Bring firefly back

UPDATED: Sunday, May 6, 2007 08:26
VIEWED: 4732
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Sunday, April 29, 2007 5:52 PM


I've only lately found out about firefly. Now, sadly, I've seen the movie twice and finished the series today. I'm a big fan of sci fi and this is the best I've seen, ever. Is there any chance they'll bring the series back or make another movie??\


Sunday, April 29, 2007 5:57 PM


THAT My friend, is the 64 credit question.

welcome aboard!

Why is the rum always gone?


Sunday, April 29, 2007 6:23 PM



Originally posted by bfb:
Is there any chance they'll bring the series back or make another movie??\

On the first, your best bet, for sanity's sake, is to let the idea of another series go, and just continue to re-enjoy the one that was made.

As for another movie, it's more complicated. Is there one on the horizon? No. Would various people make one if asked? Probably. Is anyone asking? No. And supposedly the movie studio's options on the actors expires in September.

But another 3-issue comic is in the works, and the special edition DVD is due this summer.


In the Portland of Oregon, Birthplace of the Global Charity Screenings Movement
PDX Browncoats, Film Action Oregon, and The Portland Mercury
Can't Stop The Serenity - Portland OR USA
June 22 & 23 @ the Hollywood Theatre
To Benefit Equality Now and the Women's Film Initiative


Monday, April 30, 2007 4:55 PM


OK, how do we find more rum? Or, put another way, how the gorram (is that how you spell it??)(I should have had subtitles on) do we get another season or another movie?? Who do we write? I am so hooked.



Monday, April 30, 2007 4:58 PM


OK, no way can I let this go. Can't we write someone (Joss??) or some movie exec somewhere?? I cannot believe they only got one season out of this. There must be something we can do. Start a petition. something.



Monday, April 30, 2007 5:03 PM


online petitions rarely work, the problem is that every one makes a petition, and 30% of the people sign one, 15% another, and so on,

Why is the rum always gone?


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 1:42 PM



Welcome to the 'Verse.

I agree with you about Firefly being the best scifi ever. I'll bet there are lots of other folks here who would too.

I have a slightly more upbeat view of our prospects than Bix does. Although what he has written to you is true as can be, and our chances ARE indeed very slim, at this juncture I tend to lean toward the glass half full mode.

I do not believe that Firefly will be back. At all.
But I do believe still that there is a chance, wee though it is, that there could be more Serenity.
A movie, a direct to DVD movie, a low budget movie, something. Joss still wants to tell his story, and so do the actors and we all want more. Maybe, just maybe our miracle will happen. And if it doesn't I'll be pleased as punch to be a Browncoat here with my friends.

Speaking of which...

*reaches into the storeroom and brings out a browncoat for BFB*

There-- enjoy the site, enjoy the fandom, have fun.
There is so much that we do have, there'll be time to mourn what we don't. Right now, we're lucky!


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 1:48 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
I do not believe that Firefly will be back. At all.
But I do believe still that there is a chance, wee though it is, that there could be more Serenity.
A movie, a direct to DVD movie, a low budget movie, something. Joss still wants to tell his story, and so do the actors and we all want more. Maybe, just maybe our miracle will happen. And if it doesn't I'll be pleased as punch to be a Browncoat here with my friends.

Couldn't have said it better myself!

There WILL be another movie!!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 7:09 PM


what if we make a site dedicated to finding some way of boosting the whole firefly awarness. One for finding some way to bring back old fans and such, and getting new ones?

she'll turn you in before you can say... don't turn me in... lady...


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 7:52 PM


Welcome BFB! There is always a chance but I tend to think that FollowMal's statement is the right one.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 9:18 PM


Hiya BFB, welcome to the 'verse. We've done the impossible before, I see no reason why we can't do it again.

Firefly is too pretty to die and be forgotten. All the really good shows get a second chance or create spin offs. IMO Firefly's problem was the cost - too expensive for late night TV which is the usual time slot for sci-fi. May have to wait a few years for the return and probably not the same cast but I'm confident I'll see the 'verse back on TV within my lifetime.

Another option is animation. Given the huge improvments in this industry recently, I think it could work in this form.

In the shorter term there's an outside chance of a movie sequel though there's no signs yet that this will happen. Unfortunately Serenity didn't make enough at the box office to justify an immediate sequel and DVD sales are moderate. A lot could hinge on how the SE sells when it comes out in July(?).

Probably have a chance of direct to DVD but not sure on what Joss and the cast would think of that as far as career progress is concerned.

One thing is certain, if the fans stop talking and promoting the show then it will fade away. We need to keep spreading the word and bring in new recruits. But be nice about it as not everyone will see it the way you do.

Hey we're Browncoats and we love the challenge of hopeless causes. If you've got the time & inclination, join in on the various voting/poll threads you'll find - ain't nothing better than voting for a cancelled TV show on a poll that doesn't matter.

Browncoats, are you content to see Firefly in 2nd place or would you rather see it at #1. It won't happen unless you vote.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 11:38 PM



Originally posted by AFic:
what if we make a site dedicated to finding some way of boosting the whole firefly awarness. One for finding some way to bring back old fans and such, and getting new ones?

There was some discussion during the Summer of Serenity last year that we should make a centrally located, awareness site for all BC's to have that would provide them with the materials to guerrilla market and see what was going on in the 'Verse. It didn't happen.
And I'm personally sorry for that, as I was directly involved in that summer campaign and had I done my job a little better, that might actually have come to pass.

But it didn't. So we're where we're at.

There is a whole section in this forum for guerrilla marketing ideas and there are links to other sites including 11th Hour's guerrilla marketing posters. Use that stuff. There are some really good promotional ideas about getting SciFi to run Firefly as a summer series for fun, getting SciFi to run a marathon each month and then for sure to run one when the BDSE ( Big Damn Special Edition ) comes out. There are some ideas within that bunch that you can do individually that will always help. Take a look and see what you think, and participate where you'd like to.


Originally posted by Roy:
A lot could hinge on how the SE sells when it comes out in July(?).

There's no proof that Universal is paying attention to how many copies sell. Therefore it could have NO impact on what happens in the future. However, when Joss announced that they were going to release the SE, he did say in his Whedonesque post that it was due to the good sales of the DVD of Serenity. And he thanked us for keepin' it flyin'. So.... Makes me think we should at least try to make it a huge seller. What have we got to lose? Some money, but we get a something wonderful for spending that money... and we gain a chance, slim though it may be for a sequel. I'm in, I'm going to work very hard to make it a hit.


Probably have a chance of direct to DVD but not sure on what Joss and the cast would think of that as far as career progress is concerned.

With the production of a Babylon 5 movie going direct to DVD and two movies of Stargate SG-1 going direct to DVD, I think the stigma attached to making a direct to DVD movie is less. Times they are a changin'. Look at the quick demise of Drive! The modus operandi of the studios and the networks are going to have to change. What they're doing now, ain't workin'. It's time. Maybe our little movie will be in the forefront of that change.


One thing is certain, if the fans stop talking and promoting the show then it will fade away. We need to keep spreading the word and bring in new recruits. But be nice about it as not everyone will see it theway you do.

Wise words indeed. Share Firefly and Serenity with others because you love it. If they're inclined to fall in love, they will. I shared Firefly with my Mom, she's a BC and went to B3 with me last year and has an especially soft spot for the Bedlam Bards.

I shared Firefly with my brother and despite Inara's considerable charms, he's not hooked yet.

So * shrugs *

You can't stop the signal... if it's supposed to flourish, it will. Firefly/Serenity's karma is good.


Thursday, May 3, 2007 12:40 AM


My take on the SE is that its to gauge the current popularity of the 'verse. I figure there are a LOT more Browncoats today than in 2005, here's our chance to prove it.

If it bombs or only goes moderately well we won't get a sequel. But if its a sellout and sees sustained demand for a couple of months then the bean counters at Universal *might* ask Joss to pen a sequel.

So here we are at the corner of No and Where, we do nothing, that's where we'll stay. We make a statement and *maybe* we get to come back from the black.

Browncoats, are you content to see Firefly in 2nd place or would you rather see it at #1. It won't happen unless you vote.


Thursday, May 3, 2007 12:52 AM


All I can say is i ain't content with letting firefly fade off quitely, not now, not after all thats been acomplished, im determined for a sequel or series 2, yeah ok i accept our odds aren't exactly overpowering, but we have an indominable spirit, and to reference the captain we may be on the losing side but we sure as hell aint on the wrong one.



Saturday, May 5, 2007 2:28 PM


Do you know of any way to email Joss directly? I mean why can't he re-run the Firefly series and the movie on the SCI Fi cable channels? It's the first channel I go to everytime I turn on the tv and it's mostly got B or C junk on it. I got hooked on Firefly when I got the movie. I had never heard of it before. I couldn't believe someone had mananged to make such a perfect sci fi movie. I've been a sci fi fan since I was a kid and I'm no kid now. I think the fan base would explode if Joss could get it onto sci fi cable. Anyway, got his address? I'm sure he's thought of it but I want to give him my support.


Saturday, May 5, 2007 3:00 PM



Originally posted by bfb:
Do you know of any way to email Joss directly? I mean why can't he re-run the Firefly series and the movie on the SCI Fi cable channels?

Hey BFB. Welcome to the Verse. It's always good to have shiny to have a new Browncoat aboard.

Unfortunately, Fox, (the B*sT*rDs), own the rights to Firefly and they are the ones who would have to be convinced to let other channels show the series, (convinced, as in the channels paying to show the series). When it was cancelled Joss apparently went to other networks to see if they would pick it up, but no luck there.

What the networks and studios are all about is money. I'm with the others that say that if we can show that the franchise, (I hate that word by the way, it sounds all corporate and evil), is still economically viable, by sepnding our hard earned coin on things like the SE, they will consider funding more stories from the Verse



Saturday, May 5, 2007 3:12 PM


As far as I understand it, Joss has no control over who and where the series and BDM run. SciFi does periodically run the series in marathons ( which is how I found it). Basically, F*X controls the rights to the series, Universal controls the BDM.

I believe there's an email campaign under geurilla marketing-for putting a marathon on SciFi. FollowMal is the one to listen to here concerning, well, just about everything!

If you haven't seen it yet, find the Done the Impossible DVD. Truly amazing!



Saturday, May 5, 2007 4:58 PM



Originally posted by Roy:
So here we are at the corner of No and Where, we do nothing, that's where we'll stay. We make a statement and *maybe* we get to come back from the black.

I agree. There's an opportunity here we shouldn't miss. If we don't try we'll always have thought we should have.


Originally posted by Shukes:
All I can say is i ain't content with letting firefly fade off quitely, not now, not after all thats been acomplished, im determined for a sequel or series 2, yeah ok i accept our odds aren't exactly overpowering, but we have an indominable spirit, and to reference the captain we may be on the losing side but we sure as hell aint on the wrong one.

You see that's the thing. It's awfully hard to accept the quiet road if you still feel passionate about this.

I don't think we stand a chance in hell for a series right now or in the foreseeable future, Shukes. But a sequel? Maybe. And it's worth fighting for in a reasonable manner.

There are plans in the guerilla marketing thread worth doing. Great ways to use that indomitable spirit. There are plans for more guerilla marketing campaigns as the BDSE release date draws closer. Stay tuned and please take part... we need Browncoats who are passionate.

Most important of all in the near term are the screenings in June. On Joss' birthday to be specific. The charity screenings of the BDM should be the sole focus for us all in June. There is good to be done and there will be good come to us all for doing so.


Originally posted by BFB:
Do you know of any way to email Joss directly? I mean why can't he re-run the Firefly series and the movie on the SCI Fi cable channels? It's the first channel I go to everytime I turn on the tv and it's mostly got B or C junk on it. I got hooked on Firefly when I got the movie. I had never heard of it before. I couldn't believe someone had mananged to make such a perfect sci fi movie. I've been a sci fi fan since I was a kid and I'm no kid now. I think the fan base would explode if Joss could get it onto sci fi cable. Anyway, got his address? I'm sure he's thought of it but I want to give him my support.

I've been a fan of scifi since I was a kid too, BFB and I've never seen anything that moved me as much as Firefly and Serenity. Joss' 'Verse is the best of the best, IMHO.

We all think that having Firefly on the SciFi channel is a great idea, and there are different ideas in the guerilla marketing thread to try. One involves writing the Sci-Fi channel and asking them for more marathons. One which I particularly love is all about writing the Sci-Fi channel and asking for them to run Firefly as a summer series.
That'd be so much fun and it would expand the fandom.

Joss is busy working on Goners right now. His focus is there. If we're all still here when Goners is a hit, maybe his next project can be 'Verse related. I personally cannot wait to see what Goners is all about! It's not that I don't think Joss would love hearing from you... it's just that Joss has been here and done this and he's doing something else right now. It's up to us to hold til he and the story return.


Originally posted by CaptainCoupi:
What the networks and studios are all about is money. I'm with the others that say that if we can show that the franchise, (I hate that word by the way, it sounds all corporate and evil), is still economically viable, by sepnding our hard earned coin on things like the SE, they will consider funding more stories from the Verse.

Yup, that's the way of it. To take some of the "corporate" yuck away, remember buying and sharing the BDSE with folks also just lets us share what we love with others. It's a win win, even if we don't win the ultimate prize.


Originally posted by SweetSerendipity:
FollowMal is the one to listen to here concerning, well, just about everything!

If you haven't seen it yet, find the Done the Impossible DVD. Truly amazing!

Eeeep, I wouldn't say that! I just have opinions.
They just happen to be outspoken strong ones.

Ditto on finding the DTI ( Done the Impossible ) DVD and watching it. Goodness, buy it, you'll be so happy you did! You're in for such a treat. This movie is about the folks that were here from the beginning and who did everything they could to make what we have here possible. They are our BDH's as much as THE BDH's!


Saturday, May 5, 2007 5:49 PM


I'm another new fan. I am now hooked and want the show back. Keep the fight alive.


Saturday, May 5, 2007 11:50 PM


Hiya Diff, pleased to meetcha, you don't mind I call you Diff ?

Everywhere you can, spread the word - try not to people though.

I was in the DVD shop today & tidied up some shelves for them, imagine stacking copies of the BDM one behind the other, much better to have them side by side.

Browncoats, are you content to see Firefly in 2nd place or would you rather see it at #1. It won't happen unless you vote.


Sunday, May 6, 2007 7:05 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

Hey, BFB and other new folks!

Don't know what can be done, if anything, besides sharing Firefly with everyone you know, make it grow. Maybe someday, much the way Star Trek was reinvented with the Next Generation, or the way Star Wars got a prequel, if enough fandom becomes OVERTLY OBVIOUS, some studio exec will recognize the true financial benefit to making something for the fans (though I'll debate with you over whether or not Lucas did that...*grumble*) and jumpstart a new generation of fans!

That's about our best hope.

Which is why I continue all my efforts locally to keep the Ohio Browncoats growing (we literally add new members every month, sometimes weekly!) and why I do what I can to give people ways of turning their friends onto Firefly with games and gear.

My games are free to download and print out (see below) and I have a store at Cafe Press that has the largest selection of fan-requested Firefly-inspired merchandise anywhere (also see below).

Welcome to the Browncoats!
We're more than a fandom, we're family.


*Download my Firefly Games for FREE at
In or near Ohio? Join us!


Sunday, May 6, 2007 8:26 AM


oh FireFly how we miss you.






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