Serenity Casting (Major Spoilers) No Book!

UPDATED: Thursday, March 25, 2004 18:35
VIEWED: 17244
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Friday, March 12, 2004 9:54 PM


Sombody else posted this link but it didn't have a heading that stood out. So I thought I would repost it with a better heading.

Producer: Barry Mendel
Director / Writer: Joss Whedon
Casting Directors: Amy McIntyre Britt / Anya Colloff
Casting Associate: Sari Knight
Casting Assistant: Carrie Levin
Start Date: June 2004
LOCATION: Los Angeles
NOTE: This project is set 500 years in the future, when a universal government has
subdued much of the known galaxy, but parties of rebels, outlaws, thieves and
grifters operate on the loosely-policed fringes of the final frontier.


All roles open to ethnicities (except River at 10). PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ETHNICITIES.

[THE OPERATIVE] A Government agent, The Operative is thoughtful, a little
removed, with wire-rimmed glasses and neatly trimmed hair, wearing a suit too
nondescript to be a uniform and too neat to be casual wear. An expert martial artist,
assassin, investigator and tracker, who moves with the fluid grace of a killer and
speaks with the eloquent sophistication of a very intelligent man. Cool in his strategic
planning but a bit feral when provoked, The Operative is on a headlong collision
course with a rogue ship full of renegades and thieves...LEAD

[MR. UNIVERSE] An unkempt young man, sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated and kinda
sweet, he lives in an empty industrial complex on a deserted moon. Accompanied
only by his lovebot, Mr. Universe is the ultimate information junkie, monitoring
pretty much everything in the universe (hence his name) through a variety of video
feeds and monitors. An old buddy of Mal, Mr. Universe knows he'll only hear from his
pal if he's in mortal danger and needs a secret code -- or something -- to get him
out of the latest spitstorm...LEAD/CAMEO 3 scenes.


[DOCTOR MATHIAS] 35-50. A cold man, more than a little satisfied with himself, Doctor
Mathias is not instantly likable -- nor gradually, for that matter. He fiddles with the cerebral
cortices of teenagers, and his pride in his questionable achievements has made him blind to
potential ethics violations...9 speeches & 15 lines, 2 scenes

[MINGO & FANTY] 20s. A pair of young tough identical twins, whose social status is
somewhere between gangsters and fur-traders. With accents that sound lower class British,
Mingo and Fanty are indistinguishable from each other. Middlemen who handle stolen goods
and keep the best part of the cut, they are the equivalent of the Kray Brothers of the outer
rim of the galaxy. Intent on screwing Mal after his latest bank job goes badly awry, Mingo and
Fanty have a quarrelsome negotiation with the cantankerous Mal, who wants to keep more
than 60% of his haul.
British accents are preferable but not a must...2 speeches & 8
lines, 2 scenes; 1 speech & 5 lines, 2 scenes

[SHEYDRA] A slightly older companion (40-45), Sheydra is elegant, likeable and well-spoken.
She lives in a Companion Training House with Inara, and compliments her on her skill at
training a new generation of consorts and courtesans. But her compliments fail to impress
Inara, who is convinced that her latest crop of students are sweet, but hopelessly gauche and
too undisciplined ever to qualify as true Companions. Sheydra tries to draw out Inara's
reminiscences of her adventures with Mal...3 speeches & 7 lines, 1 scene

[TEACHER] The 30-50 female teacher of a group of highly gifted children, including 12 year
old River, she is a soft-spoken, intelligent woman who tries to instill a belief in the virtues of
The Alliance in her students...2 speeches & 11 lines, 2 scenes

[DOCTOR CARON] 40-60. female scientist (think Jane Goodall), Doctor Caron is seen as a
hologram. On the desolate planet of Miranda, Doctor Caron leaves behind her hologram as an
urgent message to future explorers...6 speeches & 3 lines, 1 scene

[LENORE] Early-mid 20's; A mannikin like lovebot, she is the sole companion of Mr. Universe,
and lives with him on a distant and isolated moon. Dormant while Mr. Universe chats with Mal,
she ultimately passes along a secret message to Mal...1 speech & 5 lines, 3 scenes

[RIVER TAM AT 10] River seen at 10 years old, she is a very bright young woman with
remarkable mental powers. Insightful and empathetic, she intuitively understands the frontier
rebels and their quest for freedom...1 speech & 5 lines, 2 scenes

[YOUNG MAN] A young tough, he is one of the hostages in the bank heist. Aggressive enough
to think about shooting his way out of trouble, he foolishly pursues the bank robbers, hoping
to hitch a ride with them out of trouble...3 lines, 2 scenes

[ENSIGN] 20s. A young ensign aboard a spaceship, he ferries The Operative during his cross-galaxy
pursuit of the Serenity...1 speech & 3 lines, at least 2 scenes

[GUARD] A young alliance bank guard on a far-distant trading station, he is an easily cowed
greenhorn...6 lines, 2 scenes


Friday, March 12, 2004 11:17 PM


Until this stuff is actually confirmed from a Joss source, I'm taking it with a grain of salt.

Aside from "The Operative", there's no mention at all of any Alliance characters, or Reavers for that matter. Better to be wary.

"I love my Captain."


Saturday, March 13, 2004 12:22 AM


Often they do casting for a movie or a series in bits and peaces so this is probably not the entire cast. They may have a casting session for just the Reavers at a later date. They often cast similar characters at the same time so they chop and change actors if they want.


Saturday, March 13, 2004 2:06 AM


Something doesn't sit right with me about the whole 'Bank Job' thing. . .that doesn't sound like the sort of thing Joss does with our favorite crew. . .

Also. . .LOVE BOT? How completely NON-Joss is THAT? As far as I can tell, we've had NO appearances of robots, androids or the like in the Firefly 'verse so far. I can't picture Joss making a leap like that even WITH the urging of Universal.

I agree. . .this sounds a bit fishy. We've been soooooooooooooooooooooo lacking in spoilers THIS far. . .I doubt these things can be accurate.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Saturday, March 13, 2004 3:18 AM


America loves a winner!

That does it, I'm boycotting the movie!!!

ok, maybe not. I'm on a wait and see mode.

They don't like it when you shoot at 'em.


Saturday, March 13, 2004 4:27 AM



or Reavers for that matter. Better to be wary.

We haven't actually seen any Reavers yet. Just the kid in 'Bushwacked'.


Saturday, March 13, 2004 4:28 AM



Select to view spoiler:

I had mentioned in an earlier post that I hoped to see the doctors that worked on River. It looks like they are casting the doctor and a young River for flashback scenes. I think that would be a great way to introduce a new audience to what's going on.


Saturday, March 13, 2004 5:26 AM


Remember that Joss changed the script since Universal said it might be relaunched as a series. So the comments that Joss made about Reavers came when the only known script was the wrap up script for the whole story.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Saturday, March 13, 2004 5:35 AM


I was thinking that just because the casting doesn't include Reavers, that doesn't mean there wont be Reavers. Two shows have included Reavers and we haven't actually seen one yet, just the CGI of the ship and the poor kid that was trying to imitate them.

Reavers are pretty damn scary and we haven't met one yet.


Saturday, March 13, 2004 6:24 AM



Originally posted by Static:

Also. . .LOVE BOT? How completely NON-Joss is THAT? As far as I can tell, we've had NO appearances of robots, androids or the like in the Firefly 'verse so far. I can't picture Joss making a leap like that even WITH the urging of Universal.

Actually, that may be non-Firefly, but Joss has done a Love 'Bot plot line on Buffy (5th season), which Spike referenced on Angel this season. So, not completely outside the realm of possibilities . . .


Saturday, March 13, 2004 6:50 AM


I just have to say, hogwash.

Upon perusal of the synopsis of each character, it is apparent to me that whomever is responsible for this hasn't REALLY watched Firefly. There are A LOT of inconsistancies with established characters.

The Operative. This guy sounds a bit over-the-top. Not that Joss hasn't used such a character before, but it was pretty obvious what his opinion of such folks were in "The Train Job" (remember Crow, the "I-fit-in-Serenity's-engine-guy?") Still, that doesn't preclude the possibility, so I won't write this guy off.

Mr. Universe. Since when does Mal depend on ANYONE outside the crew of Serenity? Useful contact? Sure. I can buy that, but the "lovebot"? That sounds a bit odd. Again, this guy is possible, but not likely.

Dr. Mathias. Very few characters Joss has made are completely unlikable. Each one has certain qualities that, while they do not redeem them, make them enjoyable to have on-screen. Even Niska was fun to have around. The second thing is, for a program to turn out psychics with MASSIVE fiddling with brain tissue, you wouldn't want just one guy who knew what was going on. You would want lots of people who were competent and able to carry on in the worst case that one is killed or kidnapped. Also, with only one, that one has an overinflated sense of his own worth, so multiple experts would dilute that sense and keep negotiations for "special funding" and the like to a minimum...cause you could always use one of the others. The brain fix on River is DEFINATELY not a one-person job.

Older Companion, Sheydra. Comments about Inara sound out of character. Inara could have left, but it just Especially our favorite Companion's opinions. This is a wait and see as well, with reservations.

Dr. Caron. Not enough information. Hologram on a desolate planet? Lot of questions raised. Why would the crew be there? What message would she leave? Why would she leave it? Piques interest, but could easily be a cheap plot device of someone's (not Joss's) concocting.

River Tam at 10. Ok, the "mental powers" bit may throw a few off, but could easily mean her astonishing super-genius (yes, that is a real term folks). Only problem is, well, River displayed NO sypmathy toward the Independants in the flashback during the episode "Safe". She clearly was on the side of the Alliance. Not to say she couldn't have changed her mind (children do that alot), but just sounds fishy.

Young Tough. Wouldn't include such a character in this, except that it points to a MAJOR flaw with this whole document. Namely, WTF are Mal and crew doing a bank heist in the FIRST place??? And Mal would have to have a DAMN pressing reason to bring this guy along. Remember, Simon was allowed to stay ONLY because he could help Kaylee, and Mal would have LOVED to have parted with him except for that same fact. He had to be COERCED into letting him stay. Mal doesn't give trust easily. Nor would Mal pull a BANK JOB. Ok, I can think of a couple of possibilities, but they are EXTREME.

Alliance bank guard. Easily cowed greenhorn, ok I can buy that. But where are the OTHER Alliance personnel? I'm assuming, of course, that if there is one Fed guarding the place, that there are more. What, does Mal gun them down and make good their escape?

In conclusion, this smells fishy. Like three-day-dead fish. Too many inconsistancies with established character traits, too much like a Hollywood Blockbustertm show. Not to say Joss hasn't pulled some crazy things out of his hat and turned cliches on their ear, but this seems anti-Whedon. Hopefully, we will get a real scoop soon. If Joss comes out and says "yup, he got it right!", then I'll believe. Joss is quite the gifted storyteller, I believe he could make all this good. But until then, I will have to say "not likely".

Thoughts, comments? Would love to hear other opinions. Especially detailed ones with words from Joss.

Edited for punctuation, nitpicky me.
Jayne: "How big a room?"


Saturday, March 13, 2004 7:22 AM


I don't buy it.

Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Saturday, March 13, 2004 7:41 AM


I do think some of this sound a little unlike Joss (mainly the bank job and the lovebot) I wouldnt discount this completely. Most of the discriptions for the characters are going to be realy obvious and basic as they are aimed at people who dont know the show very well. I also think the story from what we can gather sounds like it would probably start with the bank job to get the audience familiar with the crew and their jobs. Then it would move on the river storyline. Which sounds quite realistic to me. Also we know that the script was changed to allow for the series to return so I think one of the main stories would have had to be pushed to the background and that might explain why theres no reavers being cast.


Saturday, March 13, 2004 9:42 AM


I think I'm gonna stay on a "wait and see" level myself. The bank job doesn't sound right, but they did do a train job so I guess it's not too far off.

I've got a little concern about the Operative. It says "lead" under his description. Does that mean that the story will be told from his point of view or what?

"I'll be in my bunk."


Saturday, March 13, 2004 9:42 AM


I think I'm gonna stay on a "wait and see" level myself. The bank job doesn't sound right, but they did do a train job so I guess it's not too far off.

I've got a little concern about the Operative. It says "lead" under his description. Does that mean that the story will be told from his point of view or what?

"I'll be in my bunk."


Saturday, March 13, 2004 9:47 AM


Looks real to me. This movie doesn't start shooting till Summer. The casting they are doing now is for the main characters. Reavers will probably be cast by extras or stunt people. What would the break down be for a reaver?

[REAVER] 18-50 years old. A flesh hungry feral mad man/woman, who rapes his/her victims to death and wears the flesh of his/her victims sewn into his/her clothes. Submit all ethnicities. Two speeches, both unitelligible screaming.



Saturday, March 13, 2004 10:04 AM


Ok, how come at top they say 10 year old River and then in the teachers description they say 12 year old?

And if they are planning on having her Doctor in there wouldn't it make sense to also cast a 14 year old River for flashbacks on that?


Saturday, March 13, 2004 10:04 AM


Looks to me like they've got too many characters on that for it to be real. Joss has 9 (maybe 10) characters to introduce, so there isn't going to be a huge cast of minor characters. He's too smart to dilute the character development so much.


Saturday, March 13, 2004 11:53 AM


Well, a computer geek named Mr. Universe would fit right into the Jossverse, in the same vein as a tough guy named Jayne and a gorgeous woman named Fred.


With accents that sound lower class British, Mingo and Fanty are ... Middlemen who handle stolen goods ... Intent on screwing Mal after his latest bank job goes badly awry

Okay, who's been mass-producing Badger clones, and why?


Also. . .LOVE BOT? How completely NON-Joss is THAT?

o/` The Love Bot soon will be making another run
The Love Bot promises something for everyone o/`

Sliders: Gate Haven -


Saturday, March 13, 2004 11:55 AM


Two Questions:

1) Isn't there already an actor to play River at 10? The one they had in the series should be about that age now, don't you think?

2) Does anyone know the source of this Casting Call? I mean, it is off, but where di they get it from?


Saturday, March 13, 2004 12:54 PM



Originally posted by sowbug:
[REAVER] 18-50 years old. A flesh hungry feral mad man/woman, who rapes his/her victims to death and wears the flesh of his/her victims sewn into his/her clothes. Submit all ethnicities. Two speeches, both unitelligible screaming.


Thanks, Sowbug. I got a much needed laugh reading your casting call for the reavers.


Saturday, March 13, 2004 1:51 PM


>>>All roles open to ethnicities (except River at 10). PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ETHNICITIES.<<<

Just wondering what that means. Anyone know?

And no Book!?!?! How COULD they!! How is that gonna work out if they pick up the series from where they left off?


Saturday, March 13, 2004 2:14 PM



Originally posted by ShadowVessel:

I've got a little concern about the Operative. It says "lead" under his description. Does that mean that the story will be told from his point of view or what?

"Lead" simply means this will be a major character in the film. In this case, the major bad guy.


Saturday, March 13, 2004 2:15 PM


"Doctor Mathias", huh?

He was a regular character in the 70's UK sci-fi show 'Space: 1999'.


Saturday, March 13, 2004 2:17 PM



Originally posted by Butterfly043:
>>>All roles open to ethnicities (except River at 10). PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ETHNICITIES.<<<

Just wondering what that means. Anyone know?

It's the equivalent of the Equal Opportunity Employer note you see in job ads. Means they're not looking for any particular skin color, with the exception of River at 10, who must look similar to the adult River.


Saturday, March 13, 2004 6:08 PM


Thanks for the explanation. Appreciated.

Have to say one thing on the Mingo/Fanty twins - they're described as lower class British. As a working class member of the British public I'd like to say there's no such thing as lower class. There is upper, middle and working class. I find 'lower class' slightly insulting!!

As John Lennon once said "A working class hero is something to be."


Saturday, March 13, 2004 8:23 PM



Originally posted by gojiro:

Originally posted by ShadowVessel:

I've got a little concern about the Operative. It says "lead" under his description. Does that mean that the story will be told from his point of view or what?

"Lead" simply means this will be a major character in the film. In this case, the major bad guy.

Shiny! I was hoping it was something like that. Thanks!

"I'll be in my bunk."


Saturday, March 13, 2004 8:23 PM



Originally posted by gojiro:

Originally posted by ShadowVessel:

I've got a little concern about the Operative. It says "lead" under his description. Does that mean that the story will be told from his point of view or what?

"Lead" simply means this will be a major character in the film. In this case, the major bad guy.

Shiny! I was hoping it was something like that. Thanks!

"I'll be in my bunk."


Saturday, March 13, 2004 9:03 PM



Originally posted by Butterfly043:
Have to say one thing on the Mingo/Fanty twins - they're described as lower class British. As a working class member of the British public I'd like to say there's no such thing as lower class. There is upper, middle and working class. I find 'lower class' slightly insulting!!

So would they be East Enders or West Enders? With cockney accents?... from the old homestead?

How about Zaphod Beeblebrox? Two heads for the price of one.



Saturday, March 13, 2004 9:06 PM



Originally posted by FourSkys:
1) Isn't there already an actor to play River at 10? The one they had in the series should be about that age now, don't you think?

I would agree that that girl would be about the right age now for River at 10... and hopefully she has a great agent that will get her an audition with Joss.



Saturday, March 13, 2004 11:10 PM


Firstly, I think we should leave the decision to include or not include Book up to Joss Wheddon.

I hate to be the one to say it but I think Book could be a redundant character in the movie. Having to explain why Book is on the ship might take valuable time away from the more important parts of the story and If Joss includes him in the movie he may have nothing to do. To remove Book from the movie might have been a tough choice for Joss to make, but it may be the right choice.

Having said all that Joss may bring him back in a second movie or series, or it might be as simple as Ron Glass not have signed his contract yet.

Secondly, I think this casting sheet is not bogus because it shows the casting agency and there address. Also the love-bot could be a wink to Buffy fans. It could be funny if they got Sarah Michelle Gellar or the other actress that played the Bot on Buffy to do a cameo, though not necessarily a good idea.


Sunday, March 14, 2004 4:05 AM



Originally posted by outlander:
Firstly, I think we should leave the decision to include or not include Book up to Joss Wheddon.

I hate to be the one to say it but I think Book could be a redundant character in the movie. Having to explain why Book is on the ship might take valuable time away from the more important parts of the story and If Joss includes him in the movie he may have nothing to do. To remove Book from the movie might have been a tough choice for Joss to make, but it may be the right choice.

Having said all that Joss may bring him back in a second movie or series, or it might be as simple as Ron Glass not have signed his contract yet.

I think Id have to agree with most of this as great a character as book is the new audience that they are trying to attract to the film may have a problem understanding why theres a preacher on the ship. Everyone else has jobs apart from river who the film appears to be about so her story will obviusly be explained. Id still prefer to see book in the film but it would be a shame if he had nothing to do. If they arent planning on having book in the film I think they should still have try to have him in at least one scene just talking to mal or something. It would be a nice scene for the fans and would make it easier to bring the character back for a sequel or the series.


Sunday, March 14, 2004 5:28 AM


Would you want Book in the movie even if the role had to be recast? Maybe Ron Glass just isn't available for whatever reason, and Joss would prefer to leave him out rather than replace him.


Sunday, March 14, 2004 9:11 AM



Originally posted by Butterfly043:
Thanks for the explanation. Appreciated.

Have to say one thing on the Mingo/Fanty twins - they're described as lower class British. As a working class member of the British public I'd like to say there's no such thing as lower class. There is upper, middle and working class. I find 'lower class' slightly insulting!!

As John Lennon once said "A working class hero is something to be."

That reminds me of the old 2 Ronnies sketch with John Cleese. Three men are standing in a row.

UC (John Cleese)I am upper class.
MC (Ronnie Barker) I am middle class, I look up to him and down on him.
WC (Ronnie Corbett) I know my place.


Sunday, March 14, 2004 10:48 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by Delia:
Would you want Book in the movie even if the role had to be recast? Maybe Ron Glass just isn't available for whatever reason, and Joss would prefer to leave him out rather than replace him.

I would rather the character be left out rather than be recast, and that goes for any of the other actors as well. Alan Tudyk seems to have been busy the past year with three different projects listed on his profile since Firefly. However, there is nothing listed for Ron Glass since Firefly, no "announced," "in production," "post-production." Absolutely nothing. So what's up with that?

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, March 14, 2004 11:57 AM



Originally posted by epressman617:
I agree that Book should be in the film,.... but it probably isn't too late to get him in the film. Everyone please write to Universal and tell them how you feel. Let them know that Book is too important to discount completely, even if he isn't integral to the plot.... If this many people care about it this much, maybe we can do something about it.

If Book's not in the screenplay as is (and we simply don't know), then it is too late - Joss has always stated he writes for himself, not the fans, because that's the only way to do it - you can't write a script with 10,000 opinions to meet.

Therefore, if its a case of Ron Glass not yet signed, for whatever reason, then the only option would be to shoehorn in some Book scenes, or have a "holding character" on Serenity who will be dropped for Book if he came onboard. I fear it would turn into Generations if that route was taken (seeing which of the cast will sign, then giving them a few lines before sending them out of the picture).

"I threw up on your bed"


Sunday, March 14, 2004 12:10 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.


Static Wrote:
Also. . .LOVE BOT? How completely NON-Joss is THAT? As far as I can tell, we've had NO appearances of robots, androids or the like in the Firefly 'verse so far. I can't picture Joss making a leap like that even WITH the urging of Universal.

That makes it sound like a fraud to me. I'm pretty sure Joss said no Robots.


Sunday, March 14, 2004 12:27 PM



Originally posted by SouthernMerc:
I just have to say, hogwash.
Mr. Universe. Since when does Mal depend on ANYONE outside the crew of Serenity? Useful contact? Sure. I can buy that, but the "lovebot"? That sounds a bit odd. Again, this guy is possible, but not likely.

Based on 13 episodes? Besides, doesn't say Mal "depends" on him - rather that he is a contact of Mal's, and AFAIK, no-one on Serenity has the skill he provides.


Dr. Mathias. Very few characters Joss has made are completely unlikable. Each one has certain qualities that, while they do not redeem them, make them enjoyable to have on-screen. Even Niska was fun to have around.

Not sure I understand the point - how are you arriving at 'won't be enjoyable on screen' from the description?


The second thing is, for a program to turn out psychics with MASSIVE fiddling with brain tissue, you wouldn't want just one guy who knew what was going on. You would want lots of people who were competent and able to carry on in the worst case that one is killed or kidnapped. The brain fix on River is DEFINATELY not a one-person job.

Again, not sure how we get here from the quote, but in any event, I'd say this is exactly the sort of situation where you want as few people as possible involved - its clearly illegal, and so the less people that know the full picture, the better. And the good doctor may not want to train too many competent assistants, to ensure he could not be gotten rid of.


Older Companion, Sheydra. Comments about Inara sound out of character. Inara could have left, but it just Especially our favorite Companion's opinions. This is a wait and see as well, with reservations.

Well, Inara was about to leave when the series ended. I'm guessing she would have headed off, but have come back for the season finale - either because she was needed, or needed rescuing/saving/curing. Sounds like a potential framing device.


Dr. Caron. Not enough information. Hologram on a desolate planet? Lot of questions raised. Why would the crew be there? What message would she leave? Why would she leave it? Piques interest, but could easily be a cheap plot device of someone's (not Joss's) concocting.

Its not clear how old the message is, nor who picks it up


Only problem is, well, River displayed NO sypmathy toward the Independants in the flashback during the episode "Safe". She clearly was on the side of the Alliance. Not to say she couldn't have changed her mind (children do that alot), but just sounds fishy.

Without my DVD at the moment - but it wasn't actually a political argument in Safe, and she is coming from the point of view of a 6-7 year old playing soldier - and from an education (and class) background that no doubt only subjected her to the Alliance doctrine.


Namely, WTF are Mal and crew doing a bank heist in the FIRST place??? And Mal would have to have a DAMN pressing reason to bring this guy along.

Robbing the bank? To quote Captain Jack Sparrow - "Pirate."

If this is accurate, why is it so off that Mal and Co would rob a bank? Could be its an Alliance bank, could be they are forced into it. Joss has a way of finding a twist on things.

It appears the young tough chases after the crew, gets on board ship somehow, and they aren't able to drop him off (possibly because they are making a swift getaway.


But where are the OTHER Alliance personnel? I'm assuming, of course, that if there is one Fed guarding the place, that there are more. What, does Mal gun them down and make good their escape?

You're assuming this is the entire cast list - it isn't - its the main speaking parts only. There may also be other roles that will be cast at a later date (depending on the shooting schedule)


In conclusion, this smells fishy. Like three-day-dead fish. Too many inconsistancies with established character traits, too much like a Hollywood Blockbustertm show. Not to say Joss hasn't pulled some crazy things out of his hat and turned cliches on their ear, but this seems anti-Whedon.

Remembering that if this is true, the spoilery bits of the characters will not be given away, just casting hints. I don't see inconsistencies with character traits. I think its too big a leap to make based on a casting sheet, which is not a treatment.

As to whether its real - well the reference to the Kray twins is very British (which would fit Whedon's upbringing) - aside from a dodgy film starring Spandau Ballet, are two east end gangsters really known in the States? Then again, the mis-use of the term "Lower class" seems off.

Who knows?

"I threw up on your bed"


Sunday, March 14, 2004 12:35 PM



Originally posted by Talonpest:
Looks to me like they've got too many characters on that for it to be real. Joss has 9 (maybe 10) characters to introduce, so there isn't going to be a huge cast of minor characters. He's too smart to dilute the character development so much.

Not sure there are that many to introduce - if you broke down any major movie based on a TV show (which needs to introduce the characters to the movie audience), there would be at least that many - take ST:First Contact - Alice Krige as the Borg Queen would be at least as big as the biggest role in the synopsis - james Cromwell (Zephram Cochrane), Alfre Woodward (I'm using a magazine before anyone pokes me with the geek stick - its in the corner if you need it), then there was that security guard, the EMH, Barclay etc. That's ignoring all the two-three line parts.

"I threw up on your bed"


Sunday, March 14, 2004 3:35 PM


I agree that we don't have enough information to go on, not even real confirmation that it is 'our' crew that is robbing the bank in the first place.

I think we need to trust Joss Whedon. He'll give us a great story, and it will be in character. Because that's what he does so well.

I'd like to see Book in it, but we're only talking two hours here at most, and I know Book's tale alone could fill up that much.

Err, Joss? We're going to need another couple movies...

Jen dao mei.


Sunday, March 14, 2004 3:40 PM


....and a tv series....

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Sunday, March 14, 2004 4:15 PM


It really doesn't make sense to leave book out. Throughout the series, his character has been a great source of exposition and recap. His job in "The Train Job" was pretty much just to bring us up to speed with who the characters were. You're going to need to do a recap, why not stick with what works?

And it really wouldn't be that hard to explain why he's onboard. I mean, the only reasons we've gotten from the series are:

1) Book says he's been out of the world awhile, and wants to walk it a spell; and

2) Mal says he keeps him on board because he needs the fare.

It wouldn't be hard to catch us up. I happen to think we're just not getting the whole story from the casting call, if indeed it's real. Besides, Ron Glass was really choked up in the interview, I find it hard to belive that Joss would intentionally write him out...


Sunday, March 14, 2004 4:40 PM


I think it's a contract thing. Remember Alan Tudyk and Ron Glass were both left out of the Variety release, but now Alan is on board. I hope to see Ron Glass do the movie. The cast was so perfect, every one complimented each other perfectly. If Ron can't do the movie I hope they don't re-cast him. It will screw with the chemistry. Ron Glass, please sign your contract and join your friends in telling the next chapter in the best show ever cancelled from television.

"Mal, your dead friend is on the bridge!"


Monday, March 15, 2004 5:18 AM


but if the above casting call is to be believed, then the most telling fact is that there is no call for a replacement actor to play Book.

All actors listed above are people who would have atleast several lines (enough to have to sit in a script reading and rehersals) or in the case of the lovebot, a make-up test. if Ron Glass wasn't available for the film but Book was in the script, when they would have to be casting a replacement. so we are left with one of three conclusions

1.)Book is in the script and only reason we haven't heard anything about Ron Glass is that there are some niggly little details to be hashed out with agents and such.
2.) Book is in the script but Ron Glass is not available so they are already in talks with another actor to play Book. this would explain why there is not casting call for Book.
3.)There is no Book in the script because Ron Glass is not available


Monday, March 15, 2004 7:10 AM


if they were to recast about Tim Reid... he's got the same physical characteristics... He's an accomplished actor...

but if there is no Book, then that's fine, but disappointing. Maybe he went back to the abbey or found a place that needed his services. Then Serenity will visit that place in a future episode that will show what happened to him and where he's been, and then he can come back onboard...

If they were going to replace the actor they would have listed his name and character traits...



Monday, March 15, 2004 7:38 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

It would be disappointing to have the movie without Book, but it could be worked around. Say book is off the ship at some abbey or another as they did in Ariel.

Not sure what would keep Ron out of the movie, especially since he seemed so committed to doing it if Joss could swing the deal.

I am not really going to comment on any of the characters. Not much on spoilers, but we have no way of knowing if any of these characters will wind up on the editing room floor or not.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, March 15, 2004 8:57 AM


This is incomplete and unprofessional. mingo and fanty? mr universe? c'mon.
I would say it's likely to be some fans attempt to either begin writing their own screenplay, or to fool us into believing that their corrupt tidbit is actually revealing part of the plot-line for the upcoming movie.

I also happen to know that cfb casting is located on sunset blvd, not the other address.

Inara: Who's winning?
Simon: I can't really tell, they don't seem to be playing by any civilized rules that I know.


Monday, March 15, 2004 9:11 AM


If this is legit, it should be very very good. There's lots of stuff that can be taken from this.

Leaving Book out could lead to a sequel or something. :)


Wednesday, March 17, 2004 2:18 PM



Originally posted by ManiacNumberOne:
I also happen to know that cfb casting is located on sunset blvd, not the other address.

According to all of web searches I've done, CFB Casting operates at out of multiple addresses, including the Centinella address.

Raven's Prayer


Friday, March 19, 2004 11:22 AM


I've noticed a lot of feedback on "Bank Heist: Not The Kind Of Thing Our Gang Would Do." I submit the old Robin Hood/Outlaw bit of robbing the bank that has foreclosed on all the poor people's farms. When Pretty Boy Floyd, or even Jesse James robbed those kind of banks, they were usually seen as heros in the eyes of the people screwed by the evil bank. Seems to me to be EXACTLY the kind of thing Our Heros would do.

MacBuddha aka LurkingHorror, etc.


Friday, March 19, 2004 12:21 PM


I'm really concerned about Ron Glass. He HAS to come back. There is major stuff with Book. RG was more openly broken up about the cancellation than anybody! Ron Glass, if you ever read fan tripe, PLEASE, PLEASE SIGN ON!!!

This is really freaking me out!

There is no such thing as a weed.






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