monday night. Epp 5 replaced by an old rerun of House... Whoever markets these things is nuts. Or crafty at sabotage.

Confusing viewers about the schedule is a guaranteed way to reduce the number of viewers, on purpose. I produce a weekly TV news show on cable access. After 14 months, I finally got listed on TV Guide Channel. Two months later, TV Guide Channel stopped listing ALL shows on our cable access station, which had been listed by TVG since its beginning. That same week, my CTV station general manager sent me a letter threatening to sue me for $150,000, for my report on corporate Robocops from Australia replacing police and city court, and stealing million$ of taxdollars from bogus red-light tickets. Coincidence? Of course not. The Robocop Mafia forced the GM to "scare" me. Can't cancel me, because I own my own show.

But they did temporarily kill my show during the Republican primary, when my brother was running for judge, against the incumbent who had his own TV show on cable access. The Powers That Be didn't want me reporting on the divorce court judge's 4 marriages, or the fact he's a convicted deadbeat dad.

I don't work for Fox. But Rupert Murdoch Knight of the British Empire does own TV Guide Channel, along with his Communist Chinese wife, who both live in Bejing in Communist China. Both Redflex Robocops and Sir Rupert are from Australia. Redflex is a foreign military contractor that specializes in turning public highways into GPS toll roads. Now I have to sue Sir Rupert for breach of contract, to get back on TV Guide Channel. My show reported on the Top Secret class action against Redflex and our corrupt city municipal corporation. Our corporate Media Mafia, city council and police chief refuse to tell the sheeple that Australia is a foregn nation, pretending that Oz is located in "Arizona".

On September 4, 1985, Murdoch became a naturalized citizen, to satisfy the legal requirement that only US citizens could own American television stations. Seventeen days after the divorce, on June 25, 1999, Murdoch, then 68, married Chinese born Deng Wen Di, later changed to Wendi Deng.

Wendi Deng was born 1969 in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China. Deng’s father was [Communist Party] president of a Chinese factory. Deng and Rupert Murdoch have since had 2 daughters. Since their births, Deng has aggressively been strategizing (through Rupert) to give her children voting rights in a trust which has an interest in News Corp. that alone is valued at USD$6.1 billion. Until Deng's 2 daughters reach the age of 30, Deng would exercise those rights, which would give her 30% control over the trust.

So Fox is now owned by the Communist Party in China, that Joss was warning us about in Firefly...

The point being, TV producers and writers have to play this game of hardball censorship. If you're Rusty "Rush" Limbaugh, you get a $300-million contract to buy all the dope you can eat. If you're Nathan or Joss, watch your back.

DRIVE was heavy in mindcontrol by "situational ethics". That's what happens when you get Tim Minear's homcidal maniacs, sans Joss Whedon's humor. Perhaps it's against the law of the Police State to show speeders disregarding speed limits, with nary a cop to be seen?

Too bad it didn't sell the Constitutionally guaranteed God-given Natural right to travel without a driver license contract extorted at gunpoint by policestate death squads, and the right to drive at any safe speed up to 250mph, like the German Autobahn. I'd buy that for a dollar.

So DRIVE was accused of slowing down 24?

24 is the worst case of mind control on TV, attempting to brainwash cops and soldiers that torture, terrorism and concentration camps are as American as apple pie made of melamine in Commie China.

Top general to Fox's 24: Please stop warping my recruits' minds

WARNING EXPLICIT - REAL torture by US cops in USA, caught on hidden audiotape:

24 will be cancelled soon, now that the writers are scripting govt-sponsored false-flag terrorism in USA.


VIDEO: Jack Bauer discovers it was an Inside Job

Description: On 24: Jack Bauer discovers the President gave the "terrorists" nerve gas to use for a false flag event to start a war for oil...

"However, there are limits to the sacrifices Jack is willing to make in the line of duty. When it was discovered terrorists were preparing to release a canister of nerve gas in a crowded shopping mall, Jack was ordered by his superior Lynn McGill to let the terrorists carry out the attack, which would have led to hundreds of deaths, and then follow them in the hopes of recovering the other nerve gas containers they had stolen. Jack refused and stopped the attack, even against the rationalization that a few hundred deaths were nothing compared to the hundreds of thousands of deaths the rest of the nerve gas could inflict."

President Wayne Palmer (the black school principal who nuked the high school on BTVS, aka Barack Obama)

"I am the brother of former President David Palmer. David was killed because he had important information about who was leading the terrorist attacks today. The President was behind the attacks but he was caught. I was just recently elected as President of the United States. The U.S. has been terrorized for the last couple of weeks and I don't know how to stop them."
-President Wayne Palmer, 24

This is verboten! Like Fox X-Files' Lone Gunmen pilot episode, based on the REAL WORLD CIA Operation Northwoods plan to hijack a US airliner by remote control, and crash it into the World Trade Center, 6 months BEFORE 9/11/2001:

Fox made SURE The Lone Gunmen were dead after Season 1, by literally killing all of them...

So Nathan and DRIVE were frakkin with the Neo Cons' War On America, propaganda versus situational ethics notwithstanding. Jr Bush White House is paying hollywood billion$ of taxdollars to pump out propaganda. Was DRIVE supposed to play that game?


Is 24 Propaganda? Is The Pope Catholic?

In June 2006, Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff joined a panel of 24 cast and crew members at a Heritage Foundation event that was moderated by none other than hillbilly heroin popping Neo-Con talk show walrus Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh put the morning forum in jeopardy when he planted a kiss on the lips of 24 actress Mary Lynn Rajskub, causing the media in attendance to almost projectile vomit their breakfast.

We love torture! Separated at Birth?

Michael "Wide Open Borders" Chertoff employs 1,000s of illegal aliens as airport screeners, and Communist Russian KGB generals as "consultants". He was born in Communist Czechoslovakia. His mother was Israeli Mossad. Mossad stole US plutonium to make 400 nuke bombs, and threatens to nuke Europe. 100s of Mossad terrorist bombers were arrested in USA on 9/11 or soon after.

Comrade Chertoff Says Fox "24" Reflects Real Life

As ex-military, I can't stand 24, and never watched an episode longer than 60 seconds. Fox can take that job and shove it up the tailpipe.

"Son, you're not the first man to piss off a woman and end up stranded on the side of the road. That's why I always take my keys with me when I get out."
-Trucker, Drive

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Does that seem right to you?


Sunday, May 6, 2007 2:31 AM


John Lee, try and write smaller and to the point messages, instead of long driviling rants which will only get you ignored (unless of course you post to be ignored)






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